The Ol' College Try

By John Henry

Published on Nov 7, 2020



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The Ol' College Try

I had been looking forward to college since I was a little kid, maybe 11 or 12. The town I grew up in was very conservative and ran by the LDS Church. Even though larger cities were coming around to accepting gays, my town, by comparison, was still rather medieval. "Faggot" and "queer" were still insults not to be taken lightly there, and being gay was unheard of. Unfortunately, I was gay and had to live in the closet for my own safety. I remember a kid named Bobby who was sent to the hospital after he was accused of being gay, for "looking at a guy wrong in the showers." Bobby had a lazy eye before the altercation, which was blinded afterwards. The boys were never caught.

I could never bring myself to say anything, even to my best friends who were liberal and accepting...just in case I became the next Bobby. It was tough, but college was my gateway to Utopia. I studied my ass off day and night to keep my grades at their best, so I could be accepted at the colleges on my list. I also worked part-time and saved every penny I earned, so there'd be no excuse for why I couldn't go.

My mother didn't want me to leave. As an only child, she was over protective. She never lived anywhere else, and viewed cities with more than 10,000 people to be Satan's playgrounds. My father had been in the military, so he was less hesitant with me leaving, except he did want me to return to take over the farm. However, I think we both knew that was never going to happen.

Just before my 18th birthday, I got my first acceptance letter. By the end of that week, I had received 5. I ended up picking a university out west that had the computer and science classes I needed, while also being in a city that was reportedly "Gay Friendly." More importantly, nobody I knew lived there. Yes, I would be alone, but I would also be free to finally be my true self...or so I thought.

Just before I left, I received a packet from the college, giving details about campus life and what I should expect. Everything was fine until I read that all freshmen were required to live in the dorms. By this point, I had been looking at apartments, wanting to have a place all to myself for those moments when I wanted to bring a guy home. Though I was a virgin, I had hoped to fix that before midterms. Instead, I was given a room assignment and was told that I would also have a roommate, and not one of my choosing.

So it was on Move-In Day that I first met Tyler. He was a 20-year-old, "red shirt" freshman from Seattle. Needless to say, we didn't hit it off. I am above and beyond nerdy. Though I didn't look like I was in Revenge of the Nerds, I most certainly could've been a consultant. Tyler was the typical jock. I tall, well-built without being disproportionately large, he had dark hair, blue/gray eyes, with a boyish smile that won him over with the cheerleaders, and it was painfully obvious that he was there with a sports scholarship and not for his intellect or grades.

I never got along with the jocks back home, especially since most of them were homophobic, klansmen-in-the-making, and though I never saw Tyler being prejudice against anyone, he and I didn't get least, at first. I needed to study harder than ever to keep my scholarship, while Tyler only wanted to party. He was a friendly, affectionate drunk. Often he would stumble in, hug me a lot more than I was comfortable with, and talk non stop till he passed out. I once made the mistake of snapping at him, while studying for a test, and he broke down crying. After that, I just sucked it up the best I could and let him be annoying.

When finals ended, the campus erupted into festive chaos. We were given six weeks before the next term, and since it was during the holidays, almost everyone went home. Those of us who stayed had the run of the building. Tyler, for his part, drank more than normal. Ever the cheerful drunk, Tyler made sure that everyone, including myself, had a good time. He tried dragging me to various parties and to meet girls, and became sad when I turned him down.

One night, while reading Tolstoy, there was a loud thud at my door and I heard giggling that quickly faded away. Without thinking, I went to the door, only wearing my white briefs. I opened it and Tyler tumbled in. He was flat on his back, barely conscious. I signed heavily and dragged him into the room. After I closed the door, I knelt down and made sure he was still breathing. The smell of alcohol was thick off his breath. I managed to half-carry/half-drag him to his bed.

I pulled him onto his bed and sat him up.

"Heeey," Tyler said with a drunken smile.

"Hey Tyler."

"How did you get in here?"

"I live here," I said looking at him quizzically.

"Wow! Same here!!" Tyler said. "Shhh! You might wake up my roommate!" He couldn't help but giggle.

I didn't know if it was the alcohol or if he was messing with me, so I started to take off his jacket. Tyler usually slept in his boxer-briefs, so I decided to strip him down to his underwear, especially in case he vomited, which he was prone to do.

Tyler leaned in and whispered, "He's cute but I don't think he likes me."

I froze just before removing his jacked and asked, "Who are you talking about?"

"My roommate."

I knew it wasn't fair to take advantage of someone while they're intoxicated, but I couldn't help myself. "Oh yeah?" I replied. "Why don't you think he likes you?"

"He never wants to hang out with me." Tyler dropped his head and his voice, "I think he hates me."

My heart broke at those words. To this day, I almost cry when recalling them. "He doesn't hate you, Tyler."


"Yeah. He just doesn't know how to relate to you is all."

I bent down and took off his shoes and socks. I then removed his shirt and my heart pounded as the moonlight accented his muscular chest and upper body. I was taken out of my revelry by Tyler's giggling. "Someone's got a boner," he snickered, and I felt him poke at my penis. I looked down and sure enough, it was very hard.

"Alright, Tyler, you need to go to sleep," I laid him back on the bed, and unbuttoned his pants. I pulled down the zipper, opened the fly and saw pubic hair.

"Guess who's not wearing underwear?" He snorted with laughter. I dick throbbed. Aside from the showers in high school, I had never seen another naked man before. Growing up Mormon, porn was forbidden and I never saw my father naked ever. If only the elders could see me now! I thought, as I pulled off Tyler's jeans.

I looked up and saw my roommate's full, naked body spread across his bed. He looked like a marble statue of some Greek god, like Apollo. He was also sporting a huge erection. His circumcised penis was definitely bigger and thicker than mine.

I grabbed a blanket at the foot of his bed and began to cover him. Tyler tapped my leg, which sent shivers up my spine. I could tell he was mumbling something, so I bent over his face. "What?" I asked.

"Promise you won't tell anyone?"

"Promise to not tell what?" I asked.

Tyler reached up, put his hand gently on the back of my head, pulled his closer then whispered, "I'm not drunk." He quickly leaned in and kissed me on the mouth. My knees buckled and I collapsed on him. Tyler's other arm wrapped around my bare body and pulled me fully on top of him. He slid his tongue into my inviting mouth. Our tongues danced around each other in a tango.

I let Tyler take the lead, since I had ever done anything like that in my entire existence. We rolled onto our sides, and Tyler removed the blanket between us then removed my briefs. Our penises met and rubbed against each other, mirroring what the rest of our bodies were doing.

I rolled onto my back, and Tyler kissed my cheek, then my neck and started to lick and nibble on my ear. I was so turned on that I nearly blacked out. His rough hands moved over my entire body, and when they found my erection, Tyler gave it a squeeze, causing me to involuntarily gasp and shudder. The beefy jock giggled and squeezed again, eliciting another quake of my body.

Tyler's lips moved down from my neck to my chest, to my stomach and eventually, found the head of my own, circumcised penis. He took the underneath of his tongue and started rubbing the head of dick. I clenched onto his bed, immobile from the pleasure I was receiving. The contrast of his calloused hands and tender flesh of his tongue rattled my brain. I began to breathe heavily, and before I knew it, Tyler's nose was rubbing against my lower abdomen and pubic hair. My dick was inside his throat as he bobbed up and down on it. At the same time, I felt my legs being spread apart, and Tyler's finger was rubbing against my anus.

I was all too new, and there was a small voice from my upbringing that called for me to stop sinning or I was bound for Hell where all the other faggots were, but there was a stronger, more powerful voice crying out that, if all the gays were in Hell, the orgies must be amazing!

I gasp and heaved as Tyler worked his finger inside me, at the same time he was swallowing my dick. I released his bed and grabbed his hair. I didn't mean to pull so hard, but it only seemed to turn him on even more. I never figured out how he did it, but it seemed like his throat got tighter around my cock the more I pulled, which only made me want to pull his hair more.

Eventually, Tyler removed my dick from his mouth, and we started to passionately kiss again. This time, Tyler was a little more rough, which I was completely turned on by. I raked my nails across his back, and he pinned my legs back, poking his hard cock at my back door.

"Are you sure you want to keep doing this?" He whispered, sounding almost as out of breath as I felt.

"More than you can ever know," I whispered back, looking deep into his eyes, hoping his heart could see the lust and love I felt.

My message must have gotten through, because Tyler leaned in and kissed me gently. "I think I have a pretty good idea," he replied. Tyler spit in his hand then rubbed my anus. I felt his penis gentle working its way inside me. He took his time and eventually, he was all the way in. To this very day, I can't explain the sensation of anal sex, but I do know that it has never been as good as it was that first night with Tyler.

We kissed slowly and gently, in perfect rhythm with his thrusting. At some point, Tyler brought out some lube, since his spit was being used in my mouth. He took his time that night. We fucked for what felt like hours. Every time one of us needed a break, he would pull out, and we'd lay in his bed holding each other. Just before sunrise, Tyler entered me and within a few minutes, he had his orgasm. I could feel his seed pumping into me, filling my body with his ecstasy. Just as Tyler was finishing, he took a hold of my dick, stroked it until I felt every nerve in my body light up and my own semen sprayed my stomach, chest, face and his pillow.

After Tyler pulled out for the last time, he licked as much of my semen as he could, and used his shirt to clean up the rest. He pulled me into his arms and held me close.

"Did you really think I hated you?" I asked.

"Yeah, kinda."


"Because you never wanted to hang out with me."

I rolled over and kissed him on the nose. "You never said we could do this while hanging out."

Tyler giggled, kissed me on the lips, and we haven't stopped hanging out since.

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