The Office Boy

By zippbmth

Published on Aug 15, 2019


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Two weeks passed since Theo's soaking from Josh. He hadn't seen the jock since, apparently he'd had a holiday booked the next day to St Lucia. It had been weird having such a hot session with such an incredible guy, then absolutely no contact afterwards.

Theo had started to get a little depressed about it, drudging through his usual morning routine of waking up solid after dreams about his experience and beating off to the memories, still tossing off daily in the toilet cubicle like some sad boy who can't let it go. But it was just so hot and so unexpected. Josh had him in his curse.

It had started pouring down and his bus was late. The windows were steamed up and everyone smelt like damp flannels when he got on. The only space left was a seat next to what looked like a hobo. This was definitely going to be another shit day at the office.

As the packed bus entered the trading estate where Theo worked he glanced up from his clasped hands and scoured the office car park. Each sales lead had his own reserved space, and Josh's had been empty for what seemed like an eternity. Most of the office staff had already parked up and ran in to avoid the rain and it looked like someone had parked in Josh's space to get close to the doors. "Wait, what!?" Theo couldn't help blurting out loud as he focused on the car - it was a Mercedes AMG GT, black paint with matt black wheels. That was definitely Josh's car. He was back! Theo ran off the bus, pushing the few standing passengers without a care. He hoped his overactive imagination hadn't created a mirage and that the car was still there when he leapt off. It was. He stood on the spot for a couple of seconds, rain pouring down his face, reminding him of the hot streams Josh had given him. He'd tossed off over thoughts of being fucked on the bonnet of that sports car.

Rushing through reception and into his office, Theo's eyes darted around to catch his first look at Josh. But he wasn't to be seen. He wasn't there.

A feeling of emptiness came over Theo as his dizzy gaze scanned every face in the office. All he'd wanted over these last two weeks was to see Josh's chisseled features again. To look up and meet his stern gaze and smell his cock as it waived in front of his face.

"Ah Theo - glad you're here early..." a familiar voice of power hit him as if to slap him from a trance. It was the office director Mr Dricker. He was an older guy, late 50's. He'd always been very kind to Theo and the boy had a lot of respect for his superior. Mr Dricker's sentence trailed off as he looked Theo's drenched body up and down. "Looks like you were caught in that storm. No time to dry off I need you in my office. Come on. "

Theo's shirt was stuck to his skin, becoming slightly opaque and showing his nipples which were standing to attention, rubbing with each movement. Theo had very sensitive nips and he couldn't help rolling his eyes in enjoyment as he marched behind the boss.

"Close the door, could you" Dricker said as he entered the room. Obediently Theo swung around and pushed the door shut as soon as he entered. "Now, you were saying, Josh". Theo's eyes widened, staring at the grains on the door panel for a second, hand still on the door handle paralysed with fear and excitement. `Did he just say... Josh!?'

"Yes Steve, this new project will be a turning point for the department. I need all hands on deck." It was Josh's voice for sure. He was the only guy in the office that got away with using Mr Dricker's first name. He was cocky enough but smooth so it wasn't a threat to the boss.

Theo spun a 180 on the spot. Eyes still crazed and wide. There he was, casually relaxed on the chair opposite Mr Dricker. He'd got a great tan, his hair was perfectly cut and he was wearing a figure hugging pristine white shirt that showed off his huge biceps and chest. He slowly closed his eyes in a sweeping blink and turned his head towards the door.

"You're piss wet through, boy" he casually remarked as he looked Theo up and down.

"Not quite" Theo murmured under his breath.

"Josh has managed to scoop a fantastic new project while on his travels for us, Theo. He's in need of some new team members to ensure everything goes through smoothly and I've recommended you" Mr Dricker beamed.

Theo's mouth dropped open.

"Steve tells me you're a shiny new penny full of promise. I'm not so sure. " Josh rose an eyebrow and inspected the boy from the corner of his gaze.

Theo just stood there.

"He's the best in the business Theo, you're going to learn a lot from this one. " Dricker says with enthusiasm.

"He is the best for sure" Theo blurted out automatically. Dricker's eyes narrowed and a frown came over his face for a second, Josh scorned at him.

"Right, ok. That's sorted then. You two can sort out the rest I'm sure. " Dricker states casually while closing a folder on his desk to signal the end of the meeting.

"Come in to my office and we'll get things started, whatever your name is. " Josh sighed.

"Theo. It's Theo. You know that don't you!?" The boy begged. `Surely he cares about me?'

"Right... sure. Follow me" Josh says carefree while pushing past Theo and out of the door.

Theo glanced at Dricker and nods in acceptance of his new role, spins round and quick steps to catch up with his new boss.

The door slams behind Theo as he enters Josh's new office. It was newly decorated with a solid 1920's looking desk just oozing power. Full length windows looking out over parkland and a leather sofa along one wall. Theo's eyes darted around the room imagining places they could fuck. Suddenly he felt a hand grasp his neck forcefully and slam him against the wall. Josh had him pinned and had fire in his eyes.

"For fuck's sake you little prick, what kind of show was that!? You think I want the whole office knowing you've got the hots for me??" He barked, grip tightening on the boys neck. Josh's mouth curled at the side, showing his gleaming white teeth.

"W-wha. Sorry - uh" Theo had totally lost his mind at this point. "It was a surprise seeing you"

Josh looks down at Theo's groin. "Now's not the time. For gods sake" Josh moans, slapping the end of Theo's fully erect cock through this trousers. Theo hadn't even noticed it going up but the feel of the jock's forceful hands on his throat was a massive turn on.

"Sit down and start making notes" he barks. Theo blushes and follows the order immediately as Josh reopens the door and slides the door sign to read `meeting in progress'. He gently closes the door and locks it quietly. Theo breathes in deeply in anticipation of what's to come.

"You can't work all day in those wet clothes. Take them off. " Josh orders, as if it was an ordinary task. "All of them. Take all of your clothes off. Go."

Theo slips off his tie, unbuttons his shirt and starts to unbuckle his belt. Josh acts as though nothing is happening and sits back at his desk, eyes focused on some paperwork. Theo feels horny and used, like the jock just doesn't care about him at all.

Trousers around his ankles, Theo stands to attention waiting for his next order.

"Why have you stopped? I said get naked. What don't you understand?" Josh asks.

Theo gulps, pulls his white briefs down to reveal his hairless cock and shaven balls. He bends down to take his trousers and pants off and realises his shoes are still on. Naked, flushed with embarrassment and now bent over hobbling he feels like a total failure.

Theo glances up and sees Josh beaming a wide smile. Theo tuts and continues with his task. Once finished he stands to attention. Totally naked in an office, balls tight, dick solid. Theo isn't hung but his dick today is throbbing. There's no way it's going down. Theo stares. "Now what?" He asks.

"Keep taking notes. " Josh demands, and points at the office chair, curved leather with sturdy metal legs and back. Theo sits and picks up a notepad and pen as Josh starts to bark a list of tasks. Theo's dick is still solid, he looks down and sees precum starting to drip out of it.

"You won't concentrate until that's gone, boy" Josh remarks and stands up. He acts like this is just another normal day in the office, but the shadow of his bulging hard cock shows Theo his real thoughts.

Theo's eyes follow the tall, muscular physique of Josh as he walks around the desk and behind the boy's chair. He scans Josh's body repeatedly, trying to take in as many memories as possible. `Who knows how long this will last or if I'll get this chance again?' He thinks.

Josh bends down beside the chair and picks up Theo's discarded tie. He flicks it on to the boy's belly and then strokes upwards and past his face. A deep inhalation reveals the smell of expensive aftershave.

Then the tie gets lowered over his head, infront of his eyes. Slowly, Josh moves the tie towards Theo's face and wraps it around, tying it behind so no light can escape the makeshift blindfold. Theo's world is plunged in to darkness and his other senses become heightened. He can hear Josh's breathing now, deep and steady. He feels the leather chair against his bare skin, the carpet on his naked feet and the drip of precum starting to run down his vertical shaft.

Then another sound - clinking and sliding. Josh was taking the boy's belt out from his trousers. A touch on his left shoulder and slow stroke down his arm allowed Theo to trace Josh's movements. There were no surprise actions and Theo felt almost comfortable in his company now.

Once Josh reached the boy's hand he slowly tightened his grip and pulled his arm behind the chair. The same stroking, tightening and pulling routine was performed on Theo's right arm until both hands met behind the chair. His looped belt was then tightened around his wrists and secured to the rear bar of the seat. Theo struggled slightly to get comfortable and suddenly felt a rush of emotion as he realised he was fixed in place and unable to free himself. He took a deep breath in and felt his cheeks flush red. He was now totally under Josh's control and it made Theo feel incredible.

Josh stroked Theo's smooth face, used the tip of his finger to trace his neck. Pulled his palm across the boy's hairless torso and firmly clasped his erect cock. Swiftly scooping his hand around the boy's tight shaven balls, he gives a gentle but firm squeeze.

"Ugh yeah" Theo's automatic reaction comes tumbling out of his mouth. Eyes rolling behind the blindfold and eyebrows quivering.

"You are my boy now, Theo. MINE." Comes Josh's firm statement.

"Mmmhmphf" Theo could just murmer - he was in a state of pure ecstasy.

Josh slowly starts to stroke Theo's now wet cock, using his precum as lube.

"You'll do as I say, dress as I want, go where I demand. I now control your existence. I am your Master - your Boss - your God." He continues, gaining speed on his strokes.

Theo's dick has never felt so sensitive. Every inch of its surface seems to be worshipping Josh's fingers, begging for another touch.

It's too much for the little boy. Theo let's out another whimper and gives notice.

"Oh I'm going to cum!"

"Don't you DARE." comes the reply, which only turns Theo on more. "I control when you finish. Keep focused"

"Huh hmm I can't Sir - it's coming...!" Josh exclaims.

Suddenly Josh's hand stops, he grabs Theo's bellend and squeezes tight, pushing the boy's dick downwards with a harsh, jerking movement. The usual gush of nirvana and explosion of hot wet cum doesn't arrive. Theo slumps back in the chair, his cock pumping in spasms but only a trickle of cum blubs over the top of his helmet and over Josh's hand.

"What just happened!?" The confused boy asks.

"You don't finish before your Master, boy. Never. You make sure I am satisfied before requesting your own pleasure. Understand?" Josh sounds like a strict school teacher. "I ruined your orgasm to prove I am in control of your body and mind."

"Oh, sorry." Theo whimpers, pointing his head down in disappointment, feeling suddenly low and empty. Josh let's out a short sharp breath from his nose and Theo imagines him smiling.

"You don't need to apologise when I teach you, boy. Just acknowledge your training and react accordingly. Now, open your mouth and clean up this mess on my fingers." Josh jovially explains. Filled with a new sense of excitement, Theo beams before opening his mouth as wide as he can and sticks out his tongue.

The feeling of Josh's manly fingers on the surface of Theo's wet mouth sends him in to a dizzy frenzy. He clasps his lips around the jock's digits and sucks obediently, tasting the sweet cum that had dribbled out a moment earlier.

Josh walks around behind the boy and unbuckles the belt from the chair. Lifting up sternly, Theo is thrust into a standing position.

Suddenly, there's a knock at the door.

Next: Chapter 4

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