The Musk of Men


Published on Mar 21, 2012




"Mark, I've about had it. Shooting hoops in this heat has worn me down," I said. "How about a break?"

"Sounds good to me, Bill. But why don't we take it inside out of the sun?"

"Of course. Mom made iced tea. We can take our glasses to my upstairs bedroom. There's always a good breeze from the south."

"Sounds real good...let's go," Mark said.

Well, getting Mark upstairs into my bedroom was not to appreciate the breeze, well, not entirely. Every time I passed the basket ball to him and he jumped to nail one down the hoop, his satin school basketball shorts flopped around, yielding to the bulky meat cargo it shrouded. Many times I'd observed the real thing in the school showers when we were in senior gym, but always when it was flaccid. I had also taken great interest in his nicely rounded half-moons and the hairy crack that divided them. I so wanted to sink my teeth into them, ram my nose into his little ass hole and hear Mark moan and coo.

When Mark first came to our high school, we were both seniors and both seventeen. I don't know if he has gadar, but he right away seemed interested in being my friend. He was somewhere between handsome and cute, and I was fiercely attracted to him. I found out when his birthday was and began to hatch my plan to make-out with him when he became eighteen. Well, I didn't have long to wait. Mark's birthday came five weeks, and three days after mine.

So now he was fair game, as was I. All I needed was an excuse to get him in a private place and seduce him. And right now, with glasses of iced tea in our hands, we were headed up to my room to that private place. Mom and Dad had gone to town just minutes before Mark was to arrive, so we had the place to ourselves for at least two more hours. I opened the bedroom door and motioned for Mark to enter.

"Nice digs, man! Real nice, Bill," he said.

"Yeah, I like it. There are fresh sheets on the bed. Why don't we get these sweat stained cloths off, get naked and lie down on the bed to cool off and relax," I said.

"You mean down to our underwear, don't you?"

"Our underwear too, Mark. You're not shy are you? I've seen everything you've got in the showers at school," I said with a slight smirk.

"Well, if you think it's alright, Bill."

"I'm telling you, Mark, we have the house to ourselves for hours. Now sip some tea, get nude and lie on the bed beside me."

"Before I do, I need to take a shower, if you'll let me."

"No! I mean, you just don't need to, Mark. Damn it, strip!"

"Hmm, it sounds like you want to see me naked," he said.

"you are my guest and I want to know that you are comfortable and get cooled off. As you can see, I'm getting all striped down. It's just us, Mark. Go on, man."

"Well okay," Mark said, and slowly removed his shorts. I was completely nude before Mark got his jock strap off. But when he did, I caught a good strong whiff of crotch sweat, an aroma that I would like to bottle in a large jug and sniff whenever I beat off.

"There..., that does feel a lot better," said Mark. "Can you tolerate the odor?"

"Of course, Mark. I love man sweat!"

"Yeah? I thought I was the only one."

I was so engrossed in what I was seeing that I barely heard the words he was saying. I mean, Mark really was fucking hung. His cock was barrel shaped, know, wider and thicker in the middle. It was a silky pale cocoa tan with a purple head that had a highly flanged rim running round it. Framed by pale skin where a swimsuit mould be, his hips, his cock and his low-slung hen's egg size balls looked awesomely vulgar, turning me on, and I instantly felt a stir in my cock.

He was a nicely built, but not overly built brunette. His well defined muscles were just right as far as I was concerned. He had a nice tan where his skin got exposure to the sun. The pungent aroma of his crotch sweat had begun to waft under my nose, and my cock responded with a twitch. Had Mark seen that? I hoped so.

"I'm bushed," I said, and turned my back to my bed and let myself fall onto it. "Put er there, Mark," I said, patting the bed right beside me.

Mark turned facing me and stared at my cock which had just begun to swell. He looked apprehensive. I panicked.

"I want to shoot some more hoops after we rest," I said. "So lie down, Mark, so you'll feel like it later."

That did it. Mark eased his butt down on the edge of the bed and gently leaned back and rested just inches from me. I figured that if I got pushy, it might cause him to bolt, so I just lied there for several seconds. Then I tucked my fingers beneath my large sweaty nut sac and lifted my boys and fanned air under them.

"Boy, that feels better!" I said. Mark said nothing and didn't move, so I got more demonstrative. I boldly reached over and lifted his nuts to air out. Mark flinched, but didn't stop me. Progress. "Feel better?" I asked.

"Uh...huh," he grunted more than said.

Then I brought the fingers of the hand which lifted his scrotum to my nose and sniffed loudly.

"Why did you do that, Bill?"

"Because I love the smell of crotch sweat. Want to try it?"

"I've, well, I've done it myself a few times. On myself, of course!" Mark quickly added with emphasis.

"I smell my own all the time, Mark, but I like to smell another guy's more. Do you mind if I smell your crotch? I mean get right down there and sniff the sweet fragrance."

"You've got to be kidding!"

"I'm not kidding at all, buddy. Would you be a pal and let me?"

"Huh..., oh I suppose, if that's what rows your boat."

I had far deeper plans that than that, but I knew to go slowly and not spook him because as far as I knew, he was straight.

"Thanks, Mark, you're a real pal," I said with a grin.

"Like I said, if that turns your crank, do it."

The plan was headed for fruition and I was tingling with excitement. I rose onto my butt and then stood up. I turned and pulled Mark's legs apart and nestled in between them on the bed on my knees. With obvious curiosity, Mark propped himself up on his elbows. He appeared to be watching in disbelief. He was finally becoming aroused and that seemed to make him nervous. I lowered my face to where my nose was nearly touching Mark's ball sac. I purposely breathed out hard, knowing how stimulating a breath on his sweaty balls would be.

"Wow, that fell felt fab, but I don't think this is such a good Idea, Bill."

"Don't you worry, buddy. I know what I'm doing," I said, and licked the glands of his hardening cock with the tip of my tongue.

"Oh! That's going to give me a boner, Bill. Stop!"

"But I love the taste of sweat as much as the aroma. Don't tell me you've never had a blow job!"

"No! Never! Are you really wanting to do that?" he asked incredulously.

There was just no way that I would not try to advance my goal, not with that long, fat, pulsing, musty and moist hunk of raw animal flesh just a couple of inches from my nose. Mark looked extremely nervous, and I feared that I was about to loose the game. But, I thought, if I just plunged down over the big purple dick head, Mark might see how good it feels and hesitate to stop me. So I did.

"Oh! Oh my God. Oh Bill! Maybe you should stop. I mean...oh! Yeah! Oh yeah, Bill. Oh, Oh yes!" Mark exclaimed as he twisted about in physical ecstasy.

He was all mine now. With great vigor, I went to work on that chocking mouthful of sweaty cock. Lust swept over me like a wave. Mark just kept moaning and gently hunching into my mouth. I reached up with both hands and tweaked his plump nipples between my thumbs and index fingers. By Mark's grunting and cooing, I knew it was driving him crazy. It was driving me wild too, to think that I was getting it on with a virgin. Yes, a virgin as far as blow jobs go and a hunky one at that.

"Oh my God! That feels so damn good! Suck it, Bill. Oh yeah, man!"

Mark thrust hard, and the big purple knob plunged deep in my throat. When he started to withdraw, something went wrong and I grimaced. The flange of the huge cock head was wedged in my throat. I grabbed his hips so that he couldn't pull out and maybe damage my throat. Hell, I couldn't even complain with my mouth jammed full of throbbing prime cock. Had I bitten off more than I had bargained for? I wondered. Hell, I might have to suck him that way until he blows his wad and his cock begins to go flaccid, I thought.

"I'm stuck, Bill! Fuck, man, I'm stuck in your throat! Am I hurting you?"

Now how was I supposed to answer that when I couldn't talk at all. I clamped my hands firmly on his hips to freeze his movements and very gradually pulled away from Mark's big knob. After a few seconds, his dick head sort of popped loose, and I backed off of his cock and gasped for air with tears streaming down my cheeks.

"Ah shit, Bill, are you okay?"

"Uh, sort of. No, I'm really okay. Man, that is some monster dick you've got there," I said, and wiped away a tear.

"I think you've gone far enough," Mark said. "It was really good, but I don't want to hurt you."

"Let me worry about that, Mark. But I have another idea that I know you'll like. Roll away from me onto your belly."

"You are not going to ...well, fuck me, if that's what you're thinking."

"I have something else in mind," I said, although screwing this gorgeous young virgin man was foremost on my mind. "I know you will like this, so just turn over, Mark."

"You can't suck my cock that way, Bill."

"Did you like what I've been doing?"

"Uh...yes...hell yes!"

"Okay then. Just roll onto your belly and I'll make you fell good some more," I said, and he reluctantly did.

Super! Now I'm going to get what I really want most, I thought. I spread Mark's legs far apart and positioned my knees between them. Just the sight of those beautiful mounds of butt check made me salivate, and the aroma of the sweat in his ass crack was wafting into my nostrils. I inhaled deeply with my eyes closed, and then I gently pulled his ass cheeks apart. And there, pretty as a picture was the pinkish-brown wrinkled morsel that was Mark's ass hole. With soft, sparse blond hair framing it, it was sooooo beautiful!

"No, Bill! I told you I don't want to get screwed!"

"I'm not going to," I said. "But I am going to make you feel real good."

"I don't see how you can make me feel better than getting sucked, but go ahead and try."

I was home free! At last I would get what I would die for. I bent lower and smelled the pungent scent of his sweaty, musty, virgin pucker. I shucked up some spit and aimed my tongue directly above it and let my spittle drop.

"Damn it, Bill, I told you not to screw me, so don't lube me up with spit!"

"Mark! I have something else in mind, buddy. Give me a few seconds, and you won't regret it."

"What ever it is, if I don't like it, promise me you'll stop, okay?"

"I swear it, Mark. Now just relax and enjoy."

Mark propped himself up on his elbows and tightened up his ass cheeks. I stuck out my tongue and tapped his left cheek with the tip. He flinched and caught his breath.

"What in the heck are you doing, Bill?"

I didn't answer. I drug a moist tongue from his lower butt cheek right into his crack. He gasped loudly, but said nothing. I repeated that with his right cheek. He caught his breath, and still said nothing. The rich aroma was tangy and exquisite. I inhaled deeply. Then I drove my tongue down into his musty crack and drug it all the way up and out. Mark gasped and bucked a bit.

"Oh man! I've never felt anything like that, Bill," he said.

"It felt good, didn't it?" I said.

"I.., I guess so. Yeah, Bill, It felt kind of good."

"I'm glad you like it," I said. "You smell really great!"

"Really? You really do like the smell of sweat!"

"The taste of it too, Mark. You bring out the animal in me. And I'm far from finished. Relax your butt so I can get down in there good."

Fortunately, Mark was now able to relax. I pulled his cheeks apart and spit on his brownish-pink asshole. Then I inhaled and drove my tongue into his warm, moist pucker as far as I could and wiggled it around. Mark went absolutely wild. The pleasure was too great and it startled him. He clamped down on my tongue, and I jerked free and licked my lips.

"Delicious, Mark!" I said. "Feel good?"

"Hell fucking yes, Bill! It's..., it's really great, man!"

"I'm just getting started, buddy. Enjoy, man, enjoy!"

I again dove into the marvelously pungent crevice and forced my tongue into his twitching sphincter. The aroma was intoxicating, and I was getting drunk on it. I strained to get my tongue in deeper, causing Mark to clamp down again. That caused me to consider how good that would feel on my thick eight inch dick. But I wasn't yet ready to stop feasting on his tasty butt pie. But what I was even less ready for is what Mark said next.

"You know, Bill..., getting eaten out feels so good that I'm thinking that getting fucked might be just as good or maybe even better. I suppose I'd be willing to try that if you went about it real gentle like with gobs of lubricant. But maybe you don't want to do that. Do you, Bill?"

"Aw fuck yeah, I do!" I said eagerly. "I was going to try to talk you into it, but now we can just get right to it."

The window of opportunity was wide open. My head spun with excitement. I opened the drawer of my nightstand and withdrew a large tube of KY. I lovingly pulled his left butt cheek to the side and squeezed a liberal amount of it onto his twitching brown pucker. I pulled his legs farther apart and positioned my knees close to his butt.

"Okay, buddy, I'll take it real easy," I said. "Just relax real good."

"Okay, Bill, I'll try."

When my dick-head touched his anus, Mark flinched with expectation. I froze and let him get used to the idea. Then I eased on down, my dick pushing his cheeks apart. He was tense, but I was determined.

"Relax, buddy," I said. "I'm going in now. It'll hurt a little bit at the beginning, but it will fell incredible good real soon."

"You've done this before? With other guys?"

"Oh sure, a lot of times," I said, and gently pushed forward and down.

Mark grunted, held his breath, breathed out and grunted again as the head of my cock passed through his tight-as-hell sphincter. It felt unbelievably great! I eased in a little farther.

"Geez! Is it all in yet?" he whined. "It's fucking big, man!"

"Just a little bit more," I said. "Just relax."

"Fuck, man, I'm trying to. Go on in, but slowly."

I did as requested and finally I my pubs rubbed against his butt. I gently withdrew and gently went full depth again.

"Wow, that's different, Bill."

"Is it feeling better now?" I asked as I lowered my belly onto his back.

"Uh, yeah..., yeah, Bill, it feels kinda good."

"I told you it would. Now I'm going to give you a fucking you'll a good way. Ready?"

"Yeah. Go for it. It's feeling real good now."

I gradually increased the power of my thrust and Mark groaned with delight. He was really getting into being fucked. He even began to thrust his butt back onto my rock hard cock, sending his low hanging nut sack slamming against mine, and that was pushing me toward a climax.

I pulled him back by his hips and pounded his hot ass real hard. It only made him beg for more, so I slammed him so hard that it knocked the breath out of him. I must have also knocked something else loose because Mark started yelling... "I'm gonna shoot, man... I`I'm gonna blow my wad. Fuck me hard, Bill!"

I too was on the brink. The air reeked with the sweet aroma of sweat. The tingling in my cock became urgent and my sack was drawn up tight.

"I'm shooting!" I yelled.

"Me fucking too, man! Uuuh, unnh, ooooh!. Oh fucking yeah, man!"

I felt my spunk surge up my urethral and I thrust into Mark as had as I could and held fast against him while my dick pulsed violently, depositing a week`Bill. worth of my essence deep into his fabulous hot gut.

Marks cock spurted load after load of cum onto the headboard and the sheets and permeated the air with intoxicating male pheromones.

Without a doubt, it was the most awesome sex I'd ever had. Mark was still dribbling short spurts and shuddering.

"You okay, Mark?" I asked as I slowly pulled out of him.

"Fuck yeah, man!" he said as he gasped for breath. "Fuck yeah! That was awesome, Bill...awesome. Can we do this again?"

"Now what do you think? How about tomorrow night down on the river bank? Are you game?"

"Sounds awesome, man. Will I ever get to fuck you?"

"With that nice piece of meat you've got? Fuck yes, buddy, fuck yes! But we`we'll have to run or so something to work up a damn good musk because I really like the aroma and taste of a man's sweat."

And that was the beginning of what has turned out to be a long term romantic relationship like I had always dreamed of.

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