Muddy Monkey

By G Cutter

Published on Jul 24, 2009


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL.

ALL MY CHARACTERS, PLACES AND SITUATIONS ARE FICTIONAL AND THE EVENTS PORTRAYED TAKE PLACE ON PLANET CUTTER. ANY RESEMBLENCE TO REAL PEOPLE, PLACES, ETC. ETC. IS TOTALLY COINCIDENTAL. The author recommends 'safe' sex in real life. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular geopolitical area to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that.

I normally prefer to write in First Person (frowned on by the more technical authors) but I write as I like. I do like to try and approach the tale from the boys point of view... get into their tiny minds but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank... that's them.

Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.


Part 1 - Callum Stewart


G. Cutter

Some years ago I was working on a large Home Counties estate as a groundsworker and also doing part time work for the local Youth Football Club as Groundsman and Barman... maybe sounds familiar if you've read some of my earlier stories. OK, taking it from there I don't need to fill in any more background other than to say I had a small bedsitter rather grandly called a studio flat not too far from the Club and all in all it was a pretty sweet period of my life.

I was nineteen coming on twenty at the time and my main job wasn't all that onerous but the secondary job was the pleasure, apart from the fact payments were tax free or cash in hand as they call it, I quite clearly met quite a few of the boys in the course of my work and got to know most of the parents due to my barwork. In fact, I was Bar Manager in all but name and at the risk of repeating myself life was pretty sweet.

Now the bar wasn't quite what you'd expect, it was a mix of normal bar (alchohol etc) and kiddy bar... soft drinks, munchies and sweets or candies if you're an American. It was in a large room normally called the Clubroom which contained a pool table and was open to all the members and this included the kids. What I'm getting at is that this was a Club and not a Pub, different rules applied in Law so that at any one time there might be more kids around the counter than adults which would be absolutely forbidden in a proper Pub. Another thing to bear in mind is that we're an alcoholic nation and it wasn't unusual to see kids tucked away in various corners slurping drinks that they shouldn't be drinking. Most parents turned a blind eye within reason and as for the bar staff, mainly myself and a sidekick... we were there to take money not control other people's kids. Anyway, all that was a bit of scene setting so let's get on with it.

Naturally enough having a big Clubhouse we got booked by Club members for various functions and even hired by outsiders on occasion. The night that starts this little story was a birthday party for one of the boys, a fifteenth as I recall and the place was heaving... it had started off as a normal birthday do but had developed into a disco and general free for all. That wasn't unusual for this sort of thing and myself and one of the older boys tended bar and raked in the money. Under age drinking? Well, that was always a problem and I relied on the parents (who were also drinking) to keep order or at least keep an eye on things. yet again, nothing out of the ordinary and if this lot looked shambolic don't even mention some of the eighteen and twenty one year old parties I'd handled. Oh, yeah, I forgot the raffle. These parties always had a raffle and the idea was to raise money for the Club or sometimes the team generating the do. This one had some pricey prizes and the first prize was a Muddy Monkey, a very expensive dirt bike (the pedal type not the motor type), a Combi TV as second prize and numerous bottles of booze, it was a super raffle compared to some and totally justified. The number of people there was amazing, the kid's birthday party had grown into a Club event and probably on my final cashing up one of the better of the season. I was looking at a one or two o'clcock shutdown and puking kids all over the place. Once again, nothing out of the odinary and being tucked away on a private estate kept the local constabulary off our backs. A couple of the parents were, in fact, coppers and that always helped.

Anyway, to cut a long story short, one of the organisers got on the microphone and once a reasonable silence was established gave a brief chat about the raffle and how the proceeds would go to new goal nets (yadda yadda). We all sat clutching our tickets and paid attention. I'll always remember this bit. He called the first number out and it was sixty six and I looked at my six tickets in a state of shock... I'd won the bloody bike. Just over two hundred quidsworth of chrome, gears, chunky tyres and shiny red paintwork... a teen boys cream dream.

I called out and got a good natured cheer which I suspected was grudgingly given. I'd broken every young footballer's heart I suspected but fair's fair. I'd won and I was a member of the Club after all. I went to collect my prize aware of many beady little eyes and smoothy faces all doubtless cursing me to Hell and back. I gave a little thank you speech and as was the custom pulled the second ticket from the jug. A tiny twelve year old won the television and so it went on. I tucked the Monkey away in the kitchen and went back to my bar.

'Well done,' Gary F. who was one of the organisers and a team manager smiled over the bar. 'You gonna sell it?'

'I hadn't thought about it,' I answered quite honestly.

'You may as well,' my Deputy Dawg, Alan helping me behind the bar chipped in. 'You've got a van, anyway, you're a bit old for that sort of thing.'

'Cheers,' I tried not to look too sour. The thought hadn't really occured. I was so chuffed with winning something for once in my life that I hadn't thought how useles the thing was to me. I had my own van, I lived on the job and to get down to it, a flashy and overpriced bike was the last thing in the world I needed or even wanted.

'It cost over two hundred quid,' Gary informed me. 'You'll have offers before the night's out.'

'We'll see,' I left it at that and tended to some kids down the other end of the bar.

The night wore on and got more rowdy but having said that it was all good natured and if things did get a bit out of hand the parents, my heavy mob, stepped in and cooled things down. The normal disco rules were that it quietened down at eleven and it ended at midnight. After that it would probably take another hour for everyone to get themselves sorted out and leave. I did have a couple of silly offers on the bike and the top of these was for fifty quid which I turned down out of hand. I had one rather drunken sixteen year old offering to 'spank my monkey' for my Muddy Monkey. I turned it down but I would remember his name and might remind him at a later date when he was sober. Don't get me wrong, I was gay but very firmly in the closet and certainly wasn't going to blow my cover over a drunk ... anyway, for the Monkey I'd want a full dirty weekend with all the timmings.

Gary F. wobbled upto the bar around midnight and told me that I could quite easily get a hundred pounds for the Monkey which pleased me no end. OK, so the thing cost over two hundred quid initially but half it value sounded about right. I told him that all I'd had offered was fifty so far which I'd turned down and he beetled off. I had the funny feeling he was scoping me out and sure enough ten minutes later I was approached by another boy, this one was fifteen and one of my 'crushes'. I need to explain here that the Club had about ten boy's teams which makes well over a hundred boys but there were only about a dozen I really got the hots for. Callum Stewart was one of them and in spite of his name was a local lad and not a Scot . How do I describe him? Slender, dark skinned, long black hair and I mean long for a young footballer whereas most of them tended to have it cut short. He was beautiful if a little girly and that was in looks not mannerisms. From what I'd seen of him on the field he was a good player and not afraid to mix it with the bigger lads. The other thing was that he knew, I mean he read me like a book, you could see it in his eyes and he knew that I fancied him not that anything out of order had ever been said. I callled then 'the knowing eyes' mob, there were only about six or so and they knew that I knew that they knew what I knew etc. etc. Whenever you get used to a gaggle of kids there's always one or two, maybe closet gays operating their juvenile gaydar or just perceptive smartarses.

'Hi, Mick. Good night?'

'Yeah, excellent, Cal. You?'

'Not too bad,' he grinned. 'Interested in selling the bike?'

'If the price was right,' I replied knowing exactly how much he was going to offer.

'My dad's happy giving you a cheque for a hundred.'

'No cheques,' I said. Not because I couldn't handle a cheque but because I kept all my 'cash in hand' jobs strictly just that... cash. Cheques leave a trace and sooner or later someone might ask me how ask me how I had cheques going into my bank other than my pay. We had reached the stage in good old free and easy England of looking over your shoulder when doing a second job, it was a bit like the old Soviet Union, there were more informers and grasses than enough. I was paranoid enough being gay and working for a youth club without taking unecessary risks on the money front. ''Sorry, Cal, cash only.'

'Is a hundred quid a deal?' He insisted.

'A ton, cash,' I agreed.

'I'll be back,' he gave me his Arnie impersonation and ducked back into the crowd of people trying to get a drink before I pulled the shutters down. I happily served on knowing that I'd probably earned a hundred over and above what I'd expected and that I might have made one of my little idols happy.

Another twenty minutes passed and I'd just about given up when Callum's father worked his way to the bar.

'Mick, I understand you have the weekend off.'

'Yes, I have.'

'Good. I'll send Callum around your place after lunch with the cash... don't let it go to anyone else, I'm buying it for an early birthday present.'

'Ok. no probs.' I nodded. Most of the boys had some idea where I lived which was only a long stones throw from the field and Callum's father was one of the Club's senior guys, meaning that he was respectable and reliable.

'Two double Black Labels and a bottle of soda.' That was it, done and dusted as they say. The night was drawing to a close and the end of the deal was Callum coming across just to check where I lived and what bell to ring. It was a done deal. I got the place cleared by one thirty and late as it was a couple of the parent hung around to help clear up and leave the place respectable. It had been a good night financially with no trouble which was a miracle with the numbers of underaged drinklers but that's what these Clubs were all about. treat the kids like adults, pull them up if they started acting silly and most important of all, have a good backup of parents who were willing to assist. I managed to get away just after two in the morning and shoved the Muddy Monkey in the back of my van . The thing that excited me more than earning a hundred quid for two quids worth of raffle tickets was that Callum was actually going to visit me in my flat. I drove the short distance home with the wipers going, it was damn cold and light snow was falling, a bad omen for the weekend's football.

The following day I slept in until around ten and then got up to wander over the Club just to turn over the takings to the weekend manager and Alan who was still there and wandering about like a zombie and returned home to have a bit of breakfast and tidy up. Of course I got the Muddy Fox out and had a ride around. Beautiful machine but not one that I had a need for or could afford to be honest. My old Bedford van had only cost me three hundred and I didn't have to pedal that. I was perched watching the dire Saturday lunchtime TV when Iheard the bell ring and sure enough it was Callum all neat and squeaky clean and looking totally unharmed by his long and rather late Friday night out.

'Come in, come in,' I ushered him in and he scanned around my living room as if expecting me to have the Monkey parked up by the sideboard. 'You in a rush?'

'Nah,' he flopped into an armchair without being invited still looking around as if expecting to find signs of ciminality. I fancy he might have found it a hovel as his family was pretty well off from what I'd gathered. 'Getting cold out.'

'How'd you get here?' I asked knowing that he lived the other side of Hersham up by the big resevoirs, rich man's land.

'Mr Brown dropped me off, he's over the Club to meet someone.'

'Ah, right.' I felt the conversation lagging for what it was worth. The sky was leaden, that dark grey which indicates snow was borne out by the fact that the little stuff was still coming down. Still, we were deep into the football season, it was November and snow had been threatening for a few days. 'I had a couple of offers for the Monkey earlier on in the evening.'

'Yeah. I know, Gary F. was watching points for me.'

'I thought so,' I laughed. No problems there, left to my own devices I'd probably be trying to sell it inside a week anyway. I had the van for getting around and really had no use for a bike let alone an expensive one. 'Rob Cowles made me an offer I couldn't refuse.'

'Really,' he looked amused. 'What did he offer.'

'Top secret and not to be repeated... promise.'

'OK, I promise.'

'He offered to spank my monkey for the Monkey.' I put my trust in my reading of Callum and if I was wrong Rob would have to do some fast talking.

'Really?' Callum giggled. 'I'll bear that in mind.'

'Don't tell anyone.'

'I won't but remember: 'In vino veritas', or so they say.'

'I wonder, he was certainly in the vino,' I looked at him and decided to try... just try. 'Fancy a drink?' I had the fire on and it was comfortably warm and it was looking decidedly wintery outside.

'What sort of drink?'

'Tea, coffee, Fosters...'

'Fosters would be fine,' he grinned and stretched his feet out to the fire. 'I ain't gonna spank your monkey though.'

'Early days yet, kiddo,' I stood and went into the kitchen.

'Spank for spank,' I heard as I left the room. He'd said it so quietly I thought I was hearing things but I'm not prone to flights of the imagination. The tester came when I returned with a couple of cans, I pretended not to watch him and his eyes dropped to my jeans, this was deliberate. I know enough about the gay foreplay caper and one of the moves is giving meaningful looks and making sure the target notices. He'd made his move and I'd noticed. Skinny little Callum was up for a game... I thought. I just hoped that I was reading things right.

'Cheers,' his hand touched mine as I handed him his can. He grinned up at me and gave me one of his 'aware' looks. Sorry about that but I don't know what else to call it. It wasn't slutty, sultry or even come hither. just one of those that let's you know someone is reading your mind.

'Pull your chair nearer the fire,' I moved my own in and he followed my example. It was getting darker and it was barely one o'clock in the afternoon.

'Bloody sure it's going to snow heavier before the day's out,' he mumbled and kicked his trainers off, he certainly knew how to make himself at home but then again he had all the self confidence in the world.

'No matter. If it does I can run you and Monkey home in the van.'

'Monkey,' he giggled at the word. 'I should christen it Spanky.'

'Good name.' I raised my can in a toast and looked him over. One beautiful boy on my own turf and drinking my lager, I couldn't back down now.

'I might remind Rob Cowles of his offer and see if he remembers.'

'He'll deny it,' Callum grinned. 'I would.'

'Maybe but perhaps I can offer him something else.'

'Offer him an afternoon drinking your lager and he might go for it,' he said seriously. 'He said it to you and from what I saw he wasn't all than canned last night... perhaps he fancies you.'

'He's a good looking boy.'

'He is,' Callum agreed with a grin and it's here I've got to say the air was electric.

'Not as good looking as you,' I blurted out and wished I could bite my tongue off but it was too late. What's been said can never be unsaid.

'Good,' he grinned and stared at me. 'I was beginning to get a bit jealous.' This last bit came out quite camply which was unusual for him and I decided enough was enough. I could only stand so much beating around the bush and I thought, only thought mind you that I could see something growing in his baggy track suit bottoms. He stretched his legs and the lump became more definite, he was perking.

I stood up and walked across to draw the curtains, I wasn't really surprised to see that it was snowing slightly heavier now and told him but he seemed unconcerned. In fact, he looked set for the afternoon. I walked back and stood behind him and bent over. 'Spank for spank?' I whispered and took the leap of faith required. I softly nuzzled his ear with my lips and he moved not an inch. He just sat there and I felt his body tremble as I lay one hand on his shoulder. Encouraged or maybe even giving up the ghost I lightly and gently kissed his smooth neck under his overlong hair and he gave a little moan. 'You alright?'

'Fine,' he snorted and craned his face towards me. I kissed him on his cute nose and moved around to his front. I was sure of him now and he was just as willing as I was. I held out my hand and as he took it I lifted him from the seat and guided him down onto the carpet in front of the fire.

I knelt by his side and slipped his sweat shirt up finding a thin t-shirt underneath but as I slid them both up I found his ultra smooth sallow skinned belly in all it's perfection and before my eyes the cutest of cute (hate that word) belly button all as flat and as tight as a drum as he stretched out in front of the fire.

'Hey up... I'd better give you this before I forget,' he laughed as I swirled my tongue around his navel. He handed me a small wad of money which I shoved into my own pocket. I wasn't going to count it I was busy. I slipped his upper garments off over his head trying not to tangle with his long dark hair and that was his torso bare. He had really dark nipples which were next on my attack list but I was already feeling up his boyhood through his dark track suit and he was fully hard, the other thing was that it was bigger than I'd expected. At last he was reaching out for me and he had an easier job as I only had a t-shirt on which he soon disposed of and then we were chest to chest.

His sweet lips met mine and without any preamble his flickering tongue was inside my mouth. This kid knew the score and was certainly no virgin which suited me, it saved a lot of hassle but all the same I wondered who he'd done 'it' with... lucky bastards. I wondered how far he'd gone but I'd sort that out later, I slipped my hand down inside the back of his trousers cupping his tightly smooth buttocks and then slowly began to slip them down until his penis caught on the waistband of his briefs and then popped clear. Excellent, darker skinned than the rest of his body, uncircumcised but fully hard with the glans fully exposed and gleaming in the firelight. He was well endowed and far bigger than he should be for his age, I don't usually rant on about erections but his was gorgeous. I gave it a swift kiss and a lick as a taste of things to come and he giggled trying to force my head down onto it's jerking mass. No way, I wanted him naked by my fire and that's what I got, I let him keep his socks but then had a bit of a scramble getting rid on my own jeans until I was naked.

'That's big,' he handled my erection and guided it down between his legs so that we were belly to belly again with his hot hardness squashed between our flat tummies. 'Nice arse as well,' he squeezed my buns.

'Little perv,' I moved between his tightly clamped thighs.

'I'm, not that little,' he grinned up at me. 'When you hit on Rob Cowles put in a word for me... if you get him up here I mean.'

'A threesome?' I laughed.

'Only if you fix me up for some solo time first... with him and then maybe a threeway.'

Jeez... I had a sex maniac on my hands or at the very least a sex adventurer. I wondered briefly how many 'players' there were amongst the boy's teams and I didn't mean football players. Still, that was for the future. He was dry humping against me and my erection was reacting to the friction, I was getting harder and between his legs was getting slippery with sweat and precum, the same could be said for between our bellies as we moved together. His legs were clamped so tightly it was nearly as good as a fuck but not quite.

His eyes gleamed as he held me tightly and fucked up between our tummies and I responded by returning the embrace and moving harder and harder between his thighs. We couldn't really get any closer than being inside each other and something had to give.

A few frantic moments later he gave a shuddering moan and I felt his cock jerk splattering his boy spunk between our sweaty bellies. It was warm and slippery and a damn mess but I was going for my own climax and a minutes later felt myself pump between his upper legs wasting myself up between his cheeks and on the carpet. We lay together sweaty, spunky and funky and lazily kissed.

'Jeez, that was something else,' he sighed and stared at me. 'I reckon I earned another can.'

'I reckon so,' I unentangled myself from his sweaty and sticky embrace and stood leaving him basking in the fire's heat. He really was beautiful but I've said that already. I walked over and looked through the curtains, the snow was falling heavily now and already the back garden and the nearby woods were getting upto Christmas card standard. Looking up the sky was as grey as pewter, this one was in for the night.

'Looks like I'll be driving you and the Monkey home later,' I remarked.

'I'll phone mum and tell her,' he stretched himself in front of the fire. 'Around six? Nah, seven will do.'

I looked at the clock, that meant I had him for the long afternoon. We could shower, we could sex, we could do all sorts of things, we had all the time in the world. I risked it... 'Make it seven and then we can have a shower and have a lie down.'

'Now that sounds like an offer I can't refuse...' he laughed softly. 'I can make babies.' He stroked his soft cum stained cock.

'We not I,' I corrected him.

'That's what I meant.' He flashed his teeth at me as I walked through to the kitchen, at least that was the afternoon sorted out. I shouldn't think I'd gained a boyfriend but I'd certainly scored and who knew what the rest of his young mates got upto.

When I got back with fresh cans he was on the phone, a quick peep from the windows showed that the snow was now coming down fast and heavy which looked bad dor the kid's football the following day. The last I heard before he put the phone down was him promising to be home for supper around seven. Good news.

We sat on the two seater by the fire and sipped our cans warming ourselves making sure of maximum bodily contact. I was in love with his baby smoothness and he seemed to be just in love with my cock. He kept touching it and stroking it so that my second erection came before we even got into the shower.

'You gonna tackle, Rob?'

'Well, I'm going to mention his little conversation of last night and see what he says.'

'He'll be OK,' Callum said confidently. 'You just drop a word that I was around here because I'm sure he fancies me a bit.'


'Yeah, his dad does some work for my dad, he only lives a few streets away. I don't know him all that well but I get that feeling... like I got with you,' he grinned.

'Well it's worth a go maybe tomorrow.'

'That's if anyone comes up with the snow about a foot deep.'

'Someone always comes up even if just to get the kids out of the house,' I declared confidently. The football nutty dads dragged their kids up when it was monsooning let alone snowing.

'I'd like that shower now,' he looked at me, one of those meaningful looks you understand. This kid certainly wasn't backwards in being forwards.

'Yeah, OK. I can wash your back.'

'Front,' he countered.


'Front,' he squealed as I lifted him up and he was just about light enough to do so. I bore his squirming body off to the bathroom and virtually slung him into the shower cubicle and then it was all over. The hot soapy water and the roaming hands did the rest and mine weren't the only wandering hands. He stroked and squeezed my manhood until it was stiff and slippery and I did the same for him. Right before we rinsed off I span him around and knelt, once I did that it felt safe enough for me to give his pucker a good squirmy tongued probe. He oohed and aahed sticking his sweet little fany out for my tongue and lips. I think I could have stood up and taken him right there but didn't. We dried off and wandered into the bedroom which was nicely warm. Another peep from the windows and he gasped as he saw the heaviness of the snowfall, we could be stuck for the weekend let alone the afternoon.

Another look just to make sure we weren't seeing things and we both slipped into the slightly chilly smoothness of the sheets. We soon got warm huddling and cuddling together and then getting down to business.

'I've got to ask...'

'Go on then,' he giggled.

'You seem to know a lot about this sorta...'

'My cousin Joe stayed over the summer. He's a year older than me and thought he had a fuck toy on his hands, I showed him his mistake.'


'Really,' he said mockingly. 'He thought I'd be a pencil dick and got a big surprise. We shagged each other for a fortnight solid... great fun,' he smirked as my lips attacked his smooth throat. 'He was a dream of a fuck.'

'So am I,' I declared stoutly. I must admit the thought of shagging his tiny and tight brown arse was uppermost in my mind but his long curved dick also figured. I did say I was versatile didn't I?

'He taught me lots of things,' he laughed and rolled me onto my back and I lay there awaiting his next move. His head dropped to my cock again and then to my scrotum parting my legs. I was pretty sure where he was heading now and let him lead. I hope he had a grip on that oversized penis of his but I'd let him run things for the time being. He started to lap under my balls and I lifted my legs and then held my knees to my chest as he lapped lower and lower until my perineum was slick with his spittle and then he was at my pucker. I keep saying he was good so you can take that as a given. He had my hips up in the air and me clutching my knees tightly to my chest as he attacked my ring like a snuffling and slobbering truffle hound.

'There's some lube under the pillow.' I gave a gentle hint. No way was he sticking that pogo stick in me on a bit of spit.

'Ta,' he grinned and his belly rubbed against my tautly stretched bum as he found what he was looking for.

'Take it easy, Little Big Man.'

'My first since Joe,' he looked at me and grinned. 'We can do more of this,' he added.

'It's a matter of being very careful, you young footballers are bigger gossips than a bunch of girls,' I twitched as I felt the cold gel on my pucker and then he intruded a finger in just a little way and teased and tickled. 'Hurry up, my legs are getting tired.'

'Eager Beaver, Keenly Queenly.' I reached up and put one hand over his mouth just to shut him up and with the other guided his oily lump to it's target. He reached out and grabbing my shoulders and gave a pelvic thrust sliding his engorged meat through my loosely clenched fist and and pierced me.

'Jeez,' I tensed and then tried to relax, he was big and it always feels bigger than it looks or that's my experience. He stretched my pucker but he was in and I was able to rest my calves on his shoulders as he began to fuck his way in. Fortunately he wasn't like some of the lads I'd had in the past, he took his time and from the look on his face he enjoyed every minute. As he got in deeper and his body got closer I slipped my legs down until they were around his waist and then he began to go, we got warmer and warmer and the snow continued to fall. He was good sex and his Joe must have been a good teacher, I'd have to meet this kid next time he visited. Callum fucked slowly and steadily using a peculiar corkscrew motion every now and then letting me feel his slippery glans in every corner of my gut but it ended as it always does. A frantic flurry of short sharp jabs and he froze in me as his fat dark skinned cock throbbed and pumped a fair dose of cream into my body. He'd come once already but this one was even better bearing in mind he was only a teeny or maybe it was because he was so young.

'Gawd, that was so good,' he sighed as he fell on me back into the belly to belly again. I felt his softening cock slip free and it nestled between my legs all slippery becoming tacky as it dried. 'Just gonna check the snow,' he scrambled from the bed and rushed over to the window. 'Bloody 'ell,' he shot back to the bed. 'It's dropping down, we're gonna get snowed in.'

'Do you mind?'

'Not really,' he shuddered against me, I suppose the excitement of being snowed in with a friendly fuck was too much to handle.

'We'll review the situation after a snooze and...'

'And what?' He asked coyly and turned to look at me with a wicked little grin on his face.

'And this,' I rolled him so that he was face down and set about kissing his shoulders and back of the neck all the time clasping and caressing his smooth and firm buttocks.

'That's nice,' he wriggled his little bottom and parted his legs. I took the hint and let my fingers slide into his crack feeling it sweaty and soft. A gentle prod at his ring and my finger broached him. 'Put some stuff on before you shove that thing in me,' he muttered sleepily and opened his legs wider. I was working down and kissing and lapping the small of his back as I fed some lube into his hole and that made things much easier. Unlike him I worked one finger deep inside him and finger fucked for awhile and I got between his legs. 'Go on,' he pushed his bum up. I did, I lovered my hips and guided my rock hard cock to his little hole and pushed. He gave a gasp and clamped on me but as I patiently waited I felt him ease off and slowly gained another inch or so and then we were away.

He was so tight but then again I'd never had a boy of fourteen or fifteen so I was a bit short on experience. He was well practiced all the same, he clamped when I moved in and relaxed as I slipped out. We had a good rythm going and I must have kissed the back ofhis neck raw under his shaggy black hairline. Somewhere along the line he forced himselfup into a doggy and we fucked under the tented bedding with slippery and squelchy sounds echoing around the bedroom. It couldn't last and I grabbed his shoulders in the end and dragged him back onto me as I made my last thrust and let it go. After the first two or three blasts I just slowly worked in and out of his sweaty and lube slicked hole slowly slipping free at the end and grabbing him in a cuddle pulling the bedding around us.

'I feel fucked,' he said and then giggled. 'Correction, I am fucked.'

'Let's sleep,' I reached out and grabbed my alarm resetting it for five.

'Let's, he cuddled in and nuzzled at my neck. 'I hope it keeps snowing,' he whispered and I felt one of his hands drift down my back and rest on my bum. 'We can do it all again,' he gave me a little squeeze and I hugged him tightly. I knew exactly how he felt.

To be continued and concluded in Part 2

Next: Chapter 2

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