The Naked Interview

By gayD

Published on Feb 24, 2024


Fuck, this Ramiro kid is one nasty, conniving, manipulating, fucking on-of-bitch! He's got David Stone (whose name he changes from Stone, to Bone, to Boner!) to believe he is the nephew of the Chairman of the Board of Elite. Bullshit! AND... that just a negative word from him (Ramiro), would cancel David Stone lucrative contract. So David, and older, muscular-built, student, understands that he must be extremely obliging to this all-powerful, little twink twerp Ramiro!

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The Naked Interview Part 2 of 2

"Stoner, you probably think all this measuring is silly, but it all concerns company policy. I'm doing my job, and I do it well. My Uncle appreciates everything I do here. He's proud of my work and the way I do it. He has told me more than once that he likes how I make new employees toe the line - he doesn't put up with nonsense or complaining."

"Yes, SIR, Mr. Ramiro! I always follow ..."

"Even the pencil in your ass will help you get a better butt muscle measurement just from squeezing down on it, and it's time to squeeze down on it now - squeeze for 30 seconds and release for 10, then squeeze for 30, and just keep doing that until I tell you to stop." David started immediately, taking it all very seriously. Of course, Ramiro was making all this up and laughing uncontrollably on the inside - he was having a blast.

Ramiro felt as if he could do whatever he pleased to tickle-torture David as long as no one noticed. Ramiro was still camped directly under David's widespread legs, and, being a short guy, he fit nicely there; plus, he enjoyed the view when he looked up. Speaking in a low, serious voice, Ramiro said, "Before I stand up to take your upper-body measurements, it says here on this sheet that I have to do the standard sensitivity analysis, too. God, I hate this part." Ramiro lied - there was no such test, but David had already decided to be compliant in every way, questioning nothing.

Ramiro then reached up and pulled on David's ball sack but avoided causing him any pain. He gently pulled the balls to the bottom of their stretched sac to make them smooth and tight and held them there, away from David's body. "Now I'm checking for any irregularities in the ball sack skin. As I do this, clench your asshole tight around that pencil."

David then felt fingertips lightly scratching and teasing his stretched-down balls, and he released a low moan. Ramiro giggled. David felt his dick becoming enlarged and said, "Sir, could you please close the doors? Someone may walk in, and may I also please bring my legs together... Sir? I feel too exposed." This, of course, was exactly what Ramiro wanted. He glanced over at the wall clock and knew that only the custodial staff was around, so he wanted the doors left open to embarrass David even further.

"And your problem with that is what, Stoner? That you can't follow directions? Well, I better write that down for my Uncle."

"Oh, no, Sir. Please leave the doors open. I was just joking."

Ramiro smiled and let it pass. He was quite comfortable with the double doors open because if anyone did come in, it would just look like another naked candidate, like all the others, and Ramiro would quickly remove his hands from the measuring tape and start to write notes on the form.

"OK, now here's the tricky part. Usually, there's someone around to help me, but this time, I'll have to do it myself. I will move the exposed end of the pencil, but I want you to NOT clench your ass closed - keep your ass lips open and relaxed while I move the pencil in and out and all around. It may tickle, it may feel erotic, and it may even give you a stiff boner, but that's not important. Just do what the fuck I say. Got that, Boner?"

David responded quickly, "Yes, Sir," not realizing his name had gone from Stone to Stoner to Boner. Once Ramiro started, David began to moan and gyrate his hips in an erotic dance. He was getting zoned out, enveloped in wave after wave of exotic, erotic sensations.

"Boner, no one told you to move your hips or anything. I'm trying to test your ability to focus and control your body. If you can't do a simple thing like that, well..."

"Oh yes, Sir, yes, I can definitely do that. Please continue - I can do it to meet your satisfaction." David begged.

David apologized and stood like a naked Roman statue, with his legs firmly planted wide apart. He was trying, with difficulty, to keep his asshole loose and open in order to allow Ramiro to wiggle the pencil, as he was required to do. He felt so humiliated, especially because the room's doors were still wide open.

"Now, help me out here because we both want to go home. I'm doing all the work, pulling on your balls with one hand and working the pencil with the other. Your job is to simply concentrate on preparing your dick to be measured."

"Wha ... what... how do I... I mean... measured? How?" Ramiro told him it must be measured at a 90-degree angle, parallel to the floor. David immediately grabbed his firm dick, which was pointed slightly down, and lifted it just the tiniest bit to get it to 90 degrees.

"No, Boner. Don't touch your dick! It's not a toy. Just use your will to make it go up a little. Think stiffer and firmer, and it will come up a tad more by itself." David kept his hands away, tightened his body muscles, grunted, and concentrated. His dick started to bob and leak precum.

"God, Boner! Are you an idiot? You've tightened up your dick muscle, but your asshole muscles must stay loose. Stop fighting me! Got it, Boner?"

David responded with a "Yes, Sir."

"Hey, you all," a voice came from the hallway. "Is this the guy we just hired?" David nearly broke down in tears as a man walked into the room, pulling a cleaning cart with buckets and mops. It was TJ, the custodian.

"Pa... pa... please, Mr. Ramiro, close the doors, please, Sir." David was a mess, standing naked with a pencil being wiggled up his asshole, and now someone was coming in.

With no response from Ramiro, he looked at the custodian, "Would you please close the doors?" but he, too, ignored David.

Then TJ and Ramiro spoke to each other in Spanish and laughed. Then, more Spanish and more laughter. Ramiro was obviously explaining his prank on David and why.

"TJ, my friend, would you give Mr. Boner a hand? You know the strict measuring procedure we are required to do here. His dick must be at 90 degrees to get the accurate length. Even though it may seem really stiff, now it's leaking precum all over the fucking place. He needs to raise it a tad higher. I'm working on the pencil thing, but it's not doing the trick. Let's try a bigger tool. TJ, please hand your flashlight to Mr. Boner." David took it.

Ramiro withdrew the pencil and tossed it into the nearby trashcan. Then he said to David, "OK, Boner, hold the round handle end of the flashlight up to your asshole." David obeyed. "Now, slowly shove it up your ass."

"But... I can't! It's too... too... big... Please, I... I... need..." David was trying to tell them he needed to leave.

"You need help?" Ramiro interrupted. "OK, TJ, help Boner push that up his ass. Do it nice and slow." At once, both David's and TJ's hands were on the shaft of the flashlight, with TJ doing all the inserting while David made animalistic sounds. When it was finally in up to the wider flare of the lens end, TJ let go and told David to move it in and out, but David was trembling and whimpering. He couldn't fuck himself with this heavy flashlight. "Please don't make me do that," David was nearly in tears, begging. "Please, can't I just go home? Can't you, at least, just shut the doors? Pa... please." He was so humiliated. How did it ever get to this?

"OK, Boner, you win. We'll shut the doors, and then you'll shove that in and out of your asshole as I tell you. Deal?" David nodded and cried. With a glance from Ramiro, TJ went to the doors, shut them, and returned to watch Ramiro's puppet jump through his hoops.

"OK, Mr. Boner, pull it out and jam it back up in there. Do it until I tell you to stop. That's it." He heard David moan, mumble, and cry, and then he saw him shudder and jerk as he fucked himself with the shaft of the flashlight. It was obviously excruciating. "Now, TJ, his dick seems to be at 90, so take the measuring tape and measure the length of his dick."

As TJ went for it, trying to place the tape on top of David's rigid dick, he stopped. "Can't do it, Boss. His foreskin is covering it."

"Fucking shit, Boner, can't you be more cooperative? Christ!" Ramiro paused as if rethinking something. "OK, OK. Here's what we'll do. Boner, you keep slowly fucking your sloppy cunt hole with TJ's huge flashlight, and with your other hand, pull your dick blanket back all the way so TJ doesn't have to deal with it. Got it?" David didn't answer - he simply looked down at this stiff dick and slid his foreskin fully back, never stopping the slow in-and-out motion of the flashlight.

"Finally, you're finally starting to get with the program! My Uncle will be so pleased." Then Ramiro turned to TJ and added, "You know TJ, I've been working with Stoner cunt all afternoon, and I badly want to give my Uncle a good report. Finally, I can. If Stoner the shit hole continues to behave, I'm going to give my CEO Uncle an outstanding report about you." TJ nodded his head, but it was difficult for him to hold back his laughter.

Again, TJ approached David's dick with the measuring tape and again stopped. "Ah, Boss, do you really want all this sticky ooze all over your clean tape measure? His dick is dripping, and it's making a mess."

"Boner, I thought you wanted to go home so fucking bad?" Ramiro was almost yelling now. "But look how you're holding us up! This is the last measurement, and fucking Christ, you keep goofing off at every turn." David, still moving the flashlight in and out of his tight asshole, had obviously begun to enjoy the sensation. He let go of his foreskin and used that hand to wipe the full length of his dick, even catching a long string of dripping precum in the palm of his hand.

"May... may... I have a napkin, please?" Ramiro gave David a mean, angry stare and a hand gesture to indicate he was to lift his hand to his mouth. David stared blankly back, raised his hand to his mouth, and licked his palm and fingers clean.

"One more time, Boner. Scrape all of that fuck sauce off your dick and lick your paw clean like a good doggie."

David whimpered when he heard that but did as he was told. As David felt TJ fondle his stiff dick, pretending to place the measuring tape on and around it, Ramiro pulled harder on his balls and twisted them a half-turn. David moaned louder, his body shook, and his hips thrust to push his dick into the comfort of TJ's big, warm hand. TJ and Ramiro exchanged winks, signaling that they would let him shoot.

"Good, Boner. I bet you like this big firm dick fucking your ass oh so slowly, isn't that right? This huge dick owns your ass, isn't that right?" David didn't know when it happened, but his ass had relaxed and no longer hurt. "Show Master Ramiro that you like to slow-fuck yourself. Move it very, very slowly in and out of your cunt." David slowed his self-fucking motion to a crawl, which only made him hotter and leak more precum. "Is that your fuck hole, Boner, or is that my cunt?" Answer me!"

"Yes, Sir, it's your cunt hole, Sir," David whispered. TJ held his big hand loosely but fully encircling David's dick and let David slowly fuck his hand. David couldn't stop as he unconsciously pushed his hips backward and forward. His dick was moving like a piston in TJ's hand.

"Are YOU just my fuck hole?"

David nodded and sobbed.

"No, say it."

David mumbled, "Yes."

"Louder, GOD DAMN IT!" Ramiro screamed in his ear.

"YES, I AM YOUR FUCK HOLE! A FUCKING HOLE FOR YOU TO FUCK!" David's body jerked rapidly back and forth, fucking TJ's hand as his whole body shook. He mumbled and believed ... "I... I am... I am... your fuck... your fuck ... your fuck hole."

Suddenly, he shot blast after blast all over the place. His knees gave out, and David finally collapsed, crumpled up into a heap on the floor. TJ and Ramiro laughed at the fact that the flashlight had somehow turned on. "Guess he got more turned on than we thought!" They gave David a couple of minutes to return to full awareness.

"Now listen to me very carefully," Ramiro said to David, more seriously than ever before. "When you come back here on Monday to finalize your job, you'll find that I have persuaded my Uncle, Mr. Crasser, CEO of Elite, to give you a much higher position. I'm actually going to get him to feature you in Elite TV commercials and make you the international Elite image man." Of course, this was a huge lie, but David looked up into Ramiro's stern face and took it all in as truth. "Say nothing about what we did here today. EVER!"

"Yes, Sir."

"Now listen to me again. On Monday, Mr. Crasser will act as if you had applied for this TV job right from the beginning. You will not attempt to correct him, or anyone else, EVER! You will earn millions and lots of fame and celebrity, but you'll owe all of this to me and only to me. I can make it happen, but you will never mention me to anyone. If you see me in this building, you will never even greet me - you will pretend to ignore me. Do you understand?"

Of course, Ramiro knew that David would be hired as Elite's ad man regardless. Still, as long as David questioned no one, he would believe that Ramiro was all-powerful and solely responsible for his international stardom and his new wealth.

David was trying to process all of the new information that Ramiro had given him. He wasn't sure if it was true, but he'd find out on Monday morning. What did he have to lose? He trembled and said, "Yes, Sir, I understand, and I will follow all of your instructions."

"Here are your clothes," Ramiro said as he plopped David's suit and shoes down in front of him. "Get dressed, and you may remove the flashlight. Starting on Monday, when you learn that I really did get you promoted - big time - you will acknowledge me as your Master. I may be only 16, I may be only five feet tall, but trust me. I'm much more powerful than you. When you accept your new role here, I will own you, body and soul. What will bind you to serve me is your realization that as easily as I handed you this mountain of fame and fortune, I can also take it all away, just - like - that." Ramiro snapped his fingers. David was wide-eyed and stunned.

On Monday, Ramiro called in sick so he could wait outside the building at a distance. He watched as David entered the building and was, Ramiro, assumed, presented with Elite's international image man position. An hour later, David exited the building, jumping for joy as he walked toward his car, where he found Ramiro standing and waiting. When David approached Ramiro, David could only stutter, "Ha... ha... how... how... did ... did..."

Ramiro told him to get in the driver's seat as he got into the passenger's seat, all the while smiling at his nicely built boner slave. David thanked him profusely and began to weep, releasing his pent-up emotions and doubts sweetly. This job was beyond his wildest dreams; he would do anything to keep it. David continued to express his thanks when Ramiro said, "Never mind that now. Besides, I haven't decided whether to let you keep your job for a year, a month, or a week. I can override the terms of that contract you signed, all depending on how well you obey me," Ramiro told him flatly. "Hand me all the stuff in your pockets." David was puzzled by that command but did as he was told.

"Now take off your shoes and all those ugly clothes and toss that junk out of the window. You can now afford much better threads than those cheap rags - do it." David looked around the street and saw people walking everywhere. He hesitated but complied without saying a word. As he did so, he noticed that Ramiro had unzipped his pants and fished out his dick and balls, proudly displaying them.

When David was naked and his old clothes were on the pavement outside his car window, Ramiro whispered, "I have something for you." Ramiro then leaned back, his big cock sticking obscenely out of his jeans, and presented himself as David's new Master.

"Lean over here and place your mouth on my dick. This dick is your new Boss. Say `hello' to him, gently suck it, and caress it with your tongue. Don't worry. I'll train you later on how to do it exactly to my liking."

David twisted and bent his naked, muscular body in such a way as to place his head on the lap of his new Master. "Hello, Boss," David said as he swallowed his owner's dick. Ramiro, a cool, calm, confident Latino, showed no signs of being in a rush. He petted David by continually stroking him from the top of his head all the way down to his muscle butt as if he were a big, obedient puppy. As David gently devoured that surprisingly-large dick, he wondered if anyone walking by was looking into the car. After several minutes, David was tapped on the head and told to sit up. Ramiro handed him back his keys and said, "Now, drive me to your apartment. Of course, as the one in full charge of all your finances, we'll soon be moving to a much better place, but... your new life begins now."

The End

Please, guys, let me know your comments on what you just read. My name is Bruce Darkforce, and my email is: Go to to find over 100 stories of mine all with color photos.

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