The Names They Called Him

Published on Apr 21, 2011



Trevor moved and heard the grunt. The body that pressed against his moved too and an arm landed across his bare chest. At the end of the arm fingers found a comfortable position over his genitals.

He was hard and the fingers surrounded his erection not to stroke it or even play. It seemed to be an easy placement of the fingers.

Trevor smiled as he felt the steady breath on the back of his neck. He moved to adjust his body and felt the hardness that pressed between his buttocks as if that's where it belonged.

He was happier than he had been in years. In only a few months his termination of being a highschooler would occur and he'd be free.

For years he had been the school geek, an easy mark for bullies and jocks. Although it had been sometime since guys shoved him into a locker, it was as if that occurred every time someone called him a name.

He was smart and that seemed to intimidate his classmates. Also into everything computer oriented, that labeled him as brainiack, geek, keyboarder, squirt and any other names they used.

"Don't worry honey, once everyone gets older, they grow up and stop all that" his mom told him when he was younger and crying.

Trevor and his classmates did grow older but the insults continued. He just stopped crying and learned patience. At the same time, Trevor learned he was indeed different then most of them. His masturbation fantasies encouraged him to consult the Internet to learn about his thoughts and desires. He was gay...another name that if his classmates knew, he'd be called that and worse.

Trevor didn't like being called names or the name callers.

But now, he had found happiness in the quietness of the college campus far from his high school. He had been invited to audit summer classes in computer sciences. The bus ride was long but spending a day where students thought lockers were places to put books and clothes, not so-called geeks was worth it.

He was still one of the smartest in the college class. To his surprise the other students weren't as into computers as he thought they'd be.

Hey kid, can you fix mine? The voice asked him at the end of one of the classes. He was surprised another student, an actual college student would ask him anything.

He spent hours checking the corrupted computer. Derek came and went during the time. He tried not to be obvious watching the tall good looking guy.

But when Derek stood near him stripping to his jockstrap, the view was worth being caught.

"Shit you know all that stuff" Derek said remaining in his jockstrap. "Can you fix me?"

Trevor laughed "not sure about you but your computer I can fix. I wish you could fix me"

They both laughed. As the computer installed programs after Trevor rebuilt it, he sat talking to Derek about school, parents, being a so-called geek.

"Shit man you do need fixing. You like guys I know that" Derek said. Trevor didn't respond. "I've seen you looking at me. It's ok, I like it"

His strong hand rested on Trevor's bare knee and squeezed. "There's a lot of us here"

Trevor couldn't hide his expanding penis. He was embarrassed and the blush revealed that to Derek.

"It's all done" Hours later the computer did what it was supposed to do.

Derek now dressed in shorts and ripped sleeve jersey patted him on the butt.

"Great, I knew you could do it. Let me buy you some burgers or something."

"I have a long bus ride home" Trevor said

"Hell with that, let's eat, hang out, sleepover. We have an early class tomorrow" Derek said leaving his hand on Trevor's buttocks.

He found himself laughing, eating pizza and drinking beer with groups of college students. They were older, they didn't gossip about teachers and classmates. They talked about politics, sports, computers, video games, movies, life....all the things that mattered. Trevor felt as if he had crossed to another dimension, one he had longed for since he was a child.

"So have fun?" Derek said as they were back in the room. Trevor laughed his response and watched as his new friend stripped totally naked in front of him.

"Come on, strip down. We can get a shower" Derek helped him undress. Trevor felt like a little kid being helped by adults to dress and undress.

But this time, the person undressing him moved his hands over each inch of his body. It felt good. He didn't have to hide his excitement. His body shivered with pleasure and then Derek pulled him closer wrapping his arms around him.

"We're gonna have a nice night, I promise" he said.

Trevor walked down the hall wearing only a towel beside Derek. "What would others think?" he wondered. But nobody seemed to raise an eyebrow. They would greet Derek and nod at him. One or two he recognized from classes and they'd just smile calling him by his name, no "geek" or some other nickname he didn't welcome.

"We shouldn't" Trevor said as Derek began stroking him with a soapy hand.

"It's ok it's ok" Derek stroked him until his body convulsed and had it's first orgasm encouraged by another human. "That took the edge off. We can take our time later" Derek said.

True to his words, the two returned to the room. Derek took the towel from around Trevor and pulled him into the small bed they would share.

"Just relax, if you feel like doing something, do it." He moved his hand over Trevor's body "that's what I'm going to do".

Trevor touched the guy's cock thrilled at it's firm and large size. He kissed it, licked it and nuzzled the ball sac underneath. It was the first time he had ever touched another man that way. Taking lessons from the videos he had seen on the Internet, he sucked it happy that Derek seemed to like what he did.

"You're getting me so hot I'm going to take my turn very soon" Derek said reaching for Tervor's bare butt and squeezing it. Trevor knew what he meant. He knew the first time would hurt and he'd be stifling his pain.

But he wanted to please Derek who was taking him to a world he had only fantasized about.

It did hurt..allot. Derek kissed his ear, held him, instructed and gyrated. Each feeling, each sensation each orgasm, and there was more then one, took Trevor to the point of pleasure and passion he had never imagined.

"Shit you're a natural. You sure this is your first time?" Derek held Trevor kissing his lips, chest, stomach and cock.

Trevor couldn't answer. He was trying to hold back from shooting his pent up sperm at the first feeling of Derek's lips. But his body disobeyed him and the pain in his gut grew bigger and bigger until he felt the sperm flow like lava through unused flesh tubes and out the tip of his penis.

"You two finished?" Warren, Derek's roommate was there. Trevor hadn't seen him come in. He didn't know what to do.

"For now" Derek said kicking back the sheet and walking naked across to where his clothes had been abandoned. "This is Trevor, the guy I told you about."

Warrennodded "Cool, I thought you were going to fix the computer not his cock?"

Trevor wondered if the two were a pair, if he had done something wrong by having sex with Derek. Was this guy going to get angry?"

Derek laughed and punched Warren in the arm. "He did both"

"Good for you. I was tired hearing him moan and groan about both" Warren said reaching for the sheet and pulling it back to reveal Trevor's naked body.

"Nice bod Trevor. If you did as good a job on the computer as you did on him, you're more then welcomed" Warren knelt. His mouth quickly swallowed Trevor's soft cock.

But it didn't stay soft for long. Trevor looked over at Derek who was now smoking a rolled up smoke, obviously a joint. He wiggled his eyebrows and smiled.

Trevor closed his eyes. He was now a slut, a pig a sex pig...named he had read in stories he found on the internet. More names..but ones he wished for.

"Go ahead shoot " Derek was close now his hands stroking Tervor's check and body. "He's always hungry"

Trevor felt the man's fingers work his nipples. There was no hiding his excitement as his body quivered, muscles tightened and his hips moved his cock in and out of Warren's mouth.

It was not his first orgasm that day but it seemed to burn his insides as the two others had. Warren smacked his lips. "Sweet" he said. "Staying over?"

"Yes he is" Derek said "But go find your own boyfriend" he moved over Trevor next to him encircling Trevor with his arms and pulling him close.

Trevor fell asleep in the man's arms.

Trevor sighed. That was last summer. He had accepted the invitation and like flood gates opened, his sexual desires poured out of him as the older boy, had him naked, kissing, sucking and fucking within hours.

Trevor began to fix other computers on campus. Derek spread the word he was a genius at fixing them. And he was always happy to squirm as Derek's cock invaded his very hungry intestines.

Weekends he spent with Derek this past school year telling his parents he was going to audit classes. Friday afternoons never came fast enough for his run to catch the bus.

And his key opened Derek's door easily. Derek's roommate didn't mind. Trevor had fixed his laptop and desktop, found needed software, even helped him understand his new smart phone programs.

He went dancing, drinking, diving with Derek. He walked across the campus proud when Derek would hold his hand or lay with him on the grassy knoll.

Trevor wasn't sure he was in love with Derek or his new life or both. All he knew was he was happy for the first time since he was a child.

Derek kissed the back of his neck. "Sleep good stud?" he whispered.

"Want to wake me up?" Trevor wiggled his butt against the older boys morning erecion.

Derek didn't need to answer. The thick tip of his cock moved where it had been many times through the dilated welcoming anal muscle into the warmth it needed and enjoyed.

"You two at it again?" Warren stood across the room. He was naked and didn't mind them seeing his morning erection.

"Want some?" he asked.

Trevor stuck out his tongue and waved it.

Warrenmoved closer and let the moistness suck him inside. "Fuck him good, he's horny as hell, as usual" Warren said. Derek laughed.

"Is he going to move in?" Warren sprayed Trevors face and open mouth. Again and again he shot out and watched the kid love each stream landing on his shoulders, chest and face.

"My turn" grunted Derek as he jammed into Trevor so hard, he grimaced and then smiled. Derek seemed to get harder and more forcible with each insertion.

"Wow you needed it too. I thought the two of you fucked last night" Warren watched as he stroked his softening cock. He loved watching his roommate and Trevor have sex. It always excited him.

"Suck him quick" Derek said. That wasn't the first time he yelled that to Warren. It meant he was about to orgasm and wanted Trevor to cum at the same time.

Warrenknelt and found Trevors leaking cock. He licked the precum and then sucked it.

As soon as the mouth covered his cock Trevor's gut was on fire. He tried to hold back, as he usually did but his body was in control of the strong hands that held his hips, the cock that rubbed against his prostate, the tongue that rubbed his cock and the tight lips that surrounded it.

Trevor exploded as he heard Derek's predictable sounds signaling he was cumming too.

"God you two are insatiable" Warren wiped the cum from his mouth.

"The kid is always ready to go" Derek said

"I am" Trevor said laughing and still not believing he was laying naked on a bed between two older handsome naked men. He was their sex toy, boyfriend, fuck buddy and whatever else they wanted to call him.

And finally he was happy with the names someone chose to call him.

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