The New Girl

By Kendall Hart

Published on May 10, 2008


This is a work of erotic fiction, and is not intended for reading by anyone under the age of 18. All characters and events portrayed in this story are fictional, and any resemblance to actual persons or events is coincidental. Do not read further if you are under 18 or if pornography is illegal in the area in which you live.

Disclaimer: This is a fictional work which mentions and describes episodes from a fictional version of the show "Buffy: the Vampire Slayer," and from a fictional Star Trek show, and I make no money from this. These fictional versions of these shows and their described episodes in no way reflect the attitudes of the actors, owners, and staff of any show that I know of. "Buffy: the Vampire Slayer" and all characters from the show belong to Warner Bros and Joss Whedon. "Star Trek" belongs to Paramount. I know nothing about the actual sex lives of any real celebrity mentioned in this work.

Comments may be sent to -- No flames please, I shouldn't have to deal with that after posting here. More to come -- I just don't know when.

The New Girl

By and copyright Kendall Hart, 2008 (with an assist from my wishes-to-remain-nameless lady!)

(TG, ped, MF, FG, G-solo, MFF, MF, FF, Mg, Gg, Mg, cons, oral, incest-play)

The New Girl

Part 2

Daddy carried me into the kitchen, set me down once we were in there, and said, "Honey, your panties are soaked -- why don't you go to the bathroom and throw them in the hamper. No need to put on new ones if you don't want -- I'll just be taking them off after dinner!"

I smiled and blushed, even though I had started the things that had soaked my panties with my pussy lubrication -- after all, I'd just had my first sexual encounter as a girl -- a six and a half year-old girl, no less -- since coming to this weird, wonderful world, a world where adults having sex with kids was accepted, normal, even. After thirty-five years as a (heterosexual) man in a world where an adult having sex with a child was a serious crime, then coming here and being somehow put in the body of a little girl, and discovering that, in this body, I very much did want to have sex with at least one man -- the man who'd taken legal guardianship of me, and who loved me, and whom I loved -- Michael Lawton, writer and director for both the big and small screens. In both our hearts, he'd become my Daddy -- without that interfering with either of us wanting to sex the other until they couldn't see straight.

So I felt pretty justified in blushing, after having just sucked his cock for forty-five minutes, causing us both to come . . . I don't know how many times. A whole lot, for me, and . . . well, a lot more than would have been possible for a man back on my old Earth -- and wasn't possible for anyone who wasn't rich, here. Daddy had gotten this sort of regenerative treatment that let him come fifteen to twenty times with no rest, at a cost of several hundred thousand dollars. I was sure he'd come at least seven times, more I thought, and I'd come twice that number while sucking him off repeatedly, probably more than twice that many times -- thus leading to the soaked panties.

(It seemed that some of the kinks I'd had at home had been . . . turned a hundred and eighty degrees on me. I'd been a partial pedophile [attracted to little girls, but still able to have and enjoy normal sex with adult women], and a heterosexual male. Now? Bisexual little girl, attracted to girls and women from five to . . . forty, forty-five, somewhere in there -- and to adult men, with no interest at all in males under about twenty-five. When I'd been a man, I'd loved having my cock sucked -- now I loved sucking cock just as much, maybe more. And I'd been turned on HUGELY by a little girl I'd had sex with a few times calling me "Daddy" in the heat of passion, which had become a deep, burning desire to think of the man I loved as "Daddy" -- both in normal life and in sexual situations. The idea of sucking my Daddy's cock could make me instantly horny.)

"Where's the bathroom, Daddy?" I asked.

"Um, color me embarrassed," he said, putting a big pot on to boil for pasta -- the spaghetti sauce he'd had a (very sexy!) neighbor girl start was already simmering, and it smelled wonderful. "I forgot that I didn't even get to show you around before you attacked me!"

"But it was a nice attack, Daddy," I reminded him.

"True, very true," he said, and took me by the hand. He led me upstairs, to the bathroom off of his bedroom. The bedroom was a bit Spartan, but nice, with a king-sized bed that seemed to be one of those that will raise up at the head and feet. The bathroom was a different story -- big, with a shower big enough for four people, six if they were intimate -- and daddy pointed out the clothes hamper to me. I demurely took off my panties without raising my dress, even though Daddy had seen my pussy back at the orphanage where he'd found me. I didn't want to get us all distracted by him seeing my pussy -- I was really hungry.

"I'm gonna wash some, Daddy," I said. "You go on down, I can find my way back. It's a big house, but not that big."

Daddy chuckled, stroked my hair, and left the room. He didn't go right back to cooking, I heard him come back up, go into the room across from his, and guessed that it was my room, and he was putting my bag in there.

I washed, getting the stickiness of mostly-dried pussy juice off of me with a warm wash cloth, tossed that in the hamper with my panties, then went downstairs, where the smell of spaghetti sauce had been joined by the smell of garlic bread -- my mouth watered hard.

I sat down, watched Daddy bustle around the kitchen -- as big and luxurious as the bathroom upstairs -- and, after he'd put the pasta in the now-boiling water, I spoke.

"Daddy, can I ask . . . how many times did you come while I was sucking your dick?"

"Ten times, baby doll," Daddy said, and came over to kiss me. "I'm amazed you have room left for spaghetti, as much of my come as you swallowed.

"And I'll bet you're thirsty, as much as you came -- you may be a little dehydrated."

"I am pretty thirsty, Daddy," I admitted. I'd mastered the art of talking like a little girl most times, though I was a very bright and mature little girl on occasion, I'd made that work for me -- six and a half years old (in this body) and in the third grade.

Daddy offered me a choice of drinks, gave me apple juice when I asked for it, and soon we sat down to eat. We talked a little over dinner -- very good, and it turned out it hadn't been made by Emily, the neighbor girl who'd started the preparation for Daddy. He'd made it and frozen it, she'd just thawed it in the microwave and put it on to simmer, and made the garlic bread.

We talked about life-things -- school first. Daddy had in mind a private school for girls here in town, where they'd understand about long absences if he had to go to Hollywood or New York to work, and wanted to take me with, have me do work over the internet. He said that so long as he paid the bills, they'd cooperate -- and I agreed that it seemed like a good idea.

We talked about the housekeeper, a college girl daddy had come in four days a week to clean while he was home. He said she was pretty, and that while he'd never had sex with her, it wasn't that she didn't seem interested, or that he wasn't, just that they'd neither one ever actually done anything about it.

"I know she's bi, I've run into her socially with a couple of different girls whom she was obviously dating," Daddy said. "I don't know how she feels about little girls, but you're welcome to find out, if you find her attractive."

I giggled, and we moved on to what Daddy did for a living. I thought I knew -- but I was only partly right.

"Yes, I write, direct and occasionally even produce movies, and I've written and directed television," Daddy agreed. "However, a great deal of my money comes from a for-pay website that I run, one featuring some very exclusive content revolving around girls from fifteen down to five."

"Oh, neat -- what sort of content, Daddy?" I asked -- like I didn't already know.

"Sexual, of course," Daddy said. "I've got a great many videos and pictorials on there of girls in the age bracket described having sex for the first time, both with other girls -- sometimes their age, sometimes older, sometimes younger -- and with me.

"You see, since everything I've ever done in film or TV involved, at least peripherally, sex and little girls, a great many single mothers want me to teach their girls about sex. I'm careful, I screen heavily, and I make sure that the parent and child understand that I'll be making video of the event available to the world at large via the net -- and still, a great many people say yes. And if they want another girl involved, there are video conferences, etc -- we work it out.

"Now, of course, I've suspended that part of the site, but --"

"No, wait," I said, suddenly interested -- and getting damp. "Daddy . . . are you saying that if you took video of us having sex and put it up there, a lot of people could see it?"

"A whole lot of people, Stephanie," Daddy said. "I have over a million subscribers."

I gaped, and Daddy chuckled.

"Yes, dear, I'm serious -- I keep my costs low and my overhead down." He smiled and added, "I generally pay air fare, hotel if the girls coming and-slash-or their mothers want a hotel, and fifty thousand a session to each girl involved. I never mention the pay until the other details are settled, or the mothers balk at me charging people to see this."

"But . . . how much do you make a month from the web site, Daddy?" I asked, gaping more.

"Oh, I charge ten dollars a month for membership, or twenty a month for non-rebilling memberships," Daddy said. "But . . . I own the servers and other peripherals associated with the site, so my overhead is low. I make about five dollars and seventy-five cents a person per month on a month when I put out a hundred thousand for two new girls."

"And you got over a million subscribers?" I said, awed. "That's about six million dollars a month! No wonder you got three houses and rent Lear jets!"

"Yes, but . . . well, I expect it will fall off now, with no new content."

"No, wait, Daddy," I said. "I like the idea of lots of people watching us do stuff -- everything! -- and you could keep it going. I mean -- look, what if you only took girls willing to do it with you and me both? Then we don't break our deal, and you still keep it going, and I get to have lots of people see how much I love making you come! And we could put some up of just you and me first, so girls could see me and see if they like the idea of doing sex with me."

Daddy stared for a minute, then slowly grinned. "Stephanie, I like the idea -- but you think about it for a week, then we'll talk about it, okay?"

"Okay, Daddy."

"More spaghetti, honey? It's been a long time since lunch."

"Yes, please. But no more bread."

"Now," Daddy said after he sat back down. "Let me tell you about the rest of the site -- and the way there's gotten to be a weird sort of prestige attached to it . . . ."

Daddy had been shocked the first time it happened. A Hollywood sensation, one I'd never heard of on my old world, a girl named Brianna Riley, had contacted him and asked if he could take her virginity on camera -- and arrange for a girl between six and eight to be there, too, to have sex with them both.

"Brianna was fourteen, then, and had just emancipated herself from her father after discovering that he was bleeding her dry financially to support a gambling habit," Daddy said. "She was looking to . . . throw her independence in the world's face, I think -- and settled on losing her virginity to a man for the world to see, and, at the same time, losing her virginity to girls with a girl the age she wished she'd been when she'd started having sex. Her father, you see, had ridden herd on her very closely, never let her have sex or even do nudity. Then through the trial, she'd been well-behaved on the advice of her lawyers, and . . . well, now she was free to do as she wanted.

"Of course I cooperated -- she's quite beautiful. And since I'd been making love to Emily for a month, by then -- she was one of my first on-camera seductions, and we'd become quite close, after -- I asked her if she wanted to join us. She was not quite seven, then, so she fell in the age category nicely. She joined us, and that . . . well. When I put that on the website, advertising the first time with both sexes for Brianna Riley? Love, my subscribers went from just over two hundred thousand to over eight hundred thousand almost overnight."

"Wow," I said. "So . . . from what you said, there've been others?"

"Oh, yes," Daddy said. "Over three dozen female celebrities have come to me to lose their virginity, since then -- or to have sex with a little girl for the first time, with me joining being part of my price. It's a lot of fun, and a huge money maker. And when the Innes twins came to me, and did each other and me for the first time, my subscribers went to two million, for a time, but most of those were one-time, non-rebilling memberships."

"You . . . did it with . . . the Innes twins?!" I gasped.

"Yes, dear one -- you can see the video anytime," Daddy said.

Harmony and Melody Innes were . . . well, this world had no Olsen twins, or Ashley and Mary-Kate had just never gotten famous. (I'd never been able to find any reference to "Full House," the show that launched their careers, so they might still be out there, just as normal girls. I kind of hoped so.) Harmony and Melody Innes, who were eight, now, redheaded and absolutely gorgeous, had sort of filled their place as child-actor-twin-sensations, and they were as famous as anyone on this version of Earth.

"Yes, but can I have them?!" I asked.

"It could happen, dear," Daddy chuckled. "It could happen -- I've seen them and slept with them twice since."

"Oh, man," I said. "Daddy, I love you, but . . . why would you even look at me when you've had them?! I'm plain-Jane next to those two!"

"No, Stephanie," Daddy said, very soft and very serious. "No. You are far more beautiful than they could ever be -- and you always will be."

I blushed, looked down at the last couple of bites on my plate, ate them and went to the sink. I pulled over a little step-stool thing, got up on it and rinsed my plate, set it to one side, then sat back down to wait for Daddy to finish eating.

Once I was seated, I said, "After you said that, Daddy, you better know that I want to do sex with you more than ever. Are you almost done eating?"

Daddy smiled, took the last bite, rinsed his plate, and came over to where I sat at the table. He bent, kissed me hard, then picked me up and carried me upstairs, not saying a word. In his bedroom, he set me down, pulled my dress off over my head, then sat me up on the edge of his bed and took of my shoes and socks.

Then he pushed me back on the bed so that I was laying on it with my butt on the edge and my legs dangling off of it. I felt his hands on my thighs, pushing my legs apart, exposing my little (and already wet) pussy to him. Then he put his left hand, fingers splayed wide, on my stomach and gently held me down. I lay there, waiting for Daddy's fingers to touch my pussy, feeling myself get half-crazy with want, and Daddy surprised me.

He decided to do to me what I'd done to him, and have his mouth be the first thing that touched me sexually.

The first I knew of this was when Daddy's tongue touched my pussy, at the very bottom, and started up, pressing hard enough to slightly penetrate me. I yelped and came immediately -- and then, still coming, came harder when I felt the almost-electric-shock sensation of his tongue pressing against my clit.

"Yes, Daddy!" I cried. "Yes, Daddy, more!"

Daddy took me at my word, and I felt his whole mouth press to my pussy, sucking gently, his tongue continuing to work its way up and down my pussy, darting in, caressing my clit, flicking it, teasing it -- keeping it constantly in a state of crazy-making excitement, waves of pleasure constantly rippling out from my pussy through my body, leaving me crying out in delight, helpless (and happy about that helplessness) as I rocked and rippled under Daddy's mouth.

He didn't stop. I started to think he was never going to stop, and if it hadn't been that that would mean he'd never fuck me, that I'd never be able to suck his dick again, I'd have been okay with that.

Daddy varied the way he treated my clit a lot, too -- sometimes flicking it rapidly with his tongue, other times flicking slowly, sometimes just pressing his tongue against my little clit and letting the movements of my orgasms provide stimulation, sometimes swirling his tongue around my clit.

Then . . . then Daddy started sucking on my clit, very lightly, pressing his tongue against it as he did so -- and my world became pure pleasure. I couldn't think about anything but the constant fill-overflow-explode of pleasure from my clit as my body went into spasms of purest delight, rocked and writhed on the bed -- and I screamed, screamed in purest pleasure, a long, loud, full-throated scream, as the pleasure became too much to handle.

I didn't pass out, but it was close. Daddy . . . he knew that he needed to back off some, and he did, now just lapping at my puffy little pussy, staying away from my clit, just teasing my lips with his mouth and tongue, letting me slide back down the ladder of pleasure, rather than falling from the top.

When I could sit up, I did, and Daddy lifted his mouth from my pussy as I did so, let me take his head in my hands and kiss him, tasting my pussy on his lips, loving it, licking his face clean of my juices, then kissing him as well as I knew how, making love to his mouth. Finally, we parted, and Daddy spoke.

"I love you, Stephanie," Daddy said. "And I love eating your little pussy."

"I love you, too, Daddy," I said. "And I love you eating my pussy, too. Daddy that was -- I can't even say it, and I love words, that's how good it was."

"Thank you, sweetie," Daddy said. He smiled, raised an eyebrow, and said, "Stephanie, are you ready to make love?"

"Almost," I whimpered. "But, Daddy, please -- could I suck your cock again, first? Not for so long, but . . . for a little while? Please?"

Daddy chuckled, shook his head in amusement, and said, "All right, sweetie -- but this time, I think I want to sit down."

Daddy took off his clothes, tossed them in the hamper in the bathroom, and came back to sit down on the bed next to me, sitting with his head and back against a pillow that he put against the headboard. I really looked at my Daddy, then, seeing him naked for the first time, and I liked what I saw. He was lean, but had muscle tone, and he had almost no body hair, just a little on his arms and legs, and pubic hair that was not near so thick as most guys. And now that I thought about it, there'd been no rasp of stubble on me when he ate me . . . I stroked Daddy's cheek, found it perfectly smooth.

"Did you shave since we got home, Daddy?" I asked. "Or maybe on the plane? Cause you feel all smooth and fresh-shaved."

"No, Stephanie," Daddy said. "I just . . . always hated shaving, so I had laser hair removal on my face."

"I like it," I said. "I bet it feels a lot nicer this way for girls you eat, too."

"Another good reason to do it," Daddy agreed.

I didn't talk anymore -- and I decided to extend the game of not touching Daddy's dick with my hands yet. I got on my knees beside him, bent over at the waist, and pushed my mouth onto Daddy's cock, sucking hard and moving my tongue right away. Daddy gasp-groaned happily, and I right away reached down and took his hand, put it on the back of my head.

"Mmm, you really like this, don't you honey?" Daddy asked.

Nodding wouldn't work this time, not in this position, so I reluctantly took my mouth off of his cock and said, "Yes, Daddy, very much!"

"I'm glad, sweetheart," Daddy said. He hesitated, then said, "Stephanie . . . may I go a little harder, this time?"

"You don't ever got to ask that, Daddy," I said, blushing and unable to meet his eyes. "Daddy . . . I like having your cock in my mouth so much that I don't think you could make me go up and down on it too hard. As hard as you want, I want, too. And . . . if you want to fuck my mouth sometime, I think I'd like that."

"Oh, honey," Daddy said, and stroked my cheek. "Sweetie, thank you for saying that, but I'm afraid that would hurt you, so --"

"No, Daddy," I said, blushing darker still, but looking up to his face, into his eyes, this time. "Daddy, I love having your cock in my mouth so much that . . . that you might make my lips sore, or even my jaw . . . but you won't hurt me. You can't hurt me, not by doing that. Not ever.

"I . . . want you to fuck my mouth, someday. I want . . . to give you my mouth. To make you know it's yours. Whenever you want it, it's yours. I don't care if we're meeting the President, if you want me to suck you while you talk to her, I will. And if you want to fuck my mouth so she can see, that's okay, too.

"I never loved anybody like this, Daddy, and the only way I know to show you how much I love you is to give you . . . me.

"I'm yours."

Daddy stared at me for a long moment, then kissed me, very hard, very sexy, his hand on my head still. Then he said, "Suck my dick, Stephanie."

"Yes, Daddy!" I said happily -- and bent to take his cock in my mouth again.

As soon as my mouth touched Daddy's cock, he shoved me down, really fast and hard -- but stopped short of where I'd gag. He let me come up til my mouth was about halfway off of the head of his cock, then shoved me down just as hard, and I came up faster, this time, my tongue tracing his cock, staying on the bottom of it so I didn't get shoved down while it was swirling around the head. I sucked hard, harder than before, came up fast, and Daddy shoved me down harder still, I came up fast as I could, he shoved me down hard -- and I came, screamed at how hard I came, never stopping my tonguing of his dick, and swallowing a mouthful of pre-come and saliva right after. I went back to sucking hard, and Daddy shoved me down on his cock very hard, I came up as fast as I could, he shoved me down hard -- it was almost violent, and I loved it. I came again, and then a third time when Daddy came, came and rippled and shuddered while gulping his come down like a girl in a desert might gulp down water after hours without any. Daddy let me gulp -- then started again, shoving my mouth down on his cock harder still, making me come really soon after he came the first time, and making my lips very, very tender, almost painful to the touch by the time he came a third time, but only almost, and even then, the sensitivity that they had was delightful.

"That's enough, Stephanie," Daddy said after he came the third time.

I lifted my mouth off of his cock slowly, sucking hard as I went to get every drop of his come off of and out of his dick that I could. Then I lowered my head, lapped his balls clean -- they were tight and hot, and the skin was all wrinkly, but I loved how they felt. I then cleaned the shaft of his cock, licking and sucking the stuff that had run out of my mouth off of him. Finally, I lifted my head, wiped my chin and licked my hand clean, then smiled at Daddy and said, "Thank you, Daddy -- that was great!"

Daddy growled, grabbed me and pulled me onto his lap to kiss me, a super-sexy-I-want-to-fuck-you kiss -- and I was all for it!

"Please, Daddy," I whispered against his lips, even as I shifted forward to rub my pussy against his hard cock, making myself gasp at the sensation. "Please, Daddy, fuck me now -- make me your little girl, Daddy, and fuck me!"

Daddy picked me up and laid me down on the bed, a good bit down so that my pussy was about where a grown-up woman's would have been, pulled a pillow down for me and tucked it under my head.

"Have you seen any of the instructional films on how to have sex that doesn't hurt with a grown man, honey?" Daddy asked.

"Yes, Daddy, they showed them at school all the time," I said. "I know the best way they recommend to get a man's dick in me the first time."

Daddy moved over me, and I put my feet on his chest, as far apart as I could get them. He smiled at me, said, "Honey, I'm so glad I found you," and moved so that the head of his cock was at the entrance to my pussy, rubbed a little against my still-soaking-wet little snatch, and sighed in delight.

"I love you, Stephanie," Daddy said -- and moved forward.

My world . . . exploded inward. Imploded. Nothing existed but my pussy, my tiny little pussy, and the very welcome visitor that was entering it . . . my Daddy's cock.

Just the head, at first, coming in slowly, pushing my pussy open, making it . . . tingle's not strong enough, but it was like a tingle -- or a low-grade electric shock, maybe, one not strong enough to hurt, but more than enough to tickle. I felt stretched by the time the rim around the head of Daddy's cock slipped in me, and a little . . . you know how when you exercise really, really hard, almost-but-not-quite too hard, and your muscles sort of burn, but in a way that isn't bad? I felt stretched, and I felt that sort-of-burn.

And it . . . felt . . . WONDERFUL!

I was so close to coming it was almost frightening, just from the head of Daddy's cock being in me. Then he slid another inch forward, put another inch of that wonderful, wonderful cock in me -- and I did come, came hard, screamed it aloud, and Daddy groaned in amazement as my pussy squeezed down on the two inches of cock that he had in me -- and the rippling and flexing of the muscles in my pussy pulled him in a little more, made us both gasp.

"Stephanie," Daddy said. "Baby . . . you're incredibly tight. We can wait if y--"

"No, Daddy!" I said, loud in my fear that he'd stop. "Daddy, no, please, I want it! Put it in me, Daddy, please! Fuck me, Daddy!"

Daddy groaned -- and slid forward more, leaving me with four inches of his cock in my little pussy, gasping in something that was much more pleasure than pain, even if it did include both. Daddy . . . he filled me, not just my pussy, but me. I could feel his cock, not even all the way in me yet, throbbing and pulsing, and my whole body echoed that throb and pulse, and I wanted to just jerk him forward, get all of his cock in me, except that I was too little to do that, too small, too weak.

Daddy slid forward a little more, and I felt him throbbing and pulsing even more, even harder -- and I had to have him in me. I had to give myself to him, make myself his.

"I love you, Daddy," I said, my voice very small, half by design, half by inability to get my breath around my impending orgasm. "I love you, Daddy, and I want you to fuck me, please!"

Daddy groaned, his hips moved forward without consulting his brain -- and he was in me, all the way in me, his pubic hair pressed against my pussy -- and I CAME!

The world shifted, shuddered, tilted the wrong way on its axis, and my pussy, stretched to the very limits by my loving Daddy's perfect cock, exploded, sending pleasure through me in ways I can't describe to this day. I felt everything, Daddy's cock filling me, stretching me, the heat of his skin as my feet went off of his chest, slid around him, held him as still as any three foot, five inch, forty pound, six-and-a-half-year-old girl could expect to do.

As I was starting to come down from that come -- and I'd writhed and thrashed my way through it, sending Daddy's dick all sorts of sudden and unexpected friction and movement -- Daddy came, and that set me off again. The feeling of his dick spurting in my pussy -- and I could feel it, never doubt that, he was so BIG in me that I could feel every little tiny twitch of his cock inside me -- made me crazy with wanting him, needing him, loving him. I wished that I could eat my own pussy, just so I could have that come in my mouth, too, the first come my Daddy had shot into my pussy.

We both came down a little, and Daddy gasped, "I love you, Stephanie. I love you more than I ever expected."

"Then fuck me," I whispered. "Fuck me, Daddy, make me yours. Make me your little girl, fuck me and love me and make me yours."

Daddy surprised me then -- because he didn't go slow. Oh, he didn't pound me from the start, nothing like that -- but I'd expected long, slow strokes until he was satisfied that I really liked this, really wanted it.

(I suppose me coming three times already might have had something to do with his knowing that I really wanted this, now that I think about it.)

Daddy leaned down, put his hands on the bed over my head, then pulled his hips back until his cock-head was just barely all in me, then thrust forward. He didn't jerk back, or hammer in -- but they were quick movements, and he wasn't treating me like I might break. No, he was treating me like what I want him to treat me like -- his little girl who wanted fucked so bad she could barely stand it.

The feel of Daddy's cock sliding in and out of me, pulsing and throbbing, filling me completely, then pulling almost out before plunging back in to fill me totally again . . . that was heaven. I had my second "equivalent to a religious experience," then, felt my mind sort of . . . expand, like it felt my pussy was doing, open up to Daddy, make room for him in my head, as well as my heart and body -- and I knew, right then and there, that while he was alive, no other man would ever touch me sexually, not if I had a say in the matter.

Nothing and no one could ever make me feel like this but Daddy.

On Daddy's fourth thrust into me, I came again -- and screamed as I did, screamed "YES, DADDY!" at the top of my lungs, made sure that he knew it was a good scream (okay, like my pussy spasming frenziedly on his cock wouldn't have told him that -- hey, I was coming, not thinking!).

"Good girl, Stephanie," Daddy said, panting some, but never missing a stroke. "That's a good girl, baby doll."

He fucked me a little faster, then, faster than I would have thought I could take the first time -- but I loved it, every second of it, even with that almost-not-quite-pain that I felt, or maybe especially because of that -- I don't know, I just know that I came, and I came, and I came, and Daddy, after three or four minutes of fucking me, suddenly thrust into me harder and faster, making me come faster and harder -- and then his cock started spurting again, coming inside me, filling me with his come, making me come as he did, and both of us yelling, this time.

It was perfect.

Daddy held very, very still for a moment -- then drew back slowly, to the point where he was almost out of me, his dick still rock-hard.

"Fuck me more!" I whimpered. "Please, Daddy, fuck me more!"

This time he did slam into me, not as hard as he could, but harder than he had yet, making me squeal in delight. And he didn't slow down, just kept on fucking me hard, harder than I'd expected, but NOT harder than I wanted, not at all!

I kept my legs as around him as they'd go (not far at all), and I reached up and clutched his sides, and I hugged as best I could, and gave myself over to the orgasms that just . . . kept coming. I couldn't think clearly, didn't want to, wanted only to feel, emotionally and physically. And god, did I feel! Physically, I felt full, filled, as though I was a vessel for fucking, as though I existed to support the pussy that felt so perfectly, wonderfully filled. I could still feel every throb of Daddy's cock, every beat of his pulse in his dick, every bump and vein as he thrust into me, pulled out, thrust in again -- and my clit! No direct simulation of my clit was going on, but it still felt as though it were filling with pleasure, overfilling, then sending that pleasure exploding out through all of me, body, mind and heart.

I loved Daddy more with every thrust, wanted him more, loved wanting him, wanted loving him, felt like I was becoming a part of him in a fashion that having his cock in my little pussy couldn't account for.

I came particularly hard, screamed aloud -- and Daddy let out this little growl, a sexy sound, not at all scary, just . . . sexual. Then he started fucking me harder still, his hips rocking faster, his dick moving in and out of me so fast I could hardly distinguish between stroking in and pulling out, and I started to feel that swell of pleasure growing in me again, in my clit, in my whole pussy, and I knew that I was going to come as hard as I ever had, and soon.

"Harder, Daddy!" I whimpered in a voice that sounded . . . well, I was a little girl, and this made me sound even younger than my body was, made me sound like I was a little girl scared to go to kindergarten, and was trying to bribe Daddy out of making me go by fucking him. "Fuck me harder, Daddy, please!"

Daddy growled again, and suddenly I was being slammed into the bed by his thrusts, and my pussy felt that not-quite-burn of overworked muscles again, even as I felt Daddy fill me more completely, the essence of him pouring through me, sent though his dick and into my pussy, making me love him, want him, even need him. He fucked me harder than I had ever, in my days as a man, fucked anyone, even a grown woman -- and I felt my orgasm building in my pussy, growing, growing again, cycling towards the inevitable outward explosion, but bypassing it, cycling again, pushing higher, making me climb higher up the pleasure ladder than I knew that I could go. Daddy was not slowing down, just pounding into me, and it felt so good, even as it hurt a little.

And still he pumped in and out of me, and still I didn't come, just built up towards the mother of all orgasms, felt myself . . . I felt myself become pleasure, become fulfillment, become my desire to make Daddy's world perfect, and by doing so, make my world perfect.

"I . . . love . . . you!" Daddy said, thrusting into me.

"I love . . . you, Daddy," I panted -- and felt him start to come.

That set me off, and my world turned inside-out, filled with pleasure, turned into pleasure, making me scream so loud I'm surprised I didn't hurt my throat. I came, and Daddy came, and together, we CAME!

Every muscle in my body tensed, starting at my fingers and toes, and working inwards, hands and feet, legs and arms, chest and torso -- and all of that ended in my pussy ripple-flexing harder than ever, pulling Daddy into me as deep as he could go, milking the come out of his cock, pulling it into me greedily, and still flexing on after, still rippling, only with the flexing-ripple now passing back out, away from my pussy, through torso and chest, legs and arms, feet and hands, toes and fingers, leaving me as completely relaxed as I've ever been.

It was too much, the pleasure was too much, the sheer perfection of the moment was too much -- and I passed out, even as the last of my screams trailed away to silence.

I wasn't out for long -- and Daddy didn't panic. He stayed right where he was, his still-hard cock in me, most of his weight on his elbows and lower legs. He'd gotten his breathing under control by the time I woke up, but still . . . it wasn't long.

"I love you, Daddy," I said, as soon as I woke. "Thank you for fucking me."

"I love you, too, baby doll," Daddy said softly. "And thank you for letting me fuck you. That was the single best sexual experience of my life, Stephanie -- ever."

"Good," I said, and pulled myself up to him in a hug, kissed as high on his chest as I could -- not very high. "That gives us a goal to go past."

"Yes, it does," Daddy chuckled. "So . . . what would you like to do now, sweetheart?"

"Well, first I'd like to suck your cock," I said in a bright, chipper voice, "so that I know what we taste like together. And after that, I want to fuck again -- but a different way."

"I think we can arrange both of those, sweetie," Daddy said -- but didn't move yet. "Do you have a particular way in mind, Stephanie?"

"Yes, Daddy," I said. "After I suck you some, I want to fuck in whatever your favorite way is -- place, position, speed, your favorites on all those. If that means slow and sweet all spooned up here in the bed, okay. If that means doggie-style and sort of hard on the kitchen floor, okay, too. And if that means up against the wall in the shower and super-hard, that's okay, too.

"Your favorite way, Daddy -- that's how I want to fuck next."

Daddy groaned, bent -- without pulling out of me, still, which took some doing, given the height difference -- and kissed me urgently. He tongued my mouth, let me suck his tongue for a moment, then pulled back and spoke.

"Stephanie . . . that's the sweetest thing you've said to me, love," Daddy said softly. "But let me tell you what that would be, and if you want to wait, and work up to it, that's fine -- it may be a bit too intense for tonight."

"You can tell me, first," I said, letting the serenity I felt come through in my voice. "But it won't be too intense. It can't be."

Daddy told me how he most wanted to fuck me, and I smiled at him, and I said, "That sounds like fun, Daddy. Let's, please!"

Daddy stared at me, saw that I meant it, wanted it -- and groaned.

"Stephanie . . . for this . . . well, I'm going to do something for you, too, baby doll," Daddy said. "And before you tell me I don't have to, I want to -- like you want to fuck how I want."

"Thank you, Daddy," I said, and waited for . . . whatever it was.

Daddy pulled his cock slowly out of me -- then knee-walked up my body until his cock was dangling in front of my mouth, and said, "Suck my cock, Stephanie."

Obediently (and oh, so willingly!) I opened my mouth and started to lift my head -- and Daddy thrust his cock into my mouth before I could get more than half an inch up off of the pillow.

I put my head back down, and Daddy fucked my mouth. He didn't just pump in and out a little, either, no, he FUCKED MY MOUTH -- hard, fast, and with near-total abandon. He never thrust past the gag point, but he fucked hard, hard and fast, and gloriously without compunction. If I hadn't been so totally willing, so totally eager, you could have said that he raped my mouth -- but eager I was, and love it I did. The taste of my pussy juice and his come together was intoxicating, perfect, heavenly -- and I again wished that I could eat myself, so that I could taste his come from my own pussy.

The sensation of Daddy's cock sliding past my lips hard enough to hurt, fast enough to produce some friction heat, that felt wonderful. The way it felt against my tongue, the insides of my cheeks -- satiny-smooth even as it seemed a little bumpy, that was even better. The throbbing of it, the way he grunted as he fucked my mouth, took my mouth, used it how he wanted, and never mind if I liked it -- that felt so wonderful that I came in seconds, and very few after that, and a few after that -- I came so hard and so fast that it all blurred together.

I came six times in the time it took Daddy to come twice. After resting in my mouth for a long moment after his second orgasm, Daddy slowly pulled his dick out of my mouth, letting me suck him clean. As soon as his cock left my mouth, he moved down and kissed me, hard and urgent, and I loved the sensation, the way my lips tingled and felt almost-bruised after the speed and power of the mouth-fucking he'd given me.

"Perfect," I whispered when he pulled back, withdrew his tongue from my mouth. "Perfect, Daddy, thank you!"

"You're very welcome, Stephanie," Daddy said, and reached down to stroke my dripping wet pussy. "I must admit, I'm amazed, dear one. That was . . . incredible. I would never have expected you to like that so much, not at that speed, at least.

"Stephanie . . . sweetheart, do you know what a sexual submissive is?"

Of course I knew -- but what I said was, "I . . . think so, Daddy. Kind of."

"A sexual submissive likes to be taken," Daddy said gently. "Likes to be used, not . . . consulted. Just taken, owned, used by a sexual dominant.

"I think you might be that way, sweetheart. Do you think you might?"

"I . . . guess so," I said slowly. "I mean . . . I don't know if I'd want to be that way with another girl, or nothing, but with you . . . Daddy I'm yours. Your little girl. Your baby. Your daughter. I want you to be my Daddy and daddies tell their little girls what to do, and stuff. And if you don't even wanna tell me, that's okay. Just touch me or put your dick to my mouth or jerk my panties down or whatever -- you can't upset me or make me mad. You can't hurt me by giving me your dick -- it won't ever be something I don't want."

"Then I may do those things sometimes," Daddy said. He looked thoughtful, and said, "But it's best to have a way for you to say no and mean it -- so if I start something, and you say no, Daddy,' or not now Daddy,' I'm going to treat it as a sort of game, baby girl. But if you say . . . `negative,' then I'll know you really don't want to do what I'm doing. All right?"

"Yes, Daddy," I said. "No means I'm playing like I don't want to -- that might be fun when I get enough of you that I can pretend that -- and negative means I really don't want to."

"That's good, Stephanie," Daddy said, looking pleased. "Now . . . sweet little girl of mine, are you ready to have Daddy fuck you in the way he wants to more than he wants anything in the world?"

"Yes, Daddy," I said serenely. "I'm ready. But . . . can I suck your cock again after?"

"I think we can manage that," Daddy said. He grinned then, looked almost like a teenager for a second. "If you leave me capable of getting erect again -- you have me thinking I may actually not be able to keep up with you, love, Watson-Trent treatment or no!"

"I wonder if a second time with that Watson-Trent thing would make you able to come more?" I said -- and Daddy laughed in delight.

Daddy stood up, picked me up and carried me to the bathroom. He set me down to stand next to the shower, started it, let me check the temperature to make sure it was okay, then got in under the center spray, directed all three showerheads -- one on each permanent wall of the shower -- towards the middle, and let me get in with him. Daddy made a thing of washing me, cleaning me -- and I grinned. He was recreating a scene out of the movie he'd made, "Baby Doll," about a man and his nine year old daughter starting a very sexual relationship after the wife/mother left them both. Their first time had been unplanned, and more her idea than his -- and Daddy had written that scene because he wanted to live it. So now he would -- and I could help, because I remembered the movie pretty well.

After Daddy had soaped and rinsed me, he straightened up and stepped back a half a step -- and I reached out and wrapped my hand around his dick, said the line from the movie that had started things.

"Your dick's all big, Daddy," I said, stroking it clumsily and lightly. "Is it because you think I'm pretty, Daddy?"

"I . . . you're very pretty, baby," Daddy said. "You're so pretty it hurts."

"Thank you, Daddy," I said gravely. (We were both still quoting movie dialogue.) "I like how this feels. Do you want to touch my pussy? Or lick it? Do you want me to suck your dick?

"Do you want to fuck me, Daddy? You haven't had no girlfriend since Mommy went away. Do you want me to be your girlfriend? I know how, I seen stuff on TV."

"Sweetie . . . Daddy would like to do those things, but --"

"Okay, Daddy," I said. "What do we do first?"

"Sweetie, I don't think --" Daddy started -- and I leaned forward and gave his dick a wet, sloppy kiss.

"Want me to suck it, Daddy?" I asked.

"Honey, I think we shouldn't--" Daddy said.

"But I want to!" I said. "I love you, Daddy. I done sex with girls -- Mommy and me did it lots before she left, and I had girlfriends at school. And Miss Sandra let me eat her pussy the last day of school last year.

"I never done stuff with any boys, just cause I wanted to do stuff with you first. Maybe you only."

"Sweetie, I'm glad you love me, but I don't want --" Daddy started.

"Will you fuck me, Daddy?" I asked, giving him my best big-eyed-in-love-little-girl look. "Please, Daddy? Be my boyfriend and fuck me!"

And, just like in the actor in the movie, Daddy lost control (or seemed to -- I'm pretty sure he was totally in control).

He grabbed me, didn't even kiss me -- again, like the movie -- just turned me around and pushed me slowly but steadily to lie on my stomach on the floor, moving to kneel behind me. He spread my legs quickly and without preamble, reached down and slipped his hand under my pussy, found me wet (just like the girl in the movie had been) and pulled my ass and pussy up so that I was laying on my belly, but he could still get his dick into my pussy.

Then Daddy shoved his cock into my dripping little pussy with no further preamble, pinned me down with his some of his weight -- he put his forearms on the floor of the shower, bent at the elbow to keep some of his weight off of me, but still had me delightfully pinned down -- and slid his cock all the way into my pussy in one smooth, hard motion. I screamed in delight, came immediately -- and Daddy started fucking me incredibly hard, pounding into my little pussy so hard that if his elbows hadn't been in front of my shoulders he'd have shoved me headfirst into the wall in about three strokes.

In the movie, the actor had first fucked the actress playing his daughter in just this position -- but only firmly and sort of quickly.

Daddy fucked me so hard and so fast that I could hardly believe it -- and I came so hard and so fast that he hardly believed it. I couldn't move, really, but I tried, rocking my hips under Daddy's thrusting cock, my whole body writhing and rippling as he hammered his cock into me, slammed me into the floor of the shower, pinned me so thoroughly that I felt like a bug in a collection.

And I came and came and CAME! Daddy dumped four loads of come into my pussy before he finally stopped and pulled out, sat back against the wall of the shower as I moved slowly up onto my hands and knees and crawled to him and into his lap.

"Thank you, Daddy," I whispered against his chest, still quoting the movie -- and speaking absolute truth. "That was the best thing that ever happened to me."

"Thank you, baby doll," Daddy said. "I love you."

"I love you, too," I said. Then I stopped thinking about the movie, and said, "Daddy, I liked that a lot! You can fuck me that hard any time you want to, and any place you want to!"

"Good girl," Daddy said. "Thank you, Stephanie. That was a dream come true for me."

"You're welcome, Daddy," I said. I snuggled closer, and he just cuddled me for awhile.

After a few minutes of snuggling, Daddy said, "Do you still want to suck me, Stephanie?"

"Yes, please!" I said, and kissed him, hard and horny.

"Would you like me to fuck your mouth, honey?"

"Oh, yes, Daddy, please!"

Daddy stood up, pulled me up onto my knees, and said, "May I try a different way, honey?"

"You don't gotta ask, remember?" I said, and smiled up at him.

"All right, baby doll," Daddy said.

Daddy cupped my face in his hands, bent and kissed me gently, then straightened and slid his hands into my hair, grabbing the sides of my head very firmly, almost hard. He put the tip of his perfect cock to my mouth -- and thrust forward, invading my mouth instantly and to the maximum depth I could take without gagging.

Then he fucked my mouth just as hard or harder than he had the first time, standing before me, holding my head in both hands, and fucking into my mouth hard, almost harshly. I loved it, and I clamped down on his cock to increase the delicious, almost-painful friction of his cock against my lips, sucked as hard as I could, worked my tongue eagerly up and down the shaft, swallowed pre come and saliva every few strokes -- and when Daddy came, I came with him, gobbled down his salty, slippery come like it was the nectar of the gods.

Daddy fucked my face until he'd come twice, then pulled out of my mouth, let me wiped my lips and chin and lick my hands clean, then kissed me hard enough to hurt -- and I kissed back just as hard, wanting him to know that I liked the way my lips felt tender and sore.

After that, Daddy and I got clean again -- and went to bed. I fell asleep cuddled up against his side, happier than I had ever been in my whole life.

In the morning, I woke up first -- and I woke Daddy up by sucking on his cock, giving him the wettest, wildest blowjob that I could without him taking control.

I sucked him to three orgasms, he fucked me in three positions til he'd had six more orgasms (and I like fucking doggy style!), then fucked my face almost brutally hard (and I loved it!) for three more -- all before we went down to breakfast.

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