The Night Before Christmas

By moc.loa@2u2dynnoD

Published on Dec 23, 2013


The Night Before Christmas By Donny Delk A Short Mini Story

This story is erotic fiction that is meant for mature readers that over eighteen years old. Please do not use my stories or characters without my permission and please forward any comments to

Note: I wish to thank two very special individuals that have helped me so much in writing my first story. I have always tried to help authors by encouraging them with emails or helping them with proof reading, story editing or even with tossing around a few story ideas. This was how I always wanted to give back to them for what they do for our reading enjoyment.

I have always had good ideas for stories, but never really considered myself able to write a story and be able to convey what I was seeing in my mind and then being able to transfer that to a screen in a form of a story where someone else may want to read it...

But two very talented writers have encouraged me for years that I should try it and see how it goes... This is my story and only through their help was this ever realized. I wish to thank them both personally for all their help and friendship. To two special individuals; Jean-Christophe and Randall Austin, thank you from the bottom of my heart. Donny Delk

Also, please help keep Nifty available for everyone to enjoy, make a donation today. Thank you...

Part 1

`The night before Christmas and all through the house, no one was stirring...' all was quiet and very peaceful. The Sanchez family was all finally resting. The youngsters had all been so excited and had not wanted to go to bed. They knew that Santa would be bringing them lots of gifts and toys for Christmas. Jimmy age six, James age nine, Joel age twelve, Johnny age fourteen and finally Jesse age seventeen had all reluctantly gone to bed. Even the older boys were excited. It was just an all around festive atmosphere fueled by the younger boys, but it had caught on and all of them were elated and excited about what was to come.

Santa would be bringing everyone gifts. They always received lots of great gifts, candy, and their stockings were always stuffed with great surprises. Juan and Josephine were the proud parents of five great boys. They were doing very well for themselves and they always provided well for their large family. They counted their blessings that they had five great boys. All were A' and B' students and all excelled in sports, and school activities as well as community events.

They were so happy that the holidays were here and that the family would have lots of fun enjoying all the holiday cheer and traditions. They knew that Santa would reward the boys for being great students and excelling in school and the community. They also had bought all of them many gifts as well and looked forward to seeing all their happy faces in the morning when they opened up all their gifts and ate their holiday candy.

The house had finally gotten quiet and the boys were finally all asleep, they had laid out Santa's snack like they always did. It was tradition, so they had kept doing it all these years, starting when Jesse was very young and in diapers. Once that was done they checked all the doors and made sure they were locked and Juan and Josephine turned in themselves. They kissed, said their sweet nothings and went to sleep and dreamed of the joyous day to come.

Everyone was resting peacefully, the boys all dreaming of the surprises to come, the parents happy that all of the family was healthy and safe... `When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter...' It was Santa and his elves and Santa had his list and was checking it twice.

"Young seventeen year old Jesse Sanchez was on the list, fourteen year old Johnny was on the list, twelve year old Joel was on the list, nine year old James was on the list, and finally, six year old Jimmy is on my list!!!" He shouted at his elves.

"We need to move fast, we have lots of stops to make!"

The elves and Santa went down the chimney and placed all the toys and gifts around the tree for all the good boys. They filled the stockings with good things to eat and lots of small trinkets. The boys would be so happy when they awoke the next morning. All of the elves worked very fast and very hard to get everything set out with a festive display. One elf was in charge of making sure that Santa got his cookies and milk, another elf was in charge of sleep detail.

Lead Elf Alfie made his way around to make sure that everyone was asleep. Upon entering Jesse's room, he found the gorgeously handsome Hispanic boy lying nude on his bed asleep. He has the body of a gymnast and a firm well rounded ass that was just a beauty in the true sense of the word. His features were light brown with black hair. He was smooth skinned, toned with a v-shaped body and a round small cute ass that just looked divine... Again he checked the bad boy list for Jesse Sanchez and it was not on there. He looked at that ass again and added his name to the list.

He ran to Santa and stated.

"Santa, Santa, we have one that is on `The List'."

Santa frowned and asked.

"Which one is on `the list'?"

"Santa it's the oldest one named Jesse!"

"Alfie you and Elgar take... Jesse Sanchez into custody!"

Santa had checked the list and Jesse's name was there, he shook his head. He hated it when good boys went bad, but the law was the law.

The elves grabbed Santa's bad boy bag and returned to Jesse's room to take him into custody. When they arrived, he was still naked and they thought, well that is one less thing to do. All bad boys are taken nude. They injected Jesse with a deep sleeping agent and rolled him over. They admired his very taut athletic body. He was about 5' 9" and extremely handsome. His cock was of average size and was uncut, he had low hanging genitals and was very well put together.

"What a cute total package, definitely a `Grade A Plus Plus' classification." Alfie stated.

"Let's get him into custody and stowed away!"

Since he was smooth skinned and not hairy, they made quick work of shaving his pits and genitals, his cock did harden when they were moving it around to shave it clean. They both laughed at this and said "what a bad boy..." He had a few stay hairs around his button nipples that they shaved and finished with his very light treasure trail and legs. They flipped him back over and Alfie held his ass cheeks apart while Elgar shaved his ass crack. They both looked at his cute pink virgin rosebud. Then Alfie ran his finger around the tantalizing pink rosebud, it flexed at the touch. He lightly stuck his index finger into the opening to his first knuckle.

Alfie exclaimed.

"MMMM... that is so tight, well that will soon change; bad boys as cute as this one are always used heavily!"

Elgar greased a medium sized comfort stop and while Alfie again held the young man's ass cheeks apart, he started to work the comfort stop into that tight young hole. Finally it went in and seated nicely. The boy's tight youthful elastic hole closed around the butt plug. Then they hand cuffed the boy's hands behind him and also shackled his ankles together. Lastly, they rolled the boy over and opened the boy's mouth, they slipped in a penis shaped gag and laughed.

"Well it won't be long before he has the real thing in there! What a bad boy!!! Ha Ha Ha..." They laughed evilly.

Once all was complete, they bagged and tagged him and loaded him in the sleigh. Elgar went back to clean the room, make the bed, and leave the enslavement of bad boys' document. No explanation other than the document is ever left. It was the law and that is the way it was done.

They informed Santa that all was done and in a flash they were gone. `They sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle...'

As he drove out of sight... "Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night!"

Upon arriving back at the North Pole, the elves made quick work of offloading all the bad boys and based on their grading they were sent to different areas to be final processed. Some would be hard labor slaves, some would be household slaves, and some would be categorized as pleasure slaves.

Jesse had been categorized as a Grade A – Plus Plus' he was to be made into a fucktoy', so he would be processed and trained accordingly. Alfie and Elgar decided to handle his training personally. He was too good to pass up...

Santa went to the residence to rest up, it had been a long hard night and an extremely busy month leading up to it. He shouted cheerfully to Alfie.

"Take care of everything, I will rest a day and will hang around the house with Ms. Clause for a week or so. Take care and Happy Christmas..."

Santa hummed till he was out of sight.

Alfie and Elgar moved the bagged and tagged Jesse to the Grade A – Workshop' for processing. They unbagged him and strung him up by his wrists to the rings in the ceiling and then tied his ankles to rings in the floor. Once tightened he was spread eagle like a big X'. They then added a cinch ring behind his low hanging nuts and tied them tightly to the floor. Once this was done, they set the cameras to record on movement and then left him to wake up after the sleeping solution wore off.

They would also receive notice via their elf pagers when he moved. Then they would continue the final processing.

A few hours later Jesse started to come to, he felt very groggy and could not focus at first. As his beautiful doe-eyes started to adjust, he realized that he was restrained. He did not recognize his surroundings and started to panic... He was struggling viciously but soon realized it was causing him a lot of pain with his tightly secured nuts that were tied to a floor ring. He also noticed that he was naked and hard. He tried to scream but the penis gag prevented that, in total he was scared to death at this terrifying situation and was very panicky and started to cry, as his hardon faded...

As soon as the first movement was made by Jesse, the sensors had sent a text to Alfie's elf pager. He smiled and made his way back to his newest conquest. He could not wait to process him and turn him into their newest fucktoy'. All Grade A Plus Plus' bad boys were made into fucktoys'. They were then made to be gifts of the rich for the next Holiday season. They always had many request for these types of cute fucktoys' and the request list was always very long.

Upon arrival, he saw that Jesse was still struggling and white with fear. He smiled at this and said.

"Hello Jesse and welcome to your slave training center and your new life as a Fucktoy'. Don't worry about your bad boy past, we will have you straightened out and flying right in no time. Don't worry about being a total fuck up and a menace to society, all that has changed now and you will be reengineered into a helpful and proud addition to humanity as a new fucktoy'. You will embark on a ten week training session and be a quick stepping fuck boy before you know it."

Alfie laughed an evil laugh as tears streamed down Jesse's face. He could not believe what was happening and wanted to protest that he had never done anything wrong and that he was innocent, but he couldn't do any of this with this gag in his mouth.

Alfie placed his hands on Jesse and rubbed him all over to check the shaving and he felt prangs in his cock. He wanted this boy's ass in the worst way. He thought that the sooner I get him in training the sooner I can get this cute taut ass broke in. He smiled at these thoughts a smile of pure elf lust. His elf cock was dying to be unrolled and dipped into this sweet ass.

Alfie paged Elgar and told him that it was time to process Jesse. It was not long before Elgar arrived and so they began. Alfie told Elgar to remove the gag, so he could hear the singing of the lad during the processing. Alfie enjoyed the screams of these young boys being processed; it was a sound proof room, so it did not matter anyways. He removed the gag and Jesse started coughing and working his sore jaw. He started to yell and state that he was innocent and that there must have been some kind of a big mistake.

Alfie gave Elgar a look and he picked up a paddle and paddled Jesse's ass five quick swats. Jesse screamed and jerked in his restraints. He was caught off guard and that had been very quick and quite painful. Alfie then spoke.

"Listen here Jesse, I do not care if you were good or bad. You are here now and that is the way it is! You will be a fucktoy'! Now keep quiet or Elgar will whip your ass with one of our new Tantra 5000 Flip Whips'. These babies can be used and used and never break the skin, so watch out for goodness sake!"

Needless to say, Jesse was scared shitless, he thought, I will just go with the flow and as soon as I find someone that is in charge, I can explain to them that there has been a big mistake and all will be okay.

"Okay, he seems to have quietened down, so let's get him processed and on his way to being our newest pleasure `fucktoy'." Alfie stated.

The first thing that Elgar had made ready was a golden wrapped rope style shock collar. It had four gold D' rings that hung from it. Elgar removed it from its sealed package and laid it out long ways. He measured Jesse's neck and made the required adjustments and then stepped behind Jesse. He placed the golden collar that was only for fucktoys' around young Jesse's neck and clicked it shut. Jesse felt the weight of the golden collar and the coolness of it, but did not say anything. He did not know it, but this collar could be used as punishment tool as well, as it packed an evil punch if it was engaged.

The next thing that Elgar made ready was the crimping ringing tool. He laid out five golden rings'. These rings were small and decorative and would enhance the look of the fucktoy'. They were not heavy rings like the ones that were used on the hard labor boys. He then loaded the crimping ring tool with the first ring. He placed it on Jesse's right ear and squeezed the tool and embedded the ring through his tender right ear lobe. Jesse winced in pain and squealed out loud. Alfie smacked his bare ass to make him be quiet. There was a little blood coming from the ear lobe but not too badly. Elgar loaded the ring tool again and placed it on Jesse's left ear. He squeezed it down again and embedded the second gold ring. It lightly bled as well and Jesse gave the same reaction and received another hard swat from Alfie. Alfie was enjoying swatting young Jesse's taut rounded and youthful ass. He used his bare hand in a cupping motion, so that he finished with a gripping ass squeeze.

Jesse had new tears running down his cute face and this made Alfie smile. He so liked the feel of Jesse's tight squeezable ass and he loved to chasten the young boys in processing and training, it brought him great pleasure, especially when he would do it just for sport, whether they did something wrong or not.

Elgar loaded the ring tool again and lined it up over the right nipple and squeezed it to embed the ring. It stung Jesse badly and he jerked and winced but tried to keep quiet. After the 2nd nipple ring was set, he did whimper a little and received another bare hand swat from Alfie. The next golden ring was placed in Jesse's belly button. These five golden rings always looked good with Christmas Ornaments hanging from them. Elgar then took alcohol swabs and cleaned the bloodied areas were the rings were embedded. It stung Jesse but he did not utter a sound. They never ringed the noses of fucktoys, they were too cute to have something to distort the face.

Next Elgar got out two larger silver rings that were about an inch and a half in diameter. He adjusted the crimping ring tool for the larger ring and loaded the first silver ring. He walked over to Jesse and grabbed his limp cock. He pulled back the foreskin and jacked the cock a few times for good measure. He lined the silver cock ring so that it would run up and down on the cock and then squeezed hard to set the ring in Jesse's cock head. Jesse screamed in pain and openly cried in torment. His cock bled freely and dripped blood on the floor.

Alfie again swatted his ass with his open hand three times in fact and then stopped just feeling and squeezing that tight taut ass. Jesse whimpered in pain and more tears ran down his cheeks.

Elgar reloaded the last silver ring and grabbed Jesse's scrotum and uncinched it from the floor. He then asked Alfie to stretch it and holding Jesse's nuts tightly upward. He reached in behind the scrotum and grabbed the soft skin of the perineum and pinched it together and placed the ringing tool over the bunched skin and squeezed in the ring and Jesse screamed again, jerking against his restraints. He received three more swats from Alfie as he laughed and squeezed Jesse's nuts hard. Jesse screamed again and jerked against his restraints. He yelped loudly as Alfie squeezed and rolled his nuts in hand roughly.

Next Elgar switched on the Electric Noel Branding Iron'; it was already set for extreme' heat. As the iron heated, Elgar dabbed alcohol on the last two silver rings and Jesse flinched but was silent. Elgar turned to Alfie once he was done and said we should call the slave vet for the next steps.

Alfie made the call and in no time at all the old elf slave vet arrived. Jesse noticed that his name plate had Dr. Kroosh' on it. He was again white with fear and was openly crying out loud. Alfie took up the Tantra 5000 Flip Whip' and smacked Jesse's ass evilly five times. Jesse screamed in pain and pissed himself. This upset Alfie and he delivered three more brutal swipes of the flip whip. Jesse screamed again and jerked violently on his restraints.

Dr. Kroosh eyed the young fucktoy to be and said to Alfie.

"Same as always, the old clip, nip, tug and snip?"

Alfie with and evil grin said.

"You know me too well old one. Let's get this cutey done and on his way to be our newest `Fucktoy'."

Dr. Kroosh just nodded and opened his case and started laying out of his surgical tools. He then asked Alfie.

"No pain killers, same as always?"

"No pain killers ever, you know that!"

They both laughed and Dr Kroosh took out a small music recorder and switched it on record; making the following statement:

"Jesse Sanchez – Fucktoy processing December 2013."

Dr. Kroosh grabbed his stainless steel tracking device input tool. He had the latest available electronic locator chip and recorded the number and wrote Jesse Sanchez by that number in his register. He loaded the small tracking device and walked around behind Jesse and stated.

"Listen fucktoy, this will sting some, but do not jerk or twist!"

Jesse was visibly shaking when he felt the sting just below his shoulder blade as the needle was inserted and pushed up underneath the shoulder blade and the tracking device was injected and then needle was pulled out. Jesse cried fresh tears and shouted.


He received another swat of the flip whip and jerked and moaned in pain.

Dr Kroosh turned on the tracker and a strong beep could be heard as the locator had Jesse on the screen. He switched it off and asked Elgar for the `Electric Noel Branding Iron'. He checked that the iron was set correctly and stated to Jesse.

"This might sting a little!"

He chuckled at his own joke... He never branded `Fucktoys' on the ass as it would mess up that smooth texture and all around appearance of their cute fuckable asses, so he always branded fucktoys on the right calf muscle. He stepped over to Jesse and asked Elgar to hold him tightly by his leg. Alfie said that he would help as well and grabbed Jesse's nuts and squeezed them. Jesse screamed at the rough handling of his genitals. Dr Kroosh stuck the white hot brand to Jesse's right calf muscle and it seared as the burning flesh took the new brand. At first it did not register with Jesse, and then the pain hit him.

He screamed a shrill scream of tormented pain. He tried to kick free but was helpless in that action. He was just too tightly strung up. He continued to scream and cry out loud. He was sweating and he had pissed himself again and on Alfie's hand. That earned him more swats on that tight taut ass. After a few minutes, he finally quietened down and Dr Kroosh inspected the brand.

"Very nice, I love the new `Snowflake' brand."

Under the snowflake brand was the small letters of `FT' for Fucktoy. Dr Kroosh smiled at his work and handed the electric iron back to Elgar.

"Don't turn it off, we will need it shortly..."

He spoke to Elgar and stated that next we need to remove the comfort stop and clean out the fucktoy. Elgar reached up and twisted the comfort stop and pulled it out of Jesse's ass with a pop. Alfie handed him the water hose with the ass cleaner attachment, they lubed it up and stuck it back up young Jesse's ass. It went right in since the comfort stop had just been in there. The water was switched on and they started to fill Jesse's guts with water. He was still dazed from the branding and just moaned at this new full feeling. They finally turn the water off and let him sit for a spell.

After a few minutes Jesse's guts were gurgling and hurting and he felt as if he would explode. They pulled the hose out of his ass and told him to expel the dirty water. He did as ordered and the nasty rank and dirty water came out in torrents and it was washed into the drain by Elgar. This process was repeated three more times and finally Jesse's ass ran clear. He was washed off with the hose and the floor was washed to the drain. Jesse's ass hurt from the irritation of the comfort stop and was still dilated from the small plug.

Next, Dr. Kroosh came over and said.

"Now for the fun part!"

He lubed his finger and ran it up Jesse's ass, so that he could massage his prostate. He started to jack Jesse's cock with his other hand. He told Elgar to stand ready with the clear beaker that he had set out. He jacked Jesse's cock and it started to come to life. Jesse was so embarrassed and could not believe he could even get an erection at a time like this, but his young cock thickened and stood proud and hard.

Dr. Kroosh started massaging his prostate and continued to jack him off and it was not long before Jesse's young nuts started to pull up in his sack and his cock got harder. Dr. Kroosh knew that the time was near and advised Elgar to catch all of his young seed. Then like an explosion Jesse shot his young cum into the beaker. He shot rope after rope of hot young boy seed into the beaker. Dr. Kroosh milked his prostate and continued to jack him so that all of the boy's cum was drained from his cock. Jesse moaned as he continued to jack his sore swollen member to milk out the last of his cum. Dr. Kroosh did not stop. He kept jacking the young fucktoy Jesse as the boy squirmed and moaned from the sensitivity of his cock head. It hurt but soon he started to respond again. Jesse was getting hard and Dr. Kroosh continued his prostate massage and before long young Jesse was shooting his second young boy cum load into the beaker. He shot less than before but it was still one large load of cum. Dr. Kroosh milked him dry and stated that that would be sufficient.

The beaker was placed on the work bench and Dr. Kroosh massaged Jesse's nuts to the bottom of his sack and took up the small scalpel and made a small incision on the right side of Jesse's nut sack and Jesse jerked. He was still dazed from the awesome cumming he had just received, when he felt the sting. Dr. Kroosh pulled his right nut through the hole and let it hang. He made another small incision on the left side of Jesse's nut sack and pulled the left nut through the hole.

He grabbed both of the nuts and tugged downward as Jesse was jerked back to reality and screamed in violent pain; the most intense pain of his young life. Dr. Kroosh clamped the cords high that attached the young jewels to Jesse. He picked up the scalpel and removed the right nut and then the left nut. Jesse was screaming a high pitched yelping scream and his voice was fading fast... He had snot and tears running everywhere and he pissed again, but this time Alfie was holding his cock down and back, so that no one would get a piss bath.

He smiled because he knew that the young fucktoy would piss himself. Dr. Kroosh asked for the branding iron and he cauterized the cords and then unclamped them, letting them rescind back up into Jesse. He made quick work of stitching up the young fucktoy and noticed that he had passed out. He took out his spray antiseptic and sprayed Jesse's nutless nut sack and the freshly branded calf muscle.

Okay, one last thing and he is ready to train... They all evilly laughed again at his joke!

Alfie took the water hose and sprayed Jesse, bring him back to consciousness. Jesse jerked awake and the intense pain hit him again, he just moaned and new fresh tears ran down his tear stained cheeks from his bloodshot doe eyes. He was in total terror now and knew that he had been changed forever. He had been gelded without remorse and he could not believe what had happened to him on what was supposed to be a happy day...

He had went to bed a happy, well respected, straight `A' student, civil volunteer in the community for the elderly, and standout athletic leader in his high school. Now here he was hanging naked, without any body hair below his neck, with a deep inserted tracking device, snowflake brand on his right calf, multiple rings from his ears, nipples, cock head and scrotum and now in one final insult to him and his manhood; he had been gelded. Jesse cried in torment at his loss of manhood...

Dr. Kroosh grinned at Alfie and took Jesse's cock and started to jack it again with his right hand, he spit on his fingers of his left hand and worked two of those wet fingers back into Jesse's hole. His boy hole and his cock were sore from all of the previous manipulation. His lower abdomen and scrotum was aching from the loss of his nuts, but unbelievably his young cock responded. He got hard even though it hurt so badly. Dr. Kroosh massaged his prostrate and jacked him for all he was worth. Finally, he felt a weird sensation and his cock rigidly hardened to its hardest state.

Elgar grabbed the beaker and held it close. Young Jesse started to cum, but it was a weak cumming and a tube draining sort of dying sensation was felt and it hurt because there was nothing left to give and there never would be again! Dr. Kroosh smiled and stated.

"That has him good and drained, we always do this to geldings that are to be female house boys, so that they are completely drained of any potential impregnating cum, but I wanted to have the very last of this sweet boy's seed."

They all evilly laughed as Jesse hurt and continue to cry silent tears of loss. Elgar placed the beaker back on the work bench and watched the last phase of the processing.

Dr. Kroosh took the two half chrome cylinders that were about the size of Jesse's cock head and placed them on his cock head over the silver ring and pulled the foreskin over the cylinder and applied the band clamps to hold it tight on the cylinder. He then picked up the scalpel and neatly sliced Jesse's foreskin off.

Jesse screamed as hard as he could with his failing voice, looked on in horror and begged and screamed for his tormentors to please stop!

Dr. Kroosh then removed the cylinder and took a tube of `Body Glue' and applied it to the fresh wound around the end of young Jesse's penis. It had barely bled, which was good, and then he sprayed it with antiseptic.

"Okay Alfie, Elgar, your newest `Fucktoy' is ready for training!"

Jesse just moaned in pain and passed out again.

Dr. Kroosh took the beaker and from his bag pulled three shot glasses. He separated the young semen into three glasses and they toasted.

"Here's to the last cum young Jesse will ever have!"

They laughed and drank the young cum savoring it as if it was a fine wine. It was sweet to the taste and a little salty, but ever so good and cherished.

Dr. Kroosh smiled a satisfied smile and stated.

"Damn what a good year; `Jesse 2013'."

They all laughed again and licked their glasses clean, running their fingers around the bottom of the glass to collect the youthful cum, and then finally licking it off to savor the last of young Jesse's cum.

They let Jesse hang for a while and cleaned up the shop area. Dr. Kroosh told them to leave the wounds open, that they would heal faster. In a while, get him down and have him walk around, so that he does not stiffen up too badly. He packed up his surgery tools and made ready to leave. He went over to his music recorder and said.

"Jesse Sanchez, processing complete, Christmas Day 2013!"

He shut off the recorder and packed it in his bag. He loved playing the shouting, pleading, and screaming recording over and over when he was at home. He told them if they needed him to give a shout on his elf cell and he would come by as needed.

After a while, they woke Jesse by spraying him with cold water and took him down. He could not stand on his own and Elgar helped him to walk around. Finally the feeling returned to his legs and he was able to stand on them. He was very weak, so they said it is time to rest him. They placed him in the hospital cage that had a small wooden bed with and old blanket. They fed and watered him and locked him up. He was asleep before they were out of the work shop.

Jesse slept throughout the rest of the day till the following morning. Alfie came in to check on the young slave. He opened the cage and pulled the old blanket off of Jesse and stared at that cute young sweet looking ass. He could not wait to be inside that tight young hole pounding away with his hard huge elf cock. He sighed and thought, all in good time, he poked Jesse with his flip whip and ordered him to get up now!

"We have to get you started with your training! It will not be too hard on you till you are well, but I want you to get some exercise, so that you do not stiffen up to badly."

End of Part 1...

Next: Chapter 2

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