The Office Romance

By Mitch West

Published on Aug 9, 2020


Been working this storyline and character development for a while, would love to hear any and all feedback at

Thanks for taking the time to read this! New to writing and want to someday publish something.

"Working late?" Trevor started as he walked into the office kitchen

"Unfortunately!" Oliver responded to his CFO. Trevor was a total boy-next-door type, brown hair that was just starting to grey, and brown puppy dog eyes.

Oliver was probably a good 4 inches shorter than him and making a snack of celery and peanut butter. "Why are you here so late?" Oliver asked.

"Just getting ready to close out the year soon. We've added a few new clients this year, so trying to pull it all together." Trevor answered in his British accent, bobbing his teabag in and out of his tea cup. "Great work on that Under Armour ad, I've heard there's award buzz for the campaign." He said while clapping Oliver on the back, to which Oliver nodded and blushed, taking a bite of his celery.

The two stood there for a moment, Trevor's hand on Oliver's shoulder, silence between them. "Well..." Trevor began "I better get back to those numbers." And he was halfway out the kitchen

Oliver made his way back to his desk, a little confused by the interaction. Trevor was a fairly private person, there was always gossip around if he was single or secretly married with 5 kids - no one really knew. For Oliver, this just made him all that more interesting. In an attempt to get his mind onto other things, Oliver set out to work on finishing a presentation he had the next day.

With some time gone by, and several coffees down, it was 10pm and Oliver really needed to use the bathroom. First he wanted to print the presentation out. Making his way to the printer, he realized he made an error in the choice of priority. Squirming his way to the printer and shifting weight from foot to foot, he grabbed the papers from the printer and ran to the bathroom.

Reaching the urinal right in time, he heard the door to the bathroom open. Trevor gave a nod and took the urinal two down, an appropriate distance. Oliver, still with his stream going strong gave a nod and smile back.

"Your little dance at the printer made me realize I needed to go myself." Trevor laughed, unzipping his pants and pulling out a perfect uncut 6" flaccid penis, and pulled back his foreskin to reveal an even more perfect pink head - not that Oliver was staring. Oliver groaned in embarrassment and gave a laugh at his own expense.

The two stood there peeing, and Oliver had an inkling that Trevor was taking a look at his 6.5" cut cock, and gave a little side glance that proved his theory. Trevor looked away instantly and the two finished up peeing.

"Almost done for the night?" Oliver asked as they washed their hands.

"Just about," Trevor said "truth be told, I've just opened a bottle of whisky that Jim Bean sent over from the last campaign we did. Care to join for a glass?"

Knowing an opportunity when it showed itself, Oliver answered quicker and more excited than he meant to "y-yeah that sounds great!"

The two walked back to Trevor's office, which Oliver seemed to forget was right next to the printer. Trevor had a nice office, all dark woods with a nice leather couch and chair along the back wall, a marble table that had papers on it, as well as the glass of whisky he mentioned. From the leather chair it looked like Trevor was previously sitting in, he definitely saw Oliver's entire dance ... in full view.

"So what's it like working here at C+P Creative, Oliver?" Trevor asked, pouring a neat glass and handing it to Oliver.

"It's good." Oliver said as they sat next to each other on the couch that was almost perfectly out of view of the office window- not that there was anyone else in the office but them.

"Oh, only good?" Trevor teased

"It's great!" Oliver corrected "it's been a really great 5 years here, I'm just hard on myself." Oliver took a sip as Trevor sat and listened. "I came here 5 years ago as a Senior Art Director, hoping that in this time I'd be promoted to a Creative Director or have some movement." Trevor gave a positive mmhmm, and filled his and Oliver's glass with more whisky. "I love it here, and the team, I just expect more from myself I guess."

"You've got a great eye Oliver, I can tell you that the leadership here all speaks highly of you. Cynthia can't stop talking about you in any meeting she's in!" Trevor let out with a clink of the stones in his glass. Oliver was humbled that the CCO of the company thought highly of him, and felt less awkward for being so honest. "If you'll take a piece of advice Oliver, I think you just need to go after what you want. Ask for the things you want in life," Trevor leaned in closer for this last part, as if it were a trade secret he didn't want anyone else to hear "worst answer you can get is a no."

Oliver gave a weak laugh, he was flustered by Trevor's face being as close as it was. He got a good look at the mans flawless skin, and could smell the whisky on his breath. Not that it was overpowering, more like an inviting sample of what Trevor would taste like.

Maybe it was the liquid courage, or maybe it was the pep talk, but Oliver closed the gap between them and kissed Trevor. Luckily Trevor didn't back away or squirm away, but as the kiss broke Oliver went beet red.

"I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have--" but before Oliver could finish Trevor was pressing his mouth back on Olivers. Trevor deepened the kiss, placing his hand on the back of Oliver's head, firm but somehow also comforting. Trevor's tongue had the spice of whisky on it, mixed with his own unique taste that was almost sweet. He gave a moan as he entered Oliver's mouth and retreated back out.

"No need to apologize." Trevor said, getting up and shutting his office door. Oliver could feel his cock stiffening. "Just shutting the doors in case the cleaners come in"

"I have to ask.." Oliver began "do you have a wife and 5 kids? I don't want to be that gay guy"

Trevor laughed at the question, but realized that Oliver was serious. "No! Is that what people are saying?" He took a sip of his drink "I've been divorced for 7 years, I was married to a woman and we never had kids. It's a long story, but suffice to say that I loved her and she couldn't love all of me. She took real issue with my sexual fluidity, and I guess just reached her limit." Oliver's eyes widened at finding out so much more about Trevor.

"Wow.." Oliver said "that's really unfortunate. I'm sorry that happened to you."

"Ok, less talking.." Trevor said as he unbuttoned his shirt and placed his mouth back on Oliver's.

Next: Chapter 2

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