The Office Boy

By zippbmth

Published on Aug 18, 2019


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Josh snaps out of his dominant trance. Eyes wide open and having to think fast.

"We're having a meeting in here "Josh shouts loudly. The handle starts to move. Josh looks over at the naked, blindfolded, tied boy with his pert dick sticking outwards, then down at his own solid cock pushing through his trousers. His boxers are soaked with precum.

"It's important Josh, open the door" Dricker demands.

Josh whips off the tie from around Theos eyes. The boy stares at his master, mouth dropped open.

"Get under the desk, now!" Josh barks, suddenly feeling excited at the prospect of getting caught. Theo dutifully obeys, picking up his clothes as Josh strides towards the door, tucking his dick under his belt to conceal how turned on he is.

"What is it, Steve?" Josh asks impatiently as he opens the door ajar.

"This information you just HAVE to hear" Dricker gushes, forcing his way in to the office and sitting in the very chair Theo was tied to moments earlier.

Josh slides in to his chair, trying not to kick Theo... too hard. As Dricker continues to spill the information that couldn't wait, Theo cheekily takes hold of Josh's now softening dick. It immediately springs back to life, as solid as before. He tries in ernest to take in the information being laid out to him and not let his mind wander below the desk.

Once Dricker finishes his performance he simply sits back in that chair and beams.

"Will that be all?" Josh asks, tipping his head towards the door to signify his intent.

"That's all." Dricker's beams. "I.....I take it Theo isn't taking notes down there, so if you need me to run it past you again come and see me."

Josh tries not to let his expression change, as his whole body shivers. He let's out a snort and with a wry smile retorts "Fuck off, Steve."

Dricker heads for the door, chuckling to himself. He turns at the exit point and raises one eyebrow as he spies the boy's naked soles poking out from underneath the desk.

"This project is important for the company, Josh. Don't fuck it up."

Josh felt a new found respect for his boss as he closed the door loudly. He pushes his seat backwards to see the embarrassed, wide eyed Theo on his knees at his feet.

"What's going to happen to us!?" Theo asks nervously.

"We're going to continue our meeting, boy." Josh calmly states. "Come up and let me inspect you"

Theo jumps to his feet, still concerned that his boss had rumbled them, still worried that the door was unlocked. Josh, on the other hand, felt a new wave of dominance rush through his veins. Anyone could now walk in, and he knew that wouldn't stop what was going to happen next.

The jock stands up, tall and strong. His shoulders back, chin slightly raised and hips pushed forward. He wanted to show Theo that he was in command. Give him the trust in his master that would gain the control he needed on the boy. Josh's eyes scanned his new subject. Thick black thick hair with curls; blue eyes; soft, fair skin and plump lips. It was the lips that he noticed first all those weeks ago. Theo would pout automatically when Josh walked by as if to salute him.

Scanning down his hairless torso, the boy was in good shape with a pert erection, no pubic hair and tight little balls just begging for punishment.

"Arms up" Josh Barked. The first of his many commands. The boy swung his arms and clasped his hands together at the back of his head to reveal his hairless pits. `He knows some simple moves, obviously.' Josh thought.

The boy wore a simple deodorant and smelt of delicate fabric softener.

"If you want to be my boy, really be my boy, you must memorise my commands and act on them immediately - no matter where we are or how embarrassed you feel you may become. You must place your entire trust in me as your master. Understand?"

"Yes Boss. Anything." Theo softly replied

"Command number one: INSPECTION. Whatever you are wearing, you must strip immediately and adopt the pose you're in right now. " Josh raises one eyebrow to signal his command instructions were over.

"Understood" Theo states, growing slowly as he stretches his body - becoming quite proud of his new position.

"Command number two: PRESENT. On your knees, ass held high. Face on the floor and arms stretched out in front of you - pussy facing me. Always. Understood"

"I do" came the reply.

"Good. Then PRESENT!" Theo commands

The boy spins round, leaps onto his knees on Josh's desk and sweeps aside a pen holder. His face slams onto the desk and he stretches his arms as far away from him as he can.

Nice twist' Josh thinks as his eyes follow Theo's back from his neck down his upwardly curved midriff and his peachy smooth ass cheeks even though it is a little cheeky. I'll have to watch this one.'

And then he stares at Theo's light pink ass hole. The boy is pushing his cheeks out as far as he can, stretching open his hole to reveal a tiny opening. It's smooth and perfectly round, with soft folds and wrinkles splaying from the centre like a star. Very neat, but not unused.

Josh leans forward and takes a slow, steady inhale through his nose. This boy smells so sweet, so clean.

"When were you last fucked?" He enquires.

"I...I'm a virgin, Sir" Theo nervously proclaims. "But I have toys..."

"Refer to me as Boss from now on, I like that."

"Yes Boss. I like it too Boss." Theo agrees.

Josh moves his face closer to Theo's spread open virgin hole. Virgin hole' Josh thinks. This keeps getting better!'

He gently kisses one ass cheek, then the other. He wants Theo to feel a sense of anticipation and keep it going for as long as he can. He cups his hand around the boy's ball sack, sticks his tongue out and gives a gentle, long lick with his wet tongue from the sack up towards the hole, stopping just short, pulling away and then touching back to skin above the hole up to the boy's tail bone.

Theo sticks his buns up higher signalling his eagerness to feel tongue inside him. Josh doesn't allow his pleasure yet. He starts to lick again from the boy's tight smooth ballsack and this time misses his hole and licks to the left as he passes.

"Mmmphf" Theo moans, struggling to rise his buns higher again.

For the third time Josh's tongue starts on the boy's now dripping testicles, and misses his hole to the right. By now Josh is getting as impatient as Theo but he withholds from going in straight away. He's in control and that's more important.

He backs off, unzips his flies and let's his trousers hit the floor. His tight boxers are soaked with precum and his dripping dick pounces out as he pulls them down. An ache comes over Josh's body starting at the tip of his penis and ending as a thump to his head. The sexual arousal is truly intense.

With a sudden `whack' Josh's hand makes impact with the boys right ass cheek. He slapped as hard as he possibly could, hoping to startle Theo from his zombied state. The pert bubble butt ripples under his palm and Theo sucks air in hard, trying not to scream. As the boy's mouth opens Josh takes his opportunity to pick his wet boxers up and stuff the precum soaked part in, making sure Theo got a taste on his tongue.

Theo, now gagged, moans loudly and rolls his eyes to the back of his head. Josh stands back and watches as the blood rushes to the surface of the boy's ass cheek and a new, dark pink, hand print comes in to view.

Animal instincts kick in and Josh grabs both cheeks, pulls them apart and sinks his tongue deep inside.

Both man and boy groan as his tongue flicks in and out, making circles around Theo's soft hole.

Josh stands up proud, dick pointing straight towards its target. He moves closer, so the tip pushes against Theo's opening. He takes a second to lick the taste of his tongue and lips then asks "do you trust me, boy? I want to feel skin."

With a silent nod, Theo backs up an inch and the head of Josh's thick cock pops inside.

Next: Chapter 5

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