The New Dishwasher

By moc.oohay@htrowgnillihcesorbma

Published on Apr 5, 2020


Please feel free to email ( me about the story or any ideas you would like to see me write about. Hearing from you all is a huge motivator to keep at it.

This story is completely fictional and any similarity with real life is accidental and unintentional. It is a complete fantasy--the type that turns me on--and that is how it should remain: unprotected sex with teen boys is hot in a story but real life should be taken seriously and actions and consequences thoroughly thought through.

Anyone that is reading this knows Nifty is a wonderful resource that has brought its readers a lot joy, and orgasms, so, anyone that is able and willing should consider donating to ensure that this resource stays available for us to enjoy, and jerk off to.

The New Dishwasher Part 8

"I don't think I will ever use toilet paper again faggot. Why should I waste money, not to mention the environmental affects, when I have a sick fucking pervert like you? You love it don't you gay boy?" I moaned into his dirty ass. "Yeah, your tongue is my TP now fag. You'll be licking my dirty ass every time I drop a log," he brought his foot up and kicked me down into the floor. "That's enough pervert you can eat my little boy ass later. Now get cleaned up and get to work. If you are late we will both be in trouble with Trevor."

As he stood, his balls, soft little cock, taint, and ass hanging above me I offered up a little prayer of thanks for having found my place in the world. I would never had thought it at the feet of two teenage brothers but it was.

After Travis finished using me I quickly cleaned up and got ready for work. My cock trying to get fully hard the entire time. I decided to wear the tightest pair of briefs I had in order to hide the bulge that my cage made in my pants.

All day during my shift at the restaurant the presence of the cage kept me aroused and my thoughts on the two brothers that had completely taken control of me. They were both such amazing men.

The day was fairly busy for a Monday but I managed to get all of my work finished. Even being as distracted as I was. Shelia questioned me on my absentmindedness a couple times when she got in but I passed it off as just being a Monday. I was standing in the kitchen talking to her getting reading to pass things off to her for the day when Trevor walked in to start his shift. He was as handsome as always. Wearing grey track pants and black t-shirt. My eyes went first to his massive bulge and I couldn't help but notice that he was going commando. The outline of his big dick stood out perfectly. A gob of cum oozed out of my cage. But then I looked up, my eyes tracking along his flat belly to the distinct dots of his nipples sticking through his shirt, to his smooth sharp face. And I stopped dead breath catching slightly. He had a split lip and a black eye.

"What happened to you?!"

He jerked his eyes away from the pile of dirty dishes waiting for him and trained them on me.

"None of your fucking business!" He snapped harshly. Shelia gasped and raised an eyebrow at him. Be had the decency to blush and duck his head. "Sorry. It's just..." he trailed off looking away from both of us. Shelia looked at me and jerked her head toward the office. Taking the hint I step toward him.

"Come to my office," it was strange giving him a command but we weren't alone and I was the boss here. The thought shrank my fag clit right down but it couldn't be helped.

I turned and walked to my office and heard him following. Once we were both inside I closed and locked the door. I turned to him, his eyes still trained on the ground.

"Trevor," I said gently. He finally looked up. The lost hopeless look on his face so out of place from his normal in control smirk. It reminded me just how young he was. In that second he wasn't the all powerful man I associated him with but the teen boy be actually was. It was disconcerting and hurt my heart that he was facing whatever he was.

"Sorry for that faggot. It's been a rough day," he dropped his eyes again. I didn't really know what to do or how to make this better so I did the only thing I could do. I walked up close to him and dropped to my knees. My face centimeters from his crotch and looked up into his face.

"Don't apologize to me Sir. I'm your faggot you can't do anything wrong with me. That old battle axe Shelia might give you an ass reaming--and not the type that made Travis moan this morning--but that's all it will be."

He barked out a little laugh.

"Yeah you had the little guy moaning like a bitch," his eyes brightened up a bit. Reaching out he stroked my hair and patted my head like a dog. "It's just problems at home. I'll get it sorted out soon enough. You're a good faggot and you'll help me out with that when the time comes," he slapped me gently then smirked. "Open up fag I have to piss."

"Yes Sir!" I sat back on my heels and opened my mouth wide. It was good he was back in control. And it was good I was helping... however I was helping. He reached into his track pants and pulled out his massive uncut cock. Pulled back the foreskin, letting loose the lightly musty smell of a freshly cleaned teen boy dick, and set the head gently on my tongue. In seconds he was filling my mouth with his piss. It wasn't that strong only a little salty but it made me throb and happy I was useful. I guzzled it down, not spilling a drop, I would never forgive myself if I didn't take full advantage of this situation and savor every drop of his bladder brew. When he was finished he shook off his dick a few drops landing on my face that he wiped up with his fingers and let me lick off. I was still sucking on his finger as he stashed his dick back in his pants.

"Get up faggot," he said as he pulled his finger from my greedy mouth. I did as commanded and stood before him. "I have work today. I'm off tomorrow night, as you know. Be home at four o'clock sharp and we'll find out just how useful you'll be to me homo. Travis might come over tonight but his girl's parents are gone so I figure her pussy will be entertaining him not you," he walked out. Leaving me standing there not really knowing what to do.

Sitting down at my desk I had a few bits of paperwork that had to be finished. I did them and gathered my things to leave. I wouldn't be seeing him again until tomorrow evening and it didn't sound like I'd be getting used by his little brother either. That made my fagclit sad but it was what it was.

Shelia was working at a prep table and I walked over to her. Keeping far enough away that hopefully she would get any whiffs if big piss as I talked to her.

"What was that all about?" She jerked her head to the other end of the kitchen where Trevor was working diligently.

"He's got some problems at home," I said simply. "Keep an eye on him. I doubt he'll want to talk but who knows. See you tomorrow"

"Sure thing," and she went back to her work.

"Trevor," I called out. He looked up, eyes dim again, but he gave me a little smirk giving me a happy. "Tomorrow."

"Tomorrow," and he too went back to his work. I walked out of the restaurant not know what to expect next but hoping it was all going to work out.

I slept surprisingly well the night before. Only waking up twice to the painful throbbing of my caged cock. I had know idea what Trevor and Travis had done with the two keys. And I had know idea when, or if, they would take the thing off. But it didn't matter. I had had a full night's sleep and had had a good day at work. Now I was driving home to meet my Master--and hopefully his wonderfully stinky and horny little brother--and be used--my little fag brain thought hopefully--by him, maybe all night long.

I pulled my car into the driveway and parked in front of the garage. Fagclit leaking away painfully in it's cage. How fucked up am I? That I'm lusting after a troubled teen boy and his little brother? Terribly fucked up. But if using and abusing me made it a little better for him so be it.

I was in my house ten minutes before four. I hopped in the shower and quickly scrubbed down in hope of things to come. It was probably the quickest shower I had ever taken. I was waiting in the living room at four. Dressed in gym shorts, over the tight and disgustingly dirty pare of boxers that Travis had left, and a plain white T. Maybe Trevor or Travis would appreciate the easy access. I wasn't sure what to expect.

The knock on the door came at three after. I stood to open it but I flew open. Trevor walking in closely followed by Travis wearing a backpack. The wave of teen funk hit me as I took in their sexy appearance. Both were drenched in sweat and wearing basketball gear. I assumed they had been playing basketball with their friends again and couldn't help the little bit of drool that dribbled out of the corner of my mouth.

Trevor walked up to me, stopping right in front of me and glaring. He kneed me in the balls and I crumpled.

"Faggot, you greet me on your knees," he kicked me in the ribs. Not that hard but it was still painful. Travis dropped his pack and plopped down on the couch and laughed.

"Stupid faggot. You really shouldn't do that Trevor. You know the sick fuck likes it," I couldn't disagree with that as I gripped by poor fag balls. I did like it. What I liked even more was that Trevor was acting like himself again. Not that confused, out of sorts, boy he was yesterday.

"We've been over this Travis," he said sitting down next to his brother. God they were so sexy. Both manspreading on my couch like that. "If you want them to grow and improve as faggots you have to give them incentive. It can't all be punishment and abuse. You've got to give them enough that they get addicted to you. This faggot loves abuse and I like hurting a thirty year old piece of shit. We both get what we want," he kicked off his shoes. "My feet are sore faggot."

I pulled myself up onto all fours and crawled over to him. Lowering my face to the wet, stinking, sock covered feet. I kissed first one then the other before sucking the socked toes into my mouth and picking them up to massage them gently.

"I own you faggot."

"Yes Sir."

"I can do anything I want with you faggot."

"Yes Sir."

"I could call all my friends over to gangbang your faggot cunt and mouth right now couldn't I homo?"

"Yes Sir," I moaned into his foot as I dribbled out of my cage into Travis's rank boxers. How wonderful it would be to be gangbanged by all his friends.

"You'd do anything for me wouldn't you faggot?"

"Yes Sir."

"Good boy," he rubbed his other foot on the top of my head. "Lube him up for me little bro."

Travis jumped up and kicked off his shoes as he dropped his shorts. He kicked my legs apart and dropped to his knees between them. Fuck this was better than anything I had imagined leading up to this moment. He pulled my shorts and boxers down and started laughing.

"This sick fuck still has my boxers on. Fuck they are rank," parting my ass checks he spat on my ass. His warm spit running down my crack onto my hole. Immediately he rammed a finger into me making me moan against Trevor's foot. Then two. When he pulled them out I felt so empty. But not for long. I felt him shuffle closer to me and then he rammed home. His smooth balls slapping against me taint.

He fucked me. Fucked me hard. His cock slipped out of me multiple times only to be slammed back in. He was shoving me hard into Trevor's feet. I stayed on all fours moaning like a cheap whore as I massaged and kissed and sucked on my Masters feet. I looked up often to make eye contact with Trevor. Unlike other times he had used me he wasn't playing on his phone. He kept his attention trained on the scene before him. The bulge in his shorts growing larger and larger.

The pumps became viciously hard and the grip on my hips painful, "Take it faggot! Take my dick like the sick fucking faggot whore you are!" He screamed as he drove deep and I could feel the warmth of his teen boy spunk filling me up. Come to a stop, fully planted in my ass, he let go of my hips and laid across my back panting. "Damn I wish Beth let me fuck her as hard as you do homo," he mumbled. He gave me a few me little thrust as he softened and then pulled out standing. He settled his naked, sweaty, stinking, teen boy ass on my couch. I just knew it was going to smell like his ass for days. I wish I could jerk off smelling my couch cushions but doubted they would take my cage off.

"My turn," Trevor said standing up. I whined a little as I lost contact with his feet but Travis immediately took his place. Shoving his reeking feet into my face. I started worshiping them like I had his brothers.

Trevor was between my legs now. Grabbing my hips he thrust right in. I screamed, not from pain--though his big dick was uncomfortable shoving into me--but from pure pleasure. I was in heaven. I had never felt anything like this in my life. He worked me just as hard and Travis had. Deep, hard, and fast. They were fucking me for their pleasure. It didn't have anything to do with me or my pleasure. They were fucking to get their nuts. I was, for all intents and purposes, just their flashlight. And I loved it. Fuck I loved it. I wish all day everyday could be spent as their fuck toy.

He and his brother fucked the same. Once he had his but he collapsed onto me. He weighed quite a bit more than Travis but I kept on all fours and continued to worship the stinky teen feet in my face.

"Dirty little slut," he mumbled. I was pleasantly pleased he didn't remind me of his girlfriend as he relaxed after unloading in me like Travis had. For just that second I could pretend I was his girl. It helped the fantasy that their combined loads was leaking out of my hole around his softening cock. "What time is it little bro?"

"Four thirty-eight."

"Shit we have to hurry," he jerked out of me and stood. Wait. What? They had to hurry? We're they leaving?

"Sir?" I asked lifting off of Travis's feet. Whatever he saw on my face had him busting out with laughter.

"Don't worry faggot. We aren't going anywhere. We have a surprise for you. And we have to hurry to get you ready," the utter relief I felt was pitiful. But it made me so happy. Maybe he really had organized a gangbang with his friends. But, no, that would be to many people. And he--I thought--didn't want anyone knowing about our arrangement anymore than I did. "Get up and strip faggot," he started walking away. "Set him up on the dinning room table Travis. I have to piss."

I stood and striped. Standing naked in front of the thirteen year old stud still sitting half naked on my couch. There was a dribble of precum hanging about six inches down and out of my cage.

Travis snatched up his backpack and stood.

"Come on fag. You'll like this. You'll like this so much. You're going to be thanking Trevor for the rest of your life for this," he walked into the dinning room and I followed. Scared and excited. This wasn't like the other day. They were both deliberately holding back something. And we're both sure I was going to like it. "Get on the table and lay on your back." I did as instructed and climbed onto the table. Laying down flat watching as Travis pulled rope out of his bag. I liked where this was going. Bondage? Good? Trevor and Travis? Good. Bondage with Trevor and Travis? Fucking amazing!

"Pull your legs up and grab your ankles. We are going to tie they together," I hurried to obey. Travis quickly unrolled and length of rope and started binding me. He was really good with his knots. Before I knew it one side was tied and I was secure.

"Were you a boy scout Sir," I asked as he started securing my other side. He laughed.

"YouTube faggot," he snickered just as Trevor walked in carry my discarded clothes and Travis's shorts.

"Good job little bro," he said checking my bindings. The doorbell rang. "Shit he's early," he grabbed my (Travis's) rank boxers, wadded them up and stuffed them in my mouth. "Put your shorts on he'll have Andy," they both walked out of the dinning room leaving me tied up and on full display. So they had invited others over to use me. Fuck this could go bad fast if to many people got involved.

I listened as they open the door.

"Come on in Uncle Rodney," uncle?

"Who's house is this?" The voice was deep and rough and made me tingle. "The fuck happened to your face?!" The deep voice shouted next. "Was it that fucking punk my whore sister is fucking?!"

"Calm down dude," Trevor said casually. "How's my little buddy?" There was childish giggling and gurgling. Just what the fuck was going on? Trevor had invited is uncle and apparently a little kid over. This was not computing. I mean, bondage Trevor and Travis, good. Whatever this was turning into had my cock almost completely shank up inside me. There was more giggling as Trevor made baby sounds.

"Sit down uncle Rodney. It's all good you know Trevor," Travis said.

"So, who's house is this? This is a nice neighborhood."

"It's my bosses house."

"Yeah? Baxter said he's a good guy and would look out for you."

What? Baxter knew this guy? So confused.

"He is. You'll like him," that was surprising coming from Travis. I mean, he hadn't ever been maliciously cruel or anything but that sounded like an endorsement. For what reason?

"Where is he?"

"He's around. You'll meet him in a bit," Trevor said in between making airplane sounds. "So you found a place to live yet?"

"No," it was harsh and angry. "Still can't believe that fucking cunt took off! And taking my goddamn trailer! If I ever get my hands on her I'll fucking kill her!"

"That sucks man. She was always a bitch to me anyways," Travis didn't sound sorry she was gone.

"Well, at least she didn't take Andy. Fuck knows what would have happened to him if she had. I'll find something soon. Should have stuck with dudes."

"Yeah, Andrew was a lot better than the Bitch," so much of this was making no sense. This dude was apparently bi. Had been in a relationship with a guy named Andrew--really he named his... kid? After his ex gay lover--and then hooked up with a chick that left him and took his trailer. Like... this was a lot. And my nipples were getting hard with the cold air from the vent above me blowing down, which was so totally wrong in this situation.

"Hind sights a bitch. Maybe if I hadn't been so rough, I knew he wasn't really into it but thought he come around," he was a rough fuck? Maybe it was a family thing.

"Dude have we got a surprise for you," Travis snickered. He sounded so much like a little kid it kinda made me sick that I could still feel part of his cum oozing out of my hole.


"Here take Andy," Trevor said, "come on Uncle Rodney. I've got you a present. I think it will work out for everyone."

I stared at the door way in anticipation and fear. I was starting to piece together Trevor's plan. And it could all go wrong if he had miscalculated.

Trevor walked in first followed by a guy I had seen before. He was a construction worker that had worked for a contractor we had hired to build the restaurant. That's how he knew Baxter. They must have become friendly and stayed in touch. And god he was sexy. I had never been able to speak to him without getting tongue tied. If I had known he was bi and wouldn't have beat the fuck out of me I so totally would have hit on him. And now here he was standing before me. Mouth hanging open in shock.

Rodney stood about six three. He was lean and muscular from manual labor. A raggedy black beard hung down about eight inches. Was a filthy from work and his fluorescent green shirt was smudged and stained as where his cargo pants. Perched on his head above his wide green--he same color as Trevor's--eyes was a sweat stained and dirty ball cap. He was a dream come true. A redneck working man and my fagclit tried valiantly to get hard in it's cage.

"The fuck?"

Trevor's laugh was happy. Happier than I had ever heard.

"You can't be to rough for this fag Uncle Rod," he slapped the redneck wet dream on the shoulder. "And he's all yours if you want him. Travis and I have been training him up for you. He'll do anything. And then thank you for the privilege."

"Really? How? What?" He was stunned. But the crotch of his cargo pants was starting to protrude.

Trevor walked over to me. Slapped my faggy little balls and jerked the rank boxers out of my mouth.

"Faggot this is my uncle. He's looking for a place to live and a cum dump. That sound good to you?" His smirk was amazing. He was looking into my eyes and knew what I would say. Fuck, Trevor was amazing.

"That sounds amazing Master!"

"Well here's the thing faggot. If you want him I'll not be your Master anymore. He will be. You'll belong to him not me."

My eyes darted between them. How could I decide? Both men were amazing. But...?

Trevor started laughing.

"Don't break your little fag brain. I'm sure Uncle Rod will still let you sniff my dirty feet from time to time," he looked over at Rodney who was still staring at me only now he was rubbing his bulge.

"Oh yeah fag, Trevor and Travis found you and broke you in they'll still be your masters too. But I'll own your ass," he walked up to the table. Reached out and started rubbing my legs. "Nice fuzzy legs. But you'll keep everything else shaved for me," he reached down and swirled a finger around my cum dripping hole.

"Travis and I are going to take Andy to the park for a couple hours," Trevor gripped his uncles shoulder. "He likes it rough. A real faggot. Into pain and abuse. No limits that I can tell. Travis made him eat his shit the other day. And you know how rank that little fucker is," Rodney's eyes lit up like a kid in a candy store.

"Fuck yeah," he said as he unzipped his pants and pulled out a thick nine inch uncut cock. He started stroking it, "we are going to have a lot of fun faggot," he turned to look Trevor in the eyes. "Don't loose or break my kid. And we are still gonna talk about that black eye and busted lip."

"Yeah, yeah," he started walking out, "have fun. And faggot," he stopped and looked back at me, "don't fuck this up," with that he was gone. And seconds later we heard the front door slam.

Rodney pulled me forward, so that my ass was at the edge of the table, and the tip of his cock was positioned at my hole. He started grinding his hips teasing my hole.

"You really want this?" He asked gently. "Trevor can be a bit much and with him being underage I can see how he could have forced you into this."

I moaned as his cock lightly probed. He didn't penetrate but it was close.

"He didn't force me into anything. He's so magnetic and I couldn't help myself. I wanted him. I want you. Please."

With that he sank balls deep into my well lubed fag cunt.


He pounded just as hard and fast as his nephews did. He cock was only a little bigger than Trevor's and in this position he was repeatedly ramming my prostate.

"Fuck me! Please! Harder Sir!"

"Yeah the little faggot wants it rough! You'll never walk right again faggot!" He had been holding me on my bindings but let one of them go and reached forward to twist my nipple. "Scream for me bitch!"

And I did. I scream for him. I screamed and moaned like a whore. Louder and more passionately than I had for Trevor earlier.

He slapped me. Slapped me hard.

"You like that bitch? You like pain? Me twisting your titties and slapping you?"

"Yes Sir!"

"We are going to have so much fun," he pulled out of my ass. I whined like the needy little faggot I am. He slapped me again. "Shut up," he quickly untied me. I slumped back free of my bondage and relaxed staring up at my man. Yes, Trevor had given me to him. But Trevor had also given him to me. Trevor was fucking awesome.

Rodney was on me. At first I thought he was going to lay on me and fuck me missionary but then his arms wrapped around my waist. And he was up throwing me over his shoulder.

"Where's the bedroom Bitch?" He asked as he started walking. I told he and he pulled out his phone, "Hey, after you finish at the park come get my truck," I had to wrap my arms and legs around him as he let the arm holding me drop to his pocket. He dropped his keys on the table by the door, "the keys are by the door. Go to Matt's and start picking up my shit. Not that I have much left. Get Andy's stuff first. Thanks dude," he hung up and we continued toward the bedroom.

He threw me on the bed and started stripping. Miles and miles of wiry muscle were on display when he finished. He had a hairy chest that tapered into an amazingly thick treasure trail leading to an impressive manly bush of pubes. His thick nine inch dick stuck out with a tail of precum hanging down. His thick legs where covered in fur. It was amazing how similar he looked to Trevor. He was just taller with more tone from hard work. And more hair. So much more man fur.

He crawled into the bed. Crawling over me he grabbed my hands and pinned them above my head. Unlike the hormonal teen stink of his nephews he smell like a man that had spent all day sweating on a construction site. Rich and heavy clean male work sweat. He needed a shower. Or a tongue bath from his faggot bitch. I hoped he would choose the later. I spread my legs farther as he settled between them rubbing his hard cock on my caged little fagclit. Then he was kissing my neck making me moan. God everything he did made me moan. I had know him all of thirty minutes and he had me wrapped around his little finger.

"Baxter caught me staring at your tight little ass more than once. He wanted me to go after you but the Bitch was still in the picture then. He seemed genuinely disappointed when I told him I wasn't single. Said you are more productive if you are getting it up your ass regularly. I told him he knew way to much about you if he knew that," he started kissing me on the lips. His tongue forcing open my mouth and invading. He was dominating me in every way.

Baxter was a bastard. And he did know way to much about me. But he was right I was more productive if I was getting laid. I'd be a fucking rockstar before long.

He pulled back and threw my legs over his shoulders, positioned his cock at my entrance and proceeded to fuck me.

"Fuck you've got a nice ass bitch. And you can take it. The Bitch wouldn't let me go hard. Said I was to big. But you, you're ass was made for big cock. My," he thrust hard, "big," another hard thrust, "cock," another. I wrapped my arms through his arms that were braced on either side of my head. He leaned forward bending me nearly completely in half. We were nose to nose. Eyes staring into each other. My caged clit leaking continuously. "Faggots like you need a man like me."

"Yes Sir, we do Sir. God you are amazing," I leaned up slightly to kiss him. He started trembling and locked up as he started unloading in me. The feel of him on me, in me, the smell of him, all of it combined and made me have a fagasm in my cage. When he fished cumming he released me and rolled off to lay next to me. I looked over at his sweat drenched body. One arm behind his head his pit hairs soaked with clumps of white pit stick matted in. I rolled over and cuddled into him.

"Good fuck faggot," he through an arm around me pulling me closer. "You sure you're are cool with this? Me and Andy moving in. Taking over your life? It will be a lot. I expect a lot from my lovers. That's why I can't keep one."

I kissed and licked at the peck I was pressed up against.

"We'll make it work Sir."

"What's your name faggot?"

"Timmothy Sir."

"You can call me Rod when we aren't fucking Timmy," I melted. He was mine. Really mine.

End Part 8

There will be one more part and an epilogue to follow. We are almost finished with this story.

Thanks for reading and please feel free to send ( your comments on the story. I love hearing from everyone.

Next: Chapter 9

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