The Negotiating Table

By Onatangent

Published on May 7, 2020



The Negotiating Table


It was the fifth hour of contract negotiations. Well, the fifth hour that day. Who knows how long it had been since the whole thing started.

Confusion was at the root of it all, which is of course when lawyers love to swoop in. Aaron and I had both been with the company a while. Him for fifteen years, me for ten. Moving up the ranks quickly, becoming the left- and right-hand man, respectively, of Mr. Rutger, the founder.

And now with Mr. Rutger gone - heart attack - exactly who was going to run things? His second-in-command, his will had said. But that could have been either of us. Millions of dollars, and the future of the company, hung in the balance.

And so here we were, documents strewn over the table, nattering lawyers trying to sort things out, the two of us sitting quietly and staring at each other. We'd been friendly rivals for a long time. Competent and capable, both of us working towards the same goal. This was new.

I smirked. I, of course, had an ace up the sleeve. Or, rather, an envelope in the pocket. It had been delivered to me just that morning.

I waited until the afternoon break. Everyone filed out of the room and headed for some much-needed coffee. I stopped them. "Take an extra long one, everyone. Aaron, I want to discuss something in private." My head lawyer nodded. Seemed appropriate. Maybe we could settle.

Aaron followed me back into the room. Stuffy, but a lot quieter now. I shut the door.

"What's this about?"

"Aaron, I think we can probably end this right now."



I reached into the accordion folder I'd brought that morning and laid a manila folder out on the table. "Go on, open it."

He did, and lifted it up. Out of its top spilled a pile of photographs and papers. His eyes widened and he blanched.

Lewd pictures covered the table. Pictures of him. Some with the banner heading of the sites they'd been found on: AnonyBear, Hidden Camera Guys, Others seemed to be straight from the camera.

Very few of them had his face in the shot. But Aaron had the flash of recognition in his eyes immediately. There he was, decked in leather, thick cock wet with lube dangling between his legs or pushing between the cheeks of a guy in front of him. Shots where his arm was a blur smacking a thick red ass. Tying guys up in ropes, and straps, and from the ceiling. Making them beg. Fisting them. Making them stand at attention. Barking orders.

That was just the pictures. Poking out of the envelope still were the chatlogs. Anonymous, but Aaron clearly knew and remembered them. Chat logs talking to random strangers, telling them how he was going to run their lives, making them squirm. Giving them orders through the chat. One can only wonder whether they actually did the things he was telling them to do. But it certainly made them excited.

I leaned back in my chair, arms crossed and settled on top of my stomach, watching him go through them. I could see his expression change from shocked to worried, his initial opportunity to deny they were him passing.

He took a deep breath and looked back at me. "How did you get these?"

I shrugged "I have a very good research team. You always gotta be prepared."

He narrowed his eyes. "So blackmail then? That's how we're going to play this out? Are you sure you want to go that route?"

I paused and grinned, then finally laughed. "No, no, you've got this all wrong."

I reached out and put my hand down on the pile of pictures, fingers spread. "Aaron, this is the hottest shit I have ever seen in my life."

He sat ramrod straight. "What?"

I shrugged "I expected them to find, like, you'd broken company vacation policy or something. I didn't know they were going to uncover a fucking sex god dom!"

He puffed his chest out a bit and smirked. Everyone likes being called a sex god.

"Okay so if this isn't blackmail, then what?"

I sighed "Aaron, I have two dreams in life. Two mutually incompatible dreams. One of them is to run this company."

He nodded.

"The other dream... well, as commanding as I can be here, I've always been very submissive in my personal life. I love to serve. I love to be used." I couldn't help but lean forward a bit. The mere thought was getting me revved up.

"But I don't just want to play it when I go home. I want to live it. I want to be a submissive slave. It's what I dream about every night. I go to professionals, I go to parties, I get ordered around, I love every second of it, and I never want it to end. And I don't get tired of it. Every vacation I've taken for years has been to serve a professional master for the entire time."

He was looking me up and down in a new way, a smirk at the side of his lips. I could tell what he was imagining.

I took out another, smaller envelope and slid it to him. "That's not all my researchers found. This is an email from Rutger to you, letting him know you're beneath me on the totem pole. I got this this morning, along with the photos. The position is mine as soon as the lawyers see this."

"I didn't think..." he grimaced.

"Aaron, I have two dreams in life. And right now I can have my pick of either of them. And what I want is to be a slave. I want to be your slave. You're the right dom, I know it. Aaron, you can have the company and the millions of dollars, but you have to take me as your responsibility. Be my master, be my owner. Use me, order me, fuck me, forever."

He was calm in his seat, as though taking time to process it all. Not jumping at anything maybe because it didn't seem quite real yet. "You're so sure about this... you don't even know me outside work and these photos, and you want to go straight to slave?"

I nodded, my heart racing. "Look at the bottom of the pile... my researchers didn't notice this, but I paperclipped them together." He pushed the top pictures aside. At the bottom he found a few photos clipped to a chatlog.

The pictures had Aaron, face covered in a dark mesh mask, hovering over a chubby man in a pup hood, leash, and collar, his cock locked in a small metal cage between his legs, hog-tied on his back. In one of the pictures Aaron was ramming hard into the man's ass. In another the man was sticking his tongue out to lick Aaron's balls. In another the man was being led by the leash around the room on all fours, his ass plugged. The chatlog was long, a back-and-forth about all the things they would do, just how much Aaron (BearFuckDom) was going to ruin my body and order me (subbearmeetup) around. Then, nothing for a while, and then copious pleading thanks from subbearmeetup about how good it had been. BearFuckDom told him to keep the cage on a while.

Aaron looked up. "Is that... is that you?" I nodded "I didn't know it was you either at the time. But that's definitely me. And that's you. You made me cum twice that night without touching me, just from ordering me around and fucking me."

"I must have left quite an impression."

I bit my lip "you certainly did... you told me to keep the cage on but not how long. And, well..." I stood, dropping my fly and letting the cage peek out. "Every time I think about taking it off, I remember how you felt and looked in front of me and can't imagine disobeying."

"But that was like a year ago!"

I tapped on the cage "Haven't been fully hard since then." I look up "See? Slave material, aren't I?" I smirked.

He looked at me a while, not saying anything, then nodded and stood, walking around the table. He leaned over and put his hands on my shoulders, then paused.

Then, he spun me in the chair to face him and leaned his knee on my crotch, making me grunt and squirm, taken by surprise.

He then stood me up and pushed me over onto the table, landing with my back on the papers with a thud. He jumped up on the table and undid his fly, that same cock I'd known before jumping straight out, tip already glistening with pre.

He straddled my head with his knees and leaned over, his cock at my mouth. I opened and he shoved it in.

He growled "Fuck I've wanted to do this for ages. Who knew I already had?" He pushed all the way down my throat. Thankfully I'd had plenty of practice on plenty of cocks. "This is a slave contract, boy. It's sealed as soon as you swallow my cum." I nodded and moaned, my cock twitching in its cage.

He got on all fours above me and began to thrust all the way into my throat and then back out. "Don't think just because you're giving me a company I'm going to go easy on you either, boy. I'm going to run every second of your little life. I'm going to fuck you within an inch of your life." He reached down with one hand and grabbed my left nipple through my shirt, twisting it and making me gasp.

"And I'm not going to be satisfied with the company either. I know that's not all you have. I'm going to take it all, leave you with nothing but your servitude." He shoved his cock down my throat once again and I moaned loudly around it, my body quivering while he rammed hard into me, my body shaking from the force. I felt more submissive than I ever had and was out of my head, deliriously happy, still not quite able to believe my luck.

He arched his back, his stomach and shirt grinding into my face while his cock slid down my throat over and over. He moved faster and faster, his balls smacking my chin. Finally he seized up and cum began to pump directly down my throat, the taste creeping back up into my mouth as he shot over and over. I shuddered and twitched and cum spurted and oozed from the tip of my cage, staining my pants. I breathed hard around his cock - that had never happened without anything in my ass before. I was seeing stars.

He panted and slowly pulled from my throat. He smacked my cheek with his wet thick cock and smiled. "Forget my name. I'll forget yours. I'm Sir to you. And you're Boy." I nodded "Yes Sir."

I was just about vibrating in place, my body humming, feeling the lightness of my servitude on me, knowing that I'm there to serve Him, to be there for Him and to be used by my Sir. A piece of property. I couldn't help but grin, stopping only to lick a drop of cum from my lips.

"Sit back down and make yourself presentable." He said. "You can hide that cumstain under the table. Now that we have an arrangement, let's close out this legal dispute."

I nodded "Yes Sir, of course."

"Then let's send the lawyers home quickly." He licked his lips "I want to make you crawl around my new office before I fuck you under the desk." He tucked his cock back in his pants and reached for the door.

Filled with excitement, filled with purpose, the taste of his cum on my lips still. I tried to contain myself and just nodded. "Yes. Yes, Sir."

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