The Night Erik

By Rafi Daud

Published on Dec 17, 2015


This story is either the true story of a nineteen-year-old boy named erik who is being trained to be a total slave-bitch or a figment of the author's imagination or it could be a mixture of both. It's up to the reader to decide for himself which it is. All I will say is that whether true or fictional, the author is not erik, Master, or George. He is simply the author. This is also copyrighted material. So while you're welcome to make a personal copy for yourself, any other reproduction or reposting is not allowed without the prior written consent of the author.

Any comments or criticisms should be directed to Rafi at While suggestions are welcomed, the appearance of future chapters will be dependent on erik's willingness to continue to share his on-going experience or on the author's ability to conjure up future plot developments

One last thing. While Nifty provides its services free of charge to both budding authors and readers, it is not free of costs. Please consider donating at

THE NIGHT erik.....

Chapter 4

.....BEGAN his GIRLY TITS, pt. 2

erik tried to ignore the throbbing from his bruised and swollen girly tits as he sat in the shotgun seat of his pick-up truck while George drove it over to Master's house. The mid-morning sun was bright in his face and erik was feeling a little disoriented. It was still relatively early in the morning and while erik was now somewhat accustomed to being used and played with any time during the day or night when he stayed over at Master's house, this was the first time he'd ever driven over from George's house to Master while it was daylight. For some reason that made him feel much more exposed and vulnerable than usual, which was saying a lot since erik always felt pretty much totally vulnerable whenever he was with either Man.

At least it wasn't a long drive, just a little over a mile, between the two houses. Of course, that meant that erik had scarcely had time to settle in before George was pulling up in front of Master's residence. The Man put the truck in park but left the engine idling as He turned to the boy.

"Okay, bitch," He said. "We're here. Master's expecting you so get your faggot ass out of the truck and into the house."

"You're not coming in, Sir," erik asked, his surprise overcoming his normal caution. It was always dangerous to speak to a Real Man when he hadn't been asked a question - erik had been punished severely more than once for that infraction - but the teenager's surprise that George was not planning on participating in what erik knew would be another round of sexual abuse by Master caused him to violate that rule. he realized his mistake almost immediately, but by then it was too late. The words were already out of his mouth. he could only hope that George would either overlook his actions or would be too busy to correct him.

erik wasn't sure whether what happened next was George's desire to punish him for speaking without permission or simply a product of George's pleasure in hurting him. Whatever the motivation, erik was suddenly gasping in pain as the Man roughly squeezed the teenager's left girly tit. "Arrgh," he moaned softly, keenly aware that he was being molested in broad daylight and that there was an elderly couple only a few houses away walking their dog down the sidewalk. The last thing in the world he wanted to do was attract attention to his plight.

George twisted the nipple hard, feeling his own cock stiffening up inside his pants as the teenage boy writhed in pain next to Him. He was really sorry that He couldn't stop and join Keith in what He knew the Man had planned for the little bitch but He had promised His wife that He'd take care of certain repairs around the house while she was gone. He'd had a lot of fun with the teenager last night and that would have to hold Him for now. George needed to show His wife that He could get things fixed up around the house while she was away and, hopefully, that would make her more willing in the future to take the time to visit her family for an entire weekend - which would also free up George so that He could give erik the type of constant abuse that a cum-dump urinal like him deserved.

Reluctantly, the Man let go of the boy's re-inflamed tit. He could see the tears in the boy's eyes and almost laughed out loud. If the little whore was this close to crying already, he didn't have a chance of even making it into the basement before he was bawling like a little baby - Keith would make sure of that.

"Have fun, bitch," He advised with a smirk, knowing that fun just wasn't on the agenda that day for the teenager. "Your truck will be parked outside my house when you're done. The walk will do you good; help you work out some of the soreness I'm sure you'll be feeling after your Master finishes with you. I'll leave the keys under the front seat. Now get the fuck out, you lazy cunt."

"Yes, Sir," erik immediately replied, happy to be leaving the Man although he wasn't too thrilled to be facing the prospect of a mile walk when he left Master's house just to pick up his truck - he knew how exhausted and wrecked he usually was by the time Master let him go after a session. By now, though, the boy also knew enough to realize that it couldn't be helped. So he didn't even bother to object about the arrangement; he just quietly opened the door and got out of the truck.

he turned to head up the walk to Master's front door and almost immediately tripped over the dog he'd noticed the couple walking earlier. It was a big dog. It reminded him of his own dog, Shadow, who he'd raised from when he was a young puppy. erik got him just a couple months after Speedster lost a race with a car. Shadow seemed like the perfect name for him, since he followed erik around like his shadow. erik had come to consider Shadow more like a friend than a pet. It seemed that he was always there to buck erik up whenever the boy hit a really low point - something that had been happening a lot lately. Just having Shadow in his room when erik returned from a hard session with Master seemed to take some of the sting out of what erik had just gone through. Shadow really was just like a good friend should be - always there when you needed him.

Of course, none of his friends tried to mount him the way Shadow did - but that was just the type of thing that you had to expect from a male dog who wasn't fixed, something his Dad refused to countenance. erik could remember his Dad explaining, 'you can't expect your dog to be Man's best friend if the first thing you do to him is lop off his balls.' erik had instinctively understood his Dad's point. But just thinking of Shadow, gave erik pause.

This weekend, for the first time, Shadow was staying with erik in his new apartment. erik had taken Shadow out for a walk right before he'd left for George's house and made sure both his food and water bowls were filled. erik had figured he might be ordered to spend the entire night with George, but he hadn't planned on being driven straight from George's house to Master's. he'd thought he'd have at least a little time in between training sessions so that he could get home and take Shadow out. Now, though, if Master kept him all night, Shadow would be cooped up inside for over 36 hours straight and there was no way a dog could be expected to go that long without having an 'accident' inside erik's new apartment. erik didn't want that to happen, but he didn't know what he could do about it, either, though he figured he should probably do something.

erik's momentary distraction had provided just enough time for the couple and their dog to move on down the block. Shaking his head to clear it, erik decided that was just something he'd have to work out. Right now, he had a session with Master to deal with and he knew he needed his wits about him. If anything, Master was a bigger stickler for proper deportment than George and He wouldn't hesitate to punish erik for the smallest infraction. erik always needed to be on this toes when he was around Master, even if, in reality, he spent the vast majority of time with Master on his knees. And, if his just completed session with George was any indication, erik knew he faced a session with Master that was bound to be both painful and exhausting. he couldn't afford to be distracted by problems which might or might not arise in the future. he was sure to have enough problems to deal with in the here and now.

The door was unlocked as usual and erik let himself in. Master was standing right there when he entered, but He didn't say a word. Instead, He just stood there, watching, as the boy stripped off all of his clothes and placed them on the chair. Once the boy was standing in front of him completely naked, Keith glanced down to make sure the teenager was fully erect as he was expected to be whenever in the presence of his Master and then walked up to the boy and affixed the dog collar around his neck. "You'll be wearing this a lot more in the future, boy," He told erik who was trying to control the fear he always felt when he first entered Master's house.

The Man was just turning around when erik spoke up. "Master, may i please have permission to ask you a question? It's very important, Master."

Keith turned back and looked at the boy speculatively. The little whore knew better than to speak without being spoken too, but then again, he had asked for permission to ask a question, even though he knew that simply doing that would almost certainly run the risk a punishment session. Keith had to wonder what was so pressing on the cunt's mind that he would take that risk. Well, there was one easy way to find out. He allowed a stern scowl to mask his interest and answered, "you can ask a question, bitch, but it better be good."

"Yes, Master. Thank you, Master," erik replied in as obsequious a voice as he could manage. "i was wondering, Master, if you were planning on keeping me the entire night, Master?"

Keith could feel a surge of anger at the sheer impertinence of the question. The little slut should know by now that he would be staying as long as his Master wanted him to. That was all a slave-bitch needed to know. He could feel Himself getting ready to explode when erik, who could see the anger in Master's eyes, haltingly spoke again.

"i...i know it's none of my business, Master," he began, his voice cracking under the fear gripping him, "but it's's my dog, Master. Shadow. He's staying with me now, Master. i took him out for his walk before I went to Sir's house but he hasn't been out since then and....i'm afraid if i have to spend the night, you know, Master, he...he might have an accident...or something."

Hearing the little shit's explanation calmed Keith down somewhat. So, the bitch was worried about his dog. Keith, who had had a few dogs of His own over the years, could understand that. Of course, that didn't justify the boy's breach of protocol - he'd have to be punished for that and Keith would make sure that he was. But it also gave the Man an opening for an entirely new way to humiliate his bitch.

Keith let his face relax a little as He responded, "bitch, you'll be staying here as long as I want you here. Understand, bitch?"

"Yes, Master," erik replied as humbly as he could, "i understand, Master."

"But," Keith went on, "fortunately for you and for your dog, too, I'm not planning on keeping you all night. This will be a relatively short session, today, and your dog may be able to avoid 'having an accident' as you put it."

"Oh, thank you, Master. Thank you," the teenager replied almost physically groveling.

"Of course," Keith continued, letting Himself smile, "if Shadow isn't able to hold it in, if he does make a mess, I expect you to clean up that mess up the way you clean up any mess that you make - with your tongue, bitch. With your tongue. Do you understand, bitch?"

It took just seconds for the boy's entire body to flush a brilliant scarlet as the import of Master's words sunk in. If Shadow had an accident, if he peed in erik's apartment, the boy would have to lick up the mess. he'd have to slurp up dog pee with his tongue. Just considering that possibility was enough to make the boy's gorge rise in his throat. It was only with the greatest effort that he managed to squeak out a response, "Yes, Master. i understand, Master."

"Good," Keith responded, enjoying the boy's embarrassment immensely. "And now, bitch," he added, "if you're finished wasting My time with your problems maybe we can get back to your training." He turned back around, picked up something that erik couldn't quite see from a side table, and then returned to the boy.

Despite the boy's best efforts, he wan't able to avoid emitting an audible moan when he looked down and saw that Master was now holding in His hand a chain with two clamps attached to its ends. erik's girly tits were already so sore from the abuse they'd taken at George's house. And now it was obvious that Master intended to continue working on them. Master told him to put his hands behind his head while He affixed the clamps to the boy's still swollen nubs.

Looking at the puffy and abraded tits on the boy's chest, Keith couldn't help smiling. George had really done a number on them, just like they'd discussed. And that was going to make today's session just that much more painful for the little whore. He grabbed the boy's right tit and closed the tweezer clamp around it, snuggly but not yet exceptionally tight. But, even though it wasn't particularly tight, erik groaned as his tender nub was squeezed by the rubber tips of the clamp. Keith then quickly attached the other clamp to the teenager's left tit, which elicited another groan from the boy. Then He took a few steps back and looked at the boy's chest, now festooned with the tweezer clamps.

"Look at me, bitch," he ordered.

"Yes, Master," erik immediately replied, raising his head to look at his Master.

Keith reached out a hand and flicked the chain connecting the two clamps. "Today, boy," he informed erik, "I'm going to be using this chain as your leash. But, to do that, I have to make sure that the clamps don't get pulled off your tits." With that, He reached forward and maneuvered the rings which served to tighten the clamps way down the tweezers. The effect was electric. erik shrieked in sudden agony as the tweezers viciously pinched his raw and aching nipples.

Squirming in front of his Master, the pain was so great that erik thought he might pass out. his field of vision narrowed and he dropped to his knees.

"Get the fuck up, you stupid bitch," Master shouted at him. "Who told you to kneel down?"

It took almost a full minute for erik to collect himself. The pain was just incredible. But somehow he managed to get back to his feet. "Sorry, Master," he apologized, trying hard not to cry, "but my girly tits really hurt."

"Your girly tits?" Master repeated questioningly.

"Yes, Master," the boy replied, not quite understanding the question. "my girly tits." Then it dawned on the teenager what had generated Master's question. "Sir said I was to refer to my...tits as my girly tits from now on. He said that that was what I needed to have on my chest - a pair of girly tits. And He told me that was what I had to call them from now on. Is that okay, Master?" he asked with a quaver in his voice, wondering if he had somehow screwed up by referring to his boy nipples as 'girly tits.'

Keith couldn't keep a smile from his face. 'Girly tits,' He thought. 'Leave it to George to come up with something like that. He's always looking for some new way to humiliate the little faggot. Girly tits. That's great. It's obvious just from the way the cunt said it that he hates the term.' He looked at the boy and smirked. "That's right, bitch," He concurred. "From now on you're to refer to them as 'girly tits' just like George told you."

"Yes, Master," erik agreed, hating having to use those words to describe his nipples but at least relieved that he hadn't inadvertently earned himself another punishment session with Master. There was a slight pause and erik looked at Master and saw that He was waiting expectantly. Not being sure what he was expected to do, the boy simply repeated his initial explanation. "My girly tits are super sore, Master, and the clamps really hurt."

Keith snorted. "Well, you better get used to them, bitch," he warned the boy. "you're going to be wearing them from now on when your over here. Just like George said, we need to get those tits of yours nice and big, like girly tits should be on a slave-bitch like you." Then, not even waiting for a reply, He reached around and grabbed the chain connecting the two tit-clamps. He gave it a sharp tug and then turned around and, using the chain as a leash, He led the teenage boy-bitch down the steps to the basement.

erik was gasping in pain as he followed Master down the basement steps and by the time he reached the bottom the tears were freely flowing down his face. his girly tits just hurt so unbelievably bad, worse even that at George's house when He was pinching and twisting them. The boy stumbled after Master as the Man led him to the bed in the playroom. There were two pillows in the middle of it.

"Get on the bed, bitch, with the pillows underneath your belly and your boycunt up in the air," Keith ordered.

"Yes, Master," the teenager obediently replied, crawling onto the bed and positioning the pillows directly under his crotch, all too aware that this noticeably elevated his tight buttocks making them readily accessible for whatever designs Master had on them.

Once erik was in position, Keith methodically circled the boy, tying off both arms and both legs with ropes affixed to the corners of the bed, leaving him spread-eagled and helpless on the mattress. This position forced the boy's inflamed tits to rub against the fabric of the mattress and erik tried to raise his chest up off the bed to lessen the pain. Seeing him do that, Keith took both hands and pressed firmly down on the boy's back, forcing the abraded nubs back into contact with the bed and causing the teenager to squeal in pain. erik was already sobbing uncontrollably when Keith brought out the Lexan paddle he'd been dying to try on the boy.

Made of clear plastic, the paddle was exceptionally dense and allowed its user to bring maximum force to bear on the flesh being struck. Keith's paddle had holes in it which cut down on air resistance and allowed an even faster swing. Knowing that the teenage slut was already in pain from his tortured tits - his 'girly tits' as George made the little whore refer to them - Keith was sure that it wouldn't be long before the boy was bawling his eyes out once Keith began spanking him. But that's what He wanted. Keith wanted to see His little bitch crying like a baby - that really turned the Man on. So with grim determination, Keith went to work on erik's beautiful, firm bubble-butt.

The Man raised the paddle in the air and then stopped. He loved building up the boy's apprehension as the youngster waited in terrified anticipation for the ass-thrashing he knew he was about to get. "bitch," Keith addressed the boy, "I probably should use a gag on you, because this is really going to hurt. But then I'd miss hearing you scream and cry as you got the ass-tanning a bitch like you constantly needs. And I'm going to really enjoy that." The look of raw fear that erik gave the Man when the boy heard this sent a pleasurable charge through Keith's already throbbing cock. With a wicked smile, He began paddling the boy's bubble-butt with real force.

Keith delivered four rapid swats, two to each butt cheek, and was rewarded by an immediate shriek of pain from the teenage fuck-whore. He paused for a few seconds to let the pain sink in and then delivered another pair of rapid, hard swats. With just half-a-dozen smacks, erik was writhing on the bed, his ass exploding with fire. Already the creamy white of his butt cheeks was turning pink and Keith settled down to a nice long session of ass-tanning.

Keith liked taking his time when he spanked the young slut. Letting the tension build and the pain set in between swats and then, just as the cuntboy was beginning to relax, unleashing a flurry of rapid and forceful smacks on the boy's rapidly reddening buttocks kept the boy from ever experiencing even a moment of relief. Hearing the boy scream and shriek and cry out was music to His ears, just as watching the teenager shudder and writhe as uncontrolled sobbing wracked his body was an incredible sexual turn-on. Blistering the boy's butt was almost, though not quite, as enjoybable as fucking his tight little boycunt, but the beauty of it was that He could not only do both but that by preceding his fucking of the teenager's pussy with a vicious ass-whipping that left the boy's butt-cheeks super-tenderized, He actually made fucking erik's grasping cunt-hole that much hotter for the Man.

Keith kept paddling the boy for a good ten minutes - long enough for the crimson color to take on a more scarlet sheen, visual testimony of the deep-down bruising that was taking place; long enough to reduce the teenager to a blubbering, screeching baby crying his eyes out. Then Keith took a break.

Paddling the little faggot's butt was hard work and it made Keith thirsty. He went upstairs and got Himself a beer and then came back down and slowly sipped it as the boy struggled to regain even minimal self-control. Keith could feel the heat emanating from erik's brutalized buttocks even though He was a good five feet away. The way the boy was still carrying on, it was pretty clear that the pain had scarcely diminished. Of course, the way the boy had jerked around on the bed as Keith was whaling away at his defenseless ass had also aggravated the teenager's already-inflamed girly tits and both his boy-nubs and his butt-cheeks literally felt like they were on fire.

Keith just sat there for a while, enjoying the way the boy cried so piteously. He didn't really consider Himself a sadist but there was just something about the way erik looked when he was being spanked and whipped that really turned the Man on, particularly when the boy started weeping like a little girl. The idea that He was turning a teenage stud from one of the town's most prominent families into his own personal pain bitch was incredibly arousing.

Keith kept sipping his beer until it seemed to him that the boy was finally getting a handle on the pain. he was still audibly sobbing but he didn't seem to be shaking as much as he had been when Keith had stopped pummeling his burning butt with the Lexan paddle. It was time, Keith decided, for round two.

Keith picked up the old leather cowboy belt he'd already used on the boy a number of times in the past. He walked over to where the boy was sobbing on the mattress, grabbed a handful of hair, and yanked the bitch's head up. "You ain't done yet, bitch," He sneered as He shoved the strap under the boy's face and saw the teenager's eyes widen in terror.

Lying on the bed, just trying to recover from the awful paddling his ass had taken from the plastic paddle, erik couldn't remember ever being in such unrelenting pain. his girly tits felt like someone was stabbing them with fiery ice-picks over and over again and his entire ass felt like it had been turned into a roaring furnace - he could feel hte heat just wafting off of it. he knew he was crying like a baby again but he just couldn't help himself. It just hurt so much. he was trying to behave like he knew a good slave-bitch should but it was really hard for him to handle the level of pain he was suffering. And then, suddenly, he felt his head yanked up and Master showed him the 'strap' He'd used on erik before - the 'strap' the boy had come to dread as the worst thing he'd ever had to endure. And when erik heard Master tell him that he wasn't done yet and it was obvious that Master was going to use the strap on him again, the teenager lost it.

"Oh, please, Master," he begged. "No more. Please, no more. I'll do anything you want. Anything at all. Just please don't spank me any more. My ass already hurts so much. Please, please, Master. I'll do anything you want. Just don't spank me again. Please, Master. Please."

erik knew he was blubbering but he just couldn't help himself. he knew from past experience just how much the strap hurt when Master was wielding it on his ass. he had always thought it was the worst pain he'd ever experienced - and it was, too, until Master had introduced him to the plastic paddle just minutes earlier. Now his boy-ass hurt more than it ever had and the prospect of facing a strapping on top of that was simply terrifying.

Keith looked down at the little whore pleading with Him so abjectly. And He could help but laugh. "you dumb cunt," He responded with unconcealed contempt. "Don't you understand anything? Of course you'll do anything I want. you're my fucking slave-bitch. That's what you're here for; that's all you're good for - obeying the orders of Real Men and satisfying their wants and desires. And what I want to do right now is whip the fucking shit out of that bubble-butt of yours, fag-boy. And that's precisely what I'm going to do."

And with that Keith moved behind the boy. erik had just begun to again plead with the man, "Please, Master," when the first stroke landed full on his already flaming buttocks. The boy's plea ended in a shriek as his ass just exploded in renewed agony. Shriek followed shriek as the Man brutally, relentlessly, worked over the boy's already beaten ass. erik's entire body was shaking uncontrollably as the pain just surged through it, the pain from his butt-cheeks so great that the boy was scarcely aware of the continuing waves of pain shooting from his swollen and puffy girly tits as he repeatedly rubbed them against the mattress in the throes of his agony.

Looking down at the teenager's beautiful butt which was already beginning to turn a vivid purple, Keith could feel His cock stirring in His pants. Whipping the boy's ass was just such an incredible turn-on; He had to be careful that He didn't actually shoot His load while He was strapping the boy's butt. He wanted to save that load for afterwards - after He'd given the young cuntboy a lesson in pain tolerance that he'd never forget.

Judging that the boy's ass was probably feeling as much pain as it was capable of right now - there didn't seem to be any question that every nerve ending must have been fully inflamed - Keith paused for a few minutes. As He hoped, Keith was able to see that, however slightly, the boy relaxed somewhat, thinking his ordeal was finally over. Then, with grim determination, Keith returned to applying the strap, only this time He moved up the boy's torso and began whipping the teenager's back. erik howled at the top of his lungs as a whole new area of his body began erupting in pain.

Keith kept working on erik's back muscles until they too had begun to glow a brilliant crimson. Then He moved down the teenager's body to his inner thighs. Knowing how tender and sensitive they were, Keith took particular pleasure in applying all of his strength to every stroke of the strap. And he was rewarded as squeal after squeal of pure anguish burst from the boy's lips.

erik was almost completely incoherent now, unable to even beg Master to stop torturing him, the only word that he seemed able to form in between his shrieks and screams being one long "Pleeease". But, in truth, that made no difference. Nothing erik could have said would have stopped Master from continuing the boy's vicious ass-thrashing until He had decided the boy could take no more.

By the time Keith was satisfied that erik had suffered enough, the boy's inner thighs were as red as his well-strapped back. Neither, of course, could hold a candle to the way the teenager's incredibly battered ass looked, the deep purple splotching showing the depth of the bruising that had taken place. Just looking at it, Keith was sure that the slightest pressure of His hand would be sufficient to cause the boy to scream and jerk in pain.

It was exactly the way the Man wanted the boy's ass to be when He was fucking erik. He wanted His little fuck-whore to be screeching in agony while He cored out the teenager's boycunt not only because He knew He'd get a real high from listening to the bitch sob and cry like a baby while he was being fucked but also because from his past experience with the little slut He knew that every time He slammed His groin into the battered and bruised ass, erik would reflexively tighten his fuck-chute around Keith's rampaging cock as the pain from his blazing buttocks shot through the boy's body.

Keith's Man-cock was throbbing as he quickly moved around the bed and untied the boy's wrists and ankles, noting with amusement the raw and abraded skin where the teenager had struggled against the ropes binding him to the bed. Then, grabbing an arm, He yanked erik off the bed. Unable to stand, the boy simply collapsed onto the floor.

"Get on your hands and knees, bitch," Keith roughly ordered. "And spread those fucking legs of yours far apart. It's time for you to get the cunt-fucking you deserve, you little whore."

Wordlessly, erik struggled to get up on his hands and knees, even though the slightest movement of his body sent shivers of pain coursing through it. The Man quickly stepped out of His jeans and moved behind the boy's ass. It was a varied pastiche of purple and scarlet and the heat shooting off of it made Keith feel like He'd opened the door to a sauna. He could only imagine how painful it would be for erik just to have anyone touch his burning butt. And Keith was planning on doing a lot more than simply touching it - He was planning on reaming the shit out of it.

He looked down at the boy who was still sobbing like a baby after his horrendous ass-whipping session. "Bitch," Keith told the boy, His voice almost trembling with the raging lust He was feeling, "it's going to be a lot of fun fucking your boycunt, knowing how much it's hurting you and knowing there's not a fucking thing you can do about it. This is just what a worthless cunt like you deserves, to be used like a ten-cent whore for a Real Man's pleasure. Just like this." And with that the Man, without bothering to apply any lubrication to either the crying boy's bruised ass or his own turgid dick, rammed his cock full-bore into the tight crevice nestled between the boy's burning buns. A shriek of pure agony rent the air, as the teenager's face contorted into a rictus of pain. And then the Man began fucking the little bitch with a vengeance.

It was as brutal a fuck as Keith could devise - deep-dicking the little whore over and over again, slapping the already blistered ass and causing the abused teenager to squeal like a stuck pig again and again until there was just one long high-pitched howl of pain echoing through the room. All the pain that the boy had suffered the previous night at George's house, even the pain he'd just endured while strapped to Master's bed while the Man brutalized his ass and back and thighs, seemed to pale in comparison.

erik's ass was so tender that just blowing on it would have caused the boy to cry out in pain and Keith was pounding His entire pelvic area against it with all the force the Man could muster, causing bolts of pure fire to shoot to every corner of the teenager's body. And all that was in addition to the ferocious pounding the boy's pussy was taking as Keith thrust and banged his throbbing cunt-buster deeper, ever deeper into erik's already abraded fuck-hole.

And, as if all that was enough pain to inflict on the boy, Keith reached around and began yanking and pulling on the chain connecting erik's girly tits, causing them to erupt with renewed agony. So much seemed to be hurting so badly at the same time that erik could scarcely distinguish where the pain was coming from. And the boy was sobbing so uncontrollably in his unrelieved anguish that even his lungs were beginning to hurt. But it was in the midst of all this - in the middle of all the pain he was feeling and while he was carrying on like a little girl, like a little baby - that erik suddenly realized that his boyclit, which had shriveled during the vicious ass-tanning session he'd just suffered, was now fully erect between his legs, throbbing and scattering pre-cum all over the floor.

An overwhelming sense of shame washed over the teenager. The fact that he could get hard, that his boyclit could be so completely aroused after all that he had gone through and was going through, showed what a pathetic, craven cock-whore he really was. To erik, it felt like his entire body was burning as if he'd been submerged in a bubbling lava flow, the pain just surging through him in seemingly never-ending waves, but despite that - despite everything he had suffered in the past two days - he was turned on the minute a hard Man-dick was shoved up inside his pussy. This was the greatest humiliation of them all - not that he would meekly allow another man to abuse and brutalize his lithe teenage body for the Man's own sick enjoyment, though that was bad enough, but that erik could ignore all of that abuse, ignore all of the pain, and still get so incredibly aroused the moment a Real Man began fucking him like a bitch.

With a wrenching sob, erik realized that he was a bitch; he was everything Master and George said about him. he was a disgusting, pathetic boy-slut who would let Real Men do anything they wanted to his body just so he could eventually feel their hard cocks reaming out his hungry boycunt, like Master was doing right now.

his father would be so ashamed of him if he could see erik now - on all fours like a canine bitch in heat, his legs spread wide apart, his back and ass and thighs livid with the signs of the beating he had just taken, his swollen girly tits being dragged downwards towards the floor by the weight of the chain connecting the two clamps that were painfully squeezing his poor, aching boy-nubs, while a Man his Dad's own age was brutally reaming out his teenage fuck-chute like it was some whore's slimed-up pussy and all the while his son's own cock was visibly throbbing and leaking in excitement at the treatment he was receiving.

How humiliated his Dad would be - how incredibly shamed in front of all of his friends and acquaintances, watching his son hump his boy-ass back towards the Man fucking him, trying to get the hard Man-cock even deeper into his clutching boypussy, his son's cries of pain audibly changing into squeals of pleasure as the Man fucking him plowed and pummeled his well-traveled teenage hole. his father would just die of shame if he could see erik right now.

Yet even though erik knew what a depraved spectacle he was presenting as he frantically rammed his boy-ass backwards to meet every one of Master's vicious thrusts down his cunt, the boy was unable to help himself. he was just so turned-on by the relentless battering his prostate was taking and also, though he hated to admit this even to himself, by the incredible feeling of abject humiliation coursing through him, that he knew it was just a matter of seconds before he started spraying his load on the floor. And, in fact, it took less than a minute to pass before erik heard himself screaming in release as his boyclit began pumping out load after load of boiling hot boy-scuzz all over the tile flooring underneath him.

Behind him, the boy could hear Keith laughing as, once again, the teenager spewed his seed on the floor without any manipulation of his boy-cock. There wasn't any question that erik was the most natural submissive Keith had ever trained. he was a born slave-bitch, there wasn't any question about that. And, now that the little whore had popped his load, Keith settled into the part of the fuck He most enjoyed - fucking the boy after he had got his nut. Keith knew that, once the high of his sexual release had passed, erik would not only become re-aware of the fiery pain that had been momentarily masked by his sexual excitement but he'd be forced to deal with the embarrassment the boy always felt when he realized that he had shot yet another load of his boy-jizz while being used like a bitch, while being used by Real Men the way they would use a woman.

Sure enough, it was only minutes later that Keith could tell from the change in timbre of the boy's shrieks that the full agony of his brutal ass-thrashing was reclaiming predominance in the boy's consciousness. erik had been sobbing even as he popped off his load, but now his crying once again was that of a boy in great pain, a boy suffering through a brutal anal assault. Keith settled into a long and leisurely fuck of the little whore, taking His time, trying to draw out the fuck as long as He could while the teenager writhed in pain in front of Him.

Of course, to erik the fuck felt anything but leisurely. Between the pain from his brutalized ass, his tortured girly tits, and his poor pussy that was being viciously battered by Master's rampaging Man-cock, erik was gasping and moaning in renewed agony. All he wanted was for this fuck to end, for Master to finally 'gift' him with His seed and finish with him. he wanted nothing more than for Master to cum up his teenage fuck-hole, but Master just seemed to go on and on, painfully plunging His dick all the way in and then pulling all the way out, over and over and over again.

For His part, Keith would have been happy to keep fucking erik for at least another hour, enjoying the clutching heat of the teenager's grasping fuck-chute, reveling in the obvious pain that the boy was feeling. And He would have, too, if only He hadn't made plans for later that evening. He didn't want to break those plans and He knew that He still had another lesson to teach the boy that afternoon so, after only twenty more minutes of hard fucking, Keith decided it was time for Him to get off.

He started off this final part of this anal assault on the boy by repeatedly slapping erik's still-crimson butt-cheeks, enjoying the way each slap seemed to reverberate inside the teenager's stuffed boycunt. His efforts were further rewarded by erik's high-pitched squeals of pain. Having suitably re-tenderized the boy's flaming ass, Keith then began really throwing it to the boy, battering into his boyhole with all his might, again and again, until His own growl of release filled the air and He unloaded a huge supply of Man-spunk inside the teenager were it joined and mixed with the three loads of semen George had already deposited in erik's pussy. With one last flurry of thrusts accompanied by a sigh of satisfaction, He collapsed on the boy's back.

Keith could feel erik's body struggling under the additional weight bearing down on it so He didn't rest too long on the boy's torso. Once He caught his breath, He straightened up and then roughly yanked His still-hard cock from the teenager's abused pussy, feeling gratified as a stream of fresh Man-cum followed suit before the boy was able to get his abraded cunt-lips to close up again. Even as He rose to His feet, Keith had to smile as erik, despite the obvious exhaustion he was feeling, dutifully bent his head down and began licking his cum deposits off the tile flooring. It was nice to see how his training had begun to take hold so that actions which had formerly required a direct order to the boy were now undertaken on the slut's own initiative.

Keith moved over to the bed and sat down, patiently waiting as the boy slurped up his spent boy-seed. Then, once it was obvious that erik had completed that task, Keith gruffly ordered the boy to 'resume the position.' It was with an obvious effort that erik managed to get into a kneeling position and move his hands behind his head. And it was equally obvious from the way the boy grimaced as he did so that the pain from his ferocious ass-whipping had not eased to any appreciable extent.

erik was kneeling in front of Master with his head down, trying to get himself under control. he was no longer uncontrollably sobbing like a little baby but the tears were still making their way down his cheeks. he wished he could stop crying but he hurt SO BAD. It seemed like almost every part of his body hurt. his girly tits, his back, the sensitive area between his thighs, his pussy, his ass - oh, God, how his ass hurt - were all throbbing in pain. he had thought that the previous night with George had been the most painful of his life but, in retrospect, it scarcely seemed to compare with the raw agony that continued to course through his body. The pain was so unrelenting that he almost didn't hear Master telling him to look up. But, fortunately for the boy, he did hear Master and he slowly raised his head trying hard to don a mask of stoic indifference to the pain he was feeling - and failing miserably.

Keith almost couldn't keep from laughing as He looked at his fuck-bitch. erik's pathetic attempts to hide just how much he was hurting made the Man want to drag the boy back to the bed and resume punishing his already bruised and welted boy-cheeks. 'That would be so much fun,' He thought. 'Just a couple of swats with my hand and he'd be blubbering all over again.' But time was pressing, so Keith had to forego that pleasure and instead proceeded along the line of attack He had earlier mapped out in His head.

"Well, bitch," He began, not hiding His smirk, "how does it feel now that you've finished your first lesson in pain management? Was it everything you hoped it would be?

Watching the boy struggle for an appropriate response was priceless. "It was...," erik stammered at first until he was able to get it out. "It was...harder than i thought it would be, Master. Way harder, Master," he admitted, the tears shimmering in his brown eyes.

"I bet it was, bitch. I bet it was," Keith chuckled. "But we made a good start, I think," He went on, watching His little whore closely. "In the future, after you've had more training, I won't have to hold back so much. I'll be able to really let you have it; give you the type of real whipping a slave-bitch like you will come to expect."

erik wasn't able to keep the horror he felt at hearing this last statement off his face. The boy couldn't even imagine enduring more punishment than he had just taken. That seemed literally inconceivable to the teenager. How could he possibly stand something that hurt even more than what he had just gone through? Part of him was raging, 'why, oh why, did i have to ask Master and George to increase my pain tolerance,' but another part was retorting with just as much vehemence, 'it didn't make any difference. They can do whatever they want to me. i'm a fucking slave-bitch. It was only a matter of time before they started upping the physical demands they put on me. i have to learn how to endure greater levels of pain or i'll never survive my new life.'

Keith was totally unaware of the internal argument the boy was conducting in his mind as he knelt before his Master. Keith had His own agenda to pursue and He set about doing just that. "Bitch," He began, adopting a more professorial air than He usually took with the little cunt, "I think you've made some progress today in handling pain, though you obviously have a long way to go. But we'll work on that - Me and George and other friends of mine who will be joining us in the future. But handling pain isn't the only area in which you need improvement. There are two other areas where you're still deficient and they're going to be fixed, too."

Master stood up and moved closer to the kneeling boy. "The first area is drinking piss. Even though you do it when you're ordered to, it's obvious that it's not something you enjoy. Well, that's a hang-up you're going to have to get over and you might as well start doing that right now."

With that, He moved directly in front of the boy, holding His semi-hard cock in His hand. erik opened his mouth, since it was obvious to even the young whore what was about to happen. Moments later, Master began emptying His bladder down His human urinal.

What Master had said was true. erik really disliked drinking pee, even though he'd done it many times already. But even though he disliked it, erik had gotten much better at it, knowing now how to use his tongue as a funnel and how to regulate his swallowing so that none of the Man-pee dribbled down his face onto his chest and the floor as it had those first few times he'd been used as a piss-hole for Real Men.

Today, though, Master was discharging a real torrent of pee into erik's mouth and the boy was hard put to keep up with it. It was a close thing, but in the end the teenager was able to swallow all of Master's pee without spilling any. Once Master had finished peeing, erik leaned slightly forward and cleaned off Master's cock with his mouth and tongue like any well-trained piss-bitch was expected to do, removing not only the last few drops of pee from the crown but cleaning off the boy's own anal juices from the shaft as well. By the time he finished, the taste of urine and anal slime was strong in the boy's mouth, but he was getting used to that.

Looking down at the teenager working to clean up His dirty dick, Keith had to smile. The little faggot had come a long way since he first walked through Keith's door, anxious to 'explore' his submissive tendencies. Well the time for 'exploration' was long over; now it was time to 'exploit' those proclivities and Keith intended to do just that from now on.

As he'd been trained, erik had immediately returned to the proper bitch position once he'd finished cleaning off Master's dick, casting his eyes down to the floor awaiting his next instructions. They weren't long in coming.

"Look at me, bitch," Keith ordered.

Immediately, erik raised his eyes to Master's face. The Man had returned to the bed and was sitting down again. "Drinking piss isn't your only problem, boy," He continued. "you're also one piss-poor cocksucker."

"i'm sorry, Master," erik apologized. The boy knew he wasn't a great cocksucker; both Master and George were constantly complaining about his gag reflex and the way his teeth were frequently scraping their cocks when they used his mouth as their cum-dump.

"Well, bitch," Master went on without acknowledging the boy's apology, "we're going to fix that."

"How, Master?" erik asked, wondering aloud what was now in store for him.

"The only way it can be fixed, bitch. By practice. I've already contacted a friend of mine who's an expert at training bitches like you how to suck a Real Man's cock. By the time He's finished with you, you'll deep-throat dick like a professional cocksucker, which, of course, you'll likely be someday. I've given Him your name and phone number, bitch, and He'll be contacting you sometime next week. Once training starts, He'll be using your throat at least once every day, and more frequently on weekends, until He's satisfied that you've become proficient at sucking a Man's cock."

Then, His face once again suffused with pleasure, Keith went on. "One more thing, bitch. Your cocksucking trainer is Black. You're going to learn how to deep-throat dick by having a Black cock shoved down your throat. Knowing your southern roots, I figured you'd find that particularly humiliating - sucking Black dick, day after day. And, I've got to tell you, your trainer really enjoys teaching white boys how to suck black dick, particularly southern white boys like you. He's told me He's really looking forward to training you, bitch."

erik could feel his face flushing as he absorbed this news. Somehow, he had never even considered the possibility of servicing black cock. It just hadn't occurred to him. Now, though, he realized he'd be doing just that on a daily basis and his mind reeled trying to process it all. Looking at Master, erik could see that He was really enjoying the boy's obvious consternation.

"Well, bitch," Keith said after a short pause, "now that that's settled, I was wondering whether you have to take a piss?"

erik was surprised by the question since usually he had to beg Master to let him pee when he needed to relieve himself - and often the Man would refuse him permission so that He could enjoy watching the boy struggle to keep his bladder waste from leaking out of his cock onto the floor. But, now that Master had mentioned it, erik realized he really did need to pee. After downing Master's big load of piss, he was having trouble holding it in.

"Yes, Master," he responded warily. erik knew it was certainly possible that Master had merely inquired as to the teenager's need to pee just to have the pleasure of refusing him permission.

So it was with some relief that he heard Master respond, "Good." The man moved over to a side table and picked up a glass pitcher. He handed it to the boy saying, "Here, piss into this."

It was a decent-sized pitcher but erik managed to fill it with his warm boy-pee almost to the brim. he had just shaken the last drips of urine off his boyclit when Master said, "Here, bitch. Take this." He was holding a plastic cup.

Since his right hand was holding the pitcher full of his piss, erik stuck out his left hand and took the cup from Master, unsure what he was supposed to do with it. Master explained just seconds later. "Now fill the cup up with your piss and drink it, bitch."

erik looked up at the Man, not really believing he had heard Him correctly. But he had. Seeing him hesitate, Master angrily ordered, "you heard Me, bitch. Drink it up. Drink all of it."

Slowly, erik filled the cup and then raised the cup now holding his own pee to his lips and began swallowing it. For some reason, drinking his own pee seemed much more disgusting and humiliating than drinking Master's or George's piss. But the teenager did as he was ordered; he knew he didn't have any choice. When he had emptied the cup down his throat and Master ordered him to refill it and keep drinking, the boy did that, too. And he kept drinking until the pitcher was empty and his belly was again bulging, only this time it was filled with his own recycled pee as well as Master's.

Keith looked down at his little fuck-bitch, enjoying the way the boy's belly protruded with a mixture of the boy's and His own piss surging around inside. The teenager's embarrassment was palpable. Well, he needed to get used to that, too. "Listen up, bitch," He instructed the boy. "From now on, piss is the only liquid you'll ever be consuming while you're here. It'll either be my piss, or George's piss, or your own piss, or the piss of any other guy here. Eventually, drinking piss will seem more natural than drinking water - and it will be because you'll be drinking a lot more of men's urine than you will anything else. By the time I'm finished with you, you little cunt, you'll look forward to downing a Man's full load of piss and you won't feel right unless you have a belly full of it, too."

erik just looked at Master, trying to keep the tears out of his eyes. It was so humiliating hearing Master talk this way about him, particularly since the boy had no reason to doubt that it wasn't the truth. he looked to be spending the rest of his life as a human urinal just like he'd be a permanent cum-dump for Real Men, too. And though he was totally appalled and disgusted by that prospect, he also realized that it also left him weirdly excited as well, as the full-fledged boner he had jutting out from his shaven crotch attested. erik had to believe that only a born slave-bitch would react that way.

Keith looked over at the clock and was surprised to see how late it was. Time really did fly when you were having fun. "Okay, bitch," He said, turning back to the boy. "It's time for you to go." He reached down and without the slightest warning grabbed the chain connecting the tit-clamps and yanked them off the boy's tits.

erik screeched at the top of his lungs as the clamps were brutally yanked off of his girly tits. his two nubs seemed to explode in pain and it only seemed to get worse as the blood that had been forced out of them by the pressure of the tweezers flooded back in. The teenager's entire torso was twisting and shaking in total agony and tears once again cascaded down the boy's face. It hurt SO FUCKING BAD. For a few moments, erik thought he might actually pass out from the pain.

As enjoyable as it was to see the teenager writhing around in pain, Keith didn't really have the time to waste on the boy. He needed to get going if He was going to be on time for His get-together. He reached down and roughly pulled erik to his feet. "Come on, bitch," he ordered, "get your ass in gear and get out of here. Now."

"Yes, Master," erik managed to croak out as he regained his feet, still wobbily from the incredible ass-thrashing and now the pain surging through his girly tits. he stumbled up the stairs, Master following closely behind.

Once he reached the front door, he waited submissively as he'd been trained for Master to return his clothes to him. When He did, the first thing erik did was to step into his jeans and then gingerly pull them up over his still-burning buttocks. he couldn't keep moaning in pain as the fabric rubbed against the tenderized flesh. But that pain was nothing compared to what he felt when he pulled his T-shirt on over his head and it rubbed against his inflamed girly tits. erik gasped aloud when that happened. his girly tits were so sore, SO SORE.

Keith had watched, amused, as erik put his clothes back on. "Girly tits hurt, boy?" he asked, with faux sympathy.

"Yes, Master," erik replied. "my girly tits really hurt, Master."

'Girly tits,' Keith mused for a moment. And then it hit Him. 'Girly tits would be perfect,' he thought. Aloud, He informed the boy of the decision He had just come to. "You know, bitch, I've been wondering for a while what I should call you - besides bitch, and cunt, and whore, and slut and any of those other descriptive words that fit you. Obviously, I can't call you 'erik' because that's a Real Man's name and totally unsuitable for a slave-bitch like you. But I think I've come up with an answer. 'girly tits.' That's what I'll call you: 'girly tits.' So, girly tits, what do you think about your new name? Do you like it?"

erik could feel his entire body turning bright red yet again. he couldn't imagine a more humiliating name. The boy looked up at Master, hoping that the Man was just playing with him, that He wasn't being serious. But all it took was that one look to show erik that Master was dead serious. 'girly tits' was his new name. Swallowing convulsively, erik somehow forced himself to say. "Yes, Master. It's fine, Master."

But Keith wasn't about to let the boy off that easily. "So, bitch," He pressed. "What's your name?"

erik couldn't keep the tears from leaking out of his eyes as he looked at Master and softly responded, "girly tits, Master. My new name is 'girly tits,' Master."

"That's right boy," Master chortled in triumph. "Your name is 'girly tits.'"

erik turned to go. he was just reaching out to turn the doorknob when he heard Master behind him. "One more thing, girly tits."

"Yes, Master," erik replied as he turned around to face Him, wondering what else Master had in store for him today.

"No stopping on the way home, girly tits. It will turn me on knowing you're driving the whole way home with my cum leaking out of your pussy and my piss swirling around inside your belly. No stopping. Understand, girly tits?"

"Yes, Master," erik replied, trying to keep from wincing every time he had to answer to 'girly tits.' "i won't stop on the way home."

Keith gave the boy a long, bemused look. "Fine, girly tits. Now get the fuck out of here. And don't forget to email me when you get home so I know you made it safely."

"Yes, Master," the boy dutifully agreed as he turned back around opened up the front door, and headed back home.

The trip home was a nightmare for the teenager. It took close to an hour to get home that afternoon, even though it was normally only a fifteen minute drive. But he had to walk back to George's where his pick-up truck was parked and that took over half an hour. And then, of course, there had to be an accident in front of him that delayed him for another good ten minutes.

And all the while erik had to deal with the pain of his raw and blistered butt-cheeks rubbing against his jeans to say nothing of his shirt pressing up against his inflamed and swollen girly tits. Every time that happened, erik couldn't help gasping in pain. his girly tits were just so unbelievably sore. They actually seemed to hurt more on the trip home than they had at Master's house when they were being crushed by the clamps Master had put on them.

And as if that wasn't enough, by the time erik got to George's house, he really needed to pee. For a time, while he was stuck in the traffic jam, he didn't think he'd be able to make it and was afraid he'd pee in his pants again just like he'd done before on a previous trip home from Master's house. But, fortunately, this time erik was able to hold it in. he pulled into the parking lot, ran up the stairs, opened the door and, once inside, stripped off his clothes in a flash. Then he made a bee-line for the bathroom, holding the slit of his boyclit tightly closed with his fingers, the need to piss driving out, for the moment at least, the soreness and pain from the rest of his body.

he almost tripped over Shadow as he made his way to the bathroom, but quickly regained his balance and careened through the bathroom door. Squatting down, he positioned himself on the porcelain rim and then stuck his boyclit down between his legs and let himself go. A loud sigh of relief echoed through his new apartment.

It took a long time for erik's bladder to empty but as it did, and the pressure on his groin slowly ebbed, the pain from his battered ass and his poor tortured girly tits re-asserted themselves in his consciousness and erik had to stifle a groan of discomfort. he was reviewing the events of the last 24 hours of his life when he heard a snort. he looked up to see Shadow staring at him with a woeful expression on his face.

Just from the look on Shadow's face, it was obvious that the dog needed to take a pee. That probably meant Shadow hadn't had an accident in the apartment, so erik wouldn't have to lick up his dog's piss after all - he wouldn't have to become a human urinal for his own dog as well as all the Real Men he came into contact with, not yet anyway. At least that was one degradation he had so far avoided. But erik also realized he'd have to be more careful in the future when he left Shadow at home while he went to Master's or George's for training because, if he wasn't, he'd be finding out all too soon just what dog-pee tasted like.

"You have to go, too, don't you, boy?" erik asked his dog. The answering yelp confirmed erik's suspicion. Taking his dog for a walk was pretty much the last thing erik wanted to do right now with the way his body ached but his own close encounter with peeing himself made him sympathetic to Shadow's plight. "Just give me a minute to take a quick shower and get cleaned up and we'll go for a walk. I promise," erik added seeing the impatient look the dog gave him.

erik was as good as his word. In less than five minutes, erik was toweling himself off. Normally, erik liked to take a long, relaxed hot shower after a session with Master or George but he had cut this one short so he could take Shadow for the promised walk. he was crossing the living room towards the front door when he realized that he hadn't emailed Master to let Him know that he'd arrived home safely. 'Shit,' he said to himself, as he turned towards his laptop on the coffee table in the living room.

he heard a plaintive yip and turned to see Shadow standing in front of the outside door, watching him questioningly. "I'll be right with you, Shadow," he explained. "I promise. But I have to take care of this first."

erik sat down on the floor and waited while his computer booted and then went to his email. "Oh, fuck," he exclaimed when he saw that Master had already sent him an email. he opened it and saw that it was a short message: "bitch. Why the fuck haven't I heard from you? I told you to go straight home."

Shaking his head, erik quickly typed out a response: "Sorry, Master. i did come straight home, but i had to go over to George's house to get my pick-up and then the traffic was really bad. i just got home a few minutes ago. bitch."

he looked it over and was about to hit the send button when he stopped. he read it again. And then, feeling his entire body flushing in embarrassment, he backspaced over 'bitch' and forced his fingers to type 'girly tits.' As he hit send, an audible sob escaped his throat, but at least he managed to keep from crying.

erik tried to regain his composure as he walked up to the front door where Shadow had been waiting impatiently. erik quickly stepped back into his clothes and couldn't help thinking that was one way in which being a slave-bitch had simplified his life. Since the only place he now wore clothing for any length of time was at work, the amount of laundry he had to do had definitely diminished.

he reached over for the leash and bent down to clip it on Shadow's collar. As he did so, the dog, finally convinced that he was going to be taken for a walk, gave erik a happy slurp with his tongue across the boy's face. 'You know,' erik thought as he opened the door and let the dog out, 'if Dad was right about not castrating your male dogs if you want them to be your friends, it's a good thing we didn't have Shadow fixed. Because, right now, Shadow's about the only friend I have left.' A quick yank on the leash alerted erik to the fact that Shadow had taken off down the steps, anxious to take care of his own business. erik hurried down the steps to help his 'friend' do just that. After all, if Shadow was his only friend, erik would have to do everything he could to keep him happy.

Next: Chapter 5

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