The Night Before Christmas

By moc.loa@2u2dynnoD

Published on Dec 25, 2013


The Night Before Christmas By Donny Delk A Short Mini Story

This story is erotic fiction that is meant for mature readers that over eighteen years old.

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Part 2

Elgar then came in a little late, cuffed the still dazed Jesse's hands behind his back, he attached a leash to Jesse's golden collar. Jesse still in a daze, kind of came around with being forced to move. He was in tremendous pain, but followed Elgar out of the cage. Alfie led the way to the workout center. They led him over to a treadmill and told him to get on. Elgar attached Jesse's leash to the wall in front of the treadmill. Alfie set it for a walking pace, but it was set for two forty-five minute sessions; with a fifteen minute cool down in between.

Jesse's hands were not released so he feared falling and he immensely feared these elves. He tried to walk as best that he could without too much jockeying around. He was in a lot of pain and tears ran down his cheeks the whole time during the exercise, but he managed to complete it as required and do it without rupturing his stitches or bouncing his cock too much.

After the exercise, he was then returned to the workshop where he was showered with warm water. Alfie told him not to get used to this nice treatment. We want you up and running and in training as soon as possible and we want at that fuckable ass as soon as you're well.

They told him to present himself in slave rest position and then showed him how he was to stand with his legs at shoulder length apart with his hands clasped behind his head. They admired the beauty of his slick soft tanned skin and those doe-eyes... Wow!

Alfie walked behind him and squeezed both of his taut ass cheeks with both of his hands. He told Elgar.

"Man, I can't wait to have me some of this choice grade `A' boy pussy!"

They both laughed and nodded and said... "Soon!"

Alfie then told Jesse to bend forward and grab his shins. Jesse did as he was told and Elgar was lubing a large comfort stop. He stepped behind Jesse as Alfie held his ass cheeks apart. They both admired his beautiful pink winking rosebud. They were both almost consumed with lust to take this cute fucktoy's pussy.

Elgar started to work the lubed comfort stop into Jesse's tight anus, it hurt a great deal and Jesse again was crying from the assault, he started to move forward and received two very hard swipes with the flip whip from Alfie. He yelped in pain and tried to remain still. Elgar continued to push and twist the large sized butt plug into Jesse as he cried more tears and once again stained his face. Finally, it slipped past the thickest part and seated into young Jesse's asshole. Jesse just moaned in pain as his tender violated hole flexed around the butt plug. The straps to secure the plug were attached around Jesse's waist and locked in position.

He was then told to stand up straight and present himself again. He hurt all over and this new pain added to his misery. Alfie then told Elgar to spray all of the wounds. Elgar picked up the antiseptic and sprayed Jesse's empty nutless scrotum, he lifted Jesse's very tender cock and sprayed the fresh circumcision, and he then sprayed the snowflake brand and then rotated all the new rings and sprayed each one of them.

After the spraying, Jesse received his two slave biscuits, was watered and place back in his cage for the night. This same pattern was followed for the next three days and by that third day he was better. He still hurt but at least it was not as bad. He still cried himself to sleep, because of his loss of manhood and his dismal situation. He could not believe that his life had gone so wrong and tried to think what he could have done so wrong to be in this situation. What could he have done to get himself labeled as a `bad' boy?

On the fourth day he awoke before Alfie and Elgar arrived, he knew that today was the day that he would start his heavy slave training and he was very worried about it. He was also homesick and missed his family; his brothers and mom and dad. He often wondered what they all thought of his disappearance and if they really thought he was a `naughty' boy, this made him cry when he thought about how his parents must have been shamed by this revelation, even if it was not true. He hoped that maybe one day he might see them all again and set the record straight.

It was not long before Alfie and Elgar showed up, they ordered him to his feet as they unlocked his cage. Today we will start with a good clean out and clean up. Elgar removed the large comfort stop with a pop as he did every morning. They told him to go into the corner and shit and piss into the slave toilet hole, before today they had given him time to complete this task, but today they stood and watched.

Jesse balked, he had never done his business in front of anyone before, and he even went into a stall at school to pee. He did not want to do this but thought he had better do it anyways as he feared Alfie and that flip whip. As he was thinking and was slowly moving into position, Alfie stuck a slave prod to his left nipple. The zap caught Jesse off guard and he screamed in shocked pain. Alfie with a frown said.

"You need to hop to it when ordered to do something! There will be no hesitation tolerated! Ever!"

Jesse quickly moved to the latrine hole and squatted over it to relieved himself as ordered. He was very red faced and embarrassed, this was worst than being left naked all the time. To him this erased his dignity and hurt his inner pride.

His left nipple was burning and the shear shock of the zap forced him to hop to it and complete his business quickly. Once he was complete, Alfie ordered him to the shower room. He was chained in place over the center drain; the chain was cinched up tightly with his arms straight up over head and his ankles were cuffed to the floor in a spread eagle position.

He was then sprayed with frigidly cold water all over and Jesse shrieked with the surprise of the ice cold water. Alfie admonished him, stating that there would be no more warm water, so get used to it fucktoy. Elgar then soaped his pits, his nutless scrotum, his light treasure trail, and lastly he pulled his rounded ass cheeks apart and for a second or two admired that beautiful pink rosebud. There was no hair there but he soaped it as well.

He then took his razor and freshly shaved Jesse all over. He grinned as he moved Jesse's cock around to shave all of his pubic region; he playfully beat it softly a few times to make him harden. He laughed at Jesse's embarrassment and discomfort but he loved it when slaves got erections, especially cute youthful ones like Jesse. He then checked Jesse's now circumcised cock to see that it was healing as it should. Once this was done he then checked Jesse's chest and nipples for any hair, but Jesse was very smooth skinned, but for good measure he shaved his chest and then lastly he shaved his face as well. There wasn't much of anything here either, but he loved smooth young looking boys and handling them all over gave him great pleasure, besides he liked seeing them ashamed and embarrassed, it warmed him inside and made him laugh. All in all he was a beautifully toned boy, very cute and handsome, and with that cute ass he could not wait to plow that road.

He then sprayed Jesse liberally all over from his neck down with a greenish depilating spray, it was thick and had a very distinct odor that smelt like old saddle soap, it burned Jesse's skin as it actively tingled and burned away any remaining hair on his body. To Jesse it was left on him for what seemed like forever and he squirmed to try to ease the discomfort, but finally Elgar washed it from his youthful body, leaving him denuded of all hair. Jesse did not know this, but this would last about a year and then would require reapplications as needed in the future.

Next he sprayed Jesse again with the ice cold water and using a scrub brush, cleaned him all over while he yelped in pain. Alfie told Jesse that this is how he was to maintain himself from now on and that he or Elgar would be checking him close to make sure he complied and that he would get a good flip whip strapping if he ever failed the inspection. Alfie laughed evilly and stated.

"I look forward to your first failure!"

Next they unchained him and had him bend over, they then lubed the hose end and it was inserted roughly into his puckering hole. He was then filled with cold water until his guts extended and then they told him to hold it in for what seemed like hours, but in reality it was only about five minutes. Jesse was hurting inside as he started to cramp up. Finally, they told him to squat over the latrine hole, and this time he moved promptly over to the hole and released the waste and soiled water. This was repeated for three more times until the icy water ran clean. Jesse was told that he would be required to keep himself cleaned out at all times and that he must be ready to be used at anytime during the day or night.

Alfie then stated, "We want you clean and smelling good all the time, so you're always ready to be fucked! After all... What is a `Fucktoy' for???"

He and Elgar smiled and laughed. Jesse turned red in shame at the thought of being fucked.

Once this was complete they cuffed Jesse's hands behind him and attached a double hooked tit leash to each of the golden rings in his nipples. Jesse felt tension in his still very sensitive newly pierced nipples. Alfie lead the way and Elgar jerked the leash pulling Jesse along by his nipple rings. This made Jesse wince in pain and he was stepping quickly behind Elgar. He certainly did not want to add to his discomfort in his sore and tender nipples.

They lead Jesse to the workout room where he was attached to a treadmill and made to run. His hands were uncuffed for this phase and the workout was much more intense with many simulated hills to run up as well as some long fast all out running in some places. He was in a lot of pain and every time he slowed down Elgar or Alfie laid the flip whip brutally across his ass or shoulders. Jesse would cry out in pain and tears and snot was running down his face, but he would run harder or faster each time he felt the flip whip.

Once the treadmill exercise was done, he was made to lift weights, not so that he would build muscle but to keep toned up and be more defined. Alfie wanted to have the best looking fuckboy available. This conditioning training went on for several weeks and eventually Jesse was able to do what was required of him with minimal chastisement for either Alfie or Elgar.

They had also started early on to train him in the proper slave protocols and they used the same types of abuse, either by slapping his face, whipping him with the flip whip, or `Alfie's personal favorite' bare-naked spankings over his lap. Alfie loved spanking Jesse's taut cute bubble-butt. His cock got hard every time he laid into that cute ass. Jesse would kick, scream and cry, but the more he did that, the hotter it made Alfie.

On the second week of training, Alfie decided it was time to start Jesse's pleasure boy training. The first steps of Jesse's training would be to learn to orally service him and Elgar. They cuffed his hands behind his back and he was made to kneel in front of Alfie. Jesse was very embarrassed and very scared. Elgar was ready with the electric prod and flip whip. Alfie took off his elf tunic, he said that all pleasure boy training is always performed in the truest most open form and that is buck ass naked, which showed off his rigid elf body!

He said that a good fucktoy should always pay utmost respect and homage to his Master or overseer. Jesse was very reluctant about having to do this, any straight boy would have been and would have problems performing sexual favors for another man, but he was very afraid of these two evil elves.

He often cried himself to sleep at night because of the abuse that he had received. He would ask himself, what did I do to deserve this? I was always a good boy, stand up in school and in the community, what had he done that was so wrong to deserve this?

Jesse was jolted back to reality by the swat of the flip whip across his shoulders; he screamed in pain and looked up at a smiling Alfie.

"Pay attention Fucktoy, you were daydreaming and your number one concern is me and paying homage to my cock!"

Tears ran down Jesse's cheek as he looked at Alfie's ugly elf cock, it was large, veiny, and had a dark purple throbbing head that looked like an oversized plum. It was the largest cock that he had ever seen, not that he looked at cocks mind you, but showering at athletics in school or at the YMCA swimming pool; he had never seen anything this big and he certainly had never seen a hard cock other than his own. It was thick and curved upward and looked absolutely angry. Jesse was very afraid and knew that soon he would be faced with doing the unthinkable.

"Okay fucktoy, it is now time for your first lesson in oral service."

Alfie told Elgar to be ready with the electric prod and the whip. He then stepped up close to Jesse.

"Ok fucktoy, first a warning... You will do exactly what I tell you and you will enjoy taking my cock into your mouth! You will service me till I tell you to stop or I cum in your fucktoy mouth. You will always swallow any precum or spunk that is released into your oral pussy, unless you are told something different, but in most cases you will swallow your reward, smile and then thank your Master or overseer for their generous gift to you! If you ever waste any of a superior's seed you will be beaten with the flip whip till you are black and blue! Do I make myself clear???"

Jesse had learned the proper way to respond. Even though he was very afraid and turned off and was totally disgusted by this situation he shouted...

"Sir yes sir, Master Alfie sir!"

Alfie liked the response and was ready to proceed. He had one more important piece of information to give to Jesse.

"Fucktoy, one more thing... If I feel your teeth on my cock, I will have Dr. Kroosh pull them all, then you will be a true sucking machine with no teeth and you can gum your slave biscuits from now on! So let this be a warning to you as I will also beat you with my favorite slave paddle on that bare ass of yours! Have I made myself clear?"

"Sir yes sir, Master Alfie sir!"

Alfie smiled at Elgar evilly and told him he would be next to be serviced. Alfie stepped next to Jesse and told him to keep his mouth closed. He was so hot and so ready for this. He wiped his leaking cock all over Jesse's very red and embarrassed face, he stuck it under his nose and ordered Jesse to take a deep breath and savor the smell of his over sized elfin cock. After Alfie had wiped his precum all over the now teary eyed Jesse's face, he stepped back and slapped the fucktoy and shouted.

"Okay fucktoy, pay close attention! Open those cute pussy boy lips and take your Master's cock in your warm oral pussy!"

Alfie stepped back up to Jesse and laid his cock on his lips and pushed in as Jesse reluctantly opened his mouth. He first tasted Alfie's precum and started to heave, but Alfie was prepared to slap him, so he worked to control that urge. He was told to lick the head and swirl his tongue around the end of the cock. Alfie moaned and enjoyed the feeling. He always enjoyed breaking in newbie's and he especially enjoyed breaking in and humiliating straight boys.

The tears continued to run down Jesse's face, but he worked the cock head as he had been told. He was so afraid of the continued punishment and abuse, so he endured the humiliation and followed Alfie's orders.

Alfie loved the feeling and continued to let Jesse lick around the head, and it felt so good. Finally, he told the fucktoy to close his lips in a large oval and suck his cock head while he was licking the underside of the head.

This continued until Alfie needed more contact on his elf cock and he started to push his cock further into Jesse's mouth. He pushed all the way in until he was at Jesse's throat and then eased back and forth in a natural in and out motion.

Elgar looked on as his companion was serviced by the new fucktoy, he could hardly wait for his turn.

Jesse was so deflated and defeated by this act that he was being forced to do, that his tears of embarrassment continued to stream down his face. He thought of his family at home and how ashamed they would be so see him naked, on his knees, with no balls, no longer a man and sucking a hard leaking elf cock.

He had been told to form a tight seal on the cock with his mouth and was warned that he had better not miss any fluid that came from his elf master. The angry elf cock was his new master.

As Alfie continued to leak precum, Jesse would reluctantly swallow it down, the flow was continuous, so he was constantly swallowing, which stimulated Alfie more each time his throat contracted tighter around his elf cock head. This swallowing action felt wonderful on Alfie's throbbing cock and he was so hot from it that he grabbed Jesse's ears and rammed his cock into Jesse's throat. He held it there as he watched Jesse panic because he could no longer breathe.

Jesse struggled, his lungs started to burn, would this be it, was it finally to be over, he was scared shitless, and then Alfie pulled back a fraction and Jesse caught a breath of air, then two and then three. Then Alfie shot his throat full of thick, hot, elf cum. There were volumes of it and Jesse wanted to spit it out, Alfie had pulled back so he soaked Jesse's mouth and tongue with his royal elf cum. A master's cum he thought, he admonished Jesse at this point.

"Fucktoy, if any of my royal elf nectar hits the floor, I will tan your ass to no end!"

Tears rolled down Jesse's cheeks as the straight boy swallowed the thick, salty substance, which had a acidic taste to it, but he would never forget the thickness. He did his best to swallow the endless streams that were shot in his mouth. Once Alfie had finally finished shooting, he admonished his slave in training again.

"Fucktoy, make sure you clean my cock well and let this be a lesson to you, that you must always clean any cock that has graciously given up its gift to you, whether it was shot in your pretty fucktoy mouth or was in your sweet fucktoy pussy!"

Jesse did the best he could and swallowed everything in his mouth and moved his tongue around all of Alfie's cock to make sure he had licked it clean. Once Alfie was pleased that his newest slave have completed the task to his liking, he pulled out and told Elgar to assume his position, so that the new slave could continue to hone his elf cock worshiping skills.

Elgar was excited and his throbbing elf cock had been leaking precum for sometime from watching and listening to fucktoy's sucking, gagging, gasping, slurping and swallowing noises. He was so ready to breed and feel this new slave's mouth and throat. He commanded Jesse to open his mouth, which he slid into, going deeper into his raw throat and just started to pound away at his face, there was no finesse he needed to spill some elf cum. He would take more time next time, but right now it was about emptying his strained elf berries into their newest fucktoy...

In no time at all, Jesse was once again swallowing down his second thick load of elfin cum, which was even saltier than that of Alfie's. Tears rolled down his face, but he completed his task and clean up Elgar's cock as he was expected to do and he had managed not to gag or throw up. He could not believe that he had been sucking another guy's cock, he felt so ashamed and gutted of his inner pride.

This was to become the routine, fucktoy was sucking off either Alfie or Elgar all during the day, anytime that they sported a boner; he was on his knees relieving them of their erections. Some days they were relentless and fucked his throat dry, other times it was more casual and with a relaxing pace. This went on for at least a week and for a straight boy, he was now an accomplished cock sucker. It still burned him on the inside with shame that he had no control and had to follow their requested orders to the letter, as any perceived hesitation was met with extreme cruelty as they seem to look for reasons to whip his ass.

It was about a week later when Alfie determined that it was time to move to the next level of training, after all he was a fucktoy and he needed his pussy reamed. Jesse's embarrassment from sucking elf cock was nothing compared to when they finally took from him, which he considered as what was left of his inner manhood and being. He wanted to die, why was this happening, he had always been a good person, a good boy with perfect manners. He could not believe that he was tied in a spread eagle position and thoroughly raped and reamed by these two sadistic evil elves.

It was relentless, they never seemed to want to stop. They made demeaning comments about his tight, sweet feeling boy pussy. He was so mortified and ashamed and could never seem to keep from crying... They just laughed and fucked him harder or again.

He eventually made it through the fits of crying, but the shame and the humiliation always seemed to be there, the only thing was and this had him very troubled. He was experiencing something that he had never counted on. Once he started to just relax and let them use his anus, it started to feel good. He had never had any kind of anal tests, so he knew nothing of his prostrate, but something deep inside him seem to burn with an inner fire when they really pounded him a certain way. He could not explain it, was he really enjoying the feeling? Could this be happening?

He would erect and he even started to dry cum and heave as they often seemed to just pound this certain spot inside him, then when it was over, even though he had enjoyed the feelings, the overwhelming guilt hit him and when they taunted him about it, the embarrassment and shame grew even more, which seem to pierce him to his soul.

He came to just accept what they wanted, whether it was the cock sucking or the mindless elf fucking. He learned to obey and do whatever was requested. He was like a robot, whatever they wanted they got, with no feeling from him. He always seem to dry cum when they pounded his prostrate, but it was merely a reaction and had no real feeling to him. He had cried himself to sleep many a night, wondering what he had done that was so bad to warrant what was happening to him... Would it always be this way?

It's been several months and Santa was finally ready to return to work, after all he must get back into his routine, it won't be long and the hustle and bustle will all start again to get ready for the holidays. He returned to his office and thought, I never completed last year's list checking. I always check it twice and this year I was so tired and worn out, I never checked it once. He had allowed his lead elf Alfie to perform the dismal task and had started an early much needed vacation.

Oh well, this problem he could easily solve. He pulled the list up and quickly sorted it by all the good boys and girls and ran through them cross referencing the stops that were made and gifts that were left. It all seemed to check out but one. Had there been a mistake? All these years and they had never had a mistake, what must have happened? He started to research this in great detail, there was a Jesse Sanchez that was not accounted for, what was going on he thought.

Well, I am going to finish the naughty list and then he would call his top tier elf team and see if answers could be found. He was shocked to see that Jesse was on the naughty list as well, and an extremely late addition as well. After further research, he found that the boy had been added after Christmas. How could this be???

He then pulled the boy's profile complete with pictures and the details showed a very caring, good natured and outgoing `good' boy, which always exceeded expectations and was never into any trouble whatsoever. He could not find anything to fault this handsome looking young man. His profile even made mention of his community involvement and how active he was... What was going on?

He was finally convinced that something was not right and upon remembering the night of Christmas Eve, he remembered Alfie stating that he was on The List'. Why would he do that, when this was clearly a good boy'?

He decided to pull the workshop and training camera feeds from the last few months since Christmas and was shocked with what he saw. He cried at watching the pain that this young man had endured. The screaming and relentless crying from this sweet boy himself and the torment that he had gone through was just mind numbing. These two evil elves were all directly to blame and guilty of cruelty, brutality, and irreversible mutilation to a `good' boy, whom definitely did not deserve this in any form whatsoever.

He validated that he had two extremely bad elves, his lead elf Alfie and his second in command Elgar. He also had really checked out the elf doctor; Dr. Kroosh, but he found that there were no ties to what had happened to Jesse, other than he had performed the branding, the circumcision and finally the castration that was all requested by Alfie. He was just doing his job it seemed.

Santa was very upset with his findings, what was he going to do? This was a travesty at the highest level, never before had this happened. The integrity of the naughty or nice system had never been breached. Something had to be done, Jesse was innocent and truth be known, he was an `exemplary good boy'! He must set this right somehow.

He pondered this issue for the rest of the day, he was so very upset. A wrong must be set right, but how?

The next day, he called his oldest friend a retired old elf by the name of Larz. He had some age on him but was very welcoming to sit and talk with his oldest friend and in the end a suggestion was made and Santa bid him farewell and invited him to the house for dinner sometime soon. He laughed and said, "I will see you soon my friend."

Santa was perplexed at how to handle this and how to make the score even and to reestablish the integrity on the naughty and nice system. He knew how to handle these evil elves, but what had him in turmoil was what to do about the innocent young man, Jesse. Finally it came to him...

Santa called all the elves together in the main courtyard and waited till all had arrived and were accounted. There was a lot of chatter, why was Santa calling everyone together, this never happens this time of year, what is going on? Also present were the elf police, which had everyone clueless as well.

Santa began by thanking everyone for coming, but stated that he had extremely troubling news.

"It seems we have had a breach of trust, which to me is the worst case of betrayal we have ever had! We have two traitors in our family!"

The elves all gasped, what could have happened they wondered?

Alfie and Elgar had turned a dark red and knew that they must have somehow been found out. Alfie could not believe it; he had covered their tracks very well he thought.

Santa went on to explain that the naughty and nice list had been breached and that an innocent good boy had been taken and processed fully as a naughty boy.

Another gasp from the elves was heard and all traces of happiness were now gone from the courtyard. Who could do such a thing? Who could undermine the trust and integrity of our system? And... Who could deceive Santa???

No one had noticed that the elf police had moved into a location surrounding Alfie and Elgar, they were seized and roughly cuffed. Obscenities were heard, young elves blushed. When they were fully restrained and gagged, Santa began again.

It has been found out that these two traitors have taken an innocent young good' boy and have treated him brutally and cruelly, making him into what would be his new life if he was a bad boy and given the fact that he had a Grade A Plus Plus' classification, he is now a full pleasure slave.

The elf group could not believe their little pointed ears, why would someone harm a good boy? There were a many tears shed as everything was explained and brought to light. Santa spared no details, he even told them of his given pet name of `Fucktoy'. Nothing was left off, all was disclosed.

Santa, being satisfied that he had told everyone everything and that he had researched it all and the evidence was rock solid given the camera feeds and computer data, was ready to assess punishment.

Alfie and Elgar had fruitlessly struggled, but had bowed their heads in shame when all the evidence came out, the looks of total disgust and betrayal from their elf counterparts. They had hurt everyone with their greed and transgressions against the elf society.

Santa ordered that the elf police bring the two culprits to the front of the courtyard, it was ordered that their cloths be cut from them and then they were strung up naked to rings that were in an overhead beam, they were strung up facing the crowd. Both were struggling as they were winched off of the ground by the cuffs on their wrist. They tried to scream through their gags, but it was also a fruitless effort.

Santa read them the riot act and admonished them as criminals of their sacred society and admonished them as the traitors that they were. He then stated that they would be harshly punished and banished to hard labor for the rest of their lives.

"For punishment for your crimes against our sacred society and breaching our trust and for the overall evil brutality that you have levied on an innocent youth, you will each receive sixty lashes with a bull whip."

There was an auditable gasp and a whispering broke out amongst the elves. They all agreed that the punishment was horrific, but justified.

The largest and strongest elf was then requested to administer the whippings. Edgar and Alfie screamed into their gags as they each received their naked sixty stroke whippings. The punishment elf was told to walk around them and swat them from all directions and not to worry as to where the lash landed. Once completed they were each whimpering and openly crying with extreme red lash markings all over their bodies.

Santa then came back to the front of the courtyard and a hush fell over the elf crowd, all that could be heard was the painful moaning from the former two top elves. The elf group wondered where they would be spending their days in hard labor and were silently awaiting to hear Santa's ruling.

Santa cleared his throat and asked that Dr. Kroosh come forward.

Dr. Kroosh was not sure if he was in trouble, but made his way to the front of the courtyard. Alfie and Elgar figured that he was to be punished as well.

Once Dr. Kroosh reached the front of the room, there was complete silence again; no one was stirring not even a mouse. (Ha Ha – You knew that was coming!)

Santa cleared his throat and stated, "before I issue the final sentencing to these two former top elves of mine and send them off to perform their hard labor for the rest of their lives, I have one more injustice that needs a reckoning."

"These two evil elves took a healthy innocent young boy and abused his youthful lithe body for their extreme sadistic pleasure. They tormented him and forever changed him by removing his testicles and then laughing in his face. This to me is a most heinous crime, which cannot be undone!"

There were murmurs of disgust throughout the group as this information came to light. "This is terrible", was heard. "Poor kid!", "What will become of him?", "This was so barbaric!", "Hang them and be done with them!"

The ghastly statements went on and on, finally Santa raised his hand for silence.

"I have thought long and hard about this and it is my decision to use a little frontier justice of `what goes around comes around', so it is my decision to have Dr. Kroosh remove their genitalia."

There was a shock that fell across the crowd. All knew it was warranted, but never had anyone thought it would come to this...

The two beaten elves upon hearing their fates, begged for forgiveness and leniency, but there cries were muffled by the gags and would have fell on deaf ears as far as their elf counterparts, their judge and punishment executer.

"Dr. Kroosh while these two evil elves are still tied to these racks, remove their genitalia now!" "Also, I want them branded as slaves across their backs, both of their ass cheeks and across their foreheads!" "Let this be a reminder to anyone that see them from this day forward, as to what they have done!"

Alfie and Elgar screamed, "NO!"

Dr. Kroosh opened his bag and asked about pain meds which were denied. He then had an electric extension cord brought and plugged in his electronic branding iron. He made ready his scalpel and once he was ready, he looked at Santa one more time and received a `go ahead' nod.

Alfie and Elgar had been raised so that they were spread eagle in an `X' like position, they were far enough off the ground now that everyone could plainly see and the doctor could work without bending over. He walked up to Alfie and grabbed his elf nuts hard and yanked them into the bottom of his sack and then pushed them out of the way. Alfie screamed in pain as he made the incision and basically cut the bottom of his sack off, he then reached in and pulled each nut out one at a time and sliced it off, while Alfie screamed his head off into the gag.

He then left him bleeding, screaming and jerking against his restraints and walked over to Elgar.

Elgar started screaming and crying, "Please don't do this! It was Alfie's idea, he made me do it!" But nothing heard was intelligible.

No concessions were made; the sentencing had been given, so Dr. Kroosh removed his elf nuts in the same way that he had removed Alfie's. They were a sorry sight indeed the crowd watched in total silence.

Santa was stone faced, they had betrayed the community and reputation of what they all stood for and worst of all the circle of trust, so for these crimes they must pay dearly!

Dr. Kroosh stepped back to Alfie and he begged, "Please no more!" But there was still quite a bit that had to be performed. But Dr. Kroosh upon seeing Alfie's pleading eyes and muffled cries, stated the following...

"Sorry Slave, you must pay for your crimes against our sacred system!"

Dr. Kroosh then took Alfie's cock and cut it off along with his nut sack, which was no longer need either, leaving only one half inch of his cock so that he could piss, but his sex life was over for good. A just action for such a wicked elf, Alfie screamed and continued to scream, he could not believe he was now cockless. Dr. Kroosh then used the electric branding iron to cauterized the cuts, which stopped all the bleeding. More screaming was heard and finally silence, he had passed out.

He then walked over to the now whimpering Elgar and performed the same steps on him. He screamed and passed out as well. Upon returning to the passed out Alfie, Dr. Kroosh then sprayed the wounds with antiseptic, he inspected his handy work, once everything healed they would be able to still piss, but no stimulation would ever be possible again. Poetic justice he thought to himself.

He then ordered that water be brought to spray them with, he wanted them conscious for the last steps of their punishment sentencing.

They were sprayed and they both jerked back to life, whimpering and moaning in great pain. They were a sorry sight to behold. The once proud and powerful lead elves were now lower than the lowest scum.

They were both screamed out but did audibly scream again and jerk their bodies to try to get away from the branding device. Dr. Kroosh was finally complete; he had carried out Santa's orders to the letter and announced that he was finished, unless there was something else that Santa wanted done.

Santa coming back to the front of the crowd raised his hand for silence and said that was all. He then stated that these two evil slaves would be taken from here and caged in the infirmary and once they were healed, no more than a week, then they would be sent to the coal mine, where they would work at least eighteen to twenty hours every day for the rest of their days, mining the very coal they used to leave for bad boys. He also stated one more harsh point as well; once they are taken into the coal mine, they are to never see the light of day again.

"Be gone with these two villains and traitors of our society!"

And with that order, the elf police took them down and drug them helplessly away. They were a truly a sorry sight. All of the other elves turn their backs on them as they were brought through the crowd. It was a true banishment and very justified.

Santa then announced that there was one more detail that must be set straight. It had been on everyone's mind. What was Santa going to do about Jesse Sanchez?

"My fellow elves, this has been a most perplexing decision for me. Here we have a young man that has been wronged in every way possible and his future and life have forever been altered. I have cried and worried about how I could make this right for him."

"The problem is he has been taken and made into a pleasure slave, he has been altered physically, but most troubling of all he has been altered mentally and emotionally as well. But, first and foremost he is a `good' boy and deserved better, and he has been let down immensely."

Santa looked around the room at all the troubled blank stares with questioning expressions.

"I have been watching young Jesse the past few days via monitors and after a long hard decision, I have decided that all we or I can do is to give him the best I can and make the most of a bad situation."

There were a few murmurs of chatter amongst the elf crew, which Santa silenced with his raised hand.

I have decided...

End of Part 2...

Next: Chapter 3

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