The Night I Became Adrianna

By moc.loa@DCannairdA

Published on Feb 2, 2004



The Night I Became Adrianna By Adrianna Cashmere

This story is fictional. It is also not suited for children or anyone offended by stories dealing with gender bending. This is based on my fantasy solely - that is to say this is my idea of what I would want to happen to me if I ever actually acted it out for real, nothing more and nothing less. I was driven to write it by the woman inside of me that sometimes fights very hard to get out, and this is her fantasy as much as my own.

One Friday evening about eight months ago, I was heading home from a very stressful day at my workplace. Actually it had been that way all week, and it had left me with a very shallow level of tolerance and a sore neck - especially evident when someone cut me off on the road and a stream of foul language flowed out of my mouth as I drove home. I absolutely hated my job, as I had to deal with irate (and clueless) customers all day long. But I had to work somewhere until I found something a little more suitable to my personality as my wife Stella and I had just relocated to the area (because of her job). As I motored home, I slowly cooled off a little and tried to remind myself that this crap was only temporary and something better in my life was waiting for me.

Something was awaiting me just a few miles away at my house indeed, although I had no idea what at the time. As I drove the last few miles I had come up with a pretty good idea of what I was going to do that evening to relieve my stress that had built up during the week. And that was to walk in the door, strip out of my work clothes and slide into a silky nighty and matching panties. I don't know why wearing lingerie had such an effect on me, but it excited me, soothed me, and most of all made me forget about all the bullshit that went on in my life at my job and otherwise.

I had been a crossdresser for years and years, although I would just wear some lingerie on occasion, and every now and then a dress; I didn't shave my body, wear makeup and go all the way like some crossdressers do, and I kept it behind closed doors. One peculiar thing about it was how easily my body fit into things from Victoria's Secret and the like even though I have a pretty masculine build and appearance when I was in my regular clothes. My wife knew about my crossdressing as I had finally confessed this to her about two years prior - but generally she had been lukewarm about it (she seemed to tolerate it anyway); and she had always made comments that I looked better in panties than a lot of women do. Every now and then Stella also got the pleasure of sexing me with a vibrator, which curiously had been her idea. She enjoyed doing that to me a lot, and up to that point I think she liked that (maybe a little too much!) aspect of my crossdressing the best. I also enjoyed it an awful lot, much more than I ever thought I would; I also repressed this in my own mind and had never admitted it to the wife. In general my crossdressing activities had always come with a little guilt after the fun, so it was a constant debate in my brain.

However tonight I was so mentally exhausted from the week that I wasn't worried about my inner issues. I was thinking about getting relaxed and taking a long nap, maybe even sleep the entire night away instead of playing around (which I normally would do after wearing lingerie for a couple of hours). Stella was out of town that weekend so I wasn't going to have to "perform" that night, which was just as well since all I wanted to do was slip off into dreamland in my sexy underwear...

I pulled up into the driveway, checked the mail, and walked up to the doorway. As I opened the door, I noticed on the floor there was a signed receipt with my wife's name on it. Although I should have suspected something was up, it went completely over my head; I didn't bother looking at it figuring it had just fallen off the little mail table we had by the door. I then noticed that the TV was on and I was bewildered to why it would be on, as my wife had left the night before and I had turned the TV off before I left for work that morning. I then heard some shuffling in the bedroom, and dropped my keys on the table thinking there might be an intruder in the house, and slowly started to inch towards the bedroom entryway thinking to myself what else can possibly go wrong today. As I gingerly walked into the bedroom expecting to find some burglar I instead was surprised to see my wife, who I thought I had dropped off at the airport the night before to fly to a work seminar.

"What are you doing home," I awkwardly asked, "I thought you were in Los Angeles."

"Well, there's been a change of plans sweetheart," Stella replied, "actually my plans haven't changed, but yours have!"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I have to make a confession, I staged the whole bit about flying out to Los Angeles last night. There was never any seminar I had to go to. I stayed at a hotel close to the airport instead."

"Stella," I said sheepishly, "What were you doing last night? Are you cheating on me?"

"Aaron, I am not cheating on you. Please believe me, it is nothing like that at all. Do you trust me?"

"I don't know, Stella, this is looking pretty shady to me. How do you think it would look to you if I had done something similar?"

Stella paused for a minute and then replied, "I know how it must look but I had a lot of preparations to make for your big surprise. I had to do this without you suspecting what I was up to."

I paused for a second, and after looking my wife up and down for a moment I finally said, "Umm. I'm confused. What surprise?"

My wife gave me a very sly grin and said, "Well like I said, you have a huge change of plans for tonight. I have been running around like a madwoman all day putting it together. It has actually been in the works for a couple of weeks, but I had to get the supplies and other items today."

"Stella I really don't follow you. This is sounding more and more like a cover up to me. I want to know what the hell is going on."

My wife then expressed another wicked smile and said, "I did this all for you. If you don't believe me, then maybe you should go take a look at that receipt on the floor in front of the door in the living room. Maybe you'll have second thoughts after looking at it."

Totally befuddled, I went back to the little table and picked up the receipt. I looked it over, and noticed it was a Victoria's Secret receipt for over $200.00. I suddenly began to get a racing feeling in my stomach as I looked over the contents of the purchase, which included an entire outfit from head to toe. My hands began to shake a little as up to today my wife had never done anything like this for me, sure she had bought a pair of panties here, or a nighty there but outside of that she hadn't exhibited much interest in buying my special clothes. After glancing around the living room and taking a couple of deep breaths, I walked back into the bedroom with the receipt in hand. I looked at Stella who was displaying a really big grin, and then she laughed as I fumbled with and dropped the receipt in disbelief.

"Maybe you should sit on the bed," Stella said trying to control her laughter, "or we might not even make it to the next step of the night. You look a little pale." So I sat on the bed, my hands still a little shaky. I tried to say something but before I could utter a letter my wife continued on, "So you see, I have not been cheating on you. I have been busy getting everything you're going to need for tonight."

I looked up at her and said, "You've never really shown any big interest in my crossdressing before. Why now? I don't know what to say. And what do you mean about tonight?"

Stella sat down on the bed next to me, faced me, and held my hands. She took a deep breath and then started to explain everything. What she said I would never ever forget as long as I live:

"Aaron, you know how I've told you in the past that I was afraid that you would like dressing up all the way and becoming a sexy woman too much. The real truth is I was afraid that I would like that too much. I tried to pass it off thinking I wanted a husband and that a guy dressed up as a woman would force me to leave, but the truth is I am totally turned on looking at you in lingerie, and always have been. You look incredibly sexy in a shiny pair of panties, but you looked even sexier the few times I have seen you in a dress. And I can only imagine how you would look in a dress with shaved legs clad in thigh highs and heels. I know how submissive you get when you dress that way, and want to see you dressed up ALL THE WAY."

My heart was racing so fast I thought I was drunk. I was totally intoxicated by the words I had just heard. My wife wasn't just going to see me in a sexy little outfit; she had bought it for me and was going to make me wear it. She leaned over and kissed me lightly on the lips and whispered in my ear, "I want you to dress up. You know you want to." I tried to protest by saying "Stella I've had a very shitty day at work, can't we do this tomorrow night?" She replied, "Sweetheart I think in a few hours you are going to totally forget about your job and everything else negative in your life. I know how hard it's been for you since we moved, but it has to be tonight. I have it all arranged. Do you trust me?"

I thought for a moment and said, "I am real tired, and my neck is sore." She then touched my crotch and said, "Are you sure about that? Feels like to me you want to get started! Please trust me, I don't think you're going to mind this at all." I thought for another moment not so convinced I wanted to go to sleep anymore. She was right. I was very excited, and I had been manipulated into getting that way. She was in control of this situation and wasn't going to take no for an answer. So I finally blurted out, "I trust you."

My wife stood up and pulled me up. She began to remove my clothes, stripping me down all the way. She sat me back down on the bed, got behind me and rubbed my neck to which I moaned a little in response. After a couple of minutes she pulled me up again and led me to the bathroom. I assumed I was supposed to take a shower, so I went for the handles but Stella stopped me and said, "Not so fast - we have a little work to do first before you get in there." She motioned over to the counter. On it was some bottle of liquid that I didn't recognize, and Stella told me to grab it and bring it over to her. So I did that and then noticed she had put a chair next to the shower tub. She pointed at it and said, "Sit down. This stuff will remove bodily hair without having to shave with a razor, we just need to spray it on and wipe it down with a towel. By the way I'm not just removing the hair off of your legs, we're going to remove all of your bodily hair. You will look funny otherwise."

Before I could even say anything she had pulled one of my legs up and started spraying it. Then she grabbed a towel and started wiping it off. After about five minutes I couldn't believe the sight I was looking at, which was a pair of very silky, feminine and incredibly sexy looking legs - my own. My wife ran her hands up the inside of my right leg to my thigh saying "Mmmm even better than I thought," and I shuddered in reaction to the smooth feeling as she did this. As if this wasn't enough to make me feel my maleness fading away, Stella stood me up and proceeded to remove the rest of my hair, including the shadow on my face. I then looked at myself in the mirror, especially my legs and arms, which now looked incredibly gorgeous. And I hadn't even put on a stitch of women's clothing yet. "By the way, you probably won't have to shave your face for at least a month," said Stella, "I'm sure you won't mind that. Now take your shower, I will be back when you're done."

Truly naked as a jaybird now, I gingerly stepped into the shower, and turned the water on, thinking how I felt like a little kid with all my body hair gone. I bathed fairly quickly, although I did take a few minutes to let the hot water hit the back of my neck, which was still sore although not as noticeable anymore. My wife helped towel me dry when I got out, even massaged my neck (and played a little with my silky bare ass) a little more. Then, while admiring my shaven body as a whole, Stella said, "I don't suppose you want to know what you're wearing for the evening, cutie pie."

"Yes," I replied quietly, running my hands down the sides of my smooth legs, "I can't believe I'm doing this."

"Believe it. If you like yourself now wait until we get you dressed! Now, I want you to go into the bedroom and look on the bed. You will find your attire for the night laying on it."

I slowly walked into the bedroom feeling like a kid on Christmas morning. I stepped over to my side of the bed, careful to not look at what was on it until I was standing directly in front of it. I closed my eyes, turned to face the bed, and took a deep breath. I slowly opened my eyes and gasped at what I had found. There was a matching white bra and panty set with lace and shiny satin, matching thigh highs, and an absolutely stunning silk/cashmere minidress. Next to these was an open shoebox, which contained a very sexy pair of white pumps with 3-inch heels. I gawked for a few seconds and then felt Stella's arms wrap around my shoulders from behind as she said, "So sexy, what do you think of your new outfit?" I replied, "Oh my god, I don't know what to say, it's so pretty." My wife then turned me around, gave me another light kiss on my lips and whispered in my ear, "Of course, a pretty lady needs a pretty outfit." She then bore another sly grin and said, "Now, aren't you getting a little cold? Let's get dressed sweetie."

At this point, I have to tell you about my experience of getting dressed in this outfit that lay before my waiting body. Now while it's always been very exciting and sensual for me to put on lingerie (as I'm sure it is for most crossdressers), this particular experience of getting dressed was nothing short of absolutely exhilarating. Adding to this was the fact I was being made to put these clothes on, and being watched to make sure I was going to do it.

As my wife looked on, still admiring my sexy smooth legs and rear end, I picked up the panties, and started to slide them up my legs. It was an unbelievably sexy and feminine feeling! I instinctively adjusted the panties around my hips after I got them all the way up. My wife then motioned me to turn around and put my arms out as she pulled the bra up around my shoulders and fastened it in the back for me. She admired me some more and turned me around to face her. "Well we're going to have to do something about that anomaly in the crotch of your panties, but that will come later," Stella said, referring to the rock hard on I had. She then handed me the thigh highs, showed me how to slide them up the right way, and they fit me perfectly. They felt so silky and feminine, and I was already in heaven. Needless to say, they also turned my legs into total man-killers, and by that I mean I've seen some sexy female legs clad in hose and thigh highs before, but my own legs looked even better according to my wife (which just made me feel more feminine and sexy). Then came the dress, which was the item I was most worried about, because I wasn't sure my wife had bought the right size. Although technically a sweaterdress, it was silky and smooth feeling when I touched it. I slid it over my head and pulled it down over my body and adjusted the turtleneck on it. Stella then spun me around quickly and gasped loudly, saying "I am so jealous of you right now, you look so incredibly sexy, baby!" I took a few steps in the new dress, felt the panties and dress slide around a little all over my body and I felt absolutely hot and knew I was hot. I had totally succumbed to euphoria as I felt the dress swish around just above my silky knees, where it came down to. Finally Stella sat me down on the bed and helped me into my shoes, which completed the transformation of my legs into total femininity. I was already in a different world, and my hair hadn't even been done yet.

Stella then led me into the bathroom again, helping me walk as she knew I didn't have much experience walking in heels, and also because my body was quivering in excitement. As my feet hit the tile floor the clicking of my heels turned me on even more and further pushed me into a submissive frame of mind. "Now we will take care of that anomaly down there," she said, referring to the cock pushing out the middle of my minidress. She proceeded lift my dress up, reached in my panties, and tucked my cock back (and restrained it so it wouldn't pop back out) and once she was done, she turned me towards the mirror, and I saw a very sexy looking female looking back at me in the mirror. This made me even more excited and my tucked cock strained as it tried to spring out of its confines to no avail. Then I was given breasts, which were slid into my bra cups, and adjusted accordingly.

Then came my hair and makeup, which I had to take my dress off so it wouldn't get messy. My wife wrapped a big towel around me shoulders and chest, took my soft brunette hair and gave me a very attractive feminine hairdo (I already had fairly long hair so it wasn't too hard for her to create this). Then she plucked my extraneous eyebrow hairs away and shaped them to be more womanly (which was the most painful part of this process) and got rid of my sideburns. About 30 minutes later I suddenly had a very femme face and when I looked at myself in the mirror I couldn't believe it was me. It was downright scary of how my male self was rapidly disappearing and my female self was surfacing with a fury. I then was made to pull my dress back on, and Stella blew dry my hair, and did my facial makeup.

When all of this was done I saw an absolutely stunning brunette bombshell with a pretty face that had big sexy brown eyes, with complimenting blue eyeliner, even my nose looked appealing which I never thought would work since I have a somewhat big nose. There wasn't a trace of my beard, and my natural eyebrows and eyelashes would make any woman jealous (Stella smacked me on my rear end and said she hated me because of this!). My bustline was sexy and round, my legs were slinky and sassy, and one would never guess I even had a penis, which was still fighting to get out of its restraints to no avail. My hips even looked sexy as I swayed them around. I could have made love to myself had that been physically possible - I looked like a sexy woman I would have chased in college!

But we still weren't done with my makeover. I wanted to go sit down and relax for a moment as I had been standing on a tile floor in three-inch heels for over an hour. But as I turned to walk out of the bathroom Stella grabbed my arm, and showed my hand to me, and said "What's wrong with this picture?" I shrugged, to which I got another little slap on my bottom. "Sweetheart, you have to do your fingernails if you expect to be completely feminine. We can skip your toenails this time because your shoes hide them, but those rough masculine fingernails have got to go!" And away they went as I was given new nails, and then I had to stand for a while with my hands outstretched to let the light pink paint dry without getting it smudged up or on my dress. As I stared at my hands I couldn't help but think I'd die if any of my male friends had any idea of what I had been turned into. But strangely this also excited me, although I didn't know why. All I really knew was I had been turned into a sexy woman and that I was becoming aware that I was having female tendencies and thoughts. And on top of this, I, who normally can be quite domineering and controlling if need be, had been maneuvered into this whether I wanted it or not.

I was finally allowed to sit down, but not before being shown how to walk in heels properly and how to sit without revealing anything. As I sat there on the couch in the living room, Stella got a beer for me and turned the TV on. As she handed me the beer and remote she said, "I know you're probably kind of confused and vulnerable right now, but you really do look lovely, and I'm sorry I waited so long to do this to you. But I think deep down you really like it, I can tell just by the way you walk and look at yourself in the mirror. Anyway, just relax for a little while, I think you need to calm down before we do the next thing tonight."

My eyes suddenly widened, and I looked at her and asked "Next thing? What else is there, Jesus, you've already got me totally femmed. I guess you mean sex later?"

"No," she replied, "sex later, yes, but not yet. We're doing other things first."

"Like what though? Can't you tell me?"

She then lightly ran her fingernails around the edges of my hair and replied, "No Adrianna, it would ruin the surprise. You're just going to have to wait."

For a moment the name she called me didn't register in my brain but I suddenly came to my senses. "Adrianna? Who the hell is that?"

"You are," Stella replied with another sly grin, "I don't think Aaron would go over too well seeing as you are very sexy lady now."

I sat back dumbfounded. "You can't be serious!"

"Look Adrianna," she retorted, "I think after all the trouble I've gone to today, I reserve the right to name you. Don't be a bitch about this, ok? It's a very beautiful name and it fits you well."

"Now wait a minute, I am not a bitch," I snapped back, but before I could say anything else Stella cut me off and said, "Good. You're reacting like a female already!"

I was going to say something else, but I realized she was right. I was acting defensively about something I had been manipulated into. I suddenly felt humiliated, and after thinking it over a little more I felt I deserved to be Adrianna since I let Stella do this to me. I almost felt like crying. I don't know why I suddenly accepted it, but I did. Stella was pressing my buttons and knew exactly what she was doing.

It was now around 7:30 and starting to get dark outside. I had gotten home at five, and spent the better part of the following two hours being feminized. As I sat on the couch clad in a Victoria's Secret outfit, painted face and nails, a thunderous silence had gripped the room. Many thoughts raced through my mind and the new name given me echoed louder and louder in my head as I caught myself admiring my legs and fingernails over and over again. Stella hadn't spoken to me since that last exchange and I was beginning to wonder if I had ruined the evening already. Just as I decided to get up and go talk to her, the phone suddenly rang.

"Don't get up Adrianna, I'll get it," Stella said from the kitchen. I figured it was probably just one of her friends from work or whatever so I didn't pay much attention to the conversation. But as she was hanging up with the person on the phone I did hear her say, "OK, sounds good. I'll talk to you soon." As she hung up the phone she looked at me and gave me a little smile. I asked her, "Stella, I hope I didn't fudge this up, I really have had fun tonight, even if I am wierded out some." She came out to the living room, sat down and replied, "It's ok, I can imagine that you have a lot of different emotions running through your head. Don't worry about it, sweetheart. It's time to add the last thing to complete your makeover." What could this possibly be after all the stuff I had been made to do already? Before I could think about it any further she stood up, then pulled me up and led me back to the bathroom. As we walked over the tiles in the entryway, Stella commented how nice my heels clicked along, and complimented me on being such a quick learner of walking like a woman.

We stepped back into the bathroom, where Stella went for the cabinet and pulled out a little box and handed it to me. "This is a gift for you," she said, "go ahead and open it up." It had some feminine sounding name (which I don't remember now) and a cute logo on the front of the box. When I opened it, I realized what it was - women's perfume. I looked at Stella with a blank stare. "Take off the cap and smell it, silly." So I removed the cap and took a sniff. It smelled very, very feminine and I suddenly got excited as I knew what was coming next - it was going to be applied on me.

"So what do you think Adrianna," asked my wife, "isn't it lovely?"

I stood there for a moment savoring the sweet aroma coming out of that bottle and finally said with a smile, "Yes. I like it a lot."

"Well I guess you know what this means Adrianna," said my wife slyly, "since you like it so much we're going to put some on that lovely little neck of yours."

I went to put some on my neck when Stella stopped me and took the bottle from my hand. "You better let me do that, you don't want to put too much of it on, but just enough to smell nice." So she applied it to me, and then reached down my dress and put a little around my bra area. "That should do very nicely - you smell very lovely now." As the scent hit my nose I couldn't help but feel even more like a woman than I had already.

Then Stella handed me another smaller box, which contained some bright pink lipstick, which matched my fingernail polish. She showed me how to apply it to my lips and how to bite on the napkin to get the excess off. I was finally complete. As I sniffed at the air, and admired myself once again in the mirror my tucked cock was again fighting to free itself to no avail. I was totally turned on by myself and I absolutely loved it.

My self adulation was suddenly interrupted by Stella announcing that it was time for the next phase of the evening, which had been on the back of my mind the last forty minutes. Looking back now had I known earlier in the evening what she was about to drop on me, I probably would have never let her dress me up and make me over in the first place. She was smart for not telling me until now, or should I say, she was once again steering me into a direction I couldn't detract from. We walked back out to the couch where she sat me down, looked at the clock for a moment and then sat down next to me. She again held my hands and started talking to me softly.

"Adrianna, you have been done up for a very specific reason. You have been made so sexy and pretty because you were being prepped for a night on the town."

I suddenly gasped, "WHAT?"

"You heard me. You are going out tonight."

"There is no way I am going out dressed like this Stella! In public, like THIS? Are you frigging nuts?" I started to get a sick feeling in my stomach, afraid that there was no way out of what she was suggesting.

"Would it help you to know," Stella then cooed, "that it will make me very hot if you went out looking and dressed like you are?"

"No. I can't do this. I just can't. I -"

Suddenly the doorbell rang. I was totally frozen for a moment, but then said "I need to get out of sight," but Stella wouldn't let go of my hands, and faced herself towards the door yelling, "COME IN!" I finally broke free, but my limited experience in heels came back to haunt me, and I simply tripped into the recliner trying to make my escape. As I fell into the chair the door swung wide open and realizing my dress had hiked up to reveal my pantied ass, instinct took over and I quickly pulled the dress down, turned around, sat up straight and put my legs together in about half a second. I couldn't risk looking at the visitor, so I just looked down at the floor trying not to show any emotion. I was hoping that it was just one of her female friends, and if I kept my mouth shut I could possibly get away without being found out.

My hopes to make the best out of a bad situation were quickly snuffed, as I heard my wife say, "Hi, John. Come on in." I sank further into my chair awaiting my impending doom as John closed the door and gave my wife a hug. He sat down in the loveseat opposite of my wife as I just sat there speechless with my hands gripped together in my lap. As I listened to them make small talk, I continued to sit there motionless, wanting to crawl away and die. This day had been the worst day of my life, on many levels. I had been belittled all day long by customers on the phone, treated like shit by other drivers on the way home, reduced to a sissy boy named Adrianna, and now in the presence of Stella's co-worker, John, who knew me as a regular guy who liked to watch football. All the bliss I had felt as Adrianna was gone now, as was my self-esteem. Things had hit rock bottom. I really felt like crying, but I was so stunned that I couldn't even blink my eyes.

Before I go on let me tell you about John. He is a tall, muscular and very good looking guy in his early 40's; how he had not landed a beautiful wife of his own always amazed me. I was a pretty nice looking and intelligent fellow myself but this guy was perfect in every way. I had an opportunity to chat with him at a company function about a month prior, and was impressed with the way he carried himself. He was extremely smart, well educated, had a sophisticated vocabulary, and most of all was a rising star in his company. He was also probably one of the most non-corrupt businessmen I have ever stumbled across. He basically had it all in short. Or so I thought.

From what Stella had told me John had also been impressed with my intelligence, commenting he never would have guessed that I only had a couple years of college and was awed of my artistic ability (I am a musician). She also had mentioned about a week earlier that I had landed a secret admirer at her workplace although she wouldn't tell me who it was, and I assumed it was a she. But I was about to find out otherwise.

In the precarious position I was in, I found myself clinging on to the hope that John wouldn't figure it out. I was afraid that if he did I was liable to get the crap kicked out of me. I am not exactly small and possess a good amount of strength, as I am 5'9" and used to be a football running back. John however was 6'3" and worked out regularly; and going by his upper arm muscles, he could probably knock me silly if he got a hold of me. But as I envisioned this threat, I just sat there, unable to move, frozen solid. It was as if I had become an ice statue.

John and Stella chatted for five minutes or so, mainly about work, and other conservative topics. Not a word was said to me, and I was beginning to wonder what was going on, albeit I was still unable to move. Finally I think they realized that I was totally petrified and the punishment had gone on long enough. John said, "So are you going to introduce me to the young lady here? She seems awfully quiet." Stella giggled, "Oh stop it John, you know full well you already know her." I thought I was hearing my own death sentence. I started counting the seconds, waiting for the ensuing ridicule and perhaps ass kicking, but it never came.

"Adrianna," Stella went on, "You remember John, don't you?" I silently nodded my head yes, thinking more about if my thigh highs were soaked with sweat or not and how ridiculous I must look to John. "I never figured you to be shy Adrianna," commented John, "you certainly had a lot to say the last time we talked at the party." What did he want me to say? I couldn't even look at him. Stella then said to me, "Sweetheart, it's ok. John already knew about you - I told him about it two weeks ago. We have discussed a lot of things and he conveyed to me that he has an attraction to crossdressers, although he has only been with one other. He wants to take you and me out on the town tonight."

I suddenly relaxed a little bit, realizing my life wasn't in danger, but that thought was overtaken quickly by what it looked like I was facing, albeit in apparent good company. I was going to be pushed outside into public. It scared me deeply. Even more confusing to me was I wasn't going to be out with just my wife, but also another guy. And to top it off, Stella had arranged the whole thing. "Say hi to our guest at least, Adrianna," said my wife, "you don't want to be rude to him."

I tried my best to look over at John, and finally I managed a "Hi, John" in a soft voice. It was probably the hardest words I ever had to say in my life. "Nice to see you again Adrianna," he quickly grinned, "please don't be afraid. I don't bite you know." For some reason I was able to look right in his eyes and mutter, "I'm sorry, I'm just very embarrassed right now." He looked back at my eyes and said a matter of factly, "You shouldn't be embarrassed. You look very sweet and pretty."

This hit me like a ton of bricks. I suddenly felt very feminine again, and replied, "Thank you." I even managed a little smile. Stella then said, "She does look very sweet and pretty, doesn't she?" John replied, "Absolutely - one of the prettiest ladies I have ever seen." I began to relax as Stella said, "Yes, I'm absolutely jealous of her appearance!" This relaxed me even more, and I started smile a little more. They were making me glow and they knew it. It was as if they knew exactly what to say to put me back in my previous state of mind, which was of course, that of a sexy female. I was starting to slip back into that world I hadn't known again.

John then reached for his cellphone, dialed a number, and started talking to someone. "Hello Frank? Yeah. Open the passenger doors, we're going to come out now." I suddenly got apprehensive again as they stood up as I knew I was about to go outside en femme. Stella helped me up, adjusted my dress a little and told me to check my thigh highs for runs, which miraculously hadn't sustained any damage in the fall. Always the gentleman, John looked away while I did this. Stella then handed me something that I immediately recognized. It was a sexy little white purse that matched the rest of my outfit. She told me that she had put my lipstick and perfume inside, along with a couple of other things that I might need later on. I nervously grasped the purse, thinking out how nice it would be to fit inside of it and hide myself from view when I go outside.

John then led us to the door, swung it open, and my wife walked out first. My heart racing, she took my hand and pulled me outside gently, then John walked out and Stella closed and locked the door. I was nervous and very wobbly, so both John and Stella took my hand on both sides and walked me to the waiting vehicle which turned out to be a nice limousine with windows that can't be seen through. I wanted to glance around to see if the neighbors were looking, but it was dark, and I decided it would be better to focus on walking in my pumps and making it to the car. It seemed to take forever but we finally made it up the driveway to the limo, and I was the first one to get in. The driver helped me in by taking my hand and guiding me inside. Then Stella got in and sat across from me, and finally John got in and sat next to me.

I had no idea of where we were going, and at this point I was just happy to see that door close, knowing I was out of general sight again. I was a little concerned with the seating arrangement but I decided I should just try to relax the best I can and pay attention to the position of my legs, so not to spread them too wide and inadvertently reveal my panties. As the limo turned around and began to roll down the street John announced our destination. "We are going to a nightspot that is open to girls like Adrianna, although I don't think anyone's going to think she's not a real girl." He then touched my left hand and reassured me, "All kinds go there and most people have open minds about society issues so it will be ok Adrianna." I don't know why, but him touching my hand made me feel very womanly and protected. As we got onto the highway John said, "Get comfy ladies, have a drink, this place is an hour away." Stella and John then picked up the conversation that had taken place at the house. For the most part, I remained silent, but was thinking about how I was out on the town, dressed as a woman, and there was nothing I could do to change my attire. It started to turn me on tremendously the more I thought about it. I also occasionally was looking at John, not right at him but taking quick peeks at his legs, his hands and general features, looking more and more as time went on.

I was diving further into the feminine role that I had been pushed into, and I was really starting to like it. As the minutes passed I became more and more feminine in my thinking, actions and desires. Stella has picked up on this, noticing I was checking John out as she leaned over to fill up her wineglass. She whispered in my ear, "Go ahead, don't be bashful about checking him out - I already know you like him." I reacted to that by giving off a scornful look, but she just swatted at my leg, giggled, sat back and continued talking to John. I knew in my heart she was right, and she knew it before I did. What was coming over me?

Not only was I checking him out but I definitely knew that John was looking at me, as he complimented my appearance more and more, sensing that not only was I becoming more comfortable with it but also increasingly appreciative of his compliments. In short, he was treating me like a lady, and the more he did the more I liked it. Twenty minutes into the ride I shifted my position, curling up my legs under my butt and leaning to my left side a little against the back of the seat, as I felt myself loosening up, even though I hadn't had a single sip of alcohol yet. Stella noticed this and said, "John, I think she's getting more comfy over there, why don't you offer her a drink." How much I enjoyed being referred to as a she now, it was so different, so forbidden, yet so sexy to hear it. How much I had changed in the last few hours. How much I had forgotten about the worst day of my life - I was now committed to looking as feminine as I could to my two companions in the car and (albeit in a somewhat reserved manner) just being myself.

John offered me a drink, and I took a wine cooler. I normally wouldn't drink that type of beverage but I didn't want to lose too much of my sobriety other than to just relax a little more. He handed me the drink; I then took a sip, careful not to smudge my lipstick too much. I was listening to John talk about one of his projects at work, and after about half of my drink was gone I was very comfortable with my situation, so much that I was subconsciously admiring myself again. I didn't realize I had draped my right hand along my right leg and buttock, and was playing with the material of my minidress a little. Stella caught me, and while laughing said "Adrianna's quite the little diva now, isn't she?" John smiled and said, "Well with her looks and that sexy outfit on, she is a diva!" I had been busted; they had both been watching me for a couple of minutes even though they never stopped talking. It was a good thing it was dark, otherwise I imagine I would have been quite red in the face. Although just as embarrassed as I had been earlier in the evening, this time it made me feel sexier, so I didn't mind the ribbing so much, especially since I knew with no question that John thought I was sexy.

Suddenly I found myself smacking at John's knee in reaction to his comment, saying, "Oh, stop that." Expecting a smart ass comment in a return, my eyes lit up when I heard John say, "I'm sorry, I really only meant that as a sincere compliment." I then heard myself say, "It's ok, I really don't mind at all." I couldn't believe it; I was flirting with him. Stella noticed this too, and although she didn't say anything, I noticed she had that glassy look on her face, much like when she's turned on. I began to wonder what my wife was up to. It was obvious that she had an ulterior motive for getting John into the picture, but what was it, and how far was she going to push me? Was I even willing to go where she was pushing me?

Before I had too much time to think about it, we had arrived to the nightclub. Another lump began to form in my throat as I realized I was soon to be surrounded by a lot of people, and I was wearing a dress. John sensed this and tried to reassure me, but it was obvious that I was going to need a little help getting inside. John got out first, pulled my wife out, and then reached for my hands. I wasn't too sure what to do in reaction to this so I just put my hands out and let him pull my up to my feet. What was really weird about this was how much I felt like a feather when he pulled me up - he was very strong obviously but also gentle about it. It sent a shiver up my spine. They then walked towards the entrance, guiding me between them to make sure I wasn't going to fall on my face, but it was evident that I had finally gotten the hang of walking in heels as I was walking faster and faster. I tried to ignore my panties rubbing my rear end as I walked, but boy did it feel great! By the time we went inside the place, I noticed I wasn't so nervous anymore, and maybe even enjoying being dressed up in front of people a little. I was tempted to strut a little bit but decided it was best to just be reserved and ladylike. I didn't want to give myself away, even though it didn't matter here.

The club was a little smaller than I had thought; a more intimate setting, but it did have a stage for a band and a dance floor. It was also a full service restaurant, so we were obviously going to eat dinner here as well. We were led to a table, which was in a secluded corner, but open enough to still see everything that was going on the stage and dance floor. The waiter gave us menus and even asked me if I was doing ok. I didn't want to give away my voice so I just smiled and nodded yes. John seated my wife at the table, and then seated me. Once we were all sitting at the table I decided I was going to have a light dinner as I didn't want to get too involved in eating with my new dress on and all. John ordered my dinner for me so I wouldn't have to speak. As the waiter walked away with our orders Stella poked at me and jokingly said, "Are you becoming anorexic?" As we were served our dinners a little while later, the lights dimmed and a lounge band walked on to the stage and began to play. Dinner was surprisingly good, but I had to really concentrate to keep my food from falling off my fork into my lap as I was trying to not mess up my lipstick. About halfway through my dinner Stella leaned over and said "Don't worry about your lipstick sweetheart, you have a small mirror in your purse you can use to reapply it after you finish eating."

This was reassuring, but I had a bigger problem: I had to go to the bathroom. I was hoping I'd be able to get out of there and back home before I had to go, but my bladder wasn't going to allow that. I finally told my wife that I had to go, and she looked over to John and said, "We have to go to the little girl's room," to which he replied "Don't fall in, Adrianna." We went over to the lady's restroom, and my wife took me in. She told me what I needed to do to untuck my member so I could go and retuck it afterwards, and sent me into a stall. I knew I had to sit down to do this, and fortunately it wasn't difficult pulling up my dress and sitting down. It was really strange peeing this way, but I now understand why women take so long, it's not easy going when you have a nice dress on that you don't want to mess up, nevermind the other things that women have to be do in there.

I was tempted not to retuck my cock, but I came to my senses and did it anyway - it was after all the only reason I hadn't cum yet, because it was restricted back there. It took a little effort to get it back into place but I finally got it done and we left the bathroom and went back to the table. We then finished eating our dinner, and it was time for me to reapply my lipstick. I reached in my purse and found the little mirror, pulled out the lipstick tube and with my wife's coaching, successfully reapplied it. John then commented how nice I looked, and that he was happy to be seen with me, which sent me into another shiver, as I knew he really liked the way I looked.

It was time to turn attention to the band, which up to this point had been playing more upbeat songs, but it was starting to get late as we had been in there for a good hour as it was approaching 10:00. John got up and walked over to the stage and began talking to the bandleader. After a few moments he came back over to our table and announced that he would like a slow dance with all the ladies sitting there - he had obviously tipped the band to start playing slow songs. Sensing I wasn't quite ready or sure what to do, he passed over me and took my wife out first once the band started playing a slow song. I watched them dance, feeling a little jealous since John was dancing with my wife, but I had the feeling they were doing it for my benefit so I would know where to put my arms around John when it was my turn. They actually danced to a couple of songs, fairly close to me so I could watch closely. It looked simple enough, wrap your arms around his shoulders, and follow his lead. But as the second song drew towards the end, I was getting butterflies in my stomach because I knew I was about to dance with another man while being the woman. As much as I had liked John's compliments and knew I was already attracted to him on some level, the idea of holding him and being that close to his face and body really petrified me.

But now I had run out of time to think about it; the song had ended, and I was pulled out of my seat like a light feather again and led to the dance floor. I suddenly realized how many people were really in the place, I would have guessed around 100 people or so, and here I was in a minidress in front of all of them. I have to admit I felt a little silly at first, and I think John sensed this, so he took charge of the situation. He slowly drew my arms up around his shoulders, and then gently placed his around my waist. We started off by just moving around a little, and I was just trying to concentrate on not making a fool of myself by tripping over my heels. As the song progressed, I relaxed a little bit and began to get in a little bit of a rhythm, and he started leading me around more. I was still a little scared, but I was at least making it through the song. It ended, so I turned go sit back down, but John held me in place and asked me if I would dance with him for another song. What made me do it was the way he asked me, which was nothing less than a gentleman asking a woman he respected and admired for a second dance. Although I had been looking at him during the entire time we had been dancing, I hadn't been looking into his eyes, which by the second song I sensed he wanted me to. After giving his eyes a quick glance twice, I swallowed deeply and peered up into his eyes finally. They were gazing back at me, and I suddenly was getting memorized by them. His eyes were very beautiful, although I hadn't noticed up until now; and the longer they stared at me, I began to feel my female desires burn inside me. I felt my legs begin to go weak, it was like being dominated by a vampire's gaze.

The music stopped, but I couldn't take my eyes off of his. His hands were now exploring the back of my dress although he politely kept his hands off of my ass. I then realized a third song had started to play but I was totally lost in his beautiful eyes, my body weak, and feeling the warmth of his chest. My thoughts and desires were sinking deeper into my body and my female side had totally taken over. I found that I was standing on his feet and he was dancing the both of us around as we continued to stare. I was in awe of him, and felt my strength leaving my limbs as I began to lose my grasp around his shoulders and neck - so John steadied me up and led me back to the table. I thought I was totally intoxicated, and felt so sexy and feminine to the likes I had never experienced.

I also found myself incredibly aroused, but I was in such a trance I felt like a little ragdoll as he sat me back down at the table. I went to light a cigarette and found I could barely hold it up to light it. I found myself sighing heavily, and I heard Stella say "My god, John what did you do to her out there, she looks like she's seen a ghost!" But she knew exactly how I felt, because it was exactly how she had felt the first time we danced all those years ago. I leaned back in my chair and continued to breathe heavily, not sure what I had just experienced but knowing that whatever it was that my world had been rocked and I loved it. I had never felt that way before in my life. John then took my wife back out on the floor for a few more dances, and I overheard them talking about something but I wasn't coherent enough to understand.

By this time it was around eleven, and I had regained some of my posture. But it was pretty apparent that I wasn't in much shape to go out to the dance floor for another song, so Stella and John decided it was time to head back to the limousine and go home. At least that where I THOUGHT we were going. Although I figured they were going to place me between them on the way out again, John pulled me up out of my chair, took my hand in his and my wife followed behind watching me be led out of the night club. When we got to the limo, the driver helped me in again, sat me down in the same place I had before and John and Stella assumed their previous seats as well, so again I was next to John.

The limo left the parking lot and once again we were out on the highway, and I was offered another drink, which I didn't take. I was too preoccupied with what had just happened and sat in my seat dumbfounded, my legs squirming a little in their thigh highs. Stella and John talked for about five minutes at which point Stella leaned over and whispered in my ear that John would probably really like it if I were to move closer to him. I asked her if she was sure that was ok, and she replied, "Sweetheart, I want this for you, you deserve it completely." Well, I was a little shy about it and didn't do anything, but finally after a couple more minutes as John was talking about something from work, I started to slide over towards him. His hand then found mine. I couldn't believe what I was doing. This slowly started to rekindle my desires I had felt in the club and before long his arm was around my shoulders and I was nuzzled up against him. I think John knew he had me, which turned me on more. His other hand began rubbing my outer leg and thigh, and I responded by taking my hand and running it up and down his chest.

Stella and John continued talking, but I was totally lost in John's presence. I found myself nuzzling up against his neck, and as my feminine desires washed over me I began to kiss his neck and shoulder. He started running his hands through my soft hair and then began massaging the back of my neck saying, "I heard you had a sore neck Adrianna, let me make it feel better." I responded by lightly moaning to the pressure he was applying to my neck, which felt wonderful.

I found myself wishing the ride would never end, as I felt like a 17-year old girl on her first hot date. I thought we were headed home but instead we pulled up to a nice hotel on the edge of town (which had already been reserved for us by my wife earlier in the day). As we all stepped into a luxury suite on the top floor, I had a million voices running through my head, some saying no, don't do it, and others screaming YES, let him take you! I still was aware that the last 7 hours had been spent manipulating my surroundings and emotions to the point of getting me into a hotel room, where I obviously was going to be sexed by this powerful gorgeous man. But turned on and contented as I was, I was still resisting this final tier of my preplanned journey.

For one thing, although I had fantasized about giving a guy a blowjob, the thought of a cock entering my backdoor didn't appeal to me that much, even though Stella had me making love to her vibrators already. And even though I mentioned earlier that I had never admitted to either my wife or myself that I had loved every minute of those sessions, Stella knew that I did truly love it, and she was dying to see me make love to a real cock. But I still held on to my principles, I hadn't kissed John fully yet although I had come very close to planting a big juicy one on his lips in the limo, and I wasn't going to allow this to happen.

What I didn't know was how beaten down my defenses really were by the time we made it to the hotel. I think my body knew before my brain that I was going to surrender to John, and that he was going to have me in every way imaginable. But I still tried to not give in to my hormones, which were already raging well before we ever got inside the suite.

As I concentrated on not having sex, the feel of my minidress, lingerie and shaven legs were betraying me as I lay on one of the beds while Stella and John were making another round of drinks. Stella did come over to me and said "Adrianna, you might need a couple of items in your purse in a secret compartment just below the second zipper on the inside." I figured this was probably pain pills or maybe sleeping pills. How naïve I was....

We all sat around on one of the beds for a little while, just talking although John was sitting with me in his lap, which basically I was picked up and pulled up into it, so I really had no say in the matter. I tried not to think about anything as John's lap felt better and better to me, and I had noticed his hands were slowly starting to explore my arms, legs, and inner thighs, making me slowly burn hotter and hotter. Stella was also watching me get fondled and becoming very turned on herself. I never felt so sexy in my life and yet I continued to resist, hoping that it would go away, but I was a fool to even hope for that - I was fighting a losing battle.

Then suddenly, John pushed me off his lap, stood me up and faced me. He then forced me to look into his eyes. As he held me there, gazing through me with those pretty eyes of his, I felt my resistance weaken quickly. My legs were becoming jello, I was shuddering violently, and crying. I finally looked straight into his eyes one last time and began to kiss him, not taking long to slide my tongue into his mouth and his into mine. As my heart raced, faster and faster, my body feeling sexier and sexier, I finally unlocked my lips with his and surrendered by moaning out the words, "Make love to me..."

With that the room began to spin, as I felt myself being picked up and then laid down on the bed. My sexy minidress was gingerly peeled from my yearning body, and my panties were slowly slid down my sexy legs. I reached into my purse lying next to me, found a condom and some KY jelly, and set them out next to my side. My legs were slowly spread apart and my cock finally freed from its dungeon as I once again was probing John's mouth with my tongue as he fondled my thighs and ass. He started licking my chest and tummy as I reached out at his crotch to unzip his pants. One final gasp of resistance presented itself in my mind, but there was no turning back. Stella came over, removed John shirt and pulled his pants down while getting ready to penetrate herself with one of the vibrators that had gotten to know my love hole so well. She waited eagerly to watch John satisfy my nymphomaniac desires which now were at a boiling point..

Now just clad in my bra and thigh highs, I got up on my knees, and got my first look at John's sex tool. It was a very beautiful cock, and was shiny, about 8 inches long and an inch and a half thick. I wasn't sure if I would to be able to take it all, but it was going to sex me no matter what. I took him in my hands and kissed him, the taste of his dick turned me on even more and I began taking it into my mouth and getting my saliva on it. I slowly worked up a rhythm and started to massage his shaft with my eager tongue. John looked down at me and proclaimed he was getting his cock serviced by the most beautiful woman in the world. As I worshiped his manhood, I slid my mouth further and further down his shaft and I was in the deepest depth of feeling sexy and feminine, as I knew where this beautiful lady penetrator was going next. I choked as John's cock began to penetrate into my throat cavity, and knowing it was my first time he was gentle until I was comfortable with taking it in that deep.

Stella told me how beautiful I looked with John's love rod on my pink lips, and frigged her clit harder and harder as she watched John's lovely dick fucking my mouth, now sinking all the way into the lower regions of my throat and back out again with each thrust. I watched in awe as his slippery and glistening shaft disappeared and reappeared before my eyes faster and faster. Suddenly John began to moan loudly and I knew that I was going to be fed his love juices and that I must accept it all in my mouth and down my throat. Without warning, he suddenly shuddered violently and his milky jizz hit my lips, tongue, and back of my throat. He sprayed an endless stream of love in my eager mouth and tongue until I couldn't take any more. I swallowed and swallowed gobs of cum, finally sitting back and moaning quietly, awaiting him to slide inside me.

I grabbed the condom and lovingly slid it onto his member - he hadn't even gone down after that spectacular shoot into my yearning throat and belly. John pushed me on my back, slid my legs apart again, took the KY jelly and greased himself up while putting some around the rims of my love hole. I couldn't believe I was about to have this beautiful cock inside of my sexy little bare ass! It slid around my tight hole, trying to gain entry, but John needed a little help. My wife came over and slid a smaller vibrator in a little ways, but just far enough to get me a little more relaxed and ready. Once I was primed and ready to go, I had little idea of how much I was about to be feminized by his prick; I only knew my body was screaming for it.

John approached me again, leaning down first to kiss me and tell me I have the sexiest body he'd ever seen. Then he stood back up, positioned himself again and I felt a pressure on my hole, followed by a little bit of pain, and then a retraction. "Don't worry Adrianna," he said, "I'm going to treat your pussy right." And I believed him. He slid it in again, my hole wasn't as resistant, so he put it in a little further, then pulled out a little way, and then back in a little deeper. I felt my love canal being filled up and becoming lubricated. Before I knew it his penis was striking up a rhythm inside of me, dropping in deeper and deeper as my legs wrapped around his. I was in a totally different world now. He slowly increased his rhythm until his cock was sliding all the way in and out of me again; I was now getting sexed like a woman and loving it.

I started pushing back on his cock as he continued to pump me harder and harder; waves and waves of ecstasy passed through me as my legs wrapped around my new lover tighter and tighter. As I moaned my sexy little head off, Stella was busy fucking herself with her vibrator - she had already had at least three orgasms watching me make love to John. Then when I thought it couldn't possibly get any better, John stood up, and picked me up by supporting my back in his powerful arms and continued to thrust his manhood further inside me as I was so happy that I started crying. He held me in the air and fucked me this way for what seemed like an eternity as Stella continued to cum again and again watching her husband become sexier and sexier with every stroke.

When he finally did put me down I asked him gently to take his penis out of me and lie on his back on the bed. I stood up, and the sweat from our lust rolled off of me and onto the floor. I got John to lay back with his cock positioned on the edge of the bed and I straddled him faced away. I then guided him back inside my love hole, slid down on him, slowly gathered up my rhythm and before long I was fucking him at full female superior speed. He had turned me into a total nymphomaniac as I brought myself to orgasm, shooting cum up into my own mouth as I continued to ride him for all that I was worth. John was grabbing my ass and spreading my cheeks as wide as he could so I could get him further inside of me, as I bounced up and down on his shaft like a crazy amazon woman. By this time Stella was pretty spent, as she had finally put down her toys and just watched me in amazement as I continued to impale myself on John's cock, screaming things like, "FUCK ME, SEX ME LOVER!"

John then slowed me down and said, "Sweetheart, I'm going to cum again, and I want you facing me when I do. I want to show you how much my cock enjoys being inside you." So I slowly turned around without even pulling him out of me and then my sluttiness went on. This man had taken control over my mind and body, and I was pleasuring him wildly and adoring his sweaty body as I leaned down to kiss him. I was completely and willingly his little bitch. As he got close to his orgasm, he lifted me off of him, and presented his cock to me. I quickly ripped the condom off and began stroking him, and in what seemed to be an eternity, it shot its love juice all over my face, chest and tummy. I moaned like crazy as I took a milky shower in his latest appreciation of my body. When he finally did stop cumming on me I was a soaken mess of sweat, cum, tears, smudged makeup and lipstick. I was so used up and that I simply collapsed on top of John's naked body, my bra ripped and stained, my thigh highs shredded and torn, and my wet smooth skin glistening under the lights. I looked over at Stella, who had all but passed out from all her orgasms; I said good night to her, and then John pulled my head towards his, gave me a big kiss, and I fell asleep on his heavenly chest with my arms wrapped around his neck.

The next morning, I slowly stirred and felt the warm rays from the sun coming through the window and hitting my brazen and sticky body. I thought I was just dreaming about what had happened the night before when I realized that the back of my neck and shoulders were being massaged by an unknown hand and that I was moaning softly and smiling with my eyes closed in response to it. When I opened my eyes, I realized that I had not been dreaming at all, I was nuzzled next to John's neck and he was running his free hand softly through my hair. I looked up at his face to find those poisonous eyes of his peering back at me, and feeling the trance coming back that I had experienced the night before, I lifted my lips up to his and kissed them. Then I nuzzled back down into his neck as his hands explored my back and legs, and I started to squirm and kiss his lovely neck in response.

It was no dream indeed, I had made love to this man, and I felt like any other woman did on the morning after. It was one of the most peaceful feelings that had ever come over me in my entire life. I lay there for a while, and then as I woke up more I noticed Stella wrapped in a towel, she had already taken a shower. As I sat up slowly, she came over to my side of the bed and kissed me, whispering in my ear, "I really enjoyed your performance last night, sweetheart." John then got up, gave me one last kiss on the top of my head as he walked in the bathroom to get his shower. Looking down at my naked body I stretched for a while, feeling the soreness of my inner thighs and love hole - but it was the kind of soreness that was satisfying. I looked down at my tattered lingerie, which only the panties had survived the night, and then glanced at Stella, saying, "I'm sorry I ruined most of my lingerie last night Stella." She smiled and replied, "Don't worry Adrianna, it was well worth the expense. And I have replacements for you to wear, so it won't be so obvious of what you were doing in here last night when we leave the hotel."

I looked over on the chair and saw a fresh set of the lingerie I had worn the night before, and another minidress that was a light blue color with matching heels. After John got out of the shower, I took mine, got dressed, did up my hair and makeup, and felt fresh and relaxed that I was going to return home as Adrianna the prim and proper. Only the three of us in the room would ever know that my body was used completely for the satisfaction of another man. As we walked down the hall to the elevator, my heels clicking even more womanly than the night before, I couldn't help but have a glowing look about me, to which both John and Stella noticed and said that I looked even sexier than the night before. I stood there at the checkout counter, looking around the room comparing myself to the other women. As we walked out to John's car (which he had parked there the night before and hopped in the limo that took us around) I knew that I had walked out of there as the sexiest woman in the entire joint. It was a truly adulating feeling of myself, and I wouldn't have traded it for the world.

But as we rode back to our house, I began to softly cry, realizing that my night to remember was over and that Adrianna was soon going to vanish back into the depths of my own body as I had to return to my normal routine Monday morning. Both John and Stella tried to console me, but I cried even more as the waves of emotions swept over me heavily. I was so sad by the time we got back to the house I didn't even care that two of my neighbors were outside mowing their lawns. They simply waved at us and talked to Stella briefly when we got out of the car, and I heard later that I was passed off as John's girlfriend, and that Aaron had been inside sleeping.

Once inside, I continued to lightly sob, partly because I felt as if I had cheated on my wife, and partly because I was going to miss the man who had been the first to have me as a woman. I also was sobbing partly because of my joy that my wife loved me so much that she willingly taken me to a new dimension in my crossdressing, and that she had done it knowing it was what she also wanted for her own pleasure. I finally learned why women cry a lot that morning. Then the dreaded parting moment came - it was time for John to go home. He gave Stella a huge hug, thanking her for the evening of his life. He then turned to me, with those eyes staring right through my body. I slowly walked over to him, looked up into his eyes as my arms wrapped around him, and kissed him for a good two minutes. After we embraced each other tight, I hugged him for all I was worth, and as I felt the tears intensifying again he whispered in my ear, "Adrianna, don't cry. I am very sure that we will meet again." I finally let go of him, still crying, and watching him through the window as he got in his car and left. I turned to my wife, and told her that I loved her, more than ever, and she gave me a long kiss and embrace. She then said I should go sit down and leave my outfit on for the rest of the day, which of course, I did.

That night my wife and I made very passionate love, and although she wanted to sex me with her toys I knew I was too sore to take them that night. I made up for it with my sexing of her, which ironically I was just as erotic and lustful as the night before. Our sex life had definitely taken a turn for the better! It also proved to me that this woman loved me for everything I was including my feminine side.

As much as didn't want to, I shed Adrianna when I woke up Sunday, as I knew I would need a day to recover from the weekend and get ready for work Monday morning. I dreaded going back to that hellhole. And of course, Monday arrived none too soon. I wore a pair of string bikini panties under my boy clothes to work that day, and they went a long way to giving me sweet little reminders of the past weekend when things were at their worst dealing with the customers. But I still hated my job with a passion and found myself wishing I could rewind to Friday around 5 o'clock again. The week slid on into a total blur as it normally did, and it seemed as though my life had returned to its frustrating nature.

But the following Friday evening when I got home I ran into another surprise, although it was different from the week prior. Stella announced to me that another department at her workplace needed a position filled and that John had convinced them to hire me on the spot. He said later it was the least he could do in return for the night I had given him as Adrianna. Although somewhat unethical perhaps, John also knew how unhappy I had been at my other job. The pay was better, the atmosphere was much better, and I was a lot happier. Although I never saw John or my wife during the workday it was always exciting to know that the two people that lusted my body were in the same building I was.

Which brings it to what has happened to me since that unforgettable night out with John as Adrianna. And that is, as much as all three of us love it when Adrianna is around, we all know that I can't be her all the time. So there's the next best thing: every couple of months (or thereabout) as my drive to be Adrianna builds up, I am made to become her and am taken out on the town, wined, dined, romanced and sexed (and now I have to fully service both of my lovers). The most erotic thing about it is it's up to them to decide when they want me as Adrianna. I don't even have to buy outfits for myself anymore; Stella and John both get together and shop for me when they are ready for me to entertain them as a woman.

The most thrilling element to this new twist in my life is I have no control over my fate, and I never know when I'm going to have a sexy outfit waiting for me when I enter the house after a long day of work. And the not knowing is the most erotic thing in the world. I can't be Adrianna all the time even though I sometimes desire it, but I have no place to complain. Because ultimately, the most important overall aspect of my life nowadays simply comes down to this:

I love it.

The End

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