The Office Boy

By zippbmth

Published on Aug 19, 2019


This is too risky' Theo surmises. The doors unlocked, anyone can walk in; I'm losing my virginity to my Boss, as amazing as he is; and I'm having unprotected sex. I'm supposed to be a good boy - my moms A-star student. Not this.'

Theo's eyebrows gather at the centre of his face as his thoughts race through his mind. His shoulders hunch a little.

Josh must have noticed the change in body language. His hands slide down Theo's cheeks and he starts to pull his pulsating cock out of the boy's hole.

With a gush of emotion, Theo spits the cum-soaked rag from his mouth and firmly says "No!"

He realised at that moment that he couldn't lose this feeling - that he was an owned boy and needed what was being given to him. He trusted his master totally and, even though they'd hardly talked, he knew he was falling in love - totally controlled by Josh's aura.

"No! Please don't pull out. I want this more than anything. I'm yours - do whatever you want. I trust you." And he lays his head back on the desk, forces his ass backwards and groans as he feels his virgin hole stretching around the thick shaft of Josh's cock.

Josh does nothing. He stands behind Theo but doesn't thrust, doesn't pull. There's no movement.

"You need to relax, boy." Comes his soothing voice. "I'm not going to fuck you and ruin you in pain this time. I need you to know what you can take."

"Now relax your body, close your eyes. I'm half way in and I want you to take the rest easily. There won't be any more pushing."

The jock sounded so confident, like some kind of sex therapist. Theo smiles to himself at that ridiculous thought and without realising it, relaxes his rectum enough to open his hole and slide more of his master's cock in. But with that surprise he tenses up again.

"Good boy, Theo. Try again."

Oh those words - Theo longed to hear them again. `He does remember my name. And he wants me too. I'm his good boy' he thinks as he opens up once again.

It feels like the longest time of sliding inside until Theo feels the jock's low hanging smooth balls touch his ass cheek. As he feels the cock move inside him a sensation ripples through his belly and straight down to the end of his cock - a sensation he'd never been able to achieve with his dildo at home. A real, living, dick inside him - using him as he needs to be used. Theo felt totally alive.

Josh slowly starts to thrust, and with each movement Theo's dick pulses. His ass cheeks are slapped loudly and the pain turns immendiately to pleasure. He moves his head up and backwards and the Jock grabs a full handful of hair with his right hand. With his left he slides two fingers round the side of Theo's mouth and grabs hold inside, jamming his mouth open and pulling his cheek back.

Theo's head moves to the left to avoid any more pain and realises Josh is pointing his head towards a glass-fronted bookshelf in the corner of the room. There, in its reflection, was the entire scene being played out. Like an opaque porno being played back to him.

Theo couldn't keep his eyes on the reflection for long as they were involuntarily rolling to the back of his head with every other thrust. He was sweating profusely now and a bead of sweat dribbled over his eyebrow and stung his left eye slightly. It gave him the focus needed to really spy on Josh. By now, he'd unbuttoned his shirt and his pants were round his ankles. Theo could see a full six pack tensing and releasing as he fucked. A small patch of pubic hair gathered around the base of that huge cock and a neat hairline gathered and grew towards his navel. His hairy chest was as tanned as his face and arms, and puffed up like an ape about to fight. The look on his face was a mixture of concentration and anger.

The speed of thrusting quickened suddenly and Josh started to grab Theo's sides tighter. Moaning now, his balls started slapping Theo with each stroke. Theo's eyes widened with the idea of what was about to happen. Patiently waiting for his master.

Josh pinched with both full hands and let out a deep groan as his cock started to spasm inside the boy. He pushes inside deeper than ever and Theo feels the end of his master's dick pulsate against something inside. He was being bred for the first time. Filled full of cum - becoming the boy he always wanted to be.

Both man and boy stay silent and still for a few seconds before Josh slowly pulls his flaccid dick out. It bounces slightly as it exits and hits Theo's now fully sagged little balls. His asshole spasms with the change in size and he realises how fast his breathing had become.

"Now fully relax again, boy" Josh commands, as Theo feels an open palm being placed between his balls and hole. "Give me that seed back. I'm going to feed it to you."

`You're gonna what!?' Theo asks inside his head, while immediately pushing slightly, bearing down and feeling a warm liquid exit and trickle down to Josh's hand.

With a firm upwards swipe, Josh moves his hand to infront of Theo's face and Theo looks down at the pool of cum that has just been milked from him. In awe, he opens his mouth and allows Josh to cover it with an open palm, allowing every drop to touch Theo's tongue.

`Fuck it tastes good. So good!' He thinks, as he feels two fingers slide back inside his ass, curl downwards and start to rub. That feeling from before comes back again in an extreme version and Josh covers Theo's nose as well with the other palm. Unable to breathe, Theo's face reddens and he starts to feel tense.

"Cum for me" Josh demands, just in time as the ecstasy over bears Theo and he sprays hot liquid all over the desk. His ass pulsates around Joshs fingers as they start to slide out and Theo half wishes that they could start the whole thing over again.

"Off you get" Josh says, as if he's talking to a kid on a pony, and lifts Theo up with one arm before placing him on the floor on his feet. The power in that man's arms was incredible. Theo wasn't small but he felt like a sack of feathers as he was swept through the air.

The clock on the wall read 09:40. He'd been in this office for an hour, but it had felt like seconds.

"That's was amazing, Boss. Thank you" Theo swooned. Josh ignored him and opened a nearby drawer. He started to place objects on the desk, the first of which Theo couldn't take his eyes off. It was a shiny golden metal contraption that resembled half a banana with a large o-ring behind. On either side an emblem was etched. Theo strained his eyes to see that it was the spreadeagle figure of a bird - a falcon - with the letters `JF' on its breast. Whatever this was, it was expensive. Next to it lay his Boss's name plate: Joshua Falcon, Sales Director .

The second item was a cellphone, then a leather bracelet with a key attached and lastley a gold choker. All three items also had matching etched symbols.

Josh reached for the first contraption and separated the two parts. He swiftly pulled the metal sheath over Theo's now flaccid dicklet and opened the o-ring at its hinge, tucking it behind the boy's balls and fastening it again over the base of his penis. Holding it all together with one hand, Josh reached in to the drawer again and produced a small lock bound in black leather, again enshrined with the falcon motif. With a quiet `click', Theo was locked in chastity.

Josh stood up and stared his new slave in the eye. "You're MINE now. I control you. Your dick and your mind. There is one key for that lock, and it's on my bracelet."

With that he picks the bracelet up and wraps it around his thick, tanned wrist. "Every time you see this key, remember that you are my property. Now get yourself dressed."

"Yes Boss." Theo dutifully complies, slipping around the desk and picking up his pants.

"Your phone, boy. Where is it?" Josh enquires.

"Oh, here Boss.." The boy reaches in to his trouser pocket and pulls out an iPhone.

His hand open, palm up and his arm outstretched in a silent demand, Josh beckons for it.

Theo slowly and unsurely passes the device over to him. Josh stares at the boy, one eyebrow lifted. Very commanding, very powerful.

"Passcode." Josh demands. Theo's mind buzzes - he has the same pin for all his cards, home alarm and phone. This is trust on a massive scale.... but he supposed that he could change all other codes later.

"4375" Theo mutters, wondering what information was on his phone that would harm their relationship.

"Right, it's outdated. You have no need for it anymore." Josh states as if a well known fact. He lines Theo's phone up with the one on the desk and pushes both screens with a fast determination.

They both buzz and flicker. Within a few more seconds he picks up the new phone and stretches his arm out once more - this time offering the device to the boy.

It was the newest model. Very expensive. It had been coated in a gold metal entirely so it shone under the office lights. Theo flipped it around and saw, on the back, the falcon emblem once again and the initials JF.

"You really do want to own me, don't you Josh?" Theo asked cheekily.

"Hmm. Come here, boy" Josh asks. Theo moves back around to the back of the desk.

THWACK!! Josh lashes out and slaps Theo across the face. Before he could find his balance again the jock grabs him under the chin and lifts his now red face up to stare at him.

"You NEVER address me in that disrespectful way again. I already own you, I started owning you from day one. I am your MASTER and you now obey me completely." Josh rages, eyes filled with anger.

"Oh Boss I'm so sorry!" Theo exclaims "the last thing I want is to make you angry. I do want you to own me - I mean you do already. I'm yours." He winces as he corrects himself, ready for another blow. Josh releases his grip.

"Know your place, boy and this will work to perfection." Josh explains. Theo nods embarrassed.

"Now you'd better get back to your desk. I have work to do." Josh dismisses him.

Theo dutifully complies once again, and hurriedly puts on the rest of his workwear.

"Oh, you'd better clear this up before you leave too." Josh says, pointing at the splatter of semen across the desk - Theo's release from the most intense session he could ever have imagined.

"What with!?" The boy remarks.

"Your tongue, of course." Josh answers with a filthy, dark and mischievous look across his face, while fastening the gold choker around the boy's neck - making sure it is clearly visible to all.

Next: Chapter 6

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