The Neophyte

By Nathan Amsterdamn

Published on Feb 14, 2012


The following story is an erotic work of fiction. There will be scenes of bisexuality, heterosexuality and homosexuality depicted in the story or combinations thereof. If you are not of legal age to read stories of this nature or you are offended by the subject matter contained herein do not read any further. This work is considered private property and protected by all applicable copyright laws.

E-mail: nathanamsterdamn "at" yahoo "dot" com Subject line: The Neophyte

The Neophyte By Nathan Amsterdamn

I lay there pinned to the floor beneath the weight of his body, speechless. He sat on my chest smiling down at me, unbuttoning the fly of his Levis. First he unbuttoned the top button and then the next almost making a choreograph production of it. I don't know why, but for some reason I was excited and filled with anticipation as the choreography played.

Once he reached the last button the opening at the crotch of his Levis splay open in a V revealing white Jockey shorts with a sizeable bulge hidden beneath the fabric. Slow and deliberate he hooked his thumbs in the waistband of the shorts, whereby without a word he then began slowly working the waistband down the pubic area.

My eyes widened, my mouth began to water and my breathing began to increase. I watched the dark narrow trail of hair with anticipation. Millimeter by millimeter the front of the underwear was inching downward ready to unveil the hidden treasure.

Suddenly, an enormous semi-hard circumcised cock flopped out from behind the curtain of secrecy only inches away from my face. He hooked the waistband underneath his scrotum as I took in the fresh manly scent. I stared at the exposed package in awe thinking what a magnificent sight. A piece of manhood the likes I'd never seen before.

His scrotal sac appeared to be filled with nice pecan size nuts. I'd never seen such a beautiful sight and was fascinated by the thrill of it all. My cock had become stiff by the sight and smell before me. I wanted it, but was hesitant. I couldn't understand why I felt confused, yet excited by the sight before me. I wanted to touch it and taste it. I had a girlfriend who was off attending college at the time this was happening.

Deb and I had been having sex since our sophomore year in high school, so I didn't think I was queer. Over the years we'd been together Deb and I had tried almost everything imaginable sexually, except intercourse. All the time we were together she would not relent and let me fuck her, even if I used a condom. She never told me why.

I didn't suffer penetration remorse because we learned how to please each other in so many other ways without engaging in intercourse. Actually, Deb had taught me almost everything I knew about sex during our high school relationship. She was a year older than me. I'd been accelerated in grade school, so when we first met we were freshmen. She had a steady boyfriend who was older, a senior, when we first met. However, after he graduated and went onto college out of state our relationship began to blossom.

Soon our relationship became more than holding hands and an occasional kiss at school. Our sex life started for us I would imagine much in the same way it begins for other teens. We began to experiment sexually fully clothed, just making out at first, and then heavy petting kissing and touching that led to sexual arousal. However, I was the neophyte when it came to sex. I was the learner, and she was the more experienced teacher.

Oh sure, I'd masturbated and even participated in a little mutual masturbation with my buds as a youngster. I discovered at a very early age touching my penis brought about an erection and feelings of pleasure. However, the pleasures to which my teacher introduced me went far beyond the act of sexually pleasing myself.

For some unexplained reason boys grow up thinking they know it all when it comes to sex simply because they are guys. I don't' think so. I let Deb take the lead during the early months of our relationship. She taught me the art of tactile touching, whereby we would stimulate each other's erogenous zones. I soon discovered that she possessed a profuse personality for sexual interaction with a proclivity for sex that was far beyond me and advanced for her years.

The teacher and I had a lot in common. We were both academically ahead of most of our peers; we were good athletes and almost had the same color hair. Deb was a strawberry blonde; whereas, my hair was more an auburn hue, but we both presented the same shade of red in our pubic areas. Deb possessed average size breasts for a teenager with very appealing nipples.

Once I got to see them Deb's nipples fascinated me. I quickly develop a taste for those ever so succulent little nubs. If I breathed on them they would snap to attention, getting as hard as my cock, just as quickly. My nipples had been a cause for some discomfort during my school years. Not only were my nipples outies just rubbing against the fabric of my T-shirt would bring the little bumps to life. They became instantaneously erect showing up as protrusions on the front of my shirts.

I didn't have man boobs, but did have well-developed pectorals, so with well-define pecs my nipples were visible to all when wearing nothing but a T-shirt. My nipples were not as large as Deb's; however, they did stand out from my chest about three eights of an inch and were every bit as thick as an eraser on the end of a pencil. Deb enjoyed them and considered them to be succulent. The first few weeks of our relationship we spent much time making out fully clothed, learning about each other's bodies. I would discover that Deb enjoyed dry humping.

When we were making out we would position ourselves so my hard cock aligned with her vagina. Deb would then lock her legs around my waist spurring me onto action. As we continued to date the frotting became more intense, dry humping in our underwear. She would position the head of my cock to line up with the top of her vagina where it would stimulate her clit as we rocked back and forth.

As she spurred me on she would whisper rather loudly in my ear how much she wanted me. Breathless we would rock back and forth and say things like, "Oh yes, oh yeah fuck me baby. Fuck me, make me cum baby."

Deb having an orgasm was the least of our concerns. After the first dry humping experience we discovered that we would have to put down a bath towel, because the cushion on the couch had a huge wet spot on it when we finished. I couldn't get my homework or practice done fast enough to meet up with Deb every evening at her babysitting job.

Once the kids were put to bed we would begin making out while listening to music or watching television. Both of us were in good shape physically. She was a dancer and softball player. I was a baseball player and wrestler, so we both possessed excellent physiques. As we made out which always seemed to end dry humping to orgasms Deb quickly discovered which of my erogenous zone buttons to stimulate. I swiftly learned about hers. One night she discovered that she could make me cum playing with my nipples.

At first I was a little self-conscious about the fact that my nipples were such a great source of sexual pleasure. I had heard that only girls derived sexual gratification from nipple play. I'll never forget the night she discovered that my nipples were sensitive to touch. I was sitting on the floor between her legs, as I did many times, whereby she was massaging my neck.

To my delight after a few minutes of massage her hands moved down the front of my T-shirt where she began to stimulate my nipples, flicking and rubbing, whereby they immediately became erect. As she worked the hard bumps on my chest I began to squirm and sigh blissfully, signifying pleasure of her touch.

Deb continued playing with my nipples for about fifteen minutes while kissing around my ear and neck, then suddenly I let out a sigh of pleasure -- I'd cum in my pants. She whispered into the ear that she'd been kissing and nuzzling, "We're going to have to work on that. You came too quickly."

After a few more days of training dedicated to cum control we moved from nipple stimulation onto oral genital pleasuring. I had never had a blowjob before, but it was evident that she had given blowjobs before. The first time she took the head of my cock into her wet mouth I was hooked like a drug addict to heroin. She was an expert. No, for a teenager Deb was an artist when it came to performing fellatio as well as when it came to teaching me how to control my orgasms.

When it came to oral pleasure she was a master of her craft. Deb's tongue was one of her most talented assets. She taught me how to reciprocate using my tongue with expertise to satisfy her.

Oh My God, once I perfected giving head the girl could cum and cum and cum. Her clit when aroused grew from the size of a garden pea to the size small strawberry; it would turn red, standing at attention much like my cock, awaiting each soft caress. She would give out with muffled squeals of pleasure as I would brush my tongue across the top of it and give it a little special swirl. Over time I developed my own special little techniques to titillate that sensory button at the top of the vulva.

After a few weeks of schooling in the art of giving head I could make Deb squirm and twitch uttering unintelligible moans and groans, whereby she would orgasm multiple times before forcing my head away from between her thighs. Soon we were performing six-nine style at least three to four times a week. It was about this time that she made another discovery, making me aware that my asshole was sensitive to touch.

One night while we were orally pleasing each other her finger tip slipped from my scrotum moving down the taint where her fingernail grazed my asshole, causing me to jump and yelp for joy. As she nursed my cock she continued playing with my tight pucker, flicking the sensitive area with her finger nail causing me to continue squirming, moaning and groaning. She released my cock from her mouth asking, "Have you ever been fucked back there."

"No!" I said emphatically.

"You want to try letting me finger your asshole?"

I wasn't sure I wanted anyone sticking anything up my ass, so I asked, "Have you ever taken finger or a guy's cock back there?"

"No, Alex was way too big, but I've used my vibrator back there. That's so bitchin."

"Really," I said.

"Yeah, I'd let you do me back there if you want."

I felt somewhat crushed by that statement about size. I felt she was basically telling me that I had a small cock, but I knew I was bigger than average. So, I asked, "Is that why you won't let me screw you because my cock isn't big enough?"

"Oh Hell no baby, that's not what I meant. Your dick is hella big enough to satisfy me."

In the meantime my cock had deflated after such a devastating comment, so she repositioned facing me and said, "Sometimes guys can be too damn big. You've got a perfect dick baby. It's just that Alex was hung like King Kong and he didn't have the finesse of touch you have baby."

I didn't reply. I was still a little hurt that Deb thought my cock didn't measure up. So I asked, "How big was he?"

"He was about eight inches long and probably at least six inches thick, maybe seven or eight. I never measured it. His thickness was the killer."

"How were you able to take something that big in your mouth?"

"I couldn't," She said, "I would just lick around the head. He would try to push my head down on it. Hell, I couldn't close my hand around the damn thing it was so huge, much less take all of it in my mouth."

"Why did you date him?" I asked.

"He was a big jock and had a reputation at school. Oh, by the way, now you've got something of a reputation as being pretty well endowed because we're dating," Deb replied with a grin.

"Well, that makes me feel a little better," I replied.

"Baby, your dick is big enough to satisfy me, but your fingers and tongue are way more talented than Alex. Moreover, we've got something real special between us. Most guys don't have a clue about making love to a girl, you do. They think all it takes to make love is a big dick. We've worked together and you've learned the greatest lesson of lovemaking -- foreplay."

"I guess I owe all that to you baby," I replied.

"No, I just showed you where and how women enjoy being touched to stimulate them sexually. You were a great learner. You've got great finesse when it comes to touch and satisfying me."

I leaned forward kissing her passionately on her lips. Our bodies closed together in a tight hot embrace.

"When I get done babysitting tonight will you spend the night with me? My folks are out of town for the long weekend."

"Sure, I just have to call my mom and let her know I won't be home," I advised.

I thought to myself maybe I was finally going to get lucky and Deb was going to let my one-eyed trouser snake sneak a peak at the inner workings of her pussy. I made the call to my mom and talked my way into spending the night with a friend on the wrestling team. Anyway, it was a four day weekend, so Thursday was Deb's last night of babysitting until the next Monday.

Once we got to Deb's house we stripped out of our clothing and took a long sensuous shower together. There was much kissing and making out in the shower. I noticed that she paid special attention to my asshole, cleansing it thoroughly. I reciprocated using the flexible shower head as she'd done with me, cleaning her up. When the water started to cool we rinsed, dried and then slid under the big comforter on Deb's queen size bed.

After a good bit of cuddling, hugging and kissing Deb coaxed me into turning opposite each other so we could six-nine. We moved into position whereby we began pleasuring each other. After a few minutes of oral genital stimulation I felt Deb move to a position where she had better access to my bottom side. Unexpectedly, I felt her tongue slither down my taint touching my asshole.

Wow! I'd never experienced tongue contact on my asshole before, what great foreplay. I began twitching and squirming as the unexpected intruder continued performing, her tongue lightly flicking around my sphincter. I knew we were clean down there, so after a few minutes I decided to return the favor.

I followed her lead duplicating all her moves. As soon as my tongue moved from her pussy I began kissing and licking my way down her taint area working towards her asshole. When my tongue hit the target she began vocalizing her pleasure. Deb had been a vocal person since we began engaging in sex, something she'd taught me, but that night she was squealing with delight.

Boys learn early not to utter sounds when performing sexually. Guys couldn't chance getting caught by our parents when we would masturbate of a night in the bedroom. However, I was enjoying my new found freedom of vocal expression.

I was brought out of my moments of memory by a voice asking, "So, what do think of it?"

"Wow!" I exclaimed. "That is a sight."

"Do you want to play with it or kiss it?"

Again, I was somewhat confused and tormented by the situation before me. I wanted to touch it. Hell, I wanted to take it in my mouth and taste it, but I feared being labeled if I did anything. I didn't want this guy to go blabbing around that I was queer. However, I was excited. My cock was straining for release inside my pants. I thought maybe just some mutual masturbation might quench my desire for what was before me.

[Okay, now that I've teased you [my readers] who do you think the guy is sitting on my chest? Will I go for his beautiful cock or wait a while?]

Next: Chapter 2

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