The Officers

By Cooper Max

Published on Dec 10, 2015


Sweat poured down Sam's face has he hefted himself up for his last pull up. The early morning heat was incredible considering the sun hadn't even poked its head over the horizon. The heat was a fact of life overseas though and Sam was damn well used to it.

As Sam dropped from the pull up bar something caught his attention across the dusty field. 50 meters away stood someone he had never seen before but upon second look this someone Sam was more than happy to look at.

This guy was definitely a sight to see; six feet tall, straw berry blond hair, thick arms, handsome face with a sharp jawline.

"Is this the new officer we're getting?" Sam thought to himself. He sure hoped it was!

As Sam stood staring, the other man made eye contact, smiled and jogged over. Sam, caught off guard, avoided his gaze and adjusted his shorts hoping it was still too dim to make out the bulge that was starting to spring from his short, black physical fitness shorts.

"You must be Lieutenant Kerry. The E5 over there said I should speak with you," the man said in a thick voice with a mid-western accent. "I'm the new Major - Major Condly, Matthew Condly Ð filling in for Major Waltins. The man said with a wide grin as he extended his hand for a handshake.

Instinctively Lieutenant Kerry reached out his hand. Major Condly's hand was strong, his handshake firm. His blue eyes met Lieutenant Kerry's in a way that said this man had confidence to spare.

"Uh, welcome to the unit, Sir," Lieutenant Kerry stammered distracted by this hunk of a man. Upon closer look, the Lieutenant could see thick, muscular calves and thigh muscles that strained the tight, black physical fitness shorts the Major was wearing.

"Meet me after physical training. I'd like you to show me around the unit and point me in the direction of S1 so I can finish my in-processing." Said Major Condly and with that he sprinted back across the field.

Lieutenant Kerry couldn't help but take a look at the Major's ass as he strode off. The sun was up and LT Kerry was glad it was because the sight was one to be seen. Major Condley's ass was unlike any he'd seen before; tight, well muscled, symmetrical.

`Squats are definitely paying off for this guy' LT Kerry thought to himself.

Sam hurried off the field towards the buildings. Major Condly jogged up beside him. "Great PT session. Seems like guys are really motivated around here," he said.

"Yes, sir it's a great unit. Morale is good. Keeps the work fun." Sam said back more confidently than before. "Sir, I'm going to hit the locker room to get showered and changed. Can we meet in 30 minutes by the flag pole? Sam asked.

"Shit, I suppose I need to shower too. Let me run to my truck and get my gym bag. 30 minutes is fine. Which way are the locker rooms?" Major Condley inquired.

"The big brick building over there," Sam pointed.

Sam made his way to the locker room trying to keep his mind under control. Any more thoughts of this handsome new field grade officer would cause him issues in the locker room. `I better get in and out quick if I don't want to have any issues' he thought to himself.

Sam rinsed and scrubbed quickly in the steamy hot showers; way faster than usual. He was on his way out of the shower room when he noticed a familiar shape moving toward him through the steam.

Major Condley stepped through the steam and into the well-lit shower. Sam stopped dead in his tracks as his eyes took in the Major's figure as discretely as possible.

Major Condley's muscled chest glistened with steam. Strawberry blond hair covered it lightly. The man's torso wasn't a six pack but it was clear the Major didn't miss his ab exercises!

Sam didn't dare look directly at what interested him most. He sped up to pass the Major.

"See you outside, Sir," he said coolly as he strode past him. Sam snuck a glance out of the corner of his eye; from what he could see the man wasn't missing much down below either!

Sam felt his own lower regions start to stir and he sped out of there in record time.

10 minutes later the Major walked briskly up to Sam outside the locker room building. Sam happily greeted the Major again and took him onto the various offices he needed to visit. After an hour of showing Matt around, Sam was off to his other duties.

Weeks passed and Sam saw a lot of the Major. The unit was very small; just a handful of officers and enlisted. The unit wasn't in a deployment zone but instead a small mission geared towards a very different side of the military.

Sam sat in his cubicle typing away when he heard a very familiar voice behind him.

"Lieutenant Kerry, glad I caught you here. I'd like to have you over for dinner. This is a small unit. I wouldn't ordinarily ask someone of your rank over but part of my job as an officer is to mentor you and this assignment is a unique place. Invite your wife if you'd like." He stated.

"Let me check with her," Sam replied, "It'd be nice to get some mentorship. When does your wife arrive in-country?" Sam asked.

"She won't arrive for a few more months. The kids are finishing up school. I'm sure she and your wife will get along great." Come on over at 1800.

1800 couldn't come soon enough for Sam. He didn't know why he was so excited. Major Condly hadn't given any indication he played for both teams'. It wasn't like Sam was going to go over for dinner and end up in bed with him. A man could dream though' Sam thought to himself. `He's married and acts straight as an arrow; a guy like that isn't into guys'

Sam had known he was interested in guys since he was a kid. Growing up, he had a best-friend that he used to mess-around with. Horseplay turned into fondling which turned into sucking; it wasn't uncommon amongst kids. Most guys grow out of it though. Most guys go onto discover girls and stop their bisexual side. They dismiss those feelings as being young, stupid and not knowing about girls yet.

Sam never shook those feelings though. He loved the primal nature of being with men; the electricity of the sexual experience. There was no feeling like having sex with another guy.

Sure, Sam went into high school and dated girls. He went onto college where he met his wife. He figured he'd get married and those feelings he had towards guys would eventually taper off. He figured he'd be getting so much sex with his hot wife he wouldn't have time to think about guys. Sam was seeing that all those feelings weren't going away anytime soon; especially with a stud like Major Condly running around.

Sam stood nervously at the door. He rung the doorbell and rocked back and forth anxiously. Within minutes the door swung open.

"Hey there LT," said Major Condly cheerfully. "C'mon in. The chicken is in the oven for another 30. You want a beer?"

"Sounds good, Sir" Sam said as he walked into the house behind Major Condly staring at his ass the entire way into the kitchen.

"I'm not a great cook but a simple chicken recipe is easy enough for anyone. Have a seat. Relax. I'm not going to court martial you here in the kitchen," he said playfully.

The two made small talk and downed their beers until the oven beeped. After an hour of eating and talking about promotion rates, advanced schooling and any number of other military related items, their plates were empty.

"Well looks like this development session is wrapping up. Tell me more about your family life, LT. What does your wife do? Speaking of which where is she tonight?" inquired Major Condley.

"She had to work late, Sir. Sorry she couldn't make it Ð next time. We've been married for four years. No kids yet. Maybe at some point in the future but we're in no rush." Explained Sam

"Ahh. There's no hurry LT. Enjoy your kid-free years. Time goes fast and when the kiddos come, things start to change in your marriage," he replied softly, "Let's re-locate to the living room. I'm sure we can get the game on AFN."

After an hour of sitting on the couch shooting-the-shit and a few beers later, Major Condly turned the subject back to marriage.

"Travel. See the world. Be spontaneous. I love my kids but you sacrifice a lot when those little buggers come along." He said. "Not to mention your personal life will start to change."

"Personal life? What do you mean, Sir," Asked Sam.

"Oh you know LT, I'm sure you've heard it before Ð your sex life." The Major said shyly.

"I have heard that one in the past. I figured we'd make it work; we have so far!" said Sam.

"You just wait! You think you're going to have the frequency you do now but you'll be surprised."

All this talk of sex had Sam's pants bulging. He tried to covertly shift his package. God he hoped that the Major didn't notice. This guy was his boss and he didn't need any awkwardness.

"I'm getting another beer, LT. You want one?" Major Condley sat up and strode off to the kitchen.

Sam could hear him rummaging around the kitchen. He looked up on the wall where pictured hung. Major Condley's wife was a pretty lady and his kids were damn cute; they made a handsome looking family. They looked really happy. Sam thought about his own wife.

The Major came striding back into the living room.

"Here you go, stud," the Major said as he went to hand Sam another beer. Before the beer reached him though it slipped out of the Major's hand and fell into Sam's lap. Instinctively, the Major reached for it. As he grabbed the beer, he brushed Sam's very hard bulge. He pulled his hand back suddenly and said, "Sorry LT, didn't mean to reach into your crotch. I've had a few. One too many probably."

Sam wondered if the Major had noticed his raging hard on. The Major gave him a strange, quick glance but didn't' stay anything.

"I'm fucking bored in here," the Major said. "Let's go do something fun. You want to piss off the neighbors? He said loudly.

"How would we do that, Sir? Asked Sam.

"By hitting golf balls at their house off my back porch; that's how!" Said the Major.

Before Sam knew it, they were both out on the back porch, beers in hand, setting up the golf tee. The bag of golf clubs stood behind them as the Major stepped up to take the first swing.

Swoosh! He connected with the ball and sent it flying over the fence into the neighbors yard. A few more hits and he was dripping beads of sweat from his forehead.

Sam stepped in for his turn. He didn't golf much. His first hit was abysmal. His second hit wasn't much better.

"Damn LT your form sucks. You don't golf I see," said the Major teasingly. "Stay right there, I'll show you the proper form."

Major Condley stepped up behind Sam and wrapped his hands around him to grab the golf club. "Man, you have to put your hips into it. Let me show you the motion, it's simple." He said.

The Major showed him the proper form. He didn't seem weird about being so close to Sam.

Sam hit a few more balls. His form improved but he liked having the Major pressed up so close to him. The next three balls he purposefully smashed with horrible form.

"Shit, Sir I'm sucking again, can you show me the form again." Said Sam coolly.

"God dammit LT I can see you aren't the fastest learner. Alright." The Major exclaimed as he took up his position behind Sam again.

Something was different this time though. Maybe Sam was imagining things but he felt something firm pressed up against his butt. Sam pushed back a few inches with his butt and could feel it better.

Maybe it's just a coincidence' Sam thought. Too many beers. The reaction could happen to anyone.

"uhhh LT, I think we better call it a night," The Major said abruptly as he pushed away from Sam.

Sam pretended to accidently drop a golf ball. He bent over pushing himself back into the Major's crotch.

"Oh sorry Sir, just dropped the ball," Sam said as he fumbled with it on the ground not moving from the bent over position. Strangely the Major wasn't quick to move.

Sam slowly got up and stepped away. He turned slowly and the Major had an odd expression on his handsome face.

"On second thought, LT, what do you say about another beer? Life is short, right? The Major said not breaking eye contact with the LT.

"What the hell; why not? Said the LT staring right back at those bright blue eyes.

Another beer turned into two more beers.

"Fuck it's getting hot in here LT," the Major said, "I told those dicks in maintenance that this AC isn't working right over a week ago."

The Major pulled off his shirt. There that beautiful chest was again; covered in what looked like a soft patch of strawberry blond hair; His firm chest glistening with a thin sheen of sweat.

"Go on LT you can take off your shirt too. We're both men here. No need to be shy." The Major said calmly.

Sam didn't hesitate. He pulled off his shirt.

"Looks like you're no stranger to the gym, LT," The Major said.

Sam's dark chest hair was quite a contrast to the Major's. Sam had dark brown hair, clear blue eyes and a lean, athletic build. Most would think he was a swimmer but his thick chest hair wouldn't have worked in that sport.

"Ahh you're one to talk, Sir. You've got me beat." Sam said.

"Well I have a few years on you, man. Extra time in the gym. Extra calories with this slow metabolism. I was built like you 10 years ago. You're what? 26? I'm pushing into my late 30's." The Major said.

"All the same, I hope I can pull off your look at your age," Sam said carefully.

There was an awkward pause as the two stared at each other. The room was silent.

"You know, I can't really see the tv that well from over here. Maybe my eyes are starting to go bad," said the Major. He got up and plopped down near Sam. "I can't miss this game. I have to watch the Steelers pound those stupid patriots." He said.

The two stared at the game in silence for a few minutes. Sam grabbed the remote to turn up the volume and laid it by his thigh.

A few minutes went by and the Major said," Damn LT are you deaf? My ear drums are dying."

Major Condley reached for the remote but over shot it. His hand landed on Sam's thigh and lingered there for a few extra seconds before grabbing the remote.

Sam glanced over and the Major and the Major glanced over at Sam.

Sam waited a few minutes and noticed that the remote was sitting next to the Major's thigh now. Should I go for it? Sam thought to himself.

"Sir, I can't hear a god damn thing now," Sam said as he reached for the remote and let his hand brush the Major's thigh slowly grabbing the remote.

The Major coughed. The room fell silent.

Sam felt a hand on his thigh. The Major looked over at him as the hand gently caressed up and down.

Sam reached over and did the same to the Major.

Slowly, the Major slid closer to Sam; Still brushing his thigh gently. He smiled an intoxicatingly sweet smile.

Sam slid his hand towards his inner thigh.

Suddenly, the Major stood straight up.

"What am I doing here? I've had too much to drink. You're a Lieutenant; my subordinate. We're both married. This is crazy." He stammered erratically. "We can't do this. I'm sorry. Please forget this happened.

He strode off into the kitchen.

Sam followed him. The Major was leaning over the kitchen island. His perfect ass outlined so well in his grey athletic shorts.

Sam, feeling horny and daring, came up from behind him and caressed that perfect ass of his.

Startled, he jumped. "LT, this can't happen for so many reasons. Please, you should just go. Forget this ever happened." He said not unkindly.

Maybe it was the beer or maybe it was the absolute hunk of a man standing before him but Sam was feeling more daring than ever. He slowly reached out and touched the Major's crotch. FIRM AS A ROCK! Sam gently stroked him through his pants.

"Ohhhh that feels so good. NO! This has to stop." He pushed away but Sam followed and continued to caress and stroke him.

"Sir, we're both married. We're both officers. We both have everything to lose. I'm not going to tell a soul if you don't. It's late. We're drunk. We're horny. Your wife won't be around for months. What's the harm?" Sam said sweetly.

Sam felt the Major relax and lean into him. "NOÉ.No" He started to say but then Sam slid his hand down into his shorts and grabbed his throbbing cock firmly. The Major started to moan.

Suddenly, the Major was pressed up against Sam; Sam pinned to the island. The Major had his lips firmly against Sam's. Sam could smell him; the scent was intoxicating.

Sam kissed back passionately. Damn the Major was a good kisser; soft, sweet and deliberate - This sent an electric shock down Sam's spine.

The Major slid his hand into Sam's shorts. He grabbed his throbbing cock and stroked it slowly. The Major reached up and spit on his hand then slid back into Sam's pants. Sam did the same. Hot hell this felt incredible. Sam's mind raced as the Major continued to kiss him.

The tension was building. Sam could feel his balls churning. He didn't know how much more of this he could take before he exploded. By the sounds of the Major's moans; Sam could tell he was in a similar situation.

At this point, both men had their athletic shorts on the ground. They were stroking each other freely in the air in the middle of the kitchen.

Sam reached out and grabbed the Major's nipple. He twisted and pinched. All of a sudden he heard a loud groan, "OH MY GOD. SWEET LORD. UHH OH UHH" The Major bucked his hips and Sam grabbed his dick hard and stroked harder. "OHHH FUCK YES" The Major bucked aggressively; his solid ass tightening. "HERE I COME OH SHIT HERE I COME OHHHH" He moaned.

With one last thrust the Major shot a load clear across in the air. One rope cum. Two ropes of cum. Three ropes of cum. Sam's hand was covered in cum.

The Major relaxed. He looked at Sam and said, "Your turn, son!" with a sly grin.

The Major grabbed Sam's balls and started churning them. He stroked Sam slowly at first, faster then and faster. He spit on Sam's cock, lubing it and giving it a shiny sheen.

Sam couldn't hold it any longer. His hips bucked. He looked right into the Major's eyes. Seeing that handsome face and those thick forearms attached to those strong hands sent Sam over the edge. He thrust wildly and his cock exploded. Two huge streams of cum gushed from Sam's pulsating cock; splashing the Major's shirt and covering his hand.

The two spent, sweaty men stared at each other. A grin crossed the Major's face as he licked his fingers.

"Mmmm so sweat." He said quietly. "You'd better go."

The next few months were very awkward. The Major avoided Sam; was hesitant curt when having to talk to him.

The Major stopped him abruptly in the hall, "We need to talk. Outside by the pull up bars. Come with me," He said curtly.

"Lieutenant Kelly, what happened a few months ago was a mistake. I feel terrible. I let the situation get the best of me and I apologize. It can not happen again. I mean that." He said quietly.

"Sir, I understand. I don't feel bad about what happened. It felt good but we're both in a very precarious situation. I understand if I'm not your type and it wasn't for you." Sam said.

"Um, er, it's not about that. It just can never happen again. I'm happily married. It was wrong. That's all I'm going to say. Now forget about it." He said curtly and strode off.

A few weeks past and the Major hadn't warmed up to him at all. `Well, one hot experience is better than none' Sam thought a bit sadly.

Another week went by. Sam was sitting in his living room when he got a text. It was Major Condley.

"Dinner at my place? I've been thinking. We need to talk again."

"ÉSure, Sir." Sam replied with a smirk on his face.


Next: Chapter 2

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