The Old West

By BawdyPen (Roderick Stafton, Roderick Shafton)

Published on Mar 24, 2000



THE BADLANDS: Between Kansas and Missouri. There was no law, yet a surprising number of lawmen rode through.

"I'll see you...and raise you ten, Ben Harper."

"Here's your ten, you old scoundrel. Beat three ladies!"

"Sorry," Bates Turner grinned triumphantly, "four handsome gents!"

"JACKS AGAIN! Gol durn, ain't I ever gonna get me a piece o' ass at this table? Seems I'm always the piece!"

"Quit chur gripin' and shuck down them drawers, Ben. Any durn fool can see you lose on purpose!" Bates undid his holster and unbuttoned his trousers, pushing back the chair.

"Aw, nary a bit o' truth in that, Ben, and you know it! Shore wish we had more wimmen in this town...then we wouldn't hafta play this silly game fur gettin' our rocks off! Bad enough losing my pay, I gotta lose muh dignity, too!"

He dropped his trousers and bent over the poker table to hoots and hollers from the men in the Long Branch Saloon. The lack of sufficient women in the territory naturally made the horny bandits and derelicts devise ways to use each other. Poker was one way.

"JAKE!" Bates yelled to the bartender. "Where the hell's Billy the Kid! The little pricklicker's never around when you need him."

"Probably out back takin' a dump, Bates. Kid shits more'n a mule. BILLY!"

The youngster came trottin' in at the sound of the man's voice.

"Yes, Mr. Cole?" The youngster finished fastening his trousers.

"Game's over boy...get to your business."

Billy hurried over to Bates Turner and knelt before him. He knew immediately from the way Ben Harper was straddling the table that Bates had won again, and Ben was about to get his bum plowed. At 16, Billy was the all- around sweep-up boy and glass washer. Part of his duties was also to lubricate the gentlemen after a game of chance where the stakes are sex!

"Lick muh joint, Kid!" Bates held the stiff thing. out, chuckling. "Not that Ben needs it much any more!"

Billy put his mouth over the man's cheesy peckerhead, wetting the knob down real good. Then he licked all over the long shaft, leaving as much of his spittle as he could. Turning on his heels, he put his face into Ben Harper's asscrack and likewise moistened the area as best he could ...even pushing his tongue into the pungent hole and forcing spit into it.

"There ya go, Mr. Turner," Billy smiled. "You too, Mr. Harper."

"Almost worth losing just to get one o' yore tongue jobs, Billy!"

Billy rose and went about his other duties, not the least embarrassed, aroused, or disgusted. It was his job, and Billy hadn't much to say about it. He'd shot a man in Wichita, and at 16 found himself wanted by the law. The man he shot had tried to force himself on the boy, but unfortunately he was a powerful businessman and his word was taken over the youngster's. The Badlands was the only place a boy his age could find sanctuary...but at a price. That price--for room and board--was to work at Jake Cole's hotel and saloon doing much the same things that the man would have forced upon him...with one exception. Billy still had a virgin butthole! Cock and butt licking was nothing that ever bothered a country lad like Billy--even before his run-in--but he was deathly afraid of getting his bottom all ripped up by a man's fierce weapon! Here, it was understood that his ass was inviolate for any more than a tongue or a finger tickle. Otherwise, he was game for servicing in other ways.

Basically, he was a whore, and even went to the rooms for a healthy tip. He liked the rough men of the Badlands with their swaggering bravado, volatile natures, and dusty fragrant masculinity. He didn't mind being treated like a whoreboy and made to service long as they respected his one denial of their pleasure. And if they tried anything, Big Jake would be there with a shotgun to make sure they did!

Before sending him to a room, Jake would always make matters clear to his customers...often telling them a phony story where Billy had once bit off a man's peckerhead after he tried to plug his ass.

"Grip yore hands over the table, Ben, cause here she comes!" Bates positioned his cock behind the naked, upthrust buttocks and jammed his prick into the well-used orifice. The local ranch-hand screamed at the intrusion-as usual-and grabbed over the round table. It was true, and everybody knew it, but Ben tried to keep up the pretense by constantly playing-and losing-at poker. Truth was, he loved getting fucked by these rough men...especially Bates Turner. And Ben was no slouch himself. After adjusting his inner-self, he'd always start to buck his powerful ass back, making that cock drive deeper into his backside!



The bystanders usually got vocal at this point, often whipping out their own joints for a jackoff. Any sexual pleasure was taken quickly in this town where women gener- ally stayed away for fear of being raped in the streets!

Billy tended to sweeping, taking occasional glances at the activity. Billy wasn't always in the mood to get aroused. It wasn't that the boy didn't crave the excite- ment, it was simply because he was so much in demand... being so pretty as he was...that he was kept quite drained most of the time! Men enjoyed sucking loads from his healthy prick.

Story goes...and this one is true...that Pat Garrett passed thru town a few months back and got so enamored of the boy that he stripped off both their clothing and climbed onto the bar, letting Billy fuck his asshole raw in front of everyone! After getting it licked first, of course. Billy was so excited during this escapade that he dumped three heavy loads up the handsome young lawman's rearend, and got down and sucked it all back out each time! Story also goes...again true...that Garrett twisted the boy around and sucked a fourth load of cream from the boy's scummy pecker while he blasted in Billy's mouth!

In later years Billy would boast of the number of men he'd blown, but it would get misinterpreted in the press as men he'd blown away.

Ramon Silva-known as El Muerte-a bad-assed Mex wanted across the border and in Texas and Oklahoma for gunsling- ing, walked up to the table and slapped down a deck of cards in front of Ben's gasping face.

"One cut of the cards, hombre. You win, I go under the table and play the puto. I win, I put my prick in your mouth, Senor, and you play the puto!" Ben Harper, his cock hard and throbbing under the rim of the table and desperately wishing for a suckjob, quickly agreed. Billy was called over and Ramon handed him the deck. "You shuffle and deal, nino, esta bien?"

Billy looked up at the handsome, angular face of the young Mex with the cruel eyes. "Him first?" he asked. Ramon nodded. Billy dealt.

"Aha, nueve," Ramon smiled at the nine of spades. Already he was spreading the buckskin chaps he wore and fishing out his long, skinny dark prick. Billy slapped down another card. The three of hearts.

"Tres?! Madre de Dios!" Ramon slammed his fist down and started to push his prick back inside his pants. Then he thought better, and left it hanging out. He smiled at Ben. "Looks like puto time for Ramon, eh gringo? You maybe want a little lick first?" He held out his bone.

Ben smiled. "Si, mi puto!" he teased, "just to show ya I'm a nice fella 'fore ya blow me off!" He stuck out his tongue and gave the strong-smelling prick a little swirling tongue action on the brown knob and even dug in and around the cheesy foreskin.

El Muerte shrugged and hiked up his pants to his thighs. Then he ducked under the table, grabbed Ben just under his stuffed buttocks, and wrapped his lips over the man's bobbling cockhead. Ben squealed in delight and hunched his ass back for more of Turner's thick meat!

For an outlaw town, it was surprising how they all played by the unspoken rules. But then, these were men who cared not for convention or society's rules...only their own. And their own rules were to do just as they fucking well pleased! El Muerte'd sucked cock before...that was apparent from the way he went about taking Ben's deep jabs! Word had it he'd once been a young officer in the Mexican Army and had sucked off General Santa Anna himself!

Billy looked under the table, eyeing the bandido's long prick. Ramon caught him out of the corner of his eye. Quickly, he reached into his pocket and fished out a handful of pesos and thrust them at Billy.

The boy quickly layed down and worked himself under the table between the two men and began to lick the Mex's raging bone. He liked getting paid, but he also liked licking bones and always had.

When Billy's ma died of fever several years back, Billy had to take her place in keeping his step-pa satisfied. He didn't get his ass violated, but his mouth and hands sure got a working out cause Clyde Bonney was a horny cuss! Even made the Kid ass-suck him. Billy learned to handle his big cock and eventually got to enjoying it. So much so that he gave a complimentary blowjob to Marshal Earp whenever he and Clyde went into Wichita for supplies. Couple of times Doc Holliday tried to horn in, but the old lush was never able to get it up!

"Squeeze them muscles, Ben," Bates ordered, slapping his ass hard, "you're gettin' looser'n Calamity Jane herself! Now tighten up!" He started to pile drive into the ranch hand's ass, grabbing fistfulls of the white flesh.

"Ouch! Hurry up, Bates," Ben Harper gasped, "fuckin' Mex bandido's blowin' muh nuts off!"

Ramon was sucking like crazy because of what Billy was doing down there, and he was ready to pop off in the Kid's mouth. Billy was taking the long, skinny brown cock right down his throat!

Everybody was so engrossed in the table-fucking they didn't even notice what young Butch Cassidy was doing while sitting way back at the corner table. His pants and holster were down around his boots.

"Work that pretty bottom, Sundance!" he whispered to the man sitting on his lap. "You take cock better'n any woman I ever had."

"You're such a liar, Butch. You ain't never had a woman."

"Well, not since you been bounce!"

Sundance closed his eyes, dreamily, and worked his asshole up and down the stiff pole he'd come to love. It was a swelteringly hot day. He eyed a young shirtless boy about 9 years old looking in the window, and waved him to come in. When the inquisitive boy stood next to them, Sundance took the boy's hand and wrapped it around his hard prick as he rode Butch's bucking hips.

"Yeah, you just hold it nice 'n tight for me...that's it. Say, you're Belle Starr's bastard kid, ain't ya? One she had and left here in town? What's your name?"

The boy squeezed the big cock, delighting in the feel of it. "Name's Richie, mister. I'm gonna be the Ringo Kid when I grow up!"

"Another Kid' hunh? You know Billy, doncha? Gonna call yourself Kid' you gotta learn to lick dicks like him. Go ahead, just lick the knob a little bit." He slowed his movements for a while.

"Uh, I don't think so mister...reckon I'll just do this."

"Aw, that's no way for an outlaw's son to be. You shoulda seen how your momma liked doin' it! She used to take on the Younger boys all the time, til she settled pretty much on Cole for awhile."

"Gee, Cole Younger? I heard o' him," the boy remarked.

"Wouldn't be a bit surprised if he wasn't your pa," Butch said. "Course your momma used ta throw her legs open fur any horndog outlaw that could git it up! Sam Bass himself said your momma gave the best blowjobs in seven states. And that's sayin' some, cause Sam had the biggest cock in the territory! Even Billy had trouble with it."

"O...Okay, but just a little." The boy leaned over and ran his tongue over Sundance's bloated knob, not noticing the bulb of cream that came out as his tongue lapped it up.

The randy prick up his ass...and seeing the youngster's precious lips on his cock...caused Sundance to pull the boy's face up so he could move faster without choking the kid.


Richie jerked the throbbing prick, practically strangling the life out of it. His eyes opened wide in amazement as he watched the long streams of jizz squirt all over the table!

"WOW, LOOK AT ALL THE STUFF!" he gasped, jerking harder. "DID I DO THAT?!" Sundance had to finally pull the boy's hand off.

"Woah! Sorry, kid, there ain't no more. You like doin' that, hunh?"

"That was swell, mister! Golly you sure squirt a lot. Can you do it again? I'll lick it again, if you'll do it some more."

"All tuckered out for now. Why don't you go try it out on some of your older pals?"

"Gosh durn! There ain't no younguns in this town 'cept for me. Nothin' but outlaws!"

"Well? What's wrong with that? Ain't a man in the territory wouldn't let you play with his pistol if you asked nice and licked it first. But when you decide to start suckin' proper like, best try it out on the little ones first til you get used to it."

"Y-you mean put it in my mouth? An' let the stuff shoot?"

"Sure. Good stuff, kid. Take it from me. Cockjuice is a bit tangy, and takes gettin' used to. But once you do you'll be beggin' for it!"

"I...I don't think so, mister. But if you'll 'scuse me, I think I might go find another one to squeeze off!"

"Hey, kid!" Butch called him back and wrapped his arm around him, squeezing his little butt. "You're gonna be as hot as your momma. When you get older, always remember that the first pecker you ever licked on belonged to the Sundance Kid while he was gettin' his rump plugged by Butch Cassidy!"

The boy's eyes shot open again.

"Gosh! Th...that's who you are? Th...thanks! Gee, thanks Mr. Sundance. I'll always remember it!" He quickly ducked his head down and sucked the wet knob into his mouth for a few more seconds. "Now I'll really remember it!" He started to rush away, then turned. "Gee, that didn't taste so bad at that!" He hurried off to find another man who'd be willing to let him do some jerkin'.

"Whew! Sure'd like to be around when he gets his little cherry busted!" Butch chuckled. "Cute little bottom."

"By the time we get back here, Butch, he'll probably be taking on Sam Bass himself! I do think before we leave town, we oughta get the boy naked. I'd sure like to tongue that little butt out!"

"Me, too. Right now, why don't you get off and lean across the table. There's a sweet little butt I'd like to suck on right now."

Sundance squished the softening pecker from his ass and straddled the tabletop. "Mmmm, you're so deliciously filthy, Butch!" he squealed.

"Heh!" Butch grabbed the buttocks and wrenched them open, putting his face into them. "Talk about deliciously filthy!"

"AIIEE!" Bates Turner screamed his orgasm.

Ben Harper echoed his sentiments, creaming into the Mex, while Billy slurped up the bandido's abundance of hot, peppery cockjuice.

Gasping, Bates slipped his cock out with a loud snooch! He looked down at the hole his prick had just come from.

"Damn, Ben, you're gettin' too fuckin' loose. You're lettin' all muh hot juice drip out!"

More because he hated to see it go to waste than something he did regularly, Bates knelt down and quickly lapped the gaping asshole of the cowpoke he'd just fucked.

That left his own floppy, wet cock hanging between his legs under the table. The Mex leaned over and took it in his mouth, giving it a good cleaning. Though he'd never admit it to anyone, Ramon loved the taste of Gringo Dick and Gringo Ass. Now he was getting both at once

"Billy!" Jake called out. "Just got a note writ by Sam Bass. He's up in Room 12 gettin' his Saturday bath. Wants ya to come up and, heh heh, scrub his back!"

"Shitfire, Jake!" Billy complained. "Sam's got a pecker so thick he practikly knocks muh teeth out!"

"Can't help that, boy. Just lick 'round the edges then!"

"Alright, but I'm gonna make him clean it first. He likes gettin' licked 'fore his bath. Last time I'da sworn he just got done fuckin' a danged mule!"

"Heh, heh!" Jake laughed, then thought for a moment. "Hey. Last time? You little shit! Last time he wuz here he fucked ME!"

"I know," Billy teased. He winked and headed upstairs.

"Thanks fur the cleanup, Mex," Bates hiked up his pants. Then he whispered, "Jus' between us, that ol' fuckhole of his tastes kinda decent, don't it?"

Ramon smiled, not answering, and swaggered out of the saloon.

While Billy stripped and climbed into the bath with Sam, two riders stood on the bluff overlooking the town.

"Come on, Silver, get your nose out of my crotch. These are new whites I've got on."

"Maybe him need the usual, Kimmo Sabe."

"Fuck 'im! Craziest horse I've ever seen. Jam that long Indian dick of yours up his ass if you want, Tonto. I've got to check out these tracks."

"Nope. Don't want stinkum dick if we go to town."

"Well, at least suck him off, will you? Otherwise he'll be cranky all day."

"That your job, Kimmo Sabe. Me have hands full with Scout!"

"Sssh! Riders coming. quick, behind those rocks!"

Two dusty riders alighted the bluff just past some nearby bushes and pulled up.

"Well, Mr. Quantrill, I think we lost 'em. Should be safe in this territory. Whadda we do now that the war's over?"

"Stay here, for now. After the heat's off we'll head out to California and send a wire for the rest of the Raiders ta join us. In the meantime, I'm mighty thirsty."

"Got muh canteen right here, Mr. Quantrill." He reached back.

"Not that kinda thirst, Doobins. I got a real hankerin' for some hot piss! You need to piss, Doobins?"

"N-no, sir! You mean those rumors are true, sir? 'Bout you drinkin' soldier piss?!! I never believed it!"

"Little peculiarity of mine. Love gettin' pissed on by a man in uniform!"

"Gosh! Uh...always in uniform, sir?"

"Mostly. Depends. You heard about us burning down Lawrence, Kansas, didn't you? Wild! Killed about 150. Got me all fire up! After it was over I knelt right down and got Frank and Jesse both to piss all over me to put my own fire out! Used ta get nigger slaves to put on Yankee uniforms and piss in my mouth!"

"HOL-EEE SHIT! You mean you licked right on their black peckers?!!"

"Where the hell you been, boy? Of course I did! Licked their smelly black assholes, too...'fore I fucked 'em. Ain't you ever sucked down hot nigger juice? Best there is! What the hell you think we been fightin' this war for? Ta keep them bucks nekked and bending over! Them boys got peckers n' lips n' bungholes big and ripe and tasty as all get out! They's made fur fuckin' and suckin'! Can't believe you never had a nigger boy suck ya off! Whooie! I 'specially liked when we caught a bunch of them black Yankee soldiers prisoner.

"We kept 'em naked, you know, 'cept fur their caps and boots. I'd shuck down bare-assed and go to their tent...get 'em all grouped in a bunch an' just crawl all over 'em... lickin' 'em everywhere! They loved seein' me show up every night. I'd suck 'em all off, and all they had to do was put their fingers up my butt and dig around. I usually came just squirming around, but once in a while I'd get one to suck me. But they was northern boys mostly, and kinda uppity."

"Damn. Here I thought you hated nigras!"

"Naw. Just wanna keep 'em in their place, that's all. When I got done, I always liked to take a big shit n' make 'em watch. Tried to get 'em to lick it while I did, but like I said...they wuz real uppity niggers from the North. Never had that trouble with slaves. You tell a slave to lick yur turd, and he's got his mouth open and ready! That's what we been fightin' this war for. Keep those hot boys doin' service for us."

"Did...did they p-piss on you too?"

"Oh hell yes! Got as many as I could to piss on me while I shit! They loved doin' that much as they did blowin' big wads in my mouth and feeling my tongue up their assholes! They hated me."

"Y-you didn't...uh..." he hesitated, retracting his question.

"Lick nigger turds? You're gettin' a bit personal there, aren't you, Doobins? Well, couple of young slave boys. Got a firm rule. I don't lick no man's turd who won't lick mine...even if he don't wanna! You ever sucked a cock, Dobbins?"

"NO! No, sir!"

"You wanna suck mine?"

"Uh, not really, sir," he gulped.

"Alright. Then let's head into town. I'm gonna get me some piss!"

"Kimmo Sabe, them two strange," Tonto whispered as the two men rode off. "One normal, one odd. Me like odd one. Him young and tasty."

"Yes, Tonto. Hard to imagine at that age never having had a prick in his mouth, isn't it?"

Back in town, Jake had his hands full. "OK, Richie, I'll let you stay in the saloon, just let me kiss your little bottom." He squeezed the soft buttocks as Richie knelt up on the bar with his pants down. He didn't understand why the man was doing it, but it kinda tickled.

"Kinda young, ain't he, Jake?" a man at a table joshed. Several men were sitting around, watching and laughing. Jake had snatched the boy up...getting irritated at the way he was bothering his customers. Richie was going around grabbing at men's crotches, wanting to pull their pricks out. He was eager and impatient. Before a man could react from his initial surprise, Richie had moved to someone else. Jake grabbed the boy under the armpits and between the legs and lifted him up and carried the squirming boy behind the bar, demand-ing to know what he was up to. By explanation, Richie started to fondle Jake's prick in his pants. It sprung up immediately, and Jake breathlessly lifted his apron and pulled it out. When the boy took a quick lick on it, then began to jerk on it rapidly, Jake snatched it from him and yanked the boy's pants down. He drew the boy's naked crotch to his mouth and sucked in his little pecker and balls, licking all the young sweetness from them. The little pecker even got a little hard. Turning the boy around, he lifted him onto the bar and pulled his precious buns apart and licked!

"Laugh you no-counts, but this is the sweetest crack I ever tasted!"

"Hah! Little bastard probably ain't had a bath in a month!"

"Mmmm. He's gonna get one now!" Jake cried, licking the boy, "right here on the fuckin' bar! Give him a prick to play with...boy likes playing with pricks."

Butch and Sundance had sparked something in the lad, but they'd never guessed that it would only be a matter of a few hours before Richie started sucking hot loads out of men's pricks!

Men were fucking and cocksucking here and there, but most of them started jacking each other off while they waited in line to put their cocks to Richie's mouth. He eagerly sucked them while Jake licked out his tender ass. By the time they were finished, the boy's face was wet and sticky, and cum was dripping from his lips. Jake pulled his mouth from the kid's ass and scooted a stool over. He jacked off all over the boy's butt and asscrack, then got down and licked it all off!

"Shave, mister?" Quantrill walked into the barber shop. Doobins had gone to check them into the hotel.

"Yeah. They got baths at the hotel?"

"Sure, but you can get one right in the back if you like. I'll have my helper fire up some water now if you want."

"Yeah, alright." He sat in the chair, eyeing the helper standing aside with a broom in his hand. He was a goofy looking fella that seemed a bit addled in the brain, and he kept idly playing with a long sausage in his pants.

"Leave that thing alone and go warm up some water, Clyde."

"Uh, sure. I'll go warm up some water."

"Fella's a little slow, don't mind him."

"Strange town to set up shop in, isn't it?" he asked the bald-headed little man.

"Well, even outlaws need groomin' care, don't they? 'Sides, sorta had a bit of a scrape with the law myself back a ways."

"Hmm. Probably got caught sucking little boy's peckers, hunh?"

"Uh, you a lawman?"

"Naw, you just look the type."

"No, sir. Quite the contrary. Little girls is my pleasure!"

"Like that sweet innocent pussy juice, hunh? Say, can I get some privacy while I'm bathing? Think your helper'd mind sticking around to scrub my back?"

"No problem there. You just tell him what you require. He'll be happy to assist you. I'll see you're not disturbed. When you're finished, come back in and I'll pat you down with some delightful fragrance and spruce up your hair."

"I don't need none of that shit! You done yet?"

"Um, yes, sir. Quite the handsome man under all that, if I may say so. I believe your bath is prepared."

Quantrill stuck out his finger. "No interruptions, right? Unless my friend Doobins shows up...then you can send him back...alone."

He stripped down, idly fingering his floppy dick, then he stepped into the lukewarm water. "I'll need you to scrub me down, uh, Clyde. I'm just too tuckered out. You wouldn't mind that, would you?"

"Oh. Uh, gosh no. Suppose I could do that fur ya, mister."

"Maybe you'd best take them pants off so's you won't get all wet."

"Hunh?" he stared dumbly. "Oh, reckon that'd be a good idea."

"You always play with yourself like that?" Quantrill asked.

"Can't help it. Ever'body says I shouldn't cause it ain't polite, but durned thing keeps grabbin' muh hand!" he laughed, stepping out of his overalls. It hung down like a horsecock, Quantrill not sure if its owner even knew what to do with it. Suppose he did, if he handled it all the time.

Soaping up, he got Clyde to wash his back-all the time eyeing the big pecker near his shoulder.

"Here, reach down and scrub up muh privates."

"Cripes, never had ta do that before!" he giggled.

"You mind?"

"No, sir," he reached into the water and dutifully washed the man's genitals, chuckling when he realized the cock was getting hard. Quantrill reached out and gently touched the long-hanging cock at his side. "That certainly is an impressive hose you got there, Clyde."

"Shucks. Just kinda grew on me, I guess."

"Mind if I give it a feel? After all, you're kinda down there feeling mine. Never seen one like it."

"Wahl...guess I don't mind. Nobody ever done it before. But you're welcome to if ya like."

"Hmmm. Bet that honker really squirts heavy when ya piss, hunh?"

"Gol durn, sure can! Splatter a wall ten feet away. I done it!"

"Yeah? That's amazing. Say, could you do it now?"

"Wahl, guess I could. But Mister Hawkins wouldn't like it if I messed up his wall with muh stinky piss!"

"Oh, right. Well, I believe you. No need to prove it. Why don't you just stand down there at the end of the tub and do it on me?"

"Wha? GOSH! That's silly. Don't know no man wants ta get pissed on."

"I do. Go on, hanker that hose up and aim it at my face. Let's see what that club can do. See if you can squirt it right in my mouth!"

"Shucks, you're sure a strange one, mister. But Mr. Hawkins said ta do whatcha ask, so I guess I oughta. Sure you want it in yur mouth?"

"Come on, I'm tired of futzin' around. Piss on me, donkey-dick!"

Clyde shrugged, and concentrated. But not for long. Clyde didn't have any inbred reser-vations-if the man wanted pissed on, he could sure do it! The first dribbles splattered over the bath water, then quickly raised up with a powerful force as the stream headed toward its destina- tion. Quantrill lifted his naked body up, letting the piss splash on his cock and balls, then smiled as he saw it coming and opened his mouth. The power and force increased immensely. Quantrill closed his eyes and let the stream splash over his face, catching as much of the salty brine as he could, drinking the man's piss down his throat! Clyde was getting a kick out of it, and when the power began to diminish, he used his long legs to straddle the tub and make his way forward. He gathered by now that the man wanted as much as he could get, so Clyde maneuvered himself up until he was quite near the man's face.

Peeking through his piss-drenched eyelashes, Quantrill saw the huge organ and pushed his face forward to take the prick in his mouth to get the last drippings. He'd already swallowed pints of the yellow urine, but he wanted to drain the son-of-a-bitch! Clyde smiled, not minding that the man had his mouth over his knob.

Quantrill grabbed hold of the monstrous prick and used his other hand to splash water on his face, trying to keep the burning urine from his eyes. Clyde was finished, and wondered why the man kept running his tongue over his thing. He started to worry because the action was making it grow. He sure didn't want to upset the rough man.

That consideration stopped when Quantrill not only took the hose deeper upon feeling it getting hard, but after grabbing a towel and drying his other hand he reached up and jiggled Clyde's big ballsack. The guy had balls like a bull, and instead of squeezing them, Quantrill played around with them...tossing them back and forth as if weighing soap bubbles. The cock was now hard enough that he didn't have to hold it, so while he tickled the young man's nuts he reached behind them and fiddled with his asshole, causing Clyde to giggle.

"G-gosh! Whatcha doin'?" he asked, surprised.

Quantrill took a big slurp on the prick and pulled off. He looked up at the goofy fellow. "Turn around the other way. Let's see what you look like back there."

"Okay, but I sure don' know why ya wanna see that dirty ol' thing for!" He swung his leg over, turned around, and re-straddled the tub, moving a bit forward. But Quantrill grabbed his hips and pulled them back again, working the cheeks open, not surprised at what he found. "Doncha ever clean it, you idiot?"

"Ya mean 'sides when I take muh monthly bath? No, should I?"

"Well, don't it ever itch with all that crust on there?"

"Yeah, all the time. Is that what's doin' it?!"

"Sure, you dummy! Bend over some more, let me take a closer look."

Used to slaves, Quantrill wasn't bothered by the smell. But he sure was amazed that there wasn't more there if the fellow only took a bath once a month and never wiped. Each fresh turd musta scraped some of the crust off. Still, it was quite thick and flakey.

"Think I oughta wash it now, mister? Don't it stink back there?"

"Sure does. Push it on back, I'll take care of it for ya."

"That's mighty nice of yuh, mister. Yuh really don't hafta...YIPES!"

He clenched his butt tight in reflex at the sudden wet tongue! Quantrill slapped his butt. "Git it back here!" he ordered.

"Y-yes, sir!" He bent over again and backed into the man's face, wondering why in tarnation he was licking his dirty butthole!! "B-but I sure don't know why yur doin' that!"

"I drank your piss, you dumb clod, now I feel like lickin' your dirty bung. Whadda you care?"

"Jus' wonderin', mister. Don't wantcha ta think I'm complainin'! No siree, you jus' go 'head and lick all ya want! Feels mighty pleasant...that's fur durn sure!"

Quantrill began to lap the crust. The fellow might have been a bit slow and goofy, but he sure had a fine prick and wonderfully smooth buttocks on him. Smooth enough that Quantrill licked all over them and was soon drilling his tongue past the crust and into the fragrant, moist interior!

Just then, Doobins came into the room.

"Mr. Quantrill, you done...?" He gasped, seeing him eating the guy's asshole. "Ooops! Sorry. I...I'll come back later."

"Getchur ass back here, soldier! This hot butt's gettin' me in the mood. Drop your need a bath too."

"Um...I'll wait til you're done."

"Nope. Take 'em off now. I wanna see what ya got swinging 'tween your legs."

"Mr. Quantrill, I don't cotton to this stuff, you know that."

"Maybe we can get Clyde to suck on it for ya...after I get a taste, of course. I'll be payin' attention to this long thing he's got. How 'bout it, Clyde? You suck peckers?"

"Wahl, I dunno, mister. Never did it to a fella before. Do it to muhself sometimes, though! C'n I wash it first?"

"Tarnation! You fellas all pussies, or what? Why'n hell'd you wanna do that? Man spends all this time workin' up a nice load of crud 'n sweat on his nuts 'n prick and you wanna wash it all away?! Hell, I'll have it all washed and tidy for ya, Clyde."

"Like ya washed muh butt?"

"Yep, just like that! Wanna see ya suck your own, too. You'd like to see that, wouldn't you Doobins?"

"W-well, uh, yessir, Mr. Quantrill. That would be kinda interesting for the novelty of it all. Maybe if I just watched...kinda sat back here on the..."

"Jerkin' off? Don't be an idiot. Why jerk off when ya got two cocksuckers in the room? Take everything off, dammit! I don't wanna rustle around with your stinky drawers...I wanna smell your stinky nuts!"

"I don't hafta do nothing, right?" Doobins nearly pleaded.

"Nope. But we'll see if we can change your mind. Hell, cock between this boy's legs alone oughta do that. Ain't that purty and big?"

"It's quite a thing, alright." He stood there nude. "Uh, what do I do now?" His cock wasn't hard, but it has hanging with potential.

"First, trade places with Clyde here. Straddle the tub. Clyde, you go give your legs a rest. Kneel down there and fish your hand in the water and play with my meat. No, not that way, Doobins. I'll get to that in a minute. Gimme those dusty cojones first! Lift up that sausage. Mmmm. Never mind. I see it's lifting up all by itself! Ooh, I love a pair of smelly balls! Bring 'em down here closer."

"Can't...can't stay like this too long, sir. I don't have the long legs like he does. Uh...hmmmm." He started to giggle.

"Tickle, hunh?" he grinned, lapping the man's cruddy balls.

"N-not exactly, sir. I was just thinking about what Grant was supposed to have said that time you wanted to parley. Said he wouldn't give you the sweat off his balls!"

"Heh! Wouldn't do it anyway. Though I'd probably get drunk licking the sweat offa that drunk's nuts!"

He eagerly went back to washing the soldier's testicles and the spot behind them. Then he pulled back and took Doobins' stiff prick in his mouth. He teased the head and sucked a while, then ran his tongue all over the shaft, tonguing away the dust and seasoned gaminess. Finally, he figured he had it clean enough for the idiot's sensibilities.

"Ah, now for the best part. Turn around and give me the other side."

"Uh, don't think I can, sir. It's hurtin' my legs too much."

"Can the 'sir' crap, willya? We're gettin' intimate here. Lest you wanna say 'May I suck your cock, sir?' or 'Please fuck my bottom, sir!' Okay, tell ya what. Lemme hang my head back over the tub. You get around here and back up. Squat down on my face, I'll lick ya that way."

"Y-you sure, sir...uh, Mr. Quantrill? Been shittin' in the fields."

"One fool in the room's enough, Doobins. Come on, you saw me lickin' the crust on his bunghole when ya come in. I've licked nigger shit, remember?"

"Oh, right." He squatted right down and reached back, opening his entire crack. Guess any man that'd lick nigger butts sure oughta like his! He felt the man's tongue moving up and down his crack.

"Mmmm. Sure like ta suck a guy's butt on a hot day! Lovely sweat on a nice dirty hole. Still ain't grown much hair down here, have ya?"

"N-naw, I'm only 20. Maybe I will later on."

"Twenty? War's put too many lines in your face, boy. But getchur drawers off an' yuh can see you're just a tender pullet. Sure do smell like a man, though! Clyde, come see if ya like it now."

In a more comfortable position now, Doobins settled his hands on his knees and enjoyed the vulgar thing the man was doing to him. Clyde came around and knelt between his legs. The goofy kid bared his buck teeth and stuck his head in his crotch, taking a few sniffs around his genitals, letting them rub over his face. Finding it to his liking, he quickly opened his mouth and took the soldier's prick between his lips. He was soon doing it eagerly, finding it more satisfying than the small amount of his own prick he was able to reach.

Doobins squatted there, rolling his eyes, as he got his cock sucked and his bunghole licked and eaten out! He put his hands down on Clyde's shoulders and began to pump into his mouth while he ground his asshole over Quantrill's mouth!

"Ah, durn this is good!" he gasped. Quantrill grabbed his ass to hold him still so he could drive his tongue back into the cushy bottom! He'd licked the sweat and crud from his he wanted to taste the young soldier's insides!

"Hold your juice!" Quantrill finally cried, lowering his mouth. "Clyde, stand up and put your pecker in his mouth! I think he's ready."

Doobins didn't know just how 'ready' he was until the tall horndog stood, smacking his lips in a big grin. Seein' that huge thing swinging 'tween his legs, he decided he'd suck on it. Fuck it. He was an outlaw now. He could do it if he felt like it. Weren't nobody in this room gonna condemn him for it. He grabbed the long shaft and worked his mouth over the pulsing knob, surprised at how delight- ful it felt in his mouth and how exciting it was to suck on it!

Quantrill pushed up. "Git offa my face! Lemme get outta this tub. I wanna see you doin' it! Kneel down and suck him." He splashed his way out of the tub and knelt down next to Dobbins.

Doobins hadn't even taken his mouth off the prick as he maneuvered into position. Quantrill reached down and stroked the soldier's hard cock while he stuck his tongue out and helped out by licking the shaft while Doobins worked on the knob. The dim-witted assistant stood there while the two of them slicked spit all over his pecker and balls.

"Ain't so all-fired bad at that, Mr. Quantrill."

"Let's see him do it," Quantrill suggested, standing next to Doobins, having the fellow go from one to the other, taking their cocks into his mouth for a while. "Come on, Clyde. Let's see ya suck your own prick!"

"Sure! Garsh, I love to. Can't do it as well as you fellas, though."

He went over to a chair and sat down. His cock stood straight up, and putting his hands under his thighs, he bent over several times until he finally was able to reach his cockhead. He slathered a long, eager tongue around it, then closed his lips over the knob and began to suck on it, making loud slurping noises. The goofy kid sat there, slobbering all over his own prick like he'd obviously done hundreds of times, oblivious to the two men watching him in astonishment. He sat there...sucking away...even getting more than just the knob!

"Let's see him drink it," Quantrill suggested. They both got down there...up close. Quantrill wet his finger and stuck it between the boy's legs and up his asshole. Breathing heavy, Clyde began to suck on it furiously. Suddenly, gushes of cream went spurting into his mouth, running down his shaft, and over his balls. He lapped his pulsing cockhead wildly, like a dog at the trough! The stuff just kept coming up from his big balls. Doobins, gasping, put his face down next to Quantrill's probing finger and began to lick the cream dripping off the kid's volcanic nuts! Neither of them had ever seen a cock deliver such a huge load. Clyde finally pulled up, laying his head back, exhausted.

"I've never seen so much!" Doobins cried.

"Aw, shucks," Clyde leaned up and grinned. "You didn't see how much I drunk down! Got most of it!"

"Well, I wanted to play with this fella some more, but I just had to see that." Quantrill clicked his tongue.

"You c'n play with me more, mister, if'n ya want. I c'n do that four, five times a day."

"No wonder you're always playing with yourself. How d'ya like takin' it up the tail?"

"Guess I'll give it a try, mister. Gimme a few minutes?"

"Sure. Okay, you got your choice, Doobins. Clyde'll blow ya while I fuck his butt...or I'll blow ya...or you can fuck him while I fuck your little tush...or I'll fuck him while you plow my backside! Think I like that last idea best, how 'bout you?"

"Well, no offense, Mr. Quantrill, I'd rather do it to him. But then...not if it means havin' to take it myself. Anything but that is jake with me."

"Ha! Don't relish muh hairy butt, hunh! Well, can't say as I blame you there. He's got a nice one, alright. But guess you'll hafta settle for mine since you won't play the tart. Me? I don't mind bein' the woman long's I'm bein' the man at the same time. I suppose gettin' tongued out is outta the question, so you'll hafta use your fingers to shove some spit up muh tail. If'n I can take yours without a hemorrhage, maybe I'll take on Clyde's monster after- wards! Lemme suck on that prick of yours while Clyde rests up. Don't you go shootin' off, now.

Quantrill grabbed a towel and dried off before getting down between the young man's legs. He licked up and down his nuts then settled into a slow, teasing blowjob.

"Can we lay down on the floor? Mind if I suck on your prick, Mr. Quantrill? Think I wouldn't mind that much."

"Be my guest, soldier!"

"What we do now, Kimmo Sabe?"

"Tonto, as long as Quantrill's in this territory we can't touch him. We'll have to wait til they ride out."

"Hmm. Sound to me like Quantrill like to be touched. Me hear him have mighty big weapon! Maybe him like to fuck brave. Tonto could sneak into town..."

"Back, Silver, back! We'd best take care of these rascals first, my friend. Don't want to waste a load, though, if we're going into town. Let's try that little scheme we talked about."

"Gettim Scout to fuck Silver?"

"Yes, Tonto. You work Scout up and I'll use my arm and loosen up Silver. Then you bring Scout over. Silver won't know what hit him!"

"Maybe him not like that."

"I think he will. Especially with you underneath licking him."

"Why you not do that, Kimmo Sabe?"

"My fresh whites, Tonto. Besides, it doesn't matter if you get all dirty and sticky. Nobody's gonna get it on with an injun anyway! Just teasing, my friend."

"Good joke, Kimmo Sabe! Like when folks say you wear mask so nobody know who when they see puny white pecker!"

Tonto laughed and took off his buckskins and loincloth. From the back, he reached between Scout's legs and grabbed his long hanging organ, stroking it quickly into a massive erection.

The Lone Ranger easily got Silver to get down on his front legs with his hindquarters up. The stallion lifted his tail and wagged it around in anticipation. The masked man took off his shirt and knelt back there, sticking a few fingers into Silver's huge, flexing shithole.

Before long, he was able to insert his whole hand and squish it around, working the fat asslips open. He didn't mind the smell of horseshit. Besides, he knew that Silver would lick his arm clean just like he licked his cock and balls after being fucked. Silver liked the taste of horseshit. He and Scout would often lick each other after plopping out steamy mounds of hot dung. Damnedest horses in the west...they even licked each other to orgasm and drank one another's piss!

Neither had had more than their master's prick up their asses...until now. Not to worry, The Lone Ranger figured. Silver was definitely the prissy one of the two. Scout had only to whinny and Silver would start to lick him. Tonto brought Scout over and motioned him over the other horse. Scout quickly arranged himself onto his haunches and licked Silver's mane. Tonto took care of the insertion. He maneuvered the long penis into the stallion's gaping hole. Silver whinnied, but didn't move. He seemed more than content.

Quickly, Tonto arranged himself under the white stallion, holding the massive organ along his chest and licking on the wet knob. The long thing squished and vibrated along his tongue as Scout immediately began to plunge and fuck with rapid movements. Usually a fast encounter, Scout seemed to be taking his time. Even Silver seemed to be holding back, enjoying the rutting and staring off with a dazed look.

Even with Scout's deep penetrating strokes, Silver was taking it all in stride. Tonto was running his hands rapidly up and down the large horsecock, like a baby in his arms. He licked all over the rubbery head with his eyes closed. With a loud grunt, Scout emptied his leathery nuts into Silver's clenching asshole, causing the stallion to pour out gallons of horsecream all over Tonto's face and chest! Tonto drank what he could, gripping the huge meat and feeling it pulse. He layed back, exhausted.

Scout pulled out and bent over to lick Silver's asshole of the dripping seed. The Ranger knelt down and Silver licked his arm clean of his own horseshit. When the horses stood, Scout whinnied. Silver went over immediately and ducked under to lick Scout's dirty cock.

"Big mess, Kimmo Sabe! Ranger want lick some?"

"No, Tonto. We'll never get out of here. Oh, just a little."

"Aw, Sam! That's your fourth load!"

"Yep, suck it down, Billy Boy! Damn, yore the best blowboy in three states! Come round here, lemme suck that butt a yore's. Work up 'nother one 'n I'll letcha plug my ass!"

"Sure. You know how I love stickin' that big hairy ass of yours, Sam!" Billy gushed, sarcastically, thinking he'd probably fall in! Meanwhile, there was a minor disturbance down in the bar.

"I wouldn't give you the sweat off my horse's balls!"

"Prob'ly ain't none there...after you get done lickin' 'em!"

"That's a durned dirty thing to say, Clem Baxter!"

"That's a dirty thing ta do, Felix, and I seen ya do it!"

"Clem, I'm gonna fill your ass fulla holes!" He drew his gun.

"Relax, Felix," Charlie Burton said from the poker table. "Ever'body in town knows you lick that Palomino's nuts. I seen ya do it, too."

"Hunh? Wha...whadda you talkin' about?"

"Hell, Felix. You never go nowheres. You take the big boy out, ride him 'round till he's got lotsa sweat on his nuts, then ya take him back to the stable. He hunches his hindquarters back over the fence and lets ya draw his nuts up so's ya can lick 'em! They's always three or four of us peekin' in on ya. One o' these days that stud's gonna throw you flat on your ass in the middle of the street and plop his butt down on yur face! You're spoilin' the critter!"

"Sheeeit, I din' know you all saw me. He shore got nice ones, hunh?"

"Yeah, but I sweat pretty good, Felix. How 'bout lickin' mine?"

"Charlie, you show me nuts big as his, and I'll suck 'em up good!"

"Aw, don't kid me. It ain't the size. You just like that smell of hot horseshit on 'em! Bet if I went out and squatted 'em down onto a big plop of his dung you'd lick 'em up right quick!"

"Tell ya what. You do it...and I'll lick 'em!" Felix challenged.

"Hold the game, fellas." Charlie laughed.

A whole group followed them down to the barn for the spectacle. Finding the stallion, Felix opened the gate. Charlie was finishing getting out of his trousers. He stood up, his dick swinging, and pulled his ballsack down til it was dangling. Felix smacked the horse on the rump. As if he knew what was expected, he lifted his tail and began to spew out a big load of hot, smelly horseshit! The stallion moved to the side, twisted his head around and bent down to smell his own crap. He whinnied, as if pleased, and shuffled to the side.

Felix smiled. "There ya go! Plop yur nuts on that mess!" He was acting belligerent, but also feelin' himself up!

"Fuck!" Naked, Charlie planted his boots to either side of the steamy clump. He squatted down-giving everybody a good look at his hanging balls and exposed butthole. Holding his dick up, he wiped his nuts across the hot pile ...smearing them.

Felix got down and watched it closely.

"That enough, or you want me to get more on there?" Charlie asked.

"You old hos'thief! You think I'm gonna lick 'em?!"

Charlie chuckled. He simply backed his ass up...right to where Felix was kneeling...and pushed his balls back.

Felix gasped, pulled his pecker out and played with it. Then he bent right down between Charlie's legs and lapped his dirty nuts! He took a couple swipes up inta Charlie's bunghole, then went back to suck on his balls. He cleaned the warm horseshit offa them, caring not a whit that they wuz all standin' round watching him and laughing.

He finally just layed back and pounded on his pecker. "Aw, fuck! I do so love the taste o' his sweat 'n crap! Gonna suck me that horse's ass one o' these days!" He blew a wad all over his legs. They laughed.

"Yah. We know, Felix," Clem Baxter chuckled. "We been waitin' to see that. Come on, pull your trousers up and I'll buy ya a drink. Need ta wash that shit down, doncha?"

"Guess so. But let's walk slow so's I can enjoy it a while longer."

Quantrill, Doobins and Clyde were locked together by pricks. Clyde, on all fours, had Quantrill squatting behind him. Quantrill had licked his ass good before sticking it in and getting it firmly entrenched before allowing Doobins to stuff his own rearend. They had a rhythm worked out real good...the two virgins on the end finding it nearly as enjoyable as the man in the middle.

Clyde declared it was great fun and vowed to submit more often. Even Doobins said the tight fit was extra- ordinary as he plowed away. He was the first to come... Quantrill soon following. Quantrill suggested that Clyde suck their cocks clean, and the goofy kid readily complied, licking the cum and shit streaks away without a second thought.

Comments appreciated.

Next: Chapter 2

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