The Night Erik

By Rafi Daud

Published on Feb 4, 2016


This story is either the true story of a nineteen-year-old boy named erik who is being trained to be a total cock whore or a figment of the author's imagination or it could be a mixture of both. It's up to the reader to decide for himself which it is. All I will say is that whether true or fictional, the author is not erik, Master, or George. He is simply the author. This is also copyrighted material. So while you're welcome to make a personal copy for yourself, any other reproduction or reposting is not allowed without the prior written consent of the author.

Any comments or criticisms should be directed to Rafi at While suggestions are welcomed, the appearance of future chapters will be dependent on erik's willingness to continue to share his on-going experience or on the author's ability to conjure up future plot developments

One last thing. While Nifty provides its services free of charge to both budding authors and readers, it is not free of costs. Please consider donating at

THE NIGHT erik.....

Chapter 5


"C'mon, baby bitch. Stick that tongue up there and twirl it around. Clean out your big stud brother's stinking asshole like I taught you how to do."

erik could feel his entire body flushing hotly. It was so fucking embarrassing, kneeling behind his brother Chad with his tongue buried deep inside Chad's shit-hole, darting in and out, making sure his older brother's hole was spotless and totally clean. It was so degrading doing this, even though he'd been doing it every day for a week. he begged Chad not to make him do it, but Chad was adamant - a bitch kept his Man's asshole clean, just like he took care of His bladder waste when the Man had to pee.

Chad had suggested using erik as a total toilet, making him down his bowel discharges just like he did Chad's pee, but erik had begged Him not to make the teenager do that. For once, Chad had relented, but the price was that after every bowel movement, erik was expected to make sure his brother's shit-chute was clean - and the only way he was allowed to do that was with his tongue. erik had basically avoided becoming a toilet by having his tongue, lips, and mouth become Chad's toilet paper.

At least Chad's hole wasn't too bad this morning. Two nights ago, erik had almost lost it, cleaning up his brother after a particularly pungent bowel movement. The taste was so foul on his tongue and in his entire mouth that it was all erik could do to keep from up-chucking right in his brother's smelly crack. But erik had managed to keep his gorge down and had eventually left Chad's hole clean as a whistle even though it certainly hadn't been that way when he started.

erik hated having to eat out Chad's ass after he took a shit. Even Master didn't make the teenager clean Him up after Master took a dump. But Chad, erik's stud-bro, insisted on it whenever the two of them were together. erik had even been forced to clean out his brother's hole last night, when they were both downstairs at his parents' house and both his Mom and his Dad were sitting in the entertainment room, right next door, oblivious to the fact that their youngest son had his face buried up his older brother's ass and was slurping and licking to make sure Chad didn't have any dangling dingle-berries besmudging His ass-cleft. That had been so embarrassing - so fucking humiliating.

In some ways, though, last night wasn't nearly as embarrassing as it was right now. Chad had insisted, as he was doing with greater frequency, that erik doll himself up when his older brother spent the night at erik's new apartment. erik was wearing his new lavender bra and panty set, made of frilly lace, along with a pair of sheer nylons and a matching pair of lavender high-heeled shoes. And, as if that wasn't enough, erik had been forced to apply a fresh layer of a vibrant purple nail polish to both his fingernails and his toenails.

Chad had sat there watching erik as the teenage boy painted his nails, making comments about how well the nail polish set off erik's new lingerie. "you know, baby bitch," Chad had mused, "I'm not sure what outfit you look better in. I thought the pink was really great but, I have to tell you, I think you look even hotter in purple."

erik had almost retorted that it wasn't 'purple,' it was 'lavender,' a point the sales- girl had made when erik had purchased his new outfit. erik now had three different bra and panty sets - one in white, one in coral (not pink) and the new one in lavender. But just thinking about his growing collection of lingerie forced erik's blush to deepen. It was just so embarrassing having to purchase those sets at Estelle's Boutique. he'd been there three times in the last two weeks and, every time, Cindy Matheson, a girl he knew from high school, had waited on him.

Cindy had been a cheerleader so erik had run into her at a number of the Wildcats' football and soccer games, but they had never been close. She had a reputation as something of a slut, so erik had steered clear of her, which was pretty ironic since, if he had to make a wager, erik would have to bet that he'd had more dick up his cunt in the last year than she'd seen in her entire life. 'Slut' was a term every guy who used erik's body threw at him and erik had to admit that it was pretty accurate. he was a slut - a 'complete and total boy-whore' as Master often referred to him. he'd open his mouth or spread his legs for any Real Man who had a fancy to drop a load of hot Man-juices into his muscular teenage body. And he'd drink their pee, too, something erik was sure that Cindy had never done. Between the two of them, there was no question who the real slut was - and it wasn't Cindy.

Anyway, erik had been pretty embarrassed just walking into the boutique that first time and his embarrassment increased exponentially when he ran into Cindy almost the moment he entered the store. "erik," she said, "is that you, erik?" she had asked, even though it obviously was him.

"Oh, hi, Cindy," erik had managed to squeak out, glad that he was able to recall her name but totally mortified to run into someone he knew. he knew he was blushing to beat the band but there wasn't anything he could do about that. erik had always embarrassed easily and the mission he was on - to buy himself a bra and a pair of panties - was innately humiliating and running into someone he knew just made it so much worse. Not knowing what else to say, erik simply voiced the obvious, "I had no idea you worked here."

"Well, I started working here right after graduation, you know," she replied, even though it was pretty clear that erik hadn't known that. "But I certainly didn't expect to see you in a store like this, erik," Cindy smirked, picking up on the teenage boy's obvious embarrassment. "Are you sure you're in the right place?"

erik tried to remain calm as he began the spiel he'd rehearsed in his mind so many times since Chad had ordered him to buy himself a bra and a pair of panties. "After all, baby bitch," Chad had explained, "you can't keep using Liz's stuff. She's bound to notice eventually. Besides, I want to see you all dolled up when I'm at your place, too. It's time you bought your own bra and panty set, bro." And that was that. There was no arguing with Chad once he had his mind made up and all of erik's protestations were for naught. Which was why he was at Estelle's Boutique so early on a Saturday morning - he had hoped he could get in and out of there without running into anyone he knew. Being waited on by Cindy Matheson, a girl from high school, was the last thing in the world he wanted.

he tried to flash Cindy a wan smile but he was afraid it came off more as a grimace. "Well, I've never been in a store like this before, Cindy. But I wanted to surprise my girlfriend with a little gift - something that we could both enjoy, you might say." Even as he said these lines that he'd prepared earlier, erik couldn't help thinking that they sounded pretty lame.

"Aren't you the thoughtful boyfriend," Cindy replied agreeably, but there was something about the way that she was looking at him that made erik wonder whether she fully believed his explanation. "What did you have in mind, erik?" she continued.

"Well," erik replied, feeling less and less comfortable with the story he'd invented, "I thought I'd buy her a nice frilly bra and a pair of matching panties."

Cindy let out an amused chuckle. "Well, I can understand what you meant when you said you were looking for something that you could both enjoy. So, what size bra does your girlfriend wear, erik?"

erik had prepared himself for this question, too, but, even so, he could feel his nervousness rising. "I don't really know, Cindy. I didn't want to ask her because I didn't want to give away the surprise I had planned for her."

"you don't know what size bra your girlfriend wears, erik?" Cindy asked, the skepticism clear in her voice. "I thought all you jocks just couldn't help bragging about how big your girlfriend's breasts were." As she said this, she kind of jiggled her boobs and erik couldn't help noticing that Cindy had a pair of nice big jugs on her. She was obviously proud of them.

"Well, she's not as big as you," erik quickly remarked, hoping the implicit compliment would ease some of the growing tension. "She's more my size, I'd guess."

his reference to his own chest caused Cindy to look at his pecs and watching her face, there was an unmistakable look of surprise. erik stole a glance down and almost immediately could feel himself blushing again.

When erik was getting dressed to go shopping today he had chosen a muscle shirt to wear, probably unconsciously trying to stoke the rapidly fading sense of his own masculinity. But now, glancing down at it, he could see his mistake. The shirt was designed to display his torso, fitting tightly along the contours of his chest and then tapering sharply to his abs. And it did just that, definitely showing off erik's musculature. The problem was that that wasn't the only thing it showed off. At the bottom of each of his well-developed pecs, just where the shirt cut back in, his newly- enlarged girly tits jutted out almost a full inch through the thin fabric. They looked just like the tits you'd expect to see on a girl with really big boobs.

erik looked up to see that Cindy just couldn't seem to stop staring at his girly tits. The teenager felt so humiliated but he didn't have a clue as to what he could possibly say that would explain why his tits looked the way they did. he could hardly tell her that he'd been working on his own tits a couple of times every day, as Master had ordered, to keep them puffy and swollen like Master wanted them to be and no other plausible explanation came to mind.

Instinctively, erik felt the urge to raise his hands and cover up his chest. he felt so fucking exposed. Doing that, of course, would have just drawn more attention to the way his tits noticeably jutted out from his chest. Fortunately, his training kicked in in - a slave bitch like erik was never allowed to cover up his body - any part of it. So erik simply stood there until Cindy finally managed to yank her mesmerized eyes from his chest and look him in the face. erik couldn't help but notice that she seemed a little flushed, too.

"Sooo," Cindy began, drawing out the single syllable, "you want a bra the size that would fit you, is that right, erik?"

Just the tone of her voice left erik with the distinct impression that Cindy wasn't buying his story. Trying hard not to squirm under her pointed stare, erik merely shook his head in agreement.

"Any particular style that you'd like...I mean, that you think she would like, erik?" she asked archly.

"Actually, yes," erik managed to bleat out, sure that he was blushing but equally sure that there was nothing he could do about that. "I think she'd like one that let her tits...her nipples exposed." Chad had been insistent upon that. His brother had said he wanted erik's girly tits out there so that he could work on them even when erik was wearing the bra.

As erik watched, completely mortified, Cindy's eyes once again glanced down at his chest where his girly tits were so obscenely protruding. She raised her eyes to his face and, not even bothering to hide her smirk, responded. "Yeah. I bet you'd like that, erik."

It was all erik could do to keep from turning tail and running out the door. But he knew there'd be hell to pay if he returned to his apartment, where Chad was waiting, without his own bra and a pair of panties and he figured there was no turning back now. So he just stood there silently as Cindy continued to stare at him with a mixture of surprise and growing contempt evident on her face.

"Well," she finally said, breaking an awkward silence, "I think what you want is a shelf bra. We have a number of them in stock. Any particular color you'd prefer, erik?"

"White," erik managed to squeak out, embarrassed by the noticeable quaver in his voice.

"Then, white it is," Cindy replied, turning to her left and heading in that direction. erik followed after her, anxious to get the damn bra and panty set purchased and get the hell out of there. She stopped in front of a display cabinet, paused for a moment as if in thought, and then reached down and extracted a bra.

"Well, erik," she asked, holding it in front of the boy. "Is something like this what you had in mind?"

erik looked at the bra she was holding towards him, surprised at how flimsy it seemed. But then the teenager remembered that Chad wanted it to cover only the base of his pecs and leave his girly tits fully exposed. It wouldn't take much material to do that.

"Yeah. That's fine Cindy. I'll take that one." erik quickly replied, anxious to get the whole embarrassing episode behind him.

"Not so fast, erik," Cindy laughed, clearly enjoying his obvious discomfort. "This is only a display model. We need to get you properly fitted with the right-sized bra." She paused for a moment as she took another look at erik's chest. Then, looking back up, she said, "42 inches, is that right, erik?"

It took erik a moment to figure out the question. Then, feeling increasingly uncomfortable as she returned to openly staring at his girly tits, erik corrected her. "No, Cindy. Actually my chest is 40 inches."

"Oh," she responded with a sly grin, "that shirt must make your tits - I mean your chest - look bigger." Cindy didn't try to hide her amusement as erik felt his blush deepen.

"Well," she eventually continued, "40 it is then. And I'm guessing about a size C cup." She turned around and reached back into the shelf. She rummaged around only for a brief moment before she turned back to the totally embarrassed teenage boy. "I think this should work fine," she said, nodding at the bra she held in her hands.

"Fine," erik quickly replied. "I'll take it."

"No, no, erik," she immediately rejoined. "You have to try it on first. To make sure it's the right size."

erik looked at her flabbergasted. "i...i...," he stammered, his face burning so hotly it felt like it was on fire. "i'm sure it will fit...if you say so, Cindy."

"But, erik," Cindy explained, definitely enjoying the moment, "that's just the point. I can't be sure it's the right size. Not until I see how it fits you."

erik stood there completely at sea. And then it came to him. "But it's not for me, Cindy," he argued plaintively. "It's for my girlfriend."

Cindy had obviously anticipated this argument. "you did say, didn't you, erik, that she was the same size as you. I realize it wouldn't be a perfect test, but if I can see the way the bra fits on you, I'll have a good idea of how it will look...on your girlfriend." Then, as if her last statement had settled the matter, she reached down and opened the box. She pulled out the bra. "Here, erik," she said as she held it out to the abashed teenager. "Try it on."

"Out here?" erik squeaked, wanting to sink through the floor in embarrassment.

"Well, normally, a woman would try them out in a fitting room," Cindy admitted. "But there's nobody else around right now and the shirt you're wearing is so tight there's no need for you to remove it. You can just put the bra on over it and that will give me a good idea of how it fits you. I just thought it would be faster. But, if you want, we can go into a fitting room and you can remove your shirt and try the bra on that way."

Faced with what was clearly a Hobson's choice, erik didn't know what to do. But he definitely wanted this ordeal over as soon as possible so, looking around and seeing that there were only two other salesgirls in the store, he took the bra, unfolded it and slipped the straps around his shoulders.

"Here, let me help you with that," Cindy said, as he fumbled with the back. She moved behind him and got the ends hooked. "Now turn around so I can check it out, erik," she ordered.

erik had gotten pretty used to following orders over the past year so he simply turned around to face her. As he did so, however, he heard a distinct tinkling bell and looked up to see a middle-aged woman entering the shop. He saw her glance in his direction and then, when she noticed the bra now cupping his pecs, erik saw her face quickly take on a disgusted sneer. erik was about to explain that he was buying it for his girlfriend when Cindy spoke up.

"It fits you really well, erik," she observed, looking at his chest. "And your nipples are fully exposed - just the way you wanted them to be." When the new customer heard this comment, her gaze instinctively fell to the boy's chest. Her eyes widened as she focused in on erik's enlarged and swollen girly tits and the boy could actually hear the woman snort in contempt.

"It''s fine," erik replied, flustered and embarrassed to be standing in a public space wearing a woman's bra. "I'll take it."

"Great," Cindy replied with a smile. She was obviously enjoying the boy's embarrassment. "Now let's get you that pair of panties you want to go with it."

She moved across the store to a counter filled with women's undergarments. She turned back to face erik who had meekly followed her across the floor, even though the bra was still wrapped around his torso. he could hear the other two store clerks tittering in amusement. "Let me guess, erik," Cindy continued with the smirk still on her face, "your girlfriend has the same waist size as you do. Right?"

"That's right," erik softly replied, knowing that he was beet red and hating himself for how easily he was embarrassed.

Cindy rummaged around for a few moments and then selected a frilly white lace panty. "What do you think, erik?" she asked. "This one seems to match your bra perfectly and it's a size 30. I think it would fit you well."

Actually, erik's waist size was 31, but he wasn't about to quibble. he was just getting ready to say he'd take it when Cindy spoke again.

"You know, erik," she said, "this is okay, but I bet that, for your girlfriend, you'd probably like something more revealing, something sexier." She moved over to a different table and picked up a skimpy white lace thong. "How about this, erik? I bet this would look great on you. I mean your girlfriend." She paused for effect and then asked, "Would you like to try it on, erik?"

The teenager had thought that he couldn't get any redder than he was, but after hearing Cindy's last question erik could actually feel his skin getting hotter. "Nnno," erik stammered, scarcely able to talk. "I...I'm sure it'll be...great." he had to get out of that store. he just had to.

Cindy stared at him with a phony smile plastered on her face. "So," she asked, "do you want me to wrap them up or.." and here her eyes sparkled with a malicious glint, "would you like to wear them home?"

erik thought he would die of humiliation when he heard that and realized that he was still wearing the bra strapped to his chest. Frantically, he reached behind himself and tried to unhook the bra.

"Here, let me help you with that, erik," Cindy said, her voice taking on a tone of faux concern. She moved behind him and unhooked the bra. "There you go, erik," she announced. "I'm sure you'll get the hang of it....with practice."

erik ignored the jibe and instead quickly shrugged the bra straps off his shoulders. he peeled the bra off his chest and held it in his hands. "Here, Cindy," he said, handing it to the girl, "I'll take both of them."

"I'm glad you like them, erik," Cindy replied, grinning broadly. Then, after a pregnant pause, she added, "I'm sure your girlfriend will, too." The way she emphasized 'girlfriend' left no doubt in erik's mind that she had totally discounted the teenager's claim that he was buying these items for someone else. At that moment, erik could have killed his brother Chad for putting him in such a humiliating situation.

"Will that be cash or charge, erik?" Cindy inquired, once she was behind the cash register.

"Cash," erik immediately replied. There was no way erik wanted his name on a sales receipt from Estelle's Boutique.

"That'll be $63.24 with tax," she informed him.

'Damn,' erik thought. It was bad enough Chad was making him dress up like a female slut, but it was becoming expensive too. Last night, the boy had ordered a pair of white high heels and three pairs of nylons on-line and, because Chad wanted to see him dressed up as soon as possible, erik had asked for over-night delivery. Now, with the addition of the bra and thong, erik was out over $200 for items he knew he would loathe wearing but that his stud brother got off on seeing him in.

Wordlessly, erik reached into his back pocket and pulled out his wallet. He grabbed four twenties and handed them to Cindy. She counted out his change and then hand it and his purchase to the teenager. erik was mortified to see that his new bra and matching thong had been placed in a bright pink bag with 'Estelle's Boutique' blazoned across the front of it. he could only hope that he wouldn't run into anyone else he knew on the way to his truck.

erik mumbled a 'thank you' and headed towards the front door as fast as he could without actually running. It was not fast enough, however, that he wasn't able to hear Cindy's sarcastic comment to a co-worker, "Who'd have believed it? jock-boy erik - a fucking homo. Wait till I tell Amanda." Amanda was a friend of hers who erik had briefly dated in high school.

Feeling his entire body re-flaring with heat, erik scurried across the floor and made his way out of the mall, vowing never to return and hoping he'd never, ever see Cindy Matheson again.

Except that three days later, erik found himself once again in Estelle's Boutique. he'd made the mistake of honestly recounting his travails at the store to his brother, forgetting that Chad, just like every other Real Man erik came into contact with, reveled in embarrassing and humiliating the boy. So Chad had insisted that erik return to Estelle's and purchase another bra and panty set, this time in pink - though in fact erik had settled for a coral one. A week later, he was back for yet another duo, this time in lavender with the added instruction to pick up matching nail polish.

Cindy took obvious pleasure in waiting on erik every time he was in the shop, seemingly going out of her way to make the experience as excruciating as possible for the teenage boy. She no longer even bothered mentioning erik's 'girlfriend' and made it clear that she knew the teenager was purchasing the items for his own sick perversions.

erik could only imagine the damage she was doing to his reputation with his former classmates. he had to wonder if they had any mutual acquaintances who hadn't already heard that he was a flaming faggot who loved to dress up in woman's lingerie. erik had been terrified that his family and friends would someday find out about him and, with Chad fucking him at least a couple of times every week and Cindy eagerly spreading the word that the Wildcats former quarterback was now a queerboy who dressed himself in women's bras and panties, he was pretty sure that all those fears were being realized.

Of course, in point of fact, erik was now decked out in one of his bra and panty outfits as he continued to work on Chad's asshole, so that perception wasn't far off the mark even though, personally, erik hated wearing those clothes. But the bottom line was that he was wearing them because his brother forced him to and he'd have to continue wearing them at least until he managed to get Chad to shoot His load which still didn't seem like it was about to happen anytime soon.

erik had been licking and tonguing his bro's shit-hole for over an hour, but every time he tried to pull away, Chad would reach around and press erik's mouth back to His puckered opening. "I'll tell you when you're done, baby bitch," Chad told him. "I'll let you know when you can stop eating me out."

'Jeez,' erik wondered when he heard his brother again order him to keep rimming him, 'what's with Chad today?' Normally, Chad would let up after a half-hour and tell his 'baby bitch' that he could stop cleaning His hole. Then, He'd flip erik onto his back and pound the hell out of erik's teenage boypussy until He shot His big load of Man-cum deep inside erik's fuck-chute. But today it was obvious that Chad was intentionally holding back, making erik eat Him out far longer than he'd ever had to before.

And, after an hour of licking and laving his bro's butthole, erik's mouth was running out of saliva. Which was perverse, in its own way. When Master stuck a ball- gag or an O-ring gag in erik's mouth there seemed to be no end to the liquids bubbling out from the boy's gullet and dripping down onto the teenager's body. That was always so embarrassing, drooling all over himself while Master and George just laughed up a storm. But today, when he could use that saliva as he continued to work on his brother's anal rosette, his mouth seemed as dry as a desert.

erik would have asked his brother for a break so that he could have a drink of water but lately Chad had become more and more like Master. Whenever erik asked for a drink of water, he ended up downing another load of Chad's Man-pee. It wasn't as bad as being at Master's, where pee was the only liquid he was now allowed to consume, but it was getting pretty close. But, if erik had to continue rimming is brother's ass much longer, he wouldn't have any choice but to ask Chad to piss down his throat - his mouth was that dry.

Fifteen minutes later erik was just about to ask for precisely that, when he heard a distinct rumbling from his brother's belly followed by an explosion of fetid, befouled air escaping from Chad's asshole. erik tried to yank his head back but Chad reached around and pressed his brother's face tightly against His now quivering rosette. "Open up, baby bitch," erik heard Chad order. "Open your mouth."

It took erik a few seconds to understand what was happening but, when he did, absolute panic set in. It was now obvious that Chad was about to have a bowel movement. erik would have begged his brother not to do this to him - not to make him eat Chad's shit, not to turn him into a complete toilet - but with his mouth smashed up inside Chad's anal crevice erik couldn't get out a word. he felt Chad's hole yawn open and his mind screamed 'No! No!' as the tears cascaded down his face.

And then, suddenly, erik found himself sitting up in bed, the sound of his scream echoing off his apartment walls. Below him, he heard Shadow stirring on the floor. As his eyes became accustomed to the dark, he realized he was alone in his bedroom. he'd been sleeping. The whole scene with Chad had been a dream, a sordid nightmare dredged up from his subconscious.

erik could feel his heart pounding in his chest. The nightmare had been so real, so vivid that, even as he sat there, erik couldn't help feeling that it had been real - that it had actually happened. But, as he thought about it, he realized that it had all been a figment of his imagination. he didn't own any bra and panty sets. he had never been to 'Estelle's Boutique.' Hell, he didn't even know if there was an 'Estelle's Boutique.' It had all been just another manifestation of the perverted fantasies he'd been having about his brother Chad with ever-increasing frequency. In the past couple weeks they had been taking on an especially lurid cast, though this last one was particularly disgusting.

Why would he fantasize about eating his own brother's shit? That was just plain vile. How had erik even managed to dredge up such a repulsive fantasy? Even Master had never raised the possibility of forcing erik to eat feces. Was his own psyche so twisted that he actually got off imaging something so gross? erik couldn't believe that. he most definitely didn't want to believe that.

he looked down at his groin, where his hard cock jutted out so achingly erect, covered with copious amounts of his boy-pre. "Oh, God," erik moaned, "am I that sick that I was turned on by a scene like that? What the fuck is wrong with me?" And, even as he pondered that question, a loud raspberry fart erupted from his boycunt and erik could feel a load of effluvium pouring out of his own shit-hole. And then, in a moment of startling clarity, all his worries over the nightmare he'd just had of Chad forcing him to eat shit were overwhelmed by the very real memories of the nightmare that erik had actually gone through the night before. The nightmare of the gangbang he'd endured at Master's house. And, as the sordid memories of what the men Master had gathered together for a night of sexual debauchery had done to him raced through his consciousness, erik began crying.

erik had been apprehensive when he approached Master's house last night. Apprehensive and horny. Of course, erik was always erect when he arrived at Master's. Master expected the boy to be fully aroused when he stripped down at the front door and, in truth, that had never been a problem. erik was always sporting a bone when he walked through the front door; he was always hard as iron when he arrived.

But last night, for some reason, Master wasn't taking any chances. He'd given the boy a tablet of Viagra and told him to take it twenty minutes before he arrived. erik has done as he was told. he always did what he was told now. he knew what Master would do to him if he didn't. So erik wasn't sure whether it was the effect of the Viagra or his own normal horniness that made his dick so hard as he drove his pick-up over to Master's house. All that he was sure of was that he had a raging erection jutting out of his totally shaven crotch rubbing hard against the denim of his jeans.

Master had warned the teenager ahead of time that there would be a total of five Men at the party and that erik was expected to do whatever the Men at the party told him to do. he had been warned that they could use his bitch body anyway they wanted and as often as they wanted and that he had no say in the matter - he was there simply to serve as their sex-toy and as their urinal.

While erik had been publicly fucked at an earlier party that Master had taken him to, this would be the first time that anyone other than Master or George had fucked him. It was erik who had asked Master to increase the number of Men who were using his boycunt since the boy knew he needed the experience in order to learn how to service Real Men like a slave bitch should. But even though erik was the one who had suggested that he learn to service other Men, now that it was time for him to do so he was definitely scared. he didn't know whether he was up to the challenge, though he realized that, once the Men started in on him, there would be no way for erik to back out. he would have to do whatever the Men wanted him to do.

And erik had the added pressure of knowing that he didn't want to disappoint Master in front of Master's friends. he was being presented as Master's slaveboy-in- training and erik didn't want to do anything that might adversely reflect upon Master.

erik couldn't help but notice that there were a number of strange cars parked around Master's house when he pulled up, but no one was there when erik opened the front door though he could hear the sounds of Men talking in the basement. As he'd been trained, erik immediately stripped off all of his clothes and assumed the proper bitch position, waiting for his Master to come and claim him. A few minutes later, he heard Master walking up the steps from the basement.

Without saying a word - Master had warned erik that he was not to speak to any of the guests and he had been trained to never speak to Master during a session unless he was answering a direct question, though at time his pain and discomfort forced the teenager to break this rule - Master attached the boy's collar and leash. Then, He reached down and pulled erik's balls through a stainless steel cock ring. Grabbing the crown of the teenager's hard and leaking cock, He forcibly bent it down and shoved the head through the ring. Ignoring erik's squeals of pain, Master then reached around and simply pulled the hard tube of flesh through the steel ring until it was firmly nestled against the boy's hairless groin.

Next, Master pulled out a length of cotton rope and, beginning at the top of the boy's ball-sac, began looping it tightly around, forcing the teenager's balls lower and lower until they were a distended pair of hard globes at the bottom of his scrotum. When He finished, Master tied it off leaving a length of the rope dangling down towards the floor. Master grabbed the dangling ends and, using it as a leash, began leading the boy towards the stairs by his balls. Trying hard not to cry at this new humiliation, erik meekly followed the Man into the basement, knowing that his gangbang was about to begin.

erik had imagined that when he first made his appearance the Men would come over to inspect and examine him. Instead, to his considerable embarrassment, the conversations that he had heard upstairs continued uninterrupted and he was essentially ignored as Master led him into the room and erik took the proper bitch position on his knees, legs far apart, hands locked behind his head. It was as if the appearance of a naked teenage slave bitch was not noteworthy enough to cause Real Men to even pause in their partying. he might as well have been a cardboard box for all the interest they showed in him and, realizing this, erik began to understand just how far below a Real Man he really was. he was not a Man - he was not even a person - he was an object simply there to be used for the pleasure of Real Men if and when they had the urge to do so. Until then, he had no meaning for them, no importance whatsoever.

erik knelt in position, his rock-hard cock jutting straight into the air for a good ten minutes, during which time he could occasionally feel the eyes of some of the Men scoping out his body but otherwise he was completely ignored. Then, Master strode over to where He had left the teenager on the floor.

"Get on your hands and knees with your legs spread far apart, bitch," He ordered. "It's time we got this party started."

Then, turning to the assembled guests he continued. "Guys," He began, as the room suddenly quieted, "this bitch on the floor used to be called 'erik.' it no longer has a name, though we call it 'girly tits' when we need to get its attention. You can call it 'girly tits' or 'bitch' or 'cunt' or 'slut' or any other name you think appropriate. it answers to all of them now. it's here solely for your pleasure. Feel free to use it however you want. You can fuck its pussy or its bitch-mouth, you can spank it, slap it around, play with its useless boy-balls, use it as your personal urinal, anything your heart desires. Like I said, it's here for your pleasure so use it anyway you want. That's what it's here for."

And, with that, Master stripped off his own clothes. He walked over behind the boy's ass and, after giving His already-hard cock a couple of swift strokes but no lubrication, He proceeded to bury His big dick all the way up the teenage boy's tight little fuck-hole. He was rewarded by a squeal of pain from erik. And then He began really throwing it at the little boywhore.

It was a vicious, unrelenting fuck. It was obvious to erik that Master was putting on a show for His friends. He wanted them all to see how complete a whore He had trained His bitch to be. He pounded erik's teenage pussy with a vengeance, making the boy squeal over and over again as He totally reamed out the youngster's tight, but rapidly loosening, boycunt.

Beneath Him, the sweat was pouring from erik's body as the violent fuck continued. The boy's head was hanging down, his mouth gaping open almost as wide as his boypussy as Master relentlessly fucked the boy while His friends looked on approvingly. It was a brutal fuck which only served to emphasize how complete the Man's control was over His sniveling slave bitch.

erik was used to being used hard by Master, but this fuck was something else Master simply refused to slow down and erik's stuffed and abraded fuck-channel chafed and bruised as Master's cunt-buster brutally ravaged the teenager's tender boyhole. But despite all the pain erik was enduring, despite all the embarrassment he felt at being used in such a demeaning way in front of total strangers, the boy's cock was throbbing under his belly. he was hot as a pistol which only added to the humiliation he was experiencing. he was being fucked like an animal, like a bitch in heat, and he was turned on by it - he was sexually excited by that big, hard dick ravishing his anal pussy.

Over the past few months, erik had come to terms with the fact that he was a bitch - a male bitch who craved to be used, and used hard, by Real Men. That was what he was; erik had learned to accept that he was a male bitch, that he had a pussy between his legs, a cunt that craved being stuffed with hard cock. But the idea that total strangers, Men he had never even seen before, were becoming privy to that truth was incredibly embarrassing for the boy.

erik knew that as more and more Real Men became aware that he was nothing more than a cum-hungry boywhore, word would inevitably spread around town that there was a new horny cuntboy in their midst, the youngest son of one of the town's most prominent citizens. Knowing how a small town worked, erik was certain that, one day, one of those people would feel the need to tell his father just what his son, erik, really was. And that would devastate his father - it would devastate his whole family. Just imagining how his Dad would feel when he heard the news was enough to fill the teenager with an all-consuming fear that literally made him shake, even as his aching pussy-hole continued to be publicly ravaged by Master.

But all the embarrassment and fear that erik was feeling did nothing to dampen the sexual excitement now coursing through the boy's body. In fact, it heightened it. It made the boy feel dirty and cheap and stoked his twisted and warped psyche to the point that in a sudden explosion his seed just came gushing out of his iron-hard boydick. Hot boy-scuzz began spraying all over the floor, even though neither Master nor erik had touched his teenage boyclit.

The entire room erupted with laughter and catcalls as erik shot his load of boy- cream. "See," erik could hear Master telling His friends, His voice suffused with amusement, "I told you that it was a cock-whore, a bitch that loves to be used." And, as if to emphasize that point, the boy's cock stayed hard as a rock, even though he had just shot off a major load of boy-juice, even though Master wasn't flagging as He violently pounded Himself into the boy's fluttering fuck-chute.

erik's continued arousal did not go unnoticed by the watching Men. "What a bitch," one of the Men observed. "it's cock is still hard as iron even after shooting its worthless load of cum. it obviously loves getting it's faggot cunt stuffed with Real Man- cock." erik could feel himself blushing as all the other Men there joined in the laughter.

Master kept fucking the boy for a good ten minutes more, obviously enjoying the show He was putting on for His friends. But, finally, erik could feel the Man's cock stiffen inside his well-worked boycunt. Moments later, erik could feel Master's hot Man-cum seeding him deep inside his teenage boypussy.

Master stayed inside the freshly-fucked boy for a few minutes and then, as He began to withdraw his still-hard boy-breeder from the teenager's fuck-chute, He looked over at George. "Why don't you have a go at its mouth. It's a piss-poor cocksucker, but it's usually good enough to get you off. And it knows it better swallow every drop of Man-cream. If it doesn't, if it spills a drop, we'll get to see how good it is at taking punishment."

"Don't mind if I do, Keith," George responded, stepping up to the boy's head. "Okay, girly tits," He said after He fished his cock out of His pants. "Suck my dick, you little faggot."

Obediently, erik leaned forward and engulfed the Man's hard cock with his mouth. Immediately, he began bobbing his head up and down on the Man's shaft, trying to deep-throat it the way Real Men liked to be serviced by a cocksucking slut like him, but frequently gagging as the rigid tube of Man-meat dove inward towards his throat.

erik wasn't a very good cocksucker and he knew it. That was why Master had contacted the Black Man who was going to begin training him in how to suck a Real Man's cock, starting in a few days. But he did have enough experience sucking Master and George off to avoid scraping his teeth on George's cock and he knew how to work his tongue and his mouth well enough to get the Man off. So, only ten minutes later, he was rewarded for his efforts as his mouth was flooded with hot, bitter cum. he swallowed as rapidly as he could, knowing Master wouldn't hesitate to burnish his boy-ass if he let a single drop of Man-seed escape his lips. And, erik noted with a certain amount of pride, not a drop did.

"Not bad, girly tits. Not bad," George said as he pulled his spent cock from the teenager's mouth. "Not great, but not bad either." He patted the boy on the side of the face as you might a pet that had performed a trick you wanted to see. erik couldn't help but be gratified by these words of praise, however faint the praise might actually be. But he didn't have much time to enjoy the feeling because his gangbang was just about to begin in earnest.

No sooner had George vacated his mouth-cunt than the oldest guy there, someone who erik reckoned to be at least fifty-years old, moved behind the boy's rear and announced that now that the bitch been lubed by its Master's cum, He wanted a piece of its pussy, too. No sooner had this Man, who erik had heard Master call 'Reg,' barreled his way up the teenager's boytwat than another one of the new Men walked up in front of the boy, grabbed a shock of his hair, and rammed His Man-cock into erik's open mouth, announcing to His buddies "What the hell, since it's pussy is already in use, I'll use its mouth this time and fuck its cunt later." And with that, the Man began pounding away at erik's mouth just like it was a cunt, even as Reg, working on the boy's real cunt, was pummeling the boy's pussy with a viciousness that rivaled Master's earlier attack.

Kneeling on the floor between the two Men, erik was experiencing conflicting emotions. First of all, there was the extreme humiliation of being fucked simultaneously at both ends by two total strangers. It was so demeaning to be on his hands and knees, having both his mouth and his boypussy ravaged by two Men he'd never even seen before that night, while other Men watched them raping his holes, cheering them on and laughing as erik grunted and squealed in front of them like a cheap whore who'd been rented by a frat-house for an evening's entertainment. And it was painful, too. It was obvious that neither Man gave a rat's ass about the boy they were using to get their rocks off. he was just a body with two holes to fuck and get a nut and then fuck again later if the urge resurfaced.

But, at the same time, for reasons that he couldn't begin to fathom, erik wanted to please these Men. he wanted them to have a good time fucking his mouth-cunt and his boytwat. he wanted them to enjoying banging his butt and stuffing his throat with hard Man-cock. he wanted to make Master proud.

The guy working his mouth-pussy came pretty quickly and erik was pleased that he was able to swallow all of the Man's seed without missing a drop but Reg, working on his teenage fuck-hole, seemed to just go on and on, fucking the boy hard, making him feel it, plowing in and out of erik's teenage butt like it was a goddamn cunt attached to the community whore.

Reg kept screwing the boy for what seemed like hours. Early on, erik had realized that the Man was wearing a rubber and, as His relentless fucking continued, the lubrication provided by Master's first load slowly dissipated and the unremitting in-and-out motion of the Man's cock began abrading and chafing the teenager's tender anal channel. After a while, the discomfort erik was feeling rose to the level of real pain and erik was embarrassed to hear himself squealing and moaning as the fuck went on.

erik couldn't help noticing, however, that as his squeals and moans became ever louder, the Man seemed to pick up the speed and ferocity of his assault. It was obvious that He was turned on by the boy's pain. And as the pain erik was feeling continued to intensify and his squeals and moans increased in volume, so too did the tempo of Reg's attack. At last, with a final savage flurry of thrusts up the spasming boycunt He was ravaging, the Man shot his load into the rubber encasing His cock.

Beneath the Man, erik couldn't help sighing in relief now that the fuck was finally over. But erik's relief was short-lived. Angrily, the Man yanked his softening cock from the boy's steamy hole and strode over to where he had thrown his pants. He pulled the belt from the loops and doubled it up as He walked back to where the boy had stayed, spread out on his hands and knees. Without warning, He began whaling away at the teenager's buttocks.

"You useless cunt," He screamed in obvious fury. "How dare you not cum when I'm fucking you. I'll teach you to disrespect a Man who's fucking you, you worthless slut, you faggot piece of dog-shit."

Stunned, erik simply maintained his position as the Man delivered five hard strokes of the belt to his ass. he managed not to cry out but he couldn't keep the tears from dripping down his cheeks. It hurt. It really hurt. But that wasn't the only reason he was crying. he had tried so hard to please the Man. he had let the Man fuck him even though erik didn't find Him even vaguely attractive and he had held the position even though the fuck seemed never-ending, never once trying to get away from the Man as He cruelly ravished erik's boypussy. Sure, he hadn't cum. But he had just shot a load when Master fucked him. Even a horny teenager needed some time to replenish his supply of boy-scuzz. It just seemed so unfair to erik. he had done everything that the Man had told him to and now he was getting his ass whipped anyway. And even though it was obvious that Master was enjoying the ass-tanning he was getting, erik couldn't help feeling he had failed Him; he had let Master down.

With a snort of disgust Reg threw down the belt and walked over in front of the boy. Reaching down, he roughly grabbed the teenager by the throat and forced the boy up into a standing position. Seeing the fury in the Man's eyes, erik was terrified. he didn't know what to expect. When the Man brusquely ordered, "Assume the position, you fucking slut," erik immediately raised his hands behind his head and spread his legs far apart.

The Man took a close look at the boy and then scanned down his tightly- muscled torso. His eyes focused in on the teenager's scrotum where his balls hung, distended, far below his cock, the rope turning them into two bright red globes of flesh. With a visible sneer, Reg reached out and began flicking erik's balls with his finger - first one and then the other.

erik was shocked at how much these flicks hurt. he tried maintaining the position but the Man just kept flicking away at the boy's testicles. After just a few minutes, erik couldn't help himself and began bending over which had the effect of moving his swinging and now-aching balls further from the Man's fingers. Watching closely, Master warned the fuck slave to stand firm and accept his punishment. erik forced himself to straighten up.

With a malevolent gleam in his eye, Reg gave the teenager's balls a few more sharp flicks, obviously amused by the grimace of pain each flick caused. And then, actually smiling at the boy, he moved his hands up erik's torso and began molesting the slaveboy's swollen girly tits. He began brutally twisting and pulling on them until erik was writhing in pain. With tears cascading down his face, the boy began begging the Man to stop, pleading with Him not to hurt him so much.

Angrily, Master strode forward. Reg stepped aside and the next thing erik knew he was doubled over in pain. Master had slammed his fist into the boy's guts. "Keep your fucking mouth shut, you worthless cunt," Master screamed at the teenager. "Open your mouth again and I'll give you something to really cry about, you stupid bitch."

With that, He reached over to a table and picked up the tweezer tit-clamps He'd used on the boy before. Roughly, he grabbed each of the boy's girly tits and affixed a clamp to it. Then, smiling maliciously, he moved the rings as far down the tweezer clamps as they could go, tightening the grip of the pincers on erik's tender nubs until the boy was shrieking in agony. Even through the tears now freely running down his face, erik could feel his entire body flushing with embarrassment as the watching Men laughed and mocked him as he stood there squirming in front of Master.

Keith looked at the boy's heaving chest, now festooned by the tittie-clamps and couldn't help admiring how good the clamps looked on his whore's nips. The teenager's girly tits were coming along nicely and the Man was sure that they were going to get a real good workout during the rest of the night. By the time they finished with the little cuntboy, it wouldn't be able to touch its own tits without moaning in pain.

He allowed his eyes to move back to the teenager's face. It was still scrunched up with the pain the little slut was feeling, but it was obvious that it was finally beginning to get some control over itself. "i'm sorry, Master," the boy managed to murmur.

"Not as sorry as you will be, cunt, if I have to discipline your worthless ass again," the Man retorted with a sneer. "Yes, Master," erik softly replied.

Keith gave the boy one more long stare and then turned to Reg. "it's all yours," He said as He moved aside. Reg nodded and moved back in front of the boy. Without saying a word, He grabbed the chain linking the two tit-clamps and yanked them downward. While he tried to muffle it, erik couldn't help but squealing as he was forced back to his knees.

Looking up at the Man from the floor, erik saw that the Man's cock was now pointed at erik's face. The boy immediately opened his mouth, not wanting to give the Man any excuse for punishing him again. It was obvious to the teenager that the Man really enjoyed hurting him and would love the opportunity to do so again.

erik had half-expected the Man to jam His cock into the boy's mouth-cunt and begin fucking it. Instead, the Man suddenly began pissing into it. Without missing a beat, the boy began rapidly swallowing the acrid liquid, trying to ignore the bitter, rancid taste of the Man's pee as it burbled down his throat into his stomach. he had expected to be used as a urinal at the party - Master had told him as much - but this was the first time he'd been forced to drink any Man's piss other than Master's or George's and kneeling there, swallowing a Real Man's stinking yellow bladder waste, as the other Men gathered around and snickered, served to elevate the humiliation erik always felt whenever he had to function as a urinal to even greater heights than normal.

Fortunately for the boy, Reg's flow began ebbing after only a couple minutes of hard pissing and erik dutifully moved his head forward to lick off any lingering drops of pee from the Man's piss-slit. But erik hadn't even finished clearing the Man's dick off when he heard Master announcing that "the urinal is now open" and suggesting that any of his friends who needed to take a leak could "use the little whore's mouth for one of the few things it's good for." erik looked up to see that a line was forming behind Reg.

Ten minutes later, erik could feel his stomach bulging with the recycled beer from four of the Men there. One after the other, they had simply stepped up to erik's face, aimed their cock heads towards his mouth, and emptied their bladders down the teenager's throat.

Kneeling there, as Man after Man pissed down his throat, erik was beginning to fully comprehend what his future life would be like; his entire existence would simply be one unending saga of use and abuse, any part of his body a fair target for whatever perverted pleasures a Real Man could make of it. Part of him couldn't believe that this was what he wanted but another part, that twisted core that had always been there waiting for Master to awaken it, actually enjoyed the degradation and subservience that he knew would now be his lot in life.

Thus, even as twin tears made their way out of the corner of his eyes, erik's boy-cock throbbed in renewed hardness. Even though his belly was bloated with four loads of Man-pee, even though his skin was bright red as he blushed in abject embarrassment at what he had just been forced to do, erik was sexually aroused; he was turned out by being fucked like an animal, by being spanked and having his girly tits and his boyclit and his bitch-nads abused and tortured, by being used as simply a piss-hole and a cum-dump for Real Men. erik knew he was the complete boywhore, the total fuck-bitch that Master had always said that he was. he no longer had any doubts about that.

erik's boyclit was bobbing and pulsing under his now-bulging belly as he looked up to see he had another customer needing service. Since the Man had just finished pissing into him, erik knew what he wanted this time, so he opened his lips wide and sucked the waiting cock inside mouth and went back to work as a cocksucker.

The dick in his mouth belonged to one of the new Men at the party. Looking up at Him, erik figured He was probably in his mid-thirties with a decent body for a guy His age. Fortunately for the boy, the Man's cock was simply decent-sized too, so it wasn't too hard for the teenager to work on it. The Man must have been pretty excited by the opportunity to use and abuse a teenage studboy because he shot his load down erik's throat relatively quickly.

But no sooner had the Man removed His cock from erik's mouth than the boy felt another cock, this one entering his pussy. he groaned out loud as the tube of flesh was roughly plowed into him. An arm snaked around his neck and erik recognized a voice he knew well. "Here, bitch, take a hit from this," he heard George order. Gratefully, erik inhaled the fumes from the bottle of poppers that had been stuck under his nose. As the high took hold, the boy could feel himself relaxing even as George began roughly banging his pussy-hole. It hurt, as it always did when George fucked him, but the poppers took the edge off the pain and also distorted erik's sense of time so that it seemed like only moments before the teenager could feel the Man unloading another load of hot jizz up his boycunt. erik made sure to take another hit from the poppers before George yanked his cock from erik's already-aching fuck-hole.

erik wasn't even sure who used him next. he didn't even bother to look behind him when he felt yet another cock penetrating his boytwat. 'What does it matter who's fucking me?' he asked himself. They'd all make use of him whenever they wanted to use him, however they wanted to use him. he had no say in the matter. he was merely a pair of holes serving their needs. Luckily, they all seemed to have poppers and, except for the old guy, Reg, who always seemed to go out of His way to make erik suffer as much pain as possible, they let erik take frequent hits from their bottles, so much of the rest of the evening was a hazy memory of multiple cocks unloading down his throat and seeding his boy-ass. But even through the stupor that was engulfing him, there were some parts of erik's humiliation that still managed to break through to his consciousness.

During one of the infrequent breaks when erik wasn't being fed and fucked with cock or swallowing pee or getting his ass spanked again or his girly tits pinched and twisted, the boy had begged Master for permission to pee. his belly was simply bursting with all the piss he had swallowed and erik pleaded with Master to be allowed to pee before he had an 'accident.'

Having made his desperate plea, erik had to kneel there, waiting in growing discomfort as piss began dribbling uncontrollably out of his slit - piss that erik knew he'd be forced to slurp up off the floor later - while the Men in the room mocked and ridiculed him, making fun of the way his belly was protruding, of the way the little baby couldn't control his bladder. A couple even suggested that 'the little cunt' didn't really need to piss, that if it did it would be begging much more convincingly.

Hearing this, erik began begging again, pleading with Master in his most abjectly submissive manner, verbally groveling before all the Men there, letting the tears course down his face as he beseeched Master to please 'let His worthless fuck- bitch' relieve himself.

Keith made no effort to hide His amusement as He listened to the teenager plead with Him to be allowed to piss. He let its pathetic groveling continue for a few minutes before He finally walked over to it, reached down and grabbed the ends of the rope dangling from the boy's scrotum. Without saying a word, He simply yanked on the cotton rope and headed off towards the unfinished part of the basement, making it scramble awkwardly to its feet and stagger after Keith, humiliated by being led by its balls through the watching Men.

Keith dragged the boy over to the drain in the floor and then stopped. "Okay, girly tits," He sneered, "you can do your business here."

Squatting down like a bitch, the way he'd been trained to do when he relieved himself, erik was about to let loose when Master reached over and picked up the clear glass pitcher. "Here, cunt, piss into this."

Remembering all too well what had happened the last time he'd been ordered to piss into the pitcher, erik could feel his blush deepening, but the need to relieve his overflowing bladder was so great that in just seconds a torrent of boy-pee was shooting out of his cock and loudly splashing inside the pitcher. he squatted there as the pitcher became heavier and heavier as it rapidly filled with all the recycled piss that had been sloshing around inside the teenager's stomach. By the time the flow came to a sputtering end, the pitcher was almost completely filled.

"On your feet, bitch," erik heard Master order him. Carefully holding the pitcher upright, knowing he'd be severely punished if he spilled a single drop, erik gingerly regained a standing position. while he was not surprised when Master handed him a clear plastic cup, he could feel his face burning in shame. erik knew what was coming and his embarrassment was palpable.

"Okay, you worthless whore, you know the drill. Empty that pitcher of warm piss down your faggot throat."

erik was too embarrassed to even look up. Instead, he carefully poured the pee he had just voided into the plastic cup until it was full and then brought the cup to his lips. he tried to shut his ears to the all the jibes and catcalls he was hearing from the Men who had gathered round to watch the spectacle but there was no way he could avoid being completely humiliated by what he was about to do. Stifling a sob, he began swallowing his own warm pee, the pee that had only minutes earlier been sloppily surging back and forth inside his belly.

The boy downed the first cup and then refilled it. The hooting and hollering of the Men around him was undiminished as he began drinking the second load of his own boy-pee. "What a low-life bitch," he heard one of the Men comment, "drinking its own stinking piss. Even a dog wouldn't do that." "Of course not," His buddy answered, laughing. "That's because a dog's a higher form of life than this cocksucking cum- dump. it's just a worthless piece of shit that deserves everything that's done to it."

By the time erik managed to empty the pitcher, the last remnants of the boy's former self-image of himself as a 'Man' had been totally shredded. Even to him, the idea that he had once considered himself to be a 'Man' now seemed ludicrous. No 'Man' would ever allow himself to be forced to drink his own pee while other Men stood around and laughed at him. No Real Man would ever submit to an indignity like that. It was crystal clear to erik that he was not - and never would be - a Real Man.

In fact, erik was even having trouble seeing himself as human. he felt like an animal, some lesser form of life that meekly let Real Men do almost unspeakable things to him; that not only let those things be done to him but was actually sexually excited while they were happening. Because, for erik, the most devastating aspect of the entire ordeal he'd just experienced was the fact that his boyclit had stayed achingly hard throughout it. his boy-bone had jutted straight out from his hairless crotch the entire time he was drinking his own pee.

erik would have liked to chalk his erection up to the Viagra he'd taken hours earlier but he knew that wasn't true. he'd been equally hard a week earlier when Master had, for the first-time, made erik drink his own pee. erik had to face facts; he was everything these Men said about him. he was a low-life bitch, a cocksucking cum- dump, a worthless piece of fecal waste that deserved everything that was done to him. And accepting the truth of these descriptions caused an up-welling of such shame, such deep embarrassment, that erik wanted nothing more than to dig himself a deep hole and disappear into it.

erik couldn't even imagine what his Dad or his brother Chad would think if they could see him as he truly was - a horny boybitch, a play-thing for Real Men, a cocksucking, piss-drinking, cum-dump. he just wanted to crawl into the deepest pit he could find and hide.

But Keith had no intention of allowing the boy any such respite. Almost at the moment erik had finished down his own recycled piss, Keith took the pitcher from the boy and began dragging him, by his distended balls, back to the center of the basement. Once there, He ordered the boywhore to resume the position and then, with a flourish, proceeded to empty his bladder into the teenager's mouth, adding his own steaming brew of beer and other liquids to the bladder wastes already roiling around inside the teenager's rapidly swelling belly.

erik swallowed convulsively, hard put to keep up with the torrent of warm urine cascading down his gullet. Already, he could feel the need to pee again growing stronger and stronger, despite the fact that he had just pissed an entire bellyful of his own boy-urine not more than ten minutes earlier. Of course, all of that liquid was now back inside his bloated stomach and Master's fresh pee was just adding to the volume of liquids churning around in his guts.

erik knew he would have to beg for permission to pee again soon, but he was also sure that it would just result in a repeat of the scene that had just played out - erik would be forced to empty his steaming boy-pee into the pitcher and then ordered to drink it back down. he would gain no long-term relief by being allowed to pee, just a momentary easing of the incredible pressure on his bladder followed by the humiliation of publicly consuming his fetid bladder wastes over and over again. While erik resolved to last as long as possible before he gave into the need to piss, he realized it was only a matter of time before he was force to re-enact the demeaning display he had just put on for the sick amusement of the Real Men using him.

Judging from the smile on Master's face, it was obvious to erik that Master was enjoying the boy's humiliation just like he enjoyed all the humiliations he forced the boy to endure. He was obviously turned on by embarrassing the boy and His cock was rock-hard when He finished peeing down erik's throat. So erik was not surprised when Master moved from his face to his rear and then, once again without any warning, jammed his big cock all the way up the teenager's sore boypussy and began banging the boy's fuck-chute with total abandon.

erik lasted nearly forty-five minutes before he was forced to again beg to be allowed to pee. By this time, there was a steady trickle of pee leaking from his piss-slit which erik was periodically forced to lick off the floor. As he had feared, he was ordered to again pee into the glass pitcher and then empty the filled pitcher down his throat. Twice more during the party, the same scene replayed itself, as erik was able to last for shorter and shorter periods of time as the night went on and the Men kept adding fresh loads of Man-pee to the volume of bladder discharges that were now obscenely bloating his stomach.

In between these recurring sessions of piss-recycling, erik was molested and abused according to the whims of the individual Men using him. Every guy there took His turn plowing away at the teenager's slowly widening boy-hole and then came back for seconds. It seemed like he always had a hard Man-dick coring out his pussy. And his mouth, too, saw its fair share of cock. The Men using his mouth-cunt might complain about what a 'worthless cocksucker' he was, but that didn't seem to dissuade them from repeatedly using his throat to get off in. erik was spit-roasted at least three times that evening and had countless other sessions with hard Man-cock pummeling his battered throat.

erik had long since lost track of just who was fucking him at any given moment. he just kept his mouth open and his legs spread and let all of the Men there have their way with him. There were a few fucks, however, that did stand out. George, yanking him up by his balls, pulled him over to the couch and made the boy fuck himself on George's hard dick while the Man squeezed and tortured the teenager's girly tits until erik was writhing and screeching in pain. What made that fuck particularly memorable for erik, beside the raw agony radiating from his tortured girly tits, was when he was forced to look up and see that, while a few of the Men seemed mildly amused by his tortured cries after a particularly vicious twisting of one of his boy-nubs, most of them were not even vaguely interested in his suffering. It was a matter of absolute indifference as far as they were occurred. erik was there simply to serve as a receptacle for their lust and to provide a playground for their twisted carnal pleasures. Other than that, he had no real human existence as far as they were concerned and they could care less as to how he felt as he fulfilled his role as their sexual plaything.

As if to underline this point, soon after George finished with the boy Reg pulled erik over to a chair, bent him over it, and proceeded to ravage the teenager's aching boytwat with an awesomely vicious cunt-coring which left the boy crying like a baby. And, obviously turned on by the teenager's agony, the Man immediately followed that by a blistering ass-tanning with his belt that left erik's bubble butt striped and burning. The boy's frantic howling as his poor ass was beaten to a pulp elicited only occasional requests that he 'keep it down' and stop 'acting like a baby.' Other than that, it was obvious that no one cared how much the little slut was hurting; most actually enjoyed seeing him writhing and moaning in pain. That was, as Reg sneered, 'one of the few things it's good for."

No matter what happened to him, no matter how hard any of the Men fucked him, no matter how much they hurt him and made him cry in pain, there was never more than a transitory moment of relief. Once any Man finished with him, there always seemed to be another one ready to take His turn banging the boy. And never once was there even the slightest hint of concern for him, for how erik was handling the unceasing abuse of his body as cock after cock forced its way up his hole and then plowed away inside his fuck-chute until it added another load of Man-seed to the growing brew of scuzz sloshing around and coating his insides.

Eventually, though, after each Man had dropped at least two loads of hot Man- seed into their teenage cum-dump there was a slight lull in the action his mouth and pussy had been seeing. A number of the Men took this opportunity to amuse themselves by concentrating on torturing erik's body. his girly tits were a favorite target. Early on, George had viciously just yanked the tit-clamps from his swollen nubs so that he could have easier access to the boy's tender nips as erik worked his pussy up and down the Man's cock. Now that his boy-tits were once again fully exposed, they just seemed to invite abuse.

One of the new Men spent a good fifteen minutes just working on erik's titties, twisting and pulling them, gnawing and biting them, until His mere touch was an agony for the boy and erik was reduced to begging and shrieking for 'mercy.' Needless to say, none was shown to the little whore. In fact, after Master got tired of hearing him moan and plead, He strode over and gave erik another hard punch to the gut, doubling the boy over and almost making him throw up.

"Keep your fucking mouth shut, you pathetic cunt," Keith screamed at the boy. "Just take what's given you and be happy a useless piece of dreck like you can be of any use to a Real Man." Terrified of further angering Master, erik tried to keep silent after that but the excruciating pain radiating from his swollen and abused girly tits was at times simply unbearable and shrieks and squeals continued to escape his lips though erik no longer begged the Men to stop working on his inflamed titties. he didn't want to risk further aggravating Master and, besides, erik had come to realize that all that his begging did was to stimulate the Men torturing him to redouble their assault on the teenager's burning boy-nips.

No sooner had the Men finally tired of abusing his girly tits, than one of the new Men pulled the weeping boy over his knee and began whaling away at his teenage bubble-butt. Periodically in this long spanking session, the Man would stop and finger-fuck the boy's pussy, ramming two, three and, at times, four fingers roughly in an out of the well-used slut's stretched-out fuck hole, laughing as the slimy cum that had been deposited by all the Men there (except Reg) continuously bubbled out of the teenager's ravaged sphincter and trickled down his hairless legs. And then, seemingly bored with molesting erik's hole, the Man would go back to beating the boy's ass for another good five minutes before again pausing to ram His fingers in and out of the slave's spasming fuck-chute, laughing as the little cum-whore squirmed and writhed under the assault.

erik's physical abuse continued for about an hour while the Men took this opportunity to recharge their sexual batteries. he was led by the rope tied to his balls around the room, allowing every Man there the opportunity to abuse his teenage body. At times, the Men molesting him didn't even stop in their conversations as they reached out to brutally twist his girly tits or viciously swat his balls, or grab a paddle and work on the boy's already glowing buns. It was almost as if abusing the boy was an after-thought; something to enjoy when offered but not sufficiently important to actually interrupt what they were already doing. While they were clearly amused when erik writhed and squirmed under their abuse, it obviously wasn't of sufficient import for the Men to actually concentrate on what they did to him.

It was during this ordeal that it finally dawned on erik that the Real Men at the party didn't even think of him as a person - he was simply something there for their pleasure, no different from some cheap toy they might have played with when they were young boys: enjoyable for a while but on no lasting value or significance. For them, erik wasn't a person - he wasn't even an animal. None of them would have treated a dog the way they treated him. erik was simply an object, a thing. And the all referred to him that way. 'Bring it over here,' one said, before He reached out and punished the boy's tits. 'It squeals like a little girl,' said another after giving the boy's ass another belting. And erik was beginning to feel like a thing, too. A toy for Real Men to play with and then discard.

After about an hour, though, the interest of the partying Men shifted back from torturing the teenager's young body to fucking his tight holes. Right after erik had been forced to once again imbibe his recycled pee, round two of his gangbang got started and erik resumed his role as the community cum-dump.

This time, all of the Men took longer to get off than earlier but that didn't seem to bother them a bit, though it was an increasing torment for their little fuck-whore as his throat and boypussy were rubbed raw by the rampaging cocks that, once again, never gave him even a temporary reprieve. Both of erik's holes seemed to be in constant use and erik lost the ability to even estimate how many loads of Man-scuzz had been deposited down his throat and up his boycunt. he just kept his mouth open and his legs spread wide and let the Men use him as they wanted. Cock after cock plowed its way into his cunt-hole even as load after load of hot Man-scuzz was unloaded down his boy-throat. The supply of cock and cum just seemed endless and to erik, who was desperately taking every hit he could from the poppers stuck under his nose, it seemed as if the night would never end.

But all good things - or bad, for that matter - must come to an end and for erik, that night, things ended with more of a whimper than a bang. The boy was kneeling on the floor in his fuck-bitch position using his arms to take some of the pressure off his sore knees when it suddenly dawned on him that both his mouth and his pussy were empty. And, as he struggled to think about it amidst the haze that had surrounded him in the past few hours, he had the feeling that they'd been that way for some time. he looked up and saw that the Men were sitting on the couch and various chairs and had that relaxed air that often occurs when Men have finally slaked their sexual hunger after a long night of debauchery.

And erik certainly felt completely debauched. Nothing he had experienced before with Master and George had really prepared him for the use he'd been put to by all the Men there. There didn't seem to be a single part of his body that didn't radiate an aching soreness and some parts, like his boytwat and his throat, throbbed with real pain. he allowed his head to sink back below his shoulders in exhaustion, but as he did so he noticed that the floor underneath him was wet with a mixture of sweat and piss and cum. Sighing inwardly, he sank back on his knees and lowered his face to the floor and began licking up the foul mixture, cleaning up his mess as he'd been trained.

It took the teenager a good five minutes of slurping before the floor was cleaned and no sooner had erik returned to the proper fuck position than he saw Master get up and move towards him. Dutifully, he opened his mouth wide, preparing to swallow a load of piss or cum, whatever the Man deigned to favor him with.

Looking at the little slut boy, Keith almost laughed out loud. it looked like a cum- whore who'd just spent the last four hours entertaining a room filled with horny Men, which was, of course, exactly what it had done. its ass was still a vibrant red even though it was over an hour since its last real spanking. And there were a few random stripes and bruises where Reg's belt had missed its target and landed on erik's lower back. The slut's complete exhaustion was evident from the way random tremors ran through its arms and they way its body sagged toward the floor.

All in all, Keith was pleased with the way His bitch had handled itself. it had cried and moaned for a good part of the night, but that was to be expected. It was still early in its training and it would eventually learn how handle a room filled with horny Men without carrying on like a baby. The more important thing was that it had obviously learned to accept its role as a mere play-toy for Real Men. Never once had it actually resisted anything being done to it.

it had also been told not to speak to the Men at the party and it had never once even tried to except, of course, when it was pleading and crying and asking one or another of the Men abusing it to please stop hurting it so much. But that, too, had to be expected so early in its training. And, if truth be told, the way the boy had shrieked and squealed as it was used and abused had turned the Men on, had made the ravaging of the its two fuck-holes and the torturing of its young, supple body so much more enjoyable. Keith definitely had to chalk the evening up as a rousing success. And now that they were all finished with it, it was time to send His little fuck-bitch home.

"Get up, bitch," He gruffly ordered the boy. Slowly, in obvious discomfort, the boy rose up on its feet and stood there wobbily in front of its Master. Now that the little slut was standing, Keith could see that its girly tits were hugely inflamed, the area around the areoles a red to rival the whore's burnished ass, the nips themselves incredibly swollen after all the abuse they'd received. Keith reached out and softly rubbed His fingers against one of them and was pleased to see the boy shudder and hear it groan in pain. It would be a long time recovering from this night.

Not saying a word, Keith reached down and grabbed the rope stilling dangling from the teenager's stretched-out ball-sac and headed off towards the stairs. Stumbling awkwardly, erik meekly followed Him, still embarrassed at being led around by his balls but grateful that apparently the night's session was finally coming to an end.

Once upstairs, Master left erik standing alone in entryway as He went to get the boy's clothes. When He returned, Master didn't say anything but, just by the way He was acting, erik was pretty sure that Master had been pleased by his performance that night and that made erik feel good. It had been worse, far worse, than erik had imagined and the the teenager hurt more than he could ever remember hurting, but at least he hadn't embarrassed Master in front of His friends. That was something.

Master placed the boy's clothes on a chair and simply stood there as erik slowly eased his aching body back into his jeans and gingerly pulled on the t-shirt he'd worn over to the house. erik couldn't help groaning as the fabric of his shirt rubbed against his obscenely bloated girly tits; they just hurt SO much. In less than a minute, though, erik was fully dressed and ready to be dismissed.

A little emboldened by what he viewed as a successful evening, erik asked Master if He might consider postponing erik's first cocksucking lesson to give the boy's throat a chance to recover from the battering it had taken during the long fuck-session he'd just gone through.

Immediately, Master's hand flashed in the air and erik felt his left cheek flare-up in pain as the sound of the slap echoed through the room. "What do you think, bitch?" Master asked sarcastically. Chastened, realizing that he had spoken without permission, erik said nothing. Obviously, his Monday session with his Black trainer was going forward regardless of how sore his throat might be. erik realized he had been foolish to even think otherwise.

Master gave him a sharp look and then said, "We're done with you for now, girly tits, so get the fuck out of here. And," He added with a smirk, "no stopping off on your way home to relieve yourself either. Understand, bitch?"

"Yes, Master," erik immediately replied, suddenly aware of just how badly he needed to pee again. his bladder felt like it was going to burst. he could only hope he could make it home fast enough to avoid having another 'accident' in his pick-up.

Keith watched as the boy turned around and staggered out the door. Just from the way it was walking it was pretty clear that it was going to have a tough time holding its piss in on the way home. Just imagining the young teenage slut pissing itself in its truck as it drove home brought a smile to the Man's face. it would be so embarrassed if it did that again. One could only hope. With that pleasant thought in mind, Keith turned to go back downstairs and discuss the evening's festivities with his guests.

Fortunately for erik, the ride home was uneventful. his bloated bladder was leaking the whole way home and the front of his crotch was soaked when he finally pulled up in front of his apartment, but at least he managed to avoid a major pee discharge. Unfortunately, his piss-slit wasn't the only hole that was leaking. From the moment he edged himself into the driver's seat, erik could feel Man-cum seeping past his pulverized sphincter and dribbling down onto the seat of his jeans.

erik had no idea how much Man-seed had been spewed into his pussy during the party but he knew it had to be a lot. his boycunt had been leaking pretty much the whole time he was there - God only knew how much Man-cum he'd had to lick up off the floor after it had drizzled out of his stretched-out boytwat - but erik was sure that most of the Man-scuzz he'd been gifted with was still bubbling around inside his well- fucked boyhole. The last thing that he wanted was to have all that Man-cream soiling his pants. So he tried to clamp down on his sphincter, even though the effort shot bolts of pain throughout his body. But while he was able to keep any major seepage past his swollen cunt-lips, he couldn't prevent a steady drip, drip of spent semen from slowly wetting the back of his jeans just like his boy-pee was wetting the front.

By the time he arrived at his apartment those parts of his jeans covering his crotch and his ass were obviously wet and erik could only hope that he wouldn't meet anyone he knew as he moved as quickly as he could towards the privacy of his own apartment. But, given that the urge to pee was now so overwhelming, erik knew he couldn't risk actually running. The need to relieve himself was so great that erik had only gone a few feet before he had to stick his hand into the damp pocket of his jeans and grab the tip of his boycock and forcibly hold the slit closed. Otherwise, he knew he'd be pissing himself before he got through the front door.

he probably shouldn't have been surprised, seeing how the night had already gone, that two dudes walked out of the stairway door just as he was reaching to pull it open. They both muttered a perfunctory 'excuse me' before they got a good look at the teenager, but once they did, erik could see their eyes open wide and one of them actually guffawed. "Did you see that fucking queerboy had pissed his pants?" the guy who had laughed asked his friend as they headed towards the parking lot. erik didn't hear the response as the stairwell door closed behind him and he sped up the stairs but his face and ears were burning in embarrassment.

By the time erik got to the front door of his apartment he was hopping from one foot to the other. he fumbled with the keys, using only his right hand since he didn't dare let go of his piss-slit because he knew the pee would just geyser out of his boyclit if he did. And, when he finally did get the door open, it was difficult stripping off all his clothes while keeping at least one hand on his cock-head. But once he was fully nude, as he was now required to always be when alone in his apartment, he sprinted towards the bathroom, ignoring Shadow's frantic nuzzling. erik figured his dog would just have to hold it longer because he knew he couldn't.

As soon as he settled his naked ass on the porcelain commode he loosened his grip on his boycock and lay back as the steaming urine just flooded into the toilet. Despite the incredible soreness that he felt from virtually every part of his body, erik couldn't help sighing in relief as his swollen bladder began to drain. And this time, at least, erik knew he wouldn't be forced to re-imbibe the recycled piss that he'd been drinking all night.

erik sat on the crapper for a good five minutes as his bladder slowly lost the aching fullness that he had felt virtually the entire evening. And, at the same time, his fully-loaded pussy let a good amount of spent cum dribble into the roiling waters. erik could have stayed there another ten or fifteen minutes, just letting his belly and fuck-hole continue to drain, but now that the overwhelming need to relieve himself had abated, the total exhaustion that he was feeling began to really set in.

With a groan, erik forced himself to stand up. he reached back and flushed the toilet. As he staggered from the bathroom, he saw Shadow waiting patiently at the front door. erik knew he should take his dog for a walk but he was just too tired and too sore to do that right now. he had to lay down. he had to get some rest. he just managed to get to his bed and tumble onto the sheet when he totally conked out. And that's where he found himself in the morning.

As the teenage boy sat there, softly crying as he recalled everything that had been done to him the night before, he was suddenly overwhelmed by a sense of panic. he was lying in his bed. Alone. he shouldn't be doing that. he should be on the floor, where slave bitches always slept when they weren't servicing a Real Man. But then he remembered that he'd been given the great privilege of sleeping, for one last time, alone on a bed, just like a Real Man would do. It was a reward for his agreeing to accelerate the pace of his training, but it was a reward erik had been warned would almost certainly not be repeated. And, once he got out of bed, the permission would end and he'd be back to sleeping on the floor, uncovered and exposed the way a slave bitch should always be.

Faced with this realization, erik wanted to stay in bed as long as he could. Looking at Shadow, he knew he should get up and take the dog for a walk, though Shadow didn't seem nearly as anxious to relieve himself as erik would have expected. In fact, Shadow seemed so relaxed that erik couldn't help but think that his dog no longer needed to relieve himself which could only mean that he had had an 'accident' during the long night while erik lay passed out on the bed. And, if that were the case, than erik faced the unpleasant prospect of having to clean up the dog's mess - clean it up the way erik always had to clean up his own 'messes' - with his tongue. Just thinking about that possibility made erik's gorge rise in his throat. Licking up dog-pee from the floor would be the perfect capstone to an evening of total and complete degradation.

And as he sat there on the bed, just thinking about the possibility that he'd have to lick dog-pee off the floor of his apartment, erik was suddenly overwhelmed by a wave of intense shame and embarrassment. he had sunk so low in life that he was seriously contemplating slurping up his dog's urine. How totally appalled his friends and family would be if they knew the truth about erik, about what he had become. And the thought formed in his mind, as it had in the past, that he had to stop - he just couldn't go on with his training as a slave bitch.

It wasn't like he was being forced to continue. he wasn't being blackmailed or compelled to continue serving as a pathetic slave bitch for Real Men. All he had to do to stop it was to just stop doing it. And that would end all the feelings of self-contempt that welled up in him every time he was subjected to some new degradation, every time he took some further steps down the ever-descending path into total subservience. he could stop it all. he knew he could. If only he had the will to do so.

But that was it. he didn't have the will. he didn't even have the desire to stop it, not really. Over the past year, erik had come to the realization that he truly was, in that innermost core of his being that he'd kept hidden deep out of sight, a slave bitch. Despite all the humiliation and embarrassment he felt as his body was used for any foul purpose other Men could devise, there was still a part of him that craved the abuse, that was turned on by it, that wanted to totally submit and become a sexual plaything for Real Men.

he knew that he might stop for a day, or a week, or a month, or even a year. he might be able to suppress his need to serve other Men, Real Men, so that he no longer acted on it, but the need would always be there, gnawing at him, eating away at him until he gave into it again. he might be able to escape Master, but he could never escape himself. Master hadn't planted the seed of subservience in erik's soul - the seed had always been there. All Master had done was to water it and let it grow. And now it no longer needed Master's tending to continue to flourish. It would do so on its own, inside erik, even if Master were no longer there. And knowing that basic, essential truth about himself, erik realized that he didn't have a choice. he was a slave bitch and he always would be. he might as well try to change his eye color. he was not a Real Man and he never would be, no matter how much he might wish it otherwise.

Shaking his head as if to clear it, erik tried to focus again on his present situation, on things he could affect in the here and now. Should he get up or should he lie back down on the bed and get some more sleep, sleep that he still desperately needed?

erik had just about made up his mind to go back to sleep and enjoy his time on the bed for as long as he could, when he became aware of a truly noisome odor. It took him a few moments to realize that the source of the foul smells now assaulting his nose was his own body. he had not showered when he got home last night. he had simply been too tired. And now, his body just reeked of the scent of spent cum and stale piss. erik couldn't remember anything smelling as badly as he now did. It was literally stomach-turning.

As much as he would have loved to lie back down on the bed, as much as he wanted to put off finding out whether Shadow had, in fact, had an accident that he'd have to clean up with his mouth, erik just couldn't stand the smell that now surrounded him. he had to shower. erik knew that. he'd never be able to fall asleep or even relax now that he was conscious of the fetid odors of his own body wafting up around him.

With a sigh of resignation, erik swung his legs over the sides of the bed and slowly, reluctantly, stood up. When he turned back to give his bed one last look, he was appalled to see that the sheet he'd been sleeping on was almost totally befouled. his trip to the bathroom last night might have relieved the overwhelming pressure to pee that he'd felt when he first got home but it had not, apparently, totally drained his bladder. Looking at the sheet, it was obvious that erik had leaked a good amount of boy-pee while he'd slept. And that wasn't the worst of it. his pussy had been leaking, too, and there was now a truly disgusting-looking stain of Man-seed and anal crud right where his fuck-hole had been located while he slept.

erik knew that he'd have to wash the sheet covering his bed. But that would come later. And his shower would have to wait, too. Right now, erik knew what he was supposed to do. And he did it. he lowered his head and began slurping away at the drying boy-pee and anal effluence he'd left on his bed. After all, when a slave bitch like him made a mess, the slave bitch cleaned it up - with his mouth. And erik was a slave bitch. Even he knew that now.

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