The Oath

By Luan Nascimento

Published on Jul 24, 2021


Warning: The following story includes subjects intended for adults over the legal age. If graphic, sexual scenes involving consenting males engaging in sex acts are offensive to you, or if you are under legal age, STOP HERE! Names, characters, locations and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

This story is planned to involve and raunchy acts between adults and youngsters.

Expect graphic scenes involving anal stretching, urethra play, fisting, watersports (urine play) and prolapse kinks. There's no scat kink or action in this story.

The following chapter features no sexual action. It's a chapter for narrative and story development. Next chapter is already being written. It'll be long featuring a lot of the hot actions most of my readers want to hear about. It'll also feature some requested actison from the readers that contacted me and I decided to include in it. If you're here for the sex only, skip to the next chapter!

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The Oath - Chapter 4 - Dangerous Games

Going to the first floor had gotten me in the situation I expected. I won't blame Victor for slipping or letting our real names be known to Eric. That was a good attitude since meeting him with a fabricated lie would only set us back in the mission of connecting to him. This had an issue though. Cris, the main leader of this agency', had known one too many guys from other lines of work. I knew it would be a matter of time for us to have ourselves in some problem like this. The three men were sitting down. Two of them went to the kitchen stools and one to the armchair. I calmly went to drink my water watching Cris and Eric's bodyguard' eyes turning to be a little sad. This was troublesome.

"So, Jerry or Alexander or whatever. You know, William... How does a big fish end up in such a small pond?" The man with the machine gun sitting on the armchair asked me.

"You know. We all have guilty pleasures. Some of them get us in bad waters." I laughed sitting down on the couch. The laughing might have awakened Victor who came down the stairs.

"No, no big boy. You stay there." A man who was sitting down at the table lifted his machine gun up. He took it off of his chest aiming at Victor who was walking downstairs.

"Ah, sorry. I didn't know we were having an unexpected meeting." He smiled trying to keep it cool. "I'll just sit down by the side of the main executive." He slowly walked towards me wearing his tank top from the last night and some shorts. Victor sat beside me. The man with his weapons was targeting him through each step. Any wrong move would result in him being shot. I was angry about that.

"So. We knew you'd be on your way down here. A house in the middle of nowhere, a little boy and your precious bodyguard. Easy catch." Their boss at the armchair seemed to be to one that would do the talking for them.

"Don't blame Cris. The pussy wants to be out of this business but we didn't get enough money. You're here sparing coins left and right while we're just struggling, ya know? This fucking line of work can tear us apart..." He tapped his right knee grinning towards me.

"Yada yada. Cut to the chase man. We know your life is hard. I have been trained by wolves back home in Mexico. Drug deals, death, human trafficking on the borders... That shit hurts, I have scars to prove it does. But we know you want money, maybe a way out like Cris?" Victor spoke. I was afraid of him being too demanding with his tone.

"Calm down Vic. Let the mean speak." My left arm went around his waist pulling him back. The left one stroke his thigh to try to calm him down. My bodyguard didn't have a lot of patience in his body but I didn't want to see him or any of us being damaged by this.

"Ye, we want big bucks. No reason for Chris to be the only one turning out to be a multimillionaire with a hundred fifty million grands while we own the area." One of his men with a Mohawk said while going to take a cup of water. The one with the machine gun was holding me and Victor at gunpoint at all points.

"I said it. Fifty grands were to send the excess elite boys to the states in safety. Fifty grands are to set kids out of sexual labor. They'll be later rescued by local organizations who will use the money for their education. Fifty grand is to set Cris and the organization boys free. We have to end this shit, Dmitri." Eric interfered listing the results of our business. "William might be a big fish but you know what we'll get for killing him here? Our necks will be hunted by big multi-billionaires. His father may be in the dark but they're one percent of the one percent. We'll be dead if he's hurt." Eric knew what he was getting into. Dimitri was being a little bit too secure in himself.

"Thing is, one of my favorite boys is upstairs. Have you had a piece of that ass? I love to make him cry being all sore when I fuck him. He's so damn cute when getting abused. I could rape him all day if he didn't pass out from the pain. Gotta slap that little face until he's awake again..." I clenched my fist. The guy in front of me had raped and abused Eric. I wanted to kill him. Victor gritted his teeth tensing up.

"Ah, the little boy. He's coming back with us to the states tonight. Might be good if we had some professional protecting convoy on the way out there." I hinted at wanting to work with them. It was a delicate situation for me to let my nerves take over. Eric would go back with me no matter if this guy wanted it or not.

"Are you sure he's going anywhere? Did I give permission for him to do so?" The man turned back to me.

"Dmitri, stop. Business is business. You're here for the money." Eric jumped into it standing up to walk and grab Dimitri's shoulder.

"No no. It isn't about money. It's about knowing that Eric will be in good hands. But first the money. I was thinking about two hundred grands for us to leave you alone." That was too much. I had spent a hundred and fifty million already. There would be one too many taxes, one too many authorities in my footsteps.

"There are legal problems. We have to set the money to Eric trying to trespass international laws. Large quantities of money like this can't be sent like little dimes thrown at a fountain expecting our wishes to come true. I can try fifty millions in a month, another fifty millions in a couple of months." It was my safest bet.

"And what would guarantee that we would get this money? Maybe Eric stays with us during that time?" He grinned. No way I'd leave the little angel in this situation to be abused for two months.

"The boy will come with us. Maybe a picture? I mean, William's father isn't exactly known in the media because his family likes to keep it low. But you know, an international scandal would sink his businesses enterprises down. We're talking about companies worth billions. Businesses that are worth even more. Some of them are owned by William himself. A picture of him with the boy would be very damaging to all of it." Victor knew what he was doing by gambling with whatever value we had. It was damaging and unsafe getting us in an even worse situation but it was what had to be done.

"We have recordings. Recordings of both of them having sex with Eric. It's what it is." I knew it. Why wouldn't Cris set me up to do blackmail at a later point? These guys were too dangerous. "So, we're talking about government levels of scandal, right? You can't be right in your mind if you think this isn't worth it." Eric clenched his hand around Dmitri's shoulder.

"A semester, I'll give you six months to get me two hundred grands. A hundred in the first couple of months as you said. Cris will handle me the videos. He'll stand with no trade material." He turned to Cris. "Go live your free life as you want to, coward. Leaving the business so early in life because of being afraid of getting killed." Dmitri stopped to take Eric's hand off of his shoulders. "Don't touch me. I'm sickened by your lack of guts." He spat on the floor.

"One last thing. I need to know how you will treat Eric. The blond boy has to be in the right hands. How will you rape him, big boys?" Dmitri knew what he was doing. He knew Eric would be upstairs probably hearing to us. The cruelty of him wanting to tarnish my relationship with the boy was heartbreaking to me.

"A couple of spanking sessions when he doesn't spread his legs right... You know, fucking him every day until he passes out for the first few weeks. Nothing like the honeymoon period when it's all new and exciting." Victor had his shoulders tensing up. I knew he was hating to spew those words out.

"Maybe fist fucking him when we get jaded? Pushing some urethral sounds up his little cock while making him take it with no option but to keep his squirts up inside himself? Gag balls to silent the little bitch. Slapping him, locking him, binding him down to let the big dogs at the mansion destroy that little butt constantly!" These were all lies. Now I was sick to my stomach. I'd never abuse my little angel, my little anal prince in that way. It was about having him enjoy the journey, not dread it all the way.

"Darn! Fuck... You guys got me. Dudes are sicker than we are." Dmitri laughed. "The boy will be in good hands." He stood up. "No safety convo for you guys. Get yourselves ready for the complications of bringing the boy out of this country. Hope you get locked and jailed at the airport..." He laughed. "We'd still have the videos to frame you down." That guy was an absolute sociopath smiling while walking out to take his men down on the undergrowth to extract the files from Cris' cameras. Eric himself remained upstairs.

"I'm sorry about this. I don't want more enemies." Cris apologized.

"No problem. I won't forget what you did for us. The files would be a source of income but you can count on me. Sometimes earning trust is better than doing it the dirty way." I said.

"We need to get ourselves out of here asap though. No need to spend the day." Victor said. He went upstairs while I just inspected his suitcase downstairs getting some of his clothing but leaving the rest behind. We didn't want to be traveling with some anal toys, lube and a little kid.

"I'll get the documents necessary for you to bring him out of the country. It's fake authorizations and pre-adoption documents. You can arrange once in the states. I need you guys to organize yourselves." He went down to check on Dmitri. Victor and I went upstairs.

Eric was in the corner of the room. He was sitting down with his arms around his knees hiding his face and sobbing. I went towards him while Victor stood up nearby us.

"Is he going to take me? You were lying when you said you would take care of me. You'll be worse than Dmitri. I heard you guys talking. I can't take this anymore." He was crying so much that my heart broke.

"Shhh... He can't hear us. It's all a lie baby. I won't hurt you. I'll never hurt you. I'll take you back to my home, a place where everything will be better." I was just so sad that this had happened. We were having a good start.

"Uncle Vic, will you hit me and hurt me too?" He asked, wiping some tears while calming down. Victor kneeled picking him up.

"Did I hurt you until now? I'll never hurt you, Eric. We need to get your stuff ready. It's going to be a big change but you'll have your room. You'll be able to go to school. You'll have the best life but we need to leave now." We were in a hurry.

"But wouldn't I play today? Wouldn't I let Will try to enter me today?" He was so innocent but dedicated. Maybe his life as a sex worker made him more attached to his duties than he should be.

"No baby, not today. We can wait." I said just picking up some clothes off the floor to shove them in a suitcase of mine. Quickly changing outfits I picked some more formal shoes, a blazer, a white undershirt and some pants to match the blazer's dark blue color. Victor was changing into a more bodyguard ensemble with black pants, formal shoes, a white shirt and big black suspenders. He and I left our blazers at the bed trying to pick something for Eric.

"You don't own any pants?" I asked him.

"No will, I just have some shorts. My underwear is there. I have this shirt." He picked a bland one instead of a colorful one. The little boy was smart enough to try and be more discreet. "I can't go without Mr. Bunny. He's the only thing I have since I was a kid." He put it in one of his suitcases. There were very colorful anal toys in one of his travel bags. We had to leave them behind.

"We will get better ones when we're at your new home." I smiled.

"Sir William, I thank you a lot. But... Will I be able to go see Marli? She lives far away now and I never see her." Marli? Who was this person?

"Who's Marli?" Victor asked.

"Marli is the mother of my mom. When my mom died I was young. The last time I saw Marli she took me into this house and this began. We had nothing to eat so Marli had me at a place to eat. I had to work but there were good things like food and video games. Marli is far away now and I can't see her. If I'm going far away I'll never see her again. Marli gave me Mr. Bunny..." This was even more complicated than I thought. He was probably sold by his own grandmother so both wouldn't die of hunger. Where was she from? What happened to his mom?

"I promise we will try to find Marli baby boy. We will never want you to not meet her again. If we search we can try but I won't promise we will find her, I promise I'll do my best to search for her with you though." I undressed him trying to get new clothes onto this body. It was a white t-shirt, some black shorts, little cute shoes and a fluffy white sweater for him to carry around. Mr. Bunny was in the suitcase. He was eleven years old. It was the case of him being a little old to carry a stuffed animal around. I wanted nothing to put us under scrutiny. Once I and Victor put our blazers on, we were ready.

We had three suitcases as our baggage. The chef had made us some snacks. He put them on a lunch box. With all this tension, we didn't even realize we were in the middle of the afternoon eating exactly nothing since the morning. There was the fact we had stayed up late to awake very late but eating nothing for hours wasn't healthy. Coming downstairs I had to see Dmitri, hopefully, one last time.

"Here they are. Our dapper bunch." He laughed very loudly. "Lucky little angel. You're gonna become a mess. If you ever want to join the crew, come back here. I'd love to have you as one of my soldiers." He touched Eric who was in Victor's arms. I could see Victor wanting to beat the hell out of the man but holding himself out.

"Ok, ok. It's time to leave I guess." I said.

"I got the tapes, big boy. Never forget what you did, your life is in my hands now." Dmitri tried to threaten me. I started laughing.

"A deal is a deal. Even though I sold my soul to a devil I got what I wanted. Don't worry sir Dmitri. I'm anxious for our next meeting." I had to lie. This was the utmost damaging situation I could ever put myself in. However, it meant that Eric was safe. It meant that the other `elite' boys would be safe. It meant that a lot of kids would have better lives. It's what you have to pay for when you're someone with my greediness. Someone that would trade everything in his life for the little lovemaking we did in that disgraced cursed room and house.

It is as I said to myself when I started all of this, money can't buy meaning for my life if I don't use it right. I could be sitting in an office on top of large quantities of it but wanting to kill myself or buying yachts, jewelry and custom designer clothing. I did all of that before. Now, looking at Eric in Victor's arms I knew I had my wishes come true, even if the boy decided to never have sex in his life again I'd be happy. I'd be happy to have taken him out of a painful life giving him a chance to live a normal one if he chooses to.

"All smiles. I know the feeling." Dmitri said but he was thinking about the wrong reasons. My smile wasn't because I had bought a sex doll to abuse but because I had helped lessen the pain in a human life, the life of one of the most beautiful boys with his shiny golden locks bouncing on top of his head. Dedicating my money to lessen the pain of these angels was the best way to spend my life earnings.

"Well, it was a pleasure to do business with you gentlemen. See you around fuckers!" Dmitri went into his car leaving the place. We could've been shot and just be dead. Instead, I'd probably have to deal with that guy for a long while.

Cris had led us to a car. It was different from the one Eric had come in. This was more of a minivan with blacked-out windows. We could see the outside but they wouldn't see us. Before entering the van I had to make sure Cris knew who he was dealing with. We were still in danger.

"Cris, I'll have your back. Let's free some of these kids and you. I'll hold no grudge for the recorded material. I know you had to have something to make me hold up to my part on the deal. Don't worry, you've done good for this situation." I meant it.

"No problem boss. I want to sleep right for a few years in my life. This was too much. Hope we can find a way to make you and I more comfortable in our lives." I closed the minivan door letting Eric and Victor inside it to pull Cris aside.

"Do you have an idea where Marli is?" I asked him with a low voice.

"You already know about that. His mom was whore killed by one of her lovers. She had no money or insurance leaving his grandmother and him to beg for money. The grandmother found help but had some kind of disease on the bones making it hard for her to work. It was three years ago when we gave her enough money for some surgery. In exchange, her grandson started working for us. He has talent because of being already whored out by his own mother. The grandmother meant no Ill, Eric was better off working to become an elite at the agency because he had the skill and beauty to do so. This happened back when the agency was looking for English boys. We Americanized his speech to make him more available for international customers. This is plenty of his story. I can try to get some info on her but that will cost you some more." He had cleared out the story. Maybe he was trying to pay for the fact he allowed Dmitri to get a hold of our information.

After that, I came back into the van knowing I'd had to work with Cris closer than I had previously foreseen. The trip back to the city was at least three to four hours long. Eric slept through most of it. When back at the hotel I didn't even want to get inside. I had my personal room at the luxurious building but I didn't want people to be asking about Eric. There was no time to stop or to ask or to do anything really. Once Victor had set us up with our official documents, we went to the airport. It was already late in the night when we arrived. Complications with Eric's files were coming our way. However, we used the excuse of being a gay couple wanting to adopt an abandoned orphan which matched his official documents. He had no father register, mom correctly pointed out as dead and missing grandmother.

Having connections to people at The Oath organization while being generally rich allowed us to do some bribery to get away with this. For not one more day Eric would be in this damned country and continent. When we finally got inside the private plane I could breathe. My little angel, my big knight and their king were safe. The next morning we would be back home.

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Next: Chapter 5

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