The New Mutant

Published on Apr 28, 2022


The New Mutant 2

The New Mutant

All rights to the X-Men are reserved to Stan Lee and Marvel.

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Chapter 2: The Future of Me

Not Too Distant Future

"Pane?" Bishop asked as he showed up behind me.

"The world is at stake. The world is at stake and I'm the only one left." I looked out on the sunset and the ruins of what used to be New York City, "The war is spreading. We do this and it spreads past time and space."

"You think we should just let it happen?"

I smirked, "I think we should kick their asses all over time and space." I said quickly

Bishop smirked, "Frost wants to see you." He said.

"It's only going to be a goodbye and I don't want that." I said quickly. My eyes snapped to the sunset again. Something moved not far off, "Get the cavalry! Tell them—"

"I'm staying with you." Bishop said angrily, "Come with me."

I looked from him to the sunset. I wanted to watch it end.

"You said it yourself." Bishop frowned.

I nodded and turned away from the incoming sentinels. As we made our way through the halls of the metropolitan building, I find myself being led by Bishop. As we came upon the group, I stared at the assembly. The last of the mutants: Blink, Havok, Mystique, Sunspot, Magneto and Cable.

"They are coming." Magneto said quickly.

"Yes." Bishop nodded.

Magneto levitated off his feet and his helmet began to glow with magnetic powers, "I know."

"Are you ready?" Blink asked.

"'Course he is." Frosty, aka Robert Drake, said walking over to us, "He's always ready."

"Can we skip the kissing and just get to the saving of mutant-kind?" Mystique asked, shifting her eyes to Magneto, who nodded.

Robert threw her a nasty glare and looked back to me, "Be careful, okay? Change this."

I nodded.

"And please kick some sense into my ass." Robert said, taking me into his arms and kissing me. When he let go he stared at me as I blew out ice, "Now go."

I stared at him, knowing that this would be the last time I saw him.

"Protect him." Robert said to Bishop.

Bishop nodded.

"They're here." Magneto said as he stepped out in front of, "This would be the time to go."

"Yes, it would." Bishop said walking ahead of me.

He stopped when the sound of steel being blasted away hit his ears. We all looked up at the ceiling and noticed that there was something happening above us before the ceiling as a whole broke off. I threw my hand up in time to catch it.

"Scatter!" I shouted.

Bishop put his hand on my shoulder as I strained, "Don't tire yourself. There's much to be done." He said quickly.


After Ororo let me in on the events of Jean's demise, I was left speechless. I was also left with no choice but to agree to help her. The only reason I didn't go The Mansion in the first place is because I wanted something normal and after having that, at least for a while, I was happy to try something new.

It's not like it worked anyways.

I was also happy to see Bobby Drake, who I'd met when the X-Men came to recruit me years ago. I'd formed a fast friendship with him and he was now the Math/Accounting teacher at the mutant high school.

He proudly boasted about besting St. John Allerdyce, or Pyro in the battle against the Brotherhood.

Somehow I saw that friendship ending when I first learned about it.

As we came upon the school, I was shocked when I saw how big it was. I'd seen pictures but I'd never actually seen it up close. As we passed overhead, I saw that there were several graves below. I frowned at the sight and pulled myself back into the Blackbird.

"We're here." Bobby said happily.


As the roof hit the ground, Bishop and I ran down a long hallway. Bishop stopped and so did I. The windows were boarded using metals thanks to Magneto. Currently, the metals were bursting off. In their place came the mini-sentinels. We call them mini, though they are taller than the average human. There were currently six compared to us.

"Oh Sh—" I swore before I ducked an energy bolt!

Bishop jumped in front of me and absorbed the energy bolts. His eyes glowed with power as he sent energy striking back at the sentinels, causing three of them to be cut off at the waist! The other three somehow countered it and moved forward. Without warning, we were pushed out of the way and Robert threw ice everywhere in front of me.

"And that's how you do it." He smiled as he stepped out in front, surveying his handiwork. He turned to me, "You need to hurry."

I smirked at him until I saw that one Sentinel survived. I shouted for him to watch out but before either of us could move, the Sentinel stabbed Robert with a pike made from his hand. Without constraint, I picked up my hand waved it towards the wall, causing the pike to disintegrate. I levitated off the ground for a second before the Sentinel flew out of the window.

I ran to Robert and knelt down, "You stupid...Oh God." I stared down at him, "You're going to wake up, Iceman."

"Am I?" He said weakly.

"I'm going to avert this." I said quickly.

"Please." He said before breathing his last breath.

I stood, his blood all over me.

"Will you be okay?" Bishop asked.

I looked straight ahead, "It's time." I said without emoting.


"Hold the line."

"I'm not—"

"Go!" I said causing a rumble.

Bishop stared at me before moving away. I took a seat beside Bobby, taking his head in my lap. I began rubbing his hair. I could hear the fighting behind me and the groans as they began to fall. I sighed and closed my eyes.

I could see it, the exact moment that I was searching for. The moment it went wrong. It felt as if I were rewinding a video tape, seeing every second of every minute until I reached the one memory and stopped it.


As we came to a stop, I felt something weird, as if I weren't alone.

"What is it?" Bobby asked.

"I don't know. Just a...weird feeling." I said quickly.

We watched as a hand reached out of nowhere and touched the tip of my forehead. I was immediately flooded with images, a future, before one image struck my mind: Me holding a lifeless Bobby. As the images stopped, so did my consciousness.

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