The offer - F/f, b/d by JYM

By moc.loa@bnallaekiM

Published on Jan 3, 2010



The offer was as simple as it was shocking. And very tempting. I was out working in the yard one hot July afternoon when one of my neighbors dropped by. I'll call her Hanna to protect the guilty. Hanna is a wealthy woman in her early forties. She made her money in the shoe business and sold out two years ago to a foreign competitor for enough to live comfortably for a dozen lifetimes. I've often wondered why she stayed in our neighborhood of relatively modest homes. Hanna is an attractive, fit woman with dark hair and olive skin. She's not tall, maybe 5'6", and she's very fit. Attractive without being flashy. She has a nice figure and long, sleek legs. My husband thinks she's sexy for an `older' woman. I was kind of surprised to see her come through the gate into my back yard. We've known each other for a few years but haven't been really close. We chat once in a while when we see each other outside, but that's about it. I was working in the garden when I heard the gate open and I was a little

concerned until I saw Hanna. I stood up and wiped my hands on the legs of my shorts. Hanna smiled and said, "Hello Jill, how are you today?" I returned her smile. "Hello Hanna. I'm fine, how are you? Won't you sit and talk for a few minutes?" I gestured at the patio chairs and we each took a seat. We chatted for a while before Hanna made the offer. It's no secret in the neighborhood that things haven't been going well for us. Jim's business has been struggling for a couple of years, but he's on the verge of turning it around. He only needs a few months, six or eight, to be secure again. Just a few months more without pressure and we'll be okay. I guess Hanna knew that and decided to take advantage. Before I reveal her off I should tell you a little about myself. My name is Jill Ashton, I'm thirty-one years old, and have been married for 9 years. We have two children, eight-year-old twins who were away at summer camp at the time. I'm a tall, athletic blonde with a good figure (34c-26-35) and long, very nice legs. I'm not beautiful, at least I don't think of myself as a beauty, but I am attractive. My legs are my best feature, long and sleek, nicely curve with firm thighs and delicately sculpted knees. I'm not a prude, but I have always been a little conservative. But I do like to show off my legs. Anyway, Hanna's offer took me by surprise. She said she was having a group of friends over the following afternoon for a garden party. Hanna's backyard is fenced and well-planted with shrubbery and is totally private, a good place for to have a party in the summer. She asked me if I would be willing to tend bar. She had already hired a college girl to be the waitress/barmaid. Before I could say a word she continued on. "And I'll pay you $500. How about it?" I was stunned. $500 for a few hours work? Even in our neighborhood that was very good money indeed! I told her I'd think about it. I tried to act cool, but $500 would be a big help to us. Hanna said, "Fine, call me and let me know. By 5 p.m. today please. Oh, by the way, you'd have to work nude." I'd turned to look out into the garden and it was good that I had because it kept her from seeing the look of shock on my face. I turned back and said, "Oh, I don't think...." She cut me off. "$1,000, Take it or leave it." Her offer took my breath away. How could I turn down a thousand dollars? It would mean so much. I wouldn't be able to tell Jim, but I could feed the money into the household budget over a few weeks. I glanced at the garden once more, then back at Hanna. "Ok," I said in a whisper. "I'll do it." Hanna smiled, "Fine, but first I want to see what my guests will see." She leaned back with an expectant look on her face. "And you can serve me a drink after you've taken your clothes off. Sort of a tryout." I got up and walked over to the edge of the patio. It was decision time. I knew from the look in Hanna's eyes that there was more to her offer than just bartending nude. And, shockingly, I found myself becoming excited. I turned back and faced Hanna, staring at the fence behind her as I peeled my T-shirt off over my head. Then I unsnapped my shorts and eased them down over my hips. As they fell around my ankles I bent and untied my work boots. I eased my work boots off, then took my shorts and dropped them on top of the low stone wall surrounding the patio. I straightened up and faced Hanna wearing my plain cotton underwear and my socks. She smiled and said, " Leave the socks on. You'll be sexier than if you were totally nude." I nodded as I reached back to unhook my bra. My breasts fell free and I blushed as I tossed my bra on top of my shorts. My breasts are firm with no trace of sag. They're not really big (c-cup), but they are pretty and my small, dark nipples are very sensitive. Hanna chuckled when I blushed, causing me to blush even more. Then I took a deep breath and hooked my thumbs into the waistband of my panties. One quick move and then were down around my ankles. I stepped out of them and glanced at Hanna. "What would you like to drink, ma'am?" I tried to sound like a barmaid. Polite, but impersonal. Hanna grinned and said, "Gin and Tonic." I went inside and mixed her drink. Then I put it on a small black tray with a napkin and carried it out to her. I set the napkin on the table, placed the glass on it, and said, "Here you are ma'am. Will there be anything else?" Hanna smiled and shook her head. "No, you've done very well." I thanked her and started to turn away, intending to put my clothes back on, but she touched my hip with the tips of her fingers and said, "Wait. Don 't rush away." I stood there and waited while she tasted her drink. Her hand still resting lightly on my hip. Her touch was strangely....... not unwelcome. She nodded her approval and set the glass down. Then she looked up at me. "Jill, how long has it been since Jim fucked you?" I stared at the fence and whispered, "Six weeks." It never occurred to me not to answer. I wasn't Jill the devoted wife and mother anymore. I was away in a different world. A world where I was Jill the nude barmaid. Hanna pushed her chair back from the patio table and then told me to turn and face the table. I did as she asked and she told me to put my hands flat on the table and spread my feet a comfortable distance apart. Again, I did as she asked. She had me move to my left until my leg bumped against hers. She had me slide my hands toward the center of the table, causing me to bend forward from the waist. Then I felt her hand slip between my legs. I closed my eyes and moaned as she explored my sex with a delicate touch. I was quickly wet. As she explored me I told myself that six weeks is a long time without sex and I was weak and needed it, anything to justify submitting without protest. I leaned over farther and turned my head to one side, resting it on my right forearm. The hot surface felt good on my bare breasts. Hanna expertly masturbated me to a long, wonderful orgasm. I lay there, moaning, until it was over. As I started to move she put her hand on my back and said, "Wait. Do you know what the bowling ball grip is?" I shook my head. She chuckled. Then she plunged her forefingers deep into my vagina. At the same time, I felt her thumb press against my anus. I gasped and whispered, "No! Please!" But she kept her hand on my back and pushed her thumb into my ass. I could feel her thumb and fingers rubbing together, separated only by a thin membrane of flesh. Then she lifted upward, raising my feet right off the ground! God, it was erotic. I moaned and whimpered as she swung me from side-to-side a little. Then she let me down and withdrew her fingers from my vagina. I glanced back over my shoulder and she smiled. "Admit it, you like having my thumb in you butt." I blushed and nodded. "Say it," she demanded. "I like having your thumb in my butt." She nodded. "That's better." She eased her thumb out of my ass and wiped her hand on the napkin. Then she picked up her drink and moved over to sit on the wall. I straighten up and walked over to my clothes. Hanna called my name as I picked up my panties. "Jill, don't dress. Just put your work boots on and go back to what you were doing. You will need sunscreen." I hesitated, and then nodded. I went in and got a bottle of SPF15 and put it on all over. Hanna did my back for me. Then I put my work boots on and went back to weeding the garden. I found it extremely erotic to work nude with Hanna watching. It was only 1:00 o'clock. It would be hours before Jim would be home. A few minutes later Hanna called my name and held up her glass. I walked up to the patio, conscious every step of the way of how I must look, nude, gleaming with sweat and suntan lotion, my breasts bouncing gently. Hanna's smile reflected her enjoyment. I took her glass and went inside to fix her another drink. This time, when I served it, she ran the tips of her fingers over my long, silky pubic hair and asked me if I had ever been shaved. I shook my head, "No, never." I turned and walked back to the garden. A few minutes later I heard Hanna's chair scrape on the flagstones as she pushed it back from the table. She walked down to the garden and watched me weed for a couple of minutes. Then she picked up the small garden spade that I'd left lying on the grass. I glanced up as she approached. She crouched in front of me and told me to spread my knees as far apart as I could and then clasp my hands behind my neck and keep them there. I obeyed. And watched as she slipped the shovel between my legs and eased the handle into my cunt. I took a deep breath and moaned with pleasure as she fucked me with the handle, deep and hard. The smooth lacquered handle

slid in and out easily. I moaned and whimpered, it was so embarrassing and so wonderful..... "Oh god, yes! Fuck me. Fuck me hard." Hanna smiled. "Beg." I stared at her and begged. "Please, fuck me hard. Fuck me deep. Please, Hanna! Oh, please fuuuuucccck meeeeeee!" As I started to cum she shoved the handle in deep and let go. Then she grabbed my nipples and squeezed them hard. It hurt like hell, but triggered the most fantastic orgasm of my entire life! When it was over I was on my knees in the dirt, the shovel handle deep in my wet cunt. I looked up at Hanna. She reached out and ruffled my hair. "I'm ready for another drink. Next time in the ass?" A long pause. "Slave." I glanced up at her again, startled. She held her hand out in front of me. I kissed it. "Yes," I whispered, "in the ass next time.......mistress." I worked nude the rest of the afternoon. Hanna had me roll in the rich dark earth while I was all hot and sweaty. Dirt streaked my flanks and belly, my tits and my ass, when I went to my knees and spread myself so she could ass-fuck me with the shovel handle. By the time the afternoon was over I was a dirty, sweaty, well-fucked nude slave. And happier then I had been in years. Before she left she told me that the college girl was a cute redhead, a dominant, aggressive dyke and I'd have to amuse her guests by satisfying the girl with my tongue. I shivered with anticipation. Before she left, I crawled to Hanna on my belly and licked her shoes in submission. The Offer - II The next morning, shortly after Jim left for the office, I got a call from Hanna. She told me that she was sending someone over to help me get ready for the party. She asked me what I was wearing and I told her that I had on a robe and a pair of cotton panties. She told me to strip and stay nude unless I got permission to dress. I slipped the robe off and pushed my panties down over my hips. Hanna told me that the girl would be there by 8:30 and I was to obey her as if it was Hanna herself. "Yes, ma'am, I understand." I shivered as I listened to her instructions. It was so exciting. She told me that if I worked in the garden I was allowed to wear socks, work boots, and a hat. And a heavy coating of sunscreen - SPF 15 at least. Precisely at 8:30 the doorbell rang. I glanced out the window and saw a young woman with brown hair standing on the porch. She was about medium height, a little on the stocky side, wearing a T-shirt, nylon shorts, and jogging shoes. She was carrying a canvas sports bag. I opened the door and let her in. She didn't seem a bit surprised to see that I was nude. She smiled as she looked me over and said, "Hi, my name is Jenni, Hanna sent me over to give you a waxing. Where can we do it?" I hesitated and she asked to see the kitchen. I took her down the hall to the kitchen and she looked around. "The table is big enough. We'll do it here. I can heat the wax in your microwave. Why don't you stretch out on the table and we'll get started." She set her bag down on the floor and crouched beside it. I sat down on the edge of the table and then eased myself over into the center. Then I stretched out on my back and stared at the ceiling. When Jenni stood up she had a glass pot filled with wax in her hand. She put it in the microwave and set it for 5 minutes on high. Then she dipped into her bag again and came up with a handful of leather straps. She had me plant my feet flat on the table and then she ran a strap around each leg below the knee, securing them in position so that I couldn't straighten them. The she ran a length of rope from one ankle under the table and tied it to my other ankle. Another rope went around the table at my waist. Then my wrists were tied to each leg of the table. I was helpless.

And very excited. Jenni stroked my belly and told me that she wouldn't hurt me if she could help it. I hesitated and then whispered, "It's okay if you hurt me a little." She smiled. Then she fondled my tits until my nipples were hard as little pebbles. "Please," I whispered, "would you mind taking your clothes off? I'd love to see your body." Jenni smiled and disrobed. She had a hard, athletic body, a little stocky, but very sexy. Her pubic mound was smooth and bare. Her breasts were round and firm, tipped with big dark nipples. Her stomach was flat and firm. Hips a little broad, but not too broad. Tight smooth buttocks. Strong thighs. She checked the wax and put it on for another five minutes. Meanwhile, she laid out strips of cheesecloth.

Each strip is 2" wide and about 6" long. While the wax heated, she took a pair of scissors and trimmed my pubic hair. Then she spread my cunt lips and slipped two fingers into me. I raised my hips to meet her and she grinned. "Do you want and orgasm?" I nodded. "Yes, oh yes! Please! Masturbate me." She did, very skillfully. I sobbed with pleasure as I felt my orgasm build. Jenni chuckled. "God, you' re a hot bitch. You'll make a fantastic slave!" Then she picked up a pair of hot pads and retrieved the pot of hot wax from the microwave. Working quickly, she placed a strip of cheesecloth across my pubic mound and spooned warm wax onto it. She laid down three strips in quick succession and then put the pot back in the microwave. As soon as the wax was dry she grabbed the end of the first strip and ripped it off. I bit my lip to keep from screaming as my pubic hair was ripped out. The second and third strips followed, leaving me whimpering in pain, tears streaming down my face. She repeated the process until I was smooth and bare, not a trace of hair anywhere down there. Then she rubbed a fragrant body lotion over my mound to soothe the skin. After she released me, she had me get onto my hands and knees on the table. She stroked my breasts and belly with one hand and my back and buttocks with the other. After a while I was really turned on. I loved the position, my tits hanging, my sex totally exposed. I turned my head and glanced up at her. "Please...." I whispered. She smiled. "Hot are we? Beg for it. Tell me what you are and beg." I stared at her and begged. "Please, please masturbate me. Oh god! Please! I'm a slut. A nude slave slut. Please, let me cum! Please, I'll do anything you ask." I wiggled my ass and pressed back against her hand which was lightly cupping my sex. "Anything? Really?" I nodded, "Yes, anything." She smiled and began to rub my clit lightly with the tip of one finger. I moaned and pushed myself against her hand. She brought me to orgasm quickly and skillfully and I yelped and whimpered as I came, turning my head to lick her left hand which was resting on my shoulder. She smiled and told me that I was a good little slut. I continued to lick her hand and she seemed to enjoy it. Then she brought her right, soaked with my juices, around I licked it clean, enjoying the taste of my own cunt. After a few minutes she said, "Enough, now it's my turn." I knelt up straight and asked her what she wanted. She got a faraway look in her eye and whispered, "Paaaiiinnn, I want pain." Then she snapped back, eyes focused, and asked me if I was going to work in my garden. I nodded, "Yes, I thought I'd spend a couple of hours weeding and thinning some things out. Why? " She told me to get ready and she'd meet me in back. She dressed quickly and disappeared out the back door. I put sunscreen on everyplace I could reach. Then socks and my work boots and a baseball cap. When I went out into the back yard she was waiting for me. She'd brought in a t-shaped arrangement made of 1" galvanized pipe. The upright section was 10' long and consisted of two pieces, one sharpened on the end. The other threaded into a fitting on the top. The crossbar, really two pieces, fit into a t-fitting on the top of the upper section. Each crosspiece was 3.5' long. She drove the first section of the upright into the ground with a 3lb hammer, putting a small length of 2x4 on top of the pipe to hammer on. Then she threaded the crosspieces into the upper section and tightened them with a small pipe wrench. Finally, she threaded the top part into the lower section.

Then she took two plastic tent stakes and drove them into the ground about 6' out from the upright on either side. She had two folding stepstools. She explained that she would stand on one and me on the other. Then I would strap her wrists to the crossbar. When that was done, I would put leather restraints on each of her ankles and tie a long piece of rope to each. Then I would pull the stool out and let her hang by her wrists. Then I would take the ropes tied to the ankle restraints and tie them to the tent stakes, making sure that she was spread as wide as possible. "And then you put these in me and these on me." She held up two enormous dildos and a selection of weighted clamps. "For my nipples and labia and one for my clit." The last item was a penis gag that would muffle her screams. "Let me hang for at least an hour. The wrist restraints won't cut off my circulation, so it will be safe." I was quite excited as I strapped her wrists into the leather restraints. Then I put the restraints on her ankles and tied the ropes to them. I hung the clamps on her nipples, enjoying her grunt of pain as I tugged each one to be sure it was tight. Then another grunt of pain as I pulled the stool away. I quickly grabbed one rope and pulled it as tight as I could before tying it off. The second one was done just as quickly. I looked at her and enjoyed the way she was spread and helpless. She was staring at the fence with a vacant expression on her face. I put the dildoes into her, enjoying the way she squirmed and grunted as I drove them in tight with the heel of my hand. Then the weights on her labia and clit. She was moaning in pain now, but I felt it needed something else. I went inside and got a box of straight pins out of my sewing kit. Her eyes widened and she shook her head, grunting and screaming into the gag. I ignored her and drove a pin through the aureole of each nipple, on the top side. She screamed and tears streamed down her face. I put pins through both labia. And then one through her clit. She was sobbing and screaming, and a trickle of urine was running down her thighs as I walked away to do my gardening. I let her hang for the full hour she'd requested. When I went back to release her she was moaning and twitching. I took the gag out first, standing on the stepstool to be close to her. I asked her if she'd had enough. She nodded. "Please let me down. Oh shit! Please." I got down and positioned the stool for her. Then I untied the ropes from the tent stakes and positioned her feet on the stool. I removed the ankle restraints and then climbed up on the other stool and released her wrists. I helped her down and she sank to her knees in the grass, moaning with pain. I removed the dildoes, then the clamps, and finally the pins. She looked up and whispered, " Thank you for that delicious pain." She stayed there for a few minutes until she recovered. Then she got dressed, packed up, and left. It was time for me to shower and prepare for my stint as a nude bartender. The Offer (part 3) by Jay ( (adding to the JYM story) While I was taking the shower, I thought a lot. I wasn't even sure if I was heading to Hannah's house after all. What had just happened puzzled me and I didn't know what to do about it. I must confess that I was a bit scared by what I have done. When the wall clock rang noon, I haven't figure out anything yet. I couldn't eat and I remained with just my breakfast in my tummy. Finally, I decided to go through the entire plan after all. Hannah said that she wanted me to arrive no later than one o'clock, so I put a pair of jeans, a tank top and a pair of sandals, knowing too well that I wasn't keeping my clothes for very long. I practically ran to Hannah's house which was only a few hundred feet away from my place. Hannah was expecting me and she opened the front door herself before I could push the doorbell button. She had this strange smile again when she motioned me to enter her house. She closed the door and she simply ordered me to take my clothes off. In a matter of seconds, I shed my top, took off the sandals, lowered my jeans and threw them away. I wondered for just a moment and I kneeled before Hannah, hoping it would please her. Once again, Hannah showed me that special smile, full of lust, while saying: "You're a fast learner, Jill! " She moved back a little to get a better view of my body and she adds: "Let me look at your pussy, dear! " I spread my thighs to display my shaven cunt and let her inspect it to her satisfaction. Finally, Hannah explained that from now on, I was expected to keep myself in that manner and that she would make sure that Jenni performs her talents on me on a regular basis. "Now, let's go meet your partner, Jill! Stand up and follow me to the garden! " I rose from the floor and walked after Hannah through the house and the back patio where a table was set with a big bowl of punch and other drinks. But I only took a glance at those; my eyes were fast drawn by the sight of a very pretty redhead girl, almost a teenager who was approaching the two of us. As I, she was naked, her pussy also shaven. She had those perfect round tits; my guess would be at least 36D. I would have sold my soul to play with her breasts. "This is Kathy! "said Hannah with her strange smile. And turning toward the redhead girl, she continued: "Jill Ashton is going to help you this afternoon. "Why don't you show her the place, dear?" Having to go change herself for the party, Hannah left me in the hands of Kathy. My pretty friend explained in details what I was supposed to do and she took the time to ask about my personal experience as a bartender, just to check if I could mix the cocktails the right way. She also showed me where everything was set, in case anything required some special attention. "Do you know how many people will attend? " I asked Kathy almost breathless. The redhead stopped for a minute, going through her mind and she finally answered: "About twenty people, Jill! Does that bother you? " I raised my shoulders and explained: " You know, it's going to be the first time that so many people will see me naked, except when I was at school after the gym to take a shower! " "Don't worry, Jill, "told me Kathy. " It's always the first minutes that are the hardest to get through, but just doing your job and everything will go fine, at least for the first part of the party. " I shuddered in expectation, certainly not because of the weather. I refrained myself to ask what was in store for me after the initial part. What I already knew about Hannah could mean a lot of frightening things. Most of the guests arrived at two o'clock, going first to one or the other available bedrooms in Hannah's house to change into their fetish clothes, then to the garden where Kathy and I served them some drinks. The thing didn 't strike me until the final guest had arrived, but all were females. A few came alone, but most were there as a couple, apparently mistress and slave. Mistress was mostly dressed in leather or latex; I wondered how much these elaborate wears might cost, but I didn't dare ask anybody. For the slaves, well, they weren't dress very much, to say the least. This helped me feel a little bit more at ease, I might say. Suddenly, I recognized one of the last people who had arrived, it was Jenni. She was naked except for a black leather collar with D rings; she still carried the bruised and marks from this morning activities. A beautiful and tall lady was leading her by a leash clasped to one of the ring. Jenni was smiling uncomfortably to her and she said something about me to her mistress. The unknown lady took a glimpse toward me and she smiled too. I wondered what Jenni might have told her, but I couldn't take my eyes of those two for sometime. Kathy even had to remind me that I had things to care of. I straightened up and continued to serve Hannah's guests, but I took every opportunity to look at Jenni's mistress. No doubt that she was stunning at about 6 feet tall, with blue eyes and long and curly black hairs. She must be doing a lot of exercises to keep in shape like that. Later in the afternoon, Hannah announced that I was going to show my talents upon Kathy. Everybody moved around us in a circle, mistresses and slaves alike without discrimination. Kathy gave me some pointers. I dropped to the ground and crawled to her feet in submission. I kissed her left feet, then her right one and I even licked them until she said that it was enough of that. She grabbed me by my hair and raised me to a kneeling position. In just a moment, Kathy transformed herself into a fury. She slapped my face twice and ordered in a stern voice: "Now, slave, you're going to lick my pussy and you better do a good job! "

Still shaken by the face slapping, I moved closer to her pussy and, closing my eyes, I sank. I wasn't that much experienced in pussy licking, but I managed to bring Kathy to orgasm in a few minutes. I must have some talents after all. My face was covered with her juices, but I didn't dare stop lapping her. When she had enough, she pushed me away and I tumbled to the ground, not knowing what to do. Was that all there was in store for me? Oh! No, thanks to Hannah who asked, to my amazement, if somebody was interested in putting a price on me. I was flabbergasted to hear such things, but I remained silent. I heard some discussions around us and after a few minutes, a woman voice shouted: "A thousand dollar ". My head spon to where the voice had come from as it was one I have never heard before. I was a bit surprised to find that my potential buyer was Jenni 's mistress, but it could have been worse! Hannah explained to her: "It was a joke, Laurie! She's married and can't be sold that easily! " "I already know that, Hannah, Jenni told me all about her, but still I'd like to have her at my place from time to time to entertain me. I heard that she might be a good switch too! " The new revelation took Hannah off guarded and she turned to me, puzzled and she asked: "It's about time that I hear what happened this morning, Jill! " I was scared to tell Hannah and all of her guests what took place after Jenni finished her shaving job, but Laurie decided that she rather tell the story herself from her own perspective. She pushed Jenni forward and showed everybody all the bruises and marks that I was responsible for, adding some remarks about my skills. Some mistresses approached and touched the markings on Jenni's body, caressing them with delights giggling between themselves. Laurie came to me and whispered in my ear: "I'd like you to come to my place tomorrow, Jill, and ... the thousand dollars offer still stands, you know! " The idea that I would sell my body didn't bother me a bit, then and not more afterwards either. What did you know? I might be two thousands dollars richer in a few days! That would help Jim and me, no doubt and I even might get some pleasure along the way.

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