The Office Boy

By zippbmth

Published on Oct 10, 2019


The Office day was coming to and end. Josh had made Theo perform various demeaning tasks throughout the afternoon which Theo had revelled in completing. He specifically took great pleasure in caring tasks such as making coffee. Spending time ensuring he was giving his master the perfect cup each time, and presenting it to Josh with a perky smile and eagerness - especially when Josh was hosting a meeting, almost showing off his obedience in public. Josh would always usher the boy away with a flick of his right hand, as if to seem like he had no care for him. But every time Theo turned back at the door when exiting, his master would be glancing over at him whilst playing with the key bracelet.

That signal would always start an overwhelming feeling in Theo's groin. A stirring horn. But instead of that turning in to an erection, his now caged cock would stay limp and the feeling would internalise, giving Theo the most submissive feeling of ownership.

"You've excelled on your first day, boy." Josh summised, like a proud father. Theo just beamed, hands clasped behind him. "You're coming home with me this evening."

"Oh I'd love that, Boss - but my mom wouldn't allow it." Theo replied, being the mommies boy he was.

"Don't worry about that - I've sorted it." Josh smirked.

"Wh...what did you do?" Theo asked worriedly.

"Trust me." came the Boss's firm reply.

"Always." Theo gushed. And with that, Josh rose from his seat, threw on his jacket and walked up to his boy. Grabbing Theo under the chin he moved his head to look up and lock eyes and gave him a long, deep kiss. Then he started walking off.

"Come." He bellowed, tapping his pert behind as if he was calling a dog. Knocking Theo out of his newly kissed trance, the boy bounced off behind him like a happy little puppy.

In the car, Josh slid his hand on to Theo's leg. His pinkie finger rested between his thigh and his ballsack. It felt extremely domineering - as the jock sped away using only one had to drive.

Throughout the journey the boy was subject to an array of teases - every time the car stopped at a red light Josh would lean over, slap Theo's face, then hold it lovingly to erase the pain.

"Shhh" he'd whisper in a soothing tone as he caressed the reddening cheek. "You understand why I'm doing this don't you?"

"Mmm..No. But I enjoy it. When you slap I feel your power and when you carress me I feel your love." Theo tried to explain.

Josh didn't elude to his reasoning. Instead his hand smoothly stroked down the boy's shirt, stopping at his crutch, grip tightening around the cock cage and his balls. Theo let out a short whimper as the metal started to crush one testicle, and his master let go - replacing his hand to the dominant grip on his thigh as the lights turn green.

The car rolled in to an apartment complex. Josh pushed a button on the dash and a roll shutter shuddered to life, allowing them in to a secure underground car lot.

Parked up, Josh turned his head to his new recruit. His face now full of a cheeky grin, eyes sparkling.

"Out you get, ready for INSPECTION." He ordered.

What, in a car park!?' Theo thought you himself - his mind suddenly turned from playful excitement to sheer panic. There could be anyone arriving here at any moment! Where's the lift even? Are we going back outside and through the lobby??' But Theo stayed silent. He knew the wrath of disobedience. He needed to trust that his master would look after him.

Theo leapt out of the car, took a short, sharp breath and let it out in a sigh. `Here goes!'

He stripped lightening fast. His tie slung on the passenger seat. He untied only two buttons on his shirt and lifted it over his head, flinging that after the tie. Belt unbuckled, flies down. He faltered for a second, before breathing in sharply again and pushing his trousers and pants to the floor. Everything including shoes and socks are swept off in one motion and he put them in the footwell. Quickly, he raised his hands behind his head and stood to attention.

Josh opened his car door, slowly. He slid out of his seat and casually walked around the bonnet of the car. When he reached the passenger door, he slammed it shut and from his pocket he locked the car. Theo was totally naked and his clothes were under his master's control.

It's at that point that the boy noticed that in Josh's other hand was a thin leather strap; buckle at one end and handle at the other. This was the boy's lead. He couldn't understand why, but Theo suddenly felt a gush of emotion towards this piece of leather. It was a statement piece - man and dog, master and boy, owner and slave. He yearned to be controlled - mentally and physically.

"On your knees, urinal." Josh barked. Theo's eyes widen with excitement. He'd get to taste it again. He'd been longing for a soaking ever since their first encounter. He hit the floor fast, a sharp pain rising from his knees as they make impact on the solid concrete floor. His cock was pulsating in the cage, and his tightened balls were begging for a release - as if they'd not been milked for days.

Theo posed - mouth open wide, eyes clamped on Josh's flies, hands still jammed behind his head. As Josh slowly opened his flies with one hand and pulls out his thick, floppy dick and low hanging balls, he grips Theo's curly locks with the other and points his head upwards. With one, loud snort, he lobs a glob of spit at the boy's face. Most of it lands on Theo's tongue, sweet and warm. The rest makes him whince as it splatters his face. Theo had now tasted every liquid that his master had and it all felt incredible. He closed his mouth and swallowed. Then opened wide again, eager for more.

Josh stood up tall and proud. His dick pointed upwards so Theo could see his entire scrotum. He'd been in that office the entire day, those balls had been cooped up in tight boxers and squeezed as he sat in hot meetings. Theo bet they'd smell and taste like salty heaven.

A trickle of piss erupted from Josh's upturned cock, then the flow increase heavily. A perfect arc was created and hit Theo right on top of his head. He felt the extra warm liquid make its way through his curls, then several ripples of piss started cascading down his face. Josh changed his grip slightly so the waterfall dropped down Theo's back too. Theo's heart started pounding. A trickle made its way between his eyebrows, round his nose and into his mouth. The taste was sweet and salty, warm, wet and fresh. He gulped as it started to fill the back of his mouth and that action made Josh point his dick directly at the boy's mouth. There was too much of a flow for Theo to drink the lot and piss spilled from his lips, which made him panic and cough. He wanted to enjoy every drop, not waste anything.

Josh's stream slowly died down, he shook his flaccid member over Theo's face so the last few drops splattered him, then tucked his set back in his boxers.

Theo's heart raced. He looked up at his master for his next command. Josh simply slips the lead clasp through the golden choker on the boy's neck and starts to walk. Theo quickly gets to his feet, not enough time to enjoy the puddle he now stood in, and shuffled to keep up.

As Josh pressed the call button for the lift, the roll shutter shudders to life again. The lights of an oncoming vehicle shine in to the car park, and Theo mutters "Oh, shit. Fuck. I'm butt naked and covered in piss!" He looks at his master. "Help!" He pleads.

Next: Chapter 7

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