The Office Boy

By zippbmth

Published on Aug 15, 2020


Josh moved his arm down from Theo's neck to support him as he passed out. His soft pale skin seemed to become softer and more boyish as he slumped. Josh cupped the boy's head with his free hand and brought him closer, so their noses, then mouths touched. He let out a gentle, long and passionate kiss but Theo stayed limp and lifeless. He wanted to show how deeply he felt for his new object, but knew it would ruin the dynamic that had gripped them both so deeply.

He ran his thumb over both of the boy's eyebrows, stroked his hair slowly then lowered him face down on to the angular floor pillow. It was designed in such a way that Theo's body was supported while pushing his ass high up, spreading his cheeks wide and revealing his pink, smooth hole.

Josh ran his nose along Theo's back, kissing gently as he went. He gave one ass cheek a nip so he could feel the pert yet bouncy flesh in his mouth then set to a deep, slow rim. He just loved to taste and lick a smooth boy hole, playing with the opening and flicking it with his outstretched tongue.

He'd been drinking huge amounts of water knowing how into water sports Theo was. He already needed another leak, but it would be a shame to waste it when the boy was so close.

He knelt and slapped Theo's butt cheek with his solid cock. Then let a large dribble of spit leave his mouth and drop on to the boy's lower back, watching it run down to meet the head of his dick at Theo's already wet hole. With a slow rub, Josh forced the tip of his dick inside, just until it popped in to place. Then his gaze became neutral and his back straightened slightly. After a few seconds the feeling of rushing fluid came through his shaft as he unloaded hot piss inside his new urinal.

As the flow slowed, Josh squeezed twice to shoot the remaining piss, then slowly pulled his softening dick out, with a pop. Some piss trickled out, but with the way the boy was positioned most stayed inside. The jock pushed two fingers inside and spread the hole to see his piss swilling around inside, like a full beer bottle freshly popped. He reached over to the glass cabinet and pulled out a wide necked butt plug and sank it in to use as a stopper.

The boy started to stir. Josh helped him to his feet as he mumbled and held his head. "Did you drug me?" Theo asked. Josh ignored the question as the boy obviously knew the answer already.

"I'm looking after you now, boy. Now walk backwards a little." The jock gently pushed Theo towards the cross on the wall. One by one, he attached each limb and finally brought the rope around Theo's neck. Josh stood back to admire his crucifixion.

"I feel really rough, sir" Theo blurted. Josh stroked his face for a second before walking to the cabinet. Theo's eyes followed the man's hand as he waved it from one toy to another before settling on a black and red leather flogger.

"Yes!!" Blurted Theo, eager to please. Josh raised a corner of his top lip in appreciation of the boy's willingness.

"Um, Boss. What's in my ass?" The boy inquired before his beating.

"I filled you up while you were asleep, you're full of my hot piss. And you're plugged, so clench to make sure it all stays in." His master replied.

Theo looked down at his belly and shook his body from side to side, then looked up at Josh with a beaming smile. It was that smile that made Josh feel so much passion for the boy. He was like an innocent plaything, with a wicked naughty personality. Just perfect for him.

THWACK! The first hard whip of the flogger hit Theo's torso. It made the boy's whole body arch and he bit his lip to stifle a scream. His hands tightened around the cross restraints and his breathing went crazy.

Josh laid a hand on the new red mark. It was hot like sunburn. "OK?" He asked. The boy nodded and looked down. "Good boy."

He stood back. His stance was like a warrior - shoulders back, head up. He could feel the power he had made wash through his veins. He raised his arm again, the leather tentacles of the flogger brushed his shoulder and he froze for a second. Theo screwed his eyes shut and threw his head back.

"Look at me boy. Look at me!" Josh demanded. As soon as Theo lifted one eyelid the man released his swing and struck the boy in exactly the same area, harder than before.

Theo let out a high pitched whine. Quickly, Josh turned the handle of the flogger horizontal and pushed it in to the boy's mouth. Gripping hard with his teeth, Theo let out the scream he'd held back until then.

Josh cupped his head and kissed the boys cheek. Then stood back and raised his arm again.


The boy went limp. Josh knew he'd reached his limit.

"Thank you" Theo mumbled as spit drooled from his mouth.

"Relax, boy, Just relax." Josh soothed, as he ran his index finger from between Theo's eyebrows down his face and down his body, carefully avoiding the reddened slashes of whip marks.

"M...maybe one more time, master?" The boy whimpered.

Without warning, Josh gut punched the kid hard. The butt plug shot to the floor and Josh heard liquid pouring down as he turned away, dropped the flogger on the floor and vacated the room. His job was done.

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