The New Age Labs

Published on Oct 12, 2020


The New Age Labs 3 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

Dennis was a happy man as he discovered man sex. Dr. Thompson thought I was good with shy, closeted types. He thought sex was a normal part of life, and living a sexless life meant you never fully experienced being a man. By definition closets are dark and small.

Many of the men had religious beliefs that were anti sex. This could be as bad for straight men, as it was for closeted men. Thompson had a patient who had a different problem. Orlando Jones was a country boy, brick mason. He was a good mason and did well. He had a twin brother Ovid Jones. They were inseparable. They lived together and worked together. Ovid died of cancer a month later than his cousin, Homer Jones died.

Orlando was despondent and was unable to deal with the loss. Dr. Thompson was raised on a farm and he knew the type of close-knit clannishness often found in rural areas. He also knew that men messing around wasn't that rare. Thompson knew Homer. He knew him in the biblical sense. The messed around, and Thompson was one of few outsiders to join in the Jones Hunting Club. The club included game, cocks, and ass. Dr. Thompson practiced as a medical doctor and a counselor. No one in the club would ever go to see a counselor but they would talk to a doctor.

Ovid and Homer were members of the club, but Orlando wasn't. Orlando's sole sexual connection was with his twin brother and Homer. When they died, he had no one. Orlando has a boyhood stutter that he solved by not talking more than monosyllabic words.

Of course, Orlando wouldn't go out of his way to meet people. The older part of the New Age Labs was a century old brick house. It had the problems one might expect of an old house. As a skilled mason, Orlando could make the repairs. Thompson hired him to do the work. I was to keep an eye on the work.

Orlando was a good-looking middle aged construction worker. He was a dirty blond with a beard and dressed in plaid shirts. He looked the part. He didn't talk much but you didn't need to explain much to him. He knew what to do. We had bought the wrong mortar. He told me old mortar used less cement, and if we used the more modern mix, we supplied it would eventually damage the bricks. He was careful and orderly but worked at a steady pace.

The arch over a window on the front of the building had begun to fail. Orlando removed the face brick, cleaned them, and then rebuilt the arch putting the bricks in the same place that had been in before. The arch was perfect. You could not tell it had been rebuilt. I talked to him about his work. He didn't like to talk, but he had been brought up well and he couldn't be rude. He lived forty miles away, but he got to work at seven, so he was up by five.

On a cold, October day, he was caught in a surprise thunderstorm. He was at point in the work that he had to finish, so he worked in the rain. His clothes were soaked. I brought him in, took his clothes to a dryer and told him to take a long shower. I had served as his helper giving him the bricks as he did the work, so I was soaked too. After taking care of the laundry duties I joined hm in the shower.

He was an average man when he was dressed. Naked he was an impressive muscleman. His body was great, his uncut cock was beauty. He seemed to have extra foreskin, with a plumb sized cock head bulge an inch from the tip of the foreskin. Orlando stared at my cock.

I decided to avoid subtlety. "You have some nice equipment there, Orlando," I remarked.

"Yours is different," he said. "Yours doesn't have the wrapper." It turns out that sex had only been with his twin and his cousin Homer. They were uncut and he had never seen a circumcised cock before. I explained that to him. He was curious. I played with my cock and it stiffened some.

"Does it work the same?" he asked.

"I assume so. I seem to like everything I do with it," I replied, "I have some friends who like it."

"Ovid and Homer were the only guys I knew who liked to play," he said. "That was fun." He was silent for a little while. "Do you have friends like them?" I told him I did. We went to my room the wait for our clothes to dry.

"You have huge balls too. Are they full of cream?" I asked. Orlando nodded. "Did you brother and cousin like it?"

"I liked Ovid's. We traded it. Homer fed me his, but he never took mine," he replied.

"If you would like it, I would take it," I said.

"It makes a mess," he remarked.

"I wouldn't mind a mess coming from a cock as beautiful as yours," I said. I dropped to my knees and took his foreskin into my mouth. I might scare him away, but I hoped that a blow job is a blow job even when the sucker isn't a relative. I guessed right.

Later, I found out that my sucking technique was better than Ovid or Homer's. They were more into getting Orlando to shoot off as quickly as possible. I took my time and managed to edge him. He balanced in the edge between excitement and orgasm for a few minutes. He liked that, but he loved it when I took every drop of his semen and post orgasmic drool.

"Do have to do yours?" he asked.

"Maybe another time," I said, "You're drained now. Sucking is better when you are fully loaded."

He looked at me oddly and said, "I kind of noticed that."

"Orlando we are all men and our equipment works the same way," I explained. "I can tell you that no one would be disappointed in your cock, and if they like hot loads straight from the balls, you would win a blue ribbon." I heard the dryer alarm beeping, so I gave him his clothes and he went home.

Three days later on Friday, he told me he had some free time after work. I asked if he would like to chill out in my room. He said yes. Friday nights were quiet since most men had something to do. He came to my room and talked. I asked if he needed a shower. Of course, I knew the answer. We had just turned on the water when Donnie came in. I was now showering with the two shyest men I knew. I figured turning this in a gay romp would be impossible.

"Is there room for one more?" Donnie asked. I said of course there was room. Orlando didn't say anything, but his cock responded by becoming semi hard. Donnie noticed.

"Sorry about that," Orlando said.

"We're all guys here," I said. Somehow Orlando and Donnie seem to realize they were like spirits. Donnie matched Orlando's semi erect cock and then became fully erect. Their cocks did the talking for them and they clearly wanted to meet. We went to my room.

I was surprised when Donnie went for Orlando's cock as soon as I closed the door. I looked at Orlando's face. His eyes were closed. It was as if an irritating itch he couldn't reach was being scratched by Donnie's tongue.

"It's nice when you are with friends who know what you want and need," I said.

Donnie pulled away and said, "It's beautiful!" He returned to his sucking duties.

"You're okay?" I asked Orlando. He smiled and nodded. "You might warn Donnie when you're going to shoot." I told him. "I don't know if Donnie likes fresh cream as much as I do."

"Would you eat it if he doesn't like it?" Orlando asked.

"Of course. I could share it with Donnie. Do you shoot enough sperm for two," I said.

"You like it that much? What does it taste like?" Orlando asked.

"It's not the taste. It's made in your balls and shot out your cock. It's the taste of pure orgasm," I said. "I know it's just spurts and drips, but I get to taste your orgasm. You may try to hold it back or hide it, but your cock has a sperm leak." Orlando began to twitch, and Donnie tried to deep throat him. Donnie sucked every drop of Orlando's orgasm.

"I'm embarrassed," Orlando said.

"It was beautiful," Donnie said, "Thank you."

Orlando sucked Donnie. Sometimes it's better to be lucky than smart. Donnie's sperm tasted the same as Orlando's brother Ovid. Orlando was almost crying it was so good and brought back some many memories. He was a gifted sucker, and Donnie appreciated that too.

I was surprised that the threesome worked. I assumed Donnie was too up-tight for it, and Orlando would object. Orlando later told me he had regular threesomes with his brother and cousin. Donnie knew something was special when Orlando milked him. It was a success for all of us.

A few day later, Orlando and I were showering when Angus joined us. Orlando and Angus were well matched. Both were big, masculine men. Orlando was more comfortable with nude men than he had been, and he exchanged admiring looks with Angus. Angus had seen Orlando working and he complimented him on the quality of the workmanship. Angus got semi-erect. That did not diminish his attractiveness.

When we finished showering and were drying off. I asked Orlando if he would like to have Angus join us. He said that would be nice. Angus was more than willing.

When we got in the room, Orlando dropped to his knees and sucked Angus' cock. "I'm not trespassing, am I?" Angus asked.

"We are both free agents," I replied. "Orlando likes man sex, but he's shy. He was exclusive with his brother who recently died."

"I was that way with my Uncle Alex," Angus said. "He was an old guy. He couldn't get it up, but his ass still worked, and it was damn good for me."

"His brother was lucky so have such as skilled cock sucker," Angus said. "I would love to suck yours, Orlando. You are my kind of man. I would like to take your load?"

"You like that?" Orlando asked. He returned to sucking.

"I think you get to know a man as he shoots off. It's almost as exciting for me as it is for him," he answered. "It's the same with fucking. Cocks don't lie." He laughed. "At least they don't lie when they are squirting!"

A little later we were on the bed. Angus was sucking Orlando; he was sucking me, and I was sucking Angus. Orlando popped into Angus's mouth; I took Angus's load. Angus shot a meal and a half into me and was deeply pleased at Orlando's load. Drinking a non-family members sperm was still an exciting experience for Orlando.

We stayed in place, sucking cock drool after the triple orgasms. Orlando took a short nap. He had been working all day and was tired. Orlando was a nice guy and a good man. He was painfully shy and had difficulty finding friends and playmates. He thought I has superb taste in men and sexual partners. Apparently, we liked the same sort of men. If I introduced him to a new guy, the guy was okay with Orlando. It simplified the getting to know you.

Orlando looked okay when he was dressed but was spectacular naked. His body and cock were designed to make friends. Oddly, he was more relaxed and personable nude. He associated nudity with pleasure due to his relationship with his brother and cousin.

I was careful introducing finding men for him. I am not a sexual powerhouse, but I am not fragile. If there is a misstep, or painful interlude, I move on. Orlando was sensitive and could be hurt. He didn't have much of a sense of humor, so he could miss interpret a joke as an insult.

Luckily, a shooting cock expresses genuine feelings, and you can't fake them. I think both Orlando and Donnie knew that.

The purpose of the New Age Lab was to provide a place for closeted men to let it all hang out. Many of the men had spent much of their lives suppressing their sexual desires. I once suggest that the Lab's name should have been the Hard Cock Spa. Many of the men could get to the Lab once a month, or every few weeks. When they got to the Lab Dr. Thompson thought it was important that they share their orgasm with a friend. They could shoot off alone at home. Thompson thought sharing an orgasm with another man was heathy.

Once and a while we had a party for our regulars. Thompson and I found a group of men who were willing to help men in need. We could provide a hard cock to suck or a warm ass to fuck. Thompson was not looking for men who would do a charity fuck. In some ways the Labs was lucky we weren't stylish and didn't attract the Prima Donnas or the Beauty Queens.

We were lucky that some of our regulars were obsessed with sex and always willing. Those included Angus, Saul, Bronco, Woodrow, and me. Our guests were Felix, a retired teacher, Tommy, a janitor, and Milton, a bookkeeper.

The party started in the showers and then went to my room. My room was oversized, so it was suited for small get-togethers. We talked and fondled in the shower. All the guests were shy or timid. I was with Tommy. He was a nice guy but had dropped out of school when he was 16. I knew from Dr. Thompson he had been picked on and abused by bullies in school. He liked cartoons and wresting on tv. As we chatted, I played with his cock "You have a nice cock. It looks like it would fit my ass perfectly," I said.

He looked unsure and then said, "Usually guys fuck me."

"Do you think you would like to feel the inside of my ass?" I asked. He nodded. He was soon on his back. I coated his cock with lube and straddled him.

"I'm afraid I might shoot off," he whispered.

I said I wouldn't mind that at all. I smiled and sat on his tool. I am afraid it was a charity fuck until his knob popped last my sphincter. His cock was a thick five inches and it rammed my prostate.

Woodrow had a wrestler's body type was watching. "Is that as good for you as it looks?" he asked. I said it was and asked if he wanted to take a ride. Woodrow nodded. I sat up and Woodrow took a seat on Tommy's cock.

Tommy glowed in pleasure. I felt good. I was just a guy, but Woodrow looked like a wrestler. I watched as Tommy's cock hit Woodrow's prostate. It was a perfect combination. Woodrow told Tommy he wouldn't mind if he shot some homemade lube in his ass. They both like wrestlers and talked about their favorites.

Felix was very tall and thin. Saul was short and stocky. Saul didn't need to bend over much to suck Felix's cock. Felix looked surprised, but Saul was a gifted and experienced cock sucker. I knew Felix was inexperienced and a good sucker was a new experience for him.

Angus was now talking with Milton. Both men were semi erect. "I've always thought an erection is a terrible thing to waste," Angus said. "Wasting two erections is almost a crime!" He leaned over and licked Milton's cock. A minute later, they were on the bed in the sixty-nine position.

Bronco and I were uninvolved, but we somehow ended up joining Tommy and Woodrow. Tommy slipped back into my ass. Bronco liked Woodrow. I discovered my playmates were equal opportunity fuckers. I knew I was open to the opportunities, but I hadn't realized my ass was just as open.

I would have guessed that getting fucked but several guys would ware me out. My ass seemed to enjoy the variety. Bronco told me that my ass remained tight, but welcoming and accepting. Tommy, Woodrow, and Bronco had different fucking techniques, that pleasantly varied my experiences. They had to leave, but Milton, Felix and Saul came over to me and filled my ass for the next hour. When they left. I was alone with Angus and Saul.

"I think I got carried away in the moment," I said. "You must think I'm a slut."

"I think you are a generous man," Angus said.

"What is the difference between being a slut and being generous?" I asked.

"Your playmates were shy, socially unskilled and needy. I know that some of them have had bad experiences. They now know what good sex is like," Angus said.

"You seem to sexually generous, but I didn't sense you were over promising," Saul said. "You were fun, enjoyed the sex but you weren't Mr. Right. It seemed you were all having a good time, but you were not making conquests. You weren't keeping score or adding to your list of conquests."

"I'm not sure the Duchess of Windsor's quote that "You can't be too rich or too thin," was right," Angus said. "I am more of a, "You can't have too many friends," guy. I'd rather be with friends, than be counting my money while suffering from anorexia."

As usual, talking about sex gave me an erection and as usual, that inspired a sexual interlude. My cock found its way into Saul's backside and Angus's cock filled my well-used hole. That didn't allay my fears about being a slut, but it reminded me of a beautiful new world I had found at the labs. I didn't feel like a man getting his rocks off. I was part of a mutual aid society. We worked together for our mutual pleasure.

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