The Music College

By Andrew Lee

Published on Aug 1, 2018


When I woke the next morning, Ellis had gone. I was glad about this. I got up, resisting the urge to rub one out, got showered and dressed, and noticed that it was only 7.30am. My first lesson wasn't until 10am, so I had lots of time to spare. I decided to go and have some breakfast in the college canteen.

I'd only lived in Manchester for 3 days, but I'm actually only from around 30 miles away in Merseyside, so I was fairly comfortable with the area. I didn't live on campus, I lived in a private accommodation just a little while down the road. It was cheaper and I really couldn't afford the place next door to college. This meant that I hadn't really made any friends at college yet, and I knew that everyone would already be forming friendship groups from freshers week (which I had missed because I was on holiday in Greece) and from living on campus with each other.

I knew I would be eating breakfast alone, which I was ok with me, so I grabbed a paper from a newsagent on the way to campus. I had sausage and bacon for breakfast, accompanied by a coffee. I was just getting in to reading a story about he Guatemalan President in a corruption scandal when someone sat down opposite me.

A girl with red hair and a kind smile held out her hand, `I'm Libby', she had said. I took her hand and told her my name. She went up to the counter for some breakfast and rejoined me. We talked about our lives and the kind of rep we both liked. Libby was very much in to sing, English and French mostly, but she said how excited she was to get in to some Leider. I was more in to Musical Theatre and Opera, being what would probably be described as a dramatic tenor. It turned out Libby's family were also from Merseyside.

One thing I noticed straight away, was Libby's working class nature. She wasn't looking down her nose at me, like so many of the other students here. I knew that coming to a certified world class conservatoire, I would feel out of place and people would look down at me, but I now knew I had at least one friend who didn't.

Around 9.45am we traipsed up to our first session. We were both pretty nervous because it was an assessment of our theory and aural skills, so that they could see where to band us for these. I knew that my aural would be ok, but since my previous studies had all been performance based, I would need to seriously brush up on my theory, and was only too happy to do so when I was put in the foundation class that had to take extra lessons. It's a little embarrassing to say but I had to brush up on everything from Key Signatures to part writing. Fortunately Libby was in the same boat - in fact, most of the singers were.

After these assessments we had a lunch break. I wasn't too hungry so I didn't bother and instead decided to go to the library and have a look for some rep to work on before my first singing lesson later in the week.

I was kneeled over looking through some aria's by Leoncavallo when I was knocked in the back. I turned round to see Ryan had bumped in to me again

`Sorry' he muttered, without even looking at me, and continued on down the aisle. I was a little bit confused by him refusing to acknowledge me with even a look, and a little saddened. I watched him for a moment, and he seemed to be very flustered, he glanced back at me, then immediately away when he realised I was looking. Those eyes, they were burning in to my dreams - all I wanted was for him to talk to me. At this point I couldn't even tell for sure if he was gay, although, my instincts said he was.

I decided to leave the books for now and rejoin Libby in the canteen. As I looked over my shoulder, I caught him looking at me again. I was desperate to say something, but decided against it and carried on walking. My head was telling me to talk to him, wondering if he was in to me, but I had thought that too many times before. It's easy to see what you want to see when you like someone.

`What's up?' Libby asked as I rejoined her at the table. She was sat with s couple of people from our class, but not really engaged with them.

`I'll tell you later' I said, not wanting to arouse the interest of any more of my classmates. As we sat we got to know a couple of them a little better, I decided I like Joseph, Rhiannon and Kristin, but otherwise there was nobody else who really caught my interest as a person; not at that point anyway.

I went home that night and ended up in a little bit of an unhealthy cycle. I have to add that before Ellis I had never had a Grindr hookup before... it just wasn't something you did in my home town. But since it had been a great relief I decided what was the harm, as long as I was safe.

I trialled a few more boys from the app. Some big, some small. Some were complete dicks, some were really nice. I remember one guy coming over and being really shy and I didn't know what to do with that, in my head I thought `hey you came over here for some fun, not to sit quietly in the corner' - I think I'm the end I just took my clothes off and it was enough to bring him out of his shell. I took a good amount of pounding that first few weeks at college, and gave out my fair share too.

Then I met Tommy. Tommy was my favourite. He was a representative of the classic risk when you play the hookup game, we talked a little too much, and I liked him a little too much.

I met him at the the front door to the building and we took the lift up to my apartment. It was a little awkward in the lift but it gave me chance to get a good look at him. He was gorgeous... he had told me he was of Swedish heritage? Which explained the fair hair, brilliant blue eyes and slim figure. He was taller than me, a rarity I must say.

When we got to my room we talked for a little while. I told him about myself and he did the same. He was a French student, also a first year, and he had grown up in the midlands near Birmingham. He didn't have a Birmingham accent at all, but he told me he could do a pretty convincing one. He asked me to give him something to read from, so I gave him a Harry Potter book from my bookshelf. He started to read...

`Wait' I said. He looked up and I seized my opportunity, planting a kiss on his lips. There was passion in the kiss, but not aggression. It was soft but powerful, and he kissed me back. The kiss lasted for just a few seconds before we broke apart and I let him read. He was right, he did a great impression of the Birmingham accent. I guess growing up in those parts he had heard it enough.

After reading a page or so he put the book down and gave me that look, as if to say `come get it'. This guy was so hot and I struggled to keep myself controlled. I leaned in and kissed him, this time with more urgency.

We rolled over together back on to the bed and I quickly undressed him. I was on top and from the way he moved I know that this guy has some experience and he knows exactly what he wants. He's feeling my body all over, my thick arms are around him and he's moaning whilst I kiss him. I'm getting impatient and I unbutton his jeans and whip them off, taking his underwear with them.

This was the first time since starting at The Music College that Ryan wasn't on my mind. I had met someone who got me horned up enough to forget him, if even temporary.

`Suck me' he demanded. I was so horned up and him being so forceful in his request took over my senses. I brought my face down to his crotch. He's clean shaven, and has an average sized dick. Probably around 5' uncut. I went all the way to the base right away and began bobbing my head back and forward. I stopped every now and then to flick the end of his piece with my tongue, this made him go crazy... he was writhing with pleasure and moaning.

I sucked and licked with some velocity for several minutes.

`Stop, Andrew, Andrew, Aaaaaah'. He tapped my head trying to warn me. I was too engrossed in my task and everything else has disappeared, there was only me and this dick in the whole world, and I was worshipping it. He moaned loudly and thrust himself in to my mouth all the way as his creamy specimen fired in to my throat... usually I don't swallow, but I felt a great connection to this guy and wanted To please him so much. I swallowed every last drop, slurping it up like my last meal.

When I'm convinced he's dry, I lick up and down the base once more and go back to his face and kiss him again. I'm still rock hard and I was beginning to worry that I may not be able to get off since he already came and may be spent.

I was very happy to see that he wasn't that kind of guy, and as much as I had feared it he was still game for pleasuring me. He went down and began to lick up and down my 7" shaft. I was rock hard and his warm, soft tongue felt amazing on me. He was teasing me and I had to focus by to cum all over his face straight away. He went down on my cock and slowly sucked my dick from tip to base, then back again. He was going so slow it was such a cocktease.

I wrapped my legs around his head and and he took this as an opportunity to start loosening up by hole with his middle finger, he fingers around the rim before sliding right in with two fingers. He had long fingers and he started to rub my prostate without a problem. This made my balls tighten up as he fed on my cock. He would regularly pull his fingers out and bury his face in between my cheeks, lapping at my hole whilst I relaxed into his face. He would then continue working me with his fingers whilst sucking on me piece.

Eventually I neared climax, and sensing this he added a third finger to my hole so that he could feel me really tighten up as I exploded in his mouth. He took the first couple of shots, and then let me spray the rest over my stomach, before he started to collect my cum with his fingers and lick it off his hand. He collapsed next to me and we cuddled up together for the night.

When I woke in the morning Tommy was still there, and we got to say good morning and have a repeat of last night. Once again he sucked me dry, feeding himself he last of my cum off of my sticky body. I enjoyed sucking him even more in the morning, since he had a night of musk and heat stored on his body, and I got so much more masculine flavour from him - it was intoxicating, and this time I swallowed his seed out of choice and enjoyed it.

As the first few weeks of college went by I enjoyed myself immensely! I developed my voice, my musicianship skills and friendships at college, especially with Libby - I also continued to have a sexual relationship with Tommy, and we even sometimes would have a meal together. I wanted it to go further but I wasn't sure at this point if that was something Tommy wanted too.

I would bump in to Ryan every day, and always feel a tension between us, but I couldn't quite figure it out at this point - I just hoped that would come later. I got my first opportunity to have a real talk with Ryan at the first year Halloween party...

Around the same time I started work at a bar on Deansgate, and that's where I met Joseph...

End of C2

Thank you for all of your wonderful feedback from Chapter 1. I really appreciate it.

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Next: Chapter 3

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