The Office Boy

By zippbmth

Published on Apr 11, 2020


Josh gently grabbed the back of Theo's neck to calm him. The roll shutter was three quarter's of the way up and Theo could see the lights and bonnet of the incoming car. His cheeks flushed red and butterflies danced in his rib cage.

Josh's grip tightened and he pulled the boy sideways, throwing him in to the newly arrived lift - but keeping his grip so he didn't fall. The jock strode in, insterted his key and pushed the top floor button. The lift doors slid closed just as the car started to pass.

"Fucking hell! That was too close!!" Theo stammered.

"What's the problem, boy?" Josh asked. "Who do you know in this complex? Who's going to confront a man like me with a naked boy? You put your trust in me and I didn't let you down. Learn from this." He teaches. With that, he slid his large hands over Theo's still sopping back and bent his index finger at Theo's hole. As the lift climbed, The jock's finger slid inside his hot hole. Theo couldn't comprehend the crazy situation he'd just put himself into. He was a good boy doing very naughty things.

"You stink of piss. When the lift arrives you'll need to clean it. I expect the highest levels of quality in your work for me." Josh sounded slightly annoyed at the fact that Theo wasn't clean, even though it was forced upon him. As the lift reached the final floor, the doors slid open filling it with light and making the boy squint. Josh pulled his finger out of Theo's warm hole and extended it horizontally in front of Theo's face.

"There is a spray and cloth in front of you, make sure this lift is immaculate. And clean my finger." Josh demanded. Theo stared at the outstretched digit pointing towards his mouth. Involuntarily again, the boy parted his lips. Josh stayed still, not a movement. Theo craned his neck forward and closed his lips over his boss's knuckle, sucking back to wet the entire finger clean. His initial reaction was disgust, and then came the surprise that there was no bad taste - only that of his master.

Josh unclipped the leash and spun round, vacating the lift. He hit a safety stop button on his way out to ensure his new, naked, houseboy couldn't accidentally be called to another floor by one of the block's residents.

Theo didn't give himself time to explore the apartment with his eyes. He fixed his gaze at the spray bottle and cloth sitting directly outside the lift. "Shit, he must have planned this whole thing in detail before he left this morning." He thought to himself. "What else is planned for me?"

He smirked with that thought, a cute, young and cheeky smirk. "What other fun is around the corner, meticulously planned, that I'm totally unaware of?" He continued to dream, as he reached down and started his task.

"FASTER!" The jock belted from outside the lift. Theo's daydream disappeared and he clambered around on the floor, mopping up any drops of sweet urine that had dripped from his naked torso.

He stood bolt upright at the entrance, facing into the lift.

"Task complete, Boss" he blurted, like a new army recruit.

"Good boy" Josh acknowledged after a quick inspection, flicking the stop button back in to place and allowing the doors to close.

"The boy's bedroom is the second door on the left. Shower and then choose something to wear from the wardrobe. Everything is in your size" the master explained.

"But wait - aren't I sleeping with you Josh?" Theo worriedly asked, turning to face the jock.

WHACK - an open hand landed on Theo's face causing brain ache and pain.

"Use my title. Never my name. Understand your place and treat your master with respect." Theo boomed, before placing his hand back on the boy's cheek. "You need a heavy hand to be able to learn and grow, boy. You understand this don't you? You were wild before me - I am taming you. Teaching you."

"I understand, Boss" Theo mumbled, trying his hardest not to blurt "sorry". His boss' teachings ringing in his ears: Just acknowledge your training and react accordingly" "Second door on the left. I'll go now."

As he walked to his new room, Josh felt lush carpet underfoot and eyed lavish paintings on the walls. This apartment was epic, like a movie set. He opened the second door on the left and walked down the corridor of mirrored wardrobes in to a darkened, low-lit area.

Instead of a bed, there was a leather clad contraption. Some kind of hobby horse. On the wall, opposite a large leaning mirror was a wooden cross with restraints for hands and feet. A sling hung from the ceiling in another corner and on the final wall stood a large glass cabinet in which an array of toys, whips, torture devices and hoods were on display. Theo walked up to the cabinet and pressed his hands on the glass to admire the collection. From porn he'd watched he could make out sounding rods, ball stretchers and hole stretchers plus a whole host of stainless steel objects he could only imagine would cause him pain and pleasure. His dick was twitching in it's cage and Theo looked down to see precum oozing out. This was the most incredible day - and it was only his first!

Eager to please, Theo made his way to the shower and hurriedly washed himself. Once dry he made his way to the mirrored wardrobes and opened the first two doors.


The second doors were empty as well. So Theo made his way to the last set. Inside were four pieces of clothing: a high quality suit and white shirt with the letters JF embroidered on to the cuffs; a white jockstrap with the same initials stamped on to the front; a pair of white knickers and sheer tights, again with the motif and finally a pair of white trouser shorts and a white embroidered dickiebow.

"This is a test" Theo explained to himself. The suit is probably for work tomorrow. The shorts and bow tie - that looks like a butler style outfit - Made for serving. So that leaves the jockstrap and lingerie. "He's testing me to see what I'd choose."

Putting on the jockstrap, Theo turned back towards the main room for one final look. Suddenly he realised the walls were covered in padded fabric all round. The room had been soundproofed. Blushing, he turned for the door and went to find his master.

Suddenly the door swung open. The sunlight made Theo's eyes squint. Standing in the doorway, bold, tall and upright, was the naked figure of Josh. So chiseled. So manly. He was breathing heavily, hands clenched. In one hand he held a white cloth.

As Theo's eyes adjusted he saw his master was wearing a black mask - that of an executioner. Leather all round, ending just above his nose and rounding over his mouth. It was a hot look.

"I chose the jockstrap, Boss. I figured it was some kind of test" Theo started. There was no response, but Josh started slowly walking towards him, he hand with the white cloth rising up.

"Wha, what's this?" Theo blurted. No reply. The boy stumbled back slightly, eager to obey but terrified as to what would happen next.

Josh finally came up against the boy and pushed the cloth into his face, covering his mouth and nose. Theo breathed in a lungful of fumes. His eyes widened, he stuck out an arm against the man's torso to try and push away, but Josh's free hand was now on the back of Theo's neck holding him close.

The boy was powerless. He had to breathe in the toxic air. He started to become dizzy. His head was banging hard. He could feel his knees weakening but he couldn't stop staring at his master. The room seemed to be getting darker on either side of him, slowly creeping towards the centre. His eyes rolled back and he felt his body go limp as the room went black.

Next: Chapter 8

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