The New Hire

By Phaedrus Fantasies

Published on Dec 3, 2000



12/3/00 This a work of fiction called The New Hire. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did writing it. I welcome all comments and correspondence and ask they be sent to: Phaedrus Fantasies at email address:

THE NEW HIRE ============

The Set Up ----------

You've an important job interview for an executive marketing position with an established New York advertising firm. You've long been hoping for this opportunity and you're certain to dress in your best suit and tie, checking your appearance multiple times before you head out for your interview at the World Trade Center. You're looking and feeling sharp and ready for the future to open for you!

The interview takes place in a large, private office and is conducted by a handsome, courteous man named Stephen who appears to be in his mid- thirties. By his appearance and the comfort of his office he looks to have done quite well. Stephen eyes you keenly as you respond to his probing questions about your work habits and attitudes. He's a good looking, well dressed and impressive man who relaxes you with his smooth and confident manner and you're surprisingly relaxed and comfortable while speaking with him. You believe the interview to be going well and sense your chances of being hired improving the longer the interview goes.

Around 11:45 Stephen stands from behind his desk and you're discouraged to think he's concluding the interview. Instead he says, "We've run a little longer than I'd expected. Since I'd already planned to lunch with Mr. Walters, the Department Head, perhaps you would you like to join us? You look like the type we need around here and I'd have recommended you return for a second interview with him. Perhaps you two can talk and get to know each other over lunch. Is that fine with you?"

"Certainly" you reply evenly, all the while thinking how well things are progressing. A second interview already!

For the briefest of moments, Stephen gives you an intense gaze - causing you a bit of unease, but something within you offers back an equally strong gaze...

"Good, let me get him then. Please make yourself comfortable on the couch over there, I'll be but a few minutes" and with that he leaves the office. A short while later, Stephen returns with Mr. Walters - a tall, older, good looking man, dressed very professionally who quickly and cordially gives you a firm, two handed handshake. "Pleasure to meet you, I'm Walters, I can see why you've so impressed my man Stephen here" he says holding you firm with his grip "shall we speak some over lunch? I'm starved"!

"My pleasure sir..." and with that Walters offers you to walk ahead, out of the office. You have the oddest sense that they are exchanging glances. Offering silent opinion of you. Well, that's only natural you decide given the circumstances...

It's in the crowded and long elevator ride down that you gain a true appreciation of the height of this building. "I wouldn't want to have to take the stairs" you say in a hushed joke. Many in the car nod and chuckle in agreement.

Lunch is an interesting affair. You have to continually remind yourself to remain on your best, most professional behavior because your lunch partners are rather insistent on relaxing and actually don't speak much of work at all! Multiple rounds of drinks are ordered and you battle to keep sharp! All the conversation is friendly and personal in nature and more than a few occasions Walters reaches out and touches and holds your arm when making some point.

You're finding yourself more and more comfortable and relaxed. Occasionally, Stephen will gives you appraising, direct looks and you find your own glances remaining on him after he's turned away. More drinks are ordered! "My God, you think to yourself, I won't be able to put two words together if this keeps up," but the lunch and relaxed conversation goes on...

Finally, a truce is called! "Why don't we head back and conclude this in the office" Walters offers with a smile. Is it your imagination, have you really had too much to drink? These good looking men seem to be seeing right into you with their eyes!

Passage -------

Back inside the building, the three of you step to the rear of the elevator. The rush of those returning from lunch moves your group into the back corner. Stephen is pushed up against the back wall, Walters against the side wall immediately to his left and you're standing in front of Stephen. The crush of people pushes you into and against Stephen "Sorry" you whisper and try to move, but no room is allowed. He doesn't move at all.

As the elevator doors close and you become aware of the tightness of these quarters. You're brushing against Stephen's thighs and your mind acknowledges their firmness. Walters silently stares down at you...

As the elevator lifts, you feel something brush against your ass but due to the cramped space, you put it out of your mind. Then, you feel it again... firmer... but again, you say nothing. Then, unmistakably you feel a hand take a firm hold or your ass and begin to caress it! Your mind starts racing - "How can this be?" The massaging continues uninterupted. Your conflicted - not wanting to make a public scene and not necessarily wanting the action to stop just yet. You slowly glance behind you and find Stephen grinning slightly as he stares forward. "I can't believe this" you're thinking, the anxiety you feel in the pit of your stomach is offset by the unmistakable swelling in your crotch. Reflexivly your eyes close as the length of your crack is traced by Stephen's hand and you realize that Walters can probably see the growing bulge in your pants that you're now helpless to control. You want to say something, but can't. You're unwilling to resist and as your rod stiffens completely you realize you wouldn't if you could. Weak and breathing shortly, you glance to Walters and confirm his attentions. A downward glance to this crotch confirms his intentions!

Fully aroused now, you realize that you want these men. Their scent close to you, their tongues probing your soul. Although you've never been with a man, you'd fantasized of it often and wondered. You're now surrendering to that fantasy that will be real. Your lips will soon wrap around a cock for the first time! The promise of this causes your rod to throb. You slowly "adjust" yourself to ease the tightness in your crotch and also to please Walters who is watching you.

You've leaned into Stephen entirely now, your need for his attentions complete. A pride comes over you because of the strength of the bulge in your pants and the need it proves "I want what you want" it tells them "I'm with you" it declares. A river of sweat runs down the center of your back. Precum flows down your shaft, collecting in a cool, damp pool around your balls. Your need for their caresses is definite! Your need for release immediate! The irreversible course that you're now on has your passions hotter than you've ever known them. Your head is swirling, your heart is pounding and your cock is throbbing full and hard! Stephen grabs your supple ass feverishly now, he himself squirming against the back wall!

Finally the elevator stops on your floor. You've become so weak, you must steady yourself from falling. Without a spoken word, the three of you head urgently toward your needs. Walking through the general office you bypass all other realities, guided strictly by your lusts for each other. "Hold my calls" you hear someone say and then the office door closes behind you...

In a moment Walters has your head back and his tongue is deep within your accepting mouth. As you lean back, Stephen quickly works your belt, drops your pants to the floor and buries your raging cock down his throat. Finally you are joined! A flood of passions rage over you all at once. Your needs are great - your strengths greater. You have surrendered yourself to the strong embrace of Walters who slowly lowers you back against the couch your mouths working furiously all the while. Stephen has complete command of your cock and doesnt miss a beat with his tormenting tongue! Within minutes, you explode! Releasing a thunderous, convulsive load of cum, from deep within you. So long denied! So long repressed! Finally, you've given in to your truest needs! Finally, another man has released you to what you'd silently yearned for all these years!

Walters quickly straightens up and tears off his clothes. It's then that your new found freedom becomes clear. You're staring in a trance at a beautiful large cock. No longer ruled by guilt, you're not self conscious or feel the need to look away.

Instead, you're transfixed by a red and throbbing rod that glistens with precum, With a freedom of action you didn't think you possessed and an ease you never thought you'd enjoy, your hand finds his thick shaft and guides the dickhead to your hungry mouth! He straddles you, his cock extending into your devouring mouth! This is what you've so long sought. This is what you've denied yourself too long! You swirl your tongue around his cockhead with fury while pumping his shaft..."empty into me..". you say to yourself as you suck your first, magnificent cock. Stephen has spread Walters asscheeks and buried his tongue into his hole! Walters eyes close, he's a complete prisoner now to his lovers attentions and his needs for them. His knees buckle once and the assault on his manhood continues, again he weakens and then finally in a spasm of passion his rod hardens to its fullest and spews a load of hot cum into your mouth! With a hunger you'd never before shown any cunt, you work his twitching shaft and drink him like an animal. You work his cock for all it's worth! This is your defining moment. You have finally found yourself and the freedom so long sought.

Your own cock grows again. Its need spoken by its increasing rigidity. Stephen wastes no time and is on you quickly bringing you to full attention and desire by sucking your dickhead and squeezing your balls. He doesn't complete you though. Rather, he simply steps back. You realize the instruction given without any spoken word and you turn onto your knees and lay across the couch. The time has come for you to lose your true virginity, the one that all men have. Not the false one, lost so easily so many years ago. Stephen buries his tongue in your asshole and sucks and you begin to moaning lowly as he sucks your mancunt. Walters has sat on the couch beside you and watches, stroking your hair and back. He rubs his balls gently, bringing his cock back to attention. You spread your legs, lower your back, offer your ass up high and soon Stephen's long and slender cock is smoothly pumping your ass! "Ahhhhh" you have finally discovered yourself and your own rod pumps cum to mark your passage! You position yourself better - you know what to do. This is the only way you could ever please yourself with a woman - by taking them from behind. Your own emptiness led you to believe you couldn't satisfy them anyway. They may have realized your own needs better than you and suspected that you were fantasizing it was a man's ass you were holding and fucking. That's how they knew that putting the heel of their foot at your asshole, allowing you to grind on it would bring forth your cocks full passion. Only did you become fully and completely hard. Only then would you spew your misdirected cum.

No more. Your reality is clear now. Your hungers exposed and acknowledged completely.

You motion to Walters to slide over and sit before you and you lose your mind sucking his cock. Your soul was crying out "Make me whole today." You are lost in the pure and uninhibited passion that only men who love other men can ever know.

In numerous and different ways you exposed and satisfied your truest needs to each other that afternoon. What began as an opportunity for a new career, instead became passage to an entirely new and self realized life!

Training Sessions -----------------

Needless to say, the job was yours! Although never able to quite put your finger on it, looking back you feel that the first body rocking load of cum you emptied into Stephen's mouth may have closed the deal! Or perhaps it was the third swallowed by Walters...

Regardless, now it was time to learn your true duties. Now you must learn how to truly serve the firm. As instructed, you'd lied to everyone. Packed a bag and headed out for the airport in route to Dallas - a week long training seminar...

The car was parked just where you'd been told it would be. The precision of this company was truly securing! Parking your own car, you transferred into it and drove off with a good looking but unknown and silent man. To where you didn't know. For what, your mind raced excitedly to know. But just as you'd surrendered into his arms on that first day, you sensed Walters somehow directing this, and recalled the promise made..."I'm with you."..

The chamber was expansive and lit primarily by spotlights. Being large and circular, your eyes had to follow along the wall in order to take in all its contents which at first glance looked like a gym. A number of racks and "machines" were affixed to the wall which upon closer viewing made you realize different kinds of "workouts" took place here! You saw entrances to adjoining rooms, a kitchen, shower and sleeping quarters. "No expense spared here..." you thought..

"Welcome to your home away from home" a voice from behind said deeply and just as unexpectedly in stepped Stephen wearing a black robe and sandals. You're pleased to see him again and smile warmly, but he takes no notice. "This is where you will stay for the next week. While we train you," he said while walking to the center of the room. "We've liked what we've seen so far and intend to nurture your abilities to the fullest" That anxious feeling returned to the pit of your wondered if Stephen realized how hot he made you! Just the sight of him wanted you on your knees servicing him! He allowed his robe to open exposing the firm body you loved licking - olive skinned, manly and tight, your cock jumps at the sight of his tight ass in those that skimpy, black panties..."let me chew them off" beg silently - he looks to you, staring coldly, but teasingly he begins to handle his sizeable bulge, eyes intent on yours. "Good" he says soflty, gauging your reaction as his cock stiffens to attention.

In a moment you're on your knees before him, kissing his crotch. You pull the front of his panty briefs down under his balls, raising them to your ferocious hunger. "Mmmmmmmmm.....very good," he says watching you devour him. Your mouth wildly alternated between sucking his shaft and kissing his balls and you whispered back in a voice hoarse from passion "Mmmmmmmm... teach me Stephen." Grabbing the back of his panties, you pulled them up and wedged them in his crack, exposing his tight buns. He moaned and raised up on his toes as you jerked upward, lifting his cock further into your mouth. Working him like a puppet, you rocked him to oblivion.

The role of teacher and student was blurred in a frenzy of male passion and submission. Although a strong-willed and successful man in the firm, Stephen has strong submissive desires as well. Walters chose and trained his men well...and it seems, Stephen could mark his man just as well.

"Ahhhhh...suck me you bitch..." he moaned as his cock reached its passion point... "Ohhhhhhh..." he released! Jets of cum streamed down your throat from his twitching rod. You sucked him down hungrily, pulled his panties up hard in back, tormented his dickhead with quick and hard swirls forcing him to surrender more and more of himself to your mouth. Slowly and deliciously you drained him of all he had and looking up to him wryly asked, "Did I serve you well?" - he responded quickly by plunging his tongue deep in your mouth. With hands on both sides of your face, he sucked your tongue into his mouth with fury. Your cock, which had poured cum in your shorts strained for attention! Stephen reached under and grabbed you and gauging your distress. "Come, clean me off..." With that he guided you to a large shower room with multiple shower heads and benches. Finally stripped of your own clothes and naked, your rod jumped and bounced as you practically ran after him, your truest source of need and passion!

As instructed you lathered him well. He relished your caresses and you were certain to massage and clean him everywhere. Raising his arms, palms against the shower wall, he turned and you obligingly worked your soapy hands over his tight ass and crack. "Mmmmm..." he squirmed and swayed under your touch, relaxed completely in the hot steamy room. He stepped his legs apart - you captured the instruction and inserted your finger up his ass..."Ahhhhhhhhh...good, so gooood" he said and you buried your finger to the hilt. Sliding easily in and out, his cock stretched into a beautiful rod, but you ignored it, content to please him with a loving finger fuck. Finally you couldn't resist him any longer. You pushed him down onto one of the benches and slammed your cock up his sweet ass! His back arched up and you're were one at last! "Fuck me..." he begged softly as you worked your stiff rod into him. Your own passion had been too long tormented and delayed and after just a few minutes of excellent fucking you burst a heavy flow of cum into him. "OHHHHH" you moaned together, both working to bring you off completely. His asshole grabbed at your rod tightly, his cheeks closing on your shaft and he drew every drop out of you! You'd surrendered back to him allowing him to work your spewing dick like a true Master! "Take me..." you whispered in his ear, "I'm yours.". and following your instruction he continued to drain your vein dry!

Collapsing in a steamy mass, you clutched at each other and held each other close. It would be some time before either of you would release. Important lessons had been conducted...and the training session hadn't officially begun yet. You could only hope those still to come would prove as educational!

Settling In -----------

Life was moving along quite nicely now.

Professionally, everything was going very smoothly. You enjoyed your job immensely, your co-workers were all pleasant and hard working and the excitement of working in New York City got you up and out of bed looking to attack each day. You were often put to work on projects where you found yourself working under Stephen's direct supervision in his capacity as the "team leader." You found the irony humorous...

Personally, you were actually spending some weekends at Stephen's comfortable home, were he seemed all too eager to make you Lord of the Manor

and relinquish control over his fine ass. Being that he was your direct superior, you followed his lead. You never want to disappoint your boss. Although a management leader, Stephen desired anything but in his personal tastes. Rather, his cock grew hardest, his pleadings loudest and cumshots the furthest the greater his submission to your will. Isn't it odd how that sometimes is the case and how irresistibly pleasing as well!

After attending to his swollen cock on numerous occasions, the inevitable "office gossip" began pouring out as well. As it happens, Stephen was the favorite of Walter's, the department head who used him to release and satisfy his own darkest hungers. Those his wife simply couldn't understand or hope to relieve. How could she? Over the course of time, Stephen had become very familiar with Walter's 10" cock as his ass lovingly reduced Walter's resolve and authority to convulsive streams of passionate cum.

Your own mind and soul stirred as you recalled how pleasing that cock had tasted in your mouth. Its warmth felt against your cheeks as you kissed and tasted its shaft. Walter's moans echoed in your ears as you recalled assaulting his dickhead and bringing out his sweet juices.

"Yes" you thought, "I will have more of that!" Possibilities began emerging in your mind...

In the meantime, life with Stephen had become quite enjoyable. It was his house...but he allowed you to rule the roost. He was capable of seeking your instruction on most any matter and you grew more and more accustomed to tendering it.

Stephen's usual attire around the house consisted of little more than the tightest bikini underwear and T shirts, both of which displayed his muscular

torso and deliciously hard ass. Your own cock was kept in a constant semi-hard state...except on those numerous times when it was captured between Stephen's ass cheeks, pumping your soul into him!

He doted on your wants and needs constantly and after time he began jokingly and lovingly calling you Sir! Little did you know how great life would become when you had sent in that resume! Your boss wanted to be your bitch!

The combination of Stephen's compliant nature and your own personal and professional hungers, had you envisioning rapid advancement within the firm...

But one step at a time. You needed first to cement your relationship with Stephen. Bring out, kiss and fondle, his deep desires to submit to you while firmly establishing your dominance over him. It would be easier to get to and deal with Walter's that way and again get hold of Walter's great weakness, that magnificent cock.

Reversal --------

Stephen was on his knees before you, hunched over and laying across the footrest. His hands were tightly bound behind him while his ankles were tied to ropes leading off in diagonals making his beautiful ass spread invitingly and beckon your affections. A ball gag silenced him and stifled his increased breathing while a blindfold left him nothing but "visions" of the mind and soul.

It had taken less liquor than you'd expected for him to accept your directions and succumb to his weakness. He would come to understand and love the pleasure/pain of submission. The throbbing of his cock and the gifts of cum he would spew would mark your role changes...

"Ahhhh Stephen, you sweet bitch..." you said softly as you admired his helpless beauty. Your own cock was fully erect and yearned to assault him, but not yet, there were chores to attend to first. Your hand caressed your simmering passions...

Kneeling, you proceeded to oil down his entire body. Running your hands over him, you could feel each muscle react to your strong, stoking motions. Your own breathing shortened since your own need for this man was powerful, but you controlled your inner fury and continued to rub him down. Stephen had virtually melted into your hands and his moans rewarded your actions. His glistening ass was truly a thing of beauty and you took more time caressing each firm cheek. Pouring oil down his crack, your hand ran the length of it and massaged and squeezed his balls lovingly, lubing and prodding his asshole. "I'll have this soon..." you were thinking. Your heart pounded as you fingered his hole bringing out deeper moans. Stephen added to his shiny appearance by breaking out in passion sweat as you slowly, sweetly, finger fucked him.

"Mmmmmmmm you will be mine shortly..." You tasted the precum flowing from your cock "Just about ready" you thought!

Grasping Stephen's straining cock you stroked its wet length in time with your ass action. "Ahhhhhhh..." he moans through the gag, his legs trying to spread and afford you greater access. When he reached his peak of passion...when one more touch would bring forward rewarding stopped. "OHHHHH..." was Stephen's muffled cry.

"No slut, you will not cum until I demand it now. I have some more love to give you..."

Running the whip bundle across his body, you made him aware of its presence and forewarned him of the pleasures to come...

You gently hit him across his ass. He jumped forward and you caressed him soothingly. You realized you couldn't keep your hands off his butt. "There now...sweet thing"

Again you hit him, this time with greater force across his mid-section "Mmmmmm, he winced. Sweat covered him now, beading up on his oiled body.

"I want you Stephen... NOW!" Again with the whip, hard across his butt.

His ass cheeks bounced back as if seeking more attention...You hit him again, and yet again. He was panting heavily now through his gag, cum drained from his cock as his mind forced complete surrender to you.

You grabbed an erect nipple, twisted and pinched it hard. His body jumped up with as if hit by an electric jolt, his cock shooting off a last stream of cum!

A few more quick strokes with the whip across his ass was all you could muster before you surrendered to your own needs and attacked his ass savagely! Your cock finally found what it needed when it was planted deep within him. As much as his binds would allow, Stephen moved his ass in rhythm with your furious pumping. Never had you fucked a man this hard and with such abandon. Your eyes closed as your only reality became the sweet ass dancing on your dick.

"Ahhhhhhhh bitch!..."

Stephen was entirely yours now in body and soul. His back arched as he met each of your impassioned jabs with his own thrust. You'd worked yourself into a mindless frenzy fucking him.

"Cum for me..." and he was, spewing uncontrollably so powerful was his passion, so complete his surrender.

Your own shaft became rock hard and your whole body shook as you unloaded your soul into this man's glorious ass! Cum rocketed off in convulsive spasms of male dominance! Fucking him, filling him, owning him!

"AHHHHHH..." you both cry out, eyes closed to the world, souls joined.

You'd pulled out and collapsed onto the floor gasping for breath, your cock still twitching. Gathering yourself, you move the footrest which Stephen had used for support during your assaults and sit spread eagle in front of him. You removed his gag and blindfold and his eyes became fixed on your cock, the object of his core need and love.

In moments his mouth was on you. Sucking, kissing, lovingly cleaning your cock. Lapping at you, he was bringing you back to complete erection by his mouth alone.

"Mmmm sweet Stephen..." you stroked his sweaty hair.

He began to pump your growing rod with his lips. You closed your eyes and accepted his worship. He sucked you down, his tongue making your cock twitch and jump each time it swirled the highly sensitive head

"Ohhhhhh..." your dead legs twitched. "Mmmmmmm... sweet..." you murmured.

He had you now.

Your cock firm, dickhead expanding, he sucked you in harder head jerking furiously... "AAAAHHHHHH..." you cried as your cream flowed smoothly into his hungry mouth, his lips bringing it up.

"Suck me Stephen..." you moaned your command as you slowly passed out.

He obeyed as was his true nature and without delay made love to your cock like no man's ever before it.

This he lovingly realized was his Master's cock.

Author: Phaedrus Email comments/correspondence to: Phaedrus Fantasies -

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