The Old Man and Me...

By Michael

Published on Jul 13, 2020



How I learned to suck an old man. This is mostly true with some dramatization.

I had been alone for quite some time and was exploring new things to do. At 45 years old I had no friends in the area and no girlfriend. I decided to try birding since there was a nice preserve near Fern Lake. I had a monocular I used when I was into photography that would be good for watching the birds. I grabbed some water and headed out. It wasn't far, maybe 20 minutes west of town. It was a marshy meadow just off the highway to the coast. There was a parking lot at the back, a good 1/2 mile off the main road. From there I walked in. It's set up in a series of squares to walk around. Each straight path about a 1/4 mile. This left a lot of room for privacy.

I met a few people out there, mostly older couples enjoying their retirement. This didn't happen very often and it was usually just "hello", "see anything exciting", etc. then, "have a nice day" or "good birding". There was an older man I had seen out there a few times with a camera. He said he enjoyed coming out here to be in nature and practice his photo hobby. His wife wasn't able to join him due to her health. He was in good shape for a man of his age. Slender, yet toned, very mobile and lots of energy to walk around in the sun all day. We had small talk a few times and would be on our way.

I'd been going out there on the weekdays so there were less people there. Sometimes I'd go a couple hours without seeing anyone. I was there on a Monday and the older man was there with his camera. He said he was heading to the observation platform. I didn't even know there was one. He asked me if I wanted to join him and I accepted. It was about a 20 minute walk.

We talked about this and that, nothing special. I was curious about what it was like to be married for so long. He said it has its ups and downs, but that he really loved his wife. He shared the most frustrating part is getting older. His wife wasn't able to have sex anymore and he said his libido was still intact. He said hasn't even sucked him in years. So getting older can put a damper on that sexual relief.

I was surprised that a man of his age, finding out he was 68, still had a libido. He said he couldn't get it up all the way anymore, but could still rub one out. I guess some men are still open to talking about that to other men. I was a but uncomfortable but didn't show it. Here's a guy my dad's age talking about jacking off.

We got to the platform, which was like a deck with benches built into it. Maybe 4 steps up. It had a nice view and you could see almost the entire preserve and the people walking around. There didn't seem to be anyone that day but us. We sat and watched the birds, talking a little but mostly enjoying the silence.

I excused myself to go down and take a piss, walking down the steps and over where nobody could see if they were walking to the platform. I was able to see up the path in case anyone was coming. The old man came down and joined me, we had both had a lot of water being as warm as it was. I was finishing up as he stepped up next to me, but not too near. He unzipped and pulled out his cock through his zipper, balls and all. I was just zipping up myself when I looked over and noticed it, nicely hanging there about 5" long flacid. It took me second to notice I was staring and feeling a bit turned on. Even my cock started to pulsate a little. Before I could look away he had noticed me staring.

He didn't flinch or seem offended. He just looked at me as he shook it off and said "do you like"? I looked up with embaressment and said it was nice! He replied with "there is no reason to be embaressed son, you like what you like". I noticed he was still shaking it off...then I looked down again and he wasn't shaking it, but stroking it! It was getting fuller and now the 5" flacid was getting engorged and had grown to more like 7". This made me start getting hard too and I think he noticed that.

He turned to me "would you like to suck it". He wasn't creepy or anything, just kind and comfortable. I told him it had been a long time since I sucked a cock and was never good at it. So we walked back up to the platform, he continued to stroke himself. He sat down where he could see the path. I looked around and couldn't see anyone. Then I got on my knees and started to suck.

It was amazing and I enjoyed every bit of it. I gaged a few times but really liked feeling his cock fill my mouth up, his head touching the back of my throat, his balls against my chin. He just sat back and enjoyed it. About 10 minutes maybe, he started to swell up even more. Not completely hard but more engorged that when we started. He started to move his hips and I heard moans starting.

I knew he was going to cum and I was a little worried about what it would be like. A warm load of cum being shot in my mouth. He started to tense up and his cock was full and just as he relaxed his cock pulsated and I pushed his cock down my throat as far as I could without choking. He release a huge load in my mouth and his cock pulsated and he let out a moan, then a second load was released and I almost choked on the amount of cum he released. It was amazing and unforgetable!!

I left his cock in my mouth, swallowing his cum and sucking the moisture from his cock. He was very sensitive so did this very slowly and gently. I felt his cock soften and I finished up and sucked all the spit and cum off the best I could. He put his cock back in his pants and we just sat there in quiet. He sat back relieved for the first time in years and me, taking in what just happened and how much I enjoyed it.

We walked back to the parking lot in silence and when we arrived he said "thank you so much, will you be out here again next week?" I let him know I would be out there every Monday and looking forward to it.

This was the start to a 2 year long friendship before I left the area. It's been 3 years now and I've never met anyone to replace him with.

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