The New Age Labs

Published on Aug 1, 2020


The New Age Labs By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

The New Age Labs were established by Dr. Wilson Jones in 2001. They were small but profitable operation Dr. Jones died in 2009, and his assistant Rodney Jones bought the business. Rodney was not related to Wilson.

The Labs collected sperm for laboratory use and for use for artificial insemination. To ensure that all sperm was disease free, they were strict about testing. Some men volunteered, but most were paid. Rodney Jones' partner, Dr. Milburn Thompson, was a psychiatrist and counselor. Milburn and Rodney were wealthy men and their interest in sperm was both medical and recreational. The labs never advertised or solicited donations.

The Labs grew to buy a former rest home. It was an older home for the elderly consisting of an impressive house and a two-story bedroom wing to the rear. Donors were sent to a first-floor bedroom to make the donation.

The business developed two specialties. One was for medical uses of sperm and the other was counseling men with sexual problems. Some donors' sperm was not well suited for artificial insemination. The first floor of the building was medical. The second floor was counselling. Thompson's specialty was working with sexually ambivalent men, closet cases.

Thompson realized human sexuality is not either gay or straight; it is not a black or white situation. There are gradations and quirks. A gay man may fall in love with a particular woman, but not be sexually attracted to women in general. A straight man may be intensely attracted to a man, but not all men. A mostly gay man can deeply love his family, and still desire sex with men.

While being a "closet case" is usually a term of derision, Dr. Thompson thought it was a normal condition in many cases. After working with ambivalent men for years, he realized these men's biggest problem was engaging in risky sex.

The upper floor of the New Age Labs was all but unused. Thompson decided to experiment and develop it as a safe place for men to have sex. A client could rent an upper level room with a friend, or he could have a friend provided by the Lab. The man who used the room paid a fee for the room, not for the man. The New Age Lab house was on a large, heavily landscaped lot. Privacy was insured.

Milburn and Rodney moved in different social circles. They knew men who might be interested in their services. There was no need to advertize. It was all word of mouth. The labs ability to test for health problems was appealing.

I am Dudley Dooley; Rodney is an old friend. We were not exactly friends. I guess it would be more correct to say were sex buddies. The sex came first, the friendship came later. For a long time, my real job was taking care of my invalid mother. I worked as the night clerk at a local hotel and was the man at the counter at the public library in the daytime. I am a light sleeper and can take catnaps at any time and appear to be alert seconds later.

When my mother died, I gave up the hotel job and worked for Rodney. He put me in charge of quality control of Lab. All sperm had to be approved by lab technicians. Our donors were a mixed group. There were men who needed cash. There were men looking to find themselves. We had a number of men who were retired or worked odd hours and were looking for a way to get off and be paid for it.

Of course, killing time reading a newspaper and killing time by getting sexually excited and shooting off are different. Orgasms are obviously attractive, and are universally attractive to both gay and straight men.

From my personal life I was surprised at the number of straight men had no problem with a blow job. It was exciting, quick, and resulted in an orgasm. No one ever got pregnant and you didn't need to take the guy out for dinner. No one ever wanted to get married.

We never needed to specify the services our men provided for visitors on the second floor. Somehow, it seemed that most men were fully aware of the possibilities. Officially our men were paid staff members, mostly janitorial of grounds keepers. All personal services were free. The costs were solely for the rooms.

Some patrons came with a friend for an hour of relaxation and release. Each room had a small bath with a shower. Of course, all of the doors had locks for privacy. Some of the guests left the doors partially open if they were looking for companionship or were accepting of additional companions.

I was placed in charge of the second floor, I checked on the guests regularly. I am an ordinary looking guy with a slightly over sized cock and a tendency to be flexible sexually. I made sure every visitor was satisfied, happy and did what I can to help achieve pleasure. Our guests discovered that sex in a safe place with a safe man was anxiety free and much more enjoyable. The rest of their lives became more relaxed

I never planned for that to be my role, but I was surprised when I discovered that many men were inclusive in their sexual interests. Pleasure is not the sole preserve of couples, but can include trios, quartets, and quintets. Once and a while a group the size of a small chamber orchestra can be involved. Those typically occur on weekends.

My life changed dramatically when my house burned down. It was an attached duplex, and the other half of the house burned and took my house with it. I was away so I wasn't hurt. The attached duplex was owned but a local firm nick-named Sleaze, Ball & Son. They didn't maintain their properties without a court order.

Much to my surprise they offered me a half million for my house that was appraised at $200,000.00. The residents of the burned house apparently had a partially constructed meth lab in the basement. The owners didn't want any investigation. I got an additional $200,000.00 from my insurance company, so I was homeless but well off.

Milburn offered me a bedroom at the lab. I spent a good portion of my time there anyway. It was convenient for me and it gave me time to leisurely find a new place to live. The large room had been a storage room and was easily converted to a bedroom. I was next to a large six-man shower where one might make new friends. This was quite popular.

Our first employee was Woodrow, an insatiable, bear like man. While he was sexually driven, he was happy gently nursing a cock to an orgasm. His cock was thick so when he fucked, he used his cock to massage a sphincter open and then leave his sperm as a thank you gift. He liked ordinary, nice guys and their cocks, a wasn't looking for movie star good looks.

Woodrow did odd jobs, so he might visit the Labs at any time. He ejaculated sweet, thick cum that was admired by many of the patrons. He tended to like big, hairy men.

Gay men come in many shapes and sizes. As a general rule, big hairy men are not considered desirable. That was not a problem for Woodrow. Woodrow wasn't looking for a partner, he just enjoyed sex with men. That was a perfect match for a closeted businessman. Woody described his playmates as being straight with gay cocks and balls. He said they became flaming faggots while they were shooting off or draining his balls.

Woodrow's pal was Sinbad, a giant, tattooed muscle man. He was intimidating, but he craved cocks plowing his ass. He loved to be in his back with his legs in the air as a cock played tag with his prostate. He was happiest when he was sucking one guy as another guy fucked him.

Woodrow and Sinbad had another attractive trait. While they were openly interested in sex, they didn't seem too aggressive. A first-time visitor knew they were available, but they weren't pushy. Our other regular employees were Dusty and Bronco. They looked and sounded like extras in an old time Western Movie. They were partners and artists. Dusty was a painter. Bronco was a sculptor. They wanted a job with irregular hours that paid enough to put food on the table. Dusty had a jogger's body, thin, tall, and elegant. Bronco was a wrestler type, short, muscular, and massive.

To say their partnership was open, under states the case. Bronco told me that sex with other men gave Dusty a chance to paint. When they were together, they tended to fuck like rabbits and didn't get much work done. Dusty was hairy. Bronco smooth.

We had numerus customers. Some men had regular out of town trips that they could extend to visit us. Others visited when their wives were out of town. Some came after golf. One minister visited the sick and worked us into his schedule. Sometimes a two-hour gap between night school classes was useful.

Of course, the customers were nervous for the first visits. I talked to Darwin who was one of the first visitors and a Vice President of a bank. He had been with both Woody and Bronco and had enjoyed it. He had never experienced low stress gay sex. His playmates had been preapproved by Milburn, and here he was safe where no one would discover him.

Darwin had been a collegiate football star but had gone to seed. That didn't bother Woody or Bronco. Darwin's cock was still impressive, and he liked playmates didn't "look gay." Darwin was able to relax and enjoy the men. I talked with Bronco who said Darwin was nice and had opened his ass for his cock. "He said it was a first for him, but I had my doubts. He got pretty enthusiastic, but my cock is a friend maker," Bronco explained.

The next time I saw Darwin he had former football buddy with him, Bob. They visited Woody and spent an hour exchanging cum. Woody produced the champagne of sperm, sweet and plentiful. Woody was also a perceptive man and realized Darwin wanted Bob's home brew. It turned out that Woody's cock up Bob's ass inspired Bob's precum flow, which eventually became a full-scale orgasm, a treat for Darwin. Since doctors' ran the place everyone was heathy so having sperm on the menu was not a problem.

I was showering when Darwin and Woody they visited the gang shower for the first time. I was there with Larry who was a lab assistant with a taste for cock and his friend Marcus. Larry looked like a delicate, fragile boy and Marcus looked like the Missing Link's grandfather.

You could not have come up with a more varied group of men. I now realize that an interest in gay sex can cause a sense of brotherhood. It might be the universal brotherhood of man or, it might be just a group of men who loved cocks. Somehow everyone got along well right away and were intimately connected five or ten minutes later.

The room had multiple shower heads in a small area, so it was tight. Guys bumped into each other. Anyone who has been in a male locker room knows that touching another guy requires a lot of apologizing. That wasn't true here. I think for several men this shower room as the realization of a fantasy. Here you could touch, fondle, stroke, and suck. You were free to do what you had only dreamed about for years.

Woody introduced Darwin to Larry. Larry said hello, and then dropped to his knees and sucked Darwin's cock. Woody and Bronco got it on together, leaving me alone.

Donny entered the showers. Donny was the nom-de-cock of Rev. D. Walford Smith, a preacher of a large church. I didn't know him, but I knew of him. He was thin and almost deathly pale. I'm not sure he had ever been in daylight. He came over to me, bent over and swallowed my entire cock. Somehow, I knew mine wasn't his first cock.

Donny did a good imitation of a high-powered vacuum cleaner. My cock was down the throat of a master cock sucker. Marcus was behind me looking for a warm, dark place to store his cock. Don saw him and said, "I don't mind entertaining on the back porch, but I think your cock is in a different weight class than I am used to."

Marcus laughed. "I like a man who knows his limits. Now, Dudley had a nice tool. I bet his cock would fit," he said. Somehow five minutes later my cock head was in Donny's ass, trying to coax its way past his sphincter. I was sure I wasn't the first. His ass was lubricated. I assumed that virgins rarely were rarely lubricated their asses for a tea party.

Several other men wanted to use the shower, so we dried off and went to my bedroom. I am not sure if an orgy is wild, crazed sex or if is the number of participants. I wouldn't say the men were sex crazed, but I think all activities were directed towards orgasms. It seemed to me the men were willing to share their cocks, asses, and mouths. The sharing included the sticky and creamy residue of orgasms.

I was sucking Donny as Marcus entered my ass. Marcus' cock was oversized and stretched my anus. He was strong enough the shove it anywhere he wanted, but he took his time and eased it into me. Donny liked the view and his drooling cock reflected his excitement. Marcus didn't fuck you. His cock was like am occupying army. I felt as if I was just a part of him.

That night I realized this had been my Sunday School teachers' worst dream. I had trouble sorting out my feelings about it. Some of it was a blur; some was crystal clear. My Sunday School images of an orgy was of depraved men and women in a sexual frenzy. No one got pregnant at the party in my room. I was sure that no virgin lost his virginity at the party either.

The next day everything was back to normal. I spent the day at the library and got back to the lab at five. You entered the sperm bank from the front. There was a separate entrance off to the side for the upper level. As I walked by the sign-in desk, Dr. Thompson called me into this office. He introduced me to Lloyd, a thirty-five-year old man. Like me, Lloyd had been all but enslaved to his elderly parents who had just recently died. My life with my mother had been wild and crazy compared to his life.

I took Lloyd to my room and we talked. There were several sexual episodes with men in his life, but they were separated by years, and had been quick hook-ups. He had met with an older cousin at a funeral and had seen cocks at highway rest stops. He had a couple of quick interludes as a college student and some scary ones in a local park.

I told him that the men at the lab were nice guys and not aggressive. I had a feeling his parents had done a job on him. I got him to strip and go to the shower with me. While nudity had bad associations for Lloyd, showering to be clean was good. He was thin, pale, and embarrassed by his hairy chest. Marcus was the only man showering.

Marcus was not embarrassed at being hairy. Marcus wasn't shy either. Are you new here?" he asked of Lloyd. Lloyd nodded. "Welcome to the New Age Labs," he said as he dropped to his knees and swallowed Lloyd's cock. Lloyd was too shocked to move. By the time he got his wits back, Marcus' sucking had worked its magic. Lloyd took all of Lloyds' cum and it was obviously pleasurable for Lloyd. He went home after that.

Marcus and I finished the shower and we went to my room. Marcus wasn't my type, but I said I would like to sample his cock. Of course, that was fine with him. I planned to take a few quick licks, but once I started, I couldn't stop. I got a bit carried away, and he told me I had been an unexpectedly good bottom.

He had fucked me earlier, but that had been a polite, social fuck. This time he was more vigorous and was into it. I got into it too. I was less tense than before, and the cock seemed almost friendly. Marcus seemed to be exploring my ass, and it seemed to be stimulating new areas. It was big and I thought it totally occupied me. I was wrong about that. There was room for his massive sperm dump. For the first time I felt it was a gift. I wasn't just a used cum receptacle.

Two days later Lloyd returned with a friend, Norman. Norman was handsome and nervous. Lloyd asked for me at the door, so I told them to come to my room. I talked with them and realized they were in love but had not sexually connected. In some ways Norman made Lloyd seem like a sophisticated man of the world. Norman was timid and shy.

I decided to be direct. I thought that pussyfooting around the subject of sex was going to waste time and effort. The Labs were a place for sex, pleasure, and relaxation not discussion. Norman told me he knew that, but he wasn't sure that that entailed. He didn't know what gay sex was, and he didn't know how to do it.

I suggested that we go to the showers. The men there knew the ropes. "Many of them are exhibitionists so they will not mind if you watch. I also told him that we had to be nude in the shower. "Everyone there will be naked too," I explained.

Norman was handsome, but he was better looking naked. He was in good shape and well endowed. He was nervous, but I told him he looked great.

"I assume you are close. The men here are friendly. Will you guys be insulted if a stranger sucks you? Are you a couple?" I asked.

"We are not a couple yet," Lloyd said.

"Sex is fun, and most of us are looking for recreational sex. No one is planning to marry you," I explained.

We went next door to the shower room. Phil, a retired schoolteacher, was there talking to Larry. New men were always exciting, and a handsome man was doubly so. I introduced Lloyd and Norman. Larry chatted but Phil dropped to his knees and alternated sucking both of them. Phil was a distinguished older man and not the sort of man you would expect to be so forward.

Norman was nervous but he was fully erect too. "You said the men were friendly here," Norman said to me.

Phil looked up. "I was an unmarried school teach for thirty years. I had to be careful about every comment and movement. Now I'm free and can have some fun," Phil said. "Are you okay?"

"I'm more than okay," Norman said, "I'm afraid I may shoot off."

"Has anyone taken your load in the mouth?" Phil asked. Norman nodded. He kept on sucking, but Lloyd joined him. The shared Norman's load. Lloyd stood and kissed Norman. Phil began to suck Lloyd who soon unloaded in Phil's mouth. When Phil stood the three of them kissed and shared the loads in Phil's mouth. It's hard to underestimate the drive of men in heat. Lloyd and Norman became regular visitors.

Next: Chapter 2

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