The One Correct Choice

By tyr yut

Published on Feb 22, 2020



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It happens, I believe with everyone, where one is not sure he knows right from wrong. What is and is not right changes from person to person, and even when it is the same person, he might find the same right' thing, for which at one point he would have even fought others to put across his point of it's righteousness', wrong at some point. It is not always easy to justify the one correct choice, for it means everything else is wrong, but is it?

"Wanna go grab lunch?"

"Just give me.. Five minutes to finish this"

"Right on!"

A few minutes later they were both out of the office to a general cafeteria for lunch. It was humid due to the rains, but today it was exceptionally bright and warm. Clear skies and fresh winds.

"The usual?"


Ben woke up to the counter and ordered four sandwiches, two coffees, a salad and chips and that was that. He returned to his seat. It was then that he noticed something.

"Are you losing weight Luke?"

Luke absentmindedly roamed a hand over his stomach, and suddenly realizing how silly that looked, jerked back.

"Ahh.. this? just... Hitting the gym extra hard these days"

"Not only that.. Your face looks paler too, is something wrong at home?"

"Nothing like that man.. Just seems hard to find some rest these days" Luke stretched a bit and yawned.

"I suppose.. I mean work these days is sure tight, but you have been able to manage all of that in the past too... I am not trying to pry or anything," Ben cleared, "But if you have anything you need to say, you can come to me"

"I know"

Ben knew something was wrong, but it was `Luke' and he would manage, of that he was sure, he thought.

"I never get tired of this coffee.."

"Yeah, it.."

"Instantly relaxes you" they both spoke and smiled at each other.

"Yeah right, all the more reason to come here. Plus there is way less crowd here than at `Kent Sushi' "

"Ah.. that Japanese joint? Yeah, that place is like super full every time I see it"

"I feel kinda bad for the owner", Luke said eyeing the old man at the counter.

"Yeah!, but that is how it goes", Ben said and Luke nodded as he finished the last pieces of salad.

"You free this evening?", Ben asked

"I don't know.. Have to check with my manager"

"Just ping me if you are, we can go hit club or something"

"Or something?"

"Yeah, something something" Ben snickered.

"I can't.. Not today at least"


Luke nodded and sipped away his remaining coffee.

"If you change your mind, you know where to come"

"I know Ben, thanks anyway"

"No problem man"

Lukas, or Luke as he was so-called, was a 34-year-old man. With a height of 5'10'', slightly build physique, and straight cropped black hair, he was an eye-catcher for sure. What glued people more into him was his easy and outgoing personality. He was friendly and polite with people he liked having around him, and to others who he didn't, he was more to the point and perhaps a bit cold. After having a kid at 29, he thought that the life ahead was all sorted out. After all, the man has only a few things to take him out of the `old map'[1], he either starts an affair with someone else, or his wife starts an affair with someone else, or maybe both, or maybe something else completely drastic happens and rips open new trajectories into the map. One never knows. Luke was no different. He thought a perfect life with Angie, his wife, was all that he needed when they had their first son Brian. Now, a five-year-old, he is still the center of attention and love for both his parents. But something had changed for Luke these past five years, and as he sat down at work again post-lunch, he found it difficult to concentrate.

His attention was suddenly diverted to the phone call. It was Angie's. He took a deep sigh and picked up.


"What's up G"

"Come to school now! It is urgent"

"What's the matter? Is Brian okay??" he asked, panic and apprehension setting in

"Yes, but you need to come right now"

"On my way Ang, just wait k", Lukas said and rushed out of his office dropping a mail to his manager for an early leave.

Several thoughts ran through his mind. Angie had told him to come to school, it definitely must mean something happened to Brian. There was a panic in Angie's voice, he hoped nothing too bad had happened. "A fight?.. No, for if it were she wouldn't have called me. But then what?" Lukas thought as he parked the vehicle in school parking and rushed to reception. After introducing himself, he was led to the nurse's office where Angie was sitting along with his son Brian sleeping on the patient cot.

"What happened G?"

"Ah... you must be Lukas, Brian's father?"

He turned to see the nurse coming to the office. "Please!", she offered him to sit, pointing at a stool beside the desk.

"What is this about? Is Brian okay?"

"Well... I will start from the beginning. Brian had a coughing fit in his class today... In the period ensuing lunch. His teacher, Mr. Marty, told me that he was also wheezing a lot. I have made sure he is fine for now, but I think he might have symptoms for something more serious..."

Angie held Lukas' hands who looked at her with apprehensive eyes, unable to both speak and think.

"You have something in mind?"

"I believe in honesty, sir, and to be perfectly honest.. This is the first case like this before me. I am not a medical expert in this field. The symptoms can range for a variety of ailments and I think it would be best to have Brian examined once. I hope you understand"

"But it is... like too sudden" Lukas mumbled to himself.

"Luke.. we need to go and visit Dr. Hambleton", Angie proposed as Luke was lost deep in thoughts. With a sudden resolution, he got up and tenderly took his son in his arms. Mary, [nurse's name] gave him a dilator just in case Brian got the fit again.

"Thank you for being so open to us Mary, it is really appreciated"

"It is my job... And please do share the results... It would help the school treat him better"

"I will"

"We will go see the doctor at 7, he doesn't sit in afternoons"

"We going home then?"

"Yeah, Brian needs some rest too." He went to his son and kissed his cheek who was sleeping in his mom's lap. Angie was stroking his hair. He saw the distressed look in Angie's eyes and gave her a hug, "Don't worry G, he will be alright", she simply nodded as her eyes got misty for her son.


"Luke left early? Why?"

"I don't know the specifics, but I think the boss did tell that there was some problem at his son's school"

"I see," Ben thought, maybe that was why...

"Look, I know Ben that you worry about him, and I do too... But I think he needs some space for the time."

"I know Callie, and I know he is not as open to everyone these days as he is with both of us... But I will keep that advice in mind", `Some space for the time huh? Maybe he just needs that' he thought.

Callie picked up her bag and purse and that was when Ben realized she was leaving for home.

"You too leaving early today?"

"Yeah... I am meeting an old friend."

"You mean old boyfriend?"

"Shut up!" Callie said blushing, "Besides.." she said in a more subdued voice, "he is just an old friend"

"Your blush tells a different story though", Ben said smiling unable to hide his laugh at the predicament he was putting Cal through.

"Geez! I am outta here" Callie said as she grabbed her purse and left.

"Are you sure you don't want these?", Ben asked holding the keyring of her car.

"Ben... You... Jesus!"

As Callie went away, Ben thought how nice she was. He was also a bit concerned for Luke. "We will see how things go", he thought as he turned back to his desk.

Author's notes: #Written in the third person. Might change in the future. #Spontaneous storyline. #Part fiction part real. 1. Old map: Meaning the map designed by society for men and women, which includes marrying, starting a family and then spending the rest of their lives together.

This story would go slow for probably all the chapters because that is the way I want to write it. I have a storyline in mind, and the end too. I am not an English speaker by birth, so somewhere, in some places, it might seem that the structuring of a sentence or a dialogue is a bit off. That is okay and expected. Things will get more interesting as we proceed. Also, I have to spend a lot of time on my other committed works, so please be a bit patient with the story, I plan to complete it for sure though.

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