The Old Cockerel Inn

Published on Dec 10, 2014


The Old Cockerel Inn 2 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have any comments send them to or

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The Inn re-opened and guest instantly filled the place. Apparently, many men depended on the Inn, and when it was closed for my Uncle's death, they missed it. The men were average looking. They were a mixture of ages and types. I had expected something more like a health club. Many of them attracted a particular type, like muscle men, of business people. Some tended to attract older men; others were only for the young. In most cases that was not a rule, but like attracts like.

We had some businessmen, professionals, as well as construction workers, truck drivers and some retired men. Most were between forty-years-old and seventy, but they were some younger and older men too. I wondered how they would get along, but they all had a common interest, sex. My Uncle liked affable, sexually generous, pleasant men.

He tended to think that men should give as well as take. There were some who were all top and others who were bottoms as well as cum hounds. As long as you were generous in your favors, that was fine. He had no tolerance for anything involuntary or forced.

"Sex is so good and so many people like it, why would anyone need to force another person to do it," explained his approach to sex, according to Jock. If someone misunderstood that Jock or Sheriff Knowles would explain it to him.

The Inn had informal rules. When you walked in the front door, it seemed like a men's club that had odd standards of admission. Greg served food in the dining room. It was sandwiches and pastries in the daytime and more substantial food at night. There was a barbeque next to the old kitchen and he cooked most meat there.

Some men would take a shower and either go to the pool or sit around in the lounge. The lounge was a bedroom next to the locker room. It, like the shower and lockers, was all nude. Others would go to the attic and find a bed.

All sex was essentially public, but by invitation only. If two men hooked up it was acceptable to watch, but not comment. If one of the men signaled you, you could join in. The bedroom next to the lounge was a party room, and anyone who entered understood it was a free for all. There was a sling in space between the locker area and the showers. Anyone was free to use the sling and anyone could use the man in the sling. You did need to ask before you shot off in the man's ass.

As far as I could tell, you were free to suck anyone at the inn. You had to ask before you fucked anyone, except for the man in the sling.

I was surprised at how quiet and relaxed the place was. Since the Inn was for sex, you did not need to worry about leaving unsatisfied. Everyone got lucky. Since everything was voluntary, and there was a strict ask-first policy, you didn't need to worry about doing anything you didn't want to do.

I was new to the group except for the few men I had met years earlier. Sandy, Buddy and Lance were there and they helped me meet other members. As a new man to the Inn, I knew the members were interested, but it seemed calm no one was pushy. Jock had made it known that everyone was to take it slow and easy. He wanted to culture shock.

Sheriff Knowles dropped in regularly and he introduced me to Deputy Wills. Willy Wills was new to the place too. He was a former Marine, muscular and up tense. We met in the shower room. Wills was half-hard. I noticed some scars and assumed they related to his Marine service. We talked briefly and Knowles left. I was alone with Wills.

"I'm sorry about being hard," Wills said. "It just happens. I'm not after your bod."

"My cock isn't always as obedient as it might be," I said. "If I had a body like yours is I would spend a lot more time showing it off, erection and all."

"You're gay?"

"I am, but I'm not sure I am as gay as this club is," I said. "I led a sedate life before I inherited the place. Everything here is so overt. I just moved here and am playing it by ear."

"The men here are not all my type, but they are nice," Willy said. "I don't think of myself as being gay." He paused. "I do like sex, and sex with men excites me."

I smiled. "Liking sex with men was my first clue that I was gay," I said. Wills looked at me and laughed.

"Is there room for one more?" Jeff asked as he entered the shower room. Jeff's body was thick, massive and furry. He was in good shape and Wills noticed that. I would not have pick him out as gay, even though I knew his sexual preference.

"Am I interrupting a little show and tell?" he asked as he stroked his cock.

"The more the merrier," I said.

Wills did not disagree. "I can help you with that, if you don't mind," he said.

Jeff smiled. "I like men who are helpful."

Eventually, I realized Wills liked older men. I do not think he was into daddies, but a mentor was another thing. Jeff was his type. Wills was definitely Jeff's type. I left them alone and went to the locker area. Knowles was there dressing. I was half-hard from watching Jeff and Wills connect.

"Are you back on duty soon?" I asked.

"I had an hour and a half to kill," the Sheriff said. "I was going to the lounge and see if anyone is there. I was hoping for a blow job to get the day off to a good start."

"May I join you?" I asked.

"That would be really nice," he replied. The lounge was one of the old bedrooms, now filled with couches and benches. Knowles was thick and uncut. He sat in a chair and knelt in front of him. As soon as my lips touched his foreskin, his organ began to respond. He was in his late fifties, but he had a teenager's response to sex.

He liked to suck too, so we soon were in the sixty-nine position. Knowles could deep throat me and that was good. He asked me if I wanted to know when he was ready to shoot off. I asked him to give me a little warning.

"Consider yourself officially warned," he said seconds before he flooded my mouth with his cum. It was hot, steamy and thick. My experience with cum was mostly of modest spurts. This was a flood. It both shocked and excited me.

"You really got me going," the Sheriff said. "I can usually lastt longer." An older man entered the room as Knowles shot off.

"I would love to finish you off if the Sheriff doesn't mind," he said. Knowles was winded. It had been a good orgasm.

"I'm Digby, but the way," the man said before he sucked my cock into his mouth. He was a master cocksucker. He was very delicate and used his tongue to massage my member. It was relaxing but I felt my juices rising after a few minutes.

"Relax and let your juices flow," Knowles said as he watched. I did as he asked and Digby soon took every drop of semen. Digby was seventy or so. Knowles told me later that his blow jobs were well known. He was one of a number of older men who frequented the club. They were sexually active, but more helpful than driven. Knowles left for work and Digby filled me in on some of the members.

In some ways, he reminded me of a waiter in a good restaurant. He wanted to know what I like and then he made recommendations. He seemed to know all the members and each man's tastes and preferences. Some men liked to cuddle, other like sex quick and easy. I asked about Sandy, who I had met years earlier. Digby told me he had died. His cousin, also named Sandy, ran the restaurant now and shared his Uncle's sexual tastes and skills.

"Young Sandy is like having sex with the Abominable Snowman; he is that hairy. He is all top, but he takes things slow an easy," Digby said.

"His Uncle was really thick, but he knew how to work it in,' I said. I was shocked I said that. I was not used to frank conversations about sex.

"Young Sandy is thick too, but I think he is an inch or two longer," Digby said. "He has a good technique too. I do not know if he learned it from his Uncle or if he developed it on his own. By the way, Lance told me he had some fun with you years ago. He is still with Buddy. They seem to be the core of the Country & Western group here. They are good about finding sex crazed rednecks."

The Inn has a Country & Western group?" I asked incredulously.

Digby laughed. "That's just my name for the blue collar contingent. There is a preppy group, and a third group I call the Marion the Librarian group. They are the ultra-shy men, timid and needy," he explained. "Your uncle liked all sorts of men, and he got along well with all of them."

"Most of them tend to hang with their own group, but it is fun when they mix it up some," Digby said. "We have a few professors from the college here, some teachers, business men and most professions and trades. One of the professors ran into a student of his. They worked things out as the student worked his cock into professor's ass."

"There seems to be a lot of fucking going on," I observed.

"Sometimes there is a lot of fondling and stroking, other times it is mostly oral. You never know when there will be an anal outbreak," Digby continued. "What are your preferences?"

"I seem to like all the basics," I replied. "I'm not worried about sucking and fucking. I am a bit uneasy about the amount of sucking and fucking here. I had a sedate life. Computer guys aren't noted for being wild and crazy."

"There is no requirement that you play with everyone one who asks," Digby said. "Do only what you are comfortable with and don't bother with the rest. In some ways, Elliott handpicked everyone here. We reflect his tastes. Just because this is a sex group doesn't mean you have to have sex with every member."

"Once and a while Elliott had a blind date night. We all drew a name from a hat and spent the night with him. That was only for men who were interested," Digby said. "I was interested and I had a good time with men who definitely weren't my type. I was hooked up with a twenty-five year old plumber. The sex wasn't great, but I was more than good enough, and I was good to break out of my rut. Incidentally, if you like men who shoot huge loads, look for Marlow the plumber. He could be in aside show at a county fair."

We talked some more and then I went to the pool. Digby had been helpful. I wanted to know what was expected and explained things. I think Uncle Elliott was more sexual than I am, but it seemed that the men did not expect me to be like him.

It is safe to say, I did not know what I wanted. I decided to improvise and see what happened. I soon discovered one thing quickly. I was more sexually driven than I had realized. I had typically had a hard time picking up men. I was afraid to make the first move and a bit timid when anyone made overtures to me. It was hard to believe anyone really wanted to have sex with me.

Sex had been a rare occasion for me. I was rarely comfortable, most of the time I was afraid I would do something wrong. My understanding of sex was complicated. I was not sure if men wanted a monogamous relationship and if it was an open relationship how open was it. Was it only open if your partner didn't know about it?

Everyone at the Inn was interested in sex, and willing to do it. They were more interested in sex than in relationship building. It was pure no strings attached sex.

In that respect, I misunderstood things. Relationships did develop between men. There were close friendships and even closer relationships. This occurred in an open sexual environment. All sex was either public or semi-public. You cheat on your partner when he was watching.

The next morning I woke up late. It was almost 9:00. Jeff and Robin were hard at work. I went to the showers and found a man drying off. He was middle-aged and stocky. I showered and when I returned to the locker area, he was still there.

"You are new here?" he asked. I told him I was Elliott's nephew and was the new owner. "Elliott was a good man; the drinking thing got the better of him," he said. "I'm trooper Grenville; I was on the grave yard shift. We had a bad accident last night. I came here to clean up."

"Was anyone hurt?"

"Remarkably not, although it took a while to find that out," he said. "The driver of the car was drunk and thought he had passengers. They had bailed out earlier and we found one of them hitchhiking home. It could have been worse. I use to pick up your Uncle and bring him home."

"I am told that happened a lot," I said.

"He was the first man I ever fucked," Grenville continued. "Elliott liked it in the ass and he begged me to do it. I did and it was great. Even drunk he was a great bottom. He loved it and I came to love it too. He also like to be fucked in the early morning and he liked talking the cream. That was good for me too. I miss him."

My cock responded to his story. His cock did the same. "You look a bit like Elliot," he said. "Your cock is like his too, but it's harder."

I smiled. "Something tells me you are wondering if my ass is like his too?" I said.

"Any chance you are curious about what he felt when I fucked him?" he asked. "I was kind of hoping your ass was like his. I miss our early morning sessions." Grenville was affable, pleasant and convincing. He was not conventionally handsome, but there was something about him. We went to my bedroom.

I was on my side on the bed when he went in from the rear. He nosed his thick member into me. He was well lubricated so while I was stretched, it did not hurt. He made a quick thrust and rammed my prostate. I moaned and pulled my leg up to give him better access. My prostate loved that.

"Damn, you are like Elliott!" he exclaimed. His cockhead was bullet shaped and it hit the bull's eye every time. I couldn't think; I could only react. It felt so good it almost hurt. Later Grenville told me I was Elliott's genital twin. I reacted the same way he had. He screwed for fifteen minutes and then bathed my prostate in soothing sperm.

I had some experience as a bottom, but nothing had equaled Grenville's cock. It was magic, almost spiritual. For a minute or two after he pulled out I felt relieved. The sexual intensity had been too great. Then I began to feel empty.

Grenville rolled me on my back, placed my ankles on his shoulders and re-entered. It was wonderful. This time he stoked my cock as he thrust into my ass. He altered the rhythm of his thrusts several times, but eventually we ejaculated together. We returned to the shower and he went home. My ass was still tingling.

The afternoon was quiet. I had a chance to talk with Jock about the Inn and its finances. I told him about my experiences with Knowles, Digby and Grenville.

"Your Uncle came close to loving Grenville. I think if he had been able to stay sober, it would have been good. Sober wasn't an option for Elliott by that time," he explained. "Elliott told me Grenville was a perfect fit."

"I discovered that on my own," I said without thinking. I do not like to kiss and tell and I had not meant to say that.

"Did Grenville like it too?"

"He seemed too," I replied. "I feel a slutty. I've been having sex with anyone who asks."

"You do know that is the reason for the Inn's success?" Jock said. "It is a place for like-minded men to get together and enjoy themselves. By like-minded I mean gay and by enjoy I mean sex. Sex is why we are here."

"I know that but it is hard to believe it is really the case," I said. "I had a few friends with benefits, but it was never more than one or two men."

"Just think of this place as thirty or forty friends with benefits," Jock said and then he smiled. "I guess it's more like strangers with benefits to you. Every friend was a stranger at one time. In most places, you shake hands and talk for a while. We have just substituted sucking cock for shaking hands. By the way, you do know that Grenville will be back. Was it as good as I suspect it was?" I nodded. "If you are anything your Uncle, Grenville will just get better."

I went to the pool and sat on the shady side. Buddy was in the pool swimming laps. He came over to me when he got out. He was older, and a bit heavier, but he was the same. He was still with Lance, but Lance was working that day. As we talked, an incredibly hairy man came out to the pool.

"Don't clog the filters!" Buddy cried. The man jumped into the water. He was a chunky man, but graceful in the water. He was a good swimmer.

"That is Sandy. You met his Uncle years ago. He runs the restaurant now. It's pretty upscale; he is a master chef," Buddy explained.

"How can get he get away in the daytime?"

"All the prep is done. He comes here for a swim and is back by five for the actual cooking," Buddy added. Sandy got out of the water and came over to us. Buddy introduced me and I said that I knew his Uncle.

"I knew your Uncle too," he said. "I had no idea my Uncle and I shared the same sexual tastes. There was no funny business between us."

"It was the same way with my Uncle," I said. "Sex would have complicated the situation. I only met your Uncle a few times, but he was a nice guy. I had not been with a man that old before. It was good."

We talk for quite a while. He was friendly like his Uncle and we hit it off. he had to get back to the restaurant and had to leave. I asked him if he was coming for Elliott's party. He said he would try to make it.

"If I don't make it, maybe we could have our own little party?" he suggested. That was good for me.

Next: Chapter 3

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