The One I Wanted

By moc.eriflegna@enoGmodgniK

Published on Apr 10, 2000



The One I Wanted:

Disclaimer: This story is fiction, although the one that I want is not. He is real and he is torture to my mind and my body. If it is illegal in any way for you to be reading this, I ask you to stop, however futile of an attempt it may be to mention this. This includes but is not limited to: age, providence, or mere household rules. I am not responsible for you; you are.

The One I Wanted:

I was walking down the hall after class, through the masses of people: nerds, jocks, conformists, punks, Tommy Hilfuckers... and I was walking past a door and a hand grabbed my wrist and I was dragged through the door. I heard the door close and then lock and the light went out but I could still tell that I was in the restroom because there's a tiny window that lets the light in. I looked up and I saw him and I almost fainted.

He pulled me, gently, down to the end of the the long row of stalls and lightly pushed open the door; me going first, backwards, and then he followed me in. My knees pressed against the toilet and suddenly I was sitting. My face was level with the zipper of his pants and I couldn't believe it. I heard him rustling but all I could really hear was my heart beating and my face was flushed and my breathing had skidded to a halt. I looked up at his face, his beautiful face, and he smiled and it was a friendly smile and my heart melted. I'd never said a word to this guy in my life but, with that smile, I was ready to die for him. His hands moved to his zipper and my heart jumped back to life and blood flooded my cock and it hurt suddenly because it was so restrained. I heard a zipper and realized it was his and that now, there was only a thin layer of cotton between him and me and ecstasy. Suddenly I smelled him and my heart skipped a beat.

His button popped and his loose khakis fell to the floor and I stared at the bulge in his boxers that was just below my eyeline. I reached up and I lightly pressed my palm against that bulge and through his boxers I could feel it; I could feel his cock and it was exactly like I'd always imagined it. It ran the length of my hand and I cocked my hand slightly and took a hold of it through his boxers. I took a hold of his cock and I felt it flinch and I almost lost myself in my pants. There was the slightest wet spot on his boxers, down at the end of his cock and I rubbed it with my fingers, clinching the cloth between my thumb and forefinger.

Holding his boxers like that I pulled down a little and in the miniscule light I could see his sandy pubes and I wanted nothing more than to run my hands through the soft mat. His thumbs locked under the elastic and suddenly I was staring at his cock right in front of my nose and my hand was so close to it; so close and yet I didn't touch it. It just hung there, bouncing lightly and a single ray of light from between the crack of the stall emblazoned his cock with so much glory and I could see that he was uncircumsized. His boxers fell down to his ankles and I leaned forward and pressed my lips against it and I let my tongue brush it ever so slightly and it started to rise, to firm up.

I pressed my hand on his thigh and rubbed upwards, beneath his shirt and I felt his stomach and I watched his cock harden. Soon it was standing tall and royal and I had never seen anything so beautiful in my life. I put my head forward and paused and I heard him whisper "I know you want it." and it wasn't mean and it wasn't cheesy and I did. I did. The tip of his cock pushed past his foreskin and I pressed my lips against it in the softest kiss I could imagine, manage. My tongue slid out and beneath it and cradled it. I took his head in my mouth and ran my tongue between his cock and his foreskin. I felt his body shudder and his cock jumped in my mouth. I moved down it a little and I felt his cock brush along the top of my mouth and I pulled back and his cock left a trail of wetness on my tongue; so sweet. I went down again and I felt it push against the back of my throat and I stopped because I didn't want to gag. I wrapped my hand around his shaft and pulled his foreskin back and it slid out of my mouth and I just closed my mouth around his cock, trying to cover it as much as I could, trying to taste it as much as I could. I gripped him tightly and started to stroke him, his foreskin loose beneath my palm.

I heard him moan and I moved my other hand up his leg and brushed his soft sac with my knuckles and I turned my hand and I cupped his balls in my hand. I massaged them with care as I intesified my actions on his cock. I let his sac go and slid my hand around his thigh and over his ass and I slid my finger between his cheeks and I pressed on his hole ever so lightly, not penetrating, just pressing. Slowly he started thrusting his hips and I thought of what this would read like in a cheesy porn story: he was fucking my face, but it wasn't anything like that. It was beautiful and it proved that he loved what I was doing and I wanted nothing, nothing, more than for him to love this; it was for him and not me. I had forgotten about my own engorged cock long ago. I paid tribute to his.

His hands ran through my hair and held my head as his cock slid in and out of my mouth. I continued stroking his shaft with my hand and I felt his body pause and I knew, knew that he was ready and I tightened my grip and pulled my head almost all the way off but I kept his head in my mouth and I almost died when his first shot hit the back of my throat and then his second hit the roof of my mouth. It was the greatest single thing I had ever felt and he continued to reward me with shot after shot of cum and some of it started to slide from my mouth and I felt my own cock spasm and shoot into my boxers. His last few shots slid from his cock and over my tongue as my boxers filled with my own load. Finally, it stopped and I swallowed and then once again I took as much of his cock into my mouth as I could, licking it clean, wiping my tongue under his foreskin. When I let it go it flopped out and bounced just a little, slowly deflating. I used my finger to clean the cum from my chin and I could smell his ass and I put my finger in my mouth and licked it clean. Looking at him I knew that he was in heaven and I was, too.

I played with his cock as a few, final drops slid out and his cock was completely flaccid. He leaned down to grab his boxers and his khackis and his cheek slid against my face and I kissed it. Buttoned up, he smiled again and then got down on his knees. He reached to my zipper and pulled it down, popping the button and I lifted my ass just a little so he could slide my pants down and he took my limp cock in his hand, covered in my cum, and put it in his mouth, cleaning it. Clean and pure. He stood up and backed out of the stall and licked his hand; he whispered...

"Next time."

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