The Night Erik

By Rafi Daud

Published on Dec 12, 2015


This story is either the true story of a nineteen-year-old boy named erik who is being trained to be a total cock whore or a figment of the author's imagination or it could be a mixture of both. It's up to the reader to decide for himself which it is. All I will say is that whether true or fictional, the author is not erik, Master, or George. He is simply the author. This is also copyrighted material. So while you're welcome to make a personal copy for yourself, any other reproduction or reposting is not allowed without the prior written consent of the author.

Any comments or criticisms should be directed to Rafi at While suggestions are welcomed, the appearance of future chapters will be dependent on erik's willingness to continue to share his on-going experience or on the author's ability to conjure up future plot developments

One last thing. While Nifty provides its services free of charge to both budding authors and readers, it is not free of costs. Please consider donating at

THE NIGHT erik.....

Chapter 3

.....BEGAN his GIRLY TITS, pt. 1

erik was pretty much nervous for the entire week after his Friday night session with George, and he was sore for a good portion of it, too, particularly his pussy. he'd had a number of sessions with Master and George during his earlier training in which his pussy had seen a lot more action. One night, he remembered, Master had fucked him three times and George had banged him twice. But even though he took five loads of hot Man-seed up his fuck-chute that night, erik's cunt hadn't been nearly as sore as the previous Friday night session with just George had left it.

George had really done a number on his boy-twat and it wasn't until Monday morning that erik's pussy-lips finally managed to close up and even then they were still swollen and tender to the touch. And taking a dump on Monday morning, the first time he experienced a bowel movement since George had so brutally fucked him, hurt so badly that erik had to grab a towel and stuff it in his mouth to keep from screaming in pain.

One of the reasons erik was so nervous was that he had not only told both Master and George that he wanted to return to training and to begin servicing more Real Men, but he had also mentioned that he wanted them to work on increasing his pain tolerance. Right now, he knew that it was pretty low; he cried way too easily and too quickly. he knew that as a slave-bitch he could expect to endure frequent physical abuse for the sexual gratification of Real Men and while, as a lowly faggot slut, the Real Men abusing him would not be surprised that he eventually cried - and many would actually enjoy seeing him sobbing and weeping like a little girl while they molested and abused him - they would also expect that it would take a significant amount of pain to reduce him to tears. erik realized that, without adequate training, he would never be able to fulfill those expectations and that this would reflect poorly on Master.

Having actually asked Master and George to increase his pain tolerance, erik knew that it was almost a certainty that his future sessions would be far more painful than the ones he had already experienced - and most of those had been sufficient to leave him crying and carrying on like a little boy getting his tushie spanked hard for the first time. he hoped that they would go slowly with him, making allowances for his obvious inability to handle pain, but he realized that the two of them, being Real Men, would be in total control and it was up to each of them to decide just how much pain they wanted to mete out to their pussyboy slut. erik was just going to have to take whatever they wanted to give him and pray to God that he was able to handle it.

The two Men were obviously coordinating their respective sessions with the boy. erik was told to report to George's house at 6:00 p.m. on Friday night and then to Master's house on Saturday, though the time he was to be there hadn't yet been specified. erik was pretty sure that these back-to-back sessions were going to leave him really sore, but he was beginning to get used to that. Master had already warned him that once he was fully trained erik could expect to 'wake up sore and aching all over every morning for the rest of your pathetic life.'

The way Master laughed when He told erik that had sent a chill down the boy's spine but it had also caused the teenager's boyclit to visibly dance as it jutted out from his smooth crotch. Master noticed the boy's reaction and just shook his head with amused contempt. erik really was the most completely submissive boy-slut He had ever trained. he was a born slave-bitch and a lot of the degradation that most boys had to be forced to accept he just naturally embraced as his proper state.

erik had tried to mentally prepare himself for this session with George, telling himself over and over again that although he was naturally a slave-bitch - that much seemed already clear from his training - he still needed to avoid acting like a little boy, or what was worse, a little girl, just because Real Men were inflicting pain on him. he needed to accept the pain being inflicted upon him the way Master told him a well-trained slave-bitch should - not merely stoically but willingly, because this was what his Master wanted; and, when the pain finally got too much and the boy could no longer keep from crying, to do so with some modicum of self-respect and not like a little baby. "Because, bitch," Master had warned him, "if you start carrying on like a little baby while I'm working on your slut body, I'm going to make sure to give you something to really cry about and it will make the pain you'd thought was so terrible seem like a child's game of patty-cake." Since Master never threatened anything that He wasn't willing to carry out, erik knew this was a promise he could take to the bank, though actually cashing it would probably result in a level of pain the teenager had never before even imagined suffering.

When erik arrived at George's house that Friday night he was determined to meet the expectations that George and Master had for him. he knew that at some point in the evening he would doubtless be crying in pain - that seemed inevitable - but the boy was going to do his utmost to give into the pain only after he had made a respectable showing that he wasn't a baby, he wasn't a little girl. he was going to do his best to comport himself as Master said a slave-bitch ought to.

George's door had been left unlocked again, so erik let himself him. he quickly stripped, folded up his clothes and left them on a chair in the living room, and then assumed the proper bitch position in the center of the room - on his knees, which were spread as far apart as he could manage, his hands behind his head, his eyes cast down to the floor, submissively awaiting whatever use George desired to make of him.

Unlike the previous Friday, when George had made the boy wait a significant amount of time before making His entrance, the Man came into the room just moments after the boy had assumed the position. He took a quick walk around the kneeling teenager and then merely said, "you're looking good, bitch; good enough to fuck. So why don't you get your faggot ass into the kitchen so that I can give you the pounding a slut-boy like you deserves."

"Yes, sir," erik replied, scrambling to his feet.

"Who the fuck told you that you could stand up, bitch?" George screamed at him. "Get back on your knees, you stupid cunt. In my house, a cuntboy like you crawls wherever he needs to go, on his hands and knees, like the lowlife bitch he is. Do you understand that, faggot?" he asked, while administering a stinging slap to erik's right butt-cheek.

"Yes, sir. Sorry, sir," the teenage boy meekly replied, having immediately dropped back to the floor when he heard George's angry tirade. his ass stung from the force of the Man's hand, but the boy figured that was merely a harbinger of the type of abuse he'd probably be taking as long as this session lasted. Unfortunately, that was one thing the boy had no idea about. he had asked George how long he'd be at the Man's house when George first texted him and told him to report on Friday night. The Man had scornfully replied that erik would stay there as long as George wanted him to and that was all that any 'fucking cum-dump' needed to know.

erik hoped he wouldn't be staying the entire night. George was really rough on him even when He was in a good mood and the Man seemed to be in an exceptionally foul mood already. Even though the boy could never actually remember Master intervening to protect him, he still felt more comfortable servicing George when Master was around. George might not be in the greatest physical shape but He was still a lot bigger that erik and the boy knew that he'd be unable to prevent the Man from doing anything He wanted to do to the teenager. Part of erik accepted the fact that the Man actually had the right to do anything He wanted to do to him but that didn't keep erik from being really scared of George - and worried about what was in store for him during this session with the Man.

Crawling on his hands and knees, as he'd been ordered, erik made his way into the kitchen. Even without George's declaration, erik would have been pretty sure what was coming. The kitchen was where George preferred to fuck the teenager since that way the boy-jizz that erik inevitably shot off wouldn't stain the carpets which pretty much ran throughout the rest of the house. And erik did have to admit that it was a lot easier slurping up his spent boy-seed from the kitchen's tile floor than it would be from the carpet in the living room.

Sure enough, erik scarcely had time to get into the proper position to get fucked - legs way apart, lower back arched up - before he could hear George dropping his pants and moving close behind him. The previous Friday, George had lubed erik up with cooking oil but this time the Man didn't bother with any lube. He just spit once on the head of His cock and then proceeded to bury it, balls-deep, into the teenager's tight little pussy. Despite all his mental preparation ahead of time, erik shrieked as his boycunt was roughly invaded by the Man's thick 7-inch boner.

erik had douched himself, as he always did when he had a session scheduled with either Master or George, right before he left the house so his cunt-chute was clean. But, as was usually the case, the douching had somewhat tenderized his pussyhole. Normally, since both Men usually liked to play around with the boy before they fucked him, his boy-twat had a chance to recover somewhat before the Men used it. Tonight, though, since George had decided to plow the teenager's cunt at the very beginning of the session, erik's hole was still suffering from its post-douching soreness so George's rough, unlubricated, penetration was particularly painful. When the Man pulled all the way out and then immediately thrust back in again, erik couldn't keep from letting another high-pitched shriek escape his lips.

"That's it bitch," George laughed behind him, "scream all you want. you know how it turns me on to hear you yelling like a little girl, like a little bitch, as a Real Man cores out your pussy. But I have to give you this, cuntboy; you do have one incredibly tight little boy-twat. It feels real good around my Man-meat. Real good. So what I want you to do now, you little whore," He continued, taking the opportunity to smash both of His hands onto the teenager's quivering buttocks, "is squeeze that pussy tight around My big cock. Make your Man feel good while He's fucking the hell out of your slimy faggot cunt." George delivered an additional series of hard slaps to the boy's quickly- reddening butt as erik tried to tighten his already ravaged hole, even though doing that made him wince at the barbs of pain that seemed to spread throughout his entire body.

Still laughing at the pathetic cuntboy in front of Him, George launched a ferocious assault on the teenager's hot little pussy. He had been really horny the whole week just thinking of the boy's tight little cunt and now that he was wedged inside of it, pounding away at it with abandon, he was in seventh heaven. Having a teenage fuck-boy like erik at His beck and call was so much hotter that He'd ever imagined it would be. The boy's hole was just made for fucking. If erik's father had even an inkling of what a hot little piece of ass he had walking around the house, he'd never let the boy out the front door. Fuck, no. He'd keep the little pussy tied spread-out on a bed where he could use the boy's hole whenever he got the urge. He'd never let this cum-dump who he had raised as his son out of his sight. Not with a hole like the one the little whore had between his legs, he wouldn't. He'd keep the little bitch naked and restrained, ready to be used night or day whenever he wanted a hot piece of boypussy.

And that's exactly what George would do with the teenage cuntboy right now if only He could. Of course, it would be kind of hard to explain to his wife what their good friend's naked son was doing in the guest bedroom spread-eagled on the bed, his wrists and ankles tied off to the corner posts, his beautiful little bubble-butt on full display with a steady trickle of Man-scuzz leaking out of his swollen and obviously freshly-abused cunt-lips. That would be definitely be difficult to explain, no matter how hard George tried.

But, if things worked the way He and Keith, the boy's Master, were pretty sure they would, it'd only be a couple of months before the boy was permanently ensconced in Master's playroom where, Keith had assured George, he would always be available for George to use however He wanted, whenever He wanted - unless, of course, Keith was already using the little whore, though He had told George even then He'd be willing to share the boy. After all, Keith had said, that's what Men do when they find a good piece of pussy - they share it with their friends, all their friends. And Keith had lots of friends. erik's cunt wasn't going to get much rest once he settled in with his Master, that was for sure.

The downside, however, was that with all the use the boy's fuck-hole was going to see in the future, there was no way it was going to stay as tight as it was now. Which was too bad, because right now it was as tight as a fucking vise around George's cock. George couldn't remember his wife's pussy ever being this tight. George would have liked to prolong this first fuck, particularly since it was clear from the way the boy was carrying on that he was in a lot of pain, but the teenager's grasping fuck-channel was squeezing the Man's cock so hard that George knew He'd be shooting off any minute. So He just decided to go with it. He began plunging into the pussyboy's hole with an unrestrained fury, literally forcing the teenager to slide all across the kitchen floor.

He reached under the boy and, sure enough, the slut's boyclit was throbbing and leaking pre-cum. He started stroking the boy off - even though he probably didn't need it. The little whore had an amazing ability to cum without any manipulation when he was getting his cunt reamed out, so he'd probably shoot his teenage scuzz all over the floor regardless of whether or not George worked his cocklette. But George actually enjoyed stroking erik off while He was fucking him. It served to remind the Man that, regardless of the screams and squeals emanating from the bitch's mouth that sounded so girlish, it was actually a studly-looking teenage boy, a boy who'd played football and soccer on his high school teams, who He was fucking and making into His total cock-whore. That made the whole scene so much hotter for the Man.

As usual, it didn't take long for George to bring the boy off. The little cuntboy just couldn't help himself. With a loud moan and a shudder that wracked his entire body, erik began spewing his hot, creamy white boy-seed all over the floor.

Normally, George enjoyed continuing to fuck the boy a long time after the little bitch shot his load of boy-scuzz - He knew that once the teenager got his nut it was harder for him to handle the relentless battering of his stretched-out boycunt and hearing the boy groan and whimper and even cry as the Man continued to ream out his tender hole really turned George on. But George was too horny to wait right then. Almost simultaneously with erik's orgasm, George reached His own and began pumping His thick Man-crud up the teenager's stuffed fuck-channel, the Man's shouts of ecstasy being accompanied by erik's squeals of pain as his pussy absorbed a final flurry of frenzied thrusts up his battered cunt-hole.

George collapsed on the teenager's sweaty back as his lungs gasped for oxygen. There was something about fucking the teenager's hot little boycunt that made the Man push His own limits when He was banging the boy. He fucked erik like He was still a strapping twenty-year-old in the prime of His vigor and youth, but the reality, of course, was that those years were now long gone and it always took George a while to recover from His exertions after He'd fucked the boy. Given the full evening He had planned for erik, George was sure to be exhausted by the time He called it quits. But, then again, He always was when the little bitch spent the entire night with Him.

But George knew it was worth it. Fucking a young teenage stud, at the cusp of manhood, at the height of his adolescent attractiveness, was such an unbelievable turn-on. Just rubbing His hands up and down the teenager's silky skin was a real treat but that was nothing compared to the thrill George got when He pulled the boy down on His lap and slapped and swatted the teenager's beautiful butt over and over again until it went from a milky-white to a glowing crimson, all the while watching as the boy progressed from shudders and groans and whimpers to shrieks and squeals and pleas for the Man to stop, carrying on like a little girl crying her eyes out. Doing that to the teenager, turning a masculine stud-boy into a weepy little bitch, always gave the Man an incredible high - and a rigid boner, too.

But, even that thrill was nothing like the pleasure George got from coring out the teenager's hot little boy-twat, fucking him like a sleazy bitch and then leaving behind a huge deposit of His steaming sperm inside the boy's ravaged hole. He and Keith had taken a nineteen-year-old boy, born with an asshole between his legs, a hole Nature had designed to allow him to discharge bodily wastes, and in a few short months had turned it into a cunt - a pussy that opened wide when Men took their hard cocks and jammed them inside and made deposit after deposit of slimy Man-seed in the boy's hole, breeding him relentlessly like a dog breeds his bitch. They had taken erik's ass and made it into a cum-dump for Real Men and they'd done the same thing with his mouth, too. They had turned the boy into a two-legged male bitch and the boy had let them, just as he'd let them turn him into a human urinal, allowing his mouth to become a piss-hole for Men to use when they needed to empty their bladders.

And erik had let them do all that to him because the boy knew, inside that innermost core of his being, that that was what he was. he was a bitch, he was a cum-dump, he was a urinal. he was anything a Real Man wanted to make of him. he would do anything a Real Man wanted him to do. he was a slave-bitch and that's what slave-bitches did - they served as bitches for Real Men.

George had led an active sex life when He was younger. But there was simply no experience before now that gave Him anywhere near the sexual jolt He felt when He was fucking erik, fucking one of his best friend's teenage son, turning the teenager into his personal cum-dump, his own private urinal. Fucking erik was the hottest thing He'd ever done and, the way things were going, He was going to be doing it on a regular basis from now on. If that left Him exhausted, it was a small price to pay for the sheer physical pleasure of reaming out the teenager's hot little fuck-hole. Besides, George knew He wasn't the only one who was going to be exhausted after a long night of sexual gymnastics - little erik would be just as tired as George by tomorrow morning when George brought him over to Master's house for his second day of sexual use and abuse.

Of course, erik was going to be more than just tired. The little whore would be hurting, too. he'd be hurting a lot. George was going to see to that. The stupid cunt had actually had the temerity to ask them to increase his pain tolerance. Well, that was one request both of them had decided to honor. They were going to teach the little whore the truth of that old maxim - be careful what you ask for because you might get it. erik had told them that he wanted training in handling pain - he was going to get that in spades.

When His breathing finally regularized as He rested His weight on the teenage boy's sweaty back, George figured it was time for that to begin. It was time to start erik's lessons in how to handle pain. He knew He was really going to enjoy this part of the evening's activities, even though he was just as certain that erik wouldn't.

George straightened up and then roughly yanked his cock from the boy's hot and now leaking hole. He placed a hand on the boy's lower back and used it to lever Himself onto His feet. The teenager's body sagged a little at first, but then recovered and held firm. The moment he could feel the Man remove His hand, erik crouched down and began licking his scuzz off the kitchen floor. he didn't have to be told to do it - he knew now that every time he shot a load, he licked it up. That was now a fundamental rule of his existence. A bitch cums; a bitch cleans up his mess with his tongue.

George couldn't help shaking his head in wry amusement as He watched the boy scurry around, his face inches from the tile flooring, his tongued darting out here and there as he slurped up every last drop of his own ball-juice. Keith was right. The boy was a natural slave-bitch. Hell, he'd even lick out the inside of a commode if he was told to. A thought blossomed in the Man's brain and His grin became a full-fledged smile. George hated cleaning the toilet but that was one job His wife insisted He perform. But there was no need for Him to do it anymore - not when He had a willing slave-bitch around who could perform the same task and without using any expensive cleaning supplies either. erik's tongue would do just fine. George would have to remember that tomorrow morning before He brought the boy over to his Master's house. Right now, though, George had other things planned for the little cuntboy.

He waited until the boy got back on all fours before He gave erik his next instructions. There was no need to check the boy's work; the bitch had learned early on what would happen to him if he missed a single dollop of his boy-sperm. George knew His kitchen floor would be spotless now that the boy had returned to his full, up- right fucking position. "Okay, bitch," the Man gruffly ordered, "get your faggot ass into the living room."

"Yes, sir," erik immediately replied turning around and crawling on his hands and knees towards the living room. he hadn't bothered to make any effort to get back up on his feet. George had made it clear that, from now on, he expected the boy to crawl anyplace he was going in the Man's house. And, as he continued to crawl towards the living room, erik began to wiggle his ass back and forth, remembering that the Man had ordered him to do that last week when he was there. It was way embarrassing for the boy to be swishing his ass back and forth like a bitch in heat, but part of him realized there was an elemental truth at work here - he was a bitch and he was almost always in heat. As much as it hurt, he loved the feeling of a Real Man's cock working away inside his pussy and things had reached a point where merely thinking about it was enough to make the teenager all hot and horny. he really was a slave-bitch - there was no getting around that.

Once he arrived in the living room, erik immediately assumed the proper position. George moved over to the sofa and settled down. erik didn't know what to expect and, as always, this made him apprehensive, but he tried not to show it too much. he could feel George looking at him but, like a well-trained bitch, he knew better than to look up. he kept his eyes fastened firmly on the floor until he was spoken to.

"Stand up, bitch," George suddenly ordered.

"Yes, Sir," erik immediately replied, getting to his feet.

"I want you on my lap, bitch," George directed.

"Yes, Sir," erik replied, swallowing hard. he wasn't surprised he was going to be spanked. George definitely enjoyed spanking him. Not as much as Master, maybe. Master simply loved spanking erik's firm teenage bubble-butt and erik had never had a single session with Master where he didn't get his ass spanked. But there was no question that George enjoyed it, too. And, though he'd never tell Master this, George actually spanked him harder than Master did.

But, even as erik moved to spread himself face down on George's lap, the Man corrected him. "No, bitch," He told him, not bothering to hide His amusement. "I don't want to spank you - at least not right now. Now I want to play with your tits. So I want you sitting on my lap, like a good little boy having a nice talk with his father."

Gingerly, afraid of making some mistake, erik lowered his body onto George's lap until his ass was firmly nestled on the Man's thighs and erik could feel the Man's bristly pubic hairs rubbing against his skin. George reached down and gathered erik's boyclit and boy-balls in His hand. Even though he had just shot a good-sized load of boy-scuzz in the kitchen, the teenager's dick had already re-hardened.

George didn't say anything for a few minutes. Instead, He continued to fondle the boy, playing with the teenager's junk like they were toys, squeezing the balls until erik moaned, stroking his boyclit until he was squirming on George's lap, chuckling as He felt erik's cocklette throb and jerk and begin to leak dollops of pre-cum from the flaring crown's piss-slit. George knew that all teenage boys were incredibly horny and easy to arouse, but this little whore seemed to be in a class all by himself. he seemed to be hard all the time, no matter what you were doing to him.

Needless to say, the boy made no effort to protect himself. he kept both hands behind his head as he'd been trained. he knew that his body was essentially public property, always to be available for Real Men to use and abuse however they were inclined. If George wanted to play with his body and feel him up the way erik used to do with his girlfriends, that was George's right. It was pretty embarrassing just sitting there and letting George play with him like he was some chick but at least there wasn't anyone else there watching Him do it. erik was grateful just for that.

After a while, George let go of the teenager's boycock and began stroking erik's hairless groin. Keith was definitely right in insisting the boy keep his body totally hairless. The teenager's skin was flawless and so smooth to the touch that it really did feel like silk when you ran your hand over it. And erik, total slut that he was, couldn't help squirming in renewed heat as George's hand ran all over his groin and then slowly began to work its way, past his well-defined abs, up to his nicely developed chest. And then slowly, deliberately, George took the boy's right tit in his fingers and squeezed. Hard.

Immediately, the boy jerked on his lap and let out a muffled shriek. "Are your tits sensitive, bitch?" George asked with mock concern.

"Yes, Sir. They are," erik replied, trying hard not to squirm as the Man maintained His grip on the boy's aching nub. his tits had always been real sensitive. And also seemed directly connected to his cock. erik had discovered very early as a young adolescent that all he had to do was squeeze his nipples a couple of times and his cock would get hard as a board. And erik had also discovered that squeezing his nipples while he was jerking his hard boy-cock was a perfect way to precipitate an orgasm. But erik had always manipulated them gently - just teasing them enough to get them hard and aroused. George was pinching his right nipple way harder than erik had ever worked it himself. And it hurt. It really hurt.

Just looking at the boy's face, it was obvious to George that he was in pain. 'Fuck,' the Man thought. 'I'm not really pinching that hard and it already hurts him. This is going to be a lot of fun.' Aloud, He inquired with the same faux tone of concern, "Am I hurting you, bitch?"

erik wasn't sure how to answer this question. he knew he was always supposed to tell Real Men the truth, but he had already discovered that, sometimes when he did, he got into trouble for being honest - as much as he would have had he been caught lying. So he equivocated. he answered, "A little, Sir. Not that much, Sir," when in truth his tit really hurt a lot.

George was amused by the boy's obvious lie. Just looking at the way his eyes had squinched up, it was obvious the teenager felt a lot of pain, but he was clearly trying to hide how much pinching his right tit hurt him. 'Damn,' the Man thought. 'This is definitely going to be fun.' Aloud, George began along the line of attack He and Keith had already agreed upon.

"you know, boy," the Man began conversationally, still holding on tightly to the boy's right nipple, "you have a real fine bitch's body right now. Hairless and smooth. Nicely, but not overly, developed. A serviceable pair of boy-balls and a nice boyclit - not that you'll ever have much future practical use for that, but it is at least aesthetically pleasing to see it jutting out from your shaven crotch, showing how excited you are to be of service to Real Men. The only really disappointing parts of your body are your tits, boy. We need to do something about them."

erik looked at George's face which was literally just inches from his own. While the Man's voice seemed to exude concern, there was also a noticeable undercurrent of eagerness and that unsettled the boy. he had already learned that whenever either George or Master displayed an anxious anticipation there was something coming that erik would almost certainly not enjoy. "What do you mean, Sir?" he asked warily.

"Well, just look at your tits, boy," George replied, finally removing His fingers from the boy's right nub. "you see how flat they lie against your chest, don't you?"

"Yes, Sir," erik agreed, not understanding where this conversation was going. his tits did lie flat against his chest, though erik couldn't help but notice that the right one, which George had been molesting, seemed slightly larger - and definitely redder.

"Well that's all wrong, boy," George explained with force. "That's all wrong. Real Men like their bitches to have nice, big juicy tits. Tits that stand out from their bitches' chests. Tits they can easily grab onto and squeeze. Tits they can bite into and milk. Tits that are sensitive to the touch. Nice big girly tits. Not little boy tits, like you have now. you'd look so much better with a pair of nice big girly tits on your chest. Don't you think so, boy? Don't you agree?"

erik had no idea what to say. his tits were small, that was true, and they did lay pretty flat on his chest. But he had never thought much about that. All of his friends had had pretty much the same type of tits - though of course they had never discussed them and, even if they had, they would never had referred to them as 'tits.' That was a term for girls - and, as erik had recently learned, for bitches like him. erik now knew he had 'tits' on his chest, though he wasn't sure he wanted 'girly tits' the way George described them. But he had also learned that what he wanted really didn't count for squat - if Real Men thought he should have 'girly tits' on his chest, he should have 'girly tits' on his chest. So he answered, "If you think so, Sir. Yes, Sir."

But, having answered George's question the way he thought the Man wanted him to, he was disconcerted to see that George was still staring at him as if He expected some further response. Clueless as to the type of response that was expected of him, erik simply said what he was actually thinking. "But these are the tits i was born with, Sir, and i don't know how i would go about turning them into 'girly tits.'"

From the way George's face lit up with a broad grin, erik assumed that he had provided the right answer. And, sure enough, when the Man replied to him, He began by congratulating the boy on his response. "That was a very good answer, bitch. I'm glad to hear that you'd like to have a pair of girly tits. Because you see, boy, it's not that difficult to turn a pair of small, flat boy-tits into big juicy girly tits and I know just how to do it. All you need to do is work on them like this for an hour or two every day." And with that He brought his hand back up to erik's right tit and squeezed down with all his might. Despite all the promises erik had made to himself during the week, he couldn't help squealing in agony as his tender boy-tit was crushed between the Man's two fingers.

But George didn't let up. Instead, He took His left arm which was wrapped around the boy's back, holding him steady on the Man's lap, and brought it around to the teenager's chest. A moment later George's left hand was squeezing erik's left tit with the same force being applied to the boy's already inflamed right tit, eliciting a high-pitched screech of pain from the teenager.

To erik, it felt as if an open flame was being waved across his two tits. he couldn't believe how much they hurt. erik hadn't realized that anything could hurt that much. But before he could even beg George to stop, to stop squeezing his tits so painfully, the Man forestalled him.

"I know this is painful boy. I know this is hurting you. But remember, you asked us to increase your pain tolerance and this is an excellent way to do it. It's like getting two for one. Not only do you get to work on handling pain the way a bitch should be able to, but you're getting your tits worked on so that they'll become nice big juicy girly tits - which is what you want. Isn't it, boy?"

Through tear-filled eyes, erik looked at the Man, finally understanding what was going on. he knew he was trapped. he knew he'd been played and maneuvered into asking for 'girly tits.' But he also knew that it made no difference. If George and Master had decided to give him 'girly tits' and torture his boy-tits to do it, they would do just that, regardless of how erik felt about it. he was their fucking slave-bitch and they could do anything they wanted to do to him. Any resistance on his part really was futile. So erik told the Man what he wanted to hear. "Yes, Sir," he softly agreed through clenched teeth. "That's what I want - a pair of girly tits."

George was grinning at him like a Cheshire cat. "And that's what we're going to give you, boy. It'll take some time and it'll probably cause you a lot of pain, but in the end you'll have a pair of girly tits that will jut out from your chest and show through any shirt you wear so that, even if you're clothed, any Real Man who sees you will be able to tell at a glance that you're a boy who has a woman's cooch between his legs." George couldn't help but laugh aloud as he watched the boy's entire body flush scarlet in a mixture of embarrassment and pain.

"you'd like that bitch, wouldn't you?" George continued on, goading the boy, "walking around with a pair of big girly tits showing through your shirt, letting Real Men everywhere know you're just a horny faggot bitch eager to be of service to them. And then, when you stripped down so they could use your slut body, your big girly tits would be standing out from chest, just screaming to be squeezed and pinched like I'm doing to them now. you'd like that, cuntboy, wouldn't you?"

"Yes, Sir," erik managed to squeak out, the tears now flowing freely down his face, his entire body seeming to vibrate as wave after wave of pain coursed outward from his already inflamed nipples.

"I just knew you would, boy," George chuckled. "I just knew you would." With that he gave both nipples a vicious twist as the teenager squealed in pain. "Well, we need to get you started on your girly tits right away. But don't worry. I'll do all the work. you just sit on my lap and relax, bitch." Then, His face alight with the pleasure He was feeling, the Man started to really go to work on the boy's tits.

It was probably the most agonizing hour of erik's entire life up until then. George was relentless. He pinched, squeezed, twisted, and pulled the boy's tender tits over and over and over again, pausing every so often only long enough for the blood to return to the tortured nubs before returning to the assault. And, occasionally, George would lean forward and take one of the boy's tits in his mouth and then bite down on it, as the teenager howled in pain. That was the worst - when the Man bit into the boy's tender tits. Nothing had ever hurt as much as that.

But even when George wasn't biting down on his nubs, the boy was in agony. erik squirmed continuously on the Man's lap, moaning and even squealing as his teenage tits were brutally and mercilessly molested, the tears just flowing down his face onto his chest, occasional sobs racking his body, his hands clasped behind his head just shaking as the pain mounted and mounted until it felt like his tits were being crushed inside two pairs of needle-nose pliers.

Every so often, he would beg George to stop, plead with Him that it was just too painful, but George simply told him that he had to stop acting like a baby. After all, He reminded the boy, he was the one who said he wanted girly tits and so he should be willing to do what it took to develop them.

Hearing the Man excusing His actions by blaming them on erik's desire to have a pair of girly tits just increased the boy's sense of frustration and helplessness. he hadn't wanted a pair of girly tits; that was what Master and George wanted him to have. But he'd been forced to ask for them because he knew he had no choice. Now, when he complained how much it hurt to have George viciously pinching and manipulating his poor tits, he was told it was his own fault because he wanted girly tits and erik just had to sit there and act like that was true.

erik knew that being used and abused like George was doing now was part and parcel of his future life as a slave-bitch; he knew this was what he had to look forward to for the rest of his life and that he really didn't have any choice - he was a born slave-bitch. Master had always told him that and, over time, erik had come to realize that it was true.

But there were times, like right now, when he couldn't help wishing that maybe he hadn't been born that way. Life as a slave-bitch was so painful and so degrading most of the time. Life would have been so much easier if only he'd been born a Real Man, like Master and George. But what choice did he have, he asked himself even as he squealed in anguish after a particularly nasty bite on his left tit, what choice did he have? This was what he was. This was what he would always be. A slave-bitch whose purpose in life was to sexually service Real Men. Like he was doing now. Like he'd be doing for the rest of his life.

And if it was painful and degrading, like it was now, well that was just something he had to learn to handle. erik knew that. That was why he had asked both Master and George to work on his pain tolerance levels. he knew that enduring pain was something he had to get used to. But knowing that didn't make suffering through it any easier for the boy and the pain shooting through his body from his brutalized tits really did seem too much to bear. his poor tits just hurt so much. So much.

For his part, George was having a great time working on the bitch's tits. They were probably the most sensitive part of the little slut's body and watching the teenage whore squirm and writhe as the Man twisted and pulled on them was really hot. Though not as hot as seeing the boy cry and hearing his pathetic begging, pleading with George to stop. That was super-hot and, even though He'd dropped a huge load of Man-slime up the bitch's pussy just an hour earlier, George's cock was hard as a rail between his legs. He was more than ready to fuck this little whore again.

Glancing down at the boy's crotch, George was surprised to see that, for once, the teenager's little boyclit wasn't sticking straight into the air. It wasn't completely flaccid - the boy's little bone was clearly plumped up - but it definitely wasn't in its normal state, throbbing and arching straight up towards the ceiling. So, the little cunt wasn't a pain-pig after all. He and the Keith had speculated about that because of the way erik frequently shot off while he was being spanked. That had been something the teenager had done the very first time he was spanked, without any manipulation of his boyclit at all. From that point on, Keith had wondered whether He had not only a natural born slave-bitch but a pain-pig as well on his hands.

Apparently not, judging from the teenager's reaction to having his tits tortured. Well, so much the better, as far as George was concerned. It was much more pleasurable torturing the boy's tits knowing he really wasn't enjoying it than it would have been if the little whore was actually getting off on it. Of course that meant there must be something else involved that would explain why the boy was always so sexually excited when he was being spanked.

Thinking about it, George figured that it most likely had something to do with the little bitch's upbringing. George knew that erik's father had never hesitated to physically discipline the boy as he was growing up. The bitch's dad used to brag about how he gave all of his sons a spanking whenever they got out of line, making them bend over and hold their ankles while he swatted their naked asses. Given a boy with as strong a natural bent towards subservience as erik displayed, it probably wasn't surprising that the young boy found getting a spanking like that to be sexually charged.

Thinking about that possibility made George actually laugh. erik's old man had thought he was toughening up his son and teaching him how to behave like a Man when all he was really doing was feeding his boy's natural proclivities to submit to more dominant males. He had actually helped to turn his son into the bitch he was now destined to be - the bitch George was fucking on a regular basis, using the boy's tight little hole as His cum-dump and his young teenage mouth as His urinal. He promised Himself to make it a point to congratulate erik's dad on how well he had raised his son the next time He saw him. And He'd make sure the little bitch was in the room when He did it - the irony wouldn't be lost on the piss-drinking faggot and, knowing how easily erik was embarrassed, the boy was sure to turn beet red. And his father would just stand there, clueless as ever as to what was really going on.

George was still laughing when He happened to glance over to His clock. He was surprised to see that He'd been working on the bitch's tits for well over an hour. Time did really fly when you were having fun. He wasn't finished working the teenager's nubs for the night, but the Man realized He probably should give the boy a break. Besides, He was getting thirsty after all the hard work He'd expended on torturing the boy's nips. So, He gave the boy's tits one last vicious twist and, after being rewarded with a loud sob from the boy, simply let go. Looking at His handiwork, George felt that He'd made a really good start. Both tits were vividly inflamed and looked to be twice if not three times the size they had been before George had started working on them.

"So, bitch," the Man told the teenager. "I think we made a really good start on your girly tits. What do you think?"

erik tried to focus his vision on the swollen nubs that were burning so badly on his chest, but his eyes kept tearing up. Even though George was no longer working his tits, they still felt like a blow-torch was being raked over them. If anything, they hurt more right now, as the blood slowly flowed back into them, than they had just moments earlier. Tearfully, the boy looked back up at George.

"Yes, Sir," the boy forced out. "my tits look a lot bigger."

"No, boy," the Man immediately corrected him. "From now on you are to refer to them not as your 'tits' but as your 'girly tits' or as your 'girly titties.' Do you understand, bitch? From now on they're your 'girly tits' or 'girly titties.'"

"Yes, Sir," erik woodenly replied.

There was a slight pause. Then, his eyes taking on a steely gaze, the Man looked at erik and asked, "Well?"

erik knew what he was expected to do and he could feel his face burning in shame. he looked up at George and, barely stifling another sob, said, "my girly tits look a lot bigger, Sir."

"Yes, they do," George responded, adopting an agreeable tone. "Your girly tits look a lot bigger. And that's just a start. In a couple of months, your girly titties will be way bigger than they are on now. They'll be girly tits a bitch like you can be proud of; girly tits that will just beg a Real Man to work them over. I bet you can't wait for that bitch, can you?"

erik swallowed hard and then slowly forced out the words he knew he had to say, "Yes, Sir. i can't wait to have a pair of girly tits a bitch like me can be proud of and that Real Men can really work over and enjoy."

"I'm sure you can't," George responded with a smile. Then He continued, "now get off my lap, bitch, and go get me a beer."

"Yes, Sir," erik answered, the complete exhaustion he was feeling clear in his voice. he lifted himself carefully off the Man's lap, trying to avoid any contact with his burning tits - his burning girly tits. Carefully, he dropped to his knees and then leaned forward until his hands were on the floor. he began slowly crawling towards the kitchen, trying to ignore the waves of pain that were still shooting through his body. his tits...his girly tits were SO sore. So incredibly sore. They just throbbed in pain. erik could only hope that the pain would lessen quickly. The way they felt right now, erik didn't think he could stand having George even touch them again, much less molest them the way He just had. No, there was no way the boy could handle another round like the one he'd just gone through. No way on earth. The boy just prayed that the Man would leave his girly tits alone for the rest of the night. But, somehow, he knew that wasn't going to happen.

erik knew he was moving slowly, slowly enough to earn himself a punishment session if George was so inclined, but he just couldn't help it. Every movement of his body just seemed to exacerbate the pain emanating from his mashed girly tits. The boy had always know that his tits were somehow connected to his cock - to his boyclit - but now, apparently, his entire body seemed connected to them. Just moving his arms forward as he crawled across the floor caused a stabbing pain to shoot from his burning nubs. But there was no helping that. he had to get George a beer and he knew he needed to do it quickly before the Man decided erik was slacking off on his responsibilities. erik knew from bitter experience that, if the Man thought that, it wouldn't be just his girly tits that would be hurting.

So, when erik got to the kitchen, he immediately grabbed a beer, checked to make sure it was cold, and then turned around and made his way as fast as he could crawl back to the living room, determined to work through the pain flaring anew from his girly tits.

When he made it back to the living room, George was still sitting on the sofa, seemingly distracted by some train of thought running through His mind. Grateful that the Man apparently wasn't angry with him, erik rapidly made his way to the sofa and offered the Man the beer. George took it from his hand and took a long swig. Then, He gave the boy a long, appraising look. "Get in position, bitch," erik heard Him order.

"Yes, sir," erik immediately responded, backing away until he was in the center of the room and then getting up on his knees. A few seconds later, he was in proper bitch position, knees far apart, his hands clasped behind his head, eyes directed towards the floor, trying hard not to squirm. Just holding this position seemed to put pressure on his still-inflamed girly tits and they had begun to throb again in pain.

George just stared at the boy for a long time, admiring the job he'd done on the bitch's tits. If anything, the in-flow of blood had caused them to swell up even more and they looked bigger now than they had right after George had finished working on them. The Man continued to just stare at the teenager, saying nothing.

Even though his eyes were fixed on the floor as he'd been trained, erik could tell that George was just sitting there, looking at him. He did this every so often and it always made the boy feel very self-conscious and not a little frightened. he could never be sure what idea the Man might get in His head, what new torture He might be devising for the teenager. But, as the time stretched on, erik's concern slowly shifted from what George was thinking about to how uncomfortable it was becoming to maintain the bitch position. It was definitely easier kneeling on the carpet of George's living room than it was on the tile floor of Master's basement but, when erik was forced to maintain the position long enough, it was no less painful. And it was rapidly approaching the point where that was the case. So it was with real relief, that erik heard George finally break the oppressive silence.

"So, bitch," George asked, "how do your tits feel?"

erik looked up as he answered George, meeting the Man's gaze as he been trained to do when he was answering a direct question. "They're really sore, Sir. my girly tits are really sore, Sir." Seeing the fleeting look of disappointment play across the Man's face, erik realized that he had caught himself just in time. George had given him a direct order to refer to his tits as 'girly tits' from now on. If he had slipped up, as he almost did, the Man would have been justified in severely punishing him. As much as he hated the term, erik realized he'd have to really work on using 'girly tits' from now on to describe his nipples. Neither George nor Master would hesitate in the slightest to punish him if he ever slipped up.

For his part, George was only slightly disappointed that the boy had corrected himself before the Man could call him on his infraction. While He would have definitely enjoyed giving the boy a good ass-thrashing or another round of tittie-torture, what He really wanted to do right now was plow the cunt's tight little hole again. Besides, He didn't really need any excuse to spank the boy or work his tits again. He could do that whenever He felt like it and there would be lots of time later that night to do just that if He got the urge. Now, though, it was time to get His cock serviced. George could feel his Man-cock hardening between His legs.

Seeing the way George's cock was lengthening and thickening, erik told himself to relax his throat. It seemed pretty clear to the boy that George intended to fuck his mouth-cunt, so he was surprised when the Man instead ordered him to stand up. Tentatively, uncertain what was in store for him, the boy got to his feet.

George scooted forward a little on the couch. Then He directed the boy to come over to Him. "Turn around, bitch," He commanded when the little whore was right in front of Him. erik immediately complied. "Now squat down, bitch, until your cunt-hole is right over My dick."

erik squatted down until he could feel the Man's hard cock rubbing up against the cleft between his ass-cheeks. he remained stationary for a moment until he felt a stinging slap to his right cheek. "bitch," George complained angrily, "I said to get your cunt-hole on top of my dick. Now do what you're told, you little slut."

"Yes, Sir," erik replied apologetically, trying to maneuver his pussyhole into the proper position. But it was hard to maintain his balance, squatting down the way he was, and erik just couldn't seem to center the Man's dick on his puckered rosette the way the Man wanted.

George let loose a flurry of slaps on the boy's butt which brought tears to the teenager's eyes but still the boy just couldn't seem to get it right. Finally, sighing in exasperation, George took His cock in His hand and forcibly wedged its cap tightly against the boy's cunt-lips. "There, you stupid bitch," he exclaimed in disgust, "that's where My cock is supposed to be. Why is that so hard for a cock-hungry faggot like you to understand?"

"i don't know, Sir. i'm sorry, Sir," erik meekly apologized. he stood there, holding position with George's cock resting tightly against his cunt-lips, wondering how long he was expected to remain like that.

A second flurry of hard slaps to his butt-cheeks showed erik that George didn't expect him to remain in that position long. "What the fuck are you waiting for, you stupid cunt?" the Man screamed at him. "Start fucking your slimy boypussy on My big dick. Now, you dumb whore. Now."

"Yes, Sir. Sorry, Sir," erik apologized, tears of pain from his suddenly inflamed buttocks coursing down his face. he wasn't stupid. Even though he'd never been fucked in this position before, he'd seen enough porn movies to know that George wanted erik to fuck himself on the Man's hard cock. But the boy had also learned, the hard way, that if he acted in anticipation of Master or George's orders, before they actually told him to do something, he could be punished for that, too.

That seemed to be a permanent trap that he was living in. If he did something before he was directly ordered to, he could be punished for usurping the role of a Real Man, but if he waited for a direct order he could be punished for not timely performing the duties called for by his status as a slave-bitch. he was in a constant no-win situation and, invariably, his ass suffered for it, like it was doing right now. But, erik had also been in training long enough to realize that there was nothing he could do about it and that complaining would only make things much, much worse. So he swallowed his anger and tried to ignore the flaring pain from his rapidly reddening ass, concentrating instead on relaxing his cunt-hole to lessen the pain of what was about to happen there.

erik took a deep breath and then began forcing his pussy-lips over the crown of George's cock. They were still tender from the pounding they had taken less than two hours earlier in the kitchen and erik gasped as they stretched to accommodate the Man's thick tube of flesh. erik forced himself to apply even more downward pressure and, accompanied by what seemed to erik to be a visible flash of brilliant pain that radiated throughout his entire body, they suddenly yielded, opening wide enough to engulf the entire head of the Man's cock.

"Oh, God," erik moaned in pain as his already abraded cunt-lips were bashed to the sides yet again.

"Oh, yeah, bitch. Yeah," George moaned in pleasure underneath him, as the top of His cock was once again ensconced in the furnace of the teenager's tight boycunt. 'God damn,' the Man said to Himself, 'the little whore's hole is still so fucking tight. So fucking tight. It makes my wife's cunt feel like a fucking cavern.'

George let the waves of pleasure wash over Him a moment before He spoke again. "Okay, bitch," He ordered, "now you just sit your boycunt down on my cock and make My dick feel real good."

"Yes, Sir," the boy agreed, having no other choice. Biting his lower lip, erik forced his aching cunt-chute down around the Man's throbbing fuck-stick until he could once again feel the man's prickly pubes scratching his now-burning butt. The Man seemed so big inside of him. Bigger than just an hour ago when He'd fucked erik for the first time tonight. But, of course, now the boy's cunt-lips were swollen and his entire fuck-hole tender from its first plowing so that easily could have explained what erik was feeling. But to the boy, the cock inside him seemed massive and the slightest movement seemed to cause barbs of pain to shoot from his stuffed boypussy.

But, no sooner had the teenager succeeded in forcing the Man's entire hard cock up into his already sore and aching pussy-slit than George told him to get to work. "Okay, bitch. Now start fucking yourself on my cock. And you better do a good job, too, you lazy cunt. It's about time you worked for the dick you love to have coring out your boy-twat. I want to see you pounding the shit out of your boycunt. All the way up and all the way down, on every stroke. You understand, bitch? And I want you squeezing that little boy-quim of yours as you do it. You better make my cuntbuster feel good, bitch, or you'll be sorry. So get that hole of yours working. Now, you lazy slut. Now!" George accompanied this last directive with another hard swat to the boy's butt.

"Yes, Sir," erik squeaked as another bolt of pain shot from his buns. The boy took his hands and rested them on his knees, shifting his center of gravity forward and making it easier to use his thighs and lower back to raise and lower the rest of his body. And then he began doing just that - fucking himself on the Man's hard cock, reaming out his own hole while the Man just laid there and enjoyed it.

For the next five minutes, erik proceeded to fuck himself on George's cock, grunting and groaning every time his battered boy-hole totally swallowed the Man's leaking fuck-tool, squealing every time the Man swatted his butt and told him to move faster, to fuck himself on the big dick harder and harder. Though the teenager's thighs were beginning to burn from the exertion of raising his body up and down at a relentlessly increasing pace, his pussy was loosening up, so the overall level of pain erik was experiencing was ebbing. Not surprisingly, given his history, the teenager's boyclit was jutting straight out from his hairless crotch, dribbling gobs of pre-cum onto the carpet, gobs erik knew he'd be licking up once the Man finally shot his load. But, as far as erik could tell, George was nowhere near that point yet.

George had been enjoying watching the boy fuck himself on the Man's cock, enjoying it immensely. But He had also noticed that the boy's fuck-chute wasn't as tight as it had first been when the boy had forced his cunt to swallow the Man's dick. George, however, figured He knew what to do to tighten the boy's pussy. Not saying a word, he snaked his arms around the boy's chest. Then, without any warning, he grabbed both of the teenager's battered and swollen tits in his fingers and squeezed - hard.

"OH, GOD," the boy squealed in renewed agony, as his girly tits once again exploded with pain.

"OH, YEAH," George gasped in pleasure as the boy's entire fuck-chute reflexively contracted around his throbbing boner. After half-a-minute, he could feel the boy's cunt relaxing so He squeezed the teenager's tortured nubs again and was rewarded as the boy's pussy again contracted and massaged His aroused cock, even as erik's high-pitched screech of pain filled the air.

In just a minute, George had settled in on the perfect routine. Every twenty seconds or so, he'd squeeze erik's girly tits and then lie back and enjoy the boy's fuck-chute convulsively tightening around his cock as the boy squealed and cried out in pain. The whole scene was so incredibly hot, watching the teenager writhe and sob in torment as he continued to frantically fuck himself on George's cock, his spasming cunt-hole sending wave after wave of pleasure through the Man's body even as his good friend's son bucked and thrashed around in obvious agony.

For erik, the incredible pain emanating from his girly tits totally overrode all the other torment he was feeling as he fucked himself on George's dick. The pain was just so monstrous, so completely overpowering that all his mind could focus on was getting the Man off so He'd stop torturing the boy's burning titties. Any pleasure that the boy might have normally experienced from the battering his prostate was taking as he rode up and down on George's cock was totally overwhelmed by the searing fire spreading out from the teenager's crushed nubs. erik really couldn't believe that anything could hurt so much. he had asked George and Master to increase his pain tolerance but the pain he was feeling was so intense that he doubted that he'd ever be able to tolerate it. he just couldn't stand it.

erik knew he was crying like a baby, but he couldn't help himself. It just hurt so much. It hurt so very much. he started moving his ass up and down as fast and as hard as he could, oblivious to the battering he was administering to his own pussy, solely focused on his need to get George to shoot his load, to cum up his teenage butt, to seed him so that finally, finally, He would stop torturing erik's super-sensitized, obscenely swollen girly tits. Anything to get the Man to stop torturing his poor girly tits.

In truth, George was impressed by the way erik was pounding his pussy up and down on the Man's rigid fuck-stick. The boy was riding Him like he was on a pogo stick, plunging down with force on every stroke only to immediately bounce back up to the tip of George's dick before plunging back down again. he was fucking himself on George's cock like someone possessed and virtually the whole time he was doing it, the boy's back channel was squeezing itself like a vise around the Man's already leaking pole. Obviously, the key to the boy's response was the abuse George was directing towards the teenager's tits and George made a mental note to tell Keith that they needed to really work on them from now on and keep it up until the boy's nips permanently protruded an inch and a half or two inches from the little whore's chest and were always sore and aching. Then, all any Man would have to do was work the bitch's girly tits a little and their teenage slut would do anything they wanted him to do - anything at all.

Right now, though, what George wanted to do was cum and erik was doing a fantastic job of getting Him right to the edge of an orgasm. He knew what He needed to get him over the top. He took both of erik's girly tits in His hands and viciously twisted and pulled them with all His might. As the boy howled in pain, his cunthole clamped down on the full length of George's dick. George growled deeply and then He was there. His cock exploded with Man-scuzz, completely flooding the teenager's steaming back passage.

Considering it was His second load of the evening, George was surprised by the sheer volume of Man-seed He pumped into the bitch's hole. But, then again, fucking the teenage stud-boy always did seem to push His testes into over-drive, churning out Man-sperm at a phenomenal rate. George couldn't remember the last time He'd fucked his wife twice in the same night. But with erik, fuck, as long as He had enough time He could always get it up for a second go-round with the little whore.

He was tired though after the second pounding He'd given the slut. Tired, but happy. He looked at the boy sitting on his lap, George's cock still visibly protruding from his freshly-seeded cunt. The way the teenager's shoulders were heaving, it was obvious that he was still crying. Of course, seeing how George still had both of the boy's girly tits gripped tightly between his fingers, that was probably understandable. Giving them one last nasty pinch and twist, which elicited a loud squeal of agony from the boy, George finally released them. George watched in amusement as erik's body shuddered and a long low-pitched groan came from the boy's throat as the blood slowly re-entered his bruised and swollen nipples. It would be a long time before the boy was able to forget this session with George, that was for sure.

George gave the little fuck-bitch a few seconds to recover. Then, his voice filled with the satisfaction of a Man well-sated, he spoke. "Well, that was fun. Wasn't it, bitch?"

There was a long pause - long enough for George to wonder whether it'd be necessary to physically correct the boy and remind him of his obligation to promptly answer questions that Real Men put to him - but finally erik managed to squeak out an answer.

"Yes..., Sir., Sir," he replied, his voice filled with tears and suppressed sobs.

George briefly played with the idea of spanking the little slut for lying to Him but He realized it would probably be a waste of time. The way the boy's girly tits were sure to be hurting right now, erik probably wouldn't even feel it. Besides, George really was feeling exhausted now. There'd be time to spank the bitch tomorrow if He still had the urge. So the Man ignored the boy's obvious lie and instead said, "Get up, bitch, and assume the position."

"Yes, Sir," erik answered, relieved that one ordeal at least was over. Awkwardly, he rebalanced himself on his feet and slowly elevated his body, feeling the Man's softening cock slowly receding from his sore and well-fucked pussy. It exited with a plop and immediately erik tried to tighten his sphincter, despite the incredible pain the effort cost him. But they were in the living room and the boy didn't want to risk the Man's wrath for soiling His carpet.

Once he had regained his feet, erik stumbled forward before he caught himself. In addition to all the other pain he was feeling, the boy's thighs were now burning from the exertion of fucking himself on George's Man-cock. It was actually with some relief that erik reached the center of the room, turned around, and dropped to his knees.

George let him kneel there, in front of Him, for maybe fifteen minutes. erik could hear the Man occasionally drinking the beer that he had brought Him earlier. Then he heard George getting up and moving over to him. "Open your mouth, bitch," the Man ordered.

erik looked up and saw George standing in front of him, holding His now flaccid cock. The boy immediately knew what was coming. he opened his mouth wide and held it that way as the Man began to pee down his throat. In just seconds, erik was frantically gulping down George's hot pee, swallowing as fast as he could. They were still in the living room and erik knew that if he let any of the Man's piss spill onto the carpet, there'd be hell to pay.

George's piss, itself, tasted as acrid as usual, though erik definitely noticed some globules of the Man's cum mixed in with the early spate of liquid. But as the Man's bladder proceeded to empty itself into the boy, these globs of cum became less frequent so that, by the end, erik was gulping down the Man's unadulterated bladder waste. This was definitely not one of the boy's favorite activities, but he had learned that he was expected to drink pee whenever a Man wanted to use him as a human urinal and he knew better than to show any reluctance to perform this basic slave-bitch duty.

Once the flow of piss from George's cock stopped, erik immediately leaned forward and took the Man's cock into his mouth, using his tongue to clean the tube of flesh which just a quarter-hour earlier been jammed up the boy's own cunt-hole. his own pussy juices were mixed with some leavings of the Man's spent ball-seed but the teenager never hesitated. he slurped and laved George's cock until it was totally clean and ready to use again when the urge struck the Man.

George looked down at the compliant pussy-boy kneeling in front of Him. It was hard to believe that, just a year ago, the naked and hairless young stud kneeling so submissively on His living room floor, who had just swallowed a load of His piss and then licked His cock clean, hadn't even dreamed that he'd ever be doing either service for another Man. Of course, back then, the little whore had actually thought he was a Man. Well, a year's training with Keith had disabused the little whore of that misperception. But it was still amazing to consider how fully Keith had transformed the boy in just a year. Give Keith another year with the little slut and there would literally be nothing the bitch wouldn't willingly submit to.

If only George could be there when the boy's father finally found out just what a little fuck-whore his son had turned into. The look of horror on the man's face would be priceless. It would be such a nice payback for all the times George had had to sit there and listen while Gary went on and on about what a great job he'd done raising his three boys. George just hoped he was around when Gary made the discovery that his youngest boy, his pride and joy, was in reality just a cum-dump and a urinal for Real Men to use whenever they got the urge. That would be something truly worth seeing.

Suppressing a laugh, George refocused on the present. "Okay, bitch," He announced, "get your faggot ass into the bedroom. you're going to be spending the night and, after I finish with you tomorrow morning, I'll deliver you straight to Master."

"Yes, Sir," erik answered, careful to keep the disappointment out of his voice. he'd been hoping that George was through with him and would send him home for the rest of the night. That way, his unbelievably sore girly tits would get at least a little break. But if he was spending the entire night with George, erik was pretty sure his poor nubs wouldn't get much of a rest at all. he stole a quick glance down at them and saw that they looked like a pair of bright red cherries affixed to his chest. They looked way bigger than they had when he'd arrived just a few hours earlier but, considering how much abuse they'd taken and how badly they still hurt, erik would have figured they'd be even larger than they were. And that made the boy wonder just how large they'd be when Master and George were finally satisfied that they were real girly tits. Considering how painful it had been just to get them looking like they did now, erik didn't even want to think about how much more pain he'd have to go through before the Men were satisfied with them. It was all the boy could do to keep from beginning to cry again as he slowly made his way, on his hands and knees, to George's bedroom where he'd be spending the night.

'At least,' he consoled himself, 'I'll be sleeping in a bed." Invariably, George let erik sleep in the bed with Him on the nights erik stayed over. It wasn't for erik's benefit, of course - it was so the boy would be near at hand whenever George got the urge to fondle or fuck the little slut. But at least it made for a more comfortable sleep than the teenager got when he spent the night with Master. At Master's house erik always slept on the floor, naked and uncovered, the leash re-attached to his collar and then looped around one of the corners of the bed, holding the boy uncomfortably in place on the bare wooden flooring while Master enjoyed a good night's rest in the comforts of his king-sized bed. erik always woke up sore and aching after sleeping on the floor, even when Master hadn't been particularly rough on him the previous night. Considering how much his entire body already ached, the boy was really glad that he wouldn't have to worry about that added discomfort when he woke up the next morning.

When they reached the bedroom, George looked down at the boy. "Lucky for you, bitch, I want you close at hand tonight. And what I don't want is any of my piss leaking out of your bladder onto my sheets. So you just crawl on into the bathroom and take care of business."

"Yes, sir," erik replied, enormously grateful that he was going to be allowed to relieve himself before turning in. Master never allowed erik to do that at His house when He was keeping the boy overnight and one time the boy had had an accident - he hadn't been able to help himself; he'd just been forced to drink too much pee that night and even though erik had struggled to keep the liquids inside his belly all night long, his bladder had finally burst through his piss-slit just before dawn. When Master woke up and discovered what erik had done, the boy had been forced to spend almost two hours licking the entire bedroom floor clean and then received an ass-tanning that still made erik wince when he thought about it.

Now, though, having received permission to empty his bladder, erik immediately crawled into the bathroom, raised the toilet seat up, and then settled his ass down on the commode. This was a new rule the boy was following. Even though he was now being used as a urinal, he was no longer allowed to use one himself. Bitches, he had been told, pee sitting down, and erik was told that was how he was to pee from now on - sitting down.

But not on a toilet seat. No Real Man would want to use a toilet seat after it had been sullied by a slave-bitch's ass touching it, so erik was now required to raise the seat and balance his ass on the porcelain rim of the commode whenever he needed to relieve himself. erik felt it was pretty demeaning having to do this, but Master had told the boy he was lucky he wasn't being ordered to actually sit in the water of the toilet when he voided his body wastes as some Masters required their bitches to do.

While erik was grateful that he didn't have to face that daily indignity, he still could feel himself blushing every time he positioned his ass on the edges of the shitter, particularly when he was at his parents' house - he couldn't imagine how he'd explain what he was doing if either of his parents or any of his siblings walked in on him while he was using the facilities that way. erik had foolishly mentioned this fear to Master who had laughed and then issued an order forbidding him from ever locking the bathroom door when he used the toilet at his parent's house, or anywhere else for that matter, so there was always a very real possibility that such a confrontation might occur. But, as Master had repeatedly instructed erik, a bitch has no right to any expectation of privacy in any facet of his life, including the disposal of body wastes. Knowing that, however, didn't in any way lessen the embarrassment erik felt every time he had to position his ass on the cold porcelain of a toilet.

Even though George had only peed down his throat once that night, He had transferred a significant amount of urine from his bladder to the boy's stomach, so it took erik a couple of minutes to empty his belly. he could only hope that George wasn't getting too impatient with him. With his poor girly tits hurting the way they already were, the teenager knew he couldn't handle a punishment session focused on them.

Fortunately for the little bitch, George was in a relaxed and expansive mood when erik finally crawled back into the bedroom. George had sat down on the bed and, seeing the boy crawl into the room, simply motioned next to Him. erik hastened to climb up onto the bed and position himself where the Man had indicated. he tried to avoid rubbing his inflamed girly tits against anything, but his left tit caught on part of the coverlet and erik couldn't keep from groaning in pain. his girly tits were so unbelievably tender right now that erik was sure that even breathing on them would hurt. All he could do was pray that George was too tired and too sleepy to want to play with them some more tonight.

The very first thing George did was pull the boy next to him and begin to roughly kiss the teenager, forcing his lips apart and burying the Man's tongue deeply into the boy's mouth, kissing him like erik was some cheap whore He'd picked up at the local dive, the type of slut you knew from the time you first saw her would let you do anything to her, just so long as she ended up with your hard dick up her well-traveled cunt. George worked the boy's mouth for a few minutes, making sure the teenager got a healthy serving of the Man's saliva trickling down his throat before He reached down and roughly fingered the teenager's swollen tits. Despite himself, erik cried out like a little girl, a cry that was swallowed in the Man's mouth.

"Girly tits hurt, boy?" George asked with a smile, as He pulled his head back to look at the young slave-bitch.

"Oh yes, Sir," erik answered, aware that his eyes were again filling with tears. "my girly tits really hurt, Sir."

"Well, they're going to be hurting a lot from now on, boy. you'll just have to get used to that. That's part of the price you'll have to pay to get the girly tits you want, boy." George let his fingers play with the inflamed nubs for a few more minutes, enjoying the way the boy writhed and squealed as He did so. Then, he leaned back in and made erik kiss Him some more, making the boy play the part of a young teenage girl being forced to let her boyfriend take advantage of her, knowing that this really embarrassed the boy.

This time, when George broke off the kiss, He let his head descend towards the teenager's chest. He gave the boy's right tit a sloppy swipe with his tongue before leaning forward and biting down - hard - on the tenderized nub. erik squealed in pain. For the next five minutes, the Man went from one nip to the other, licking them, nibbling at them, biting them until the teenager was, once again, sobbing loudly as he writhed around on the bed. Then, raising His head, the Man began kissing the boy again, though He periodically would reach down to pinch and tweak erik's burning girly tits, making the boy jump and gasp in pain every time He did so.

When George broke off this kiss and then bent His head down again, erik braced himself, knowing what was coming. But even though the boy tried to prepare himself, the Man bit so hard into erik's left tit that he couldn't keep from shrieking. The pain was so excruciating that erik thought he might pass out, though he never did. And then, after George had worked the inflamed nubs for what seemed like an eternity, He raised His head and went back to kissing the teenage boy.

George alternated between forcing the boy to kiss Him and molesting the teenager's swollen and puffy girly tits for almost forty-five minutes. But, finally, tiring of the game and definitely needing some sleep, George just pulled the teenager's body tightly against Him and, in just a few minutes, the Man was gently snoring.

It took erik a long time to fall asleep that night. For one thing, the boy wasn't in the most comfortable position. George had fallen asleep with one arm around the boy's torso, His hand resting firmly on the boy's ass, pulling the teenager's body tightly against His own. erik was afraid to even attempt to extract himself from the Man's grasp because that might cause Him to wake up, something the boy definitely didn't want to happen.

But it wasn't the position he was in that made it so difficult for the boy to sleep. In fact, this was the position he usually found himself in when he slept with George and he'd never really had much difficulty sleeping before, even though he realized that almost inevitably he'd be awaken sometime in the middle of the night to find George humping him as the Man slept, grinding His groin against the boy as He experienced some erotic fantasy in His dreams. But erik was used to that now and not only wasn't particularly bothered by it but actually found himself turned on when it happended, even though he was being dry-humped like a real woman. No, what kept the boy awake for a good part of the night wasn't the position he was lying in, it was the incredible pain still emanating from his girly tits. erik couldn't believe how much they still hurt even though George was no longer working on them. .

The pain eased somewhat as the hours passed but they still throbbed and burned on erik's chest as the hours slowly slipped by. And, what made it worse was that every time the boy did finally begin to nod off, one or the other of his girly tits would end up scraping against the Man's hairy chest and a whole new wave of pain would shoot through the his body, making erik wake with a start and a muffled groan. But, eventually, the sheer exhaustion the teenager felt allowed him to ignore the continuing pain from his tits and he did manage to slip off into sleep.

The next thing erik was aware of was a soft voice almost cooing at him. "your tits look really great, baby bitch," he heard. erik looked up to see his older brother Chad looming over him.

"You like my girly tits, Chad?" erik asked with a smile, looking down at the big juicy girly tits that now adorned his chest.

"Oh, I like them a lot, baby bitch," Chad answered, reaching forward to squeeze each one in turn, smiling when erik moaned as his titties were manhandled. "They look great on you, erik," Chad continued, "but they give me a great idea, too." Then, without saying another word, Chad eased himself off the bed and then walked out of the bedroom.

erik watched his brother leave with a grimace of disappointment. his pussy juices were really flowing and he ached to feel his stud brother's big hard cock reaming out his boycunt. he just loved the way his brother reamed his hole out, banging the hell out of erik's tight little boy-twat until he deposited a load of hot semen deep inside his baby brother's clutching fuck-channel. Right now, erik really wanted a good fucking - he needed a good fucking - and all he could hope was that Chad would be returning soon to give him what he wanted and needed.

Fortunately for erik, Chad returned after only a few minutes, with a wicked grin on his face and carrying a number of items which he dropped on the bed. Picking one up, he looked down at this brother. "Sit up, baby bitch. I want you to put this on."

erik looked at the item Chad was holding in his right hand. It was obviously made of frilly white lace but it took the boy a few seconds to figure out what it was. When he finally did, he could feel himself turning crimson - it was a woman's bra. Seeing the dawning realization on his brother's face, Chad laughed.

"Pretty, isn't it boy? It's one of Liz's. Just looking at your new girly tits, I figured you'd look great in it."

"No. Please, Chad. No," erik pleaded. "Don't make me wear a woman's bra. It's's so unmanly."

"It's so unmanly?" Chad repeated incredulously, his eyes flashing in sudden anger. "Are you kidding me? Have you forgotten that you're NOT a man. You're a BITCH. And a bitch does what he's told. So you just shut the fuck up, bro, and put it on."

Looking up at his brother, erik realized that there was no way he was going to relent. Slowly, he stretched out his hand and took the bra in his hand. he was surprised at how flimsy it seemed. he worked one strap and then the other over his shoulders. Looking down, he noticed that while the bra cupped both of his pecs, it didn't really cover them - both of his girly tits visibly protruded from the white lace petals that made up the front of the bra. erik reached around and tried to work the two hooks in the back but, having no experience doing this, wasn't able to get them connected.

"Here, baby bitch," Chad offered, the grin on his face showing how much he was enjoying the scene, "let me help you."

Reaching behind his brother, Chad connected the two hooks and then stood back. "It looks great on you boy," he chuckled. "It really sets off your girly tits."

erik could feel a fresh wave of heat wafting off of his face. Wearing a woman's bra was just so humiliating. he couldn't believe his brother was making him do it. But, looking at what his brother now held in his hand, erik realized there were more embarrassments to come.

"Okay, erik, now you can put this on," his brother said, handing the teenager a pair of woman's white lace panties with the same flower petal design.

Trying not to cry as the humiliation of his situation washed over him, erik got off the bed and stepped into the panties. he pulled them up over his hips and then struggled to fit his boyclit and balls into the small front panel. he finally managed to get both of his boy-balls covered, though a third of his erect boyclit - yes, despite all the shame and humiliation erik was feeling, his boy-cock was hard as iron - protruded over the top of the frilly lace.

"Nice, bro. Nice," his brother commented as erik stood there in a matching bra and panties set. "Now get back on the bed, so I can put these on you." Chad was holding a pair of nylons.

"C'mon, Chad," erik pleaded. "Why are you doing this to me? Why are you making me dress up in women's underwear?"

"Well, baby bitch," his brother explained, "you know I swing both ways - I like to fuck women and I like to fuck you. Dressing you up this way is like a two-fer for me. It's like I'm fucking a woman at the same time I know I'm fucking you, bro. It's pretty hot if you think about it. Besides, I thought a boy like you - a boy who likes taking dick up his pussy - would probably get off on going the whole way. You know, dressing up like the woman he obviously wants to be."

"i don't want to be a woman, Chad," erik replied with some heat. "i like being a man. It's just.... it's just that i like the way it feels when another guy fucks me. But that doesn't mean i want to be a woman. Or dress up like one."

"erik," his brother retorted, his voice thick with sarcasm, "the last thing in this world that you are is a 'man.' you're a bitch, bro; a fucking faggot bitch. I know it and you know it, too. So cut the crap about you being a 'man.' And, as far as you not wanting to dress like a woman, who gives a fuck? you're my fucking bitch and you'll do what you're told to do. Understand, bro? you're my 'baby bitch.' That's what you are, isn't it?"

erik looked at his brother for a long moment and then, softly, he agreed. "Yes, Chad. i'm your baby bitch."

"That's right, bro," Chad responded, pleased by his brother's admission. "Now get back on the bed so I can finish dressing you up."

Staring at his brother, it was obvious that Chad was not about to be dissuaded. With a sigh of resignation, erik moved back over to the bed and laid down on his back. his brother sat down next to him and lifted first one of erik's ankles and then the other, working the stockings down the boy's shaven legs all the way to his upper thighs. erik noticed that the stockings had a silver sheen to them and the boy couldn't help but wonder why his sister even had a pair of nylons like this. And he also wondered whether, seeing as he had a much more muscular body, the stockings might be permanently stretched out of shape by being forced up his legs. Of course, even if they were, Liz would scarcely think that it was because her younger brother had been wearing them - at least erik hoped she'd never think of that.

Having successfully got the nylons on his brother without causing any runs, Chad sat back and gave him an appraisingly look. "Okay, erik," he eventually said, "Get up and put on a little show for me. Let me see you strut your stuff in your pretty undies."

Swallowing an acerbic retort, the boy forced himself to get off the bed and then walked back and forth in front of his brother. "Not so fast, bro," Chad quickly admonished him. "Take your time. And wiggle that pretty ass, too," he added with a smirk.

"Jeez, Chad," erik complained when he heard this last directive. "This is so sick. Why are you doing this to me?"

"This is sick? This is sick?" Chad exploded in anger. "I'll tell you what's sick, bro. What's sick is a nineteen-year-old boy who wants his older brother to fuck him. What's sick is a teenage boy-slut who drinks his own brother's pee. What's sick is having a younger brother like you who goes around with his girly tits sticking out from his chest, advertising for the whole world to see what a complete parody of a man he really is. That's what's sick around here, erik. you are. you're one sick, disgusting pervert."

erik couldn't believe how stung he was by his brother's tirade. Despite himself, he could feel the tears streaming down his face. Seeing this, Chad gave him a disgusted look.

"Fuck, bro. Are you crying again? Grow a pair of balls, will you. I know you're just a fucking faggot bitch but you carry on like a little girl. you know what you are. you know what you want. Just fucking deal with and stop crying every time someone reminds you of it. I know you're not a man, but at least try not to act like a little baby all the time."

"i'm...i'm sorry, Chad," erik haltingly apologized, really embarrassed at the way his brother was calling him out. "It's's just that it's so hard at times being...being who i am. i mean i do things all the time that just humiliate me. They really do. But, somehow, at the same time, they turn me on, too. And i know people laugh at me, at what i've become, but i try to ignore it. But then when you call me a disgusting pervert i can see how much you despise me and that hurts so bad." erik looked at his brother and just started sobbing uncontrollably.

Seeing his brother crying so wretchedly, Chad relented. He got up and walked over to erik and gathered him in his arms, pulling the boy's face to his chest. "That's okay, erik," he soothed. "you just let it all out. Let it all out." And then Chad just stood there, holding his brother, his baby bitch, as erik got it all out of his system. And then, when he could tell that the crying-jag was coming to an end, Chad started talking to his younger brother in a soft, soothing voice.

"erik," he began, "I don't despise you. I may not fully understand how you turned out the way you have, but I don't despise you. you're my brother, my 'baby bro,' my 'baby bitch.' I'll always be here for you. But I also think you need to toughen up. you're going to run into a lot of people in your life who will despise you and you have to be able to handle it. you're going to need to be tough."

erik looked up at his older brother and, as the last tears trickled down his cheeks, gave him a rueful smile. "It's kind of hard to feel tough when i'm wearing a bra, panties and a pair of nylons, Chad."

Despite himself, Chad had to laugh. "I can see your point, boy. you definitely don't look so tough, dressed up like this." But then his face turned somber as he continued, "But that's when you need to be the toughest - inside, where it really counts. you're going to be in a lot of situations in your life where guys are laughing at you and mocking you, and calling you all sorts of disgusting names. And, more often that not, those names will be accurate and you'll know that and it will really hurt because what they're saying about you is true. That's when you really need to be tough, so that you can shrug those comments off and keeping being true to what you are. Being a slave-bitch for Real Men is going to be hard, erik, but you don't really have any choice, do you? you are what you are. you just have to learn how to live with that."

erik looked up into his brother's deep brown eyes. What Chad said made so much sense. he did cry way too easy, erik knew that. he needed to be tougher. he brought his hand to his face and wiped away the final tears. "You're right, Chad," he admitted. "i need to be tougher. i need to stop acting like such a baby all the time."

Chad smiled back at him. "I'm glad to hear you say that, erik," he said. He released his brother and went over and sat back down on the bed. "So, bro. How about giving me the show I deserve?"

"Yes, sir," erik replied at once.

For the next five minutes, erik paraded up and down the room, wiggling his ass, at times putting his hands behind his head and, at other times, running his hands seductively along his upper thighs while gyrating his hips, giving his brother the type of show he'd see in a straight strip club, playing the bitch for Chad the way his brother wanted him to.

And Chad had to admit it - he was getting turned on. His 'baby bitch' was turning him on something fierce. And, just as he was getting really hot, an idea occurred to him that he knew would just make the entire scene perfect. "Hold on a second, bro," he suddenly ordered, jumping off the bed and almost running out of the room.

At a total loss, erik just stood there in mid-gyration. The boy didn't have long to wait. In less than a minute, Chad was back, a smile of triumph on his face. But when erik looked down to Chad's hands and saw what they were holding, his own face sank. his brother had brought back a pair of his sister's high heels. erik was about to voice a complaint when he caught himself. If his brother wanted to see him in a pair of high heels, erik should be happy to oblige him. After all, his brother was a Real Man whereas he was just a slave-bitch. And slave-bitches did what Real Men wanted them to do - without hesitation, without complaining about it.

So, when Chad handed him the stiletto heels and said, "here, bro. Put these on," erik didn't argue. Instead, he meekly bent over and put them on his feet. If Chad wanted to see him in these shoes, erik would give Chad what he wanted.

It was a super-tight fit. While Liz had always said she had big feet, they were obviously smaller than erik's size 10. If erik's thighs and calves were stretching her nylons out of shape, he could only imagine what his feet would do to her high heels. It took a lot of effort but, finally, erik managed to get both shoes on his feet. As the boy was soon to find out, however, that was the easy part.

Just standing back up proved difficult. The six-inch heels threw his center of gravity forward and the teenager visibly wobbled just trying to maintain his balance. And when he took his first step, his ankle twisted and he almost tumbled to the floor. erik could hear his brother laughing from the bed. Slowly, gingerly, he took one step - and then another. Eventually, erik was able to walk in the high heels as long as he took it slowly, though even then turning around was difficult. The boy found it hard to believe that Chad could find his halting walk across the floor even faintly erotic.

But erik was wrong. Unbeknownst to erik, his older brother had always had a foot fetish - one focused on women's high-heel shoes. Merely seeing his brother with his feet in those shoes was an incredible turn-on for Chad and it wasn't adversely affected by the spectacle erik was making of himself as he teetered around the bedroom.

What Chad was really looking forward to, though, was seeking those shoes hooked over his shoulders as he fucked his brother's tight little boypussy. His cock was achingly hard in his shorts. He knew he couldn't wait any longer.

"That's enough, bro," he ordered, the shaking of his voice betraying his growing sexual excitement. "Just get your ass back to the bed and lie down. It's time to feed your always-hungry boycunt some of the Man-meat it loves."

"Yes, sir," erik immediately replied, happy just to be getting off of his feet, though the prospect of getting fucked wearing the outfit he was now displaying disconcerted the teenager.

erik crawled onto the top of the bed, careful to keep the stiletto heels up in the air so that they wouldn't catch on the duvet. Then he laid back and watched as Chad ripped off his own shorts, climbed up on the bed, and positioned himself between his teenage brother's legs. erik was trying hard to ignore the way he knew he looked - a young teenage stud wearing a frilly bra and matching panties, his legs clad in sheer nylon resting on his brother's shoulders, his obviously well-used pussy fully exposed, ready for another fucking, and to cap it off, a pair of six-inch high heels dangling from his feet. erik couldn't imagine a more fundamentally emasculating image and, as he mentally cringed, he could only hope that no one ever found out about how Chad had so obscenely dressed him before his older brother fucked him.

For Chad, just positioning erik's high-heeled shod feet on his shoulders gave him an incredible sexual surge and then, when he looked down at his brother, the white lace bra cupping his pecs, the frilly white panties emphasizing rather than obscuring the teenager's own raging boner, the silky nylons riding high on his thighs, Chad was overwhelmed by an uncontrollable rutting frenzy. Without any warning, he buried his inflamed hard-on into his brother's unsuspecting hole with a brutal forward thrust.

"Holy Fuck," erik screamed from the bed, as his cunt-lips were violently spread apart. Shooting stars seemed to careen inside his brain as erik groaned in pain. And then he heard a familiar voice. "Morning, bitch. Time to wake up, you little whore."

Completely befogged, erik opened his eyes to see George holding the teenager's legs in the air, looking down at the boy with an amused air. Looking up at his legs which George held high in the air, erik could see that the nylons and stiletto heels were gone. A quick glance down at his body confirmed that the bra and panties were gone, too. erik was stark naked like he always was in George's bed. And that was where he was - in George's bed. The whole scene with Chad had been a dream, some twisted fantasy of erik's own mind. A feeling of relief surged through the teenager - he hadn't been forced to dress up in women's underwear; that had been a dream. That, at least, was one embarrassment that he hadn't been forced to experience in real life. At least, not yet.

But the teenager's respite was short-lived. A loud squeal burst from his lips as George yanked His hard cock out of the boy's pussy and then immediately rammed it back inside, all the way to His hairy balls. erik's session with Chad might have been a dream but there was no mistaking the reality that George was now taking care of His morning wood the way He always did when He had erik spending the night - by plowing the hell out of the teenager's boycunt.

Apparently, a night's sleep had fully re-charged the Man's batteries because He was really going after the boy. He was banging all the way in and all the way out on every stroke and it wasn't long before erik was squealing in pain beneath Him. The teenager's pussy-lips were still super-sore from the two poundings they had taken the night before and, the way they were hurting now, it was obvious that George hadn't bothered with any lubrication before He'd started plugging away at erik. George always like to fuck him hard, really hard, but this time it seemed particularly painful.

It wasn't pain that George was feeling, though. It was raw, animalistic pleasure. The boy's cunt-lips had tightened up during the night, or at least they felt that way because they were so swollen. Regardless, the teenager's boy-twat felt so much tighter on the Man's cock than His wife's pussy did that George just couldn't get enough of it.

Looking up through his widely-spread legs at the man fucking him so brutally, erik could feel his eyes filling up with tears. It wasn't so much the pain, though there was a lot of that, it was the sense of abject humiliation that the boy felt looking up at a Man he'd known almost as long as he could remember, one of his Dad's best friends, and feeling Him working away inside erik's teenage boycunt for the third time in less than a dozen hours, fucking him like you'd fuck a rent-by-the-hour hooker - hard, deep, and without the slightest concern for the hole being plowed because that's all it was - just a hole. And erik couldn't help but think how humiliated his Dad would be if he ever found out about him - found out that his teenage son was nothing but a cock-hungry slave-bitch for Real Men. Because that's what erik was - a cock-hungry slave-bitch for Real Men. And the final proof of that was the pre-cum that was just oozing out of his rigid boyclit as George continued to relentlessly pound into erik's stretched out pussy.

And, working away at the boycunt, George couldn't help noticing that, even as the boy was squirming and occasionally squealing in pain, the bitch's boyclit was visibly throbbing in its own excitement. 'What a whore,' the Man thought. 'What a complete, total whore.'

George considered stroking the boy off. He always enjoyed making the little slut cream himself as he was getting totally reamed out by Man-cock. But He also remembered Keith telling Him how it was even more amusing to watch the little whore cum without any manipulation of his boy-cock. It showed what an utter bitch the boy really was. Maybe it was time for George to see that for Himself, to decide whether watching the boy cum without anyone working his cock was hotter than milking it with His hand. So, this time, George kept His hands off the little bitch's leaking cocklette and simply concentrated on enjoying the pleasure He was getting from the way erik's teenage cunt-chute massaged and squeezed His fully-buried bone.

Sure enough, in less than five minutes, George noticed that the boy's eyes were taking on a glassy sheen. The Man began thrusting into the boy's spasmodically contracting cock-sheath even harder. And then, His eyes fixed on the teenager's pre-cum coated boyclit, He delivered a pair of vicious thrusts all the way in and all the way of the boy's battered fuck-hole. Even as another high-pitched squeal of torment rent the air, erik began pumping a massive load of boy-scuzz across his sweat-soaked torso, his groin bucking and thrusting upwards as his boyclit shot and shot and shot.

"What a fucking cock-whore," George marveled aloud as He watched strand after strand of hot cum just splatter onto the boy's smooth skin as erik's entire body convulsed in his bitchgasm. But just seconds later, it was George who was moaning in release as He shot his own gigantic load of cream into the boy's still-quivering hole. The Man's low growl merged with the boy's squeals as He proceeded to empty his balls into the teenager's pulsating boycunt. Totally spent, the Man then collapsed on eirk's widely-splayed legs, His hard cock still buried all the way up the boy's now cum-filled twat-hole.

It took George a good ten minutes before He felt comfortable moving. All that time, of course, He was resting His full body weight on erik's thighs, forcing them painfully apart, the pain in the boy's thighs adding to the pain from his ravaged cunt and his still sore girly tits causing him to whimper in discomfort. So it was with an overwhelming sense of relief that erik felt the Man lifting Himself off erik's body.

George's body was drenched with sweat after the Man's exertions. Looking down at the boy's lithe torso, He saw that it too was covered with sweat as well as a good coating of boy cream. 'Well,' the Man thought, 'the bitch knows how to take care of some of that mess.' And, sure enough, no sooner had that thought crossed George's mind than He saw erik raise his right hand and begin scooping up his drying teenage scuzz and depositing it where his boy-sludge always ended up - in his own mouth.

'If only the bitch's father could see his son, now,' George mused. 'Freshly fucked like a back-alley ho and cleaning up his own mess by meekly slurping down his slimy boy-sperm.' He'd never have to hear another line about what a great kid erik was. Of course, George would commiserate with him like a good friend should - telling him that while erik, his youngest son, the apple of his eye, would obviously never be the Man he'd been raised to be, at least he was a great lay. George couldn't keep from laughing just thinking about the pleasure He'd feel in delivering that line to erik's Dad and watching the man just wilt in embarrassment.

Glancing at the clock on the night stand, George's musings were interrupted. It was getting late and George had promised Keith he'd deliver the boy to Him by 10:00 a.m., at the latest. George needed to get cleaned up and get dressed. He turned his glance back to the boy lying in front of Him. "bitch," He informed him, "I'm going to go take a shower and then, after I get dressed, I'll take your faggot ass over to Master. You just put some clothes on and then kneel here like a good little bitch until I get back. Understand?"

"Yes, Sir," erik submissively replied, inwardly grateful for even a temporary reprieve. But as he watched the Man turn around and head towards the bathroom, the boy had to wonder what he faced when he got to Master's house. It couldn't be worse that what he'd already gone through, could it? How could it, considering everything George had already done to him? But erik knew that only time would truly tell.

After rapidly pulling his clothes on over his still sweaty body while ignoring the stench that assailed his nose, erik dropped to the floor and assumed the proper bitch position. Then he simply waited, wondering what would happen to him next. As he knelt there, the feelings of uncertainty and the fear it engendered steadily mounted as the minutes slowly ticked by. The boy's mind was in turmoil, not knowing what to expect at Master's house, but knowing he'd find out, soon enough.


Next: Chapter 4

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