The Night Erik

By Rafi Daud

Published on Nov 12, 2015


This story is either the true story of a nineteen-year-old boy named erik who is being trained to be a total cock whore or a figment of the author's imagination or a mixture of both. It's up to the reader to decide for himself which it is. All I will say is that whether true or fictional, the author is not erik, Master, or George. He is simply the author. This is also copyrighted material. So while you're welcome to make a personal copy for yourself, any other reproduction or reposting is not allowed without the prior written consent of the author.

Any comments or criticisms should be directed to Rafi at While suggestions are welcomed, the appearance of future chapters will be dependent on erik's willingness to continue to share his on-going experience or on the author's ability to conjure up future plot developments

One last thing. While Nifty provides its services free of charge to both budding authors and readers, it is not free of costs. Please consider donating at

THE NIGHT erik.....

Chapter 2


erik didn't know what to expect as he walked up to George's house on the cool September evening. Back in January, after his initial joint session with Master and George, Master had begun to dramatically increase the number of His weekly sessions with erik and, as promised, George was there for most of them. Even though he never grew to like it, erik came to expect being used as a urinal by both Men during those sessions, though they never pissed into him as much as they had that first time. They began to focus more on using the boy as a cum-dump than as a urinal - though erik could always count on at least four loads of pee every session. Since Master made a point of never allowing erik to clean up after a session, the teenager always stank of both piss and cum whenever Master finally let him go back home.

During one session, Master wouldn't let the boy relieve himself the entire night. Seeing that erik was in visible distress as he was leaving, Master specifically ordered him not to stop on his trip home. So erik had no choice when his bladder finally gave way and he was only half-way home but to remain in the driver's seat and let the pee run down his legs as he just continued driving. Needless to say, Master was greatly amused when erik was later forced to admit that he'd peed himself in the car. Fortunately, his parents were already in bed when he arrived and he didn't have that embarrassment to explain. But erik's car smelled like a public toilet for weeks afterwards which only served to remind the boy just exactly what he had been turned into - a human urinal for Real Men.

But as the frequency of his training sessions went from once a week to twice a week and then three or four times a week, erik began to experience difficulty in integrating his increasing role as Master's (and now George's) fuck-bitch with the rest of his life. his mouth-cunt and his pussy were sore all the time, even on the days when he wasn't being used by Master and George. And the sessions, themselves, were becoming increasingly difficult for erik to handle.

It was more than just the spankings and the fuckings and the drinking of their piss - erik could live with that. Hell, if truth be told, erik was turned on by most of it. he was always hard as a rock during those sessions and invariably shot a load when either Man reamed out his boycunt and frequently did the same thing when they spanked his boy-ass, something Master loved to do. erik had spent so much time licking his spent boy-scuzz off the tile floor in Master's basement that he no longer thought anything of it.

What upset erik was the way both Men began to treat him as a 'thing' rather than as a person. The final straw was when Master told him he was no longer to use 'erik' as his name. he was, after all, only a bitch and bitches didn't have names. And, as if to underline this point, Master and George starting to simply refer to erik as 'it' in their conversations. Thus, Master asked George, "When would you like to use it again?" And George responded, "My wife will be out of town two days from now. That'll give us a chance to really have fun with it. We can really put it through its paces."

erik recoiled at his complete objectification as a thing. he wasn't ready for that. he still thought of himself as a person. And when Master suggested it was time for erik to move in with Him, erik panicked. he told Master everything was moving too quickly for him and he needed time to consider what was happening and that he had decided to end his training for now. Master warned the boy that he was making a mistake that he would come to regret, but erik would not be dissuaded and the regularly scheduled sessions came to an end.

For the next six months, erik went back and forth in his own mind as to what he wanted to do. Throughout this whole period of time, the boy assiduously kept his entire body shaved and continued to eschew underwear of any kind. When he thought about it, he had to admit that he now thought of himself as a bitch, not as a Real Man, and he accepted the fact that bitches didn't have body hair and didn't wear underwear. So erik kept shaving and kept free-balling it. he was willing to accept that he was a bitch and he knew that that's what bitches did. But he was a bitch without a Master and he knew that couldn't continue indefinitely.

However, it wasn't as if he had foresworn sex with Real Men. On the contrary, while he had ended scheduled training sessions, he did not cut off all contact with Master. Every so often, Master would give him a call and erik would go over to Master's house and reprise his role as his Master's bitch, 'keeping his hand in it' as Master would say. Sometimes George would be there, too, and erik would serve both Men as their bitch and as their urinal.

Occasionally, when His wife was out of town, George would text erik directly and order the boy to come over to His house. erik, afraid of what might happen if he refused, always obeyed and would normally spend the entire night with George, servicing the Man with his mouth-cunt and his pussy, however the Man wanted. And, invariably, whenever either Man was fucking his boycunt with erik stretched out in front of them on his hands and knees like a bitch, the teenager would have his own boygasm, that he would later lick off the floor as he'd been trained.

But there was still a part of erik that didn't want to accept the fact that he enjoyed serving as a bitch for Real Men. he'd already had a fore-taste of what life as a Real Man's bitch would be like and while erik had to admit that he found the physical aspects exciting - there was no question he was sexually aroused by being used and even abused by Real Men - he wasn't sure whether he could handle the total loss of control over his life that being a full-time bitch would entail.

But even while his conscious thought-processes were still dealing with the qualms the boy had about living the rest of his life as a slave-bitch, erik's unconscious was definitely pushing him towards resuming active training with Master. During his training hiatus, erik found he was having an increasing number of vivid dreams of the most lurid variety. While Master and even George figured prominently in a number of them, as time went by they more and more involved not the two Men who had already fucked him but his brother Chad who he had secretly lusted after for years, ever since erik had first spied on him while Chad was jerking off. Invariably, erik was his brother's sex slave in these dreams, slavishly serving not only as his brother's cum-dump but as his urinal as well. And being erik's Master in these dreams, Chad began to take on the persona of one. He no longer called erik his 'baby bro;' now he was Chad's 'baby bitch.' And Chad used him just like a bitch, too, spanking his ass hard enough to make him cry, fucking his pussy relentlessly until erik was begging him to go easier on him.

What erik found most disconcerting about his dreams of Chad was that more than once he woke up to find not merely that his boy-cock was hard and throbbing - that pretty much happened every morning now - but that he had actually shot a load of boy-juice while he was dreaming and was covered in his thick white cream. As he been trained, he dutifully scraped the dried cum off his body and sucked it into his mouth without even thinking about it. Master had always insisted that erik eat his cum after he shot off and erik had continued that practice even though he was no longer under Master's supervision. It just seemed right, somehow, and erik had come to actually enjoy the taste of his own boy-scuzz, not that this information was something he could ever imagine sharing with someone else.

But as the dreams of his older brother fucking and abusing him became more frequent, erik found that just seeing Chad in the kitchen grabbing a snack was enough to give erik a raging hard-on. erik knew Chad had a nice thick 8-inch cock. erik wanted to feel that cock up his pussy, so bad. So bad. he really did want to be Chad's 'baby bitch,' and more than once he caught himself actually flirting with his own brother when the two of them were alone. erik knew he was playing with fire and tried to put a damper on his libido but, living under the same roof with his brother, he was afraid it was only a matter of time before he crossed the line and exposed himself as the cock-hungry boy-bitch he was realizing he'd become.

So it was not surprising that, as the months dragged on, erik slowly came to the realization that however difficult it might be to live the rest of his life as a bitch for Real Men, there was something inside of him that would only be fulfilled if he did. Regardless of how he'd been raised and how he had formerly thought of himself, he was, in the core of his being, a bitch and the only real question was whether he was going to allow himself to live as he was meant to live - as a slave-bitch for Real Men.

It was early September when erik finally decided it was time to resume his training to be a Real Man's total cock whore. The first thing he did was to inform his parents that he had put down a deposit on an apartment and was going to be moving out in a month. he told them that he thought it was about time for him to be living on his own. The truth was that erik believed it would be a lot easier for him to resume his role as a bitch in training if he didn't have to worry about running into his parents or his brother Chad whenever he returned from a session with Master, reeking of cum and piss. And he also wouldn't have to worry so much about making some unreciprocated move on his brother if he wasn't seeing him on a daily basis.

Next, he contacted both Master and George and asked them if they would consider using him on a weekly basis. erik also told both Men that he thought it was time he expanded the number of Men he was servicing and asked them if they could ask some of their friends if they would like to make use of erik, too. Not surprisingly, both Men were agreeable to increasing the frequency of their use of erik's body and also to introducing more Men to erik who would use the boy for their pleasure.

Master was busy that first weekend after erik contacted him, but George was free. He texted the boy that His wife was going to be out Friday night with some friends. erik was directed to come by at 7:00 p.m., let himself in, strip off all his clothes and then go into the living room and assume the proper bitch position, just like he would do at Master's house. erik was nervous as he always was when he had a session with George but he arrived on time, removed all his clothing, and went to the living room. he dropped down on his knees, making sure they were spread far apart, and placed his hands behind his head. And then he waited, eyes cast down, fully aware that his nineteen-year-old boyclit was sticking out from his hairless groin, as hard as iron.

George kept him waiting five minutes and erik, kneeling naked on the floor of the living room of one of his Dad's best friends as the time slowly passed, became increasingly uncomfortable, all too aware that he would be fully exposed to anyone who came through the front door. What if George's wife came home early and saw him that way? How could he possibly explain what was going on? What if his Dad stopped by? Oh my God, what would his Dad think if he came in and saw his son kneeling stark naked in another man's house? Despite the coolness of the room, erik began to break out in a nervous sweat. But, finally, just as the tension in erik seemed almost unbearable, George came into the room and erik almost sighed aloud in relief. But his relief was short lived. George circled the boy, just looking at him, not saying anything at first. And then He began in on him.

"bitch, I can't believe what a submissive slut you've become. you are such a complete whore. Can't get enough of My cock up your pussy, can you boy? Just look at yourself, you little slut - your boy-cock just won't go down when you're around Real Men. You really are one hell of a cock-whore."

Hearing George carrying on like this, like He always did when He had erik naked in His house, made the boy blush a flaming red. It was so embarrassing to hear himself described that way, particularly by a Man he'd known almost his entire life - a Man who had seen him grow up from a little kid to become a studly, masculine-appearing teenager, only now the Man was fucking that teenager like He fucked His wife - but harder, a lot harder. erik might be masculine-appearing but, deep inside, he was a pussy, a boy with a hungry cunt between his legs, a boy who needed to be a slave-bitch for Real Men to use. Even though erik was coming to understand that this was true, it was always humiliating to hear Real Men describe him that way.

But George was just beginning. "you know, bitch," He continued, "it does give Me a real high to be fucking the teenage son of one of my best friends, a boy I watched growing up and wondered about, a boy I now bend over and fuck like the sleazy whore he is. But I wonder about your Dad, boy. I wonder." He paused here and put His fist underneath erik's chin, forcing the boy's head up so he was looking straight in the Man's face. "Does your father know what you do, boy? Does he have any idea that his youngest son, the boy he was so proud of when he was growing up, is a cocksucking boy-slut who's peddling his pussy to any Real Man who wants it? Does he have any idea what a piece of trash you've become?"

erik squirmed under the Man's unrelenting contempt. he was so mortified by the question he could feel tears forming in his eyes, but just looking at the Man, erik knew He wanted an answer. "No, Sir," erik managed to reply in a whisper. "He has no idea...what i am....what i've become." erik just managed to avoid sobbing aloud.

George shook His head. He was enjoying taunting the little bitch immensely and it was all He could do to keep his face grim as He went on. "you know, erik, I don't feel good about deceiving your father. I mean, I'm over at your house all the time and I see you walking around and I hear your father saying how proud he is of you and I never tell him the truth - that you are really just a low-life cock-craving slut who takes dick down his throat and up his ass and even lets Men piss in his mouth - and then actually swallows it, too. I mean, boy, don't you think your father has a right to know - a right to know the truth about his little boy - about the cock-whore he raised and who's running around sucking dick and getting his pussy fucked and making a mockery of everything he's been taught about being a 'man.' you, a 'man.' How laughable is that? Don't you think your Dad has the right to know the truth about you?"

"Oh, please, Sir," erik begged, blinking back the tears that were now crowding his eyes. "Don't tell my Dad. Please. It would kill him if he found out about me. Please don't tell him, Sir."

"I don't know, boy," George responded. "I just don't feel right not telling him the truth about you. Of course, he might not believe me if I did. After all, what father wants to believe the son he raised and doted on and put so much effort into raising as a man has turned out to be a piss-drinking cum-dump with a pussy between his legs. I mean, your Dad would find it hard to believe even if he heard it from a good friend like me. He probably wouldn't believe it unless he actually saw it."

George paused for a second, as if mulling the problem over. "No, I suppose the only way I could convince him for sure is if I invited him over here while I was fucking your bitch boy-twat so he could see for himself what a piss-drinking cum-dump you really are. What do you think, boy? Is that what I should do? Invite your Dad over so he can see his precious little boy in action with a Real Man?"

"No, Sir. Oh, please no, Sir," erik groveled. "Don't let my Dad see me like this. It would just destroy him, Sir. It really would."

"So," the Man continued, no longer able to suppress his grin, "you don't want me to tell your father that you're a piss-drinking cum-dump with a pussy between your legs?"

"No, Sir. Please don't do that, Sir."

"Do what, boy?" George pressed.

"Tell my Dad, Sir," erik responded.

"Tell him what, boy?" George continued.

erik looked at him in despair. he didn't want to say it but he knew that the Man wouldn't relent until he did. Sobbing, he gave in, "that i'm a piss-drinking cum-dump with a pussy between my legs."

But George wasn't finished with erik yet. "But that's the truth, isn't it, boy?'

"Yes, sir," erik said in a soft voice.

"You admit it, don't you, boy?" the Man kept at him.

"Yes, sir," erik conceded. "i admit it."

"Then I want to hear you say it, bitch. Say it like you mean it."

erik looked up at the Man, his eyes begging Him not to make erik do this. But George was not to be deterred. Audibly crying, erik finally managed to croak out, "i'm a piss-drinking cum-dump with a pussy between my legs."

"Louder, boy," George responded, not yet satisfied. "I want you to shout it out - to shout out that you're a disgusting teenage piss-drinking cum-dump with a pussy between your legs. Shout it out, boy, so that even my neighbors know what you are."

The tears were flowing freely now as erik, no longer able to look at the Man, screamed at the top of his lungs. "i'm a disgusting teenage piss-drinking cum-dump with a pussy between my legs."

There was a momentary silence which was finally broken when George ordered, "Look at me, boy."

erik forced himself to look up at the man. he couldn't understand why the Man was always so mean to him. erik let the man fuck his mouth and fuck his pussy; he let the Man use him as a urinal and he even swallowed the Man's pee. Why wasn't that enough? Why did the Man always have to humiliate him, too? But erik said nothing. he knew that even asking such a question would just make things worse for him.

"Now, that wasn't so hard, was it bitch?" George asked the teenager.

"No, Sir," the boy agreed, knowing it was the only acceptable answer.

"But you are, you little slut, aren't you," George asked with a smirk. "your little boyclit is just pumping out the pre-cum, isn't it, you fucking cock-whore?"

A quick glance down at his hairless groin showed erik that the Man was right. his boy-cock was sticking straight up in the air, its head coated with his teenage pre. Why was he always so turned on when Men were humiliating him - what was wrong with him? Aloud, he merely agreed with George, "Yes, sir. My boyclit is hard as a rock, Sir."

"Well, My cock is hard as a rock, too, bitch," George observed, unzipping his fly and extracting his hard 7-inch boner, "and it's time you did something about that. So open that mouth-cunt of yours wide, faggot; I've got a load of Man-seed that's got your name on it. And watch the fucking teeth, bitch, if you know what's good for you."

With that, George grabbed the back of the boy's head and just jammed his hard dick halfway down erik's throat. In just seconds, he was face-fucking the teenager with a vengeance.

erik still had a pretty strong gag reflex and he choked and gagged as the Man repeatedly shoved His hard tube of flesh all the way down the teenager's throat. The boy's struggles to swallow His hard cock amused George and He seemed to take particular pleasure in roughly jamming His dick balls-deep into the teenager's mouth and then holding it there until the boy's eyes took on the glaze of panic as he struggled to breathe.

"bitch," George laughed, shaking His head after a particularly vicious thrust down erik's throat had left the boy coughing and gagging, "you need a lot more practice servicing a Man's cock. But, now that you're back in training," He continued, just as He once again drove His throbbing dick all the way back down the teenager's throat, "that's one thing you're going to get. We'll make a decent cocksucker out of you yet."

With that, the Man went back to mouth-fucking erik with abandon. It wasn't long before He felt His hot cum churning in His balls. He delivered a few rapid thrusts in and out of the boy's tight throat and then, as His orgasm hit, He grabbed the back of erik's head and crushed the boy's face right against His abdomen as His cock exploded with cum.

erik could feel the hot man-scuzz shooting down his stretched-out throat. George was shooting a big load into his stomach, that was obvious. erik knew he should be looking at the Man's eyes as He shot off, but his face was pressed so hard into His hairy crotch that it was hard to even see George's face. After maybe a full minute, erik was able to tell that the Man's orgasm was over but George didn't release His grip on the teenager's head. He continued to hold it pressed firmly against His groin, His big cock still wedged in erik's mouth, making it almost impossible for the boy to breathe.

Unable to catch a breath, the teenager really began to panic. he tried to move his head backwards but he only managed to extrude an inch of cock before George applied more pressure to keep him in place. Now, though, erik could once again see the Man's eyes and it was obvious that He was enjoying the boy's growing terror. He held erik in place for another thirty seconds, openly laughing as the boy's eyes widened as the fear and panic surged inside of him. Then, His cold blue eyes twinkling with amusement, He finally removed His hand from the back of the boy's head, allowing erik to back up and expel the cock from his throat.

erik sank to his haunches, gasping for air, the tears freely flowing down his face. It took nearly two minutes before he was able to regulate his breathing so he was no longer just gulping the air in. He looked back up at George and saw that the Man was still standing directly in front of him, holding His cock. He had a look of impatience on His face.

"Straighten up, bitch," he ordered. "Clean My cock off with your faggot mouth."

"Yes, sir," erik murmured, returning to a kneeling position and taking the Man's slowly softening penis into his mouth. he laved it with his tongue for a full minute, licking off scattered remnants of the Man's jizz.

George let the boy work on His cock for a while before he pulled it back so that it was outside the boy's mouth but directly in front of his face. "Now clean the slit out boy - with your tongue. And make sure you suck out any of my Man cream that's still inside. you don't want to waste any of My precious seed, do you, faggot?"

"No, Sir," erik replied submissively as he brought his hand up to hold the Man's cock in place as he leaned forward and began to suck on the crown of the Man's dick. He could feel a few stray strands of ball-juice coating his tongue, which he quickly swallowed. Then, convinced that he had, indeed, sucked up every last gob of Man-seed, he stuck his tongue out and began probing the Man's slit with its tip, making sure it was clean, trying not to visualize how he must look, a young nude teenage boy on his knees, sticking his tongue up the piss-slit of a Man old enough to be his father.

George let the boy work on His cock for a couple of minutes before He was satisfied that the punk had done a good job. Then He simply stepped backwards and sat down, leaving the teenager kneeling in front of Him. He was obviously more relaxed now that He had emptied His balls down the boy's throat, but that didn't mean He was going to let the faggot relax, too.

"you just stay where you are, bitch," He ordered. He sat there looking at erik for a while before He began speaking again.

"you know, I would have thought you'd want to avoid me boy - me, knowing your Dad so well. I would have thought you'd be really embarrassed to have one of your old Man's best friends fucking your pussy and your mouth-cunt. But obviously not boy. you're such a horny little bitch faggot you can't help yourself. So, pussyboy, why did you call me and ask if I wanted to fuck you more frequently - every week was the way you put it? And you want me to invite some of my friends to use you, too. Are you that horny for cock, you little slut?"

There was no way erik could answer that question without embarrassing himself, so he just told the truth. "i figured, Sir, that it was time for me to resume my training as a bitch. i thought about it long and hard and i realized that a 'bitch' is what i am and will probably always be and it's time i was trained so that i can provide the level of pleasure Real Men, like You, expect from their bitches. i didn't know anyone besides You and Master who could help me in this, so i called You and Master. Master said he's willing to help me out just like You are, Sir."

"Yeah, I know, bitch," George nodded. "I've already talked to Him. We both agreed it was about time you got back in training - you've got a lot of lost ground to make up, boy, and, of course, you're going to have to be punished for breaking training in the first place. you understand that, bitch, don't you?"

"Yes, sir," erik replied, trying to mask his concern. he had been pretty sure that he would be punished for ending his training in January so the Man's threat was not unexpected. What erik was worried about, however, was his pain tolerance. he had already learned that bitches were routinely expected to suffer physical pain for the pleasure of Real Men, but the boy was worried that he wouldn't be able to endure the pain he was likely to experience without making a spectacle of himself. he thought that this was as good a time as any to broach that topic.

"Sir," he said in his most submissive tone, "may I ask you a question?"

George sat back and just looked at the boy. The fact that the little whore had asked for permission to ask a question was a sign that the cunt hadn't forgotten all of his training during the long hiatus. Pleased by this, the Man decided to give the teenager His permission. "you may ask a question, bitch," He agreed.

"Sir," erik began, "i know i don't have the greatest tolerance for pain, not the way a bitch should have, Sir. What i was wondering, Sir, is whether You and Master would work to increase my pain tolerance so that i can perform at a level expected of a well-trained slave-bitch?"

The Man was clearly surprised by erik's question. He sat there, looking at the teenager for a few seconds, and then burst out laughing. "Oh, don't you worry, boy," He finally said, when He got control of Himself, "I can guarantee that your Master and me will both be more than willing to work on increasing your tolerance for pain. Oh, yeah, bitch," he continued, chuckling aloud, "that I can definitely guarantee."

"Thank you, Sir," the boy dutifully replied, disconcerted but not surprised by the Man's reaction to his request. But erik had meant what he said. he did want to increase his tolerance for pain. Right now, it didn't seem to take much to make him cry and, even though he was pretty sure that the Men using him enjoyed seeing him cry like a little girl when they abused his body, erik knew he needed to be able to suffer their abuse without breaking down like a baby every time they hurt him. It should take a lot of pain to make a well-trained bitch cry and that was what erik had decided he wanted to be - a well-trained bitch.

George was still laughing when he happened to glance over and see the clock. It was almost exactly 8:00 p.m., time for His show. He picked up the remote and glanced over at erik. "You just cuddle up at my feet, bitch. There's a show on I want to watch. You just lie there and keep your fucking mouth shut. Understand, cuntboy?"

"Yes, Sir," erik responded, grateful to be getting off his knees. Even though the floor was carpeted and it was a lot easier kneeling on it than Master's tile floor, the boy's knees were beginning to hurt after nearly an hour on them. It was a pain erik had become somewhat used to - not that he had any choice. Early on in his training, he had made the mistake of complaining about it to Master, who had proceeded to spank the crap out of the boy's ass for his temerity, assuring the teenager as He whaled away at his inflamed butt, that by the time Master was finished with him, erik wouldn't even notice the pain in his knees. Master had been right, too. For the rest of that evening, the pain surging from his battered ass totally overrode any discomfort he was feeling from continuing to have to kneel in position. erik learned his lesson, though. he never again complained about any pain he was feeling from maintaining his proper position on the floor. he knew what would happen to him if he did.

erik got onto the floor right next to George's feet. As he did, he recalled how Speedster, his old Dalmatian, used to curl up underneath his Dad's feet years ago. The parallel was pretty clear - the only difference was that while erik was clearly a bitch, Speedster had been all male. erik couldn't help smiling as he recalled watching his dog fuck a bitch he cornered in the back-yard. erik was maybe thirteen at the time and remembered how shocked he had been at just how big Speedster's penis was, once fully aroused. No one else had been around, so erik was able to watch the dog fucking the bitch all the way to its conclusion. he saw the huge knob that Speedster forced up the bitch's pussy and then watched, totally fascinated, as Speedster, once knotted inside his bitch, flipped around and stood there, ass to ass, just pumping his doggy-seed into her. erik couldn't believe how much seed that dog seemed to shoot. They'd stayed locked together a good ten, maybe fifteen minutes, before Speedster finally pulled out, looking totally contented and sated as he walked to a corner of the yard, curled up and went to sleep. The bitch, leaking cum from her pussy, seemed pretty happy too as she slowly ambled across the lawn and out of their lot. Just remembering all that as he lay huddled at George's feet kept a smile on his erik's lips as he slowly drifted off to sleep.

he awoke with a sharp pain in his side. Immediately, his entire body flushed and he glanced frantically down at his groin. his boy-clit was still a rigid tube of throbbing meat and the head was clearly coated with fresh pre-cum but there was no evidence that erik had experienced a boygasm. 'It was a dream,' he told himself. 'It was a dream.' But as he recalled the details of the dream, erik could feel the blush deepening all over his body.

The boy couldn't remember all of it, but what he could was profoundly embarrassing. he was on all fours, like he frequently was, surrounded by a group of Men who were mocking and ridiculing him as erik writhed under a violent anal assault. Master and George were standing right in front of him and both Men were convulsed with laughter. he could feel a huge cock inside his pussy, bigger than anything he'd ever felt before, and it was being banged into him with incredible force. The boy was just about to turn around to see who was fucking him when he felt a pointed jab in his side. He glanced over his shoulder and saw Speedster looming over him. A scream of horror burst through his lips but quickly morphed into a shriek of ecstasy as erik's hard boy-cock began shooting a massive load of boy-cream all over the floor. he had orgasmed as his pussy was being pounded and the watching Men went wild at the spectacle he was making of himself.

Just as erik was recalling the profound mortification that had swept over him in his dream, an even sharper jab of pain in his side forced him to concentrate on his present reality. he heard George above him angrily asking, "Are you deaf, you stupid cunt? I told you to get up and get your fucking ass into the kitchen." This was followed by yet another sharp jab of pain in his side which erik now realized was being caused by George kicking him.

The boy began to struggle to his feet, only to have George roughly push him back to the floor. "Who the fuck told you to stand up, you fucking piece of shit? you're a fucking bitch and bitches don't walk like Men, they crawl like the animals they are. So get on your hands and knees and crawl out to my kitchen, cuntboy. I want to fuck that tight little twat-hole you've got between your legs and I don't want you spraying your fucking boy-seed all over my living room carpet. So get moving, bitch."

'Yes, Sir," erik replied, hurrying to get on all fours and start making his way towards the kitchen. He was rewarded by a stinging slap to his right butt cheek. "Get moving, you fucking faggot," George ordered. And, as erik started crawling forward added, "and don't forget to wiggle your tail back and forth like a bitch in heat."

As the boy obediently began wiggling his ass as he crawled towards the kitchen, he felt himself blushing again. he couldn't help but be reminded of that disgusting dream he had just had. How could he have even had a dream like that? What was wrong with him? Jeez, had he'd actually cum in his dream while Speedster was fucking him? How sick would that be? But was it Speedster fucking him? erik vaguely remembered being mounted by a hairy old guy as the crowd of on-lookers urged the Man on. What had happened to Him? Had he been imagining, in his dream, that it was Speedster fucking him when it was still that old guy? But the whole thing had been a dream. Nothing like it had ever happened to erik. he couldn't remember having ever seen that old guy before. And he had never been fucked like that in front of a crowd of Men. At least not yet. So, yeah, obviously, he had just imagined the whole thing so anything was possible since the whole thing was just a dream, but why had he imagined what he had?

erik continued to mentally wrestle with that question as he crawled through the hall towards the kitchen. he knew you couldn't control dreams. Dreams were filled with crazy shit all the time. They didn't mean anything, he told himself - the dream he had just had didn't mean anything. But there was one question he couldn't answer that did worry him - why was his boy-clit so rock-hard when he woke up? That hadn't been something he had just imagined; that was real. he had been fully, achingly erect when he woke up. Had he actually been turned on by a dream that perverted, that sick? Just how depraved was he becoming?

All this inner turmoil, however, was quickly shunted aside once erik made it into the kitchen. "Spread those legs apart, bitch," George roughly ordered. "It's time for that sweet pussy of yours to get a good workout."

As erik struggled to get his knees as far apart as possible on the kitchen floor and arched his back as he'd been taught to provide a better angle of entry for the Man who was about to fuck his boy-twat, he heard George rummaging around in one of the kitchen cabinets. The Man must have found what He'd been looking for because the boy could hear George walking back over to him.

"bitch," He said, "I'm doing you a favor tonight but don't expect it again in the future."

erik felt a greasy hand on his butt and then two fingers were roughly inserted into his boy-hole. They rummaged around for a few second and then were withdrawn and replaced by the top of a plastic bottle. erik didn't dare turn around to look, but it seemed to him that the Man was lubing up his pussy with cooking oil. The teenager could tell that some of the oil was being squeezed up his hole, but he quickly caught his breath when the bottle was yanked out of his ass and replaced by the head of the Man's cock. erik tried to relax, hoping that George would ease His large cock slowly into erik's tight hole, letting his boypussy get used to have a throbbing piece of man-meat stuffing his fuck-hole before the Man started in on hard fucking. But he knew that wasn't George's way. Sure enough, a moment later erik was screaming in pain as the Man buried his hard tool all the way up the teenager's clutching fuck-chute in one cunt-busting thrust.

"ARRGGHH," erik heard himself shout. he knew it was a mistake to scream; he knew it always made the Man fuck him even harder. But erik couldn't help himself. It hurt so bad. The boy just couldn't help himself. He cried out again as the Man totally withdrew His cock and then pounded His way back in through the teenager's tender cunt-lips.

"Go ahead and scream, bitch," George laughed, not easing up in the slightest. "There's no one to hear you and it really turns Me on the way you carry on like a little girl when you're getting your tight little pussy fucked by a Real Man. So, go ahead, cuntboy, scream as much as you want. It's fucking music to my ears."

erik tried to control himself. he knew the Man was telling the truth - he knew his screams and cries and tears just egged the Man on to fuck him harder and harder. But he really couldn't help himself. It hurt so bad. It hurt so fucking BAD. The Man was using all of His 6'2" frame to bang the shit out of the boy's hole. It was the roughest fuck the boy had ever experienced. By far. It felt like the Man was tearing the shit out of his poor pussy-lips. Despite all his efforts to keep quiet, erik was moaning and grunting and at times screeching as he was relentlessly pounded all across the tile floor of George's kitchen.

And throughout his long and brutal fuck, George subjected the boy to a continuous stream of invective and insult. "That's it, you fucking slut, work that hole around my cock. You love it, you little bitch, don't you. Admit it, this is what you live for, having your hungry teenage boycunt reamed out be a Real Man. Having a Real Man turn you into the pussy-bitch you were always meant to be. That's what you want, you little whore, that's what you always want - a Real Man inside your pussy fucking your brains out. Isn't it, fuck-boy? Isn't it?

Beneath the Man, erik knew that the smart thing would be to agree with George, to tell Him what He definitely wanted to hear. And erik would have done so, too, if only he could have stopped crying and squealing long enough to form the words. But, as it was, the pain was just too great, too all-encompassing. It felt like the Man was literally going to split him in two. All erik could hope for was that it would be over soon; that the raw agony he was feeling would finally come to an end.

Instead, the brutal fuck just went on and one. It was obvious that the Man fucking him was in no hurry to bring matters to a climax. He was having way too much fun fucking the boy, fucking the boy's cunt which was so much tighter than His wife's, even now after he'd been deep-dicking it a good ten minutes and it had loosened up and was beginning to get sloppy. Even sloppy and quivering the boy's fuck-hole was the tightest thing George had fucked in years and He wanted to draw things out and really enjoy this fuck.

And hearing the boy crying and carrying on, squealing like a girl taking her first dick up her pussy, really did make things so much hotter for the Man. Here He was fucking the living shit out of a nineteen-year-old boy, a young stud who'd played football and soccer on his high school teams, the son of one of his best friends, and the little bitch was just taking it, just letting the Man use and abuse his hole, letting the Man hurt him so much that he was crying and sobbing and even occasionally shrieking like a little girl the whole time he was being fucked.

But though the boy begged and pleaded with the Man to go easier - not to fuck him so hard - erik never made any real effort to defend himself. The boy wasn't big enough to have a real chance against George, but any Real Man, any masculine boy, would at least make the effort. The fact that erik didn't spoke volumes about him. he really was just a pussy, a bitch for Real Men to use any way they wanted to. erik might have a pair of gonads dangling down in his scrotum but he didn't have any balls - not any real balls. he really was nothing more than a submissive cuntboy with a pussy between his legs. And George knew the teenager deserved anything He wanted to do to him.

Watching the boy writhe underneath him, George couldn't help but smile. 'If only his old man could see him now,' he thought. 'It would blow his fucking mind, watching his son get bitched out like a ten-cent whore.' And then, even though he was sure of what he'd find, he reached under the boy's stomach and grabbed the teenage boy-cock jutting out from his groin. Sure enough. It was hard as nails, and the head was coated with pre. The little whore couldn't help himself. Stick a hard cock up his pussy, diddle it for just a bit, and the little fuck-bitch would get hard as concrete. erik was already such a fucking cock-whore; God knew what he'd be like by the time they finished training him up. This was obviously a boy born to sexually service Men and George was merely putting him to the use he had always been predestined for.

"you want to cum, boy?" He asked aloud, making no effort to disguise the scorn He felt for the young fuckboy. "you want to shoot your load of slimy boy-scuzz while a Real Man makes you his bitch, while a Real Man batters your boycunt into mush?"

Beneath him, even in the agony of the brutal assault he was enduring, the Man's words were sufficient to make erik cringe in embarrassment. Even though it happened virtually every time he got fucked, the teenager still found it humiliating that his boy-cock never failed to plump up and harden whenever he had a dick up his pussy. And it didn't seem to matter how hard the boy's fuck-hole was being cored out. Stick a cock up his cunt and erik got hard. he was a complete cock-slut - even erik had to admit that now. But being one was still incredibly embarrassing to the boy and the fact that the men using him knew that that's what he was always made erik feel so dirty, so bespoiled. he was a disgusting faggot cock-whore and he deserved to be fucked and abused by Real Men for their pleasure.

Aloud, in between grunts and moans, erik managed to squeak out a "Yes, Sir. Please, Sir." erik knew that George wasn't surprised. It had to be obvious that the boy was already a complete cock-slut who couldn't control himself. The need to cum was now uppermost in his mind and erik didn't care what it said about him that he was turned on by being brutally raped. All he cared about now was emptying his churning boy-balls, shooting a load of boy-seed out of his throbbing boyclit.

"you fucking cunt," George snorted, slapping the boy's butt-cheek hard. A spray of water splattered onto the floor. The boy's entire body was dripping sweat like a pig on a spit. Of course, George thought, that's just what the boy was - a fucking cock-pig on a spit, getting his teenage pussy reamed out by a Real Man. He reached back under the boy and grabbed his throbbing boyclit, squeezing it hard, making the little whore buck and squeal. He started roughly stroking the bitch-boy off while at the same time increasing the force of his thrusts up the teenager's cunt, battering the boy's prostate on every stroke.

In less than a minute, the Man could feel the cock in his hand quivering and jerking. He gave one last hard squeeze and then let go as the teenager's boyclit started spewing out hot seed all over the floor. Excited, as He always was, by making the little fuck-whore cum while his boycunt was being ravaged by a hard cock, George picked up the pace of His fucking even more and, after three massive thrusts that moved the boy four feet across the floor, felt His own cock explode with Man-scuzz inside erik's stretched-out and battered fuck-hole. Screaming like a banshee, He pounded every drop of His thick seed deep inside the boy's spasming cunt.

George rested His weight on the boy's heaving body, noting how slick with sweat the boy was. He had really put the punk through his paces tonight. He didn't have any doubt that the little whore would still be sore on Monday when he went back to work and that thought brought a satisfied smile to the Man's face. Having this bitch return to training had been the answer to His and Master's prayers. They were going to have so much fun turning this teenager into a totally compliant cock-whore. By the time they finished with him, erik wouldn't remember what it was like to wake up in the morning and not feel the pain of a totally ravaged boycunt.

The Man looked up at the kitchen wall clock and realized that His wife would probably be home in about forty-five minutes. It was time to get the little fuck bitch out of there and get the place straightened up. Roughly, He yanked His softening cock out of the boy's battered bung and slowly got to His feet. He couldn't help chuckling in amusement as erik immediately crouched down and began licking his spent boy-seed off the kitchen floor. The little cuntboy was already such a submissive bitch. It wasn't going to be long before there wasn't anything they couldn't do to the little whore.

George headed off towards the bathroom where He picked up a soiled towel. When He returned to the kitchen, He was pleased to note that, having cleaned up every strand of his boygasm, erik had returned to his position on his hands and knees, his now gaping boycunt spread wide, ready for any further use that George might choose to make of it.

George had to admit that the little slut's pussy certainly looked enticing, yawning open the way it was. And it was gratifying to see a bubble of His Man-cum dribbling past the teenager's battered and visibly swollen cunt-lips. Despite the fact that He had just shot off a massive load of stud-cream, He could feel His own cock tingling with renewed interest. But a quick glance at the clock convinced the Man that He just didn't have enough time. He couldn't risk having His wife walk in while He was fucking the crap out of one of their friend's sons. 'Damn,' He thought. 'I'd really like to plow the bitch's fuckhole again but there just isn't time.' But then He remembered that His wife was going to be gone the entire next weekend, visiting her family. A broad grin erupted on His face. Next weekend - yeah, next weekend - He was going to really show the little cuntboy what a Real Man could do to a bitch like him when He had him for an entire night. Next weekend was going to be fantastic.

"bitch," He called out. Immediately, erik raised his head and turned to face Him. George threw him the towel. "Clean yourself up. you're a fucking mess."

"Yes, Sir," the boy immediately replied, his face showing his surprise. George knew that the boy's Master never let the bitch clean himself up before sending him home, but George actually found it vaguely erotic to watch the boy clean up after being used hard, particularly the way he always winced when he touched his sore cunt-lips. This time, the teenager actually groaned out loud when the fabric rubbed across his swollen rosette. George could feel His cock hardening even more and He figured He'd better get the boy out of there soon or He might not be able to control Himself.

He walked back to the living room and picked up the boy's clothes from the chair. Returning to the kitchen, he simply flung them on the floor in front of the teenager. "you've got one minute to get dressed and get your sloppy cunt out of My house. Understand, faggot?"

"Yes, Sir," erik answered, jumping to his feet and grabbing his clothes. It didn't take the boy much more than half a minute to get dressed. Of course, since he wasn't allowed to wear underwear, there really weren't that many articles of clothing to put on. George was amused to hear the boy groan again as he pulled his jeans up over his hips. Yeah, there was no question, the bitch's cunt was still going to be sore on Monday. That made George feel good. Real good.

Once erik was dressed, George just looked at him and ordered. "Get the fuck out of my house, cuntboy. I'll text you during the week so that you'll know when to be here for our next session."

"Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir," the boy responded not looking up. George wasn't sure whether that was because the boy was embarrassed by what had happened that night or simply because his submissive nature kept him from looking a Real Man directly in the face. And, truth be told, George didn't give a fuck either way. Now that He was finished with the teenager, He just wanted the little bitch out of there. No reason to run the risk of having His wife come home sooner than expected just so He could continue to ogle a boy he'd be fucking again next weekend. And the weekend after that. And the weekend after that.

"What are you waiting for, you little whore?" He asked with asperity. "I told you to get the fuck out of My house. Now, you dumb cunt."

"Yes, Sir. Sorry, Sir," the boy apologized, moving so quickly towards the front of the house that he was almost running.

George just stood there watching the boy's well-fucked ass as erik made a bee-line for the front door. He couldn't be sure, but He thought He could see the unmistakable signs of a cum-stain starting to spread across the back of the boy's jeans. He wondered what erik's old man would think if he noticed it. He probably wouldn't even recognize it for what is so obviously was and, even if he did, he'd never believe that it was his good friend George who had deposited the massive load of cum that was now leaking out of his son's ass. No, George shook his head smiling, he'd never believe that.

For his part, erik was glad to be getting out of George's house. His poor pussy hurt so bad, worse than he could ever remember. When he got to his car and opened the door, just sliding into the driver's seat brought tears to his eyes as the denim raked across his cunt-lips. 'Jeez,' he thought, 'why is George always so mean to me? Why does he always take so much pleasure in hurting me? In talking about my Dad and making me feel like shit?' erik always did whatever the Man told him to. he never struggled or tried to get away, even when the Man was pulverizing his ass during a spanking. And he let the Man use him as a cum-dump or a urinal whenever He wanted. But that never was enough for George. He always wanted to hurt and humiliate erik while He used him.

erik couldn't help but think that just being able to fuck the teenager ought to be enough for the Man. After all, a guy like George, in His middle forties at least, well past His prime, ought to be thrilled just having a lithe, well-muscled teenage stud at his beck and call, a boy willing to bend over and serve as His fuck-bitch whenever the Man wanted it. Sure, maybe twenty years ago, George might have been really hot. When He was in His twenties He was probably a lot more physically active and, being in the sun more, his light-brown hair probably did seem really blond. That, with His blue eyes, might have made Him seem like a real catch.

But now, He needed to face the facts. His best days were behind Him. He had that middle-age stockiness that almost certainly presaged the arrival of an ever- expanding stomach. He ought to be thrilled to have a teenager like erik sexually servicing Him, particularly since what the Man had said the first time they met at Master's house was true - compared to erik, His wife was a cow. There was no question that erik was providing Him with a lot more sexual satisfaction than he could ever get from her.

Part of erik thought that George should count his lucky stars that a boy as sexually attractive as erik would willingly allow the Man to use his body however He wanted. Instead, every session with the Man seemed to make Him meaner and meaner. After tonight's session, erik was afraid to think what might happen to him next week, particularly since he'd told the Man that he wanted to increase his tolerance for pain. George would probably see that as a green light to completely brutalize erik and that possibility really scared the teenager.

But, even as these thoughts roiled around inside the teenager's brain, erik knew there was nothing he could do to change things. he certainly couldn't confront the Man - that would only make things worse, much worse. Besides, erik had finally accepted that he was a slave-bitch, that there was something deep inside of him that made him want to serve Real Men as their sexual slave, as their bitch. It wasn't for him to pick or choose who would have sex with him or how they would use him - that was for Real Men to decide. he knew he should be grateful when any Man decided to use his slut body as a receptacle for His cum or His pee or anything else He wanted to deposit in the boy. erik was sure that, as his training progressed, he would become more and more comfortable in performing his role as a bitch for Real Men and that he'd eventually come to appreciate even the abuse he was forced to endure as no more than his just desserts. And it wouldn't matter a damn how the Men using him looked. Why would it? erik wasn't there for his pleasure, he was there to provide Real Men with their pleasure and he knew he should be grateful that any Real Man, regardless of how unappealing He might appear, would take the time to use the teenager's body for the Man's enjoyment. But, right now, that was still hard for erik to do.

As he turned his car into the driveway, erik was relieved to see that his parents had already gone to bed, so he didn't have to worry about either of them noticing the cum-stain that he could feel growing inside the seat of his jeans. he couldn't help grimacing slightly as he eased himself out of the car and headed towards the front door. he slipped inside his house as quietly as a cat-burglar and carefully made his way up the stairs. As he did so, he was aware that his boyclit was still fully erect inside his jeans and he knew it was only a matter of time before he was squirming on his bed, reviewing everything that had happened to him tonight, and pounding out a massive load of boy-scuzz all over his smooth, completely hairless, teenage body.

And, sure enough, ten minutes later erik was writhing around on top of his sheets like a whore getting her pussy pounded, reliving the feeling of George pummeling his cunt into pudding, only in his mind it wasn't George bitching him out, it was his brother Chad who was fucking the living shit out of erik, his 'baby bitch.'

When erik finally shot his load, it was if he hadn't cum in a week. The cum just erupted from his hard boy-cock, coating his body from his face to his abs with stream after stream of pure white boy-cream. In the aftermath of his boygasm, as he languidly scooped the cum off his body and transferred it to his mouth, erik realized that he had a lot to be grateful for. he was young, in shape, attractive; he had discovered the truth about himself - that he was a born slave-bitch - at a young age when he could be properly trained to fulfill his role in life; and, oh yeah, that George didn't know what erik really thought about Him. Yes, erik was especially grateful about that. Because if George ever found that out, there'd be hell to pay.

So it was that, despite all the soreness and pain erik felt as he lay on top of his bed, when he finally drifted off to sleep he did so with a smile on his face, the smile of a bitch who had been well and truly fucked and who knew he'd be fucked just like that again and again in the future.

Next: Chapter 3

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