The old man at the bookshop

By John Doe

Published on Sep 28, 2024



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As a teacher, it's not often that I get a day off, but having maxed out my vacation accrual I managed to find coverage and take a Wednesday off. I decided I would head down to the local bookshop and look for something to read. The bookstore was pretty much empty, with the two employees standing behind the counter chatting. The only other person in the store was an older gentleman who, like me, just seemed to be casually strolling the aisles. We passed each other several times, and the second time I gave him a polite smile and he smiled back with a small nod. I was wandering along by the shelf that ran parallel to the back wall, past the self help section when a title caught my eye. It was a book on male sexual fantasies. I pulled the book off the shelf and flipped through the pages. I saw there was a men with men section and, out of curiosity, flipped to that section. I read a short story about two business men hooking up in an airport bathroom before an early morning flight. I was surprised by how quickly the story made me get hard. I was thumbing through to look for another story when I realized the older guy was standing just a few feet away looking at the books. I caught him looking over at the book I was reading, and I swear he looked down at my crotch. He put down the book he was looking at and walked behind me as if to continue down the aisle, but as he did so I felt him lightly brush his hand against my ass. The old guy then stepped up next to me and brazenly reached over and grabbed my swollen cock through my jeans and gave a little squeeze. I looked around, worried that someone might have seen this, but the store was still empty, save for the two clerks who were busy chatting away. The old man whispered, "just stay where you are", and before I could respond he quickly dropped to his knees and pulled open the buttons of my jeans and began stroking my cock through my briefs. I anxiously whispered, "what are you doing?!" When he pulled down the front of my briefs and took several inches of my hard dick onto his mouth. Before I could protest further he began expertly licking my cock head, while stroking the shaft with his hand. I felt myself get week in the knees from the amazing blow job I was suddenly getting along with the thrill of potentially getting caught, my head and shoulders clearly visible to anyone who might walk in (or either of the clerks if they turned their heads). I prayed that my face wouldn't give away my fast approaching orgasm. The old man was really working my cock, letting it come almost completely out of his mouth before sucking it back in. I knew I couldn't hold back any longer, and I grabbed the old guys head and pulled it down onto my dick as far as it would go and held it there as I shot an enormous load of cum down his throat. If either of the cashiers had looked back, there would have been no denying what was happening from the look on my face. Once the old man had sucked me dry, he stood up as I buttoned my jeans. He turned to walk towards the front of the store and as he did he whispered, "thanks... that was probably a pretty good show" as he discreetly pointed up. There was a security camera about 10 feet away, that had to have caught the entire encounter.

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