The Night Before Christmas

By moc.loa@2u2dynnoD

Published on Dec 25, 2013


The Night Before Christmas By Donny Delk A Short Mini Story

This story is erotic fiction that is meant for mature readers that over eighteen years old.

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Part 3 - `The Conclusion'

"I have decided... to take young Jesse as my own and make his life as good as possible and hope that one day he will be happy. Starting today he will be removed from the slave pen that he has called home for months and will now reside in the main residence with momma and I."

There were more mumblings amongst the group, which Santa stopped again.

"Let me finish, it is for the best, he has a slave mind and body now and the once free boy is no more, so I will look after him from this day forward. He deserved better and certainly did not deserve the lot he has received, but sadly he cannot be restored, so he will be my personal slave and will not answer to anyone but me."

Santa looked around the courtyard and there were lots of smiles and heads shaking up and down in agreement.

Jesse was brought to the main residence, he had been fitted with a red four inch by four inch front loin cloth, and it was attached to a small gold chain that was hung loosely around his small lithe waist. It hung just under his cute innie belly button, which had been decorated with a small golden belly button ring.

Santa smiled as he was brought in by the two worker elves, they removed the golden chain leash and asked if Santa needed anything else and with nothing else needed they were dismissed. Jesse stood at slave rest with his arms behind him holding his right wrist with his left hand. He had his head slightly bowed forward and he was looking at a spot on the ground about three feet in front of him. He looked like the perfect slave and was now well trained in slave protocols.

Santa admired this beautiful boy; he is truly an amazing sight to behold. Santa had reviewed the preprocessing pictures and the boy that now stood in front of him looked so much better than he did then, which does not seem possible, but with the added toning he was truly a young Adonis with his light brown skin.

Santa was taken back as he walked around this young slave, there was no back portion of the loin cloth and the cute nicely shaped pert ass was track stopping, which is what Santa did, he stopped dead in his tracks and just admired this gorgeous sight. He looked at the snowflake brand on Jesse's right calf muscle; it had healed nicely and was very plain as it had been cleanly applied.

Santa continued on around and stopped in front of Jesse, he then spoke to the young slave and ordered him into the slave present position. Jesse snapped into the new position in haste with his hands now behind his head, chest out, and pelvis region thrust slightly forward.

Santa reviewed the young slave's body in admiration, he would make a decision in the future to keep all the golden rings or remove some or all of them. They were small and tasteful and were set off nicely against Jesse's lightly browned skin.

Once Santa had taken it all in and had fully admired the young slave that was Jesse, he spoke to him, "Jesse I need you to listen to me carefully. I want you to look at me and look me in the eyes."

Jesse was scared, this broke slave protocol and was not allowed, he did not want to anger Santa and be punished. He was a good slave boy. Santa could see the unsure emotions of the young boy and spoke to him again.

"Jesse, I need to talk to you and I want to see your eyes looking at me."

Jesse was very scared, but did as Santa stated, he sheepishly looked up at him and was met with a kind looking older man with soft warm welcoming eyes and a smile on his face that would warm any heart. He was a bit taken with Santa's looks, he was more youthful that he would have thought. He was older yes, but in a more distinguished way. He searched Santa's face for evil, would he be punished now or was he going to be true to his word...

"Jesse, I want to talk to you about all that has happened to you. You have been severely wronged and a great injustice has been done to you. I have tried to figure out a way to set things straight, but sadly not all can be undone, so with this being said, I have decided to make the best of the situation and to give you a happy life."

Santa had told him he may speak at will and waited to hear what the young Jesse had to say. He could see that he was in turmoil and had confusion wrote all over his face. Seeing this confusion, Santa just started talking to him, he told him how he had been wronged and how he was taken without remorse and subjected to all the most evil travesties that would normally only be due a `bad boy'. He told him of how he had found the wrong doing out and how he had searched for the truth and how once he found the complete truth, how he had moved to set things right and how there had to be a true reckoning. He told Jesse that Alfie and Edgar had been severely dealt with and that he would never see them again.

Jesse upon hearing all of this broke into tears and cried openly, finally someone knew that he was innocent of any wrong doings and someone knew that he was not a bad boy, but a good one that knew all along that he was wrongly accused. Santa opened his arms and held Jesse as he cried. He tried to console the broken young boy and tried to let him know that things would be better in the future and that he would have a happy life.

Finally, Jesse having cried himself out, fell asleep, he was mentally drained from all the details of his wrongful enslavement and just the shear emotional impact on him had taken its toll. Santa had carried him to his new room within the main house and had put him to bed with hopes that tomorrow he would be better and able to move forward with his new life.

Santa planned to spend a great deal of time with Jesse in the coming weeks, he advised the wife to go to her sisters and spend a few weeks or more while he helped transition Jesse to his new life. She agreed it would be best and her and her elf assistants packed her quickly and she was off with great haste.

The next day when Jesse finally awoke, it was late afternoon and he had spelt long and hard, was very disoriented and was unsure of his surroundings or where he was, he tried to remember what had happened and how he came to be in this room and in this bed, he was unsure, but decided to get up and make the bed and then see where he was. He made his way out of the room and said, "Hello? Anyone here?" Santa heard him and called out to him, "In here Jesse, come on in here!"

Jesse made his way into Santa's study where he looked to have been working. He stood at slave rest, which is a lot like standing at attention, with his head bowed and his arms behind his back, holding on to his elbows. Santa was trying to finish an email and once done, he looked up and was happy to see such a divine looking slave boy, nude with the exception of just his little loin cloth that just covered his penis. Santa took in Jesse's swimmers build and admired his boyish features as he spoke.

"Good Afternoon Jesse, the much needed rest has done you well! How do you feel this afternoon young man?"

"Sir... I am not sure how to address you??? I feel good, sir!"

"Jesse, I want you to address me for now as Santa or Sir will also work."

"Sir, are you my master?"

"Yes Jesse I am your master."

Santa watched Jesse's reaction and noticed that he seemed a little perplexed, so he decided to continue on with the conversation from last night, as he wanted everything out in the open, so that Jesse knew where he stood.

"Jesse, I need you to listen to me as what I have to say is very important. You were unjustly taken as a bad boy, but you and I know that you are not. But given the situation and the fact that you have been fully processed as a slave, and sadly this cannot be undone, so given the circumstances you are a slave. Part of this is also because you have changed as well, you have been changed internally to serve and you have a slave nature now that cannot be undone!"

Santa watched as Jesse was working through what he had just heard, he had noticed that Jesse had reacted when he had told him he was a slave, but he had not broken his stance and had maintained his composure. This in itself continued to prove Santa's point.

"Jesse, I have set the record straight that you are a good boy and have been removed from `The List' and you will not be forever disgraced. But, given the bad situation and these evil elves, this cannot ever come to light!"

Jesse reacted this time and Santa could tell from his heavy breathing and racing heart that he was upset and then lastly he saw the shoulder slump and his chest heaved in and out, Jesse was crying again with his head bowed.

Santa stood and walked around his desk to Jesse, he hugged the boy and led him over to the corner of his desk, pushing him gently over to lay on the desk, Santa opened his pants and spit in his hand and used it to lube his hardening cock, he spit again and this time he moistened Jesse's treasured rosebud. He wasted no time and slipped his cock into Jesse before he had time to realize what was happening.

He slowly fucked Jesse as he cried and just set a good pace with a steady routine. Jesse's warm and delectable hole just seemed to fit Santa's large cock, it fit like a glove as if it had been molded to fit Santa's appendage. Santa had set into a good stroke and was firmly fucking Jesse, but not in a brutal sense. It was just assertive and loving.

Jesse was torn, he was very sad and upset that he was to remain a slave; he could not believe that things could not be fixed or set straight. As he contemplated his unjust lot, he started to really feel what was happening to him, his body started to react to the intense feelings and before he knew it he was openly moaning...

`How could this be? What was going on? He had been fucked many times by Alfie and Elgar, what is so different, why is this feeling so good?' Jesse was now moaning very loudly, this had never happened! Santa started to react and pound down into the beautiful boy's ass. He was as well taken in the moment and all too soon with the pleasure at its highest point, filled Jesse with his love seed. Again and again his cum roped into Jesse, finally his cumming stopped and he being so taken by the experience, slumped forward and laid on top of Jesse, his cock still firmly embedded in to the pleasure boy.

Jesse lay there very still breathing hard himself, that had felt so good; his body had reacted very intensely, he was trying to work things out. What had just happened had felt amazing, his insides had responded and that burning at first in his rectum had changed from pain to ultimate pleasure, and it had gone on and on and had spread through his body. Then finally he had felt Santa's sperm coat the inside of his pleasure chute. Santa had pounded his prostrate giving him the ultimate gift of pleasure, which left him tingling all over.

As Jesse laid there something just clicked and felt right, this is what I am... I am a pleasure slave and a true fucktoy and Santa is my Master... He was sad, but this felt right. As he felt Santa's breathe on his back and sensed his regained self-control, his warm inner glow seemed to take over and he started to work his ass muscles as he had been taught, working Santa's cock. He squeezed Santa's cock as hard as he could using his youthful hole as it was designed.

Santa responded and stated, "Oh Jesse, you bad boy!" He laughed as he started to pound that precious hole again, this time with the full lubrication of all of his cum that he slowly fucked out of Jesse's tight elastic pleasure cove.

Jesse upon hearing Santa's play on words, smiled and really fucked himself back onto his cock, this was to be his worship stick, he was to be with him forever and wanted to do his duty and give Santa the pleasure that was due his master...

Jesse with his inner body reacting again and with Santa's continuous pounding of his prostrate was again taken to nirvana and spoke out loud. Oh Santa, your humble fucktoy needs more of your precious nectar of love.

Santa knew what he was about to do, again broke all rules in regards to bad' boys being processed, but Jesse was a good' boy and he reach under him between his youthful legs and grabbed his withered empty nut sack and with one warming squeeze granted young Jesse with two new full of seed boy berries. The feeling was immediate and extremely intense, it was like a pot boiling over and exploding all at once and in that instance Jesse came everywhere! Where was it all coming from? It was like his body was no longer his and that he was just along for the ride. The warmth and the powerful explosions within his youthful body was the most intense feelings of his young life and the return of his boy jewels and full feeling of being able to cum so many ropes of hot youthful cum was paradise in all sense of the word.

Santa upon hearing the term `fucktoy', used throughout Jesse's training, laughed out loud in a body rolling laugh. He knew things would work out and that he would make Jesse's life a good one filled with pleasure and happiness, and he also knew that Jesse himself would keep him young as well; continued to pound young Jesse as hard as he could and stated.

"HO HO HO... And to all a GOOD NIGHT!!!!"

The End...

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