The Oath

By Luan Nascimento

Published on Jul 25, 2021


Warning: The following story includes subjects intended for adults over the legal age. If graphic, sexual scenes involving consenting males engaging in sex acts are offensive to you, or if you are under legal age, STOP HERE! Names, characters, locations and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

This story is planned to involve and raunchy acts between adults and youngsters.

Expect graphic scenes involving anal stretching, urethra play, fisting, watersports (urine play) and prolapse kinks. There's no scat kink or action in this story.

The following chapter is quite long and very sex focused, with exception of part 1. I divided it in 4 parts. I tried adding in some requests I heard from readers that were also good for the story. If you're in a computer and internet browser you can hit CTRL+F and type part 1, part 2 and so on you'll be immediatelly be redirected to the part you're searching for. This can be a good way of pausing and starting to read again at the part you paused.

Before enjoying the story consider donating to Nifty. There aren't many sites that allow us to upload and enjoy these erotica. Nifty is the best and most secure of them. If you have some spare coins lying around throw them at Nifty, it's worth the cause!

The Oath Chapter 5 - His new life

Part 1 - Eric's arrival

Two weeks. Yes, it had been three weeks since Eric had moved in. I went through the nightmares of dealing with his international documents. It was hard to fight to keep him here under the pretext of helping a homeless kid. It was even harder trying to find ways of sending large quantities of money I had promised without whole countries and international authorities finding out what I was really doing. This amount of money was also damaging to my own business. I had lost almost half a billion sacrificing at least thirty percent of what I have in total. All of that while trying to manage to keep in touch with Dmitri. I needed to be sure to keep Cris safe because he was the card under my sleeve if I wanted the material he had on me and Victor to not come to public eyes. All of this was putting a lot of pressure and stress on my shoulders.

I didn't even have time to properly enjoy Eric. We weren't in the middle of nowhere in Greece's countryside anymore. We were in my mansion somewhere in America. I had to prepare my whole team to take care of Eric. It went from the chef to the security to managers to his instructor... I couldn't have any employees under my wings that I wouldn't trust. Eric's safety and fate were on my hand now. No more abuse, no more overworking... He'd have the best life.

In order for that to happen, we had to bring in a special therapist from The Oath to take care of his mental health. It was at least two sessions per week of one hour so Eric would have someone to talk to besides Victor and me. He was shy when taking his time to meet the employees, his favorites were: our Asian chef, Kaito; the pool and gardens manager, Cade; and our driver, Daniel. He loved the chef because of the food; the pool and gardens manager because he was impressed by living in a house with a big pool; and the driver because he was the one taking him to shop with me.

There were no females on my employees list simply because I enjoyed surrounding myself with men. Most of them were very well-trained bottoms but we had some tops just because I couldn't deal with all their anal hunger by myself.

I loved the way Eric was cheerful but I couldn't enjoy him entirely yet. Most of the time it was Victor who was dealing with my little anal Angel butt training while Eric's homeschooling teacher and therapist were working on integrating him into the world without putting him at risk. He was a handful being stubborn with school subjects at times. The boy wanted to eat one too many thrash foods. There was no rule for healthy foods when it came to him. Victor and I were having a hard time teaching him discipline, that is, besides his anal training. This was one thing he enjoyed doing now that he wasn't forced to. Victor was slowly stretching him out. He had reported that Eric would ask for it at least once a day but he reduced the training to two or three times a week to let the boy's hole rest. Other physical and intellectual activities were important too.

The little angel was a sex worker with a deranged upbringing. Throwing him into the world without taking our time would be asking to get into one too many troubles. He could speak about his life at any moment, could share his experiences on a whim, could find himself in the hands of even worse people... We had to properly educate him for the next year or even for a couple of years instead of just one. I wanted him to be safe at all points. Even for the shopping and decoration of his bedroom, we had to only work with professionals already screened by The Oath. In other words, people used to work with boys like him.

His bedroom ended up being a colorful palace. The room was overall huge. He was to be treated like royalty indeed. There was a place for his kid toys, a closet for his new clothing, a space for his books and a computer for studying. A big tv was in front of his bed with some video games and joysticks under it. The walls of his room were light blue because I insisted on keeping some boyish themes around or it would be a pastel explosion of color such as his closet ended up being. His bed was more like a girl's bed with a rainbow canopy. At least he let me pick the blue airplane that was holding the fabrics over his mattresses. It was a matter of balancing because he liked colorful girlish stuff but I had dreamed of making his room blue and boyish. I went with a big size bed because I was sure I'd be sleeping over at some nights. It was either me or Victor or both sleeping with him because he hated being alone at night times. Eric had constant awful nightmares fueled by his fear of being unsafe or abused. It hurt me on the inside seeing such a perfect boy suffer so much.

I kept the sexual stuff away from his room. As a matter of fact, we could have authorities coming around for interviews or to check on him. He should be prepared to answer hard questions. Having big anal toys in his room would just be a huge no.

For that purpose, we managed a room away from the bedroom's wings. It was hidden in between our gym area and the garage. The room itself was made to fit Eric's taste because he won the final battle. My heart couldn't resist the light blue eyes begging me to make things colorful. Yes, it had one wall on a different color each but we went with light colors to keep it not so tacky. A yellow wall, a pink wall, a light blue wall and his favorite color, a purple wall that was the darkest of them all. The room itself had a big bed in the back of it with some pastel-colored fluffy sheets and such. It also had a couple of velvety couches, some nice furry pillowy beanbags in pink and light purple adorned with some feathery fabrics and lots of lube bottles. The bottles were usually hidden at the nightstands or drawers in small light pink furniture. His anal toys were hidden on the furniture too.

We had to buy those sex toys in the first week because he kept wanting to make love to me but I had no time. I was avoiding it. Since we came back there were one too many things in my mind. Arranging all of this to be ready for him in a week while managing work and my family pressure and handling the non-legal business situation with a lot of money loss was too much. I was always coming to his bed and just passing out after caressing him. My body and mind were giving up because I had to personally handle all of this. My relatives were constantly asking about the boy, why I didn't bring him to meet them, why didn't I and Victor just marry to raise him up as our son. Why would I rescue a boy on a whim? Wasn't that what my charities were for? They didn't understand me. In my mind, I was waiting for Victor to grow up so I could marry him myself. These questions combined with the social pressure were making me believe that it would be impossible. To add to it, The Oath was still asking me if I'd commit to Eric or not. Even the organization couldn't comprehend that I loved two people. For them, I should be committed to Eric and Eric only.

I wouldn't give up on Vitor either. He was my anal knight on my right side for almost half of my life now. He will be by my side for the rest of it. I would never be able to make a choice between my knight and my angel.

Among all this work and pressure I was slowly crumbling without enjoying my angel. Victor was constantly reporting that Eric wanted me to be more present. He missed having a big guy taking care of him, one that had a big cock because Victor's was... Well, it was underwhelming to him now that Eric's hole was rested and healed up. Under Victor's care, his anal training wouldn't hurt him badly or damage his body in abusive ways.

It was the end of the third week when I came back to his room watching him sleeping on that big bed. Victor had gone to his own room to take care of some businesses from the company enterprises in my place. I couldn't handle it anymore. I kneeled caressing his blonde hair, looking at his pale skin. The boyish face of his was coming along. His cherry lips were growing. The deep calm slumber of his made me wanted to cry. I wanted to be with my cherubim. I was working so hard to be with him, yet I couldn't. Tears ran down my face. I'd give the world for this boy. I'd buy the world for Victor too. I'd give them both the best life but no one would leave me alone. My head was so full of things I just lied by his side crying myself to sleep.

Part 2 - An angels smile

"Hrmmm..." I felt something warm against my face. Unfortunately, the tiresome weeks had me in a very bad state. My vision was a bit blurry.

"Wakey wakey!" Eric had kissed my face. He rubbed my shoulders. "We brought food for you!" He said with a happy laugh. Victor was holding a tray with orange juice, some toasts and pancakes. Victor was dressed up to work even though it was Saturday morning. He had his business suit on while Eric was just wearing some red running shorts and a white sleeveless t-shirt. I rubbed my eyes when Eric sat on my side.

"Thanks boys. I have to eat and make some calls." I said already knowing I was supposed to be in some important meeting today.

"Oh no. Today you got the day off. It's been three weeks Will. Three! And you have no spare time to see the boy..." Victor shook his head. "You only know his progress through others. You barely even eat around us. Something is wrong. Eric is missing you. You won't just go through all of this to be absent, will you?" I was a bit sad. Victor was right. I was absent. Perhaps all the pressure had put me away from Eric because I knew that my heart would hurt too much if I couldn't have the life I wanted with him.

"Don't worry Will. We have a long day to have fun." Eric smiled. I started eating when he kissed my face again. He was being so affectionate towards me for no reason. Or at least in my mind, it was for no reason.

"You might not understand this but you changed his life as much as you changed mine." Victor patted my head while I was eating.

"So, how have you been doing lil angel?" I asked him.

"We did a lot of progress and Uncle Vic has taught me a lot. He told me to squat on toys to make my legs and butt big and stronger when we're training. It doesn't hurt anymore because Uncle Vic is very careful with me so it's fun. I also like to swim and to run in the gardens. This place is so big I get lost sometimes... And I really want a puppy. Can we get me a little puppy Will? Please let me get a little a puppy! Uncle Vic said that if I had a good development when studying we would have a little puppy! I just need to spend more time studying stuff but I don't like reading a lot. I like math but reading too much is kind of boring... And I really want to show you a lot of things! I bought new things with Uncle Vic and I just really want to..." He was speaking so fast. Eric probably had a lot to tell me about. I looked into his face caressing his hair after finishing my food.

"I'll think about the puppy. It's not a toy so it requires you to take care of it. If you do good on your studies we'll see what we can do about it..." He smiled bringing himself to stand on his knees on the bed. His hands brought his shorts and underwear down to show me his crotch but he kept his little penis hidden.

"Will, I got my first pubic hair! See, I'm a man now!" It was just a small one blonde thin cute soft hair. I had to hold my laughter to not upset him. Boys do grow very fast! Three weeks of teaching him proper eating and physical activities were already showing changes in his body. The thighs were visibly a little juicier and so was his butt. I reached for his pale smooth crotch caressing his one little hair.

"My little angel, I prefer you to be smooth all over and with no hair. There are treatments for that but we will do that only if you're comfortable with it." He had a little bit of a bad face.

"I want to have hair in my crotch so I can be a big man too. We can see about other places but I really like my hair..." Eric's hands brought his shorts up while Victor was getting the tray off of my lap and his car keys to go away.

"Have the day for yourselves, my babies. Here is your pill Will." The big muscle Papi gave me a kiss on the lips and one on Eric's forehead before he left. The pills were the cum pills which I should take if I wanted to make this even more fun. I just had to examine my little anal angel though. His hair was growing too long. The mop on top of his head was falling down his forehead with his golden locks slightly getting over his light blue eyes. He brushed them off to the side. The boy was a vision of heaven biting his reddish cherry lips. The pale face and little button nose made him ridiculously gorgeous. I had forgotten why I picked him. The feeling of just admiring his beauty had me getting hot down south.

"So, won't you eat anything?" He was just sitting down on my side to turn the tv on.

"No. I ate already. I mean. I drank. It's because I'm not really supposed to eat a lot when I'm planning anal activities. It's to avoid accidents even though they may happen. Uncle Vic taught me this..." Eric stopped. He was blushing out a little bit realizing that he had told me about his plans. "I'm just good and with a filled tummy! I even feel energetic!" He looked into my eyes. I think I was traumatized too. Maybe along the way in these three weeks, I forgot how truly excited I was for Eric. The stress of being under so many dangerous situations had gotten to me.

"Well, I think that if you're fine we're fine. If accidents happen we can clean it out. It's not like someone is going to die out of it." I hugged Eric into my arms but I certainly needed a bath. It was the morning so we had time. "I need a bath and to brush my teeth little one." I smiled releasing him. Eric ran out of arms to jump barefoot on the fluffy carpet of his bedroom.

"A bath with me then? We can have fun, right? A bath it is! On my blue tub! C'mon Will! Let's go!" He sprinted into the bathroom connected to his room. It wasn't a huge one but I was sure to make it big enough to fit a tub in there, a big one for us both to fit in while being comfortable. I jumped out of bed running towards him to catch his little body when we got inside the bathroom. He was laughing loudly and giggling when I started tickling his belly and sides. I had to put him on the floor though.

"Now time for the teeth. Have you been brushing yours?" I asked him knowing that it was important.

"At least two or three times a day. Everyone in the house worries about me brushing them. It's annoying sometimes. I already know it's a big deal." He watched me taking my buttoned shirt off. I could see the eyes of a little gay boy admiring the hair I had on my body. It wasn't a lot but some thin hair on my chest, a little happy trail and thin hairs on my arms. Although not really as hunky as Victor, I'm still fit enough to look beautiful.

"You have to understand that all of us want you to have all the best things in life. One of them is being able to take care of your body." His face cheeks went a little red when I was brushing my teeth. He kept staring at me.

"Will, why are you so big? Is it normal that I feel these hot tingles inside when I'm looking at Uncle Vic or at your body? It makes me feel so warm." Eric could be experienced with sex but perhaps he thought all his actions were about working.

"You feel this hot stuff inside because you like boys." I finished my mouth and face wash kneeling down to have my face near his. "I feel something very intense when I'm with you too." Grabbing his smaller hand I guided it to my chest. Now that I had fresh breath I kissed his lips putting my hand on his chest too. His little heart bumped racing and thumping, so did mine. Eric's mouth was soft and tender. The juicy cherry lips were as heavenly as my anal angel should be. He sucked on my tongue for a bit before pulling back taking deep breaths.

"It was so warm. It's really hot all over Sir Will..." I watched his pale face and shoulders and even some of his body parts getting red. He was the kind of boy that got these reddened steaming hot skin marks all over when turned on. Maybe it was part of his hormones starting to get really active.

"It's because I feel lots of things for you and you for me." I stood up sliding my pants down to reveal a throbbing slightly hard long penis. It was a world record breaker thick schlong with pulsing veins for him.

"You're so big Will! It's really huge. I have never seen one this big until you showed it to me back when I met you." His eyes were wide open. The touching of his little curious hands made me leak a little precome. He played with my shaft getting his tongue out to lick my tip.

"I like that it's salty. Is it good if I like it?" His eyes were just so entranced by my figure. Putting my huge snake on his shoulders he leaned in to feel my trimmed pubes and shaven balls.

"You can tell me if it's good or not. Some things we just like to see, feel and play with. Others we don't. It's good to me that you like playing with my big penis but it's you who should say if it feels good for you. If it feels good for you it's good." I let him feel my penis and balls a bit more. He kissed my testicles suckling on each one. I have big balls so his mouth had a little bit of a difficult time fitting them inside it. It was utterly erotic to have my long twelve inches almost as thick as a forearm dick laying in his face. Eric had this playful nature to his actions no matter how perverted they were. He smiled at me leaving my cock as hard as it could be by the end of the warm-up little oral session.

"I need to get naked too!" He laughed turning around to get the shower head running so the tub would be filling up. There was a lube bottle disguised as a hair conditioner bottle. I didn't even know about that because I never allowed it. Victor had also left a poppers bottle labeled as skin toner in there.

"We need to be more careful about those." I said with a serious tone.

"Uncle Victor allowed them today. He said I shouldn't sniff a lot of this stuff because it's bad for my brain but a bit is good. If I'm having fun with you I think I can do a bit of it. He taught me how to do it." Leaving the lube bottle and poppers flask near the tub he came back to me. I tried to get some bath salts in the water so Eric just followed me. The scent of fresh flowers was taking over when my hands finally pulled his shirt up. I turned the shower head off so the tub would be filled just enough. He was pushing his shorts and underwear down freeing his little pink penis. It was rock hard. That little uncut spear of his was no more than an inch and a half. It dripped a little too.

When he got in the tub, Eric rubbed his one pube with a big smile. I didn't even get to his ass and the boy was already pure perfection. He stood near the edge of the tub so I could kneel reaching for his cock. Before my hands got to it he pushed his foreskin back releasing the little pink tip.

"If you drink my pee I'll drink yours." He giggled. I was stunned by his beauty once more. My hands cropped his developing thighs rubbing them. He had little natural beauty marks such as black dots on the unblemished smooth skin. It felt as if I was touching the purest milky angel.

"I love your little dick..." I said just licking his cherubim balls. Eric should know that his little micro penis was perfect. Boys always want to have big ones but perfect anal angels should have small ones. His cock was tiny for an eleven years old boy and I loved it to no end! The little balls were so cute dangling on my tongue before I sucked them while picking his hard boy clit up to jerk it off.

"Wait a bit, Will!!" My fingertips touched his crotch. The cherubin was relaxing to release the flow in my mouth. Salty golden boy nectar filled it but I had to wrap my lips around his penis drinking straight from his flowing tap. "Will, I love the feeling of your facial hair against me." I was growing a thicker beard instead of trimming it as usual. He moaned when both my hands went to his pink rocket nubs tugging both nipples away from his chest. I drank it all until he stopped the flow.

"Now it's my turn." I said standing up. My cock tip was immediately pointed to his open lips. A thick strand of precome dripped down to them. My urine flowed out almost instantly but it squirted all over his perfect hair wetting it down. I dampened his face with my yellow fluids but he positioned his lips around my cut mushroom head loudly gulping my piss. Eric let it fill his cheeks pulling me down for a kiss. Mine was much funkier and saltier than his. Tasting it on those soft lips had me shivering in pleasure.

"Join me, Will." I did. He was so happy jumping around the tub to make a bit of a mess. I lied down in it with my back resting against one of its edges. He just let his butt underwater but turned around to lie with his back on my chest and his head on my shoulders. Due to his body being smaller I had to support him by holding his spread legs by the thighs with my big hands so he wouldn't slide down. He reached down grabbing my cock to push it in between his ass cheeks. My shaft was rubbing against his winking busted pre-teen anus and his Little rock-hard spear pointing to the ceiling.

"Do you like the house?" I asked trying to get more info from his own mouth. We didn't converse a lot in these three weeks.

"I like it. It's so huge I got lost the other day. I was scared I wouldn't find my way back from the gardens." He giggled.

"What about your instructor and the therapist?" I looked down to watch him rub his penis underwater.

"The therapist is good. We talk a lot. I can talk a lot about the things I don't like with him too. He's helping me with some feelings. I don't like the instructor because it's a lot of hard work. He's good but school stuff... I like math but he wants me to read a lot and it's boring." He rubbed my face.

"And your stuff. The clothes and your toys?" I kissed his hair.

"It's a lot of things to explore. I like it but what is the word my teacher said? Ah, yes... Overwhelming. It's overwhelming! I like that I can buy stuff but sometimes I want other boys to play with it too. There are only adults. They're fun but there's no one my age around. You need to get me a puppy, Will. He'll run around with me!" He bounced his little ass out of excitement for the puppy but the pleasure was mine.

"I'll see what I can do about that. I think I can arrange for other kids your age to come around under certain circumstances. You know that you have to learn a lot about the world. I said it to you. The situation we're in is a lot more complicated than those men wanted you to believe." I kiss his hair again to comfort him.

"I'm honest Eric. I won't lie to you. My greatest fear now is losing you or losing you and Victor. You're my treasures and I would do anything to keep you around. You also should have choices. Do you enjoy your new life? Do you like the anal training? Maybe you'd like to change anything?" He had to know my terms were with as much detail as possible.

"I love it here Will. I really do. I would change the instructor. I'd have no instructor! But Uncle Vic said that I can't change those things. Those are my responsibilities so I grow up and become a good adult." He paused a little bit to rub his butthole on my shaft.

"I love playing with my hole Will. Back then it hurt because I would have to work a lot and clients weren't careful... It made me dislike it." I could hear the sorrow in your words.

"Do you really like it? Why?" I asked wanting to know more about his body.

"Now it's like playing. I can stop it whenever I want if it's too much. I have new colorful toys too. Uncle Victor rubs my hole with oils and creams that help to heal it faster. He makes me rest even when I want to do more. It's like I have to wait some days because he says that I need to be healthy to do more training. Sometimes it feels so good I just want more. There was a day I was riding my long purple ribbed dildo so much I got sore... But it was because I went too hard... But I wanted it so it's different when I want it..." Eric's innocent angelic smile was on his face while he was telling me the tales of ruining his own pre-teen anus. He liked it! My cock throbbed against him because now I finally knew I was in the presence of a genuine anal slut.

"So, what do you like about anal?" I wanted the details of it to know how to please him in the best ways possible.

"I like it when it's so wide and loose that my hand just slides in. When I'm all screwed and too wide it's easier to have anal or fun with big toys. I really want to be wider Will!" He stopped his words just to reach down starting to finger his own butthole.

"And I love to prolapse too. I really like the feelings of my anal orgasms Will. Those that make me squirt pee from pleasure. They make me push inside out. But I love making my anal rose come out. Will you help my rosebud to become really big? I want to prolapse really hard and have a bigger hole than uncle Victor." Eric was just leaving his hole alone after a little fingering. He was speaking so fast that I couldn't reply yet. These confessions were also making me unfocused by how excited I was. A sizzling hot tsunami of feelings burst through my body because he was asking me to ruin his anus. He was asking me to make it totally destroyed. The perfect pale cherubin enjoyed being anally reamed. My little angel liked prolapsing himself wanting to make his anal rose bigger!

"I'll help make it bigger baby. And I'm so happy that you like to prolapse... You'll have the biggest anal rose! I really want to help you prolapse as hard as you can!" I rubbed his little penis with one hand. My other arm was wrapped around his waist to keep supporting him.

"I'm so happy that you like it, Will!" He kissed my growing beard. "But I also like when big long toys go through my second hole too. It makes me want to push out hard too. But if I relax it feels amazing in my belly. I remember when you taught me about that with Uncle Victor! Now I'm able to take it in my... It's colon, right? It's the bending inside..." I nodded so he could continue to speak.

"Uncle Victor said that he was impressed I could take it deep and my belly bulges too! If it's too painful inside I can't take it too deep. But I really wanted to be able to! your cock is so big and so long... I want to be able to swallow your whole dick with my anus Will. Do you want to put it in my belly?" These last words made me want to penetrate him right there without any mercy.

"Of course I want it! But we have to be sure you can take it. So we're going slow and if it's painful we can stop..." I reached down to slip a finger into his loose hole. Eric's anus just accepted my whole middle finger with exactly no resistance. Even when I pushed two other fingers in there I could feel barely feel any reluctance. Three thick fingers were up his butthole and he just wiggled himself down to feel them deeper.

"Do you want to see it now Will?" I just nodded again. He was smart lifting himself up. Sliding a bit down he spread his legs sitting his butt in my chest. It was a bit hard for him to be in this position. I lifted my knees up for him to have some support. Eric has a small body so he ended up choosing to press his knees together falling just a bit forward when resting them and his legs on my belly.

I had to push his cocklet back in between those sensual thighs of his. Since I didn't let the tub fill to the top, both his ass and cock were out of the water with most of his legs and knees finding support on my torso and belly. His hands found themselves holding my knees. I slid my back on the edge of the tub slightly going down to make sure my torso and belly would provide a leveraging bed for his knees and legs to be better assisted while he could keep his butt and dick at my vision.

This position allowed me to have free hands to explore the beautiful butt in front of me. Those two mounds of his were getting bigger. Boys did grow fast, right? Three weeks of proper nutrition and exercise were enough to get his little butt to plump up. The round perky smooth cheeks were pale with his pink clenched hole in between them. He was holding himself tight so what was in front of me was a little light pink buttonhole with a few wrinkles around it.

"Check this out, Will!" He relaxed letting his hole come to its real appearance. This was what I was missing by not giving myself the time to spend with Eric. The view of the most perfect pale perky round and juicy boy butt with dangling small balls and little boy clit... The butthole... It was a gorgeously destroyed eleven years old pre-teen anus. I could see that it had grown since the last time we played three weeks ago. His anal rim was even bigger just being a little tad puffy. The round ring was surrounded by a bit of newly acquired wrinkles. It was also a bit rounder rather than a slit. The more wrecked his anus was, the rounder his rim got but the overall surrounding wrinkles were a little vertically shaped resembling a slit. He was very light pink in color, even pinker than before if I could say something.

To me, this was heaven on Earth. I had my beautiful anal angel exposing his busted hole. My face went in between his cheeks while both big hands spread his round mounds. My nose was all over his hole. I couldn't get enough of how perfectly anally scented it was. The overall smell of a butthole was amazing to me but Eric's was stronger in some aspects. I loved it so much I took my time to actually sniff his wrecked rim.

Soon I was tasting his perfect entrance. One of my hands moved down to feel his balls and mostly smooth penis, got to remember about his one little thin pube that makes him a man. He moaned with my wet member sliding down his delectable canal. It was moist inside. He pulsed around my tongue dripping a little bit. The little throbbing penis spew precome on my hand. I had to leave it alone to grab the disguised anal lube bottle. My tongue slid inside him when I reached for it. The wet member was pointed to reach his little prostate making him feel good. Eric pressed his butt back into me.

"Sir Will, get your fingers inside me, please! I want to loosen up to prolapse..." He didn't need to ask a second time. I got my fingers bathed in lube sliding the same three up his butt. He started moaning and leaking harder.

"You're beautiful Eric. You're my perfect little anal Angel..." I kissed his butt cheeks. How could they possibly be so beautiful?

"Am I Will? I want to be a good anal boy for you..." He was struggling with his words. "Will, the thing..." He wanted the poppers. My free hand opened the little bottle reaching forward so he could sniff. I moved my fingers inside his anus feeling it open up even more. After a bit, I left the bottle on the floor just massaging his opening anus. I also kissed his cheeks again making him shiver. Those jiggly cheeks were taking a firmer shape. I knew his butt was perfect to become a nice set of big beautiful balloons.

"I'm ready Will, let me prolapse for you..." My fingers slowly came out of him. The gape was a little wider but not much bigger than before. He pushed out starting to pee on the water. There's nothing more beautiful than a blooming boy hole. This wasn't just that... It was my anal angel's ruined anus prolapsing, a beautiful pre-teen light pink prolapsing anus! The rectal folds erupted out of him to form an exquisitely shaped anal flower. It was thicker and longer than the last time. Hell, I swore he had more than an inch sticking out of himself. There was no choice but to suck it into my mouth. The lube was tasteless with a thin texture so my tongue buds were mostly marveled by his anus savor. He was farting little juicy bubbles all over my tongue which was inserted in the prolapse entrance. He was so slimy and wet that his butthole fluids were dripping on my chin and chest. When I felt his folds give up going back inside to their place of origin I just reached for the anus. My index and middle fingers from each hand went inside him prying his rim open.

Eric's anus just accepted my spreading becoming an open chute... The gape! I spread it even harder when he started farting. I could see his quivering rectum walls colored in the lightest pink shade. They threatened to prolapse again with his loud wet squelchy farts but it was just the anal folds bulging around my prying fingers coming near his rim. When his hole became quieter I watched it relax letting me see as deep as into his colon sphincter. The whole set of pink walls and rings chained together to form his rectum were exposed. I had the whole rectum of an eleven years old blond angel right in front of me. This image would be forever printed into my mind.

"Sir Will, you're going too hard. Too much pressure..." I was expanding his hole too roughly but what could a man like me do? It was just slightly hard to control myself but his soft voice made me stop it. I let go of his pink channel. He couldn't be perfect so his anus gaped much less allowing me to see just a bit of his insides.

"Sir will, I have a surprise for you!" He teased me sitting his butt on my face before leaving the tub. I just remembered I had a cock. Playing with his body had me forgetting all about mine. My shaft was painfully hard. My balls were wanting to explode, the cock was just a sore mess. I didn't want to touch it. No, today the only place I'd allow myself to cum was inside him.

While Eric went to his drawers picking something up I tried finishing my bath. Shampoo, soap, anal lube... Oh, I had drizzled it on my hair confusing the bottles. This little angel was turning into a devil indeed. We needed to clean this out of his room.

"It's actually two surprises Will, one will be in my bedroom and the other one in the anal room!" He slightly dried himself. The golden locks of his curly hair were much darker when wet. I let him do his thing.

"So... I'll go out and you come out when I say so." He grabbed the lube bottle leaving me alone to dry myself. The only thing I could pay attention to was the fact my penis was a little bit numb because of the pain. I let it rest just trying to make it slightly limp while waiting.

Part 3 - A little spear

"You can come, Will." I heard his voice coming from the bedroom. When I went to his bed there were absorbent pads all around his bed to not allow us to make a mess. Victor had taught him well but I couldn't fathom the fact we had so many sex-related objects in the room today. By Monday I'll have them all removed from here. Eric was lying on his back with a little blanket over his penis.

"So. Uncle Vic taught me about this..." His big blue eyes were shining. "Sometimes a bottom has to rest his hole so I think that this can be done. It's also a little ticklish and I don't know if I like it too much but I can do it now." His hands slowly took the blanket off of his lap leaving to see the slightly swollen pink big anus and his little cock. His legs were spread out so of course, I had my eyes over his hole. However, after a closer inspection of his dicklet I saw a shining little red jewel on its tip.

"Will look at this." He used one hand to hold the little cock and the other to pull on the little jewel. Knowing Victor very well I already saw it coming. The big Papi loves some weird kinks and urethral penetration was one of them. What I didn't expect was to have my little angel pulling a long slimy very flexible sound out of his penis. I could say that the silicon was of very good quality and it was extremely bendable. It was also very thin but not thin enough that it would be sharp. For urethral fun to work, there were one too many rules. The first one is to keep everything clean or infection would happen. Urethra and bladder infections are quite painful leading to even more complications. One of the things I wouldn't handle well was him hurting himself because his little dick was too perfect. When he slid the entirety of the sound out of his penis I averaged it at six to seven inches long which would go quite deep in a boy like him. It was probably coiling up to stuff his little bladder. I grabbed the penis spreading its pink tip noticing it was a little bit stretched out. He squirted piss on my face starting to giggle. Another rule of it, pee right after the sound slides out. It needs to be an immediate action.

"Oh, you little devil!" I wiped my face. "Did you keep everything clean? Eric, urethral fun is more complicated. We don't want you hurting or your penis and bladder to be burning..." My eyes and voice were more serious.

"I did Will... I promise! Uncle Vicor left this toy in a plastic bag. He said it was sterelized. I washed my hands and I lubed the toy. I swear I did everything to keep it clean..." He was a bit sad but we can't spoil kids too much.

"Next time you do this we need adult supervision. Uncle Victor is slacking too much with you. No penis fun if it isn't safe or you'll end up in the hospital..." I explained it to him.

"But did you like my surprise Will?" He pulled himself back guiding my face to his. I just kissed him deeply. His little tongue explored my mouth. Holding his cock with one hand I inserted the little sound with another. It was an irresponsible act but we were here already. If he got sick from this I'd be screaming with Victor. Urethral penetration was a much more complicated act in my mind. No reason to do it so carelessly.

Eric winced leaking a little bit. It was slippery so I took extra care to go very slow at him. Those little arms were wrapping themselves around my neck not letting go of me until the sound was deeply buried in his micro boy clit.

"I loved it, Eric... You're such a wonderful prince. Did you know about it?" I said kissing his face. He had a wide smile on when biting his own lips. "I just don't want you to get hurt and this can damage your pee-pee very badly..." My stare was intense turning towards his eyes. "But what about you? Do you like it my cherubim?" He looked into mine with his light blue pools.

"It burns a little too much. It burns a lot when I pee too but I like it. One day..." He grabbed my bigger hand holding my middle finger. Moving it down he put it above his little stuffed penis. "One day I'll have this big finger inside my dick. Just wait and see! Do you think you'll be able to tickle my bladder?" Just the thought of going deep enough inside his cock to finger his bladder had me instantly pop an erection. "It feels weird but tickles and it's good in a very different way. Don't worry Will. I like it. Now you can fuck my cock too..." I had never imagined a little angel saying such words. Luckily, Victor might've been teaching him some filthy vocabulary that I like. He moved his hips pulling his dick into the sound and away from me. Eric was impaling his own cock for me. I hold him in place because this was too unsafe.

"We'll go slow until we reach that point baby." I was nursing his anus with the finger that was above his cock but had slid down to his entrance. "Until we get there we have this big hole to fill." It slid into the loosened anus. I knew that sounding and prostate stimulation going together were amazing. Victor had taught me that. The finger softly caressed the sensitive boy p-spot inside his anus. He suddenly tried to remove the urethra and bladder toy from his cock. I hold his little hand again, we had to be slow.

"Will. I don't want to cum yet." He said before trying to pull the hand holding the sound away. I took my time sliding the long thin tube out of his cock. Something triggered him on the way out. I felt Eric pushing my finger out of his butthole. He spurted piss out while just slight blooming. The little rosebud came out smaller because these feelings seemed to be less intense on him. He started fingering himself but was getting too eager. I had my eyes fixated on his smaller fist going into the slick anus. Eric balled his own fist pushing it back into himself and outside and back and outside. The self anal punching had his hole flapping around. It was so pliant it looked like an incredibly soft velvety moldable clay. He had already learned that some of the main reasons I loved his anus was the prolapse. I ran my fingers through his hair while he was pushing out the pink rose. It quickly sank back inside him.

"You know how to get me hard don't you?" I kissed his face again.

"I want to make your cock very hard!" He wiggled his hips spreading his butt to expose the open pink hole. "Will, I have to dress up. We need to go to the anal room! I need to show you my last surprise before we try putting your cock in my butthole..." Those last few words made me jump on him. My whole body was already struggling to not just slide into my boy. I felt my legs weakening a bit. What Eric did to me was just so irresistibly pervertedly good it sent jolts of pleasure through to my spine.

"No. We're doing it in a faster way. It's my house. When you're around me you can be naked. You can't be naked with the employees or with any visitors. You should have clothes on at all times when you're not by yourself, with me or Uncle Victor but you have to ask permission to be naked. This is something we will do only on special occasions." I picked the boy in my arms just not caring one bit.

I was holding myself all this time. I was so afraid of loving him too much and losing him that these moments were being forfeited for no real reason. I had a genuine perverted beautiful anal angel in my arms. Neglecting him wasn't a solution. Neglecting my own desires was even worse. Coming out of his room with us both naked made me shake all over. I just hugged him tightly into my body unafraid of experiencing what I had to. I couldn't deny him or myself from the pleasures we both wanted to feel.

Part 4 - Deep connection

I had myself facing the bed head while sitting on it. Eric and I had just arrived at the `anal room' or his place to do anal training. I had locked the door wanting to get right into action but the little cherubin wanted to surprise me with something. Since his playful acts had been so good I let him do so.

I could hear the noises coming from the back. There were some thumps from toys hitting the floor. Then, a lube bottle was opened. He tried to moan very lowly but had a hard time doing it. I heard his hole making some noises like little farts or spurting juices and lube out. Once the noises stopped he walked towards the bed hopping on it. This room was made for sex purposes so I didn't care if the bed or the sheets were getting completely soaked. There were no absorbing pads like in his room.

"Will, you can look!" I turned around to see him with a pink silky sheet covering him from the waist down. The fabrics were getting a little damp from the mess he made. What would be under them this time?

"Can I see what you're hiding?" He nodded with a big grin. My hands pulled the sheet away. Eric's tummy was just so slightly bulging. I could see it because I was already used to admiring his flat stomach that had almost no baby fat left. He laid back spreading his legs while holding his knees. The hole was clenching shutting itself close.

"Here it goes, Will!" My eyes were fixated on his hole but by this time I had too much hunger for him so I leaned in to kiss the back of his lifted thighs. My hand went down to his butt when he farted a bit. He was pushing out because something was inside. The broken pre-teen anus puckered up slowly opening to show a light blue oval toy. Its tip was stretching Eric's hole to have his anal rim expand. Eric made an effort to push harder so the toy popped out. It was actually a smooth egg as big as his little hands.

"Uncle Victor ordered these to me!" He smiled. "Did you like it?" Using his own fingers to move down to his gaping light pink entrance he pried it open. On the inside of his gape, I could see another egg. It was a more colorful one with swirling blue, white and red colors. I had to finger him just because I needed to do something to contain my need of feeling anything around my cock. I was almost jerking myself off but holding to realease in him was a much better idea.

"Do I need to reply?" His broken anus pushed my digits out popping another egg. One more was inside but I could already see his rose starting to bloom.

"They're good for pushing and prolapse training and fun too!" He popped the third one and a fourth too. Then a fifth and a sixth... A seventh and an eighth one. The colors were contrasting to one another all over the bed. Instead of focusing on prolapsing he just stretched himself pulling his hole apart with three fingers of each of his hands. Eric was showing me how deep his gape was to the point I could slightly see his colon sphincter again.

"You're the best Eric! You're amazing..." I went down to kiss his open busted pre-teen anal cunt. He was all smiles being proud of his results.

"I want your cock Will..." I've been waiting for that. When Eric said that he wanted my dick I started grabbing some pillows to put under and around him. He repositioned himself spreading his legs again but this time he was holding his knees with his own arms. There are rules to fucking a bottom too, especially when you have a large cock like mine and you're with a little in training angel. You can't stab the hole, can't go too fast and definitely can't do it without preparation and foreplay. We had already prepared him. We played a lot stretching that anus so all I had to do was to control myself. It's actually really hard to do so when the eleven years old blond beauty is opening his pink demolished anal rim for you.

I took my time. When a bottom is anally submitting himself he's giving me the control over everything so it's actually a good time to show care and love. Pressing my thick oversized glans against his anus I slowly sank it in. As expected, there was a bit of resistance but not a lot. Eric had really distended his anus so it was deliciously sloppy. I slid inch by inch inside him feeling his velvety slick hot walls. His anus didn't feel tight until I had seven to eight inches inside. He flinched squeezing my cock. A great misconception about wide loose busted anuses is that they don't feel good. They do feel amazing, even when the bottom is relaxed. Another one is that they don't feel tight. Although there are some who have a hard time tightening up, there are others that can feel like a gripping vice around your cock. Victor had actually strengthened his hole to the point it could be really loose but also feel tight. When Eric clenched I felt exactly that, his hole was suddenly gripping me, feeling like his walls became tightening vices around my dick. I immediately stopped. You have to watch your bottom's reactions because it says a lot about what he's feeling. If you just thrust into a little boy whose hole is tightening up for no reason it might hurt him badly.

"Will, my bend is sensitive." He complained. We had four to five more inches for me to bury down inside him. I caressed his hair slowly massaging his nipples. My hands slid down feeling his sides for a bit.

"Do you want me to take it out?" His little penis was rock hard again. It was pointing to the ceiling looking like he was enjoying it so I didn't want to slide out without asking.

"No, just let me relax a bit." I let him take his time before he nodded. His hole had opened up but his bend was tighter indeed. When my cock slid inside he curled his toes with his anal rim puckering up to push out anal lube all around my shaft.

"Do you want me to stop?" We had the three final inches to go.

"I want to feel what it's like to have all of your cock inside me..." I did it to him. After one more minute of a slow penetration, my cock was all inside his hole. There was no separation in between his perfectly pulverized hole and my crotch. I knew it had been way deeper than just into his rectum. It had gone through his colon bend to sit in his bowels. It's a twelve inches cock up a little eleven years old anus. It meant that he would feel like it's much deeper and much wider than Victor who was a big guy. I could even see some slight bulge on his belly. Eric took a deep breath calming down. His hole relaxed a bit but it farted some more anal lube out when I slightly moved my hips. As I said, each of his reactions should be watched. We had to keep the dialogue to make sure he was feeling good. Even then, if I felt like I was hurting him we should take it easier and stop.

"Are you all right?" I leaned in feeling his face with mine for a quick little smooching kiss.

"It's so long and big Will. I had never had something so big go so deep. It hurts a bit when it's too deep." Hurting was a bad sign. I knew he could take some páin before getting too sore. Since he could take some I moved my hips back and forth very carefully and slowly pounding him.

"I'll do it for a bit but please tell me if you're getting too sore..." He nodded with me slightly increasing the speed to make for a very slow-paced pounding. I could feel his colon bend and internal rings pulsing around my cock. They were vivaciously clenching and relaxing to massage my penis until Eric started pushing out again. His hole formed a tougher `wall' that my cock was piercing through. His anal rings became much tighter with the little angel losing control of his bladder to piss all over himself. I felt his little legs shaking. He was having an anal orgasm so I slid back down sliding out of his bowels and colon to allow my cock to lay down in his rectum only.

"Will... That felt so good but I'm so sensitive deep in there. Please, don't go deep now." I kissed his forehead. He deserved an award for his first anal penetration with a monster dick like mine. I didn't withdraw all my cock because I knew that if I let him feel a full anal orgasm prolapsing out he'd probably be unable to take it in his rectum. A boy like him would be too sensitive after that.

"You're doing very good Eric." Nuzzling his face I started screwing his rectum but never going even near the colon bending. It meant I had to leave out four to five inches of my twelve inches elongated baton at all times. The pounding was a tad bit rougher but I didn't want to be either fast or harsh. He started moaning louder than before. The pleasure of seeing his young anal lips surrounding my cock while farting was absolutely wonderful. After all of this action, I wouldn't last long which was good. The boy was definitely not ready for the full anal annihilation my cock could do in long anal sessions.

"Will, go deeper please... I want it." This time I lost control. I'd advise against it because this can have pretty severe consequences. However, I lost it going into his colon bending focusing on busting his deeper sphincter wide open. I was pushing the tip of my penis inside his colon and back into his rectum. Eric opened his mouth, he let some saliva drip through the sides of his lips down to his chest. I started cumming once his hole tightened up again. My cock was buried deep into his bowels, my seed was deposited right into him. Rope after rope of my creamy enhanced jizz was just flowing out of me.

"I can't take it... Please take it out!" I felt his hole rejecting my dick. He was having strong anal contractions trying his best to push it out. To elevate his full anal orgasm I still pounded his colon for some seconds before slowly taking my cock out. Eric was squirting his piss all over his chest and even face. When my shaft came out he immediately prolapsed all over it erupting with cum blasts coming out of his light pink coated with creamy nut rosebud. I massaged his rectum folds feeling them expand to a whole inch of pre-teen anal flower. Seeing him blast urine squirts all over himself while rolling his eyes out of his skull was so intense that I started pissing myself too. What came out was cum with piss because I was having a second orgasm prompted out of me.

Eric was just beautifully destroyed shaking his whole body to a menacing amount of pure extreme anal pleasure. I went into his lips kissing him. One of my hands nursed his prolapsing hole tugging on it just so his flower wouldn't escape back inside. The other hand was just jerking his little dick. I couldn't resist it again. Instead of just nursing his rosebud I slipped my cock into him. He pulled me back biting his lips just starting to shoot his watery boy cum on my fingers. I needed to feel him cumming with my inside his anus, to have his rectum walls jolting with spasms around my dick. When I slid out of him Eric prolapsed again. He had some final urine squirts jumping ou of his cock.

"This is so intense... Will... Please no more anal... Feels like I'm sore inside..." Eric was so sensitive that when I pressed my hand onto his belly it jumped. The boy was winding down from the strong feelings of pleasure.

"Don't worry baby. We have to let you rest." I didn't even touch his prolapse letting it slide back into his throbbing swollen anus. He let his legs down so I lied on his side being the big spoon. Kissing the back of his neck I let him rest for a bit. Eric fell into his sleep snorting out when I did the same.

I woke up from our little nap realizing it was past midday. It was almost 2 p.m. meaning we probably made love for the whole morning and a bit more. The smell of cum, piss and anal sex were all over the bed. His toys and the pillows were still around us. Eric was sleeping but I had to wake him up so we could eat something.

"Wakey Wakey little angel..." I poked his nose to have him slowly wake up. Those little arms hugged me into a soft gentle kiss. Our lips met yet again with some licking and sucking.

"I'm so tired Will. That was so intense but it felt so good. Will you give me more anal orgasms?" I touched his little hole to check its state. It was swollen and a little bruised so no anal for him for a couple of days.

"I'll but not now, baby boy. We need to take a bath." I took him in my arms to the bathroom annexed to the anal training room. We poked fun at each other in the showers. Even though I popped a boner when spreading his butt to apply some pomade for bruising, I didn't want to incite him into more sexual actions for the day. His hole was... Well, it was as smashed as it could be. I even gave him some very light painkillers afraid of him being a little too sore. After that, we dressed up because I wanted to enjoy my boy in more ways than just in the bed.

He was cute during lunch. After it I had my driver take us for some ice cream. People out in the world frequently thought of him as my son. Made me feel like a real dad even though deep in my heart he was my anal angel and lover. I had to start teaching Eric to call me uncle like he did to Victor so we wouldn't give people something to talk about or be weirded out by. It was painful because I really loved the way he called me by name. It was a way I was reassured that he saw me as a provider and a sexual partner but I had to sacrifice even that. There was the fact that Eric was walking funny at times. I knew he didn't want to admit it but his hole was somewhat hurting.

When we came back from the ice cream place we walked out through the gardens. He walked around laughing and being happy just to be free. At times, the beauty of being around kids was just to let them be kids while I got to watch the beautiful boy's body, face and hair prancing around the flowers.

"What kind of flowers do you like?" I was planning to make some changes for him.

"I want the red and pink roses together near the fountain in the center but we should have blue flowers, purple ones, yellow ones too! I think that we need to make it colorful all around." There was no way to post his colorful themes around. He ran to hug me.

"Will, I think it was too much. I'm tired again and I don't want to walk..." We both knew what he was referring to. I took him in my arms leading him to his room where he fell asleep before Victor arrived. I didn't want to wake him up for dinner so I just caressed him watching my beautiful angel.

There was a promise I needed to make to myself, to avoid being absent as much as I could. There was no way I'd be missing what Eric had to offer. It was far too precious for me...

If you're here I'll say that this was a fun journey. This is the end of the first block or story arch for the The Oath series. I'll probably pause this story to write another one or to try and publish other tales that I've been working on. If The Oath gets a good response I'll come back to it and write more chapters from other phases of Eric's life, probably in-between his 13-15 years old bracket. Then, if that gets a good response I'll publish more about his young addult life. I do have plenty of ideas to develop for The Oath series and I'd love to do so but it makes no sense if there are no readers, suggestions or responses.

You can contact me at for commissions, criticism, suggestions, corrections and requests!

Send me a fun message or anything to cheer me up and I'll be replying as soon as I can.

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