The New Boy

By Kevin Michael

Published on Jun 7, 2003



Gavin's family had moved in the middle of his tenth-grade year and as he was walking across the huge campus after his first day at his new school, an older boy approached him. "Hi, I'm Nick. You're Gavin, right? "Yeah." "I'm supposed to be your big brother and since you missed Hell Week, we'll have to do that together on our own." Nick was a year older than Gavin and was totally buff, but still had that slender stomach typical of teenage boys in the fast-growing, always-hungry phase of life. Gavin, although tall for his age, looked young for his age; however, both boys never failed to turn heads! Gavin was immediately taken with Nick and replied, "Okay, what are we supposed to do?" "My house is that blue one just down the street. Can you sleep over this Saturday night?" "Yeah, I think it'll be okay."


When Gavin arrived Saturday night, he was already hot with anticipation. He was definitely attracted to Nick, who answered the door wearing only a pair of red silk gym shorts. "You made it." Gavin walked in and Nick closed the door. "My parents are away for the weekend and I don't have any brothers or sisters. While your here, you'll call me 'Sir' and I'll call you 'boy,' alright?" "Yes, Sir." Gavin quickly adapted to his new role and slipped of his sandals. "I'm an only child, too, Sir." "Okay, here's the deal. You have to do everything I say and take all the whippings I give you. Most of the time you'll be tied up, but for tonight's initiation whipping, you'll have to prove you really want to pass Hell Week.

I usually just use a belt." "Okay, Sir." "Turn around boy." 'Yes, Sir," Gavin submissively responded and turned around as ordered. Gavin felt Nick's fingertips lift his T-shirt and glide across his smooth quivering stomach. Nick's chest and pelvis pressed into Gavin's back and butt as his hands sensuously rubbed up the younger boy's hairless torso to his protruding nipples. Gavin felt Nick's tongue and teeth on the back of his neck and suddenly found it difficult to breathe evenly. Nick's fingers toyed with Gavin's hard nipples as his thumbs savored the boy's warm moist still hairless armpits. Nick lifted Gavin's shirt and instinctively Gavin raised his arms. The shirt landed on the floor in a pile where all of Gavin's clothes would soon be. "Clasp your hands on your head" "Yes, Sir." Nick's groping hands worked their way back down the younger boy's smooth torso as his teeth, tongue, and lips feasted on shoulders and neck. Gavin's natural body scent was intoxicating to Nick! Finally working his hands down to the boy's very slim waist, Nick unbuttoned Gavin's jeans and pushed them with his underpants down his legs. Gavin stepped out of them without having to be ordered. "Good boy," Nick whispered. Now Gavin stood naked facing away from Nick, hands clasped on his head, legs slightly spread. Nick stepped back to admire his prize and slowly picked up a thick leather belt lying on the foyer table.


With the buckle end of the belt tightly coiled around his right hand, Nick slowly and methodically lightly slapped the other end of the thick leather belt all up and down Gavin's right side, each slap becomming slightly harder than the previous one until Nick was satisfied with Gavin's flinches and whimpers. Gavin's penis was rock hard and dripping with precum and Nick could tell by the younger boy's rigid posture that he was very willing to take any intensity and length of whipping Nick wished to administer. Nick hadn't bothered to count the lashes, but after about ten minutes of lashes applied every 15 or 20 seconds, Gavin's right side from his knee to his armpit had turned a nice shade of pink, in spite of the boy's deepening summer tan.

With each lash Gavin winced and moaned to Nick's delight. Nick worked the belt all up and down Gavin's left side and then concentrated lashes on the younger boy's dimpled butt cheeks which quickly turned pinkish-red. With each slap of Gavin's torso, Nick made sure the tip of the belt wrapped well around the boy's slender waist or puffed out chest. Nick did the same with Gavin's legs, which at some point during the session, Gavin had spread apart just a little bit farther. After about half an hour, a fine sheen of sweat could be seen all over Gavin's lithe frame. Nick had worked up a bit of a sweat as well, but so much from physical exertion as sensual exertion.

With Gavin will standing as still as possible, hands still clasped on his head, ever ready and willing to take the next lash, Nick dropped the belt and approached the younger boy from behind and wrapped his arms around the boys torso. Nick could feel Gavin's now warmer skin and increased heart rate and quicker breathing. The palms of Nick's hands savored Gavin's slippery smooth skin and his tongue tasted salty sweat across his shoulders and neck. As one hand worked up, thumb and forefinger locating a nipple to toy with, Nick's other hand worked downward, poking into Gavin's innie belly button, then feeling Gavin's pubic hair, then gripping the boy's rock-hard penis. With his hands remaining clasped on his head, it didn't take Gavin long before he shot a huge load, over and over, nearly two meters! Gavin's knees nearly buckled, but Nick held him tight.

Finally, after cleaning up the mess, Nick ordered to remain naked and take a shower with him.

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