The New Age Labs

Published on Aug 29, 2020


The New Age Labs 2 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

For many of the visitors to the lab it was a revelation. They weren't in Kansas anymore. It was an upside-down world. What they considered dirty and degrading was fine. The fears and dread of discovery vanished. One of our several ministers pointed out that the golden rule was the guiding principle of the Labs. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

There were several non-biblical variants on the rule. Don't feed a guy your semen if you won't take his was one variant, and don't fuck a guy if your ass is off limits. Of course, some guys were cum hounds, but there is a difference between sperm in general and a particular man's sperm. It was polite to ask before you spurt. We made sure our patrons recognized that every cock didn't fit in every ass.

Since I lived at the labs, some regarded me as a combination hall monitor and a house mother. I am just an average guy. I don't intimidate anyone, and even shy men can talk to me. I seemed to be a comfortable, average Joe. Dr. Thompson told me he thought I was good for the men. He told me I served as the gateway drug to more intense sexual experiences.

One day he asked if I could help with some friends of his. DuVal and Buddy were a mismatched couple. DuVal was eighty-two years old and Buddy was thirty. DuVal was a retired doctor, and Buddy had the mental age of an eight-or nine-year-old. Buddy was his houseboy and yard man. They had met twelve years earlier when DuVal picked him up at a cruising site.

A year later Buddy's mother died, and Buddy moved into DuVal's house. Buddy was a nice guy, who liked sex and cartoons. DuVal had cancer and he wanted to find a new home for Buddy. "I don't want him to be taken advantage of. He's a good boy. He was bullied as a child. I don't want him to become a sex slave," DuVal explained. He thought Thompson had good taste. DuVal had established a trust fund for Buddy, so he wouldn't be a burden. He also realized the trust fund might be a temptation to some.

A month later Buddy was sharing my room. DuVal had died and his adult children wanted nothing to do with Buddy. Buddy was a good-looking man. He was cheerful, polite, and very neat. While he was happy watching the cartoon channel and dealing with day to day activities, that was close to the limit of his intellectual skills. The major quirk was his sex drive. It was impressive. He was not a good judge of character, and that had been a problem for him before DuVal found him.

On a ten-point pleasure scale from one to ten, sex is a ten. Buddy assumed the best about people, and that was not realistic. The New Age Labs was ideal for him in some ways, but I wanted to make sure it was good for his partners and him, not one sided.

While he worked at the lab, I got him a part time job at the library doing janitorial and yard work. He ran into one of the bullies from his childhood there. I was away and only Miss Nichols, the head librarian, was there. She was a small, middle aged lady. I had been under the impression she was a mild mannered. She had four older brothers. Big, aggressive assholes were not a problem for her. I don't know what she did, but the bully never came near the library again. Buddy was deeply impressed.

The labs were a safe place for him. He was a pleasant, nice boy who was well hung and loved sex with men. DuVal liked gentle, slow, and easy sex. Sex apparently was even handed and enjoyable for both. After a week as my roommate, Buddy asked me if I liked to have fun. He was playing with his cock when he asked. He was on his bed, so I went over and sucked him. All was well, but I discovered that DuVal was sperm adverse. I am not, and when he shot off, I took every drop of his load. After he shot off, I continued to suck until I had taken every drop of his cock drool. He loved that. He had cleaned up after orgasms before, and my approach was both pleasurable and neat.

He fell asleep afterwards but later he took my load and loved it. When he finished sucking me dry, he was still hard, so I lubricated his cock and sat on it. DuVal seemed to have been all top. My ass was a revelation for Buddy. His cock had never been enveloped a warm, tight place before and he loved it.

This was a major improvement in Buddy's sex life. DuVal had fucked him many times. That was okay for Buddy, but he had no idea why DuVal liked it. As I bounced on Buddy's cock, he understood what DuVal was feeling. After about ten minutes of squirming on his cock, Buddy lost it and flooded my ass with sperm. Unloading in an ass is intensely pleasurable and incredibly intimate. A pal of mine says he always falls in love a few minutes before and after shooting off in a guy's ass.

The next evening, I slid my cock into Buddy's behind. My cock apparently was longer and thicker than DuVal's and I made a more total penetration of his ass since DuVal like Buddy face down on the bed. Buddy was on his back for me and I had his legs on my shoulders. I popped through his sphincter and lodge my knob against his prostate. Buddy's eyes glazed over as I massage the gland. I don't think Buddy knew it was possible to feel that much. DuVal was kind, nice man, but he lacked imagination. He liked what he liked and had no reason to do anything different.

A few weeks later Buddy and I were showering at 9:00 in the morning when four older men entered the showers. "Is there room for us?" one of them asked.

"Sure, we aren't shy," I said.

"I'm Angus MacDuff, and my pals are Jake, Saul and Bob. We are members of the Once-and-a-While Breakfast club," the man said.

"For your information, Once-and-a-While, seems to mean Tuesday and Thursday," Saul said. "We come after the morning rush for a little rest and relaxation."

"I am Dudley, and this is my friend Buddy," I said. McDuff could pass for a Highland Laird, tall mustached and hairy. Jake was shorter, bald, and bearded. Saul was a compact, beefy man, solid but not fat. Bob looked like he was a model for the average, American male. They looked us over. From their glances, I guessed I was okay, but Buddy was a dream come true.

"Freddy DuVal was one of my clients," Saul said. "I knew of Buddy but never met him. I set up the trust fund for him. I was hoping Buddy would land on his feet."

Buddy smiled and said, "I'm on my feet most of the time."

"That is good. DuVal liked you a lot. You were a good friend to him," Saul added.

"Do you like the same games he liked?" Buddy asked as he played with his balls.

"I have a feeling that we all like the same games," Angus said. "You can play with us if you want." Buddy smiled. We finished showering and Buddy went with the men. Saul stayed behind.

"I know a lot about Buddy. DuVal was worried about him. Are you his guardian or protector?" Saul asked.

"Informally, yes," I replied.

"DuVal told me about their relationship. He thought it was perfect. I hope that was true. I think it was good, but suspect it was one sided," Saul explained. "I had been with DuVal many times. It was good, but not great. He always had a better time than I did. I am a bit more adventurous. You don't need to worry about him with us. Let's just say we are very evenhanded. Dr. Thompson can confirm that to you. You are more than welcome to join us." I had the morning off, so I decided to make sure all was well.

My worries and concerns were unfounded. Buddy liked being with older men. They reminded him of DuVal. They were gentle and considerate. Buddy was a beauty in their eyes, and they wanted to please him. I was surprised to discover that I was considered to be a find. Angus was an impressive man and he seem attracted to me. His uncut cock was in the high side of average when relaxed. Erect it was just short of being an anatomical exhibit in a museum. Instead of casually glancing at it, I stared.

Angus leaned close to me and asked, "Interested? I like to top."

"It's impressive," I replied. "Does it fit many guys?"

"If they want it enough, it usually fits" he said adding the word eventually. "Are you offended when a man breeds you?" I licked my lips.

As we talked, Buddy had Saul on his back and was carefully easing his cock into Saul's behind. "This is really nice. Is it okay for you?" Buddy asked.

"It couldn't be better," Saul replied. "You can go a little faster if you want." Buddy smiled. Jake was with them and soon was sucking Saul's cock.

Bob joined Angus and me. "I can lubricate you so you can take Angus's dong?" Bob offered.

I told him I thought that would be a good idea. He didn't mention he was planning to lubricate me with his cock and the lubrication would be his own special blend. His cock slid in me easily. It was a bit bigger than I anticipated, but he was a skilled top. He shot off and then pulled out slowly while he was still ejaculating, thus he lubricated my entire ass.

There may have been as much as a second or two between Bob's exit and Angus's entry. Angus was slow and steady. I think my sperm lubricated ass was as good for him as it was for me. I had never thought about using sperm as a lubricant, but it seemed to work well. I don't know if it was the lubrication provided by Bob's cum, or if it was the feel of his friend's sperm on his cock that made it good.

Buddy moaned as he rear loaded Saul. Buddy's orgasm was enough to pull Saul's trigger and Jake's mouth enveloped Saul's cock head to sample his sperm. It seemed that Buddy had found new friends. As I watched their climaxes, I suddenly noticed I was skewered on Angus's cock. Generally, a guy's cock is just a visitor to my ass. Angus's cock was more like an occupying army. I had a strange feeling that I belonged to him. Something had been missing and his cock completed me.

"Damn, you're hot," he whispered as he gave me a hard thrust. He pulled out a few times to let me breathe. Bob slid into my ass effortlessly to keep my asshole from closing. After a minute or so, Bob pulled out and Angus refilled me. My sphincter tried to grab his cock head as it passed. We had a playful tug of war which I lost as he reoccupied my ass. I had a feeling that we were in a contest to see who could enjoy it most. There were no losers in the contest.

The Once-and-a-While Breakfast club became friends with Buddy and me. Sexually they were either into intense vanilla or mellow kinky sex. The only rule was that sex had to be pleasurable and end with multiple orgasms.

My sex life changed after my interlude with Angus. Angus was a leader of men. He was a widower who had spent years taking care of his semi-invalid wife. He had brief respites from her with men. He eventually knew a number of closeted men who needed sexual release. When she died, he discovered the New Age Labs. His friends were still closeted but an hour or two at the labs was a revelation. They could enjoy sex without fear of discovery.

Angus was at ease with himself. Old worries, concerns, and fears all in the past. He told me he liked sex with men. He was okay with meaningful interpersonal relationships, casual relationships, and expedient relationships as long as it involved cocks. He never told anyone anything that he didn't feel. He wasn't looking for a long-term relationship, but when a friend got sick or had a serious health problem, he was there, willing to help.

He told me that he had friends who would like me. "I don't know if your dance card is already filled, but I know some men who would love you," he said. "When I say love, I mean they would love to have sex with you. I think that most men are in love when they are ejaculating. It's exciting for me to be sucking a cock of a friend who is shooting off. Sometimes I can taste the excitement in his cum. I like to lick the drooling sperm from his slit as he calms down. I like to get the juice when his cock head it ultra-sensitive after an orgasm."

"Can you do that without driving him crazy?" I asked.

"Shit no," he replied. "Sometimes I do it on purpose just to remind him who is sucking him off." He shot off as he said that. We showered again and it was getting late, so I had to my room. I realized that a sex marathon was good for men who visited the once a week or once a month. Since I lived there, I had to pace myself. It was like watching television. A few hours a day was fine, 24/7 was not. I came to think of orgasms as nature's way to combine a lightning strike of pleasure, followed by falling asleep.

Dr. Thompson believed that sex was natural and an essential part of human life. For a number of our patrons, that was a difficult concept to accept. Some of that came from misunderstood religious teachings, some was due to conventional view of masculinity, and some came from a confused merger of sex and perversion.

When I returned to the labs after working at the library, Dr. Thompson asked me into his office. "Dudley, I have a project for you. Trooper Williams found a man blowing another man at the rest stop on the Interstate. It was at 2:00 in the morning."

"I guess you avoid the rush that way," I remarked. "Is Williams a member of the club?"

"Let just say the Trooper has a heart. The guy he caught, Donnie was suicidal, so Williams brought the man to me. I calmed him down and there was no major incident. I am talking with Donnie. He is a 150% holier-than- thou Christian and has the sex drive of a Tomcat in heat. He lived in terror that someone would discover his deep dark secret. He craves sex with men. I will get him to talk with the Rev," Thompson explained.

The Rev was a retired minister, who was skilled at attacking what he called the theology of hate. That consisted of the people who defined Christianity as battling sin and avoiding the love your neighbors as yourself aspect of the faith. The Rev was a brilliant man, and had no problem demolishing that sort of Christianity.

Thompson wanted me to guide Donnie to see sex as a good thing when done with like spirits. Sex is a physical activity not a religion. Donny was uneasy about the labs, but lust is a powerful emotion, and the potential to avoid the terror of discovery was attractive.

I met Donnie as I returned from the library. Donnie was in his late twenties, five feet ten and in good shape. He had perfectly coiffed hair. He was incredibly pale. While he was a white, he would have been better described as bleached. I am not impressive looking, I am not commanding or intimidating. I had two things going for me with Donnie. He had a strong sex drive and he liked daddy types. We talked a little. He was shy but relaxed some. I told him I lived at the Lab and that the atmosphere was laid back and informal.

"What does that mean?" he asked.

"I tell things like they are," I said. "90% of the men are naked and are interested in play, intimate play."

"Do they just grab you?" Donnie asked.

"Basic politeness demands you say please and thank you," I said. "If you see a man with an erection, you might ask if he needs some help with that. If you see two men going at it, you might ask if they would like a third."

"They would not be offended" he asked.

"I guess someone might get offended, but that hasn't happened yet," I explained. "If a man mentions he has an itch in a hard to reach place, that means he wants to be fucked. If you tell him that you can help him with it, that means yes. If you tell him you could help, but you're fully loaded, that means you want to shoot off in him."

"They would let you do that?" Donnie asked. "I've never done that." He paused and whispered, "I've never been fucked or fucked a guy. I'm afraid it would hurt."

"I felt that way too, until I found a cock I wanted in my ass so badly, I didn't care," I said. "It's been a long day; I need to shower. Do you want to join me?" I asked.

"Maybe," Donnie said.

"Maybe is not a sincere answer. Bite the bullet and join me," I said as I stripped. A naked guy with a semi-erect cock did the trick for Donnie. He stripped, and we went to the showers. We were the only ones there. That was good for Donnie. I knew that the sound of running water usually attracted men who suddenly needed a shower.

I was only slightly surprised when the Rev entered with Angus. I didn't know they moved in the same circles, then I laughed to myself. They both moved in the circle of men who had cocks. I suspected that Donnie liked daddies. The Rev and Angus were the mother lode of daddies.

"Dudley, who is your new friend?" Angus asked.

"Donnie is a potential new member of the Lab fraternity," I said. "He's just testing the waters."

"Hello Donnie, I'm Angus and this is my pal the Rev. Welcome to our little club!"

Donnie was staring at the two men's impressive equipment. "This is a club?" he asked.

"I think it might be close to the truth if you thought of it as play group or a recreational association," Angus said. "Unlike a golf club, you don't need to buy any expensive clubs."

"You seem to have impressive clubs," Donnie said as he continued to stare at the men's cocks.

The Rev dropped to his knees and sucked Donnie. Donnie looked shocked, but not so shocked that he pulled away. He was soon moaning in pleasure.

Angus came forward and put is arms around Donnie. "Welcome to our happy band. There is no initiation ceremony and no dues," Angus said.

Donnie whispered that he was going to shoot. Angus joined the Rev at Donnie's cock that they shared his semen. Donnie was fully loaded and there was more than enough for two.

Next: Chapter 3

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