The Officers

By Cooper Max

Published on Feb 1, 2016


*Cooper is also the author of the Diplomacy and Lust series in the adult friend section. He welcomes all comments at *

The Officers Part Eight

A few days had past since the weekend retreat but Sam felt like it was a million years ago. Since he and Matt had been back at work, the two had almost no time to talk. Work was insanely busy as the unit prepped for TDY (temporary duty) visitors coming into the country for a 15-6 investigation. There had been some leadership issues within the organization and higher headquarters wanted a full investigation into the details. The atmosphere across the small unit was anxious and wary of what exactly the investigation would entail and what the results would end up being. Who knew how many heads would roll when the details were all laid out? Who knew what additional issues the investigating team would find?

The investigating team would be arriving in the afternoon and then the real pain would start. Sam was in a mild panic as he tried to get all of the logistical details in order; the team would need transportation, lodging, food and a host of other support functions. Matt was working furiously to ensure all the relevant paperwork was prepared and the investigating team's final schedule was finalized.

Sam scurried past Matt's door as he headed towards the motor pool ensure the vehicles were ready; his proximity to Matt hadn't even crossed his mind.


Sam, jarred from the laundry list of items on his mind, stopped dead in his tracks at hearing his name. Quickly, he shuffled into the Major's office knowing he'd have no time and probably no energy for anything more interesting than the ass chewing he was probably about to receive.

"I asked you for the logistics report two hours ago, LT. Where the hell is it? I don't have time to babysit you with all of this insanity going on!" Barked Matt.

"SirÉ." Sam Started.

"Don't interrupt me lieutenant, I'm not done. When I tell you to get me a report, I expect that damn report on time. You don't think that you can not do what I tell you because of our history? You better not, I'd expect more from you." Matt spat furiously.

"but sirÉ"Sam tried again.

"God dammit LT you are pushing me to my limit." Matt started again.

"Sir, sorry to interrupt," Sam stated forcefully, "but the report is right there on your deskÉ..where I left itÉ..two hours ago as requested." Sam finished with a blank expression trying to not lace his every word with the sass he felt.

Looking down, Matt stated, "Oh shit. My god. Shit. You're right; it's right here. I'm sorry LT. I'm losing my god damn mind with this investigation coming; the prep work is insane and everyone is on edge. I didn't even notice this damn report has been here the whole time." Matt finished looking exasperated and embarrassed.

"Not a problem, Sir. If you don't mind, I have a lot of work left to do." Sam said with a tinge of annoyance in his voice; he didn't have time for this horse shit with his own task-list to complete.

"Yes. Of course LT. Carry on." Matt said taken aback by Sam's surely tone.

Sam turned to leave the office without a second look.

"LT! One more thing. I promise." Matt spurted.

Sam, whirling around, waited eagerly; visibly annoyed at this point.

"In all this craziness, I forgot to mention that a congratulations are in order! I just received orders from HRC this morning that you've received promotable status. The army sees fit to promote you to Captain. Human Resources Command should be sending you your sequence number." Matt remarked with a wide smile.

"Fantastic! I'm so ready to be done being a lieutenant. Unless you're OCS prior service LTs get next to no respect. I'm over that bull shit and ready for my captain's tracks!" Sam replied; genuinely happy. He turned to leave.

"Oh and we haven't really gotten a chance to talk about everything from the weekend. We have a lot to talk about." Matt said looking at Sam expectantly; trying to read his reaction.

"You're right. I look forward to it!" Sam said glancing back with an impish grin. "There's a lot left to figure out between us, Matt."

Matt smiled right back at Sam; feeling a slight stirring in his loins. His cock stiffened while looking across his desk at Sam's impish grin. Matt felt like he hadn't even cracked the surface on what Sam was all about. Matt had a feeling that there was an even more devious little fucker hidden in Sam that would take Matt to new levels of pleasure. Matt's heart beat faster just thinking about Sam's smell, the passion, the electricity between them. Matt's thoughts raced to the way Sam made him feel Ð the emotional connection - and his cock stiffened as hard as steel. He could tell by Sam's facial expressions that he was genuinely excited too.

The rest of the morning was a blur. Sam was feeling like he wouldn't get half of what he needed done actually completed before the investigation team arrived. Finally, the vans carrying the team pooled up around 2pm and the butterflies in Sam's stomach turned heavily.

Sam, as well as the other soldiers from the unit, waited anxiously a few paces away from the vans to receive the investigation team.

The doors swung open and a number of individuals started pouring out of the vans. Sam wasn't really paying attention to faces or names; he was still lost in the tasks uncompleted. His zone-out stare was broken, however, when a towering figure stepped in front of him.

Sam, snapped back from his day dream, was eye level with the rank on the man's chest Ð Colonel, Full Bird Colonel. Sam, taken aback that this man was tall enough to have his rank eye level with himself, peered up.

The man standing in front of him was older; salt and peppered hair; a tan, symmetrical face that said natural sunlight over an artificial tanning bed or lotions. He wore a stern, serious look on his handsome squared face. His jaw line looked sharp enough to cut steel on. Dark, piercing, steely green eyes returned Sam's slightly intimidated gaze.

"I'm Colonel Fenzel. I'll be leading this investigation." The man stated in a deep, firm, masculine voice.

Sam saluted. The Colonel returned his salute not breaking eye contact and then reached his hand out for a handshake.

"I'm 1LT Kerry," Sam replied reaching out his hand to shake.

Colonel Fenzel nearly crushed Sam's hand with the firmness of his handshake. Everything about this Colonel exuded authority, confidence, a heavy dose of arrogance and quite a bit of intimidation. The Colonel walked with a confident and firm swagger; he stood erect his posture, chest puffed out made him appear even taller than he probably was in reality. His OCP uniform clung snuggly to his body. Sam guessed that the uniform was a large but fit more like a small because the Colonel was no stranger to the gym.

Sam escorted the Colonel and his team into the briefing room where the in-brief would take place. Sam had a foreboding feeling that with Colonel Fenzel leading this investigation; the unit was in for a rough few days.

It was 2100 before the investigation team had wrapped up for the day. Sam's mind was mush with all the questions he had answered and the full out scrambling he had done to accommodate Colonel Fenzel's plethora of demands. Sam escorted the team to the vans waiting to take them to their hotel a few miles away. With a halfhearted, exasperated wave and a huge rush of relief, Sam watched as the team entered their vans and sped off. He turned around to head into his office so he could finish up for the evening; fatigue surging through him.

As he walked down the long, dark and quiet hallway, he could see Matt's office light still on. Sam, in no mood to do anything other than sleep, figured he would slip by quietly and finish up in his office so he could scoot out for the evening.

Just as he was walking past the office though, the door swung open. Matt, surprised to see Sam right there, jumped back with a small scream at being startled.

"Holy shit. I didn't expect to see you there. I thought everyone went home; it's been a ridiculous day." Matt said tiredly. "I'm just on my way out too."

"Yeah I'm heading to my office to finish up so I can leave as well." Sam replied flatly.

"Your office is on the way out, I'll walk with you." Matt remarked coolly clearly as tired as Sam felt.

The two made small talk on the way towards Sam's office down the hall.

"Well, I can take it from here, Sir. I don't want to hold you from getting sleep. We're back here first thing in the AM tomorrow." Sam said quietly.

"Ah, what kind of officer would I be if I l left the office before the LT? Matt inquired in a genuinely concerned voice. "Can I help you finish anything so you can get out of here faster or at least wait and walk out with ya?" He finished in a sincere tone.

"I just have to close up and sort a few things. Feel free to come on in." Sam stated. Sam noticed how quiet it was; kind of creepy with everyone being gone and the office silent. Sam hadn't stayed this late often and wasn't used to not having constant noise bouncing off the office walls.

Matt walked in and slumped down on the uncomfortable chair. Sam scurried tying to wrap up quick. His eyes could barely stay open and the thought of having to deal with Colonel Fenzel the next day only exhausted him further.

"I had a great time last weekend." Matt said sleepily with fatigue hanging over his every word words. "It's too late to go in depth but I wanted to remind you."

"I did too! I can't even articulate how incredible it was." Sam replied smiling widely.

Matt loved when Sam smiled with every muscle in his face. His smile was so genuine and seemingly innocent. Matt knew though that Sam wasn't anything but innocent. The thought made his cock stiffen yet again; a common occurrence when he was around Sam. The fatigue shouted at him that his body was in no mood for anything sexual but Matt's cock didn't seem to pay attention.

Matt pushed the door to close it as he stood up and walked towards Sam.

"I haven't gotten to do this in a few days and it's driving me nuts." Matt stated while leaning in to kiss Sam.

"Mmmmm, I've been missing this!" Sam panted in between kisses. Matt silenced Sam completely as he slipped his tongue into Sam's mouth.

The two kissed, caressed and groped each other for a few minutes; both too tired to take it any further. The fatigue didn't stop Matt from slipping his hand down Sam's OCP pants and squeezing his warm, pulsating cock.

A loud coughing noise broke the men's steady concentration on each other. Startled, the two men jumped apart. Matt ripped his hand from Sam's pants. In the crack of the doorway, which hadn't fully closed, stood a figure, too dark to make out the shape. The door swung open.

Sam and Matt's hearts sank. Towering in the doorway, illuminated with the office's light stood Colonel Fenzel with a blank expression on his face.

"Umm sir..uuuhh..ehhh I saw you get in the van. I thought you were off to the hotel." Stammered Sam while glancing horrified at Matt.

"I forgot my ID card and asked the van to bring me back hoping the office would still be open to get it. I see the office was indeed open for some late night activities; an officer professional development session from the looks of it, eh Major?" The Colonel said coldly, an air of menace in his voice as his piercing eyes fixated on Matt.

"Sir,ummm, oh jesus, this isn't what it looks like. Let me explain." Matt stammered more nervous than Sam had ever seen him.

"No need to explain Major. My eyes have told me all I need to see. It's clear this investigation has turned up more information than anyone thought it would." Colonel Fenzel stated not taking his steel green eyes off of the increasingly nervous officers.

"Sir, IÉ."Matt started.

"Silence!" Colonel Fenzel barked angrily. "You'll speak when told to speak Major. You will both meet with me at 0730 sharp tomorrow in your office Major to discuss what will happen to you two. Not a word of this to anyone." Colonel Fenzel said.

The Colonel spun on his heels and was gone without another word. Matt and Sam looked at each other, both were completely white in the face, sweat streaming down their foreheads. The two spoke quickly trying to figure out what to do. Both agreed on a plan and headed home knowing they would be unable to sleep.

Sam, indeed unable to sleep, tossed and turned anxiously. He was so nervous about what was going to happen the next morning. His wife fast asleep and unaware of the possible doom awaiting her husband, lay motionless beside Sam.

Sam flicked on this phone. He'd burn the time wandering the internet aimlessly until the morning came. Bored with the endless bad-news stories, Sam tapped his scruff gay dating/hook up application. He had no intentions of meeting up but maybe he'd bullshit away a few hours talking with someone half way across the world.

Sam scrolled and scrolled and scrolled; bears, otters, daddied, jocks Ð God scruff had a little bit of everything in its global grid. It was very early in the morning, everyone in his time zone was fast asleep; no one was actively on in his area or so it seemed.

Suddenly, Sam got a message. Probably someone in a time zone that's actually awake Sam thought to himself.

Clicking on the message he was surprised to see it was someone local; no photo though. Sam read the profile's statsÉ.mid 40s, white, 6'3, married.

The two men spoke back and forth for a few minutes. The guy seemed nice enough; apparently he was in town on business. The two talked more and more Ð a whole hour stretched by.

Finally, Sam asked the man to open his private album on scruff. The man replied that he didn't have any face pictures and that he wasn't willing to send any; he was discreet for obvious reasons. The two talked on for a few more minutes before the man said good bye and signed off. Sam finally dozed off a few minutes later; too tired to let his nervous energy keep his eye lids open.

The 0730 meeting came crashing onto Matt and Sam like a tidal wave. Sam hadn't ever been this nervous in his life. Sam paced back and forth. The two men didn't speak to each other Ð what was left to be said at this point? Both could be losing their careers within the course of the next 30 minutes. Perhaps the Colonel had already reported what he had seen and the two had already lost their careers. With the repeal of don't ask don't tell, it was no longer illegal to be gay in the military. Plenty of people were openly out; proudly gay. It was illegal however to commit infidelity and sleeping with a lower ranking officer was definitely a punishable offense too under the uniform code of military justice. Both could be dishonorably discharged and lose any benefits they would have been entitled to with an honorable discharge. Both would find it hard to find civilian careers with dishonorable discharges on their records. Both would likely lose their marriages too.

Sam fidgeted nervously when he felt his phone vibrate against his leg. Absent mindedly, he clicked on his IPHONE and saw he had a notification on scruff, the gay hook up application on his phone. It was the guy from last night asking if he wanted to get together while he was in town. Sam's mind was a total blur and he couldn't' even think of anything beyond the next few minutes.

Sam and Matt walked the death march down to Matt's office at 0710. Colonel Fenzel was waiting outside the office for them; looking stern and more serious than he had the previous day. He ushered them into the office without a word and sat imposingly behind the Major's desk.

"Never in my 20 years of active duty service have I ever encountered a situation like this. I spent most of my night last night trying to decide what to do, what to stay to you two. I am in complete and utter shock that something like this would be happening in the work place of all places between two men Ð throw in that it's sexual misconduct between two married men with the one man being a superior officer and I can't even fathom this scandal. You two were even stupid enough to do this while an investigation team is in town for other offenses happening in this unit. Unbelievable. Absurd. Disrespectful to the uniform and commissions you both hold." The Colonel's lecture blathered on, seemingly endless.

The Colonel's phone rang abruptly. He glanced at the number.

"I have to take this; it's General Myers returning my call about this damn scandal you two have created for yourselves." He stated coldly.

Not leaving the desk, the Colonel told the General that he was in the middle of getting to the bottom of the issue that sprung. Colonel Fenzel assured the General he would call him as soon as he was out of the meeting to give him a full report.

"Apologies. I have one more matter to attend to gentlemen," The colonel stated after hanging up the phone as he still stared at his IPHONE screen. The colonel's fingers typed away on the phone.

Sam felt his phone vibrate against his leg again. He chided himself quietly for leaving it on at all.

"Sir, I believe I forgot to turn off my phone. Permission to turn it off?" Sam inquired.

The colonel barely looked up from his phone and grunted that permission was granted as he continued to type.

Sam grabbed his phone intending to shut it off right away but the message on the display screen caught his attention. It was from the man Sam had been chatting with the previous night. Two more messages came in.

---- Hey, you want to meet up? ----

---- In an important meeting now but wanted to say hi ----

---Let's get together, from the sounds of it we'd get along in the bedroom and outside of it ---

Sam glancing back up to see if the Colonel was done with his emails and noticing he was still engrossed in his phone, quickly clicked the app open.

Glancing at the app, Sam's heart froze. No.fucking.way. Sam thought to himself as he glanced at the man's profile. The location notification had been turned on and it said within 15 feet of Sam. Sam glanced up again quickly, his mind freaking out. The colonel still typed away.

There. Is. No. Way. This. Guy. Is. Colonel. Fenzel. Sam thought to himself; this had to be an error or crazy happenstance.

Sam's mind raced; he schemed and a thought struck him. He texted back quickly.

---Sure, would love to---

Sam listened closely. He heard the Colonel's phone chime like it had received a message. His heart skipped a beat; a coincidence! He typed again.

---Would love to meet up to see what you're liked in the bedroom and outside of it----

The colonel's phone chimed again. The colonel's fingers typed away.

---Hell yes. I like the sound of that!--- Sam received on his scruff app.

This wasn't a coincidence anymore; it couldn't be but Sam had zero proof. He had no photos; no way of truly verifying the man's identity. The Colonel stirred and put his phone down. Sam shoved his back into his pocket.

The Colonel launched back into a tirade about how he was going to get them kicked out of the Army; that their careers were done; that they'd be shamed out of the uniform and all of their benefits.

Sam's anger and fear grew with each word. His mind swam with all of the possibilities that faced him; no wife, no job, complete embarrassment. Just when he thought he couldn't think of anymore negative thoughts, an idea struck him. Summoning all his courage, he whipped out his phone.


Sam clicked away at the keys furiously, hoping his plan would work. He hit send.

The Colonel paused mid scream at the sound of his phone chirping. He glanced down at the screen and then picked it up quickly.

---Can't wait to meet. I bet you have a great smile. Hell, I bet you'd smile just reading this text right now. I can't wait to see your smile in the bedroom--- Sam had typed.

The Colonel picked up his phone, read the message, started typing and thenÉ.smiled. He smiled! Sam grinned widely; the Major looked at him like he was crazy.

---I'm smiling right now thinking about it stud :) --- The man replied to Sam's message.

"Oh I know you are smiling Colonel, because I can see you!" Sam said confidently out loud.

The Colonel glanced up; with a confused look on his face. The major stared at both of them bewildered.

"What the hell are you talking about LT?" The Colonel growled; losing any patience he had left.

The LT raised his phone and waved it. "I know you're smiling because I'm sitting across from you, Sir." Sam said grinning the widest grin of his life

Looking at the phone in Sam's hand and realizing what Sam was saying, the Colonel's face went white, his jaw dropped. Sam wanting to take advantage of his momentum and not give the Colonel a chance to squirm out of the situation with excuses; Sam pounced.

"It looks to me like we're all in the same situation Sir Ð you me and the Major over here. It looks like we've all been naughty. Judging by the ring on your finger, I'd imagine that your wife wouldn't like the idea of you on a gay dating/chat/hook up website, eh? Oh sure you could delete the app Ð there were no picturesÉ.so no proof, right? Wrong. All I have to do is report this and it'll have to be investigated and then this turns into a he said-he said. Either way the accusations get out there for all to know; not great for the record of someone who is looking to become a general. You haven't reported this yet so it doesn't look like I'm trying to retaliate against you if I leave this room right now and say everything." Sam said with mounting confidence. I'm screen-shotting these messages so don't think they're going to disappear for ever.

The Colonel just starred at Sam. Sam couldn't tell if he was angry, scared, shocked; he literally had no expression on his face. The awkward silence clung to the room like a koala to a eucalyptus tree. Finally, the Colonel cleared his throat and spoke.

"It seems like we're in a bit of a bind here. I think I may have acted a bit rashly on all of this. Perhaps, I threatened a few things that were a bitÉ.premature and extreme." The Colonel started with a reserved, calm tone, "Maybe, we can all meet at my hotel tonight to discuss a way forward that will work for the three of us. We can call it an OPD so it doesn't look strange to my team. We'll meet in the hotel lobby."

Matt and Sam glanced at each other. The two seemed to take a collective sigh of relief. Sam knew that the two weren't completely out of the woods yet though. There was plenty of time between now and tonight for the Colonel to scheme and maneuver to come out on top of this situation.

"I think a mutually agreed upon way forward to all of this would be good for all of our careers, Colonel." Sam said. "I think we'll be going now." He stood up abruptly. Matt looked at him like he was absolutely crazy.

"C'mon Sir. We'll be going now." Sam said to Matt. The Major stood up quickly still looking at Sam like he was absolutely bat shit crazy. The two strode out of the office.

When they were out of ear shot, Matt grabbed Sam by the shoulder and shoved him into an empty and open office. He slammed the door shut.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS ALL OF THAT? WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED IN THERE? Matt hissed at Sam; a completely feral look on his face.

Sam launched into his explanation about how he had been messaging on a gay chat application with none other than Colonel Fenzel; the message exchange and location information on the app had suggested it to Sam. What cemented it as truth was the Colonel's reaction to Sam's statements.

"I'm still not getting all of this, man." Matt remarked in a pleading, confused voice.

"He's into guys too! His messages to me on the scruff app prove it. He wasn't interested in just getting a beer. He clearly wanted to meet up for man on man action with me! He can't bust us if he's just as fucking guilty of what we're doing!" Sam all but screamed. "and I have the damn proof or at least enough to get him investigated if he wants to still report us!"

The truth dawned on Matt's face. "Holy shit, so what are we going to do now?" Matt inquired.

"Meet him at his damn hotel under the guise of a professional development session so we can hear what terms he has to squash all of this. It's entirely possible he'll call off reporting us and we'll just pretend like none of this happened at all!" Sam said excitedly.

"Why do I feel like it isnt't going to be that easy?" Matt inquired.

"Because nothing is ever easy with field grade officers Ð especially colonels Ð we'll find out tonight!" Sam said decisively.

------- TO BE CONTINUED -------

Next: Chapter 9

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