The Night Erik

By Rafi Daud

Published on Oct 27, 2015


This story is either the true story of a nineteen-year-old boy named erik who is being trained to be a total cock whore or a figment of the author's imagination. It's up to the reader to decide for himself which is the case. All I will say is that whether true or fictional, the author is not erik, Master, or George. He is simply the author. This is also copyrighted material. So while you're welcome to make a personal copy for yourself, any other reproduction or reposting is not allowed without the prior written consent of the author.

Any comments or criticisms should be directed to Rafi at While suggestions are welcomed, the appearance of future chapters will be dependent on erik's willingness to continue to share his on-going experience or on the author's ability to conjure up future plot developments

One last thing. While Nifty provides its services free of charge to both budding authors and readers, it is not free of costs. Please consider donating at

THE NIGHT erik .....

Chapter 1


erik was nervous, as usual, as he approached Master's house. And he was hard, as he always was when he thought of Master. Master had been training him for the past three months, turning the nineteen-year-old former straight stud into his 'boy,' into his 'bitch,' into his 'slave.' And over those three months, erik had come to the realization that Master had been right in his reading of the teenager at their first session together - erik was a natural submissive, he was a born slave-boy whose future would be dedicated to serving Real Men and their cocks.

For most of his life, erik had thought he was straight; that he was your normal, red-blooded, All-American boy. he certainly looked the part. he had a full head of dark brown hair, which he usually kept short, and a good-looking, even face which was frequently lit up by a smile that made his eyes seem to twinkle. he was a lean 170 pounds packed on to a 5'11" inch frame, a classic swimmer's build, with a tight, firm bubble-butt. he had played football and soccer in high school and liked being outdoors, especially when he was hunting or fishing with his buddies, activities particularly popular in rural Kansas.

Not surprisingly, erik had been popular with both the other boys and the girls at school. And he did well in school, too. While he wasn't particularly sexually-active, the Missouri synod frowned on such activities after all, he wasn't a virgin either. he had fucked his girl-friend, Carin, a number of times, though probably not as much as she would have liked. And he had enjoyed it, too. But not so much that it kept him from breaking up with her after junior year.

All in all, anyone looking at erik's life from the outside would have seen nothing that would have given any indication that, less than six months after graduation, he'd find himself being trained to serve as a 'boy,' as a 'bitch' for the sexual pleasure of other men like him. Well, not really for other 'men' like him, but for Real Men which erik had discovered he was not. erik wasn't a Real Man and he knew now he never would be. erik was, and always would be, a 'boy.'

It was hard for even erik to pinpoint when it was that he began to question his own make-up, to wonder whether he really was straight. he'd always felt a vague attraction to other boys, particularly his friend Keith. But Keith was a lot like erik, just a little bit taller and a little big bigger and, with his sly sense of humor, he was a lot of fun to be around, so erik just kind of chalked up his feelings for his friend as merely a deep, close friendship type of thing. Certainly, Keith gave no indication that it was anything more than that on his part. Sure Keith would rough-house with him and frequently would throw his arm around erik's shoulder as they talked about sports or school or what they were going to do the next weekend, but that was just the sort of guy Keith was. He was touchy-feely in a non-threatening, non-sexual sort of way. He certainly never put the moves on erik and erik never really felt that he had.

Not that erik hadn't occasionally wondered what he would do if Keith did. And there was that one night when erik had awoke in a cold sweat. he'd been dreaming about Keith, nothing sexual, just guy-stuff, when suddenly Keith had leaned in and planted one right on erik's lips. And it wasn't some playful peck; it was a hard, forceful kiss that in his dream had forced erik's lips apart and allowed Keith to bury his tongue deep in erik's mouth.

erik's heart was pounding in his chest as he lay in his bed trying to figure out why, for the life of him, he had had a dream like that. But it was only when he moved in bed and realized that his cut-cock was lying hard and sticky on his belly that he felt really embarrassed. 'Jeez,' he thought to himself, 'what is wrong with me. I got a leaking boner dreaming about Keith kissing me. That's sick, dude. That's sick.' It took erik a while to fall back to sleep and the next morning he sprang out of his bed and showered as quickly as he could and tried to scrub the image of Keith kissing him from his mind as forcefully as he cleaned the dried pre-cum from his stomach.

erik never told Keith about his dream. Hell, erik tried to avoid even thinking about it. But, somehow, erik knew it was always there, lurking in the back of his mind, the vision of Keith leaning in and kissing him and of him kissing Keith back and getting oh, so very hard while he did it.

Maybe that's when it started. Maybe that's when erik began to include gay sites in his occasional forays into internet porn. erik was surprised at the number and variety of gay porn sites out there and was even more surprised that he found himself particularly excited by looking at pictures of nude guys tied up in bondage, either alone or being actively used by other men. erik's dick would get hard as a rock when he was looking at stuff like that and he would frequently reach down and rub one out.

erik also discovered that he was turned on reading stories about gay sex, particularly stories that had an authoritarian bent, where the guy being fucked wasn't just being fucked - he was being raped, and brutalized, and humiliated. eric would read these stories, working his hard cock for all he was worth, shooting off load after load of steaming boy-seed. he was almost always embarrassed after he shot a load after reading one of these dirty stories and more than once he told himself that he just wouldn't do it anymore. But, like someone hooked on drugs, erik found that he was an addict; he just couldn't keep himself away from these sites.

Naturally, the more he visited the sites and got off on reading the stories, the more erik began to question whether or not he really was straight. he never told anyone about his growing infatuation with rough gay porn. Who could he tell? Certainly not his Dad. His Dad would never understand. And he couldn't tell his older brother, Chad, even though he'd always been close to him. What if Chad recoiled in disgust? What if he looked at erik like he was some disgusting degenerate? erik loved his brother and couldn't even bear to think of being totally estranged from him.

And the same was true of his friends. What if they were repulsed by what erik was doing? What if they all turned their backs on him? erik had always thought that he could tell friends like Keith and John anything and they'd have his back. But this, maybe being gay, being turned on by seeing guys tied up and fucked, this would really push the envelope. erik couldn't be sure that they'd still be the same, would still want him as a friend if they found out about this. So he said nothing. To anyone.

So erik's growing fascination with - his growing addiction to - hard-core gay porn remained a secret from everyone. And erik was left to himself to work out whether his interest in the subject matter was just the stuff of fantasy or was something he would actually enjoy participating in. Finally, a couple of months after he graduated from high school, erik decided to bite the bullet. The only way he'd ever know for sure if he was really turned on by rough sex with other males was to try it.

There were only a few gay bars in Kansas and erik wasn't old enough to get into any of them. So, after giving it a lot of thought and not without a good deal of trepidation, erik took out an ad on Craigslist. He described himself as a young guy who wanted to explore his sexuality and possible submissive side with an older, experienced man.

Within a couple of days, erik had received two responses. One was from a student at the local college and the other was from an older man who erik thought might be a professor there. erik decided to reply to older man, figuring he'd do better with someone who had more experience. erik provided the man with a physical description of himself and informed him that, while he had always thought he was straight, he had lately been experiencing other feelings and urges and needed help in understanding them. The man agreed to meet with erik at the local Chipotle's.

Not surprisingly, erik was nervous that day, though he tried hard not to show it. The first time he saw the man outside on the patio, erik felt more than a little scared. The man was bigger than erik and had eyes that seemed to go right through the boy. But while the man was physically intimidating his manner was relaxed, which helped erik to relax too.

The conversation at Chipotle's was relatively brief. erik pretty much simply repeated what he had already told the man - that while he had always thought he was straight he had been lately experiencing other feelings that he felt he needed to explore. The man told erik that he understood and that, if erik was serious, he thought he could help him. He gave erik his home address and gave him a day and time to be there. He told erik that if he showed up, the man would consider him serious, but that if he didn't show up not to bother him again. And with that, the man got up and left.

Over the ensuing week, erik went back and forth over whether he would show up at the man's house. Not surprisingly, he was very nervous, not knowing what he could expect. But, ultimately, he decided that this was just something he had to do - he had to find out once and for all whether he was attracted to other men on more than a fantasy level and whether his interest in taking the submissive role in rough sex was more than a passing fancy. So that Friday night, he gathered up all his courage and drove over to the man's house and, with his heart pounding in his chest, walked up to the door and knocked. The man opened the door and motioned erik inside. erik swallowed hard and then stepped through the door and, with those few steps, began a journey down a path that would irrevocably change his entire life as he had known it. And it was this path that he was now following as he walked up to the door and knocked. Only now he realized that it was not simply a 'man' who waited on the other side of the door, it was Master, his Master.

Master opened the door and stepped aside to allow erik to enter and then closed the door behind him. Then He waited, not saying anything. erik immediately stepped over to chair in the living room and proceeded to remove every article of clothing until he was completely naked, carefully folding and stacking each item of apparel on the chair. Though erik had performed this strip-tease countless times in the past few months, he never failed to blush as he exposed himself. he wasn't sure whether he was embarrassed because of the way his always-hard boy-cock jutted straight out from his groin, visibly throbbing with anticipation, or whether he was embarrassed because he looked like a fourteen-year-old boy with his body completely devoid of all of its hair.

Master had impressed on erik, beginning on the first day of erik's training, that only Real Men had the right to have hair on their bodies; boys like erik should always keep their bodies hairless and smooth as befitted their status as a 'boy.' erik had, of course, complied with Master's direction and had been keeping his body completely free of hair since that first session, shaving not only his torso, pubes and armpits, but his arms and legs as well. But since he'd begun shaving his body, erik had found it impossible to look at his naked body in a mirror without mentally cringing, even though Master had explained to him many times that now he merely looked on the outside the way he had always been on the inside. he looked like the 'boy' he had always been - and always would be.

erik realized that what Master said was doubtless true, but he still found it humiliating to look at himself and see a prepubescent 'boy' staring back at him in the mirror. Being completely shaved really brought home to erik what it meant to be totally naked. Every one of the most private parts of his body - his boy-cock, his boy-balls, his pussy - was openly and clearly on display for the sexual gratification of and use by Real Men.

While it was obvious to erik that Master was always amused at the way erik invariably blushed as he stripped naked when he entered the house, Master never said anything. This night was no different. As always, Master simply picked up erik's clothes and removed them. erik waiting patiently, eyes downcast as he'd been trained, until Master returned. When Master did return, he locked His collar around erik's neck and then clipped a leash to it and proceeded to lead erik down the stairs to the basement where His playroom was located.

erik dutifully followed Master as He descended the stairs. But he had only taken two steps into the finished recreation area before he realized, to his shock, that he and Master were not alone. There, sitting on the couch, drinking a beer, was another man - a man erik recognized. erik's face turned a vibrant scarlet as he realized that sitting there, watching him being led naked into the room at the end of a leash dangling from a collar around his neck, was George Hayman, one of his father's closest friends, someone erik had known virtually his entire life. erik just wanted to melt into the floor, he was so embarrassed at having his father's friend seeing him that way. Even though he could feel the man's eyes just boring into him, erik immediately looked down at the tile flooring, too mortified to even look up at the man that Master was leading him towards.

Master led erik forward until he was standing directly in front of his father's friend. erik could hear George laughing as he rose to his feet. "Man, I know you told me that you were training him as a slave and fucking his cute little ass, but I really didn't believe it," He said, clearly addressing Master. George slowly circled erik, taking in the naked teenager standing submissively in front of the couch.

"You know," George continued, "I've known erik's father for fifteen years. I met him just a couple of weeks after he'd moved his family to Kansas from Georgia. erik was just a little shaver back then, maybe five years old. Cute as a button. You could see that he was the apple of his father's eye, even then. Over the years, I'd see him around the house when I was visiting his Dad and I often wondered whether he might be gay. And here it turns out, he's not only gay, he's a fucking bitch-slut."

erik just stood there, eyes fixed to the floor, as George continued to walk around him. he knew that this had to be the single most embarrassing moment of his entire life but he also knew that there was nothing he could do. he could hardly deny what George was saying about him - not standing there the way he was, naked and hairless with his teenage boy-cock sticking straight up in the air.

George kept circling erik for another minute, continuing his inspection of the naked teenager. "You were smart to have him shave off his pubes and the rest of his hair," He told Master. "he looks real good all smooth like he is now." erik could tell George had moved behind him when He added, "and you didn't lie about his ass either. he's got a fucking beautiful butt. I'm going to really enjoy fucking his boypussy."

"Imagine that," He continued, clearly amused at the thought, "me fucking his teenage boypussy. His old man would have a heart attack if he ever found out that his precious youngest son, the baby of the family, was nothing more than a low-life faggot fuck-bitch. You know, I ought to tell him. After all, a man's got the right to know that instead of a real son living under his roof he's got a disgusting faggot boy-whore instead."

Hearing George talk this way about him, about telling his father what he had become, made erik want to shrivel up into absolute nothingness. It was all so unbelievably embarrassing, so unbelievably humiliating to stand there and hear the things George was saying about him, particularly knowing that his father would probably die of mortification if George ever told him the truth about his son. And what was absolutely the worst of it, and something that George even pointed out before He finally sat down, was that erik's cock never lost its raging hardness. Throughout the entirety of George's demeaning and degrading discussion of erik and his father, erik's boy-dick remained achingly erect, actually slick with his pre-cum. And when George mentioned this to Master, it was all erik could do to keep from breaking down in tears.

George circled the boy one last time, just chuckling in an undertone and then went back to the couch and resumed His seat. Master, who'd been standing just off to the side as George scrutinized His new slave-boy, unhitched the leash from erik's collar, tossing it aside, and then moved to join the other Man on the sofa. Sitting down, He gruffly ordered, "Assume the position, boy."

Wordlessly, erik dropped to his knees, making sure that they were spread widely apart and then brought his hands behind his head, a position he knew left his entire torso fully exposed. he was careful to keep his eyes cast down towards the floor. erik had spent many hours in this position over the past few months and knew that it was only a matter of time before his knees would begin to ache from bearing all his body weight on the tile floor. But he also knew that he'd just have to handle the discomfort without complaint. Master expected him to maintain this position until he was directed otherwise, regardless of any pain he was feeling. 'Pain,' Master had repeatedly informed him, 'was just one of the things that a 'boy' had to learn to deal with.' 'So deal with it, bitch,' He would always add.

But it wasn't so much the pain as it was the abject embarrassment of kneeling naked and exposed in front of someone he had known his entire life that erik was having the most trouble dealing with. And matters weren't helped by the fact that Master and George continue to discuss him as they finished off their beers.

George asked Master how He had met erik and Master explained that erik had come to Him, asking to be trained as a slave. Master expressed His surprise at how fast erik had already progressed in his training, having gone, in a few shorts months, from essentially being a virgin to being an experienced fuck-boy who took cock up his pussy and down his throat multiple times each week.

"Do you think that this is just a phase the boy might be going through?" George asked.

"No way," Master immediately replied. "I've never met a boy who was a greater natural submissive than this one. It's like this slave was born to service cock. It's hard- wired into him - it's his fucking natural state. All this boy needs is to be properly trained and he'll be servicing Real Men's cocks for the rest of his life - and enjoying it, too."

erik heard George take a swig from His beer, before continuing. "I'll be honest," He told Master. "I thought you were bullshitting me when you said you were fucking erik, here. But here the little whore is, naked, shaved smooth like a twelve-year-old boy, his little boy-cock hard as iron, kneeling right in front of me, just waiting to be used. And I'm sure going to enjoy using him, too. Fuck, man, he's prettier than my wife. He makes her look like a fucking cow. And I'm sure his cunt is tighter than hers, too. At least it is now," He laughed. "Who knows what it'll be like when we're finished with the little bitch."

He paused to drink some more beer. "I've always wondered what it would be like to have some faggot whore to play around with, to be at my beck and call whenever I needed to get my rocks off. Guess, I'm about to find out. And I've got to thank you for that."

erik, who was trying hard not to squirm in embarrassment as George discussed how He was going to fuck the boy, heard Master simply reply. "My pleasure, George." Then erik heard Master address him. "Boy," he ordered, "put your hands behind your back." Immediately, erik removed his hands from behind his head and placed them behind his back. Without saying another word Master stood up and unzipped his fly. He extracted His hard cock from his pants and walked up in front of the boy.

Without even a moment's hesitation, erik raised his head and opened his mouth wide. he knew what was expected of him when he was kneeling on the floor and Master approached him with His big hard cock in His hand. he told himself to relax his throat, knowing that in only seconds Master would be plunging his man-cock deep into his mouth - into his mouth-cunt as Master called it.

erik hoped he could do a good job on Master's cock this time. While he might be the most natural submissive Master had ever trained, he was not a natural cock-sucker and erik was used to being frequently slapped as he sucked Master's dick, either for letting his teeth get in the way or gagging when Master rammed His hard tool down erik's teenage throat. That would be so embarrassing if it happened with his Dad's friend George sitting there, watching it all. It was bad enough that George was going to see that he was a cocksucker but, for some reason, erik felt it would be much more embarrassing if George heard Master describe him as 'a piss-poor cocksucker' as He occasionally did when He was frustrated by erik's performance.

erik forced himself to look up at Master's face when he felt Master rest His cock on erik's tongue. Master had taught him that, as a matter of respect, a boy always looked a Real Man directly in His eyes while he was sucking the Man's cock. Master said that Real Men liked to see how a cocksucker felt as the Man's hard dick snaked its way down the cocksucker's throat and that a boy always looked his best when his mouth was stretched wide around a tube of hard Man-meat that he was servicing with his mouth-cunt.

Master's eyes were alight with pleasure when erik looked up into them. More so than usual, erik thought. But even as erik tried to relax his throat muscles to ease the passage of Master's cock down his throat, erik was startled to feel a spray of hot liquid on his tongue. In just seconds the spray became a stream and erik's mouth began to fill up. It took erik a few seconds before he could understand what was happening, but when he did he almost gagged in horror. Master was peeing in his mouth.

erik was looking directly in Master's eyes which had taken on a hard sheen. "Don't you spill a drop of my piss, boy," Master warned. "I'll beat the crap out of your faggot ass if you do. You just drink all of it down, like a good little piggy. I want you to swallow every drop. Every stinking drop."

erik's face felt like it was on fire. Master had pissed on him before, with erik kneeling over a drain in the floor as the piss just rolled down his body - God, that was so humiliating - and Master had occasionally threatened to piss into erik's mouth, but this was the first time He'd ever actually done it. And He was doing it with his father's friend George sitting right there, a few feet away, watching Him do it. As erik began to frantically swallow, trying desperately to keep up with the inflow of Master's urine into his mouth, he was overwhelmed by a sense of absolute degradation.

What could possibly be more disgusting than being forced to drink another Man's pee, letting a Man empty his bladder into your mouth while a second Man sat there actually laughing at you? erik had read stories of boys being forced to swallow their Master's pee and he had thought that they were hot. The stories had turned him on. But erik was discovering that doing it, being the boy who was being peed in, wasn't hot at all. It was almost unspeakably degrading.

Looking at Master, erik could see how much He was enjoying Himself, how much He was enjoying pissing into erik's teenage mouth and watching the boy swallow his used liquids. Master even seemed amused when erik's mouth, filled to the overflowing with His hot bladder juice, began to leak twin streams of piss out of its corners. erik could feel the piss beginning to drip on to his chest and the tears started in his eyes. he redoubled his efforts, now terrified that Master would carry through on His threat and beat erik for spilling some of his Master's piss.

Fortunately for erik, just as the piss began to escape his mouth, the inflow from Master's cock began to noticeably ebb and erik was able to make some headway in diminishing the amount of urine sloshing around and threatening to spill over his lips. There was still a considerable amount left in erik's mouth when Master finished emptying his bladder, but Master kept his cock on erik's tongue, making sure that the boy swallowed all of it.

Looking up at Master, erik blinked back tears as he managed to swallow the last remaining rivulets of piss. And now that he was no longer frantically swallowing Master's pee erik's senses were overwhelmed by the taste of it. There was a mustiness to it and an almost sweet under-taste. 'So this is what pee tastes like,' erik thought, almost absent-mindedly. 'This is what pee tastes like.' And then the enormity of what he was thinking hit him like a load of bricks falling from a great height. he now knew what pee tasted like because he had just finished drinking Master's pee. he had drunk another Man's pee. Just the very thought made his bile rise and he had to fight the urge to vomit. he had allowed another Man to pee down his throat - and had swallowed all of it, too. No Real Man would ever do that, ever let another Man pee down his throat. Master had always told him that he wasn't a Real Man - that he was just a 'boy.' And this had to be absolute proof of that. erik had just let a Real Man pee down his throat and realizing that made him feeler dirtier than he'd ever felt in his life.

Above him, Master was smiling with smug satisfaction. His slave had done well. Sure, he had let a little dribble down his chin but that was to be expected. After all, it was the boy's first time. But he would get better with practice. And Master was going to make sure the boy had plenty of practice from now on. Starting right now. "Ahhh," he exclaimed, finally removing His cock from the boy's mouth. "There's nothing like a good piss." And then He turned to His friend. "And what about you, George? You want another Miller Lite or do you need to take a leak first? You want to use the urinal now?"

"Oh, yeah," George replied, not hiding his eagerness. "I definitely want to use the urinal right away."

As erik knelt on the floor in front of Master, he couldn't help but recoil as he heard what Master said. He had asked George if He wanted to use 'the urinal.' 'The urinal.' That was him he was 'the urinal.' That was what he had become - a urinal for Men to use, to piss in, to empty their bladders into. A urinal. erik knew he'd never be able to hear that word again without blushing. A urinal. he was a fucking urinal.

erik scarcely had an opportunity to fully process this disgusting epiphany before he looked up to see George, his father's old friend, standing in front of him, with His dick in His hand. erik just stared up at him, at a man he'd known his entire life, as George stuck His dick into erik's mouth and began unloading another load of bladder piss into the boy's throat.

In many ways, this second piss-drinking session was much more traumatic for erik than the first. The first time, when Master had disgorged His piss into erik's mouth, erik had been in a state of shock. It had taken him some time to even process what was happening, what he was doing. But this time, erik knew everything that was going on from the very start. And he was so embarrassed by what he was doing that he broke one of the cardinal rules that Master had taught him - he couldn't bring himself to look in George's eyes as the man peed into his mouth. Instead, as soon as George began peeing into his mouth, erik closed his eyes, trying desperately to avoid looking at his father's friend as He used erik as His personal 'urinal.'

Master had been watching erik closely, intent on seeing how erik reacted to drinking his second load of piss. Once He realized that His boy was not looking up at George, He immediately moved into action. "Boy," He ordered in a commanding voice, "Open your eyes. I want you looking at the Man using you as his urinal. I want you to look at the Man who's going to be using you from now on, using you any way He wants for His own pleasure. Look into His eyes and see a Man's power when He using a boy like you. See what you'll never be, boy, a Real Man - a Real Man in action."

erik popped his eyes open and forced himself to look directly into George's eyes. George was looking down at him, His blue eyes ice-cold with contempt, as He emptied His bladder down the throat of his good friend's teenage son. And as erik looked into those remorseless eyes, he couldn't help shivering even though he knew his entire body was blushing a bright red. erik couldn't help thinking of all the times he had seen his Dad and George hanging out at his house, laughing together as old friends do. And now that man, a man he'd known since he was a little kid, was using him like you'd use a urinal in a public bathroom - as a thing to pee into, a place to get rid of your body wastes.

erik had had occasion to visit public bathrooms countless times in his life. he couldn't guess at how many times he'd unzipped his fly and let his pee just shoot into the porcelain backsplash of a urinal, emptying his bladder of its accumulated body wastes. erik had never thought much about it before. But now, as he knelt beneath his father's friend, George, as George continued to pee into his mouth, erik realized he would never be able to use a public facility again without remembering this moment. Because, now, erik was that urinal he had used so unthinkingly, erik's stomach was where all those body wastes were ending up. And erik could just imagine how his father would react if George ever let it be known that his little boy, his youngest son, wasn't just a faggot-bitch but was a fucking public urinal, too - a toilet that Men pissed into when they needed to relieve themselves. And kneeling there, as George's piss-stream finally began to slacken, erik knew that he'd die of shame if his father ever found out that he let himself be used as a urinal, a piss-hole for men to pee into. he'd just die of shame.

And, as if all these thoughts racing through his head weren't bad enough, erik also had to contend with the taste of George's pee. Unlike Master's pee which seemed to have a faintly sweet undertone to it, George's pee was bitter and acrid. It tasted exactly the way erik would have thought pee did taste. Of course now, unlike the millions of other males in the world who might have, in passing, wondered what pee tasted like, erik knew. erik knew for a fact. erik knew enough to tell them that it depended on who was peeing into your mouth. And the fact that he now knew this was in some basic way shattering to the boy. he had sunk so low that he knew from his own experience that the taste of Men's pee varied from Man to Man.

As the final drops of piss spurted out of George's cock, the man reached down and wiped off the crown of his cock on erik's tongue, shaking his head as he did so in a way that just underlined the contempt with which he now viewed erik. There was something in this last act, in the way that George did it, that finally broke erik. And, even before the man's cock had fully cleared his mouth, erik began sobbing uncontrollably.

erik was kneeling between the two men bawling his eyes out like a little boy. It wasn't long before both men began berating him for the way he was carrying on. "Get over it, boy," Master said harshly. "you're going to be drinking a lot more piss after this. There's no reason for a Real Man to have to get up and walk to the bathroom just to take a piss when He has a boy-urinal like you kneeling right in front of Him. you should be grateful that your mouth-cunt has more than one use. Stop acting like a little baby."

Master turned to George. "This is what I get for going easy on the little cunt. The bitch should have been drinking My piss a month ago, but I went slow with him. And this is the thanks I get. Things are going to change, I promise you. This whore is going to learn his place and learn it quick, too."

George commiserated with Master. "That's the problem with a boy like erik. he's always had it way too easy at home. his parents just doted on him and didn't discipline him nearly as much as he obviously needed. You know what they say, 'Spare the rod and spoil the child.'"

Master snorted. "Well, this is one boy who's not going to be spoiled any more. he's going to be feeling the rod a lot more from now on. On his naked buttocks. And hard, too. I'll whip him into shape even if it leaves his ass a battered, bruised mess. Though, to tell you the truth," He confided to His friend, with a bemused grin, "the little bitch will probably enjoy it. Fucking little whore can't help shooting a load of boy-scuzz every time I spank his juicy bubble-butt."

"Really?" George asked.

"Absolutely," Master assured his friend. "The little fucker pops a load every time I spank his tight little ass. Can't help himself, the little slut. erik's a horny little bitch, even for a teenager. his little boy-cock is hard almost the whole time he's here, no matter what I'm doing to him. Like I said, he's the biggest natural-born boy-bitch I've ever seen."

Master reached out and grabbed His Budweiser but immediately put it back down. "Mine's empty," He observed.

"Mine, too," George replied, shaking the bottle by its long-neck.

"So," Master asked. "You want another beer or you want to fuck our cunt-boy first?"

"Actually," George replied, "I'm a little thirsty. I wouldn't mind a little more beer before we fuck him."

"Well, boy," Master said, His voice taking on a much more commanding edge as He addressed the teenager, "you heard the Man. Get your lazy ass up and go get us a couple of beers. And move it, boy. We don't have all night."

"Yes, Master," erik replied scrambling to his feet as quickly as he could. erik had pretty much cried himself out while Master and George had been talking about him and, though he was still occasionally sniffling, the tears were no longer flowing down his face. erik turned and was half-way to the stairs before Master called him back.

"Take these dead ones with you, you stupid cunt," He directed, raising his empty bottle.

"Yes, Sir. Sorry, Sir," erik replied as humbly as he could. he'd been training with Master long enough to know that only an attitude of complete humility and self-abasement was ever tolerated. he picked up the two empty bottles and moved as quickly as he could, without actually running, to go get new beers for Master and George.

Once in the kitchen, erik quickly placed the used beers in the container for recyclables and opened the refrigerator and removed two cold ones. He opened them, disposing of the caps, and headed back to the basement. As always, erik felt slightly more nervous being naked when he was on the first floor of Master's house. Master always left the shades on His windows open so if someone were walking by and looked in, they'd see a teenage boy walking around fully naked with an obvious boner sticking out of his crotch. erik realized that the odds of this happening were probably pretty small, but just the possibility that it might was always sufficient to keep him on edge when he was upstairs.

However, the slight sense of relief he felt when he began descending down the stairs to the basement evaporated before erik even made it back to the basement floor. It had been obvious listening to Master and George that they both intended to fuck him. Master, of course, fucked and bred him all the time. erik was used to that. Master always fucked erik hard, hard enough to hurt him and make him cry out in pain, but erik figured he must be enjoying it despite how much it hurt - he never failed to shoot his own load of thick boy-cream while Master was pounding away in his boypussy.

But the prospect of being fucked by his Dad's friend George filled erik with dread. It would be so gross to be fucked like a bitch by someone who had watched him grow up, someone who had seen erik seemingly progress from a boy to an adult but who would now not only see that erik had regressed to being a 'boy,' he would actually use erik sexually the way Real Men always used their 'boys.' erik knew he would have no say in the matter, but he could only hope that George wouldn't be fucking his boypussy, wouldn't be using him like a bitch.

erik tried to hide his fears as he walked across the tile floor and placed a fresh beer in front of each Man, a Budweiser for Master and a Miller Lite for George. Quietly, he resumed his position kneeling on the floor between the two of them, his arms firmly locked behind his head, his young teenage body once again fully exposed for their viewing pleasure.

The two Men slowly drank their beers, continuing their discussion of erik and how rapidly his training had progressed. After around fifteen minutes, Master looked at his friend. "I don't know about you, George, but I'm just about ready to drop a load in our bitch, here."

George smiled back at Master. "I was thinking the exact same thing."

Immediately, Master turned to erik. "Well, boy, you heard the Man. Get into position to get fucked. Now, you lazy cunt."

erik scrambled to get down on all fours, turned his ass so that his pussy was facing the two men to make it easier for them to access his fuck-hole, and then made sure that his legs were spread far apart. erik knew from experience that Master thought that doggy-style was the perfect position for fucking a 'boy.'

erik could hear the two men talking behind him in low voices and then George strode into view, holding his hard cock. erik looked up into the Man's blue eyes. He could see the amusement and anticipation playing across the man's face. He was going to enjoy forcing his good friend's son to suck him off like some sleazy whore he'd met in a darkened back alley. And, knowing that he was about to do just that - he was going to suck the dick of one of his Dad's oldest friends - made erik blush furiously. He had already drunk the Man's pee and now he was about to swallow George's cum down his throat. erik couldn't even imagine what his Dad would think of him if he ever found this out. What he was about to do made erik feel so ashamed of himself that he didn't know how he could stand it. But he also knew that it wasn't going to keep him from doing it, either.

The boy's attention had been so focused on the blond-haired man in front of him that erik was startled when he felt Master's finger roughly jammed up his tight boycunt. erik had never serviced two men before. he had assumed that they would take their turns with him, one waiting while the first one used him and then the second taking his pleasure of erik. Now it was obvious that they both intended to use erik at the same time.

Before the boy could even process this revelation, George roughly rammed his 7-inch hard cock deep into erik's mouth. erik tried to relax, knowing this would lessen his gag reflex but even as he was doing that he felt Master's cock suddenly smash through his sphincter and erik howled as the Man power-drove his hard dick completely up the teenager's tender fuck-hole. But his howl was muffled mid-way through as George, taking his cue from Master, thrust his cunt-buster deeper into erik's mouth and partially down the boy's throat. erik suddenly found himself taking dick from both ends of his body. And it was only moments before both Men were violently fucking the boy kneeling between them.

George was smashing his groin right into erik's face as he forcefully face-fucked the boy, jamming his hard dick deep down the boy's throat on every thrust. In the meantime, Master was pounding away even harder on the boy's fluttering cunt-chute driving the boy's body forward with every lunge he made against the teenager's butt. erik, caught between the two larger Men, was being forced back and forth between them; he could feel his hard boy-clit swinging so wildly between his legs that it was actually bouncing off his belly.

The two Men pummeled the boy from opposite ends for a good ten minutes, each one fucking into him hard - hard enough to hurt. erik's mouth-cunt and his pussy were straining to accommodate the hard tubes of Man-meat being buried in his two holes but his cries and occasional shrieks of pain were muffled by George's bloated penis as it rode up and down inside the boy's throat. But despite the pain, despite the overwhelming sense of embarrassment, erik's boy-clit was throbbing between his legs.

This is the way it always was with the boy. The harder he was used, the more he was humiliated, the hotter erik became. he didn't know what it was that was inside of him or why it was there. all erik knew was that when he was being used hard and rough, when he was being fucked and abused like a bitch in heat, that was when he was the most turned on, that was when he truly realized that this was what he was meant to be.

So it was that as the two men using erik's body, fucking the boy like a cheap slut, worked themselves closer and closer to orgasm, they drove the boy ahead of them. And just before their shouts of ecstasy filled the air as they spewed their man-seen into the boy's well-used holes, erik's boy-clit erupted with his teenage scuzz and coated the tile floor beneath him. Even as the boy continued to spew his boy-jizz on to the floor, he began swallowing rapidly as George emptied His own load of Man-juice down the teenager's throat. Behind him, erik could feel the urgent, ass-busting thrusts that always accompanied Master's orgasms and he could feel the Man's burning seed filling his stretched-out boy-twat.

Having shot their big loads into the boy under them, both men collapsed some of their weight on to his body and erik sagged a little under them, weakened by his own boygasm. But erik gathered his remaining strength and managed to support the additional weigh until the two men straightened up and extracted their softening cocks from the boy's well-fucked holes.

"Not bad, boy," Master observed, "Not bad at all for your first spit-roasting." He stood looking down at His boy who was still on his hands and knees and delivered a hard slap to the boy's right butt-cheek. "Now clean up the mess you made on my floor, bitch," He ordered.

"Yes, Master," erik quickly replied as he crouched down and began licking his spent boy-scuzz off the tiles as he was always required to do whenever he came while being fucked - which was pretty much every time the boy took a dick up his pussy. Even Master was impressed how His little whore-boy would almost invariably cum when he was being fucked without any manipulation of his hard boy-clit. All Master had to do was stick His hard dick into erik's boy-hole, ride him hard for a while, and the next thing He knew, erik was spraying his boy-cream all over the place. There was absolutely no question in Master's mind that His boy was a born fuck-slave.

The two men retreated to the couch as erik continued to lick his cum off the floor. They were relaxed, as Real Men often are after they've gotten good use out of a boy, and they sat there discussing erik's performance and sipping on their beers. When he had finally made sure that the floor was spotless, erik got up and resumed his position in front of the two men, on his knees, legs spread apart, his hands behind his head.

About fifteen minutes later, erik was sent upstairs to get Master and George two more beers. About fifteen minutes after that, Master stood up and motioned erik over to him. erik tried to keep his consternation off his face when he saw Master extract his cock from his pants. Master's cock was still in its post-coital flaccid state and it was obvious even to the boy what was about to happen. Master simply gave erik a stern look and the boy, obviously reluctantly, opened up his mouth. Mere seconds later, erik was swallowing his third load of pee down into his stomach. Ten minutes later, George stood up and erik crawled over to him and performed the same service for his Dad's friend. And it was only ten minutes after that, that erik was sent upstairs for two more beers.

This time when erik descended the stairs, a cold beer in each hand, he couldn't help shuddering as he realized that it was only a matter of time before the cold beer in the bottles he was bringing to Master and George would be turned into warm pee spewing down his teenage gullet into his stomach. Sure enough, less than twenty minutes later, erik found himself looking up into Master's eyes as another load of used beer flooded his mouth.

Over the next hour erik lost track not only of how many beers he had brought down to the two men but how many loads of their warm pee he'd been forced to swallow. But he had to figure they'd already gone through half of a case of beer, the overwhelming majority of which had subsequently found its way to their bladders and from there to erik's throat and stomach. The taste of piss just permeated the boy's mouth and, to erik's great embarrassment, his own belly was slowly becoming visibly distended from the sheer volume of their piss that had been emptied down the boy's throat. What was even worse was that erik, himself, now felt an urgent need to pee; the recycled beer he had downed filling his own bladder seemingly to the bursting point.

erik tried as hard as he could to ignore the growing urge to pee but, after he was forced, in rapid succession, to drink another load both from Master and George, he could control himself no longer. "Master," he begged, knowing he could get into trouble for speaking without permission, "may i please have permission to pee?"

Master was tempted to discipline erik merely for asking a question without having first obtained permission to speak but, seeing the obvious discomfort on the boy's face, he realized there was no need at the present time - the little bitch was already hurting. Instead, He simply replied. "No."

The look on erik's face was priceless. It was obvious that the boy really had to piss and you could see the play of emotions in his face. he was afraid to risk another question but he was clearly wracked by the urgent need to empty his now bursting bladder. "Please, Master," he finally tried again. "i need to pee so bad. i don't know if i can hold it in, Master."

"You better hold it in boy," Master replied with a grim smile. "You hold it in until I tell you that you can piss. Understand, bitch? You'll be real sorry if you don't."

"Yes, Master," erik slowly replied, the look of torment on his face almost laughable. And when, five minutes later George stood up and motioned the boy over to down another load of piss, the boy looked so miserable that Master did laugh. his teenage fuck-slut was obviously on the verge of tears. It was going to be a lot of fun seeing just how long the boy could hold out.

erik tried not to fidget too much as he continued to kneel in front of the two men. But it was hard as the pressure on his bladder from all the piss he was drinking inexorably mounted. And things would only get worse if he was again ordered to go back upstairs for new beers, beers that erik knew would soon find their way through the men's bladders and down his throat. All of the boy's efforts were now concentrated on keeping his piss-slit closed and preventing his bladder from discharging all of the accumulated beer that was now making his normally taut belly bend outward obscenely. The one hope that erik tried to hold on to was that the Men would not want any more beer.

So concentrated was he on not urinating, erik was only dimly aware that the two men were continuing their discussion of Master's new teenage boy-slut, with George regaling Master with stories of how erik had played quarterback on his high school team. "I actually went with his Dad to a couple of games to see the Wildcats play," George told Master. "his Dad was so proud of him. I can remember sitting in the stands with his old man and his brother, Chad, and his sister, Liz, watching erik scramble around in the backfield trying to avoid tacklers who were a lot bigger than he was. I have to say, erik looked real sexy in his football pads." There was a slight pause and then George added, "though not as sexy as he does now, kneeling in front of us, naked, with his hard boy-clit sticking straight out from his pubeless crotch."

erik could feel both men looking at him and it was at precisely this moment that, to his horror, he saw a short burst of piss trickle out of the slit of his boy-cock. "Boy," Master immediately growled, "you better hold that piss in. you make a mess on my floor and I'll give you an ass-thrashing you'll never forget."

"i'm trying, Master," erik whined. "i'm trying. But i need to pee so bad, Master. Please, Master. May i please pee?"

"I told you, bitch," Master replied with force, "that you'll just hold it in until I tell you that you can piss. Now get to your fucking feet, cunt, and get us a couple more cold beers."

"Yes, Master," erik dejectedly replied, not being able to keep an audible sob from escaping his throat. Gingerly, the boy got to his feet, all too aware of how his normally lean belly was beginning to bulge out more and more over his crotch. Every movement seemed to exacerbate the need to pee. Slowly he bent down, picked up the two empty beer bottles and made his way to the stairs.

When he returned a few minutes later, there was something in the way the two Men were watching him that gave erik pause. The boy had the feeling that something had happened while he was upstairs getting the fresh beers. There seemed to be an almost palpable sense of anticipation in the air. He placed the new Budweiser in front of Master and the Miller Lite in front of George and was just in the process of lowering himself back to his knees in front of the two Men when George angrily complained, "This beer is warm."

"Sir?" erik responded, looking at his father's friend.

"This beer is warm," the Man repeated, glaring at the boy.

"i'm sorry, Sir," erik immediately replied. erik didn't know what else to say. There was no way the beer could be warm. All the beers had been in the refrigerator since erik had arrived. They all had to be the same temperature and erik knew the beer was cold since he had just put it in front of the man. But erik was just a boy and a boy never argued with a Real Man.

"Sorry doesn't cut it, bitch," George snarled. "Get your ass over here."

"Yes, Sir," erik replied, trying to keep his voice from quivering as he felt an upsurge of fear. he slowly walked over to where the Man was sitting. As he did so, he saw George scoot slightly forward on the couch.

The Man looked up at him with an undisguised look of anticipation. "Get your ass across my lap, boy. you need to be punished."

"Yes, Sir," erik mumbled, feeling his face flush. Slowly, he lowered himself across the Man's lap, his hard boy-cock dangling down between the Man's legs as he spread his lithe teenage body across the older Man's thighs. Master spanked him almost routinely, but this was the first time in his life that someone other than Master or his father had spanked him. The boy felt incredibly humiliated at the prospect of having his naked ass spanked by his father's friend.

As erik maneuvered himself on George's lap so as to place his hard, firm butt- cheeks in the optimal position for spanking, he felt George reach under him and grab the boy's hard boy-clit. erik could feel his blush deepen as George remarked that he was already such a whore that he was sexually excited at the prospect of getting his ass whomped by a Real Man. There was a momentary pause and then, in rapid succession, George unleashed a flurry of hard slaps on erik's ass that left the boy gasping.

Since he'd started his training with Master, erik had become used to having his naked ass spanked. It was obviously something that Master enjoyed and there had never been a single session with Master that hadn't included at least one hard spanking for erik. In fact, on his very first evening with Master, erik had found himself tied down and being spanked within minutes of his arrival, before Master had even forced his cock for the first time down erik's throat. So erik was no stranger to having his boy-tush burnished a bright red - he had come to expect it, in fact.

Master had always spanked him hard, too. At least, erik had thought it was hard. It had been much harder than his Dad had spanked him growing up, when he'd order erik to drop his pants and his drawers and bend over and grab his ankles whenever his Dad had thought his son had stepped out of line and needed a reminder that he was still just a boy. But, as he struggled to absorb the waves of pain spreading out from his ass after George's initial assault, erik realized that George spanked much harder than even Master. It seemed almost as if George's hand was made of iron as it smashed into erik's tender boy-cheeks.

erik was still grappling with the fire that had seemingly burst into flame on his buttocks when another loud slap echoed through the basement. A new spike of pain coursed through the boy's body and he was just barely able to keep from crying out. Already, though, erik could feel the tears starting in his eyes.

There was another pause and then that was followed by another slap and burst of pain. And then a pause. And then another slap. And a burst of pain. And then another pause. And then a slap. And even more pain.

It dawned on erik that, having tenderized the boy's buttocks with his initial assault, George was now purposely waiting in between slaps to allow the waves of pain from each individual swat to fully course through erik's body before punishing the boy's ass with another one.

The result for erik was that just as the pain from each individual slap seemed to crest, another slap landed on his ass, bruising him deeper, making the pain worse and worse in a growing crescendo. In just a few minutes, erik realized that his ass had never hurt so much. Nothing had ever hurt so much. And, helplessly, the boy began crying.

But George was undeterred by the boy's tears. He was relentless. "Slap." Pause. "Slap." In just a few more minutes, erik was audibly sobbing. A minute after that, he was crying out on every swat.

Watching George spank his bitch from his side of the sofa, Master couldn't keep from laughing as the boy cried like a little boy, like a little girl. The boy looked so wretchedly pathetic as his beautiful butt was slowly burnished from pink to crimson. Making the boy cry was always such a turn-on and what made it particularly hot was that erik wasn't really a little boy; he was actually a young teenage stud being made to cry while he was being spanked as though he were just a little boy. And the humiliation that the nineteen-year-old was feeling as he cried like a baby while being spanked was obvious on the teenager's tear-streaked face. Master had told George to spank the little bitch hard and George was doing a great job of it.

"Beat the hell out of the little cunt, George," Master urged his friend on - even though George obviously needed no encouragement. "Make the little whore cry. Spank him harder. Harder."

Hearing Master urge his father's friend to spank him even harder dashed any faint hope that erik had nourished that Master might intervene to protect him. The raw agony surging from his ass throughout his body was now making erik shake uncontrollably on every stroke and erik was literally squealing like a tortured pig every time George's hand smashed into his blazing butt-cheeks. Finally, with his entire body twitching in pain, erik tried pleading with the man spanking him.

"Please, Sir. Stop," he begged. "I'm sorry I brought you a warm beer. I'm so sorry. I'll never do that again. I promise. I won't. But please. Please, stop. It hurts so bad. Please, Sir. Please."

"Just ignore the little cry-baby," Master immediately intervened. "Keep spanking the slut until you want to stop, George. Give it to him hard. The little bitch needs it. Ignore the way he's carrying on like a light-weight little pussy. Show him what happens to a cuntboy when he screws up. Make him cry like the little bitch he is."

It was immediately apparent that George was more than happy to comply with Master's suggestion. He smashed down on erik's brutalized butt with a slap that sounded like a thunderclap and was rewarded by an agonized screech of anguish from the writhing teenager followed by another wretched, "Please, Sir. Please. Please stop." There was a longer than usual pause this time and, for a brief instant, erik hoped that the spanking was over. But then he heard the man chuckle and just seconds later his buttocks exploded with even greater pain. "i'm sorry. i'm so sorry," erik wailed. An extended pause was followed by another loud 'SLAP.' .

There reached a point in the spanking where erik thought he might lose his mind if the assault on his boy-ass continued a minute longer. The pain was just so monstrous, so unrelenting, so all-consuming that his whole world seemed circumscribed by it. Pain was the only reality of which he was conscious. And then, just as he thought he might actually pass out from the pain, erik felt himself tumbling onto the floor. George had roughly pushed him off the Man's lap. his spanking was apparently finally over.

But, almost simultaneously, erik heard Master order, "Get on your hands and knees, bitch. It's time you entertained some Real Men with your pussy and your mouth-cunt."

Still shaking and crying from the terrible beating his ass had just taken, erik got wobbily up on his hands and knees, his boy-ass a furnace behind him. He was still in the process of attempting to spread his legs further apart when his throat erupted with an ear-piercing scream. A large cock had just been rammed balls-deep into erik's unsuspecting cunt with no warning, no preparation, no lubrication. A moment later, he looked up to see Master walking in front of him and, before erik could even fully process what was happening, Master just rammed his own hard dick into erik's slack- jawed, gaping mouth-hole. Despite himself, erik sputtered and gurgled as his throat was roughly forced to swallow Master's entire hard cock to its hairy root.

The double-rape that followed was, if anything, more brutal than the spanking that erik had just endured. The two Men - George ramming the shit out of the boy's pussy while Master relentlessly pummeled the teenager's throat - showed a complete and absolute disregard for the bitch they were using. They fucked erik like he was a toy - a thing - a mindless vessel existing solely for their pleasure. Master would smash His stomach into the boy's face just as George slammed His beefy groin against the teenager's burning butt-cheeks and the boy would be crushed between them, pinioned between the two hard cocks like a pig on a spit, gurgling and squealing as he was reamed out from both ends.

It was obvious to erik that the two Men wanted to hurt him as they fucked him. George, in particular, working away at the teenager's pussy, was yanking his hard cock out of the erik's aching boy-twat on every stroke, pausing just long enough for the boy's tender cunt-lips to close, and then barreling back in as the young kid bucked and squealed underneath Him.

As if the pain of the double-assault were not enough, erik was tormented by an incredible sense of shame as a Man he had known virtually his entire life, a Man who was one of his own father's closest friends, fucked him liked He would fuck his own wife. erik's belly was already filled with the Man's piss. Now his boycunt was stuffed with the Man's cock. And erik knew that it was only a matter of time before his aching pussy was filled with the Man's seed - before the Man unloaded a steaming stream of his hot jizz up the teenager's stretched-out fuck-chute and seeded him the way He did His wife, bred erik like the bitch he had become.

What would his father say if he could see him now being bitched out like a cheap whore, being used as a human cum-dump for Real Men? 'Oh, God, what would Dad say?' erik thought. He could feel himself cringing as he visualized his father standing there, watching his youngest son getting bitch-fucked by one of his own friends. his father would be so embarrassed he would never be able to hold his head up in the community again. his father would disown him for sure - he'd never want to even see erik again.

And, what would Chad say - his sexy older brother who erik had always secretly lusted over? Would he turn away in disgust, sickened by the sight of his younger brother whoring himself out to other Men, letting himself get fucked like a bitch in heat? Or would he knowingly shake his head, reach down and undo his jeans and slowly work his cock, waiting his turn up his kid brother's well-used boycunt? And when Chad had finished with his bro's teenage boy-twat would he move up to erik's mouth and add his bladder juices to the liquids roiling around in his brother's stomach, using the boy as the human urinal he had now become?

erik was appalled that he could even think such sick, perverted thoughts, especially while he was being violently assaulted from both ends, and even more appalled that the vision of his brother Chad pumping his dick in and out of erik's pussy and then unloading a full-bladder down his mouth seemed to sexually excite him. Had he already sunk so low that he wanted to serve as his own brother's cum-dump, as Chad's personal urinal? he didn't want to believe that but, if not, why was his boy-cock so achingly hard between his legs.

And erik's boy-cock was hard - as hard as a slab of iron hanging down from his groin. The vicious double-assault was making his boy-clit swing wildly back and forth between his legs, repeatedly bouncing it off erik's bloated belly hard enough that, even through the pain that erik was experiencing from the simultaneous ravishing of both his mouth-cunt and his pussy, the boy could feel it beating out a tattoo against his stomach.

While the sweat was beginning to pour off erik's body, the two Men never slackened in the force with which they ravaged his now-gaping holes. Neither Man, however, seemed anxious to actually cum. They were clearly having too much fun fucking their little bitch-slut.

Underneath them, erik struggled to maintain his position on his hands and knees even as his body began to sag in exhaustion. To erik, the double-fuck seemed endless. But, just as the boy thought that things couldn't get any worse, a particularly forceful thrust by George drove his boy-clit smashing into his belly. This time, though, erik could feel a spurt of hot pee splatter against his heaving stomach. Another violent thrust was followed by another stream of the boy's urine. To his horror, erik realized that George was literally beginning to fuck the pee out of him and, given the raw force George was now using on the boy's cunt-hole, there didn't seem to be any way for erik to stop it.

It took only moments before both Men became aware of what was happening. George began laughing at the boy pissing himself and Master immediately slapped the boy's face - hard. "bitch," he snarled, "I thought I told you to hold your piss in."

erik, who had been struggling to keep his eyes focused on Master's face as he'd been taught, tried to explain that he couldn't help himself, that George's cock was compressing his bladder on its in-strokes and forcing the pee out of him but, with Master's cock lodged half-way down his throat, the boy's words were an undecipherable jumble of guttural sounds. Master rewarded his efforts at explanation by slapping him even harder. "you are a worthless cunt, aren't you bitch?" he spat out, seemingly furious at the boy.

erik had never completely stopped crying since the dual-fuck had begun. Now, though, aware that he was pieeng himself and making a mess on the floor of the basement, aware that Master was obviously disgusted with him despite all the efforts he was making to fulfill his role as his Master's bitch, erik again began sobbing in earnest and tears of pain and humiliation began flowing down his cheeks.

Seeing the teenager once more bawling like a little girl seemed to turn-on the two Men and they somehow managed to pick up the pace of their assault, battering into the boy with a violence that threatened to literally crush him between their bulk. They were both now slamming into his body with incredible force. erik was finding it hard to even snatch a random gulp of air with his mouth stretched wide around Master's cock even as his cunt felt like it was being pummeled into mush by George.

erik was writhing between the two men, trying to handle the heightened level of pain surging through him from both his bulging throat and his battered pussy, when he suddenly felt George's hand roughly grab his piss-leaking boy-clit.

Behind him, erik could hear the Man snorting. "you little whore. you're really turned on having my dick coring out your pussy. Aren't you, bitch? Aren't you, you little slut? your little boy-cock is as hard as a rock, you pussy." George paused in his comments for a few seconds while he gave erik a series of vicious thrusts which would have made the boy scream out at the top of his lungs if only Master's cock hadn't been plugged so deeply down his throat. And then the Man continued.

"I'm going to really enjoy having a bitch like you around to service me, boy. A bitch I don't have to worry about hurting. A bitch I can hurt as much as I want while I'm fucking its whore's cunt. I like my sex rough, real rough. But my wife, she can't take it. At least not the way I really like it. But you, you little bitch, you I can fuck as hard as I want and you'll just have to take it. Won't you, you little whore? Won't you? God, I'm going to have so much fun with you. If only your father could see me now. Fucking the living crap out of his favorite son; making his little boy my sex-bitch, my sex-whore; filling your pussy with my stinking man-scuzz the way I filled your stomach with my dirty piss. your father would be so ashamed of you, boy. He'd probably want to throw up if he saw the way you acted around Real Men. Begging them to fuck your hungry boycunt. Pleading with them to let you drink their filthy piss. You're disgusting, boy. You're just plain disgusting."

All throughout this verbal assault, the Man never slackened in his physical rape of the teenager's fuck-hole nor did He in any way lessen the way He was punishing erik's boy-clit. The Man wasn't simply stroking erik's hard little boy-cock - He was squeezing it tightly, pinching it, bending it, treating erik's boyhood as if it were a toy, something to be played with and abused, turning it into a source of pain rather than pleasure for the boy.

But despite the complete manhandling of his boy-clit, despite the way both his mouth-cunt and his pussy were being violently savaged by the two men, even despite the incredible feelings of humiliation and degradation that were washing over him, erik was aroused. he was so aroused. he could actually feel his boy-sperm churning in his nads as it churned and bubbled inside his drawn-up balls until suddenly, with unbelievable force, it erupted from the head of his cock. erik opened his mouth to scream in ecstasy, allowing Master the deepest penetration down the teenager's throat He had ever accomplished, as the teenager's completely aroused cock erupted in a second searing boygasm, spraying thick, white boy-cream all over the floor beneath his body.

Seeing His boy-bitch twitching and spasming in front of Him, Master immediately realized what was happening. His little whore really couldn't help himself. Every time he got a hard dick banging away at his teenage boypussy, the little bitch couldn't help but pop a load. erik had to be the most natural fuck-bitch He'd ever seen in His life. With just a few more months training, there wouldn't be anything - anything - that this little cock whore wouldn't do. Aloud, He voiced encouragement to His friend. "That's it George," He urged Him on, laughing as He did so, "Fuck the cum out of the little faggot. Make him shoot his load like the little fuck-pig he is."

George grinned back at His friend and unleashed a wild series of thrusts into the boy's quivering cunt-hole, power-driving His hard cock in and out of the teenager's battered bung. And then, suddenly, He was there. He threw His head back and howled in pleasure as he unloaded all His pent-up Man-seed into the bitch's ravaged fuck-chute. Moments later, Master followed suit and shot a massive load of His own thick Man-scuzz down the boy's stretched-out throat. Spurt and spurt of boiling hot Man-seed sprayed into the boy from both ends as the Men using his body both groaned aloud in the pleasure of their release. Beneath them, erik was swallowing as fast as he could, trying to keep up with the flow of cum down his throat even as he felt his completely stuffed boy-twat rapidly filling with George's own deposit of thick Man- slime. The two Men pounded the last drops of their orgasms into erik and then collapsed atop his body.

erik staggered beneath the combined weight and was almost driven to the floor, but somehow, even though he was completely exhausted, he managed to catch himself and slowly forced his body back up on his hands and knees. he could feel both of the cocks still inside his body finally softening and it soon became easier for him to breathe even though Master's dick was still wedged partially down his throat. Every part of his body seemed to ache and now that he was no longer being violently fucked, the need to empty his bladder reasserted itself and it took every ounce of the boy's remaining strength to keep his piss-slit closed. erik knew it was only a matter of time before he finally lost control and all the recycled piss began to spew out of him. he could only hope that now that Master and George had finished fucking him for the second time Master would finally let him pee.

It took maybe five minutes before the two Men who had filled erik with their thick Man-seed began to move again. To the boy's palpable relief, first Master and then George straightened up and pulled their spent cocks from erik's holes. Having gotten their nuts, both Men were in a good mood, congratulating each other on the job they had done on the little faggot. Laughing and joking they moved back towards the sofa though, before He did so, Master ordered the boy to 'clean up your mess.'

Immediately, erik dropped to the floor and began licking up the mixture of cum and piss that had shot from his body while he was being fucked. Knowing what would happen to him if he missed any of his discharges, the boy pretty much licked the entire floor around him. he figured it was better that he do that than run the risk of the punishment he'd get if Master decided he hadn't done a good job of cleaning up the mess he had made - the mess he always made when he was being fucked by a Real Man. Finally, sure that he hadn't missed anything, erik got up, turned around and resumed his position on his knees in front of the two Men.

But, no sooner had erik resumed his position in front of them, than Master ordered him back to his feet. "Cunt, go get us another pair of beers," He directed.

"Yes, Master," erik dutifully replied, carefully regaining his feet. he picked up the two empty bottles and headed back upstairs. "And, cunt," erik heard Master call after him as he ascended the steps, "they both better be cold this time or I'll give you an ass-tanning that'll make your last one look like a game of patty-cake."

Master's warning caused an upsurge of fear in the teenager. he knew there was no way he could handle another spanking right now - not the way his poor butt already felt after George's beating. When he got to the refrigerator, he carefully felt each bottle that remained inside. But they all basically felt the same. Just like they had the last time he had brought two beers to the basement. Just like they had when George had accused him of bringing the Man a warm beer and ended up giving erik the most vicious spanking of his entire life. The boy knew that if either man, George or Master, wanted to they could accuse him again of bringing down a warm beer and there was nothing the teenager could do that would keep them from spanking his already inflamed ass again. erik was completely at their mercy and he knew it. It was all he could do to keep from beginning to cry again as the helplessness of his situation bore down upon him.

erik was about to pick two beers to bring back downstairs when a spasm swept through his belly. The boy looked down in horror as his boy-cock disgorged a long stream of boy-pee. Without a second's hesitation, erik sank to the floor and began to frantically lick up the urine he'd just spurted on to it. God only knew what Master would do to him if He discovered that erik had pissed on His kitchen floor. erik ran his tongue all over the area around the refrigerator, hoping that he wasn't missing anything. Then, afraid that if he took any longer to return with the beers that Master would punish him for that infraction, erik scrambled back to his feet, grabbed two beers, and hurried downstairs.

Fortunately, the Men still seemed in a good frame of mind when erik returned to the basement. George was telling Master how much tighter the little bitch's cunt was than his wife's. "Of course," George admitted, "I've been fucking her a lot longer than little erik, here, has been getting his boy-twat reamed out. I wonder how his fuck-hole will stand up after it's seen a lot more use."

"That's not something you'll have to wonder about, George," Master assured his friend. "You'll be able to discover that on your own. I think it only fair, you knowing his father and everything, that you join in from now on in erik's training sessions. That way, if you ever feel like it, you'll be able to keep his old man apprised of just how well his son is doing in fulfilling his role as a Real Man's fuck-bitch."

Hearing Master's comments, erik could feel his face getting hot all over again. It had been bad enough servicing his Dad's friend this one time. The idea that he would be doing it again and again in the future, that he would have to endure the humiliation and shame he felt at having to serve as a cum-dump and a urinal week after week for a Man he'd basically know his entire life and who knew his family and his entire personal history was almost unspeakably demeaning and degrading.

This was a Man his family socialized with. erik knew he'd simply die of embarrassment if he was ever again in the same room with George and his father at the same time. What would he do if George ordered him into the bathroom of his own home and made eric drink the Man's piss with his father sitting just a few feet away? How humiliating would that be? What if He wanted to fuck erik - to fuck erik in his own home, in his own bed? erik couldn't help but feel that he was losing control over every aspect of his life, that the barrier he had mentally constructed separating his life with Master and the rest of his life was being fundamentally undermined. That he was now, irrevocably, on the road to becoming his Master's complete full-time cock whore.

But, while the mental turmoil he was experiencing threatened to overwhelm the teenager, the moment he knelt back down all his attention was refocused on a matter of more immediate concern. erik had to - he simply had to - pee. he knew he had, at most, only a few more minutes before he lost all control over his bladder. he knew he couldn't wait; he had to speak up now.

"I'm sorry, Master," he began, "but please, please may i have permission to pee? i'm trying to hold it in, Master, but i need to pee so bad. i can't hold it in much longer, Master. Please, please, may i have permission to pee?"

Master gave him a long, appraising look, a look rife with contempt. "What is the matter with you boy? Here you are, almost twenty, and you can't even keep control of your own bladder. Do you still wet your bed, too? Do we need to get you diapers to wear so that you won't embarrass yourself in public?"

"No, Master," erik replied, trying to keep the growing urgency he felt out of his voice, "it's just - it's just that i drank so much pee tonight that i can't hold it in any longer. Please, Master. Please. May i have permission to pee?"

"Boy," Master replied in a stern voice. "Drinking Real Men's piss is something you're going to have to get used to. you'll be doing it from now on every time you come over here. That's one of the few things a boy-bitch like you is good for. It's up to you to learn how to control your bladder."

Master paused for a long time while erik literally squirmed in discomfort. Then He turned to George. "What do you think?" He asked His friend. "Should we let the little cunt piss?"

George looked over at the boy kneeling in front of him. erik tried to plead with the Man using his eyes. he needed to pee so bad. For Himself, George would have loved to say 'No' just to see the look of despair He knew that answer would elicit. But He and Master had already discussed this. Master really didn't want the boy pissing all over his floor and it was obvious that erik was only minutes away from losing all control over his bladder. So George turned back to Master and gave His consent, "The little bitch has never been able to exercise any self-control. You better let him piss or he'll just make a mess all over the place."

Master looked at His friend and then at erik. He gave a slight shrug of indifference. "Well," He finally said, addressing the kneeling boy, "you heard the Man. Go take your piss."

"Oh, thank you, Master," erik slavishly replied, hardly believing that he finally had permission to pee. "Thank you. Thank you."

Carefully, he got to his feet and then slowly, afraid to move too quickly, he made his way across the tiled-floor to the unfinished area of the basement. There was a drain in the floor which Master had allowed erik to pee into in the past. erik walked past the drain and then turned around so that he was facing Master and George. Then he squatted down on his haunches. Looking down and seeing that his boy-clit was still fully erect, he moved himself a few steps backwards and then, carefully positioning his hands behind his head, he began to pee.

It had always been particularly degrading for erik having to pee in front of Master in this fashion. And having George there watching him would normally have made it much worse for the teenager. But the need to relieve himself was so strong and the relief erik felt as the pee finally began to freely flow from his boy-cock was so great that erik was able to ignore the feelings of humiliation that would normally have accompanied his peeing in public down a drain in the floor. At least at first.

But, as the flow of piss just went on and on and as Master and George began laughing and making sarcastic comments about all the recycled beer that was finally making its way out of his belly, the boy once again began to feel the red blush of embarrassment spreading out across his naked body. After all, it was really demeaning having to pee in public, to pee while his body was fully-exposed, to pee while he was being laughed at and mocked, to pee without being afforded the minimal decency accorded to dogs whose Masters would at least look away while they were doing their business. But this was something, eric realized, like so much more in his new life, that he would just have to get used to.

Master had repeatedly drilled into his head that bitches had no right to any expectation of privacy or modesty in any aspect of their lives - even the most personal and potentially embarrassing actions like the disposal of body wastes. That was why he was always kept naked in the presence of Real Men. And that was why eventually, when his training was complete, erik would be required to dispose of all of his clothing. he would live the rest of his life as a permanently nude cock-whore, always available for whatever use a Real Man had for his body with no rights except for the right to be used, the right to serve. That was the future that Master had laid out for him and that was the future that erik was being trained to fulfill.

These thoughts roiled around in erik's mind as the pee just continued to stream out of his body and splatter down the drain. Finally, though, after almost five minutes the spate of used liquids visibly lessened and then ebbed to a mere trickle. erik's bloated bladder had finally been drained.

But even though the overwhelming need to pee had finally abated, erik was aware as he prepared to stand up, that his stomach still held a significant amount of Master's and George's urine in it, backed-up in his belly because erik's bladder had been stretched as far as it could be and there had been no place for the excess pee to go. Already, erik could already feel his now-empty bladder refilling with liquids and the boy knew that, in a relatively short period of time, he'd need to pee again. erik was sure that he'd never get Master's permission to pee for a second time so he could only hope that Master would let him go home before the need to urinate again reached a critical stage.

Having emptied his bladder as much as he could, erik straightened his legs and stood up. Keeping his entire body in a posture of submission, erik moved back in front of the couch and knelt down in front of Master and George, resuming the position of a submissive boy-bitch.

"Feel better, bitch?" Master inquired.

"Yes, Master," erik responded. "Thank you, Master."

Master looked over at His friend. "So, George," He asked. "Would you like another go at the cunt's pussy?"

erik could feel his heart sink as he heard that question. his cunt was already so sore, so battered, that he wasn't sure he could handle yet another cock up his boypussy. So his relief was considerable when George responded, "Well I definitely would, but not tonight. I've got to be getting home in a few minutes. But I'd definitely like another go-round with erik in the future."

"Don't worry about that," Master reassured him. "I've already told you that you're going to be part of his training team from now. We'll have the bitch back in a few days and you can give the little whore another lesson in how Real Men fuck their bitches"

"you'd like that, bitch, wouldn't you? you'd like having your father's best friend fucking your cunt on a regular basis, wouldn't you, you little slut?" Master continued, directing these two questions to erik.

erik raised his head to look at Master. The truth, of course, was that there was nothing erik would like less than having George fuck him again. But the boy knew that there was only one answer that Master would accept. Woodenly, he gave his Master that answer, "Yes, Master. i'd like that."

"I knew you would, you little whore," Master replied, reading his bitch perfectly, enjoying the dejection and despair He saw in His cuntboy's eyes.

Master looked at George and then back to erik. "Well, bitch, it's probably time to send you on your way."

"Yes, Master," the boy replied, trying to keep the relief he felt out of his voice. erik was just in the process of rising from his knees when Master spoke again.

"But, bitch, before you go, I need to take another piss. So get your faggot ass over here."

"Yes, Master," erik obsequiously answered, moving quickly into place and opening his mouth wide. Mere seconds later, the boy was rapidly swallowing as he served as his Master's urinal yet again. The boy wasn't surprised when, after he had finally swallowed all of Master's pee, he was called upon to provide the same service for George.

So it was that when erik finally made it up the stairs behind Master, his belly was once again bulging with the bladder wastes of Real Men. Without a word, Master removed the collar from around the boy's neck and went and retrieved his clothes. Keeping his eyes downcast, erik got dressed and then let himself out of Master's house. His first session as a human urinal was finally over.

As he drove home, erik reviewed his night's activities. Just thinking about everything he'd done made him blush even though he was alone in the car. he couldn't even remember how many loads of pee he had swallowed, but it had to be close to a dozen. Just contemplating that number brought the tears back to his eyes. he felt so dirty, so degraded.

A dozen. he had swallowed a dozen loads of pee. And it was clear that he'd be drinking pee a lot more in the future. What type of man would do something like that - drink another Man's pee? The answer was obvious. No Real Man would ever do anything like that. Only a bitch would. And that was what erik was - a bitch. Master said he was a born bitch and erik had to believe that only a bitch would have swallowed load after load of pee the way he'd done tonight. But still, he felt so incredibly dirty just thinking about what he had done. erik knew that if any of his family or friends ever found out about him drinking pee, he would never be able to look them in the face again. He would be so incredibly embarrassed.

And that wasn't all. he had let George, one of his father's closest friends, fuck him - fuck him in his mouth and up his pussy. he had known the Man forever and he had let the Man fuck him like He fucked His wife - harder even than He fucked His own wife. And He was going to be fucking him regularly from now on. What if George told his Dad? What if George sat down with his father and told him that his youngest son had a cunt between his legs which he let other men fuck whenever they wanted to? That his studly teenage son was, in reality, nothing more than a sleazy fuck-bitch for Real Men? erik didn't think that George would tell his Dad, but what if He did? Just thinking about the possibility was enough to put the boy on the verge of a panic attack.

'Don't think about that now. you can't think about that now,' erik told himself as he got closer to home. 'It's over now. you can worry about it tomorrow. But right now, it's over.' With a real effort of will, erik made himself push aside all these memories and tried to focus all his concentration into the drive home.

It was with a sense of real relief that erik turned off the main road and started down the driveway to his parent's house. But, even as he did so, a loud raspberry fart filled the air in the car as his boy-ass yawned open and discharged a large dollop of spent fuck-seed down the inside of the seat of erik's jeans. erik could feel his face flaring in heat all over again.

As he drove up to the house, erik could see his parents in the media room watching TV. he knew it was just about time for the two of them to go up to bed and he was tempted to wait in the car until they did. he didn't want to run the risk that one of them might notice the growing cum-stain spreading across the seat of his jeans, to say nothing of the way erik knew he reeked of urine - just like a urinal would be expected to smell.

The problem was that, thanks to the addition of the two fresh loads of pee erik had swallowed right before he left Master's house, the boy now had to pee again almost as badly as he had at Master's. He could try to take a whiz outside, but if he got caught there'd be no possible way to explain what he was doing. Nervously, erik concluded that his best course of action was to get inside and try to get up the stairs before his parents finished watching their show.

erik opened the driver's door, slid out of the driver's seat, visibly grimacing as his still-burning ass was scraped against the fabric of his jeans, and then carefully reclosed the car door, trying to minimize any noise. Then he hurried to the house's front door, opened it (fortunately it wasn't locked) and eased himself through. He could hear his Dad talking as he quickly edged over to the stairwell. Then, suddenly, his mother's voice called out. "erik, is that you?"

"Yes, Mom," he answered, feeling his heart pounding in his chest.

"Did you have fun with your friends?" she asked.

"Yeah, Mom. i did," erik assured her. "But i'm real tired and i've got an early day tomorrow so i'm just going to head up to bed."

There was a short pause and then his Mom called back. "Well, you get some sleep, then, erik. We'll see you in the morning."

"Thanks, Mom," erik responded, relief washing over him. "Good night, Mom," he added as he began to climb the steps.

"Goodnight, erik," his mother replied.

erik was just about at the top of the steps when he heard his Mom speak again but this time it was obvious she wasn't talking to him. "Well, who was that, honey?" she was asking.

erik was about to head off down the hall to his room when he was brought to a dead stop by his Dad's answer. "That was George."

erik stood there, stock still, as if he'd been turned to stone. "What did George want?" he heard his Mom ask.

His heart was pounding so hard in his chest that erik thought he could actually hear it as he strained to make out his Dad's response. "He wanted to know if I was interested in going pheasant hunting this weekend. The season ends at the end of the month and I haven't been out yet, so I told him 'yes.' We'll go out early Saturday morning."

"That's nice," erik heard his Mom respond. "George is such a good guy. You haven't seen him that much this winter. It'll be good for the two of you to catch up."

"Yeah," his Dad responded. "That will be good. He also suggested that I ask erik if he'd like to join us."

"Well, that was really considerate," his Mom gushed. "erik loves hunting, though he hasn't done much lately. he's been too busy with his friends, I guess."

"I'll ask him in the morning," his Dad decided. "It'd be fun, the three of us hanging out together. It'll also give erik a chance to know George better. George is someone who erik could learn a lot from."

Upstairs, leaning against the wall to help hold himself up, erik almost choked as he heard these last remarks. 'A chance to know George better.' His Dad didn't have the slightest clue that his son knew George much better than his Dad ever would. He knew how that Man liked to fuck, how His cock felt inside your pussy when He was banging you, what His pee tasted like. The last thing erik needed now was to get to know George better. 'Someone who erik could learn a lot from.' Yeah, like how to swallow pee, how to squeal as his pussy was brutally fucked, how to cry like a little baby as George spanked the crap out of your boy-ass. And now his Dad wanted erik to go hunting with George, to spend more time with that Man.

'God. No!' erik thought. he could just imagine what would happen if the three of them went pheasant hunting together. he could almost hear George suggesting that the three of them spread out in the dim light of early morning and using that as an opportunity to hook up with erik and force the boy to service him right there - right in the open - with his father just feet away, unaware that his son was sucking dick, or drinking pee, or both. And, considering the way George had treated him tonight, erik was pretty sure it would be both.

'No way,' erik thought. There was no way he was going to agree to go hunting with George and his Dad. Not if he had any say in the matter. But would he? What if Master ordered him to join the hunt. 'Oh, God, No,' erik mentally begged. 'Please, God. No. Don't make me do that.'

Further speculation, however, was short-circuited by erik's growing need to pee. Besides, he didn't know if his brother Chad was around and he certainly didn't want to run into him considering the condition he was in. So erik turned away from the stairwell and made a bee-line for his bedroom.

Once he closed the door, erik stripped down in just seconds. Naked, like he'd been most of the night and how he now pretty much always was in his own bedroom, erik headed towards the toilet. Raising the seat, he let a long sigh escape his lips as the pent up piss just cascaded into the bowl. But even as his boy-pee splattered against the porcelain bowl, erik was reminded of how he had served as the toilet for Master and George during the night, how his throat had served as a drain for their urine just like his toilet bowl was doing for him. erik involuntarily shuddered at the memory and he knew he'd never be able to pee again without seeing himself, on his knees, his head back, his mouth wide open, as Master and George peed down his throat and made him swallow their yellow bladder wastes. He sighed heavily and tried to erase that picture from his mind, but he knew it would be there from now on.

After coaxing the final drops of pee out of his boy-cock, erik turned on the shower and then stepped inside. The warm water felt so good cascading down his body that he just stood under the flow for a couple minutes before he even began soaping himself up.

erik spent nearly fifteen minutes in the shower, luxuriating in the flow of warm water, letting the clear liquid cascade down his torso, the warmth helping to ease some of the soreness from his muscles. The teenager's boy-clit was sticking straight into the air the entire time but he ignored it. The boy had a ritual he observed whenever he returned from a session with Master and while that included jerking off, he never did that in the shower. That he did in his bed, while he let his mind replay what he'd done - what he'd been forced to do, he tried to tell himself - at Master's.

This night was no different. Even though his pussy still really hurt from the abuse it had taken during the night, even though his throat was still tender from the two cocks that had been forced down it, erik was hot as a pistol as he began stroking his boy-clit. The boy let himself think about all that had happened that night, how the two Men had used his as a urinal over and over again, how they had each taken turns driving their Man-cocks down his mouth-cunt and up his boypussy, how George had beaten his naked ass to a pulp making him cry and carry-on like a little girl. And he remembered how incredibly embarrassed he had been while they had used him as their bitch. And just thinking about it all, just remembering it was enough for erik to experience the embarrassment and humiliation he had felt all over again. And that feeling - the feeling of being completely degraded and abused - made erik so hot, so incredibly hot, that it only took a few minutes before his boy-cock was erupting in yet another boygasm of almost unbelievable intensity.

And as erik lay there in his bed, writhing in ecstasy, just on the edge of consciousness, he visualized his brother Chad standing there in his bedroom watching him. Chad was smiling at him, smiling at his bitch brother, as erik lay there. And then, in erik's imagination, Chad took his hard cock in his hand, aimed it at his brother's mouth, and started peeing. erik opened his mouth wide and avidly began swallowing his brother's pee, gulping it down as fast as he could, overjoyed that his brother was using him as his personal urinal, was peeing in him like he was a toilet. And erik was sure that when his brother had finally emptied his bladder, he would take his hard cock and ram it up erik's boycunt. And the thought of his brother Chad, fucking him like the bitch he was, the bitch he had always been, brought a smile to erik's face even as he slowly slipped off to sleep.

Next: Chapter 2

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