The New Master


Published on Jan 23, 2006


The characters in this story are loosely based on real-life persons, aged 39 and 58. In no way does referring to the younger character as "the boy" imply that he is underage.


The New Master - Part 5

Pup was heady with the scent of his master?s cock mixed with his own saliva as he took the shaft into his mouth again and again. The man sighed heavily with passion and the lust of long-denied pleasure. The boy was every bit as good as he had imagined he would be. The boy was not just sucking the cock, he was WORSHIPPING it. His tongue danced across the head, it circled the shaft, his throat provided just the right amount of suction, the ridges on the roof of his mouth teased the cockhead, his lips were soft, moist pillows of pleasure... the boy seemed to be specifically formed to give the best possible blowjob imaginable. The man was adept at holding off orgasm for as long as he wanted, but this boy was going to give that talent a run for its money. He might well lose the fight. The boy?s nose repeatedly dug into the man?s pubes as the entire shaft disappeared down his eager throat. They were both in heaven.

The man reached down and took hold of pup?s chain collar, pulling him to his feet. They kissed again, as passionately as before, the man tasting his own cock on the boy?s tongue. Minutes went by, neither of them wanting to break the magical connection they shared when their lips touched. Finally, the man pulled away and moved toward the bed, still holding pup?s collar in his hand. He lay on his back, pulling pup down with him. The boy began to assume his previous position, cuddled up to his master with his head on the man?s arm. He was twarted by a tug on his collar that moved his head toward the opposite direction.

?No, pup. Put your head down there. You aren?t through sucking my cock.? The boy needed no further instruction. He happily spun around and laid next to the man in a sixty-nine position. He immediately took the man?s still-hard cock in his mouth and lavished it with the attention it desired. The man moaned softly, enjoying this moment of selfish pleasure, loving the fact that even though it was HIS cock that was getting all the attention, his pup was quite possibly enjoying this even more than he was. Every one of his soft moans was met with even greater effort down below. Each sound of satisfaction created a fervor in the boy that sent him into overdrive. Time after time the boy had explained to him that the master?s pleasure was the sole desire of the submissive. If the man was enjoying the activity, the pup would be happy. It was an easy enough concept to understand, but until now, the man couldn?t fully appreciate what a beautiful experience it would be. Here was a man who had just given himself over for the sole purpose of giving him pleasure. Whatever turned the man on the most would also be the thing that gave the pup the most satisfaction and pleasure. It was the stuff of eternal erotic fantasy, in real life. Every wish, every desire, every want and need, every fantasy, every lustful and loving act that he might request of the pup would not only be fulfilled, but it would also be exactly the thing that the pup wanted, as well. His pleasure fueled the pup?s desire to please even more. The man might?ve contemplated this further, but it would wait. Right now, there was a gorgeous cock mere inches from his face, and he wanted nothing more than to taste it.

Pup gasped as he felt the man take his cock into his warm, wet mouth. This was almost too much to take in all at once. Sensory overload was a serious concern here. Not only was he finally able to service the man he loved in such a tender, loving way, but the man was returning the favor. His cock hadn?t been hard since he first knelt to take the man?s cock in his mouth. When pup is concentrating on pleasing his partner, that is his total focus. His own cock and the pleasure that it can receive is often pushed to the background in order that he can completely devote his energies to pleasing the man and servicing him. Now, however, with his cock enveloped by the man?s tongue, he could not help but be aware of his own pleasurable sensations. His cock stiffened in the man?s mouth, causing the man to back off a bit to avoid gagging. He thought he heard ?beautiful? from the other end of the bed, but he couldn?t be sure.

They both continued like this for a long time, each sensing when the other was getting close, then backing off, making the moment last as long as they could. The man rolled over on top of the boy, never breaking the stride of the sixty-nine they were engaged in. He pinned the boy down with his weight and thrust his hips a bit, fucking the boy?s mouth. Oh, that felt so good! He was going to do the same with the boy?s ass today, but not yet. He would wait. He HAD waited a long time already, and after all that anticipation, this was not going to be a quickie. No way. He pulled up off the boy?s cock and admired it again. It really was a beautiful thing, this cock. He reached over with his hand and played with the boy?s balls. Pup moaned softly. The man grinned.

Taking his thumb and index finger, he made an ?OK? sign around the boy?s scrotum, trapping his balls and pushing them out a bit. Then he closed his fist, stretching the balls out away from the boy?s body, tightening the scrotum and pushing the balls out into full view. The boy moaned louder, still sucking the man?s cock. The man pulled his cock from the boy?s mouth and moved forward, sitting on the boy?s chest. He still had a handful of pup balls. With his other hand, he caressed the balls, which resulted in heavy breathing and soft noises behind him. The boy couldn?t see what he was doing because of the position they were in. All the boy could see was his back. It was perfect.

The man slapped the boy?s balls with his free hand. The boy yelped in surprise, then sucked in air in gulps as he fought to understand what the sensation was and where it came from. His balls had just taken a hit without warning. It startled him. Another hit, then another. The boy realized that his master was the cause of the assault and that it would likely continue. He smiled. He could endure this. He would GLADLY endure this for his man. Even though he couldn?t see the man?s face, he knew the man was smiling with each swat of the balls and the resulting spasms from the boy under his body. He had waited for this, too. His first endurance test.

The man swatted pup?s balls a few more times, then waited for some sort of indication of the boy?s tolerance. He wanted to push the boy?s limits. He wanted to make sure that the boy knew in no uncertain terms that submission meant loss of control. The man would control this scene, but the LAST thing the man wanted was for the boy to be hurt. He would push his limits, yes. But he would never hurt him.

The boy sensed the hesitation.

?Push me, sir. I can do this.?

The man swatted the boy?s balls again, this time a bit harder. The boy jerked under him, writhing with that delicious mix of pain and pleasure that created a strong bond between them. More swats, and pup was beginning to ?zone out?, a heightened mental state where the body transforms adversity into pleasure. The man continued his assault on the boy?s testicles, not quite believing what pup could take. Had the roles been reversed, he?d have long since cried ?uncle?, but the roles would never be reversed. They both knew their place, they were both comfortable in them, and it felt right. And right now, it felt like pup was in another place and time, becoming literally drunk on adrenaline and endorphins.

This was all new to the man. He wasn?t even sure that he could do it, but he was certainly willing to try. Now that he had taken his pup from gentle, loving pleasure to total control and domination, he found that he liked both angles of their lovemaking. Gentle passion had always been high on his list of favorite activities, but now he had more to add to that list. Even though he was doing something to the boy that he NEVER wanted returned, he was incredibly turned on by the reactions he was getting from the man beneath him. The boy was squirming, whimpering, trying to escape the next blow to his nuts, not able to move away... and yet he was hard as a rock. The fact that this man would endure this sort of torture for him made his mind reel. The whole thing was like a foreign language to him now, but one he could understand well enough to get by.

Pup was at this moment in an altered state of pain and pleasure. The man was swatting his balls, getting a tiny bit harder with each blow. He had managed to get into this state fairly easily, a sign of the trust he already had in the man. He knew that the man wouldn?t hurt him. He also knew that he had waited a long time to submit to this man. He wanted his limits pushed. He wanted it badly. He wanted to know that this man was comfortable in giving him just a bit more than he thought he could handle. Together, they would both grow.

His balls were already sore from the abuse they had taken so far, and the man didn?t seem to be nearing the end of his little play session any time soon. Pup sunk deeper into his submissive state and let the man have his way with him. Pain turned to pleasure, and pup found himself actually raising his hips to meet his master?s hand. The man seemed pleased, and swatted a little harder. Pup was not prepared for this increase just yet, and it snapped him back to reality for a moment. Reality was met with the realization that his nuts were aching and the reason for that ache was still happening. He yelped, then caught himself and whimpered softly. The man continued his playing by grabbing the boy?s balls and squeezing them. Gently at first, then harder. The already-sore nuts were more sensitive than usual, and it didn?t take long before the man felt the boy squirm beneath him. He had his boy by the balls, literally. When the boy?s entire body had gone tense from the squeezing of the delicate orbs, the man returned to swatting them. He boy was shaking beneath him, both from the intensity and the sheer will to continue. He was amazed at how far the boy had gone already. He would push him a bit more.

Pup was at his limit. The sqeezing was almost more than he could stand, and the return to the swatting was putting him over the edge. He dove headfirst into submissive-mode, allowing the man?s pleasure to focus him, to allow him to endure, to not only survive this treatment, but to ENJOY it. His cock throbbed, bouncing a bit as the nuts continued receiving their beating. This was it. He was past his limit now. He shuddered and thrashed under the man?s weight. He let out a groan that was surely heard by everyone in the hotel. He didn?t care. This was his moment.

The man knew he had broken through the barrier, as the boy shook and thrashed beneath him. He couldn?t understand why someone would allow themselves to go through such an ordeal, and he didn?t want to know why. This was all new to him, and somehow seeing the boy?s intense passion and pleasure even through the writing of endurance made it make sense, somehow. It was a rite of passage. The boy was growing, learning, enduring at the hands of the man who loved him more than anyone else in the world. This wasn?t torture. This was just an extreme form of love, an exchange of power between two people with an understanding of their roles in the bedroom. It was beautiful.

The boy came. Without warning, between swats to his nuts, the boy groaned loudly and ropes of sticky white cum shot out of his cock and all over his belly. The man kept swatting the boy?s balls as the cum erupted. This caused the boy to cringe and plead for mercy. Somehow, erotic pain isn?t the same after you cum. Once the boy had finished spurting his seed, the man got up and stood next to the bed. He looked down at the boy, still trembling and spasming from the intensity of what he had just experienced. His belly was soaked in cum.

?I didn?t tell you it was OK to cum, pup?

A momentary flash of panic crossed the boy?s face. Had he displeased the man? He took hold of himself and managed to say, ?I?m sorry, sir?.

The man bent over the boy. ?You were supposed to hold that inside you until you got permission to spill it. I have a lot more plans for you today, pup. We can?t have you emptying your balls so soon! So let?s put it back in...? The man scooped up some of the boy?s jism on his fingers and began to feed the boy his own cum. Pup gratefully sucked the sticky mess off his master?s fingers as if they were extensions of the man?s cock. He made sure to get every drop back into his mouth and swallowed. The man was clearly enjoying this, and the boy put a great deal of effort into the finger-sucking. The man smiled. The boy smiled back.

?Good pup. I?m proud of you for taking as much as you did. Now that you have your cum put back up, it?s time for some more love making. Turn around and lay the other way. I think we could both use a little rest, and I want to wake up from my nap with my pup in my arms.

Pup couldn?t think of anything he?d like better.


Part 6

The man opened his eyes and almost cried from the sheer joy of the scene before him. There was his boy, his pup, sleeping next to him. So peaceful, so beautiful... safe and secure in his arms. There was a happiness about him that seemed to radiate from his pores. It was contagious. The man lay very still, so as not to disturb the scene. He wanted this moment to last forever. Soon, however, his bladder made it obvious that someone was going to have to get up, and soon, lest the hotel have to replace a soaking-wet mattress. The man began to hastily plan the best way to get out of bed without disturbing his lover. Since the boy was using his arm for a pillow and their legs were tangled up together, it seemed that disturbing his sleep was inevitable.

Suddenly, he remembered his position in this relationship. The boy was his to use in any way he needed, and right now he needed to pee. Not only was it entirely permissable to use the boy to take care of this need, the boy would probably be a little disappointed if he didn?t use him. It was settled, then. The man shook the boy awake.

Pup awoke from the most incredible dream of his life. He dreamt he was in the arms of a man who loved him deeply and who he had given himself to. As he shook off the haziness of the dream, he realized that his dream had simply mirrored his reality. Here was his man, next to him, shaking him gently. He smiled.

?Pup, wake up, I need to pee.?

The boy stretched and began to get up so his master could get out of bed.

?No, pup. Put my cock in your mouth. Try not to spill any.?

The boy was momentarily confused, then it hit him. In a split second, his expression registered ?you?re kidding? then ?are you sure?? then ?but I don?t normally do that? and finally ?thank you!?. The boy was given a chance to serve his man in ways that he wouldn?t do with anyone else on earth. Somehow, that made it all the more special.

Pup spun around in the bed, laid his head down on the man?s thigh, then put the man?s cock in his mouth. He relaxed, waiting for the beginning of the man?s stream. He was determined not to spill a single drop. He waited. The man?s cock began to stiffen in his mouth. He held still, knowing that the man couldn?t pee with a hardon. The man?s cock stiffened even more. Pup felt the man?s hand on the back of his head, pushing him farther onto the still-hardening cock, a silent gesture that meant ?go ahead and suck it, I?m too hard to pee anyway.? Pup sucked the cock all the way down, then held it there as he moved the cock around with his tongue. The cock was fully hard in no time.

The man still had to pee, but the boy?s mouth felt so good on his cock that he didn?t care if he had to hold his bladder for the next three days. The feeling of this man making love to his cock would supercede any warning messages that his bladder might send. He rolled over onto his back and let the boy go to work. Damn, he was good at this. He let his mind wander and fantasize. He was a teacher enjoying a student?s bribe for a better grade. He was a coach letting a less-than-stellar athlete find a spot on the team. He was a warden enjoying a little treat from an inmate who wanted to avoid solitary. He was a boss whose employee was making sure he was labeled ?indespensable?.

He was a man who was being made love to by a handsome submissive who could?ve had his pick of a thousand other men, and yet had chosen HIM to give himself to for the rest of his life.

It?s funny, he thought, how even the hottest fantasy couldn?t compete with reality at this moment. He watched the boy work his cock, make love to it, totally concentrating on giving him as much pleasure as possible. He looked at the boy?s crotch and saw that his cock was soft. The boy was completely focused on the man?s cock, and he could feel the difference. This was unlike anyone else?s blowjob. This was love made physical, pure passion and devotion transformed through a single act, connecting them in ways neither of them fully understood. The man felt his balls pull up closer to his body. He was getting close, and he knew it was going to be one of the most intense orgasms of his life. His heart rate increased, his breathing became shallower, his muscles tensed up, he started spewing forth a string of profanity that would make a dockworker blush. He came.

Pup knew it was about to happen. He had already increased his pace to match the man?s breathing, and when the profanities started, he knew it was time. The man loved his profanity, and it rolled off his tongue effortlessly and with an odd grace. The boy had often called the man ?sweet talker? because of his ability to take the harshest of language and make it sound like a love song. This was no different.

The man exploded into the boy?s mouth. Pup eagerly sucked the cock right down to the base and used his tongue and throat to milk every last drop from it. The man continued cursing, grabbing the back of the boy?s head, forcing him down on the cock, not letting him up for even a quick breath. The boy took every drop with great gladness in his heart. This was his first taste of the nectar that he would be savoring for the rest of his life. There would never be another man?s cum in his mouth. He belonged to his master now, and the thought brought such joy to his heart and soul that he momentarily lost himself in this new idea. The world faded away for a moment as he drunk in his master?s seed, tasted it, savored it, memorized the pungency, the sweetness, the saltiness of it.

The man held the boy?s head still for several minutes, never letting him up off his cock, allowing it to go flaccid in the warm, moist confines of the boy?s mouth. The boy seemed to be in a dream state, still using his tongue to milk the cock dry.

?Hold still, pup. Here it comes.?

The boy snapped out of his trance just in time to feel the first splashes of his master?s piss at the back of his throat. He quickly began to swallow in gulps, reeling at the difference in tastes from the sweet cum that was just seconds ago dancing on his tongue and the acrid bitterness of the man?s piss that was currently washing it down. The man sighed a long, relieved sigh that every man recognizes as the sound of finally taking a piss after holding it for too long. For the man, the fact that he was pissing in the boy?s mouth was secondary to the fact that he was finally pissing at all. For him, it was all about relief. For the boy, however, it was a fitting addition to his service to the man. He would be there to meet the man?s needs, both sexual and utilitarian. It was a role that he had wanted for some time now. It was a role he was born to play. For the first time in his life, he felt whole.

Next: Chapter 4: The New Master 7 8

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