The Office Boy

By zippbmth

Published on Aug 11, 2019


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Josh looked around the office. The meeting had finished and everyone was back at their desk dutifully beavering away. He was supposed to wrap up his reports before leaving for a business trip, but his head was dizzy and he was sweating profusely. Instead of turning left to his desk - computer still logged in, paperwork scattered ready to compile, he turned right and walked briskly down the hallway. He couldn't be in that office when the boy exited the toilet. He couldn't bare to see the reaction if anyone had clocked them both, or the fact that the kid was drenched and flushed red with embarrassment.

The lift door opened immediately but that was already too slow. He got in and pushed the ground floor button and close door button together. He just needed to get out and fast. Just as the doors touched closed they abruptly started to open again - Josh's heartbeat quickened with the thought of the boy standing on the other side, distraught.

But it wasn't him. It was his boss, Steve.

Steve was a class A dickhead. Totally clueless and easy to manipulate. Josh had convinced him to allow an all expenses paid trip to St Lucia on a whim one day when he was bored.

"Off early today, Josh? Everything ok - you're looking a bit flushed?" Steve asked flippantly, as if he didn't care anyway.

"Ugh yeah. I need to get packed for the flight" Josh replied, wishing he was out already.

The lift doors opened and Josh strode past Steve. "Are you back in tonight, or....?" He could hear Steve ask, but he ignored the guy and kept walking through the main doors.

Slumped in his car, Josh recalled the last few minutes, and the weeks of observation that had led to him calling the boy in to the toilet: The daily piss break that he started timing;making sure he'd drunk enough beforehand and always leaving a mid-flow seat streak to test if the boy wanted it; watching and waiting to see the boy scan the office and jump out of his seat, eager to get in after Josh, then coming out minutes later flushed red and visibly happier.

He was the cutest, lean office boy Josh had ever seen. Real porno material - a mixture of twink and young jock. He looked as if he could hardly grow stubble on his face, had jet black hair in a side parting and a bubble butt that couldn't quite fit in his tight trousers. He knew the boy would be hairless all over, and he fantasised over fucking the little boys ass pretty much every night.

Josh was now rubbing his solid dick through his trousers. He unzipped his flies and it stood proud, pumping full of blood. His balls were aching already, begging to be emptied again. Josh slowly stroked his shaft as he recalled the look on the boys face as he let his piss flow over him. The feeling of total power as he stared down at him.

Suddenly something caught Josh's eye. A figure had burst out of reception, breathing heavily. It was the boy.

He scanned the car park, looking totally lost. Totally bewildered. Upset almost. What have I down to this poor boy?' Josh asked himself silently. What have I done!? This could be the end of me here.'

The boys eyes continue to look around the lot. Then he stopped at Josh's car and his eyes locked on to the jock. Josh gulped, stayed still and expressionless. The boys eyes narrowed. Then, out of nowhere, he smiled. A cheeky, happy smile. The boy winked, blew a kiss and before Josh could react he turned and started to run out of the car park.

"The cheeky little shit!" Josh exclaimed, this time out loud to his empty car. "He loved that more than I did!"

He tucked his cock back in his pants and started the motor, drove out of the office car park and headed for his apartment.

Josh owned a loft style apartment on the twelfth floor. The lift opened directly in to the large open plan living area. The entire place was sleek and minimalist - walnut real wood floors, grey walls. An Art Deco mirrored sideboard split the room in half, with a large u-shaped brown leather sofa taking pride of place. As the lift doors opened, Josh watched two figures suddenly starting to shift away from each other and straightening their clothes.

"Josh! You're back early. You ok?" remarked Ryan, the jock's partner of 10 years.

Josh ignored him and turned to the second guy.

"Nathaniel" he sneered, continuing the sentence in his head `is a such a wankers name'.

Nathaniel jumped up. "H...hi Josh. I was just passing and.."

"Now you're just leaving" Josh cut him off mid flow. "The lifts here. Get out. "

"Hey don't talk to Nathaniel like that!" Ryan exclaimed. "You don't need to leave. Come and sit back down."

But Nathaniel was already gathering his bag and shoes, heading for the exit.

Josh ignored him as he hurriedly clambered past and pushed the ground button repeatedly.

"I'll call you later, Ryan" he said, trying not to sound startled.

As the lift door closed, Josh turned to his boyfriend.

"Here. " he snarled. Pointing the floor in front of his feet. Ryan obeyed. As he came close Josh took him by the throat and threw him against the wall.

"What the fuck!" He squealed. "We were just talking!"

Josh turned him round and held his flat palm against Ryan's head, pressing him in to the wall. With his other hand he forcefully pulled his jeans down over his peachy butt.

"I'm not in the mood, Josh. You know you're too big" Ryan pleaded, but Josh continued without a word.

The jock's solid cock was pressing against his suit trousers and it sprung out as soon as he unzipped his flies. The head was aching and the veins were pumping harder than they had for a long time. But this boner wasn't for his partner, it was because of the office boy.

Josh held his hand up to his mouth and spat in it. Rubbing the full length of his 7 inch cock, breathing in sharply as he massaged the helmet - and slapping the excess between Ryan's smooth cheeks. He linged up his pumping hard dick with Ryan's tight hole and started to push. Slowly but forcefully.

"Hey stop. What the fuck!" Ryan exclaimed. Josh brought his head close to Ryan's and whispered in his ear.

"Shut. The. Fuck. Up. And take this like the little bitch you are." Ryan hadn't been talked to like this before and his eyes widened in shock. But he seemed paralysed. Like a rabbit in the headlights of an oncoming truck. As Josh's cock pushed in and he felt a popping sensation of Ryan's asshole being forced open, Ryan let out a loud, high pitched scream. The pitch quickly lowered to an angry "Aaahhhhhh" and Ryan's eyes narrowed.

"I said no Josh. Fucking stop!" But Josh was entranced. His shaft now sliding inside until he felt his balls against the boy's ass cheeks. He grabbed Ryan by the mouth to stop any further pleading and pulled him down towards the doggy position. There was no stopping. Josh had an animal urge that needed satisfying. He started pounding Ryan harder and harder, using the entire length of his dick to slide in and out. He's never fucked like this before - his heavy, low hanging balls slapping against Ryan with every move. Ryan's face was bright red with either pain or anger. Probably both. But he kept silent.

Two more, long, hard strokes and Josh's cock erupted inside Ryan, pumping cum like an oil well. Josh pulled out as the contractions stopped and Ryan slumped on the floor, jeans round his knees. He stared up at the Jock and watched as he walked to the lift and pushed the call button. Josh picked him up by his shirt collar and walked him in to the newly arrived lift. His cock was still dripping and hard, and it wiped on Ryan's butt as they frogmarched. Ryan moved away in disgust.

There was no conversation, no pleading. Ryan knew he was being evicted. As the lift doors closed, all he remarked was "my keys!".

Josh already had them in his hand and was slipping the apartment key off the ring. He threw the remaining keys directly at Ryan's chest just as the lift doors touched shut.

Josh turned around and inspected his domain. His eyes were slits, mouth tense and chest puffed up. He knew he was at the start of a new chapter in his life. A masterful, dominating and powerful existence.

He grabbed his sagging balls and now flaccid cock and tucked them back in to his pants, and smiled at the thought of the office boy - and of what he was planning to do to him.

Next: Chapter 3

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