The Natives Are Friendly

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Jan 26, 2008




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM



"You'd better set us down someplace where there's not very many of the natives." Captain Ledgerton opined. "Some deserted area."

Lieutenant Spinner smirked. "The trick would be to set the ship down someplace where there ARE very many natives." he pointed out. "This place is so deserted, it's a world-wide desert."

That was true, as the caramel and tan colors of the cloud-free areas declared. Nowhere was there a wash of blue, no oceans, no seas, not even lakes. If there was water on this world other than the few clouds and the ice caps, it was not free-standing water."

Captain Ledgerton wasn't put out. "They have at least a rudimentary civilization down there." he pointed out accurately. In the radio frequencies, this planet shone bright as a star. Bright as, say, the Earth did back in the 1900's, before everything converted into using microwave frequencies during the 21st Century. "Set us down near one of the more minor points."

"I don't see anything resembling a city on the entire damned planet." Lt. Spinner mentioned needlessly. "No lights on the dark side."

"A desert world, Lt. Spinner, don't you think they'd choose to build underground, perhaps? Their entire civilization may be under the sand."

"Damned sure isn't on top of it."

Capt. Ledgerton let that one slide. "We need a volunteer to make first contact." he said. "Did I hear you volunteer, Lt. Spinner?"

"Me?" Lt. Spinner said, but a sidewise glance at his commanding officer told him not to make a joke of this one. "If you say so, aye, aye, sir." His crewmates, six in the control room, were all grinning. They'd known better than to catch the captain's eye at a time like this.

"Nothing fancy, just judge their xenophobia, make basic contact and get a general idea of their culture." Capt. Ledgerton told him.

"In other words, go find out if the natives are friendly, aye, aye, sir." Lt. Spinner said. As he left the control room to head toward the airlock three decks down, alone, he let his normally pleasant, handsome face crinkle into a scowl. "Damn it! Buck naked on a desert. I ought to get a medal for this one. Or at least sunscreen!"

First contact was always made stark naked. Spinner knew he was a pretty good example of young male human, which may have been why Capt. Ledgerton had volunteered him for this assignment. Earth Command had drilled the routines into every spaceman it sent out into the cosmos, with an intense refresher course when you were picked to visit an unknown world such as this one, (Beta Canum Venaticorum 2, it would get a more specific name when they'd learned it from the natives, Earth was polite about such things these days), so he knew darned well what to do. Just let himself be seen, not make any threatening gestures, keep his language simple, try to convey peaceful intent, and not give away any more about Earth than he could avoid until the natives were better known.

Local scans had shown a native, apparently alone, traveling his direction, one reason for the choice of landing sites when they had gotten close enough to distinguish individuals. All he had to do was wait.

The sun wasn't as bad as it could have been, he was sweating but not too badly. Not a single damned cloud in the sky, but old Beta up there was a cooler star than Sol, he could be out here for an hour or so without suffering heatstroke. First contact rarely lasted longer than that.

Here came the native, a shapeless being in a dark-brown robe. Couldn't tell a thing about the native in a getup like that. A bit taller than Spinner, but not so much, say, six foot six. Threads were loose around the robe and flapped about.

As the native got near, Spinner gulped. Those weren't threads, those were tentacles of some kind. If they'd been on the native's head, he would have had locks Medusa would have envied. They appeared to be small snakes! Were they the native's head?

No, the native reached up with three of the "snakes" and removed his hood to peer at Spinner. The face thus revealed bore a distinct kinship with the lizard. The yellow eyes had irises that were slitted like a cat's, not circular like a humans, they could constrict (horizontally, not vertically as on Earth) to mere lines. Were those ears on the sides of his head, or a form of gills? The mouth and nose were surprisingly human-like...but that had been noticed long ago by Earth science, the big-heads muttered about parallel evolution and "most efficient form for intelligence," but it all boiled down to a fancy form of "I don't know!" Nose, mouth and eye had whitish "third eyelids" that would dart back and forth, covering the openings, perhaps without conscious thought such as Spinner's own heart beating a little faster now, readying the body for fight or flight if need be, the eyelids must be a means of deflecting dust which was much too common on this world.

Okay, first contact's first rule: Show yourself harmless as you can. Spinner raised his right hand slowly and spread out his fingers. "Hello. Take me to your leader." What he said wouldn't matter, later on, the experts would set out to learn the native's language and teach some of them Earth Basic. Everything about him had to project kindness, gentleness, inoffensiveness, he was harmless, he was friendly, he was ready to share with this alien.

A wave of emotion hit him like a hammer! Well, like a foam-rubber hammer, it didn't hurt him any, but it was definitely coming from the alien and aimed right at him. Spinner blinked, he realized that this was how the alien communicated, with raw emotional impulses!

All right, then, what had the alien said? Hello, I wish you well, you are odd-looking, why are you unprotected from the day's radiation?

Spinner took a breath. Concentrate on what he wanted to say, then just beam the raw essence of them. I wish you well, I come in peace from a faraway place, way up in the heavens, I am unprotected to show you I come in peace, is what he tried to broadcast in return.

Another slap with the emotional foam mallet, it was rather like those games they give children, the large bats that couldn't hurt anyone, so let them whale away on each other all they felt like! No, don't think about that! Peaceful thoughts. What had the alien said this time?

Welcome to this world, traveler from afar, is what he decided it had said. I greet you in peace and I return it in kind.

A motion by the tentacular manipulation organs (Hands? Fingers?) and the robe was cast aside, the alien stood before him equally uncovered save for a pair of soft-looking red boots upon its feet. If Spinner had been walking about on this world, he would have wanted such boots, they looked capable of protecting the feet from anything and everything it came across. Whereas for his own bare tootsies, if the sun were a few degrees hotter, he would have been dancing instead of holding still!

Now, just how xenophobic was this alien? Not at all, if it was willing to get naked with Spinner to show goodwill! What else? Nothing much, except maybe to figure out how the native felt about humans in general. Would they be friendly and open to trade, or would they rather be left alone? How much interaction would they want with humans?

What could they use from humans? Spinner looked over the alien, those snake-like tentacles went up as high as what would have been elbows on a human. They seemed capable of independent motion over a range of nearly three feet. Except for this, and the oddities about the face, this native was rather human-looking (parallel evolution again), especially around the pubic area. That cock would, save for its greenish tint, have looked right at home on a human being! Interaction, heck, he wouldn't mind interacting with a dong like that! Sex on board ship was forbidden, for no good reason Spinner could see. He had been away from sexual contact for over three weeks, and well ready to check out a little native action. Say, when they got back to civilization. Meanwhile, he shook himself, he had a question to ask, would the natives be interested in an interchange of information and good and so on?

He broadcast this as well as he could. The answer came back in a surprisingly simple emotional response. Yes.

Yes? Yes to what? The native had stepped closer to Spinner, now he was in range of those tentacles. Maybe the alien was going to show him something....

The next thing he got was a tentacle wrapping itself around his cock! He had had an erection and not known it until that tentacle told him in no uncertain terms of its condition.

Emotions washed over him from the alien. Yes, yes, together, you and I, yes, the combining of life, the joining of bodies, the exchange of delight, yes, yes, you and I, we will join.

His emotions had gotten mixed up, his little distraction of lust had hooked itself onto his basic question. Hell, who expected to be trying to communicate with their emotions, though?

What to say to the alien? Say that this was not a good idea? Say that they may be making a huge mistake? Say that...say that the tentacle's tip turned out to be nothing snake-like at all, it was soft and smooth and the tip was sucking at the tip of the glans! "Ah, geez!" Spinner said, and his emotions rushed out whether he wanted them to or not! Yes, yes, uh, God, yes, more, more, more!

More it shall be, came the response from the alien. More tentacles came out, one cupped his balls and stroked them lovingly, two more found his tender nipples, two more stroked his thighs, two more...Oh, God, he was being touched in every sensitive spot on his body! No human could have given him all this at once. Four or five guys, maybe, if they coordinate ahead of time, if they had studied Spinner's body in exacting detail, might have come close to this! As it was, he was in the hands of the most adept, agile, comprehensive lover he'd ever had!

"Oh, God, fuck, yeah!" He breathed. His emotions couldn't help but convey his meaning, transmit his wants, impart his desires!

Of course, came the answer. I shall give you this ultimate combining." the native soothed his nerves with emotive emollients of lust lotion. His body understood it even when Spinner didn't, entirely, for when the alien scooted into position, Spinner's legs rose up and the long green dong slid itself (it, too, was somewhat prehensile!) into Spinner's anus.

Once inside, his body was given the fuck of a lifetime. This cock wasn't just pushing and pulling itself in and out of Spinner's body, it was twisting, turning, moving to touch the most active of Spinner's internal passion-points, his prostate was stroked with every motion, his intestines were spared the worst of the invasiveness of an anal-insertion, instead, the cock gave way when it met resistance, then coaxed the body to permit itself entrance, motion, delight! There was no lubrication applied and none needed, this native's prong coaxed the body into accepting it, rather than using oil to slide itself in without permission. It was sex with a "Mother, may I?" thrown in!

And those tentacles were driving him mad! Spinner couldn't help but exude emotion at every stroke, what felt good, what felt bad, the alien immediately altered and guided his tentacle to maximize the good, minimize and cancel the bad, soon his body was being rushed along the path of orgasm with the single-minded intensity of a guided missile!

One tentacle entered his mouth, Spinner had wanted to suck on something without having the need expressed, his emotions had told the native, though, and it had obliged by extending the tentacle, the round body of this appendage was too small for a cock (about the diameter of a naked frankfurter), it fit well within his mouth and he could demonstrate his delight at the passions that were washing over him.

And even in this, the native aided him. Emotions from without heterodyned emotions from within, so that his body throbbed in a rapid beat, his heart sped up to match it, forming a chorus, his cock's nerves were stroked by the tentacles wrapped around it (was it three of them now working his pud up and down?) and Spinner felt his orgasm screaming into his brain.

I'm coming now, I'm coming! He beamed at the alien, and the alien reflected that back to him so that he was in the throes of lust unknown before in his lifetime. Once, when very young, he had been brought to the edge of climax time and again by a lover, but denied his completion, so that when he finally did ejaculate, he spurted with the force of a fire hose! That was what happened here, his jism sprayed high up into the air, falling like rain all around them. Three times his normal come-load was produced, he felt like there was a good cupful of the white sprinkles landing all around on the thirst desert sand! He wanted this to last forever, he wanted the native to join him in this unending ejaculation, let them both drown in their own emissions, let them swim in the white fluid of love, let them be like this, eternal and infinite, forever!

The native did, somehow, prolong his orgasm, he was shook by the delight for far longer than his usual five-seconds of rapture, he clung and moaned and shook, shuddering with the passion that wracked his body harder than any other action would or could, he had vented his very life out of his cock, and this native, this wonderful, marvelous, beneficial alien, had given him all of this as a gift!

What could he give it in return? His mind thought hard, of all he knew, all he could reach for or dream of or find.

And it was over. The native released him, backed away, took up and donned his robe once more. Spinner felt a bit embarrassed at having to remain naked, but he mustered what calm dignity he could and went back into the open airlock. Behind him, he saw the alien was walking on in the path it had been on before he had arrived on the scene, as if nothing extraordinary had occurred.

Capt. Ledgerton was waiting the other side of the airlock. "Just what the hell was that little display of alley-cat sex about?" he demanded. "You're supposed to talk to the natives, not fuck their brains out!"

"It was him fucking mine out." Spinner said with feeling. He told what he could about the encounter. "And so we have encountered a race of empaths." He concluded. "They read every emotion, including the ones we'd rather they didn't. That's how I ended up on the ground. Not that I have any complaints, they make hellaciously good lovers. I may have to ask for a ground assignment here. The natives are definitely friendly, and then some!"

"We'll see about that when we get back home to Earth." Capt. Ledgerton said. "A race of mind-readers like this, Earth needs to be told, soonest." It was a paradox of space travel that the ships could travel faster than any signal, the ship was its own best means of communication. So Spinner went to get checked out and the ship headed home.

It took some time for Spinner to learn the complete fall-out of his one meeting. The alien, in listening to him dither about how to repay somehow the act of lovemaking, had been given during this innocuous thought an overview of Earth and everything about it, and the alien's "backreading" of his thoughts filled in with all the details which the native had broadcasted to his people at the same time. The natives jumped technologically from 20th Century Earth to contemporaneous with Earth technology in the space of a few years. So before Earth could mount a real expedition to visit Beta Canum Venaticorum 2, the Venaticorumians had come to visit Earth, in force. Underneath the barren sands of their homeworld was a civilization that numbered in the hundreds of billions and the fleet that came to Earth easily matched in number Earth's entire population, every man, woman and child, young and old, one for one and then some.

But while it did have some of the hallmarks of an invasion, in that a lot of natives took on a lot of humans all at once, there was a distinct difference from the normal meaning of the word.

After all, nobody ever died from being loved too much, or too well.


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM



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