The Most Difficult Contest

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on May 2, 2008


THE MOST DIFFICULT CONTEST by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2008 written on December 2, 1993 translated by the author English text kindly revised by Acam


"THE MOST DIFFICULT CONTEST" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.

CHAPTER 7 - Their world crumbles

The athletes were all gathered in a room and were waiting for the President. When Jean Paul went in Claude went up to him.

"Jean Paul I've been told... I'm terribly sorry. They are just bastards! You can count on me for anything I can do..."

"Thank you Claude. I knew I could count on you. What about the others?"

"They are who more who less all solidly with you... except for Roland maybe. But in any case he... well he is a bit of a loner."

"Has anyone already come to talk to you?"

"Who, the big wigs? No, not yet, but we are waiting for the President who should be here at any moment. I've heard that there will be an inquiry. Have you seen Robert?"

"Yes, I talked to him. He's devastated. The President is with him now."

In fact the President was already in Robert's office.

"Robert, I wanted to talk to you before the official inquiry starts. You know that we will have to fire you don't you?"

"Yes, of course."

"Believe me I do really regret losing a coach like you."

"But can you at least save Godefroy? I m sure that Jean Paul will get the gold at the Olympic games... the first decathlon gold France has ever won."

"No, we will not get that gold. Godefroy is compromised now as much as you are, Robert. I really don't see a way to save him. You ought to have thought of that beforehand both of you. Anyway I have to ask you to stay here in the office and not to talk to anybody until we summon you. And you had better cut off the telephone. At moment all the media are on the warpath. They are already gathering in front of the gate."

"What are you going to do now?"

"We will listen to the athletes one at a time and collect their statements. Later we will hear you too Robert. And last the commission of sports judges' will meet. We will do everything as fast as we can, to get over this unpleasant matter quickly. We will then have to find a new coach... Ha, you should not have done such a thing to us, Robert! If after so much hope France does not get the gold for the decathlon it will be your fault. Your fault and Godefroy's... but more yours as you were the coach and a mature man."

"If I assume all the responsibility couldn't you save Jean Paul?"

"It would be useless. The boy is not a minor any more now."

"Who knows how many more have skeletons in their cupboards, President." Robert sadly said.

"There might well be several. But at least they aren't public knowledge. Everyone has the right to do as he pleases as long as nobody knows."

"The triumph of hypocrisy..."

"You are not born yesterday, Robert. And it was not me that wrote the rules that the world goes by."

"Absurd rules that will never be changed while people with the power don't act." The coach sadly commented.

"It will certainly not be me who defends homosexuality in sport or in civil society. In my opinion the penal law should punish homosexuality too. You are lucky that in France you don't risk going to jail, for what you did."

"Ah, thank you very much for your understanding, President." Robert said with bitter sarcasm.

The man arched his eyebrows but said nothing. At that moment someone knocked at the door.

"Mister President, the Councillors are here..."

"Good I'm coming. See you later, Robert." The man dryly said and went out.

The President conferred with the Councillors and then they all went into the room where the athletes had been gathered together. Everybody was quiet. The President and the Councillors sat behind a table in front of the boys. One of the Councillors put some files and dossiers on the table.

The President looked towards Jean Paul. "You, Godefroy, can wait outside." He said.

Jean Paul stood up, but also Alain stood up. "He is one of the team - he ought to stay here with us." He said quietly but in a determined tone.

"He is under inquiry and the procedure requires that..." the President started to say.

"I have not yet heard of any accusation." Alain retorted determinedly.

"Didn't you leaf through that magazine?" The President asked him, with irony.

"I didn't know that a scandal mongering magazine was the official press organ of the Sports Federation of France!" Alain exclaimed and all the athletes laughed.

Then the President stood up and pronounced, "I formally accuse mister Jean Paul Godefroy and mister Robert Chambret of unethical behaviour contrary to the rules of the sporting world and in particular of this Federation as he violated article 17 paragraph B of the Regulations. Are you satisfied now?"

"Well, now you have made an accusation. The defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty I think."

"It is so. But anyway now mister Godefroy is a defendant and therefore he is not allowed to be present for this part of the preliminary investigation. Therefore, mister Godefroy, you are now requested to wait outside this room."

Jean Paul nodded and left. As soon as the boy was out, the President went on speaking. "I warn you all that I will not accept any obstruction. Any of you that does not give full collaboration to this investigation will be referred to the disciplinary commission."

Alain sat down, tense and with a grim face.

The President carried on "Which of you was aware before now about the sexual relationship between mister Chambret and mister Godefroy?" he asked.

Everybody raised his hand as they had secretly convened in advance.

The President said furiously, "And none of you had the honesty to report such a fact?"

Michel answered, "We just didn't have the time to report it mister President. We just read about it a few minutes ago."

"Don't try to be smart with me! The question was clearly asked - which of you was aware before the publication?" the President asked.

Nobody answered, not even Claude.

Then the President asked, "Which of you knew that mister Chambret is a homosexual?"

Again silence.

"Which of you knew that Mister Godefroy is a homosexual?" the man then asked.

And again nobody spoke.

"Did mister Chambret make sexual advances to any of you?" the man insisted.

Thierry stood up. "Mister Chambret is the best coach I ever had the luck to know. He always carried out his tasks and duties with competence, dedication, conscience and correctness. Not one of us has anything negative to say about him." he said and sat down amid a murmur of assent from all the other young men.

"Good, very good." the president said, "But didn't you possibly notice he had a... particular behaviour towards mister Godefroy?"

Roland said, "Yes, he watched him more than us. He always watched him himself..."

Serge, the taciturn member of the team, stood up, "He always watched all of us. It is just natural that when he entrusted each of us to a specialist for individual training he took care of Jean Paul himself as Jean Paul is the only one of us who is a real champion. He is the only one who will win a gold medal in any competition. And anyway all the training was carried out in public space in front of everybody. Robert never showed any favouritism and you know that very well Roland. You can't deny it!"

Several exclamations like "right!" and "that's true!" rose from the other boys.

"Well, well. Some of you must be aware that mister Chambret withdrew, went to a private place with mister Godefroy or with another athlete?"

"Yes he often did that. He saw each of us in his office in turn." Charles said. "Every two or three days for about five minutes each in order to keep our technical records up to date. And he gave us his advice about how we could improve our performance. All the coaches do that as you must know very well, mister President."

"I see. And in these occasions, he never tried a sexual approach?"

"No, never!" all of the boys except Roland answered.

The president then asked Roland, "Did he try it on with you?"

The young man jumped up, "No way! He would not even think of it; I'm not a homosexual!"

At that Rhemy murmured, "He has it written on his forehead! He is so keen to declare it that he makes me wonder if he's really straight..."

"What are you insinuating?" Roland asked angrily.

"Nothing, nothing!" Rhemy answered with an ironical smile.

"Silence! We are not here for personal squabbles, but for an investigation. Did mister Godefroy ever make sexual advances to any of you?" the President asked.

"But he was flirting with Claire!" Michel exclaimed.

"She was just a smokescreen!" Roland said sourly.

"Well who can tell whether your girls are nothing but a smokescreen too? You are not able to keep even one of them!" Charles retorted and all the boys laughed.

The president went on asking questions.

After a while Eric said, "Listen to us. Robert is the perfect coach. His private life doesn't concern us and should concern nobody; it's his own private business. We want to go on with Robert as our coach and only Robert. And Jean Paul is the only one of us likely to get a gold medal. He practically already has it in his hands! He is the only real champion here. He is the best decathlon athlete in the field - the best in France and I dare say the best in the whole of Europe. We don't want to give up that gold just because a dirty scandal mongering magazine got in our way! If you expel Robert and Jean Paul in my opinion it would be better just to shut the gym and for all of us to go back home."

"You are free to offer your resignation if you like. It would be accepted. But in that case I warn you, you will never again put a foot into a French official team." the President answered dryly.

"But this isn't sport any more. This is just a witch hunt!" Alain retorted.

When the President got silence again he said to the athletes, "You will be called one at a time for your statements. Be prepared to attend the sports tribunal as soon as it is convened. That is all for the moment. Thank you for your collaboration."

He stood up and left followed by the Councillors. Serge and Thierry went out to look for Jean Paul. When all three came back the other athletes were discussing what they ought to do. Several of them were suggesting that they should all resign en masse to protest against the interference of the Sports Federation in their private lives.

Then Jean Paul asked leave to speak, "I think it is clear that both Robert and I will be expelled. In my opinion if you really want to do something for us, it would be better if you remain and devote yourself to the training. Mainly you Claude, and you too, Serge. If you can win a medal of any sort at the Olympic games... you can say that it is in honour of Robert and that he was unfairly expelled... This, I believe would be the most effective way to protest. If you go now, although you might make a statement about the reason to the newspapers nothing would come of it. So there would be no change and the protests would do no good. But if you stay, you can say what you think about what's happening and you could pick your time when the current fuss has all blown over and tempers have subsided. There is a chance that saying something then could be more effective.

"But anyway it will not do any good to anybody or anything if you cut short your sporting careers... without getting anything in exchange. I'm really grateful to you all for the support, certainly ... But don't take useless steps, I pray you."

"Are you going to surrender, Jean Paul?" Thierry asked.

"No, not I. I will fight as far as I can... but I know that my fight will be of little or no use, for Robert and me. We two are done for whatever happens. But fighting might with a bit of luck do some good to others who will come after us..."

When the Commission left it was surrounded by the journalists who were waiting by the gates of the sports ground. The crowd was barely held back by the police (who had been called by the President). Robert only got out by hiding in a furniture van that had been delivering to the bar. Claude offered to take Jean Paul home in his car as usual. He managed to get through the press without stopping.

But when they reached Jean Paul's house there in front of it there was a mob of journalists and curious bystanders. There were also some demonstrators from gay associations with big placards about sexual freedom.

"Don't stop..." Jean Paul implored him.

"Of course not. I'll take you to my house."

"But... what about your family?"

"Now let's go to my place. Later we will decide what to do."

"Thank you, Claude. You really are a friend in need."

"You did realise that we are all backing you two, didn't you?"

"Yes. It was more than I dared hope..."

"What do you think of doing next? What are your plans?"

"Looking for a lawyer I think. Even though I think it will be of little help. But I don't want to give up too easily. Anyway I presume I will have to look for a job. I don't have much spare money..."

When they got to Claude's house, he took his friend to his room. Then went to talk with his mother and told her about Jean Paul.

"I thought we can let him stay here, at least until the storm blows over..." he concluded.

"Claude you aren't getting us involved in a scandal are you?"

"No, Mum. But Jean Paul needs help now and some friendship and I intend to offer it to him."

"I don't know... I think you had better ask Dad... I wouldn't like to have our home besieged by journalists too..."

"Nobody knows that Jean Paul is here."

"For the moment don't let him leave your room..." the woman said.

"All right Mum, but... but not even for the meals?"

"That would be best. I don't want the servants to recognize him and to go around telling people he's here."

"Alright then. I will have my meals in my room with him."

"As you like. You will be taking a tray to your room for him anyway."

Claude nodded but he was slightly annoyed. He had hoped to get some more understanding from his mother. He went at once to ring his father who was in the bank.

"Dad, did you hear about Robert and Jean Paul?"

"No, what?"

"It will be in all the newspapers, by now I imagine..."

"But what?"

"Their relationship. With plenty of pictures taken with telephoto lenses of the two of them making love..."

"Oh shit! Are you serious?"

"I am Dad. Now Jean Paul is here hiding in my room because his house is besieged by journalists."

"And Robert? What happened to him?"

"I think he went to his house. They have summoned the Commission and also the Sports Tribunal."

"I guess they will expel both of them."

"I think so... I would like to help them, Dad."

"We will see what we can do when I get home. I'll try to come as soon as possible."

"Can we find a good lawyer for Jean Paul?"

"I think so... and for Robert, of course too. Wait for me at home. I have a meeting now, but I will come as soon as I can."

"Thank you, Dad." Claude answered. His father's reaction pleased him.

Meanwhile the van driver had left Robert by a taxi rank. He took one and asked to be taken home. He saw the reporters and journalists waiting for him at once. His first impulse was to go away, to run off... but where? He paid and got out. He took a deep breath and quickly walked to the gate. He was recognised at once and surrounded by the journalists, who asked him questions, putting portable recorders and microphones in front of him, while others were taking plenty of pictures.

"Is it true that Jean Paul Godefroy is your lover?"

"Did you have other lovers amongst your athletes?"

"Is homosexuality widespread in the sports world?"

"Which of you was the bottom?"

Robert pushed his way through the crowd without uttering a word.

As he got to the door of the house, the porter said to the policemen on guard "He can pass."

As soon as he was in door the policemen stopped the journalists from following him.

The porter said to Robert, "We had to call the police... because of you!"

Robert looked at him fiercely and said, "Because of them, not of me!" and quickly went upstairs to his home.

As soon as he entered, his wife assailed him, "Ah, here you are! And how do you dare to show your face here, at home?"

"It's my home too..." Robert protested. Then he asked "What about the children?"

"I had to take them out of school. They are at my sister's place now as it was not possible to bring them here."

"Why didn't they stay in school?" Robert dazed asked.

"Why? Why? How can you ask me why? Marie was asked who is her real father since you screw with men! And ThŽrse was called ThŽrse PŽdŽ instead of ThŽrse Chambret! The teachers called me at my boutique advising me to take them away. And I had to close the boutique! You are dragging all of us in the mud! You cheated on me for years, You are a monster!"

"Franoise... I... I didn't cheat on you for years. It is not true. I have been faithful to you for years."

"Faithful? Do you call this being faithful?" the woman shouted, waving the magazine in his face. Then said sarcastically, "Of course you never had had another woman. I can believe that. You only got a hard-on with men!"

"Franoise I have... My relationship with that boy only began a few months ago... for twenty years I loved only you... and we have been happy together..."

"For twenty years you just cheated on me! How many boys did you have, before you were caught, eh? How many?"

"Not even one, I swear."

"And now everybody is gossiping about us! We will have to move away. The children will be ashamed to be called Chambret! You are a monster. You disgust me. You make me sick!"

"Franoise, please..."

"No! Don't touch me! I'll apply for divorce! I don't want to see you any more... Go away! Far away. Get out of here!"

"But the children..."

"Don't try to see them! Don't give them any more problems - you've given them too many already! They'll just have to forget you..."

"Franoise, please... let's talk..."

"What about? What about, eh? You have even dared to bring him here to our house that... your... Oh my god, how could you? How could you do that to us?"

"I... I did my best to... to resist, I swear, Franoise. Because I love you. You are everything to me..."

"Everything? It doesn't feel like that! Go and join your lover! But get out of here immediately. And don't show your face here ever again. From now on you may talk only with my lawyer. I will send you your personal things but don't dare to show again!"

"Franoise, why don't you try to understand? You cannot throw away these twenty years of life together. I think I have been a good husband and a good father. Is it possible that twenty years are worth nothing?"

"No, they don't count any more. You destroyed them. I just want to forget them if I can. You destroyed them not I. I thought you were a good father and a good husband too. But only because I didn't really know you. You wore a mask with skill, I have to admit that. But you must have known that your sins would find you out sooner or later..."

"It was not a mask, Franoise. I... I wanted to be a good husband and a good father. I love you all Franoise."

"You love us? How dare you say that after what you did to us? When you are screwing with that boy - does that show how much you love us? But who do you think you can take in, eh?"

"Franoise, if you let me explain..."

"Explain? What is there to explain? What you feel while you screw with a man? Or the sacrifice you had to undergo to screw with me too? No, Robert. I don't want even to listen to you. You cheated on all of us. How can I believe you, now? Have you already found new lies to tell me? No, Robert, no. Out of here, now."


"Out of here!" the woman screamed.

Robert left the apartment. Stopped on the landing. His wife didn't want to see him any more... Downstairs the journalists were waiting for him, like a pack of hungry wolves... did he have to give himself to them? Where could he go? What could he do? What about Jean-Paul's place? The front of his house would certainly be packed with journalists too. And surely this was not the moment to be seen together. His friends? But which of them would give him sanctuary? Maybe none.

He started to go downstairs while he was thinking, but was not able to focus his thoughts. When he got to the first floor, the door of miss Faucheron opened. The little old woman stood by the door and looked at him.

"Mister Chambret... where are you going?"

"Outside miss Faucheron... Outside."

"It's crowded with jackals, outside. Why don't you stay at home?" the old woman asked, with a serious expression.

"My wife... she doesn't want me at home any more."

"I see. Then... come here and stay at my place mister Chambret. Wait at least until they go away..."

"You are very kind, miss. But I don't want to disturb you... You know the reason why... of all this mess, do you?"

"Yes, I know... Come inside now."

"And it doesn't bother you offering your hospitality to someone... someone like me?"

"Someone like you? I only know that you have always been very kind to me and that it will be a real pleasure having you in my home. Come in..."

Robert hesitated a moment, then went in. The little old woman gave him a seat in her small lounge.

"May I offer you something, mister Chambret?"

"No, thank you."

"You have such a face... You need a cordial. There is a little liqueur I made with my hands... have some, it will do good to you."

"You don't judge me then?"

"I? Why would I judge you? Because of what... what the newspapers say?"


"Mister Chambret, your private life is your business - not mine. Why should I judge you? If you did make some choices I would have expected you to have good reasons. It's difficult to judge oneself, how can we dare to judge others?"

"You are too kind, miss..."

"Oh no. I've just lived long enough to understand that when a man needs a hand nobody should deny it to him. When I was a young woman... you know that I was in Treblinka, don't you? I saw them exterminate thousands of people - yellow, black, pink triangles... they eliminated everybody who was not like them - Hebrews, gypsies, homosexuals... they just didn't have time to exterminate me. I saw death in face... and those people outside here are not so different from those who were in command in the concentration camp. Both groups only want to annihilate everyone who is not like them... They have stuck a triangle on you too ... The world never learns..."

"My wife too..." Robert said in distress and barely holding back his tears.

"My poor mister Chambret! You must be patient... Evidently the poor woman is not strong enough to face this test. You mustn't judge her..."

"No, of course not. But I hoped that before judging me she would listen to me at least..."

"We are very seldom able to listen to other people believe me. It's not that one doesn't want to; maybe one does but one simply can't do it. But mister Chambret, let me tell you just one thing - this won't be the end of everything even though you might think so at the moment. I was waiting for the day and the hour when they would kill me too, I had no hope... I was counting the hours and was terrorized and instead of being killed... they came to free us and so life went on... at least for me. Don't stop hoping. Never give up; don't stop struggling for life... don't surrender, mister Chambret..."

"I'm feeling totally empty at the moment. To fight one needs strength... and hope... I don't have either of them..."

"You think that's how it is now ... but life gives us many surprises... When you least expect it a door will open or a voice will call you..."

"As yours did a little while ago..."

"Yes. But it is up to you to go in at the door if you don't want to find yourself... amidst the jackals."


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is

If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at

Next: Chapter 8

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