The Office Boy

By zippbmth

Published on Aug 5, 2019


Theo stared down at the wet toilet seat. Josh, the office stud, had just left from here and no-one else had been in that morning. Theo's desk faced the disabled toilet and he always noticed who went in. Most of the guys in the office used this room as they were too lazy to go down the hall to the main toilet. It was larger than most cubicles and had a full length mirror on the wall. Today, Theo knew it was only Josh that had been in. The 6ft 2 tall, jet black haired tanned lead salesman - he was a few years older than Theo, obviously worked out and took good care of himself. The office girls swooned over him. He usually walked round in tight fitting shirts and trousers to show off every bulge he had - especially his crotch. He was definitely packing.

Theo caught a glimpse of himself in the toilet mirror. Flush red cheeks and a bewildered look on his face. 'What am I thinking!?' - it was like he was possessed. He'd been standing in front of the toilet seat for ages, just staring at the piss Josh had left, like a present to him. Gleaning, just a tinge of yellow - about five droplets. One of them rolled off the curved plastic and dropped in to the bowl. A sense of missed opportunity came over Theo and without another breath he hit the floor on all fours, face close to the seat, mouth dropped open. As he stared at the remaining drops he felt his tongue extend. "This is gross, right? I shouldn't be doing this.." he thought, as his tongue gently touched the cold plastic and started to move upwards. And then the taste changed. The warm, sweet, salty taste of Josh hit Theo's tongue - his eyes widened, tongue now firmly licking the seat as each drop came in to contact. He couldn't believe he's actually tasted Josh's piss - had a part of him inside now. Fuck, this felt good. It felt right to be on all fours for him. Theo's cock was raging and pulling at his tight pants. He knelt back and quickly unzipped his flies to release his pulsating member. Three tugs and he was spueing hot cum all over the seat where Josh's present had been. Again on all fours, Theo mopped up his own semen and swallowed it all, mixing his cum with Josh's pee. He sat back, staring at himself in the mirror. That was the hottest thing young Theo had ever done. He wasn't very experienced with sex, and this was a very new feeling. But damn it felt good!

This sordid affair went on for weeks. Theo would trace Josh's movements down the office from his desk at the far end, watch him enter the toilet, patiently wait for what seemed like forever for the jock salesman to return, and then wait for a minute or two to make sure no one noticed. Then he'd head straight for the door, clicking the switch to 'engaged' and checking the seat for presents. Most times Josh would leave a splash or two for Theo to mop up and toss over.

Today Theo had been on his usual routine - eyes bobbing above the computer screen when someone walked passed, waiting for Josh to enter the cubicle. No luck so far. The whole office had been called in to the manager's office for a sales meeting, but Theo stayed put. He was part of the accounts team so never went to these meetings. It gave him some respite from the hustle and bustle of the sales room - everything falling eerily quiet for half an hour. A few minutes had passed before Theo heard the familiar door click of the disabled toilet. Startled and bemused, Theo snapped out of his daze and his eyes darted over to find Josh stood in the toilet doorway - staring directly at him. He'd not noticed Josh exit the meeting and walk the length of the office, he wasn't expecting to see anyone for some time and had been engrossed in his work. Theo gingerly looked back at his computer screen but couldn't resist flicking his gaze back at Josh. He was still stood, just staring at the boy. Theo felt his cheeks flush red and a sinking feeling comemover his body. "What's going on? Why's he noticing me suddenly?" he thought. Josh moved his right forearm upwards, index finger extended. With one swift flick of his finger, he beckoned Theo to him. A quick sideways tilt of the head confirmed his intention - Josh wanted Theo in the cubicle. "Fuck - oh fuck. I'm totally fucked" Theo kept repeating in his head. Josh's face was blank - no emotion, no smile. This felt totally surreal. Theo suddenly felt like a mouse that had been cornered by a dominant cat. Staring in to Josh's eyes and unable to look away, Theo realised that he was already on his feet, office chair pushed back.

"Get in here, Boy." Josh's voice boomed - there wasn't going to be a chance to wriggle out of this. Theo had to obey. His eyes hit the floor and he walked quickly towards the toilet, stopping when Josh's shoes came in to view. Patent leather, perfectly shined. He started to raise his view to look directly at Josh. He was a couple of inches taller and wearing a perfectly fitted suit, white shirt and grey tie. The perfect power look.

"In." Josh barked and Theo obeyed. The door firmly closed and the lock clicked shut. "I know what you've been doing, you little perv" - he spoke as if he was spitting venom, leaning over to invade his personal space. But still Theo could only take in a deep breath and smell his manly odour. "You come in here straight after me every day, I've been watching." Theo was pinned up against the wall, wide eyed and mute. "So I'm going to give you what you've always wanted. Knees. Now" Josh was so firm with the boy. Theo sank down against the wall until his knees hit the tiled floor. Eyes level with Josh's groin. This felt dangerous. It felt risky and uncomfortable. And he was embarrassed as hell.

Theo was fixated on Josh's groin for what felt like forever. Then the suited jock gave a sharp sniff noise to make Theo look up towards him. Eyes locked, Josh started to unzip his flies. With the other hand he reached in and pulled the band of his tight pants down. His dick and balls flopped out of his suit trousers, hanging low and proud. Theo's gaze was fixed on the junk as it bobbed from side to side, balls swinging slightly slower like a pendulum. "Open your mouth, Theo". The boy didn't even think that Josh knew his name. A rush of anxiety, panic and extreme embarrassment came over him as his jaw dropped wide open. "You're gonna drink directly from the tap" Josh declared as he moved closer, holding his limp dick horizontal and placing it on Theo's tongue. Theo automatically closed his lips around the shaft. "You want my piss don't you, Boy" It sounded like it should be a question, but Josh stated the fact and Theo nodded in agreement.

Without hesitation Theo felt the warm juices filling his mouth. "Swallow, bitch" Josh ordered. His mouth emptied and started to fill up again. "Now keep this mouthful" Josh barked again, stopping the flow and pulling his dick out. Theo stared at the droplet that hung from Josh's foreskin like the end of a hosepipe. Suddenly he opened the flood gates again and covered Theo's face with hot piss. The stream was directed higher to cover his hair so it dripped down past his chin and on to his shirt. Then Josh pointed his dick down so the heavy stream poured out on to Theo's clothes.


Josh started to stroke his now semi-erect cock. It inflated rapidly and the jock's whole torso tensed up. Theo's eyes slowly moved up and down from Josh's face to his throbbing cock and swinging balls. This was unbelievable. "How is this happening!?" He thought, before making a decision that he wasn't going to miss out on the opportunity in front of him. Josh's face was thrust towards the ceiling - heavily breathing through his nose as he pounded his shaft. Theo quickly unzipped his flies and let his aching dick pop out. With each stroke the jock took, Theo copied on his own. Suddenly Josh flicked his head down, eyes piercing through Theo's. "Swallow my juice" he commanded. Theo had already let half the mouthful trickle down his throat, and immediately let the rest enter him. The sight of the boy's adams apple bobbing in his throat visually excited Josh - red faced, his grip tightened and the pace sped up. "Eugh, fuck!" He exclaimed as hot white cum spued out of the end of his dick, spraying Theo's already wet face.

A few deep breaths and a slow squeeze of his shaft, balls to tip, to release the last few drops of cum, and Josh was done. He smiled a little as he pushed his ass backwards slightly to allow his junk to fall back in his pants. Theo watched as he zipped himself up, turned to the mirror and played with his hair before straightening his tie. Josh spun back round and took in the sight before him, the state he'd got this little boy in. With a rye smile, lifting only one side of his lips to show Theo his gleaming white teeth, Josh bent down so both of their faces were level. "Good Boy, Theo" the jock said, smoother and softer than before. A quick slap of the face, and Josh stood up to leave. Noticing his hand had planted on Theo's face where the cum had landed, the jock wiped off the excess on Theo's hair. One firm movement front to back. "You're mine now, perv" he stated. "Oh, clear this all up before you leave." And with that, he flicked the lock, swung open the door and exited.

Theo glanced at himself in the mirror. Cum dripping down his face, piss wet shirt, and for the first time he noticed his own spunk covering his trousers. How would he exit the building looking like this? Who cared. The only things running round his mind at this point were two statements given by Josh: "Good boy, Theo" and "you're mine now, perv". Theo had always wanted to hear those words: "Good Boy". They made him feel truly content. And now he was owned. A piece of furniture, a thing, a toy. Hot! He sat up from his slumped position, wiped the white liquid from his face into his mouth and quicky reached for the lock.

'Click' - safe again.

Next: Chapter 2

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