The Officers

By Cooper Max

Published on Dec 14, 2015


The Officers Part 3

The next day, Sam knocked on Major Condley's office door at lunchtime. Sam wasn't sure what to expect; the Major had been sporadic; on and off / cold and hot since this whole thing began.

"Sir, I'm here as requested," Lieutenant Kerry stated.

"Great. Follow me. We're heading off-post for lunch. I already got it approved by the CO; I'm calling it an OPD." Major Matt Condley said quickly on his way out the door.

The two jumped in Major Condley's green SUV and hit the road. After 20 minutes, they'd reached a nice little restaurant.

"We'll go in here; should be nice and quiet so we can chat in privacy; food is good too!" Major Condley said smiling.

The two sat down and ordered their drinks. After some small chat, they ordered their food. There was no one sitting near them

"I'm going to be up front Lieutenant Kerry. I'm relatively new to all this. I don't know what the hell I'm doing. I'm very confused about the whole situation." The Major said humbly.

"Matt, maybe it'd help if you gave me some information on your background. It could help as we could talk through all of this," Sam said.

"Well, I've only one experience before you and it wasn'tÉummmÉ ideal or great." The Major started. He went on to explain the whole story with Dan his brother's friend as Sam listened attentively.

"For the longest time, I've considered myself completely straight. I'm open-minded. I don't have anything against gays or bisexuals I just have always been sexually attracted to women. I have to admit though that one time I tasted my own cum. I was drunk and it tasted good. The fact that I liked it scared the hell out of me. That's why I had to taste yours the other day Ð to see if I really liked it. Sure enough, I did!" The Major said.

The Major went on to explain some of his background. He'd be raised in a very conservative small town in Montana. He was the stereotypical jock and dated the pretty girls in school - Mr. Popular. His family was very religious and homosexuality just wasn't a thing he encountered in his town.

"Sam, it wasn't until I went off to college in Boston that my world views opened up a little. My friends and family were shocked I wanted to go to a city for college let alone all the way on the East Coast. I was na•ve and thought I could walk-on the football team. The coach had seen my tapes and said I'd have the opportunity to walk on. I figured since I was a hot shot in Montana, I'd do well there too. I made some new friends and met my very liberal wife. My worldview started to really open up. I loved the city and started to really explore the different cultural opportunities. Then, with the War on Terrorism happened I joined the military and went back into a relatively conservative and regimented mentality. Now I'm here with you questioning my sexuality and most of what made sense for the majority of my life" Major Condley explained.

"Matt, let me give you a little of my background and maybe some perspective that will help you make sense of this." Sam said reassuringly.

Sam went on to explain how he too had grown up in a conservative, small town. Only in his Pennsylvanian small town, he and his best friend used to fool around in secret.

"I knew I liked what I was doing. Sure I felt guilty and ashamed. Sure I wondered whether I was gay but I liked it. I did a lot of thinking about my situation; a lot of soul searching. My best buddy became religious' and straight' so in high school we stopped fooling around. Then I went off to college at Carnegie Mellon in Pittsburgh. You want to know the first thing I did when my parents left after dropping me off? I went to the gay bathhouse downtown. It was a cock fest and I loved every second of it." Sam said.

"Wow," Matt commented.

"The point that I'm trying to get to is this; after all of these years of guilt and shame I figured out that sexuality isn't black and white. Sure, there are people who are totally gay or people who are totally straight and yes there are people in the middle. Sexuality doesn't have clear lines for everyone and it's ok to be attracted to guys and it's ok to be attracted to women too. Society and religion try hard to box us in and make us fit a mold that doesn't always work for every person. You can fuck guys and still love your wife and enjoy having sex with her. You can fuck guys and still be masculine. I just got sick of living with so much shame, fear and anxiety. I finally embraced that I like cock and that I love my wife and sex with her too. Few are willing to understand this; most say I'm using her as a beard. Fuck what they think. No one knows me better than I do so here I am loving my wife AND loving cock." Sam explained.

"That's a lot to think about. I guess all that makes sense. It gives me quite a bit to think about in my own situation. So where do we go from here?" Matt asked.

"Have you heard of a friends with benefits situation, Matt?" Sam countered.

"Yeah but how would it work for us?" He shot back.

"I say we agree to be completely open and honest about what we want and what interests us sexually. Let's make this situation a safe place to explore this side of us. You're newer to this than I am. I think I can guide us (safely and with respect to our marital situations) towards a sexually satisfying friendship." Sam said

"I don't know what I want at all, Sam. I've never really given any serious thought to what I want to do with a guy or what kind of guys I'm into. Sure I've been sucked off and you and I had some hot experiences but I was just kind of going with the flow without any serious thought." Matt said in a worried tone.

"Ok, how about this. How about I give you some links to different videos and stories online that I find hot as hell. Watch the videos, read the stories for inspiration. I'll send you some other materials too. Once you've looked through all that and maybe done some research of your own, we can re-convene and hash it out. If you're still not sold; nothing sparks you sexually we can just agree that this friend with benefits situation isn't going to work. No hard feelings." Sam said.

"That sounds reasonable. Let me give you my personal email address and send those things over to me. I'll go through them and I'll let you know when I'm ready to chat again." Matt said more confidently.

"You got it. Let's get back to base." Sam said happily.

Sam sent the materials off to Matt that night. He confirmed that he received them and Sam headed to bed.

Sam didn't hear back from the Major for a few days. He began to worry that he had scared him off.

Maybe he really isn't interested. Sam thought to himself.

The Major made no indication at work that he had read the materials or seen the videos or that anything was out of the normal. He acted completely professional. Sam started to get a bit agitated.

Two weeks later, Sam was walking past the Major's office when he heard a yell."

"Lieutenant Kerry! A word in my office please." Major Condley said.

Sam stepped into the office.

"Close the door, Sam." The Major said quietly.

"So I looked over your materials and did some research of my own. Holy hell! Some of those videos and stories were really hot." The Major said quietly.

"Anything specific you liked, Matt?" Sam asked.

"Well, I have to say the anal videos really got me going. Man one guy plowing the other Ð it was so primal. It looked like it felt great. Bearded, muscles dudes plowing each other. Tight, lean guys humping each other raw. Damn man. I never knew! " The Major whispered excitedly.

"Oh yeah?" Sam smirked

"I think I'd have to be the top. Man it hast to hurt to bottom. I may be open to it in the future if everything goes right. Are you into bottoming?" Matt asked cautiously.

"Fuck yes I am, Sir. You're right. It does hurt. It hurts like hell. After you get used to it though with the right person there is NOTHING like it. Having a hot masculine stud pump my prostate with his cock is like nothing else on this planet!" Sam said completely confident.

"Would you be open to trying it? Maybe tonight?" The Major asked excitedly.

Sam got up and locked the door. He moved quickly to the Major's desk.

"Follow my lead. Take those pants off." Sam said strongly.

The Major complied excitedly. Sam went down on the Major just long enough to get him rock hard; his cock nice and wet.

"MattÉ.who needs tonight when we have right now?" Sam said mischievously as Sam pushed the Major's chair back and straddled him in his seat. "Just let me do the work and sit still."

The Major could feel himself shaking with anticipating and excitement.

He's going to love this!" Sam thought to himself. And so am I!

Sam leaned slowly down and back onto the Major's rock hard cock. He felt the tip of the Major's cock touch his sweet, tight hole.

Sam looked into the Major's eyes and smiled. The Major was so damn handsome sitting there. His solid jaw lined closed tight as he waited anxiously. His blue eyes wide and intoxicating.

Sam slowly sat down on the Major's cock with more pressure. He could feel the tip of Matt's cock start to creep inside him.

The Major let out a quiet grunt of pleasure as his eyes widened; feeling his cock slowly enter Sam.

Sam kept pushing himself down. Finally, the cock slid past his sphincter and plunged inside of him. Sam let out a muffled groan of pleasure.

The Major's eyes were as wide as the moon; a slight moan coming from his beautiful thin lips.

Sam paused as the Major's seven-inch cock had entered him as far as it would go. He looked into the Major's face and said, "Sir, THIS is where it gets fun!"

Quickly, Sam started to pump his ass up and down on the Major's cock. The Major grabbed Sam's ass cheeks and started to thrust himself into Sam.

Sam put his hands on the Major's chest for balance. Damn this chest was something to admire. Firm as steel, well developed and perfectly symmetrical and proportioned. Sam only wished he could feel the red chest hair the Major had beneath his uniform ACUs.

Sam thrust himself onto the Major's cock furiously now that had had balance. God this felt incredible. This cock was the perfect size. Not too big. Not too small. Not too thick Ð perfect Ð like it was meant specifically for Sam's tight hole.

"Oh my God man you are so tight!" The Major whimpered with pleasure. "I'm not going to last much longer."

Sam paused. "Sir, fuck that load of yours into me. I'm going to lean up a little bit to give you room. Grab my ass with those solid strong hands of yours and thrust your seed into me."

The Major looked at Sam surprised. He paused too. Then he smiled a smile so sexy Sam almost blew his load right then in there. That mischievous smile sent a shiver down Sam's spine that he'd never felt before.

Suddenly, the Major grabbed Sam's ass tight and began thrusting himself as hard as he could.

Each thrust got harder. Harder. Harder. Harder. Sam knew what was coming! He could see it in the Major's face as the cum built in his soft, huge balls. The Major's eyes were closed; his whole body focused on the incredible pleasure of this tight sexy hole his thick man cock was plowing.

His eyes suddenly opened. He looked straight into Sam's eyes as he thrust with the greatest force yet. The Major let out a muffled grunt like nothing Sam had heard before. The Major kept his cock completely inside Sam and he drained his balls into Sam's tight hole. Sam could feel the sticky wetness enter him and the thought sent him over the edge. He pumped his own cock furiously spewing a load all over the Major's face; on his lips, in his red hair, on his cheeks.

The Major was panting as Sam slowly shifted off of him. Both of the officers were covered in sweat; the Major's face covered in Sam's thick load of cum.

"That was the most incredible thing I have ever experienced, Sam!" The Major said in a hushed burst of excitement. "Your hole is like nothing I've ever felt or fucked. No pussy has ever felt like that!" He said.

"You hammered my prostate in a way I've never felt Sir. Complete ecstasy." Sam replied.

"We absolutely have to do that again! Are you free tonight?" The Major asked with a bit of pleading in his voice."

"I have to be! I need that cock again ASAP." Sam said smirking at the Major as he wiped Sam's cum off of his face.

"You know where to find me. Just let yourself in this time. No need to knock." The Major panted.

"Great, my ass will be ready!" Sam said.


Next: Chapter 4

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