The New Guy in Town

By moc.liamtoh@1002_yppupnroh

Published on Feb 12, 2003



Hello everyone. My name is Pat and this is my first time writing a story for Nifty. The following story is completely fictitious. If any of the names or places in the story resemble anyone living or dead, it was by pure coincidence. Enjoy!

The New Guy in Town

I lived in a new housing development on the outskirts of a little town called Woodsburrow. It was a quiet morning like any other, I had just sat down on my porch to read the morning paper and drink my coffee. The silence of that picture perfect morning was broken by the sound of a large moving truck chugging down the street. The truck stopped in front of the vacant house next to mine. The engine stopped and two rather large moving men got out and began to empty the truck of its contents. Shortly there after a car pulled into the driveway of the house and good looking younger man got out and began to tell the moving men where everything should go. I could not help but stare at the new neighbor. He was about 6'2" tall and maybe 160 pounds with dirty blonde hair. That day he wore a tight white tee shirt that showed off his muscular arms and washboard stomach and a pair of baggy sweat pants. After I finished reading the paper and drank the last drop of my coffee I went inside and attended to the things that I needed to accomplish that day.

About a week later I was hooking up a new stereo in my bedroom when there was a knock at my front door. When I opened the door, there stood the new neighbor.

"Hi, I'm Aaron Maxwell, I just moved in yesterday. The mailman accidentally delivered some of your mail to my house."

"Thank you." I said. "I'm Eddie Garrison, would you like to come in and have a cup of coffee?"

"I'd love a good cup of coffee." He replied. I invited him in and let him to the kitchen. I got two mugs from the cabinet and poured us both a hot cup of coffee.

"How do you take it?" I asked him.

"Black, please." He said.

"Isn't that a coincidence, that's how I take mine as well!" He smiled and I handed him the mug. It never hit me until now, but he had a very cute smile. We both sat there sipping our coffee and talking about the usual stuff like politics, the weather, and current events, stuff like that.

After we both finished, he stood up and thanked me for the coffee and headed towards the door rather quickly.

That struck me as rather odd because during our conversation, he was calm and being a good guest. I have no idea why he would get up and leave so very quickly like he did. The week pressed on as usual. On Saturday morning when I went out side to retrieve the newspaper from the porch, I could not help but notice that Aaron was in his house looking out a side window that had a view of my front porch. When he saw that I was looking at him, he ducked down and the mini blinds dropped, and covered the window. When this happened, I really didn't think a great deal of it. But when he started doing this more and more, I began to wonder.

The next day, I went outside to get the paper just like I always do and once again; there he was, watching my every move. I said to my self, enough is enough and I walked over to his front door and rang the doorbell.

For some reason it took him a while to come to the door. When it finally opened, he was standing there in his boxers and he looked very disheveled.

"Aaron, why do you watch me every morning when I get my paper?" I asked him. He stood there and just looked at me and I could tell that he was getting nervous and begun to sweat.

"OK man, I'm sorry about staring at you, but...." He finally said. And he trailed off after the 'but'.

"But what?" I urged.

"I never told anybody this, not even my family, but I like men." Aaron said.

"You mean, your gay?" I asked

"Yes, I guess I am. I noticed you staring at me the day I moved in, and to be honest, I found you very attractive." We both stood there a moment staring deep into each other's eyes.

"Have you ever had sex with another man?" I inquired.

"Well, no." He answered In the back of my head, I was thinking to myself, this is it, my chance to break in this virgin.

"Would you like to?" I said

"You mean it, with you?" Aaron said with a gleam in his eyes After I said that I took him by the hand and led him over to my house and took him into the bedroom. I could tell that he was nervous and was shaking. His hands were cold and sweaty. When we got into the bedroom I closed the door behind me and closed the blinds. I could tell that he worked out on a regular basis and was well built.

"My goodness Aaron, you sure do spend a lot of time at the gym." I commented

"Yeah, I do." He said very calmly. I embraced him and began to rub him. I could feel his cock begin to harden.

Then I laid him on the bed and began to give him a back massage. He groaned and started to breathe heavier as I loosened his tight muscles. I got a bottle of baby oil out of the night stand and squeezed a generous amount into my hand and began to get him all lubed up. Aaron then turned over and was kneeling in front of me and took my shirt off and threw it across the room. I leaned back and took his pants off.

"No underwear I see." He looked at me, and I think he blushed.

"Nope, I don't believe in them." Aaron said. I laid him back onto the bed. I ran my hand, still wet with the baby oil and I began to stroke him off. He got harder with every stroke. I leaned down and took him into my mouth. I moved my head up and down, paying special attention to the head of his penis. He moaned in delight and moved his hips up and down, fucking my face. His bug bush of pubic hair tickled my nose. He took my head in his hands and stopped me from sucking on his penis and looked at me and said,

"It's my turn." His strong hands grasped the top of my shoulders and laid me on my back. His hands slid up and down my chest, teasing my nipples. I felt him go down by the waistband of my boxers and slide them down my legs. Once he took them off, he threw them across the room with a grin on his face. For several minutes, he just stared and stoked my penis.

"I know you want to, just go ahead, suck it" I told him in a low voice He opened his mouth and took my cock into his mouth. I felt his hands rub my chest and down my legs. He was doing a great job. I was getting so hard and he continued to suck on me. He stopped occasionally to lick the head and shaft and my balls. I knew that he was having the time of his life. After we sucked each other I reached into the nightstand and pulled out a box of condoms.

"Do you want to fuck me?" I asked Aaron

"Hell yeah." He said with a smirk on his face I handed him the condom and he put it on. I lay down on my stomach and stuck my ass into the air, about the level of his hard cock. I felt his finger run up my crack to find my hole. The next thing I felt was his hardness enter me. He glided in and out slowly.

"Feel good?"

"Yeah, you are nice and tight." Aaron said in between his deep breaths. I felt him speed up and his balls began to slap my ass. Let me tell you, I was having the time of my life. And I could tell that he was enjoying himself as well. Suddenly Aaron stopped and grabbed my leg and turned me over onto my stomach and lifted my legs into the air and put them behind his head and started to fuck me some more. He reached around my leg and stroked me off. I could see the sweat rolling down his forehead and a look of determination in his face to please me.

"Feels like you have done this before." I told him

"Nope man, you're the first guy I fucked." He said

"Well, your certainly doing a good job." After a few minutes he stopped and pulled his cock out of me.

"I want you to fuck me now." He said, out of breath

"You got it man." I pulled another condom from the box and slipped it on and I laid him on his back and ran my finger up his crack. I found his tight hole, and entered him slowly. He began to moan with delight. I can't explain how good his tight virgin hole felt. I started to thrust myself into him a little harder as I felt his asshole contract on my hard cock. As he did with me, I reached around his leg and stroked him off. That made him moan even louder.

It was music to my ears.

"I'm gonna cum!" He blurted out. I pulled my cock out of his ass and held my mouth over his penis to receive his load. I felt it hit the back of my throat, and I licked up every drop. He just lay there after he blew his load, I knew he was tired. I stared to masturbate myself. He looked up at me and grabbed my cock and stroked me off until I came. I shot my load all over his chest. He ran his hands over his chest and smeared my cum all over himself. I leaned down and kissed him passionately.

"I can't tell you how long I've wanted to do that." He told me.

"You performed like a professional." I said.

After that day, things were different between Aaron and me. He began to come over on a regular basis and we made love every time we were together. Our relationship didn't stop there. We started doing things together and going out as a couple. It's been about a year now and Aaron and me are closer then ever. We disagree now and then, but what couples don't.

Thanks for reading my story, and I would like to hear your comments.

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